How to make a house underground. Dugout of the XXI century

Features, types and methods of construction of earthen houses. The advantages of buildings and some of the difficulties associated with their operation and design. The technology of building a domed house.

Features of earthen houses

The technology of building houses from the earth in its modern form, which was called Earthships, was developed almost half a century ago and is developing to this day. The soil as the main participant in such construction refers to materials taken from natural resources, such as wood, straw, leather, cotton, stones, peat and many others. All of them are neutral or beneficial to human health and do not pollute nature.

The choice of soil for the construction of walls is largely due to the energy intensity of the material, which is extremely low compared to brick or steel and amounts to 0.5 GJ / t. Therefore, with the correct orientation of the earthen structure and the use of solar energy to the maximum, it will require minimal heating even in severe frost.

Earthen houses, which are operated in various climatic zones, successfully demonstrate their resistance to fires, floods and even seven-point earthquakes. Due to thermal inertia, thick earthen walls slow down the inflow or outflow of heat by almost 12 hours. And this means that during the day in an earthen house it is cool and warm at night.

In favor of the use of soil as a building material, several significant factors speak:

  • Availability;
  • No need for transportation, and this reduces the time and cost of construction;
  • Ecological safety of the wall material, which does not harm the microclimate of the house and the environment;
  • Excellent thermal insulation of the material, its plasticity, which makes it possible to give earthen houses different shapes;
  • The possibility of dismantling the walls and reusing their material.
Most projects of houses from the earth are strictly individual, as they take into account the relief of a particular site and use local natural materials to create enclosing structures.

The benefits of building earthen houses include the following:
  1. High construction speed. For such structures, a foundation is usually not required. Therefore, for example, a one-story building in the form of a dome with a base diameter of 6 m can be erected by four people who do not have special skills in a week. The technologies of such construction make it possible to create buildings for various purposes: residential or utility.
  2. Low thermal conductivity. The enclosing structures of earthen houses are less susceptible to changes in air temperature outside than buildings made of stone and even wood. The low thermal conductivity of the soil as the main material of the roof and walls allows the inhabitants of an earthen house not to feel the effects of bad weather and significantly save on heating in winter, maintaining the optimum temperature of the premises.
  3. Availability of materials. To build an earthen house, they can be found anywhere, even on your own site - wood and stones, soil and clay. This reduces the cost of their delivery to the construction site. You can decorate such a building from the outside with local plants that fit perfectly into the overall landscape. Do-it-yourself home maintenance costs from the ground are also minimal. Since the structure is almost completely covered with earth, it requires very little paint or other material.
  4. Fire and environmental safety. Earth houses don't burn. For this reason, they can be safely used as a sauna, for example, or a bath. Due to the environmental friendliness of the materials, the fragments of the structure do not need to be removed during dismantling - several seasons will pass, and they themselves will crumble in the open air. Slightly protruding above the ground level, such a house practically does not change the relief of the site, due to which the land area is used to the fullest.
  5. High reliability. The walls of the finished house are frost-resistant and practically do not shrink. If the exterior structures are dried and then covered with plaster, they will not absorb moisture. For a long time of its existence, earthen houses have proven their increased resistance to hurricanes, droughts, fires and even earthquakes. The strength of such structures, according to the testimony of the soldiers of the Afghan war, allows them to withstand the hit of a projectile fired into an earthen wall from a tank.
  6. Long service life. The durability of earthen houses is confirmed by the fact that the oldest of them, discovered in Jericho, is over 8,000 years old.
The disadvantages of houses from the ground include the inability to build buildings with a height of more than 2 floors. However, this can be corrected by building additional structures next to the main building, connecting them with the help of corridors. It will come out very nice!

A strong enemy of Earthships technology is the dampness that rains cause. Therefore, if the plastering is not performed after the house is built from the earth, the structure may creep. In damp regions, the arrangement of such buildings with a waterproof roof is mandatory.

Certain difficulties in the construction of earthen houses can be caused by the psychological attitudes of the owners of the plots. For some of them, life under a layer of earth is associated with imprisonment, poverty and even death.

The construction of small structures from the ground is within the power of any master. But, in order to build a building with an area of ​​​​more than 20 m 2 or a whole composition of such objects, a competently designed project, the help of architects and builders of environmental facilities will be required. Today, such specialists are difficult to find, because due to the minimum cost of materials, there are few people who want to have a small income or short-term employment. Here you can not save on the "waste" of building materials, get a "kickback" or a dealer discount.

The introduction of the finished building into operation is also fraught with difficulties. Supervisory authorities use long-established SNiPs and DBNs, and new environmental standards are under development.

With regard to mortgages, banks foresee the maximum risk for earthworks, considering this technology to be experimental. Therefore, they take their percentage increased, according to such a risk.

Varieties of earthen houses

The choice of the type of house from the ground depends on the type of soil, the topography of the site and the climate of the region. According to the method of construction, such buildings are buried and ground. In turn, each of them has its own varieties.

Ground houses include:

  • Earthbite. The walls of such a structure are erected by filling the formwork with soil, or from earthen blocks, previously made using special forms by sealing or by plastic molding. The second method is the most widespread in the world, since before laying the strength and shape of the blocks are more stable than in the first case. In addition, when the block wall dries and shrinks, cracks are unlikely to appear.
  • Adobe. It belongs to composite materials, it is laid manually during the construction of monolithic walls of the house. Adobe is a mixture of clay, soil, water, sand and straw.
  • Earthbags. This is a technology for building walls and creating domes from bags filled with soil. The construction of such houses is now actively underway all over the world. Traditionally, such technology has been present in the construction of military fortifications, dugouts, flood control, etc. If a little cement is added to the soil mixture, a house made of bags of earth can stand for decades.
  • Geocar. This is a peat block house. The material has properties that allow it to be used both as a heater and as a structural element in the construction of houses up to three floors. Peat blocks are most suitable for the natural conditions of the Non-Black Earth Region, they meet all the requirements regarding strength and environmental safety standards.

Buried houses include:

  1. atrium house. This is the name of the underground structure in which the atrium is the center of the house, as well as the entrance to it. The concept of "atrium" refers to the central space of the building, illuminated through an opening or skylight. Such a house is built on a flat area and covered with earth. The depth is 2.7 m and the minimum thickness of the turf present on the roof is at least 0.2 m. All four walls of the atrium are open to daylight. Living quarters are located around the courtyard, which is opened by glazed openings that provide the house with the warmth of sunlight. The atrium has natural ventilation, rises slightly above the ground and practically does not change the landscape, while providing reliable protection from the wind in the winter season.
  2. protruding house. From the facade, it is open to light, while its other sides and top are covered with earth. The open wall of the house, usually oriented to the south, allows the sun's rays to easily penetrate into the dwelling, providing heat from the facade to its entire area, including bathrooms. The structural elements of the building are the cheapest compared to other earthen houses.
  3. penetrating house. In addition to windows and doors, such a structure is completely covered with soil on the sides and top. The advantage of a penetrating house from the ground is cross natural ventilation and sunlight from one or more of its sides.

The main goal of creating any of the listed earthen structures is the maximum conservation of energy in the complete absence of harm to human health.

Basic technologies for building a house from the ground

Earthen houses are built using three methods:
  • Sliding formwork method. It is designed to build a building with right angles. Racks are installed on both sides of the walls around the entire perimeter of the future house. Then identical shields are attached to them against each other. The resulting formwork is filled with soil mixture. After tamping and setting, the formwork is dismantled and installed in a new area. The finished wall usually consists of 15 cm of compacted soil and a lime lining t. 5-6 cm. Due to the high labor intensity, this method is used infrequently.
  • From earth blocks. This method is more widely used than the previous one. For the manufacture of piece materials, folding forms are used. They are filled with a soil mixture, compacted, then the finished bricks are removed and dried.
  • From bags of earth. This method allows you to build buildings that differ in shape and have a unique style. Dome-shaped houses or round walls with an equipped roof are very popular.
We will consider the features of the latter method in more detail below.

How to build a dome house?

Before you make a house out of the earth in the form of a dome, you need to choose a suitable place for it. It will be circular in plan. Therefore, in the center of the planned structure, it is necessary to stick a stake, tie a rope to it, measure the desired radius on it and indicate the circumference of the walls of the house.

When the marking of the site is completed, on the resulting circle it is necessary to provide for the location of the entrance, determine the size of the doorway. It should be noted that the base of the entrance to the domed house should go inward a little so that the door can be installed vertically on an inclined wall.

Then, along the finished circle, you should dig a trench about 40 cm deep and wide, corresponding to the size of the bag. After that, it needs to be covered with rubble, which will play the role of drainage and foundation.

For the construction of walls, propylene sugar bags or sleeves made of rot-resistant fabric are suitable. The bags must be filled with moist soil, without adding 25 cm to the top in each of them. Due to the large weight of such “bricks”, this work is recommended to be performed on the wall of the structure. To prevent the soil from spilling out, the free edges of the bags should be sewn with wire.

The first layer of bags filled with soil must be laid around the circumference of the house and compacted in any way. The second layer must be placed by analogy with brickwork, performing dressing of the seams. It should have a smaller circle relative to the previous layer. Such alternation will give the house a domed shape.

Before laying any bag under it, a piece of synthetic twine should be stretched to tighten the next two or three levels of the wall. In the future, this will facilitate the plastering of the house. Between the layers of bags with soil, two strips of barbed wire should be laid, which in this case plays the role of reinforcement and a fastening solution.

When laying a round wall from bags of soil, it is necessary to leave openings for windows and doors. Often they are made in the form of arches. After drying, the house outside must be plastered with cement or clay mortar.

How to build a house from the earth - look at the video:

Finally, advice: before building a house from the ground, we recommend that you practice on a small structure such as a sauna or a barn. Good luck!

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

A dugout on your own plot is a necessary and useful thing. Most often it is used as a cool pantry for storing vegetables and preparations, and sometimes just as an interesting and unusual storage shed. The dugout-dome will perfectly fit into any landscape of the site. Buttresses will help to strengthen the door on the structure and will additionally hold the walls, as well as provide an amazing mysterious look to the building.

Making bags of soil

To build a dugout with your own hands, as in the photo, you first have to stock up on building materials. In this case, we propose to build a dugout using the most economical and environmentally friendly technology - from bags of clay or even just earth. This technology of building a house from bags of earth is called earthbag.

First, decide on the soil. You can take ordinary earth and mix a little cement into it, you can take clay with sand. The optimal soil mixture recipe: clay + sand + gravel. Clay should be taken 30-40%. if you just take the earth, it needs to be slightly moistened for convenience. So it will be better compacted in bags.

Then polypropylene green or white bags are bought, it is better to turn them out before work so that the corners do not stick out. The mixture is poured into them in 2 doses. First you need to fall asleep 30 cm, tamp and fill up so that 15 cm remains to the top. Tie the bag. It is enough to prepare the bags for the bottom 2 layers, and then pour the bags directly on the walls so as not to lift them.

Dugout drawings

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a detailed drawing for the construction of a dugout with your own hands, consider the dimensions of the outer and inner diameters, and the height of the room. After that, a site for construction work is being prepared.

The site is marked, cleared of debris and leveled. Inside the contour of the future dugout, the top layer of the earth is removed, a trench is dug under the future walls for the base, approximately 35-40 cm deep, which is covered with gravel 30 cm. Expect that the thickness of the wall will be about 65 cm. The gravel must be carefully pressed with a hand press.

The first row of bags is the foundation base. For a dugout, two rows of base will be enough. Cement must be added to the foundation mixture for strength. Base bags are laid along the full radius of the dugout, along with buttresses. After the first 2 rows of bags have been laid, enough earth must be poured from the outside to prevent subsequent shifting.

Soil bagging

To ensure an even circle, it is desirable to find the center of the site, drive a peg into it and stretch the twine with a length equal to the radius of the dugout.

In this way, the correctness of the circle can be constantly checked. In addition to the horizontal, each row is measured using a board thrown between the sides with a level fixed on it.

Each subsequent row is laid with a slight shift inward.

On the newly laid row, you need to walk several times from above with a rammer and carefully level the protruding parts. The last pass should already be on a tightly packed row.

Each subsequent row can be laid using a slider.

We put the bag on a piece of tin, transport it on a sheet to the place of installation, and after the slider lies in its place, we simply pull it out from under it.

The bags should sit tightly against each other. Laying the bags tightly butt-to-butt ensures the strength of the building to the very top of the dome. The last bag on top will look like a mushroom cap.

Building a doorway

When laying walls, you can not forget about the passage. To fix the door unit, you can use the so-called steel T-shaped anchors, which must be placed between the bags, 3 on each side at an equal distance from each other. In the plates, it is better to drill holes in advance for anchor bolts for fastening the door frame.

In order to build an arch over a doorway, you can use a plywood frame or, for example, an old large tire. The tire is mounted on supports and bags are placed on top of it. Add more clay to the bags for the arch and stack them as tightly as possible to each other.

To install a canopy over the entrance, logs or boards impregnated with an antiseptic are taken. Those parts of the logs that will be between the bags can be wrapped with dense polyethylene.


At the same time, buttresses are also being built with reinforcement. Bags for them are placed with an offset so that you can climb the buttress to the top of the dugout (see photo). Buttresses can be additionally strengthened with vertical reinforcement to give strength.

A row of barbed wire is laid on each row. If you plan a large dome, you can put 2 rows. It provides a strong grip between the bags.


2-3 layers of black 5 mm film are placed on top of the dome and covered with earth. It is better to take the earth of such a consistency that it retains fertility and contains clay. From above, the earth is covered with turf. The buttresses are covered with a plastic mesh and plastered on top, because plastic bags can be destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. The dugout house was built with his own hands.

Do-it-yourself dugout construction video

With an ever-growing population, it was only a matter of time before people started building houses underground, like hobbits from Tolkien's fairy tale. Mankind came out of the caves, and only now began to understand that dugouts are environmentally friendly dwellings. The following 10 underground homes are so amazing, they may well make you move underground! Cave House in Festus, Missouri

This home is quite modern. Plus, it has good energy-saving features and is 15,000 square feet. The house was built by Curt and Deborah Sleeper. The main characteristic is the modern interior with natural sand walls. Thanks to geometric heating and thoughtful design, there is no need for air conditioners and heaters.
Prior to this, the area was used as a venue for concerts and a skate park. Subsequently, it was sold on eBay for private use.
Malator in Druidstone, Wales

This modern dwelling is considered one of the masterpieces in Wales. In reference to the website: "The peat roof, steel chimney and peephole have given this house the nickname 'Teletubby'. The basic design is very simple, inside there is only one room necessary for living, divided by prefabricated colored shelves, while outside the house is connected to the surrounding landscape.”

Hidden house in Lower Silesia, Poland

This house, created by KWK Promes, has a grass roof. Only its inhabitants can get inside with the help of special steps.

Underground house in Great Ormside, Cumbria, England

It was built on the site of an old quarry. The house was designed by architect John Bodger for Phil and Helen Reddy.

Coastal house North Norfolk, UK

This house was built with maximum access to sunlight, despite the fact that most of it is underground. The house is environmentally friendly and very easy to heat and cool. At the same time there is a unique system for collecting rainwater. This home could be the perfect home of the future!

Flower petals in Bolton, UK

Former Manchester United captain Gary Neville plans to build an eco-friendly underground home in Bolton, UK. It remains only to confirm the construction project. However, authorities have already denied the former football star his plans to build an 8,000-square-foot house with 4 bedrooms in the shape of flower petals that would let sunlight into the lower floors.

Stone desert in Greece

Designed by Deca, this rectangular structure is eco-friendly, using natural light and warmth, as well as refreshing cutting winds. It is built in a recess between two adjacent hills and looks like a simple box surrounded by desert. However, it retained elements of Greek classical design. The house is visible only from the very center, and even in this case, you can walk past it, thinking that these are just ancient ruins.

Real estate in Switzerland, Lättenstrasse, Dietikon

The complex in Switzerland, created by Vetsch Architektur, consists of 9 houses, which are connected by steps that lead down to the basement and parking. These earthen houses are excellent protection from rains, high temperatures and winds.

Today we will introduce all our readers to, which are distinguished by their original layout and underground structure.

Although this is very rare, some people tend to live underground. This is a fascinating alternative to a simple cottage.

Whether it's a decision based on lifestyle, personal opportunity, or the desire to recreate the image of the film, it should always be exceptional.

You will be surprised because you will see buildings in this article that are very similar to traditional designs to our eyes.

This building was designed by Make Architects for London Football Club star Gary Neville.

This structure remarkably manages to combine beauty with functionality, a new image and a unique way of life.

The residence covers about 750 sq.m., but not in the way you would expect from it.

This is a one-story modern art building, which was built under the earth cover.

One of the main challenges in designing the residence was to shape the space, which will bring the need for electricity to a minimum, as well as the idea of ​​environmentally friendly construction.

The mansion was built using local building materials, conventional and standardized construction methods.

At the same time, the geothermal heat pump functions for heating purposes, while the solar panels and generator generate a renewable resource of electricity.

The building is located on a hilly slope, and this allows it to easily enter the existing natural and geographical space.

The interior design was designed in a modern and laconic style with a predominance of snow-white and brown tint palette.

Notice how the building looks from the outside.

The engineering layout represents a flower with petal-shaped rooms, all equipped around the kitchen epicenter.

The juxtaposition is accurate, as the residence is equipped with dazzling flower arrangements that are lit up at night.

It looks sophisticated and amazing. You, too, can see how nature and unnatural work come together in this layout, bringing harmony to the masterpiece.

2. Underground cottage with an oval silhouette and an alpine landscape

This fantastic dream house is also located on a hilly lot, but the decor is different.

The construction is the result of a fruitful interaction between the Dutch specialists of the SeARCH workshop and Christian Muller Architects.

Located in the village of Vals, the mansion is quite difficult to find, as it is an integral part of building structures. However, this is not the main reason why it looks inconspicuous.

The building was equipped on a hill and is open to the eye only on one side. The rounded element in the exterior is decorated with stone, and a small ladder leads to it.

The interior decoration strikes the eye with its expressiveness and aesthetic appeal.

Surfaces were decorated with concrete slabs with a textured raw finish, which brings a special feel to the atmosphere.

Pay attention to the interesting execution of the design with a predominance of contrasting colors.

The decor of the facade of the house is made with textured stones, which are in perfect harmony with the transparent glazing.

In the next three images you can see the unusual interior layout and furnishing of the space.

The cottage has a mostly stone structure as it was built on a hillside.

For the convenience of the owners, it has two landings. One of them, in the form of front doors, opens up areas for entertainment and games, and the second goes from the nearest barn and is directed to the underground passage.

The round opening contains many panoramic window blocks. In addition, it is a unique way to bring sunlight into your home decor, as well as provide a chic view towards nature.

And although this is an underground house, it is very bright and wonderfully lit. In addition, it provides an overview of the amazing mountain scenery for family members and guests, maintains a high level of security and privacy for its residents.

This is a fascinating option for a stone structure and although it is invisible to the outside eye, it can still be an amazing and stunning discovery for anyone who sees it.

3. Woodlyn Park - the first hobbit motel on the planet

When you think of underground structures, it's impossible not to imagine a fairy tale hobbit village.

This definition of life is now a source of inspiration for many people.

Movie aficionados have tried to replicate these small, unusual hillside houses, with some even succeeding in creating incredible and wonderful structures.

One of them is the world's first hobbit hotel, located in Woodlyn Park on New Zealand's North Island.

This facility was built using polystyrene blocks, which allows for a cool atmosphere in the summer and a warm climate in the winter.

Such an original rational method of isolation was brought to life, taking into account the uniqueness of the masterpiece.

Rooms in the cottage are quite spacious. They are superbly equipped and equipped with high quality parts.

Each unit has its own kitchen and shower room and can accommodate up to six people.

The motel has a cafe and restaurant, and guests can enjoy many adventures during their stay.

4. Eco-village in the Preseli mountain range in west Wales

There are many different directions and all kinds of building layouts, but this village is the most interesting project.

It was equipped with huts built using straw and mud in picturesque mountains with green spaces.

The buildings look very interesting and aesthetically pleasing, which attracts a large number of people here to enjoy country life and grow their own crops.

This unique community was created in 1993 and remained a secret for several years.

The village was discovered five years later when tourists saw sunlight coming from a photovoltaic panel placed on the main building.

These huts were very well camouflaged, surrounded by trees and shrubs, but no building permits were issued to the owners.

After this period, 22 villagers came to the area. Bulldozers tore down their old houses, but finally their way of life improved thanks to planning permits.

As a result, they received cottages with toilets, agricultural sheds and work shops.

Source 5The Hobbitoultural Houses Based on The Lord of the Rings Movie Scenes

As we mentioned earlier, it's impossible to think of any house built on a hillside without comparing it to the kind of buildings that many have seen in the iconic trilogy.

Those hobbit structures have become a legendary symbol and inspired many ideas. But if you want to see real designs and not replicas, you can stop by Matamata in New Zealand.

This is a unique place where movie scripts were filmed. After their completion, the magnificent architectural structures were preserved and used as a tourist attraction.

Everyone agreed that this decision would not hurt anyone. Of course, you can't expect huts to have the same decor and designer furniture, since the main shooting was carried out in a film studio.

These buildings are undecorated and look more interesting when you see them from afar.

But if you use your imagination, you can be transported to the legendary village of Hobbitoultural. Photos taken from flickr.

6. Eco-hotel Bella Vista Hotel in Italy

In modern times, there is a surge of ideas and concepts when it comes to the formation of ecological building compositions.

Many people have chosen these modern technologies to implement their own designs.

In addition, there are now many eco-hotels that have appeared or have been changed. The most unusual hotel in the world, Bella Vista is a wonderful example of this format.

In the next photo you can see its design in winter.

This is the latest project of the KlimaHotel© brand and can be found in the Italian city of Bolzano. It was designed by architect Matteo Thun and focuses on sustainability and ecology.

The masterpiece included the formation of eleven separate dormitories erected on hilly terrain.

All these structures are equipped with modern facilities, sustainable heating, air conditioning and ecological construction methods.

Local resources were used during the construction process from nearby areas, and in the decoration, interesting decor ideas were focused on creating a relationship with the environment, trying to combine dissimilar elements to create a harmonious look. This phenomenal project has attracted many fans.

7. A house equipped in a cave grotto in Missouri

A large number of mansions are being built on high ground, following the concept explored in The Lord of the Rings series.

But there are other opportunities to explore this multifaceted area. For example, organizing living space in a cave would be a very effective and straightforward solution.

This is most likely the basis of all ultra-modern buildings, so now you can turn a similar concept into something amazing.

This wonderful project can be found in the metropolis of Festus, and it was built on an area of ​​1400 sq.m. masters Curt and Deborah Sleeper, who brought to life a wonderful decoration with ultra-modern incredible textures and mesmerizing interior items.

Not only is the placement of the building composition extraordinary and phenomenal, there are other elements that make it a wonderful role model.

The structure has efficient technologies in the form of geothermal heating and intelligent design that eliminates the importance of air purification.

The cave has several boudoirs with an unfinished wall. Such a building will be a suitable place for receiving guests or a kind of museum.

8. Shaped dugouts by Peter Vetsch

Located in the northern city of Dietikon, these extraordinary underground structures incorporate the latest and exceptional environmentally friendly solutions into progressive architecture.

This area is called Earth House Estate Lattenstrasse and was designed by specialist Peter Vetsch.

The composition of the performance consists of nine cottages with a different number of bedrooms - from three to seven.

The mansions are larger than they appear visually as they are almost covered by earthen crust and grass. They seem to appear out of nowhere.

And at the same time, they are completely different from the rest of the buildings that we presented to your attention earlier. The houses are united around a miniature artificial pond.

Cottages use the ground as an insulating blanket that provides a protective sheath against heat and cold, but also against snow and gusts of wind.

The interesting outlines of these compositions allow them to fit into the environment in an uncomplicated way and become an accent element of landscape design. However, they do not have to be underground.

9. Malator mansion on the coast of Wales

Most of these types of buildings, built on a hilly terrain, have side openings that imitate the entrance and make them contemplative.

But, this is not entirely true for the next masterpiece. The Malator residence is located on the coast of Wales, it is extremely difficult to find it when you do not know the exact location, because it is completely hidden in the ground.

It was built in its own man-made mound and is located on the top of a hill.

This location allows for breathtaking scenic views of the surroundings, site layout and the Welsh coastline.

The building is not just a strange structure placed in a foreign zone. It has an ecological focus, which goes well with the design.

The building is completely under ground cover with passive energy management.

On the sides of the facade are round portholes with transparent glazing. This forms an extremely strong connection with nature and the environment.

10. Aloni House in the Cyclades

Another way to integrate the apartment with the landscape is to use the resources found in the building area and make the facade disappear into the scenery.

That is why a large number of the hills were built using local raw materials and resources: such as stone or wood.

Aloni house has decoration embodied in the same aspects. However, the layout is slightly different from what we saw in the article before.

Situated in a beautiful area of ​​the Cyclades, the building responds beautifully to the landscape.

The designers at Deca Architecture decided to abandon the standard typology of this home decor.

They used building materials that have a minimal impact on nature, as well as rational in the form of thermal insulation coatings.

The residence has a one-level structure and has a footage of 250 sq.m.

The wall surfaces are made with unallocated earth, which regulates the temperature with a green roof that also provides thermal insulation and helps the structure to fade into the surrounding scenery.

Interior photography provided by the Internet portal: Homedit.

Categories: Unusual houses

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Very rarely, underground houses are built according to one project. In fact, those who want to live in a unique home should know that an underground home is an easy way to build your home. An individual project is made depending on the type of soil, climate zone, landscape and the wishes of the future owner. An underground house can be completely or partially deepened into the ground. Why do people choose such houses?

Underground house and its advantages.

First, these houses are warm, they maintain room temperature with less fuel for heating. The construction of a house is often carried out using materials that can be found directly on the construction site, which will reduce transport costs by 3-4 times. Worker costs are also lower, as less concrete, brick, or other materials are used in construction. Last but not least, underground homes have proven fireproof, hurricane and earthquake resistant.

Underground houses are an unusual and attractive phenomenon.

Despite the many benefits they offer, underground homes come with a few drawbacks. Such a house is not suitable for areas where earthquakes often occur, unless the design provides for a massive structure with shock absorbers. Such houses are not built in areas where there is ground movement. Some feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic while underground. The house underground does not provide a panoramic view of the street. During the construction of such houses, it is necessary to make high-quality ventilation. If not thought through properly, indoor oxygen levels will decrease due to occupants inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.