Psychics about angels. Natalya Vorotnikova: “Alsu will have another child

Everyone has heard about Guardian Angels; they will avert trouble and tell you what to do in a difficult situation. Skeptics call people who are protected by their Angel simply lucky, and non-believers regard the tips of the Guardian Angel as pure well-developed intuition.

I will not try to refute anyone’s opinion; after all, I do not have irrefutable facts about the existence of Guardian Angels, but since I do not consider myself a skeptic, my article is intended primarily for people who believe in the presence of in your life such a phenomenon as a Guardian Angel.

In Christianity, a Guardian Angel or good spirit is given to a person by God at Baptism for help and guidance. Such an Angel guided each person along the right path. In some religions it is believed that Guardian Angels can leave a person forever or temporarily. This usually happens when a person deliberately ignores all the signs and warnings that his Angel sends him.

If a person commits a serious act, the Guardian Angel can also leave him. It is also believed that Guardian Angels can change throughout a person’s life. If one Guardian Angel fails to cope with the assigned tasks, he fails to influence a person or direct him in the right direction, another Angel may come to replace him.

Guardian angels never influence other people except their owner. They cannot be asked to interfere in someone else's life. Some people are trying to get in touch with the Angel, looking for literature that will tell them how to do this. This should not be done because, when trying to communicate with your Guardian Angel, you may accidentally open access to other forces that may not always have a positive effect on a person.

If there is such a need, the Guardian Angel himself will find a way to come into contact with you. The path to understanding your Guardian Angel is prayers, good deeds, good emotions. When a person is constantly in a bad mood, it is difficult for the Guardian Angel to reach him.

Hints from Angels can come in different situations... We often call these hints an inner voice, which sometimes very clearly tells us what exactly we should do. There are many examples from life when people, getting ready to travel, handed over their plane or train tickets at the last moment because they clearly heard warnings about danger from their Guardian Angels. As a result, the planes and trains that these people refused to board at the very last moment suffered crashes and accidents.

If we turn to Kabbalah, then according to this teaching there are 72 angels who take care of us from the moment of birth and remain with us throughout our lives. These are “ofanim” or they are also called “angels of the spheres and stars.” It is believed that these Angels can provide assistance to anyone who turns to them with a request.

In this case, they become the Guardian Angel of the person who turned to them and help him until the specific situation is resolved. Each of these 72 Angels is a “master” in his field, so you need to address specific problems not just to any Angel, but to the one who can solve this particular problem.

For example, if you are experiencing failures in financial matters, contact the “angel of abundance” Al-Kabat; if you are lonely and no longer want to put up with this state of affairs, Ayau-Yaha will help you, etc. If your requests are of some global nature and your life and destiny depend on the solution of some issue, according to Kabbalah, it is more advisable to turn to the angel under whose protection you were born.

In Christianity, on the contrary, it is believed that you cannot know the name of your Angel, because “An Angel is an entity endowed with intelligence, constantly moving, free, incorporeal, serving God, by grace having received immortality for its nature: only the Creator knows the form and definition this essence (St. John of Damascus).”

And it’s not at all difficult to feel the presence of a Guardian Angel next to you; contact with the Angel will be indicated by heightened intuition and luck, which will accompany you every time you listen to your inner voice!

“Do not make yourself an idol” - how often we forget this commandment when we fall head over heels in love and begin to idealize our chosen one. We decided to discuss this burning topic with psychic Natalya Vorotnikova, and at the same time continued the conversation about strong family unions using examples of famous couples.

Everyone knows that love is blind, but sometimes this does not prevent us from seeing only the beautiful in our lovers and stubbornly not noticing the shortcomings. But over time, having finally become convinced that our partner does not possess even a hundredth part of the virtues we have invented, we begin to get angry and scold ourselves for our blindness.

A similar story happened at one time with Jennifer Aniston - it was her photographs that I chose Natalia Vorotnikova as an example of a woman who repeatedly violated a well-known commandment. In one photo, the actress is with Brad Pitt, in the other - with Justin Theroux. “Jennifer is a dreamy woman, a little naive and still not matured,” says the psychic. - The actress didn’t just love Brad Pitt - she downright idolized him. In her idol, Jennifer refused to see a narcissistic, very ambitious man who constantly needs a sense of novelty and who is difficult to “tame.” Parting with Pitt was a blow for her, from which she had difficulty recovering. Now the image of her idol has already been destroyed, but the grievances have not been forgotten.

Photo: Elena Sukhova Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

Jennifer still cannot forgive herself for acting stupid both before and after the breakup with Brad. The actress wants to seem like a mature and pragmatic woman who knows what she wants to achieve in life, and many believe that the actress has changed and become tougher. But this is just a mask. Aniston still has no ambition, no anger, no pragmatism, and she has never learned to push others aside with her elbows. She currently has a tender relationship with Justin Theroux, however, the partners will not stay together. According to fate, I see Jennifer having only one child, but whether it will be from Justin is now difficult to say for sure.”

Then we asked Natalya to return to the topic of strong alliances and choose photos of those characters who are very similar in attitude. “Here is an excellent example,” the psychic pointed to the photo of Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov.


Each of us has heard about guardian angels more than once. Moreover, it is to them that we turn at critical moments, when it seems that only a miracle can provide a chance for salvation.

If guardian angels really exist, then why, despite all the stories and statements about them, do innocent people regularly die?

If we rely on folk beliefs, a newly born person has two conditional protectors at once. However, confusing them with guardian angels is considered a mistake. There is a belief according to which there is always an angel behind a person’s right shoulder, and a devil behind his left shoulder, who guides human actions. To whom a person listens more, this is how his life develops.

A person receives a true guardian angel, who should hear all our prayers and save us in difficult times, after baptism. This is where the fun begins. For why, if such angels really exist, do they not always help us in life? There is an opinion that for some it is stronger, and for others it is weaker. And this depends on the person’s merits in a past life and on what mission was entrusted to him.

Most magicians and psychics surprisingly react almost identically to all skeptical thoughts regarding the existence of guardian angels. They say that this is exactly the case when it’s all about the form, and the form of help can be different. A guardian angel is simply a prompter, roughly speaking, our inner voice. The Lord God assigns to a person such an essence that in a difficult moment, and not in a difficult one either, will tell you the right way out. The fact is that they are supposedly ready to help us only when we sincerely ask them. And since every person always has many sincere requests, it is therefore necessary to learn to correctly hear and interpret the answer. We may, of course, not hear anything, but he is there, he protects us and still tells us.

And why, then, do deaths from accidents still occur? Representatives of different magical directions claim that there may be several reasons. Let's say there are two Victors in a family. As a rule, they have one guardian angel. And if, for example, a family gets into an accident, he only manages to save one person. In the end, if you believe popular beliefs, a guardian angel may simply not help a person who, tritely, at one time, through his own bad character, lost his heavenly patron. When you say that you don’t like what they called you, that you don’t like your own name, you thereby offend your guardian angel and may lose it.

Here is an example from life, which she told as a traditional healer. She experienced first-hand what it means to lose your invisible protector. However, in her case, the refusal was half-conscious. When she developed healing and bioenergy abilities, the woman began to see inexplicable things. At first she was seized with panic. The woman began to look for ways to get away from this, having no idea what was revealed to her. Looking for a way out of the situation, she asked healers how to get rid of all this. She met a man who suggested that in order to get rid of the gift, it was necessary to perform a special ritual. After the ritual, she began to have health problems, and several times she almost died from accidents. Everything stopped after the woman accepted the gift she had renounced.

Since that time, everything has changed for the better in the healer’s life. And she, like no one else, is convinced that heavenly angels really exist. In difficult times, just contact them and they will help you.

Psychics about guardian angels they say that it is most often found in the Christian faith, but various variations of its manifestations can be found in other religions. Guardian angel is a good spirit that every person is endowed with at birth. This creature is called upon to protect a person not only from bad deeds, but also from bad decisions; such a spirit can also protect or help in a difficult life situation, and show the way to salvation.

Christianity teaches everyone who professes this faith to love and honor such spirits, as well as turn to them in prayer. Though guardian angels and invisible to the human eye, they always tirelessly follow people. Most often they are depicted behind the back of their “master”.

You should also not confuse name days, or the day of an angel, with the day that honors guardian angels. There is a special day for them - November 21st.

Acquisition, existence and loss of an angel

Psychics say what is given to a person at birth, some claim that it appears only after baptism. In general, there are different theories about how you can “get” an angel, but they agree on one thing - every person has one.

It also happens that a person may lose his protector. Do not confuse moral principles and karmic laws and regulations. An angel will not leave a person if he will drink alcohol or swear words, he will do it for completely different reasons. For example, not fulfilling the karmic tasks that were assigned to a person at birth: he did not save a person in need, although he should have, instead of achieving something he ran away, etc.

There are also replacement patrons:

  • if a person stopped adhering to the true path and instead chose anger, aggression and hatred, which settled forever in his heart, then the guardian angel changes to gray or black creature, which tirelessly follows a person;
  • if a person is aimed at high achievements, and the guardian angel cannot provide him with the necessary protection, the person is given more strong defender.

It also happens that one person can have several guardian angels. Typically two or more protective spirits are only given to seers or people who are or have acquired a divine gift.

For bad deeds or sins, an angel can turn away from a person. In this case, in order to regain it, a person must realize all his mistakes and misdeeds, sincerely repent of them, take the path of correction and again begin to read prayers addressed to the angel.

Requests to an angel

Of course, we always ask the Almighty for something, but our desires are not always good, or we are positive. As with any wish, appeal to the guardian angel must have only pure thoughts.

You should not ask for specific things, for example, “I want an apartment” or “I want money,” the appeal should be formulated as follows: “Guardian angel, help me and guide me in the right direction so that I can earn enough money to buy something.”

As with the universe, desires must be expressed intelligently. You should also not use the word “not” in your address. The Almighty powers do not perceive such messages. If the speaker expresses his desire something like this: “I want my boss not to be an asshole,” then that’s exactly what they will get. In this case, you should address it like this: “Guardian, help my boss become more loyal and understanding.”

How to know that a guardian angel is nearby

Some argue that every person can see or even feel your guardian angel. Feeling it is much more difficult than seeing it. This usually happens in critical situations, for example, when you are walking along the road and feel that someone has pushed you to the side of the road and a car is passing nearby.

One of the parishioners talked about a miracle that happened to her. In winter, she had to walk along a frozen river and at some point the ice could not stand it and cracked. The woman felt that someone took her under the arms and literally pulled her out of this water. There was no one nearby, but the woman claims that it was Guardian angel.

You can find out that your angel is nearby in the following cases. For example, he may come to you in a dream. They say what exactly dream this is not only our subconscious, but also a door to other worlds and dimensions. Appearing in a dream, an angel shows that he does not leave you and protects you.

Another method that believers talk about is smells. Does it ever happen to you that, sitting in an empty room alone, you suddenly smell a pleasant aroma? It can be anything. From the smell of food to the perfume that someone close or dear to you used. This person may no longer be with you, but you smell a familiar smell.

Most often, children see angels. It is said that children under the age of five can see things that adults cannot see. In general, adults can see etc., but as they grow older they do not focus on them as much as children, and the eyes of an adult are not able to perceive such creatures. Have you often noticed that a child or pet “stares” at one point for a long time? In such cases, children may smile at the wall or looking at the doorway. Adults think this is funny, because in their opinion the child has found something unusual in an ordinary thing, but most often this means that your house has been visited Guardian angel. For animals, as for children, angels bring calm and peace.

It happens that an angel can be seen in heaven. For example, you decide to look at the morning or evening clouds and clearly see the image of an angel formed in the clouds. Sometimes, others may not see this image from the clouds, but do not be afraid. Everyone has their own angel, so others are not able to accept your image of an angel.

Psychics also believe that the arrival of an angel is expressed in numbers. These may be important dates for you: a wedding, the birth of a long-awaited child, an anniversary, etc. The manifestation of an angel can be found in numbers that repeat. For example, you looked at your watch, and on it you see "12:12" and for some reason you look at the digital reflection of time for a long time. Or on your way you come across numbers of cars, houses or buildings in which the numbers are duplicated.

The sensations of an angel nearby may be more realistic to reality. For example, you are sitting with friends in an apartment where it is warm. This can be in the summer heat or in warm company by the fireplace. And suddenly you feel a sudden change in temperature that literally makes your body shudder as if you were transported into a cold room or freezer from a warm place. The back is especially sensitive in this regard, since it is believed that our Guardian angel. Tingling on the back of your head may also indicate that there is something nearby unearthly creature. Plus, you can add strange voices to everything. They are usually quiet and subdued. They can appear in a difficult situation for you and help you solve a complex problem that seems impossible to solve.

Sometimes, there are moments when it seems that everything is being done in vain and there is no longer a way out. The person falls into a state akin to depression despairs of everything and thinks that no one is able to help him. At such moments, many of us can receive support from our own guardian angel. At some point, it seems to us that from somewhere outside, someone is encouraging us and keeping their fingers crossed for us.