When to start massaging a newborn. Basic rules and techniques of massage for babies Massage for babies 0 3 months

Massage should be done 40 minutes before or after feeding

In our article, we will consider in detail the main techniques of this type of manipulation, note the contraindications and find the answer to the question: “How to properly massage a newborn baby?”.

Massage procedure from an early age is an effective method of normalizing the proper development of the child's body. Having found out from a specialist how to properly massage for newborns at home, a mother can successfully improve her child. For professional advice, you should contact a specialist if the procedure was prescribed by a pediatrician or neurologist.

Let's answer the question, why and how to massage a newborn baby? This procedure for the baby consists in gentle kneading, rubbing and stroking the child's arms, legs, neck, back and tummy.

A properly conducted course of procedures can effectively overcome many problems with a child's health, for example:

  1. Improves the digestion process and relieves colic
  2. Sleep becomes stronger and longer
  3. The functioning of the nervous system is normalized
  4. Muscles are toned, coordination develops
  5. Improves metabolism
  6. Stimulates the immune system

As for the manipulation itself, it is necessary to touch the child with the lightest and most gentle movements. Hands should be warm, without a long and sharp manicure, so as not to accidentally cause damage to the delicate skin of the baby. For sliding it is recommended to use natural baby oil.

The rules for massaging a baby or a child weighing up to 5 kilograms are universal: you need to stroke the baby's body with light movements, repeating them on each part of the body at least three to four times. Stroke the baby's tummy only in a clockwise direction. Be sure to do the “bike” exercise with your legs, which is very effective for colic.

When to start massaging a newborn?

One of the most frequently asked questions by parents is when to start massaging a newborn, at what age? The answer depends on when the umbilical wound is completely healed and the newborn person adapts to the new environment for him. Based on this, the first session can be carried out at 4-5 weeks of life of the crumbs - this is the answer to the question, when can a newborn baby be massaged?

The first massage for a child can be started at 4-5 weeks.

For manipulation behavior, the first half of the day or morning is best suited. But it is important to consider that it is not recommended to carry out the procedure immediately after feeding, the child during this period is busy with the responsible work of digesting food and must rest. The best option is when there is a 40-minute difference between the next feeding and massage.

The first massage procedure in the life of a baby should not exceed 15 minutes. Places prohibited for massaging should be avoided, these are the armpits, nipples, groin, fontanel and navel. Carrying out the manipulation at home, you should not massage the lower back and joints. Only a specialist will qualitatively work these zones, or, in extreme cases, consult in detail how to properly massage yourself.

From how many months can a newborn be massaged? Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it can be done to a child after the first month of life.

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn

Contrary to the misconception of most parents, massage for colic in newborns should not be done during an attack, but when the child does not hurt anything and is actively awake. Such a complex of manipulations can be carried out 3-4 times a day. It is most convenient to carry it out during a diaper change.

a) stroking in the form of a house with the edge of the palm; b) light contractions

How to massage the tummy of a newborn with colic? Starting the procedure, gently stroke the baby's tummy. Embrace the baby's belly with your open palm and stroke from top to bottom. To facilitate the removal of gas, repeat the movement about 6 times. Next, press the baby's knees to the tummy, connecting them and gently pressing. Fix this position for 15 seconds. Then straighten the legs and rock them to completely relax the baby's muscles.

It is important to massage the tummy with colic in a newborn in the right direction, clockwise. The reason lies in the certain location of the intestines in the baby, and the correct position of the hands contributes to the promotion of gases and their removal from the body.

Massage for umbilical hernia in newborns: video

During the manipulation, the umbilical protrusion is held by the hand or it must be adjusted by sealing it with a plaster. The baby should not be fed before the session. Massage, as in other cases, is done with gentle light movements so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

The main goal of this type of procedure is to improve the muscle tone of the child's abdominal region. They start it with a light stroking of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, then you need to lightly pinch the area near the navel and go back to stroking. When the child reaches the age of one month, you can begin to gently rub his stomach.

One of the effective techniques for massaging an umbilical hernia is pressure on points near the umbilical protrusion. Such pressure is carried out quickly, but the main thing is not deep. This method can only be used after prior consultation with a pediatrician. The procedure helps to tighten the muscles, as a result of which the hernia is reduced.

Massage for umbilical hernia in newborns, the video clearly illustrates and will help to understand the reduction procedure in more detail.

How to do massage with dacryocystitis in newborns?

This paragraph of the article will answer an important question - how to properly massage with dacryocystitis in newborns. The solution to the problem of canal blockage is important to start as early as possible.

Before conducting a session at home, it is important to consult with a specialist in order to fully master the technique, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

To carry out the procedure, follow these steps:

  1. Gently squeeze fluid and lacrimal sac
  2. Drop the eye with a warm solution of furacilin and remove the pus with a sterile cotton swab
  3. The procedure is carried out as follows: make vibrating movements with your fingers, applying light pressure from top to bottom. You need to start from the inner corner at the top of the eye. 10 movements are made from top to bottom, one - in the opposite direction
  4. Apply disinfectant drops
  5. Repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day
  6. The duration of the course for babies is at least 2 weeks

Massage technique for dacryocystitis

It is important to remember that only a specialist can carry out this procedure as efficiently as possible and without the risk of causing complications to the child.

How not to harm the baby during the massage?

So, what are the features of the procedure that parents need to know so as not to inadvertently harm the child? Manipulation can be carried out no earlier than 20 days after the birth of the baby.

Massage the body of the baby, you need to start from the neck and move to the feet. In this case, the maximum effect of the procedure will be achieved. Do not make clapping and pressing movements so that the child does not experience stressful sensations.

Also, you do not need to force the baby to lie still, over time he will adapt and will behave more calmly. And, of course, the parents themselves should have the right idea about the technique of the procedure and about the age at which they massage the newborn.

After consulting with a massage therapist and studying special literature, parents will be able to establish contact with the baby, heal, calm him down and give him pleasure.

Contraindications for massage

Contraindications for the procedure for a newborn may be the following reasons:

  • Acute febrile illnesses
  • Atrophy
  • Purulent and other acute inflammatory lesions of the skin, lymphatic system, muscles and bones
  • Fragility and soreness of the bones
  • Acute rickets, hyperesthesia
  • congenital heart defects
  • Various forms of hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia
  • Acute nephritis
  • Acute hepatitis
  • With large hernias, with significant organ prolapse or with a high risk of strangulation.

Summing up, we note that if you follow the recommendations of specialists and a family doctor, as well as properly carry out a massage procedure, it will become the key to your baby's health. A tactile contact with the mother will bring the child only positive emotions and play an important role in the communication between parents and their children.

Massage for newborns is one of the important routine moments in the life of a baby. During the first visit to the pediatrician, the nurse introduces the mother to a variety of massage manipulations suitable for use at each specific age of the child.

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About the benefits of massage

The benefits of massage for a child's body are as follows:

  1. Established and deepened emotional connection between mother and baby. Of course, if she conducts the relaxing massage technique herself, and not a professional massage therapist.
  2. It is possible to achieve an improvement in blood circulation, elimination of nervous, expressed by hypertonicity and hypotonicity of muscles, orthopedic disorders (poorly developed hip joint, etc.).
  3. Elimination of residual reflexes (Moro, Babinsky, grasping, etc.), which in a 3–5-month-old baby should be replaced by acquired skills and abilities.
  4. Development of the baby's musculoskeletal system, stimulation of the lymphatic, nervous and even digestive systems.
  5. The regularity of massage leads to an increase in protective functions, the immune system begins to work, resisting diseases.

Is there any harm?

Massage can harm when any action leads to a cry in the baby. The baby may not like the actions themselves, causing him pain or the attitude towards the process of the one who conducts this massage. Therefore, the benefit comes only from a gentle, point impact on different parts of the child's body.

But also massage is harmful when it is not done according to age or the wrong technique is used. When deciding on massage sessions, it should be remembered that the procedure should be carried out after the permission of the doctor. "Amateur" here is fraught with unpredictable consequences!

At what age should the procedure be carried out?

A pediatrician will help you to answer the question correctly, from how many months you can massage a newborn. It is better to start exposure to a general strengthening massage from the age of 20 days. Until the baby reaches one and a half months, the only movement allowed for use is stroking.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for general children's massage is the presence of:

  • decreased or increased tone;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • nervous condition, neurological disease;
  • baby colic;
  • flat feet or clubfoot;
  • diseases of a catarrhal nature;
  • hernia;
  • disorders associated with the musculoskeletal system;
  • labored breathing.

A course of massage, as an aid, can be included in the complex of therapeutic actions prescribed for patients with bronchial asthma, pneumonia.

However, you should not massage the baby:

  • with fever, accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • with a runny nose;
  • with diabetes;
  • with a disease accompanied by purulent wounds or pustular skin lesions, any kind of rash;
  • with rickets;
  • a patient with tuberculosis;
  • with diseases of the lungs and bones;
  • with congenital heart disease;
  • with hepatitis.


According to the degree of influence, the method of conducting and the goal pursued, massage is carried out as a therapeutic, prophylactic and treatment-and-prophylactic:

  1. Therapeutic massage for babies, as well as therapeutic and prophylactic massage, should be performed only by a specially trained employee of a children's clinic or a professional masseur. For each of the diseases, their own techniques are used, which differ significantly from each other.
  2. The use of preventive massage is recommended for all newborns, with no contraindications. Preventive massages are carried out mainly by parents, which affects the improvement of the psychological state of the baby.

Giving a massage to a newborn

You need to massage the baby with light stroking movements. The use of movements with the use of force is unacceptable:

  1. The process should begin with the hands of the baby. We massage each finger, then open the fists and pay attention to the relaxation of the palms. Smoothly moving to the wrists, we continue to massage, rising higher. In this case, the armpit does not need to be massaged.
  2. After the handles, you need to smoothly move to the legs. First, massaging each foot, not bypassing any of the fingers. Then, with light massaging movements, go from the feet to the inguinal region. There should be no impact on the knee joints and popliteal region.
  3. Now it's time for the belly. It is possible to properly massage a newborn only with the help of strokes starting from the navel and performed in a clockwise direction.
  4. Next, with closed hands, you need to walk through the baby's body with sliding movements: with one hand - up, the second - down. In this case, the genital area is not recommended to be affected.
  5. Massaging the baby's chest begins with the sternum, gradually moving towards the shoulders, then from the sternum towards the sides. In the area of ​​the mammary glands, manipulations are not carried out.
  6. Turning the baby on the tummy, you need to conduct a gentle massage of the neck. At the moments when the baby's attempts to raise or turn the head will be observed, the movements should be stopped.
  7. After the neck, the movements move to the back. Basically, the area from the lower back to the shoulders, from the spinal column to the barrels is worked out here. The spine itself should not be massaged.
  8. It is recommended to stroke the buttocks starting from the sides of the hips and ending with the coccyx.
  9. For a crumb lying on its left side, walk along the lines near the spine. Start the movement from the sacrum towards the head. During the performance, a slight arching of the child forward should be observed. Manipulations should be done no more than three times. Repeat the same with the right side.
  10. Returning the child to its original position, massage the head without touching the fontanel area. It is necessary to pay attention to the ears.
  11. The session ends with stroking the entire body of the crumbs.

Basic conditions

  1. You can start massage sessions when the baby reaches 20 days of age.
  2. In children under 3 months, it is forbidden to massage the area of ​​​​the fontanel, popliteal, elbow, axillary zones, as well as the inner thighs.
  3. It is forbidden to use pressing and shock movements, patting.
  4. It is not allowed to massage a baby with long nails. It is recommended to keep your hands free of jewelry to prevent possible damage.
  5. The procedure should be carried out in a room with a temperature of 18-23 degrees.
  6. Massage the body of the baby should only be on a prepared changing table or other flat surface. To cover, you can use a blanket, oilcloth or diaper. The width of the surface must be sufficient for the unhindered coup of the baby.
  7. In time, massage for babies should take from 10 to 20 minutes. In the future, a gradual complication of exercises is allowed with an increase in the time period.
  8. The procedure should be carried out at the right time (1.5-2 hours after feeding).
  9. Before starting the massage, the baby should be on weight in an upright position for some time. This will relieve the body of accumulated air and the child will not regurgitate during the procedure.
  10. Massaging the baby's body, you definitely need to talk to him. You can use any children's songs and rhymes. This will contribute to the development of the auditory and speaking abilities of the child.
  11. To improve the quality of massage, the use of special lubricants is allowed. Allowed use: grape, apricot, almond oil. If you want to use other liquid products, you must first conduct a test to identify an allergic reaction.

Massage techniques

Massage for an infant is carried out using:

  1. Stroking - involves sliding over the surface of the baby's skin, accompanied by pressure of various strengths.
  2. Rubbing - displacement of the skin with stretching of the underlying tissues, the formation of a skin fold.
  3. Kneading, in which the skin is fixed with a massaging hand, replaced by squeezing or compression, turning into rolling. Basically, this technique is used by specialists.
  4. Vibrations are the actions of a massage therapist who transmits oscillatory movements of various amplitudes to the body of a child.

Gymnastics for newborns

Gymnastics for babies is one of the ways a newborn communicates with parents and establishes tactile contact. During classes, the baby feels gentle mother's touch, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the child.

In addition, with the help of gymnastics:

  • the baby learns to control his body;
  • proper development of coordination of movements occurs;
  • develops the ability to sensory perception;
  • the baby learns to use speech abilities, hearing, because the mother voices all her actions used during gymnastics;
  • reflexes responsible for the development of crawling and "walking" develop.

Equipment by month

Giving a massage to a newborn baby is the main task of every mother. But it is important to remember that each age has its own massage technique.

Up to 4 weeks of age

Babies up to 1 month old are shown the following massage techniques:

  • stroking, accompanied by sipping the body;
  • gentle kneading of the skin with light friction;
  • crossing the arms on the chest;
  • leg extension;
  • flips of the body from the back to the side, then to the tummy.

For 1 month old baby

Massaging movements are supplemented by vibrating and kneading techniques. The impact of massage manipulations is carried out on the arms, legs, back, buttocks, feet and fingers.

Massage treatment for 2 month old babies

Receptions are complemented by massaging the neck, which helps to strengthen the cervical vertebrae:

  • stroking movements;
  • vibration impact;
  • working out the spine with the help of light massaging of the back so that it leads to flexion and arching of the baby's spine;
  • massaging the tummy with circular movements;
  • breast stroking;
  • rocking the crumbs in the fetal position.

For 3 month old babies

At this age, a general strengthening massage for babies helps to eliminate muscle tension. The technique consists of stroking, shaking, vibrating, rubbing (without pressure) movements. The usefulness of massage increases from the addition of gymnastic exercises.

You can clearly see how to massage for children 1-3 months old on the video. Channel "House of Massage MM".

Massage for 4 month old babies

The impact of passive manipulation is replaced by the use of energetic techniques.

You can shape the muscles of the baby with the help of:

  • tweaks;
  • twists;
  • wallowing, when the body is transferred from a lying position to a sitting position and vice versa;
  • techniques for massaging the legs are complemented by flexion and alignment;
  • It is possible to form motor skills in a crumb by allowing him to capture objects of small sizes.

Massage can be supplemented with gymnastic elements.

For 5 month old babies

The massage technique is similar to the techniques used in the previous month. Only movements that work on the facial area and techniques that develop fine motor skills are added. Increased stimulation of massaged areas is allowed, the result of which is manifested by the correct formation of phase-motor functions, stabilization of the state of muscle tissues and general recovery.

Coups of the baby's body, a change in posture should be accompanied by support for the handles. In order for the child to learn to sit within the time limits set for this, you can practice the exercise: take the crumbs in the supine position by the handles, slightly pull them up, thereby offering to sit down.

For 6 months

The use of movements that massage the arms and legs becomes an optional technique. Now attention should be focused on the study of the back, chest and tummy. The impact of finger massage should take place in a playful way, accompanied by the recitation of rhymes. The technique used in finger massage has a positive effect on the development of intelligence, fine motor skills, and the speech apparatus.

Features of the procedure after six months

When a child reaches the age of six months, the massage technique changes. The number of massage techniques is reduced, and the physical activities used are becoming more diverse.

Now the use of massage techniques and exercises is aimed at developing the child's ability to:

  • lift the body
  • pick up objects of different sizes;
  • crawling to get to the toys.

Massage technique for babies after six months consists of the following movements and exercises:

  1. Slow and fast crossing of handles.
  2. Flips on the tummy. The kid can do this exercise on his own, but he needs a little help in the form of a push.
  3. A variety of actions that work out the back and gluteal zones.
  4. Learning to crawl on knees with straight handles, forming muscles in the back, limbs and shoulders. At the age of 8 months, these exercises are available for the baby to perform independently. At a younger age, you can not do without support.
  5. Breast massaging.
  6. Belly massage.
  7. Training the muscles that support the abdominal cavity with the help of squats. At the age of 7 months - with the support of two handles, at 8 months of age - with the support of one handle.
  8. Flexion and alignment of the legs.
  9. Raising and lowering straight legs.
  10. Foot stroking.


Fitball is allowed for use when the baby reaches the age of 1 month. To begin acquaintance with the ball, one should simply lie on it, so that the baby can get used to it. Swinging on a fitball has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

After the baby gets used to the ball, you can start performing other exercises:

  1. At 2 months of age, by lifting the baby's legs above the ball, you can swing them on weight. At the same time, the child can come into contact with the fitball both with the stomach and with the back. To strengthen the muscles of the spine and neck, limbs, the head should be lowered.
  2. It is very useful for the baby to be on a vibrating ball. The main thing is that the legs are straight and the spine is straightened. A more complicated option is swaying on a ball with arms crossed on the chest.
  3. At 3 months of age, it is allowed to bend the baby's legs and press them to the stomach. Rocking has a positive effect on the development of the hip joints.

Rocking on the tummy Side swing Swinging on the back Bending the legs, lying on your back

Before applying the above manipulations, a short massage session is recommended. It is especially useful to use fitball exercises for children with complicated orthopedic and neurological diseases. You can carry out procedures in the mornings and evenings, devoting them to 15 minutes.

When to contact professional massage therapists?

Unlike a general strengthening massage, which a mother can do on her own, it is better to entrust the use of therapeutic massage techniques to a doctor who has undergone special training. You can contact a massage therapist, with a secondary or higher medical education, prepared to work with children. But when contacting a massage therapist, do not hesitate to ask about his qualifications. It is better to clarify this issue before starting work, this is important!

Indications and contraindications for therapeutic massage

The need for one or more courses of therapeutic massage is due to:

  • hypotrophy;
  • rickets;
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • valgus and flat valgus deformity of the feet;
  • residual reflex of the newborn;
  • tremor in various parts of the body;
  • CNS lesions;
  • (infantile cerebral palsy).
  • umbilical hernia;
  • hip joints;
  • torticollis;
  • clubfoot, flat feet, deformity of the legs;
  • scoliosis;
  • deformation of the thoracic region;
  • deformation of the legs (X- or O-shaped).

The use of massage manipulations is prohibited:

  • in children with osteomyelitis, phlegmon, abscess - this will provoke the spread of purulent processes;
  • with enlarged, for unknown reasons, lymph nodes;
  • with exacerbation of arthritis, tuberculous lesions of bone tissues and joints;
  • children suffering from bleeding (for example, caused by hemophilia);
  • with acute forms of renal diseases, hepatitis, heart defects that are in the stage of decompensation (in an unstable state);
  • crumbs with low body weight with very large hernias in the umbilical, inguinal, scrotal and femoral areas.

Massage for colic

Since a colic session usually ends with a bowel movement, you need to be prepared in advance for this moment. The place under the gluteal areas of the crumbs can be covered with a diaper or use a disposable diaper.

Massage from gaziki has its own characteristics:

  1. It begins with the application of the palm of an adult to the baby's tummy. Strong pressure on the baby's stomach should not be. After a few minutes of lying hands, there will be a relaxation of the abdominal muscles, there will be less spasms in the intestines, which will lead to the cessation of the crying of the baby.
  2. Movements consist of stroking, periodically replaced by light pressure in the abdomen.
  3. Touching the newborn should be carried out with the help of the edge of the hand, which has a half-bent state.
  4. You can press only with the help of fingertips in the lateral areas and under the ribs.
  5. The impact of sharper movements is replaced by stroking techniques.
  6. It is forbidden to use point or intensive movements. This can provoke an increase in spasm, which will not benefit the baby. Movements should consist of the simultaneous use of several fingers.
  7. After the muscle warm-up, the study of the abdominal press begins. Such actions are aimed at activating the work of the small intestine. The palms should be placed on the tummy, across. Movements made in both directions begin with the ribs and stop when they come into contact with the pubic joint.
  8. The previous exercise should be changed by stroking the area with the oblique abdominal muscles with one hand. At this point, the second hand should be placed on the umbilical region.
  9. As an alternative or additional way to work out the abdominals, you can use light pinching or drawing the contours of imaginary flower petals, with the navel in the center.
  10. Further actions are aimed at strengthening the reflexes of the abdominal muscles as a result of normalizing the work of internal organs.

The main movement in the massage that eliminates colic is stroking with moderate strength. It promotes the release of excess gases from the body of the baby. Hands need to act on the area in the abdomen, where the large intestine is located. If the procedure occurs at the time of the onset of colic, the execution should be phased.

Procedure for dacryocystitis

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, the procedure for dacryocystitis should be carried out using gentle and accurate vibrating movements. In this case, light pressure on the tear ducts is necessary.

It is important to follow the direction of movement! They should be made in the corner of the eyes. Movement should start from the top with a downward direction. Regular use of the procedure will save the baby from the disease.

With dacryocystitis, the session should be carried out in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Carry out a gentle extrusion of the fluid formed in the lacrimal sac.
  2. Under the lower eyelid of the diseased eye, drip a warm furatsilin solution at the rate of 1:5000. Remove pus using a sterile cotton swab.
  3. Having finished the manipulations, you can proceed to the massage of the lacrimal sac. The purpose of the action is to provoke a breakthrough of the elements that make up the embryonic tissue.
  4. Movements begin from the inner corner towards the bottom of the eye. Under pressure, the embryonic membrane breaks.

For the best effect, the course should be carried out for two weeks. It is better to start it during the hysterical crying of the baby. At this time, due to the tension of the crumbs, breaking through the gelatinous film will be easier. The procedure must be performed carefully, since the bone separating the sinuses has not yet formed, and strong pressure can easily cause damage to the delicate cartilage.

Massage for umbilical hernia

The use of tonic massage for a child with an umbilical hernia increases the benefit of the overall treatment. It is allowed to start the procedure after three weeks, as the umbilical wound heals. Sessions can be supplemented with a general massage.

Newborn navel massage:

  1. Using a full palm, you need to stroke the tummy of the crumbs in the navel. All manipulations with the abdomen should be done in a clockwise direction. In the opposite direction to the direction of the arrow, the skin can be stroked only directly near the navel and only with the help of the index finger. Otherwise, the risk of interference with the digestive process and its violation increases.
  2. Using an open palm, capture the oblique abdominal muscles starting from the barrels towards the center. Finish the reception by stroking in the opposite direction.
  3. Place the right hand above the navel, the left hand below the umbilical region. Moving palms towards each other, stroke the skin around the navel.
  4. Using the pads of your index fingers, start rubbing the oblique muscles, heading from the barrels to the area with the umbilical cavity. Movements made along the oblique muscles should be done in a spiral.
  5. Having visually highlighted the line dividing the stomach in half, make indentations on it using the pad of the index finger. This technique will produce an instant return: the work of the abdominal muscles will begin, caused by its tension. The regularity of performing these actions will end with the strengthening of the muscular frame of the baby.
  6. Use the index finger to indent the hernia. Movement should be easy, effortless. Repetition - 20 times.

Instructions for DTS

Massage for hip dysplasia should be done once a day. The course consists of 10-15 sessions. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to complete 2-3 courses. Since such a massage for a baby is a big load, the rest between courses should be at least 1–1.5 months.

Massage with, with a girth of the entire joint, should be done while the baby is in the supine position. But you can, laying on your back, massaging the front surface of the thighs, and turning the crumbs on your stomach, work out the back surface.

Massage of the hip joint in newborns consists of the following techniques:

  1. Stroking, when the movements are carried out with hands tightly adjacent to the hip joint. Moderate pressure is allowed, at which the skin under the arms does not move, but slides under them.
  2. Using the thumb and forefinger, or the entire palm, make spiral movements. It is forbidden to touch the inner surface of the thighs (in close proximity to the genitals). Stroking should be carried out for 3-5 minutes, which must be completed by rubbing. The pressure should be stronger than when stroking, the hands do not slide over the skin, but shift it.
  3. For affected joints, rubbing is especially beneficial. It is best done using the pads of the fingers for deep penetration into the muscles. The duration of the reception is 10 minutes.
  4. In addition, movements that rub the lumbar region, buttocks and foot are also useful for better blood circulation.

Procedure for tone in infants

Massage is beneficial in the treatment of increased, decreased or asymmetric tone.

The purpose of the technique intended for use in complex massage is due to:

  • degree of violations;
  • the health status of the child;
  • the level of development of a small organism;
  • existing contraindications.
Massage for newborns with hypertension
  1. Breeding the arms of the crumbs in different directions, followed by crossing them on the chest.
  2. Alternate raising of handles, imitation of a mill.
  3. Breeding the hips of the crumbs to the sides.
  4. Rotation of the baby's hips along the trajectory of a semicircle, with their further return to their place.
  5. Performing the “booklet” exercise, when the child’s legs are bent and held, from the inside with a large one, and from the outside with the rest of the fingers. This is followed by a simultaneous extension of the legs to the sides, imitating an opening and closing book.
  6. Gymnastics continues by lightly massaging the palms of the crumbs, for which, having opened the fist, you need to stroke the inside of the handle.
  7. Then the baby's feet are massaged: with the help of the thumb, the number 8 is drawn starting from the fingers to the heel, and in the opposite direction. The correctness of the massage will be indicated by the fingers squeezed and unclenched by the little one.
  8. This is followed by shifting the crumbs to the tummy to stroke it on the back starting from the base of the neck.
  9. Having turned the child on his tummy, stroke his back should be worked out in a clockwise direction.
  10. The session ends with stroking the arms and legs of the baby, starting from the outside of the fingers and going up.

The duration of the course is 10-15 sessions, which should be carried out monthly.

Baby massage with hypotension

For a child with hypotension, massage helps to activate and stimulate the muscles. The main feature of the technique is the movements performed: from the periphery, directed to the central part of the body.

The session contains manipulations:

  1. The child lies on its back. Place your finger in the baby's hand. While holding it, walk with stroking movements along the handle starting from the wrist and ending with the shoulder. Using kneading movements, massage the skin without touching the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints. Repeat - 3 times.
  2. Supporting the back of the baby's head, with your palm try to push his head so that it leans towards the chest. Repeat - 10 times.
  3. Making circular movements with your fingers, massage the upper body of the baby. The procedure should begin from the shoulder area, and end when it reaches the middle of the breast. Repeat - 3 times.
  4. With the help of your thumbs, press on the back of the peanut lying on the stomach, while moving from the gluteal zone to the neck. Holding the back of the crumbs, bend one leg at the knee so that the angle is 90 degrees. Massage with kneading movements. Repeat - 3 times.
  5. To combat hypotonicity in the back of the baby, bend one of his legs at the knee, hug the other with his arm, stretch the muscles in the lower leg. With kneading movements, starting from the heels, going to the fingertips, work out the crumbs' feet.

Massage in infants with reduced tone should last 15 minutes. It should be started and completed with stroking movements. There is no need to allow overwork of the little one, otherwise you can come to a completely opposite result.

Massage for children with uneven tone

Massage for children suffering from both increased and decreased tone should be done asymmetrically: different areas are worked out with relaxing and stimulating techniques.

For this you need:

  1. Determine the area suffering from increased and decreased muscle tension.
  2. In separate zones with hypotonicity, relaxing manipulations should be used: stroking, light rubbing, swaying movements.
  3. Areas with weak muscles are worked out using: claps, chopping movements, rolls made by the phalanges of the fingers.

Massage for children whose muscles are subject to both hypertonicity and hypotonicity is prescribed on an individual basis, after determining which areas are in a relaxed state and where there is tension.

When can and when not to massage a baby? What effect does massage have on the development and behavior of a child? How to do massage from 0 to 3 months?

Massage for newborns, as a rule, these are the actions that babies like, especially if they are performed by caring mother's hands.

Sharp or incorrect movements can harm a small fragile person, and therefore you need to know the main conditions for this procedure. If the child has indications for massage for therapeutic purposes or there is a neurological status, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

When performing massage actions, it is best to follow the order of massaged areas of the body. Usually, the legs and arms are massaged first.

Then smooth movements move to the stomach, which is massaged clockwise. The treatment ends with a back massage.

When conducting a massage, it is important to know the essence of blood circulation in the veins and lymph flow in the human body. In their directions, movements are carried out from the periphery to the center.

There are places that it is desirable not to touch. For example, the inner thighs. The largest number of vessels and nerve endings is concentrated there, and this place is considered the most sensitive. It is not recommended to touch another place - the front surface of the lower leg. After all, there is almost no muscle tissue and very thin skin.

The impact on the elbow and knee joints is also best limited to avoid injury.

back rubbing

A direct effect on the liver can harm the child, which is why abdominal massage should be done carefully. Especially in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

Particularly sensitive areas, such as the genitals, nipples, painful places on the spine in the area of ​​the spinous processes, are also excluded from the affected areas.

There are four main techniques in massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

  • Stroking is usually performed at the beginning of the procedure and aims to prepare the body for the main effect. This technique activates blood circulation, calms the nervous system and relaxes the muscles.
  • Rubbing helps to nourish tissues and has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on tendons, ligaments and muscles.
  • Kneading activates the flow of blood and lymph in the body, acts not only on the superficial muscles, but also on those that are located deep enough. Also, kneading has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.
  • Vibration tones the nervous system of the child and has a slight pain relief. In the first three months of life in this method, it is best to use such an option as shaking. From the fourth month, you can already apply light tapping with your fingers.

The essence of the basic principles of massage is that actions are performed from simple to complex. The load should be increased gradually by repeating the same exercise.

For the first time, the child can repeat the actions 2-3 times, and after a few days he can easily withstand them 4-5 times. During exercise, the baby should not overwork. Everything should be for him in joy.

Massage and wellness gymnastics

Massage will help your baby become stronger, quickly master the necessary skills of crawling and coups, and in the future - to stand confidently on their feet and take their first steps. Every parent can learn simple sets of exercises. In addition, in addition to unconditional health benefits, massage helps to establish close contact between loved ones.

Tummy massage

Such procedures accelerate the maturation of lymphocytes, and their phagocytic activity increases, which means that the blood moves faster through the veins and arteries, the organs receive the necessary blood supply, the body is better cleansed of unnecessary, already used substances. In addition, massage contributes to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. And harmonious growth and development can only be in a joyful atmosphere.

From the age of two months, gymnastic exercises can already be added to the massage. Gymnastics for newborns is a special set of exercises that improves coordination of movements, strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Gymnastics for children

Gymnastics gives an incentive to mental and physical development. They give a previously unfamiliar feeling of "muscle joy" and accelerate the baby's acquaintance with the outside world. Gymnastics can be done with pleasant music. This will also serve to develop a sense of rhythm in the child.

Passive gymnastics

Passive is a kind of active massage, where an adult does the exercises for the child. The benefits of such exercises are very high, and there is enough pleasure for everyone. Such gymnastic classes not only establish psychological contact, but also improve the emotional connection between mother and baby.

There are many different exercises in this method. Here are some of them.

  • We bend the child's legs at the knees and clap the soles against each other, like palms.
  • We bend and unbend the arms of the child in the wrist area. Raise your hands up and down.
  • With the arms of the baby we clasp his chest, then spread the arms wide to the sides.
  • We make circular movements of the handles of the crumbs in the area of ​​​​the shoulder and elbow joints. Then we try to get the top of his head with his hands.
  • Slowly clap your hands over the child's body several times. We smile and praise him for each exercise.
  • We bend the legs of the newborn at the knee joints, as if riding a bicycle.

We check the reflex flexion and extension of the feet. To do this, support the child's leg with the left hand, and press the foot at the base of the fingers with the thumb of the right hand. It happens that in newborns the thumb is stretched up. He is in tension. To remove this condition, you can press the base of this finger, and it will bend. And if you run your finger along the outer edge of the foot, from the little finger to the heel, gently pressing on the sole, then all the fingers will immediately straighten.

Reflexes of newborns

You can also check "reflex walking". In healthy children, it appears from the first day of life. To do this, you need to take the child under the armpits and turn his back to him. Its feet should touch a hard surface. The kid reflexively begins to touch with his feet, as when walking. It is important that it does not rest on the tips of the fingers, but on the entire foot. During the exercise, the baby should be on weight all the time.

During the exercises, you can tell poems and jokes, communicate with the baby in a positive tone. Then the baby will perform the procedures again and again with joy and wait for new ones.

Massage for a 4 month old baby

Time passes, and now your baby is already four months old. The hypertonicity is gone. A small person is purposefully trying to move towards the intended goal, perhaps starting from side to side, trying to master crawling skills. So that the motor activity is not disturbed, it is not worth swaddling it tightly.

The duration of the massage at this age increases. Mom's movements become more intense. You can already use additional elements, such as a fitball, which will better coordinate movements, orient it in space and strengthen the abdominal muscles. A bath will also be very helpful. Toddlers adore, if only previous encounters with water went smoothly. Classes in the water tone and harden. In addition, they develop the first swimming skills.

Baby 4 months old

To stroking and rubbing, you can add light tingling, more intense felting. Actions should still be neat and not cause discomfort. Areas that should be avoided also remain outside the massage action. Before the session, hunger should be excluded, the best time is when an hour or an hour and a half has passed after eating.

The four-month-old baby is cheerful, he likes the procedure, he smiles and gurgles. Otherwise, it is better to interrupt the session immediately and reschedule for a better time.

Let massage and gymnastics be a daily and long-awaited ritual for your child!

Related video

All newborn babies come into this world with bent arms and legs and tightly clenched fists. The movements of the infant's limbs are erratic. This phenomenon is completely normal and is called “physiological tone”. The task of parents is to eliminate this tone and help their baby to comprehend the science of conscious movements. Massage will help you with this.

Types of massage

Depending on the goal pursued, massage is divided into the following types:

  • medical;
  • prophylactic;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic.

Therapeutic massage should be carried out by a specialist. It can be prescribed for the following diseases identified in the baby:

  • hypertonicity or hypotonicity;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital dislocation of the joint;
  • acquired or congenital clubfoot;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • flat feet;
  • leg deformity (X- or O-shaped).

For each disease, their own special massage techniques are used, which, as a rule, differ from each other.

Preventive massage recommended for all newborns, if there are no contraindications. Sessions of such massage can improve blood circulation and appetite, normalize metabolism, and normalize breathing. In children with increased excitability, behavior stabilizes and sleep normalizes. It turns out that massage can reduce the levels of the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone, with its increased content, the body's immune defenses are destroyed. Consequently, under the influence of massage, the immunity of the child also improves.

Since preventive massage is carried out in most cases by the parents themselves, its sessions are an additional way for the baby to contact mom or dad. Undoubtedly, this will improve the psychological state of the crumbs.

Therapeutic and preventive massage , as well as medical, is prescribed by a doctor and carried out by specialists. It involves massaging the entire body with special attention to problem areas. This type of massage is able to normalize blood circulation, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, correct the defective condition of bones and muscles, and eliminate intestinal colic. It is also recommended for diseases of the respiratory, genitourinary and digestive systems. Therapeutic and preventive massage has a beneficial effect on the motor abilities of the baby. The child will quickly learn to roll over, sit down and crawl.

Benefits/pros of massage

There are many receptors on our skin that, when irritated, send signals to the brain. This is how the work and development of the entire human nervous system is stimulated, and massage occupies a leading position here. After all, it is during the massage session that the most nerve receptors are irritated.

When massaging the body, blood circulation improves, and this has a positive effect on the condition of any internal organ. That is why sessions of preventive massage are recommended for all children of the first year of life.

For infants, massage replaces gymnastics. In addition, newborns still have insufficiently developed auditory and visual abilities, the whole world is felt through touch. Therefore, it is massage that develops the emotional state of the baby and the ability to perceive the world around.

Pediatricians consider massage a reliable tool for the prevention of various diseases, since the coordinated work of all organs depends on it.

We have already mentioned the beneficial effect of massage procedures on the immunity of a newborn. So, as a result of this influence, the child will be less likely to “catch” various infections and colds.

Massage sessions are useful for the digestive system, eliminating intestinal colic and constipation in children. They also have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, helping to form the correct posture and, if necessary, restore physical fitness.

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When is a massage necessary?

Massage for newborns is usually prescribed for the following diseases:

  • hypotrophy;
  • valgus and flat valgus deformity of the feet;
  • tremor of various parts of the body;
  • CNS lesions;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • clubfoot, flat feet, leg deformity;
  • scoliosis;
  • chest deformity.

A course of massage can also be prescribed as part of the treatment of bronchial asthma, pneumonia, fractures of the limbs, etc. It is also indicated for increased tone of the limbs and constipation.

However, if the baby did not have any special indications for massage, they can and should be dealt with on their own at home. Naturally, observing the necessary conditions, and, after consulting with a pediatrician.


  • Any type of massage will not bring any benefit if the baby has an elevated body temperature. It is contraindicated in various skin lesions or diseases (especially pustular nature), increased bone fragility, diseases of the circulatory system, SARS.
  • It is advisable to abandon massage procedures in the midst of the acute stage of any disease.
  • In the presence of an umbilical hernia, massage should be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor, since in this case it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pinching the hernia.
  • In children with heart disease, massage sessions should be supervised by a pediatric cardiologist.
  • It is not recommended to massage with increased nervousness of the baby, since this condition causes increased muscle tone.

In any case, a massage course should be prescribed by a doctor, "amateur" is unacceptable.

Basic Rules

You can start doing massage no earlier than the baby “knocks” 20 days old. In children under the age of 3 months, you can not massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fontanelle and under the knees, the elbow, armpits, inner thighs. Pressing and shock movements, patting are also contraindicated, so you will only cause excessive irritation of the receptors and increased nervous excitability of the baby.

  1. The temperature in the room should be between 18 and 23 degrees. The most important thing is the temperature in the room. Do not forget that the baby will be completely undressed for some time and may freeze. No need to reassure yourself that during the massage the body warms up. This axiom applies to an adult. For the crumbs, massaging movements are more stroking than power, and therefore the warming effect is almost zero. The fact that the baby is cold can be told by the onset of hiccups and the temperature of the baby's nose. We read articles about, and it is useful to read the article about the hardening procedure, namely.
  2. For massage, prepare a changing table or any flat surface. Cover with a thin blanket, oilcloth or diaper. The surface should be wide enough so that you can easily turn the baby over.
  3. It is advisable to equip the place for the massage in advance with everything necessary. Consider what might come in handy and make sure these resources are within easy reach. You should not be distracted and leave the baby, even put your mobile phone nearby. It is also advisable to lay an absorbent reusable diaper, because the baby still cannot control the process of urination.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to your hands. Long nails are undesirable not only during massage, they are superfluous and. Beautiful hands and a good manicure are possible with short nails, so cut them while the baby is at a tender age. It is also recommended to remove all jewelry from your hands. The extra possibility of injury is absolutely useless to you.
  5. Be sure to choose the right time for the procedure. After all, you can approximately calculate when the child asks for food and sleep. Massage is best done one and a half to two hours after feeding. Even with a little discomfort on the part of the baby, the process will not give positive results.
  6. During the massage, do not be silent, talk to the child. Any children's songs and nursery rhymes will be useful. Such simultaneous activities not only set the baby up for positive, but also develop his auditory and conversational abilities.
  7. Gradual complication of exercises and an increase in the time of massage procedures.
  8. Direction of massage movements: strictly from the bottom up, from the periphery to the center.
  9. Movements should be careful and not cause discomfort to the baby.
  10. The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes.

Step by step technique

Let us immediately recall that there should not be any forceful movements when performing a massage for a newborn. Only light stroking movements.

  • We always start with the crumbs. We massage each finger separately, unclench our fists and pay attention to the palms. We smoothly move on to massage the wrist and gradually rise higher. We do not touch the armpits.
  • Let's move on to the legs. First, we massage the foot, not forgetting to pay attention to each finger. Next, we perform light massaging movements in the direction from the foot to the groin. Be careful with your knees, there should be no effect on the joints. We do not touch the area under the knees at all.

Important! During the massage procedure, the arms and legs of the newborn should be in a half-bent state!

  • Gradually move on to the tummy and stroke it from the navel clockwise. Next, we close our hands on the midline of the tummy and begin to make sliding movements: one hand moves up and the other down. At the same time, we try to avoid exposure to the genitals.
  • We begin to massage the baby’s chest in the direction from the sternum to the shoulders, then from the sternum to the sides. Skip the breasts.
  • We turn the crumbs on the stomach and gently massage the neck. In those moments when the baby tries to raise or turn his head, it is recommended to stop all movements.
  • Next, we begin the back massage. There are two directions of movement here - from the lower back to the shoulders, then from the spine to the sides. We do not massage the spine itself. We stroke the ass in the direction from the lateral surface of the thighs to the coccyx area.
  • We spread the crumbs on the left side and carefully run our hand along the paravertebral lines in the direction from the sacrum to the head. In this case, the child should slightly bend forward. We make no more than three movements and repeat the same in the position on the right side.
  • We put the child in the starting position and massage the head, avoiding the area of ​​​​the fontanelle (probably it is not worth explaining why). Let's not forget about the ears. We also give them some time and affection.

We finish the massage with stroking movements all over the body.

Massage for children from 1 to 3 months in pictures

Mastering all these "wisdom" is not as difficult as it seems at first. We hope that with our help you will become a professional massage therapist for your crumbs.

Exercises for a month-old baby are selected taking into account his general condition, as well as individual characteristics.

Basic massage techniques according to V. I. Vasichkin

  • Stroking- manipulation, in which the massage therapist, without moving the skin into folds, slides over the child's skin with varying degrees of pressure;
  • Trituration- a technique in which the masseur's hand shifts, stretches the underlying tissues;
  • kneading- a technique in which the massaging hand performs three stages: fixation, squeezing or compression, rolling. This technique is rarely used in children's massage, preferably by a specialist.
  • Vibration- manipulation in which the massage therapist transmits various oscillatory movements to the child. At the age of one month, this is usually a pat.

Complex To begin, place your hands on the baby's shoulders and make gentle strokes gradually moving towards the baby's breast. Now we draw on the handles and bring the movements to the hands. Now start stroking the baby's tummy in a circular motion. If the tummy is soft, the child has only recently eaten, then listen to the actions of the child, because the tummy is very sensitive. If you notice that the baby begins to worry about something, go to other parts of the body. Fingers stroke the face of the crumbs from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and then to the cheeks. If after the whole process the baby lies relaxed and calm, then turn him over on his tummy and stroke the back with long movements, smoothly, from head to toe. If you notice that the baby is fidgeting, he doesn’t like something and he doesn’t relax, don’t continue to massage, it’s better to stop. Maybe the baby is worried about something.

Massage for a child in the first month is a necessary means of regulating the work of the flexor and extensor muscles, the activity of the nervous system and the overall harmonious development of a newborn baby.

On the topic of massage and hardening:

Video guide: massage instruction

Importance of massage for babies

Everyone knows that after birth, the baby's organs and systems still need to grow and develop. This is especially true of the brain and central nervous system. It has been proven that the pathways of the skin analyzer mature earlier than the visual and auditory ones, and by the time of birth they are already fully developed.

Since from the first weeks after birth, the child is most susceptible to exposure through the skin, massage can stimulate the development of all organs and systems of the baby, and to a large extent the central nervous system.

In a newborn child, as a rule, physiological hypertonicity is observed - the arms and legs are bent, the fists are clenched, the movements are erratic, chaotic. Our task is to help the baby balance muscle tone, quickly begin to make meaningful movements, go through all the stages of development in time.

First of all, you need to choose a place for baby massage. It should be a hard, fairly wide surface. The ideal option is a changing table. Cover it with a flannelette blanket, put an oilcloth and any clean or disposable diaper on top. The room must be well ventilated. The optimum temperature in the room is 18-22C.

Your hands should be clean, warm, with short nails. Watches, rings and other jewelry must be removed. The time of the lesson (morning, afternoon or evening) is selected individually for each child. The main condition is that the baby should get enough sleep, because if he wants to sleep, the lesson will be successful.

It is not forbidden to feed the baby if he has not fallen asleep. Wait 10-15 minutes. let the baby burp the air, rest a little after eating, and you can safely proceed to the massage. It's okay if the baby burps a little after that - after the massage you feed him some more.

It is recommended to use baby oil for baby massage. Lubricate your hands with it, but not very abundantly. During the session, turn on the music, or sing yourself, or just talk to the child during the massage. Learn various funny rhymes, comment on your actions with them. The kid will follow the movement of your lips and remember everything, and when he starts to walk, pronounce the first sounds, this will be very useful to him.

A necessary condition for a good lesson is your good mood! After all, the child is sensitive to the internal state of the mother. You must be sure that baby massage very useful - then the baby will perceive everything positively. In order for a child to enjoy massage, you must accustom him to such activities. Massage for a baby is a very big job. Therefore, you need to practice EVERY DAY, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of classes.

The child must be naked - do not be afraid of cold hands, feet, nose. This is not an indication that the baby is cold. Check the back of the head: if it is warm, then everything is in order. And the arms and legs will adapt very soon and will be warm all the time while the child is undressed. The very first lessons should be no more than 5-10 minutes. By 1.5-2 months, the duration of classes increases to 30 minutes.

Baby massage techniques

There are several rules that must not be broken:

  • when massaging the feet and hands, kneading and rubbing techniques can be used;
  • when massaging the legs, arms, back, buttocks, chest up to 2-3 months, stroking, light vibration and light tapping are used. All these techniques reduce muscle tone, relax, stimulate blood and lymph circulation.
  • movements during massage of the legs are made from the foot to the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • when massaging the handles - from the hand to the axillary lymph nodes;
  • when massaging the back - from the lumbar region to the shoulder and from the spine to the sides;
  • when massaging the buttocks - from the hip joints to the anus;
  • when massaging the tummy - clockwise;
  • when massaging the chest - from the sternum to the shoulders and from the sternum to the lateral surface.

When massaging the child's legs, one should avoid shocks to the knee joints, bypass the kneecap, and do not touch the inner surface of the thigh. When massaging the breasts, bypass the mammary glands, and when massaging the abdomen, try not to touch the genitals. You can not make pats in the kidney area. Usually massage begins with the arms or legs. The child lies horizontally. When massaging, the arms and legs should be held in a state of slight half-bending.

Massage for children is contraindicated:

  • in all febrile conditions;
  • with purulent and acute inflammatory lesions of the skin, lymph nodes, muscles and bones;
  • in diseases accompanied by fragility of blood vessels or bones;
  • in diseases accompanied by hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity of the skin);
  • in acute stages of various diseases (nephritis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • with hernias with a tendency to infringement.

In addition to baby massage

These simple actions you should perform daily, several times a day.

  • If the baby's hands are clenched into fists, put your finger into the baby's palm every day, regardless of the massage. Thus, you will stimulate the opening of the palm. Knead your fingers, draw a circle on your palm, bring your thumb out. The more often you do this, the faster your baby will rise to a new step in development - he will be ready to take a toy in his hand.
  • Rub, knead the child's feet, toes. Thus, you stimulate many active points on the foot, and, consequently, activate the work of various organs and systems.
  • Knead the auricles of the crumbs for 30 seconds each, gently and gently pull the earlobe down 10-15 times. All these actions are aimed at increasing overall immunity.
  • Bring the baby's arms and legs to surfaces of different textures. Tap, stroke your hand and foot on a hard surface, touch a warm, cool, wet, dry surface, commenting on your actions. At the same time, the baby receives a huge amount of information for development.
  • Make smooth movements with the child up and down, back and forth, in a circle. Movements should not be sharp and fast! Such soaring is very useful, as there is a mild vestibular stimulation, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the brain.
  • Carry the baby around the house, telling what colors surround him, what smells, what objects.

Foot massage

Take the left leg of the child in the shin area with your left hand. Place the index and middle fingers of the right hand on the back of the foot, creating support. With the thumb of your right hand, start rubbing the sole - from the heel to the fingers and back. Draw a figure eight, seven on the sole several times.

Press the middle of the foot under the toes - the toes will bend; without lifting your finger, slide along the outer edge of the foot to the heel and press on the middle of the heel - the toes will straighten. This is a kind of gymnastics for the fingers.

Rub the outer edge of the foot, knead (draw a spiral) in the same place, then do the same on the inner edge of the foot. Stretch each finger. Rub and knead the arch of the foot and the Achilles tendon. Be sure to lightly tap your foot on the surface of the table - this leads to a decrease in tone in the leg. Next, proceed to the massage of the entire limb.

Foot massage

Stroke the leg from the foot to the inguinal region along the front, side and back surfaces 6-8 times. At the same time, bypass the kneecap. Now place your relaxed palm on the front surface of the leg and make a slight vibration. Then, with two or three fingers of your right hand, lightly tap on the outer surface of the leg, while moving your hand from the foot to the hip joint.

Repeat this movement 3-4 times. After that, repeat stroking and vibration several times. Foot massage always ends with stroking. Do the same on the right leg, while trying to hold the right leg with your right hand, and massage with your left.

Then take the baby by the left arm and leg and gently roll onto the tummy. Don't be afraid, even a few days old baby will never suffocate in the prone position. The child will definitely turn his head to the side so that he can breathe freely.

Stroke from the heel to the buttocks of the right and left legs several times. Stroke from the heel to the armpit along the lateral surface of the body on the right and left several times. Take the baby's right arm in the wrist area and the right foot and pull the river a little up and the leg down a little, that is, stretch the baby. Do the same on the other side.

Repeat this stretch several times. This exercise is very useful for babies in the first weeks of life. Then proceed to massage the buttocks.

Buttock massage

Stroke the palm of your right hand several times, first one buttock, then the second from the hip joint towards the anus. Lightly pinch your buttocks. Stroke left and right again. Make a light slap on the buttocks with your palms. Finish with stroking. If the baby does not refuse to lie on the tummy, proceed to the back massage.

Back massage

Stroke the right half of the back from the lumbar region to the shoulder with your right palm. Do the same with your left hand. Alternating movements, right and left, repeat stroking several times. Then stroke the back of the child from the buttocks to the head with the back of the hand, and in the opposite direction, from the head to the buttocks, with the palm of your hand. Repeat this movement several times.

Stroke your palm from the spine to the side of the body on the right and left at the same time. Finish by stroking from the waist to the shoulders. Now the baby can be turned back on the back, and begin to massage the abdomen.

belly massage

We start by stroking clockwise 5-6 times. Then we do a counter stroking. We put our hands on the child's stomach as follows: the palm of the right hand is on top of the left half of the abdomen, the back of the fingers of the left hand is at the bottom of the right half of the abdomen. And at the same time stroke it with the palm down, and with the back of the fingers up. We repeat 5-6 times, this movement improves intestinal motility.

You can do stroking on the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Place the fingers of both hands under the lumbar region and point the hands towards each other, from top to bottom and forward, fingers joining above the navel. Repeat 5-6 times.

To prevent an umbilical hernia, after two weeks (after complete healing of the umbilical wound), pinch the skin around the navel several times a day, collect the navel into the fold with two fingers (the navel must go inside the fold) and be sure to twist the skin umbilical nodule. To do this, place the pad of your thumb on your navel with your nail down, lightly press your finger against your navel and, without lifting it, turn your finger with your nail up. The movements are made within 1 second and so 10-15 times in a row.

breast massage

Place two fingers of both hands on the middle of the sternum. Make stroking movements with both hands simultaneously towards the right and left shoulders (draw a “tick” on the chest). Also, with two fingers, perform circular movements around the mammary glands (draw circles). Then run three fingers along the intercostal spaces from the end of the sternum to the side surface of the body on the right and left (comb the chest). Repeat the movements several times.

Hand massage

Put the thumb of the left hand in the child's left hand, grab the forearm with the rest of the fingers, turn the baby on the side. To relax the handle, make a light tapping or vibration with your right hand. When the handle relaxes, try to straighten it. Grasp the left handle with all the fingers of the right hand and stroke several times from the hand to the armpit. Repeat tapping and vibration several times. Stroke mainly the outer surface of the handle. Then proceed to massage the brush.

Hand massage

Knead each finger, take the thumb outward, knead the tubercle of the thumb, draw a circle on the palm of your hand several times. Shake the brush, run it over the surface, tap the brush on different surfaces.

If you can't do the whole massage at once, don't worry! Start with individual parts of the body. First, massage those of them that the baby likes - as a rule, these are the legs and buttocks. Then, after a few days, start massaging areas that are not very pleasant for the child (back, chest, tummy).

Children especially do not like hand massage. But doing it is extremely important, since usually the tone of the handles is greater, and by two months the baby should already pull the fist into the mouth, hold the toy put into the handle. These are all stages of development and they must be passed on time.

Very gradually, but EVERY DAY, accustom the child to massage. First, you can break the lesson into several parts (and do them throughout the day). But by a month and a half, try to do the entire massage, without any “crushing”. During classes, actively communicate with your son or daughter, praise the child, talk affectionately, keep him in a joyful mood.

Massage of a child must be combined with gymnastics, with classes on a large gymnastic ball and swimming in a large bath from the first weeks of life. Only such a complex will give your baby a powerful healthy foundation for life. Good luck and health to you and your children!