Do I need to pray every day. About how to pray in church correctly: mistakes that should not be made ...

How to pray correctly: 8 general tips, 5 rules for creating prayer in the church, 7 short prayers for every day, 5 appeals to God that every believer should know.

Prayer is the speech with which we turn to God. If our appeal is sincere and our faith is strong, then it is not so important whether we make some small mistakes, which are often pointed out by especially zealous old women in churches.

And yet, in matters of faith, as in any other, there are rules that must be followed. That is why it is desirable to learn how to pray correctly so that your words are heard by the addressee.

There will not be so many tips, but it is better to stick to them so as not to run into the condemnation of others and not feel embarrassed for doing something wrong.

Prayer cannot be in vain if your appeal to God is sincere and you think first of all about him, and not about yourself and your needs.

In addition to this rule, there are a few more mandatory recommendations that you should follow, regardless of where you pray: in church or at home.

1. How to pray to God in order to be heard?

People often confuse faith with business.

For some reason, it seems to them that turning to God is something like a commercial deal: I came, donated to the temple, bought a candle and turned to You with a request. That's it - I fulfilled my part of the deal, now it's your turn to give me what I ask for.

This is the main mistake!

Pray correctly - turn to God:

  • discarding pride;
  • putting in the first place the love of the Lord, and not self-love;
  • thinking about the spiritual, not the material;
  • with a request, not a demand;
  • sincerely believing in Him, and not doubting: "Does He really exist."

There are feelings with which it is right to address God and those that should be avoided.

At the same time, the church claims that during prayer one should not look for any special feelings or bring oneself to such an emotional state when a tantrum begins.

Stay calm, clear your head of obscene thoughts and turn to God with sincere words - then He will hear you.

At the same time, it is important to accept His will, and not impose your own. Simply put, you can ask, but you do not have the right to demand and complete a prayer with a firm conviction that your request must certainly be fulfilled.

Remember: "Thy will be done"!

2. Basic rules on how to pray correctly.

There are not many rules regarding prayers that believers should follow. It's all about the level of your humility before His will and sincerity of faith.

That is, feelings are the main thing, not details: where to stand, how to fold your hands, whether it is right to kneel down, etc.

And yet here are some tips for those who want to pray to God correctly:

  1. It is not necessary to be limited only to the church and icons. The more often you remember God during the day, the better. That is, you can pray anywhere.
  2. Do not introduce yourself artificially into a state of self-excitation and ecstasy. Prayer is humility and obedience, not a circus performance. It should give peace to the soul, and not drive you into a nervous state.
  3. If you are doing a full-fledged prayer, then you need to do this in front of the icon with open eyes. This will allow you to fully focus on what you are doing.
  4. You should pray to the addressee. It can be: the Lord God, the Mother of God, the Holy Trinity, one of the Holy Great Martyrs. Special prayers have been developed for special episodes, for example, it is better to ask St. Panteleimon for recovery, etc.
  5. You can’t pray formally, that is, pronounce the right words with your lips, but get bored and think about something of your own. God is unlikely to hear such an appeal.
  6. It is wrong to desire happiness for oneself at the expense of the unhappiness of others. There are a number of requests that it is better not to turn to God:
    • enrichment beyond measure;
    • wishing grief and illness to your enemies;
    • the desire to take someone else's husband out of the family, etc.

    And in general, it is better not to ask for material things, only if you are really begging or have lost everything as a result of some kind of accident.

  7. It is right not only to ask, but also to give thanks. For some reason, it is believed that all good things are the result of our labors and there is no need to thank God for this. But all sorts of misfortunes are His handiwork and you need to ask to remove them from your life. Keep a reasonable balance between asking and thanking.
  8. Avoid meaninglessness. If you want to pray in your own words, then think a little about what exactly you want to ask God for. A confusion of thoughts, incoherent words will lead to the fact that the Lord may not hear you.

3. Is it right to pray to God in your own words or do you need special prayers?

If you are a believer, then a number of obligatory prayers must be remembered. These include:

1.Our Father.

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Our Father who art in heaven! May your name be hallowed; let your kingdom come; may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us our daily bread this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

2. The Heavenly King.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, who dwells everywhere and fills everything, Source of blessings and Giver of life, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from all sin and save our souls, Good One.

3. Mother of God, virgin, rejoice.

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in wives and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Mother of God Virgin Mary, full of the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of Thee, because You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

4. Worthy to eat.

It is worthy to eat as truly blessed Thee, the Mother of God, the Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

It is truly fair to please You, Mother of God, eternally blessed and immaculate, and the Mother of our God. You are superior in honor to the cherubim and in your glory incomparably higher than the seraphim. You gave birth to God the Word as a virgin, and as the true Mother of God we magnify You.

5. Creed.

If you do not forget to pray often during the day, then you can turn to Jesus Christ like this:

But a huge number of prayer verses do not need to be memorized. It is quite correct to address God in your own words, in your native language, and not Church Slavonic. He will hear.

About how to pray in church correctly: mistakes that should not be made ...

Often believers, trying to pray correctly to the smallest detail, forget about what prayer is and why people go to church at all.

That is why inexperienced church members often run into remarks and nit-picking by those who consider themselves omniscient, and therefore worthy of criticizing others.

But we go to church to pray, not to keep an eye on others. To make remarks, to look for conflict means to accumulate additional sin, to put pride in the first place, and not love for God.

If you have become a victim of such a remark, you do not need to be indignant, say some offensive words, get angry. Just thank the person who gave you the advice because they wanted to do the best, and get back to your business.

Here are 5 tips for those who doubt how to pray in church:

  1. Joint prayers are best done in the temple. If you are asking, for example, for peace in your country or for wisdom for government leaders, or for an end to some natural disaster, then it is better to do this in church with other believers, and it is also better to do personal prayers in front of icons.
  2. Go to church more than once a year. People who consider themselves believers should not attend church only at Easter and when they feel bad. Make it a habit to come to Sunday service. Being a frequent visitor to the temple, you will no longer feel uncomfortable here.
  3. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Some people do not go to church not because they are atheists, but because they are afraid of making some kind of mistake: standing in the wrong place, putting a candle in the wrong place, crossing themselves at the wrong time, etc. These are the little things that over time you will learn to understand. If in doubt about what to do and how, ask those who serve in the church - they are always ready to help.
  4. Do not think that the louder you speak, the faster the Lord will hear you. It doesn't work that way. You may not say anything out loud at all, turning to God in your mind, you can whisper softly. But the loud pronunciation of the words of the prayer is undesirable - so you can interfere with those present.
  5. Adhere to the correct ritual of beginning and ending prayer. Actually, the ritual is too big a name. Just before you start, you should tune in the right way. You can’t pronounce words mechanically and think about something of your own. Clear your mind and focus on what you are doing. You need to complete the prayer correctly: stand for some time in front of the icon, and not immediately run about your business, as if you had not just prayed, but were engaged in some worldly, meaningless affairs.

Take care of your appearance when you go to church.

Consider the recommendations for a long skirt, headscarf (for women), no headwear, and no shorts (for men) as a must-have dress code. It is not necessary, out of the spirit of contradiction and pride, to offend others and come to church in a defiant manner.

And remember that, when entering the temple and leaving it, you should cross yourself.

2 rules on how to pray at home to the Lord

In order to be heard by God, it is not necessary to visit the temple every day.

It is enough to participate in Sunday and holiday services, and the rest of the time to turn to the Lord at home.

a) What is the right way to pray at home so that God hears and fulfills the request?

Few people have the opportunity to attend church every day. This is quite understandable, because there is work, family, worldly duties. I want to relax and do something nice for myself.

But you cannot remember the Lord only in those cases when you come to church. You can (moreover, you need to) pray at home.

Get in the habit of going to bed and starting the day with a prayer on your lips.

To meet a new day with God, you should pray as soon as you get out of bed, saying the same words as at night.

Pray correctly in your own words:

  • say thanks to God that everyone is alive and well, that no misfortunes have happened;
  • ask that everything be fine in the future;
    remember those who are on a long journey or are in some kind of danger.

Talk about what's on your mind. You need to finish your appeal to the Lord with the traditional: “In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, "signing himself with the banner of the cross.

You need to pray correctly at home in front of icons - every believer should have them in their home, and not as a fashionable decoration, but as a reminder of the need to turn to God more often.

How to get closer to God by praying in church:

b) Is it possible to pray only in church and at home, or somewhere else?

Believers can be divided into two camps, which are often at enmity with each other:

  1. Those who do not demonstrate their faith almost never attend church and prefer to pray in private.
  2. Those who pay a lot of attention to formalities and demonstration of their Christian feelings.

Wrong in many ways, and the first and second.

The first, because they do not consider it necessary to attend the temple, adhere to church rituals such as fasting, communion, confession, etc. Their pride is manifested by the phrase: "I believe in my soul." But can faith in the soul prevent you from going to church and seeking help from a spiritual mentor?

The second group, in pursuit of the ideal fulfillment of all the rules, even begins to pray formally, putting in the first place not the sincerity of their conversion, but the beauty of a kneeling posture, the ideality of fingers folded for the banner of the cross, etc.

It is right to pray not only in church and at home alone, but also to remember God during the day:

  • before eating;
  • before performing an important task;
  • after having successfully coped with something;
  • after sinful deeds or thoughts;
  • just like that, because you are a believer.

Pray during the day you need to briefly and to yourself. It is right. You can touch the pectoral cross with your hand or look at the icon if it is in the immediate vicinity.

You can use these brief appeals so that God hears you:

Do not think too long about how to pray correctly. If your faith is sincere and you ask for something good not only for yourself, but also for others, then God will surely hear you.

Prayer excites those people who are in a difficult position of spirit, they are almost on the verge of losing themselves. But how to pray correctly so that the petition reaches God. It turns out that there are also wrong ways that do not bring spiritual strength to a person. The Internet is teeming with many sites that distribute texts of incomprehensible content and offer to offer prayers on them. It is worth paying attention to this and double-checking the sources, and if it is not possible, then look for generally approved variations. Also, the matter does not stop at the text. The important point is reverence.

How to pray correctly - how to meet and spend the day

In the morning they get out of bed and begin to live by thanking their Lord for a peaceful night and asking for fruitfulness for their future endeavors. There is no need to beg for anything, and even more so, to speak on an equal footing with God. Before work, there are free minutes - they are devoted to reading several chapters from the Bible. Read without haste to complete, thoughtfully and consciously. Before and after prayer, they are baptized 3 times. You can kneel in front of the image or simply bow your head on crossed palms.

How to pray correctly - a false appearance

Prayer is essentially a short meeting with God. During this period of time, he listens to the prayer and listens to his words and questions. Sometimes it is not easy for people to pray without an image, without imagining its face, in which case they create for themselves an image that would be nice to speak out. But it is wrong to do so, this face will be false. The gifts of God have no face, and he appears before a person not the way he is fantasized. It means that God's answer to prayers and petitions will not come from the person of that created image that appeared in the head.

How to pray correctly - down with insolence

One must be ready to accept God's will, even if it does not coincide with the desires of the one who prays. Priests call it "cut off your will." This thinking is pursued for a long time, until a person is fully confident in God and his omnipotence.

How to pray correctly - basic rules

  • You should tune in to God and the prayer book will be the best helper in this. It is not forbidden to turn to prayer several times a day, devoting a few minutes in your free time. In case of lack of time, when there is no minute for a full-fledged prayer, the Lord is remembered without resorting to reading the holy book or to rebaptism.
  • Hard on the soul? Then they say: “Lord, help me, because I feel bad” or “Lord, thank you for giving me this day and bless me so that I live it to the end.”
  • In the evening, they remember all the good things that happened during the day, repent for inglorious deeds, committed sins. Thank you for the peace and tranquility in your home.
  • Many people are too lazy to remember the Lord because they think they are too busy for that. A person who has not learned to pray systematically will not be able to live a rich life.
  • The sinner also needs repentance, it is for this that believers send up prayers, since all people need salvation. From forgiveness flows the whole essence of faith in God. And the speech goes something like this: “Lord, forgive the servant of God (name), for he does not know what he is doing.”
  • In case of illness, it is allowed to pray lying down or sitting on the bed.

Prayer - what is it?

  • Prayer, spoken in one's own words, constantly accompanies a person. They begin in peace and quiet, pausing before the beginning and at the very end. No formal proofreading, all the time repeating text fades and ceases to be fresh.
  • They pray not only when it is bad, but also on joyful, boring days. Even if there is no strength from happiness or from hard work, by an effort of will they find a moment for thanksgiving.
  • Extremely brief, the shorter and more collected the prayer, the better. Words are, in fact, secondary, what is important is the message, which is briefly spoken about. Conversion first comes from the heart and only then reaches heaven.

As you can see, everything rests on faith, sincerity in their words. The general conclusion that can be made is to keep the mind, mindfulness, but do not forget about feelings. Prayer gives a lot to the soul, although it often brings boredom and heaviness. It is not necessary to read the Church Slavonic language, use the translation. The main rule is to never forget about prayer, so that faith does not fade into the background and a person does not fall into the wrong path.

Words have a very strong influence on the human mind. Especially when it comes to turning to God. It is often said that prayer can change Fate and life, and this is true. A believer strives to pray, which means that sooner or later he begins to think about how to do it. The main questions are as follows:

  • what to prefer: the canonical text of the prayer or to state the request in your own words?
  • Should you pray alone or with your family?
  • Is it better to read the prayer aloud or silently?

In fact, these are not so difficult questions. Much depends on the situation and the meaning of your prayer. It must be understood that for certain cases there are canonical prayers that must be read as they are written in the original. These include, for example, morning prayers and evening rules, as well as prayers before meals. They must be read together and aloud. Of course, one person can say the text of the prayer, but all family members will be present, pronouncing the text to themselves and together pronounce the word “amen” at the end.

In Christianity, there are very strong prayers that are addressed to the patron saints, the Virgin Mary and God. They have been passed down for centuries and are important in that they have chosen the most accurate words. The prayer "Our Father" is very special. Its text must be known to every believer. This prayer is used in so many life situations, because it turns out to be the most powerful of all prayers. By reading it, you always put yourself under the protection of the Lord.

How to read the canonical prayer

Prayers are written in church language, which means that sometimes there may be difficulties in understanding the text. If you do not understand exactly what you are reading, then do not bother reading it: is there any point in this? Prayer is a conscious appeal to God. Therefore, before reading the canonical prayer, either look at its translation into modern language or ask the priest to explain the text of the prayer.

Since they pray in front of the icons, get a red corner in the house. Standing in front of them, you will kind of recreate the feeling close to visiting a church. You can pray in front of the icons both during a personal conversion, and when you are praying with the whole family. Prayers can be said from a book, but you will soon realize that it is much more convenient to read by heart. They do not have to be memorized on purpose: with the constant reading of prayers, the text itself will be remembered.

Solitary prayer: what to ask for?

In addition to prayers that can and should be read by the whole family, often a believer wants to communicate with the Lord in private, to ask for something secret. And that's completely normal. After all, such an appeal can be the most sincere, especially when it comes to repentance for something. Therefore, it is even necessary to pray alone.

Often, requests for earthly goods are called into question. Indeed, for a believer, his inner world should be much more important than material well-being. On the whole, everything is correct, and spiritual development is placed above earthly and passing comforts. But on the other hand, a person has needs that need to be satisfied: healthy food, sound healthy sleep, a warm and comfortable home.

Praying for prosperity and well-being is normal. But still, requests for the salvation of the soul should be a priority. Moreover, it is quite possible to achieve earthly blessings on your own, and ask the Lord to help in difficult undertakings. Also, do not forget to pray for loved ones, asking them for health and happiness.

Reading prayers is a very personal matter. Sometimes it is very difficult to accustom children to it. If the child resists this, then show him an example. Don't make him pray, but let him see how you do it. As a result, he will repeat after you.

You need to read prayers not in a hurry, not out of habit, but with an appeal to God, as if feeling each time relief and some purification in the soul. So if there is an atheist in your family, don't force it. Respect each other and remember that even a child has a choice to believe in God or not. Judgment is not acceptable here.

The fact that your prayers help you you will always understand and recognize, because your guardian angel always helps you. With our free test, you can even find out how he does it. Go to church more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.10.2016 06:52

On Orthodox Epiphany Christmas Eve, Christians traditionally observe fasting and do not eat until the first star, they offer ...

Why prayers do not reach God and how to make requests to the Almighty. Learn how to pray at home, and how to properly ask for health for children.

Many people quite often wonder why their appeals to the Lord go unanswered. After all, it seems to them that they did everything right and do not understand why desires are not fulfilled and help (in their opinion) does not come. It is possible that in fact the applicants did not observe important points. Which? We will talk about this now.

How to make a request to God

Remember that each prayer ritual must begin with its own cleansing. To do this, you need to wake up in the morning and get out of bed, first of all, from the bottom of your heart, say “thank you” to the Lord for allowing you to spend a calm night and wake up in the morning. Express gratitude for the new day and what good it can bring.

Then go to wash, avoiding negativity or irritation. When you feel that you are in complete harmony with yourself, you should think about what request at this point in time is the most relevant for you. Since it is not customary to disturb God over trifles in the Orthodox religion. Consider several options and choose the most urgent.

Remember that it is categorically impossible to ask the Lord for the death of your loved ones and punishment for offenders. It is believed that the Almighty himself will figure out when and whom to punish him. In the event that you decide to conduct the ceremony at home, this should be done at the icons placed in the so-called "red corner". If there are no sacred images, then you can pray, looking out the window at the sky.

How to pray at home

Prayers at home should place the main emphasis on the peaceful state in which they need to be during the ritual. You should light a candle and kneel, mentally asking for help from God, the Mother of God or that saint whose intercession you are counting on.

It is necessary to talk with the heavenly Lord with sincere feeling, not to rush and not to forget about prostrations. Thus, you will show the humility of your own pride and readiness to accept any will of the Almighty and his angels. After completing the ceremony and before leaving the house, you need to renounce Satan, who lies in wait for a person beyond the threshold with his temptations. Say: “Depart, enemy, with your pride and squander in the name of our Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to pray to God to hear

Those who wish to convey their requests to the heavenly Master should remember the prayer rule of the famous Saint Seraphim of Sarov. According to him, in the morning you need to wash yourself, cross yourself and say “Our Father” three times, a prayer to the Virgin and the Creed.

In the event that a person cannot remember a church text, Orthodoxy does not forbid praying in his own words. As they say in the message of St. Seraphim, if the words come from a pure heart, then they will certainly be heard. Especially if before that a person asked for health for all his loved ones, benefactors and even enemies.

Correct prayers for children

There are a large number of prayer rules that are designed for different people. They vary depending on who is praying - a clergyman, a monk, an ordinary person, a man, a woman or a child.

In the event that parents pray for their children, they must observe the main rule - to repent of their sinful deeds, and only then proceed to ask for mercy for their children. The well-known expression, “the sins of the fathers fall on the children up to the seventh generation,” requires parents to try to take care of their spiritual perfection. Therefore, you first need to repent of the past and then, with pure thoughts, ask the Lord to send the child health, the ability to understand book wisdom, obedience, etc. It would also be appropriate to ask the Mother of God for intercession and read the appropriate prayer. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.07.2015 09:15

Everyone wants to cleanse their house of negativity and protect themselves from illnesses and troubles in order to say with confidence: “my house is mine ...

Prayer is not a "tribute" to God, but a heart-to-heart conversation with him. Sincere faith can change a person's life, so everyone wants to address God correctly so that they can hear him. To do this, you need to know how to pray at home in front of the icon. There are a number of rules that are recommended to follow. The true canons can be clarified in the nearest church.

Basic rules for prayer at home

There are several basic rules:

  • Prayer must come from the heart and must necessarily be devoid of selfish requests, such as: "I need a car."
  • You can turn to God through the saints, asking them to "pray to God for us."
  • It is better to trust your secrets and requests in silence in front of an icon or any image of God.
  • If a person does not know where to start, it is better to take a prayer book and read the morning or evening prayer, you can start with “Our Father”.
  • Not a single clergyman will forbid a person to turn to his thoughts in prayer and pronounce his own text of appeal to the Lord, it is possible and necessary to turn to God more often and under any conditions.
  • During prayer, you do not need to be distracted by everyday thoughts and worldly affairs, it is important to tune your mind specifically to thoughts about God.
  • In the pandemonium of people, you can say a prayer "to yourself."

It is important to remember that in a person’s conversation with the Lord, all conventions are canceled, since he already sees his children through and through and knows everything about them. Feedback from the Lord usually manifests itself in our lives by the appearance of new people who are ready to help or new trials that will be useful for healing the soul. Therefore, one should not expect instant miracles, only through repentance and work, human prayers will be heard.

At the beginning of a new day, it is worth saying thanks to the Lord for giving this day and asking to spend this day in spiritual peace, kindness and patience with loved ones. Before going to bed, you need to thank God for another day lived on earth, for the fact that everyone is healthy and alive, pray for yourself, loved ones and all of humanity.

Short daily prayers

For sincere prayer, you do not need to have the ability to read the Old Slavonic text, you can always turn to God with simple human thoughts and words. God cares about the heart of a person, and not the beauty of the text that he pronounces. Therefore, you can start with extremely short prayers on which a person can focus.

Prayer is not always associated with a feeling of gratitude and appreciation to God, which we pronounce with a joyful feeling or with obvious relief; prayer is not always read in joy or to ask for God's mercy. Often there is a time when laziness, no desire, or the bustle of life does not allow finding time for prayer, at such times the strength of faith and desire to work for the Lord, to sacrifice one's deeds for him, is tested. Prayer does not take much time and you need to force yourself through force, in this case prayer is a human labor to which you need to make an effort.

Canonical prayers

In the Christian faith, there are many very strong prayers, selected by the elders for centuries and preserved on the pages of prayer books and church canons. Usually, such prayers are addressed to the Lord or the Virgin. It is believed that the words addressed to the Mother of God in moments of despair will always be heard and not left without attention. A universal and powerful prayer is the Our Father.

This text is easy to learn, many know "Our Father" by heart from an early age. You can pronounce these words in many life situations, receiving protection from God. This appeal has great power.

Priests recommend knowing the basic canonical prayers by heart so that you can repeat them to yourself in any situation. It is very important to read prayers with an understanding of each word, the general meaning. You cannot read a prayer as a duty without understanding what you are reading. It is better to pronounce the morning prayer rule before the start of all affairs, and the evening one right before bedtime.

Prayer book for home

An Orthodox prayer book, as a rule, is a collection of basic prayers that are read at different times and on different occasions: about health, about repose, morning and evening rule, before communion, etc. Morning and evening rule, if you do not have time, it is not necessary to read everything. In this situation, quantity is not important, but quality is important. It is better to say a few prayers, but from the heart, carefully delving into each word and living it.

The right attitude to talk with the Lord is very important, prayer must come from within, from the heart, when the head is full of household chores, this becomes impossible.

  • You can’t repeat a set of empty words in front of the icon and wait for the Lord to hear you and send down everything that you asked for after saying such a prayer.
  • There is a downside to frequent prayers - this is the believer's getting used to the words, memorizing them by heart, pronunciation on the machine. When a prayer rule becomes habitual, a person stops thinking and trying, he pronounces the texts “automatically” and thinks about his affairs. In this case, you must always fight with yourself, return your mind to its place.
  • Before you pray correctly at home in front of the icon, it is important to remember that the image is a help to the believer in his efforts, the visualization of the saints and the Lord before whom he appears.
  • The main thing in prayer is the desire to appear before God, repent to him, transfer your life consciously into his hands and hope for your faith, if there is a desire, then everything will work out. There are different iconostases (Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona and others).
  • More time for learning to pray should be given to focusing your thoughts and soul on this action. To pray correctly means to be overflowing with gratitude to God and filled with prayer.

Some people think - standing or sitting to talk with the Almighty. In Orthodox churches, people are serving. Therefore, at home, too, you can observe this tradition. It is permissible to speak the text aloud or to yourself. The main thing is that the words come from the heart and soul. Then the Almighty will surely hear them.