Rain giving model biography. Man or woman? One of the most famous biggender models in the world breaks stereotypes on city streets and fashion catwalks

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American Rain Dove calls herself a gender capitalist and does not hide the fact that she regularly benefits from the fact that people mistake her for a man or a transgender woman. Raised on a farm in Vermont and having had time to try herself in a bunch of professions considered "unfeminine" in a patriarchal society - from a locksmith to a firefighter, today Dove makes a living as a model. At the same time, she refuses to choose between demonstrating men's or women's clothing and works equally well in both cases. Yes, Dove's career began with the fact that she accidentally passed the casting for the show of the Calvin Klein men's underwear collection.

“If I introduce myself as a woman, then the clothes I wear become feminine, no matter what label the manufacturer has attached to them. If I appear in a masculine image, things become masculine the minute they touch my body. If I call myself an alien, the clothes will become alien just because I put them on. We ourselves decide who to be,” Rain Dove explains his position and agitates those around him to fight for gender diversity. Tall, beautiful and self-confident at first glance, she understood from childhood that she was not like other girls - Rain was always very tall (1.88 m), muscular and with traditionally considered masculine features. At school, because of this, she was nicknamed Tranny Danny (that is, literally "Danny the transwoman"), but until high school, Dove had no idea about the true meaning of the word "tranny". She thought that this was someone who was very fond of trains and everything connected with them, so she asked her mother to buy her a driver's cap to play along with her classmates.

Ignorance played into the hands of Rain: instead of worrying about her evil peers, she enjoyed popularity. Dove learned this lesson and now does not leave others the slightest chance to offend her. Rain is still turned around at castings because of her androgynous appearance, and this is explained by the fact that neither readers nor advertisers will ever recognize her as a woman. At the same time, she herself is sure that she could easily become a Victoria's Secret model: "I have big breasts, I'm tall and walk well in heels." And that's enough.

To prove her point, Dove made an art project late last year. She wore Victoria's Secret lingerie and was photographed in the same poses as the models in the brand's catalog, and then pasted cut-out portraits of Victoria's Secret heroines over her face. Diversity is sexy, and Rain is an example. “We all desperately want to be unique, and the easiest way to achieve this is to be yourself. Gender doesn't exist, it's just another social construct that you don't have to conform to."

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American model Rain Dove became known for her extraordinary appearance - she looks like a woman, but at the same time has an absolutely masculine face. And broad shoulders and a height of 188 centimeters also distinguish her from female models. Today, she is considered one of the most sought-after bigender models in the world. Rain Dove manages to demonstrate women's and men's clothing, believing that any thing is transformed on it.


In everyday life, 26-year-old Rain Dove is often mistaken for a transsexual, but this does not offend, but only amuses her. She grew up on a small farm in Vermont. From early childhood, the girl was different from her peers, so it is not surprising that she was teased at school, but over time, she began to use her non-standard appearance for her own good, realizing her own uniqueness. Most of her then classmates would now envy the career that Rain managed to build.


Rain Dove really has a strong masculine beginning - at one time she tried to work as a mechanic and a fireman, and then she moved into the modeling business. “When I was a firefighter, all my colleagues were sure that I was a man,” Rein says.


Posted by Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) Jul 14, 2016 at 3:28 PDT

However, the girl does not deny her feminine side and actively shows that she can be harmonious in the image of a sexy woman. It seems funny, but Dove's career began with the fact that she accidentally passed the casting for the show of the Calvin Klein men's underwear collection.


Rain Dove loves to play with two sides of her personality, which is why she often posts photos on social media of herself as a man and a woman in the same places.

Rein insists that a person should not be perceived only by external data, because inside he still has the same heart.


Posted by Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) Jun 12, 2016 at 9:40 PDT

“If I introduce myself as a woman, then the clothes I wear become feminine, no matter what label the manufacturer has attached to them. If I appear in a masculine image, things become masculine the minute they touch my body. If I call myself an alien, the clothes will become alien just because I put them on. We ourselves decide who to be,” Rain Dove explains his position and agitates those around him to fight for gender diversity.

Today, Rain Dove is a successful androgynous fashion model, and a few years ago she suffered from the fact that others did not accept her appearance. Rain did not immediately manage to love herself for who she is, and when this finally happened, she began to promote the idea that gender is just one of the many standards invented by society, and it is not at all necessary to comply with it ...

Today, Rain Dove is filmed in two images - male and female. Often she makes collages in which she wears the same clothes, and looks organic in both the "male" and "female" versions. In her youth, Rain considered herself ugly, because she did not correspond to the "ideal" of a pretty young lady.

Raine was often mistaken for a man and rarely pointed out the mistake to people. More often, she even took advantage of such confusion: one day she decided to get a job as a firefighter, because she urgently needed a job in Colorado. After that, she changed many more different professions, and all this is due to the fact that she could choose any - both those that are traditionally considered male, and those for which female candidates are preferred. Rain was a nanny, a gardener, and later became a fashion model and social activist.

Rain shared her opinion on self-identity with reporters: “We are all fighting to be unique. And the best thing we can do is to be ourselves. Gender is a category that doesn't really exist. It's a social concept that we don't have to comply with. There are people who love you. There are people who love you. If the people who will accept you, and I am one of them.

And unusual models appear on the catwalk, changing ideas about masculinity and femininity. In February of this year, Rain Dove once again gets on the cover of a fashion magazine, believing that there must be diversity in the fashion industry.

The gender-neutral model, who refuses to belong to any gender, has a non-standard appearance, thanks to which she has made a dizzying career. As the model admits, sharp facial features, high centimeters), athletic figure and short haircut have always made her look like a member of the opposite sex. Having learned to live in the body of a woman, she considers her face beautiful, only this beauty is of a different kind.

Bullying and humiliation

Model Rain Dove, who is not transgender and has not undergone any gender reassignment surgery, was born 28 years ago on a farm in Vermont (USA). The clumsy teenager often became the object of ridicule of peers who considered the girl very ugly and unfeminine. Classmates called her Tranny Danny, which translates as "trans", and the schoolgirl herself did not even understand the true meaning of these words.

“I must have looked like a survivor of the apocalypse,” laughs the supermodel now. Parents never repressed the identity of their child who suffered bullying, unlike teachers and peers. Hard work becomes the main refuge from humiliation, and only it matters for a girl.

Gender is not important

The modern star recalls that when she worked as a firefighter, her colleagues mistook her for a guy. They did not even suspect what a beautiful female body is hiding under special equipment. The girl, using pseudonyms, tried herself in various male professions, going through the stage of rejection of herself and adhering to the principle that gender is a non-existent category.

And the best thing a person can do is to love himself for who he is. "The pronoun for me is an empty phrase! Call me whatever you want. She, he or it doesn't matter. All I need is a positive attitude," Rain Dove admits. She's not going to shackle herself with one single way to address her.

First victory

Having matured, the girl, and in fact very similar to the guy, passes the casting of catwalk models. And she is not even surprised by the offer to come the next day, when there will be samples for men. Dove leaves his competitors far behind by not revealing his true gender. It is at this moment that she realizes her calling and decides to challenge the standards of femininity in the fashion industry. "The jury's eyes were on my neck, trying to find my Adam's apple," recalls the model, who walked the runway showing off Calvin Klein men's briefs.

Since then, shows have become the main activity for Rein. She advertises menswear, in which case she is asked to gain weight. And they make her lose weight when she presents women's on the catwalk.

Career failures

However, Rain Dove also experiences a fiasco in his legendary career. Once she was refused at one of the castings, explaining that her appearance was too specific. Allegedly, readers of magazines do not recognize a woman in her, and advertisers will be unhappy with such a strange choice. In response to the failure, the bigender model makes her own art project: she is photographed in sexual poses and glues carved portraits of Victoria's Secret "angels" over her face. She does not see anything shameful in shooting for lingerie catalogs, because she has beautiful large breasts and long slender legs.

Tired of waiting for her to be noticed and considered worthy of filming. Not ashamed of her body, she wants the fashion world to have as many real women as possible with different shapes and types.

Bad luck did not affect the attitude towards oneself. Rain Dove, whose biography consists of many victories in the modeling business, said that she is accepted and loved by other people, and she is not obliged to adapt to the standards accepted by society. The superstar is waiting for Victoria's Secret to invite her to participate in their campaigns and adopt her unique style, because she can really be harmonious in the image of a sexy lady.

The model capitalizes on sexless beauty and calls herself a "gender capitalist". She assures that she will even turn into an alien, if necessary. Accepting her uniqueness allows her to live life to the fullest. She breaks down gender stereotypes by fighting for diversity in the fashion industry. When she is mistaken for a man, the catwalk star does not take offense and does not prove that this is not so.

Now androgynous model Rain Dove, who successfully performs in female and male forms, is full of hope that her career will help to express herself to other personalities with characteristic features. She dreams of changing the rules of the game and overturning traditional ideas about gloss. The star of the podium, acting in two roles at once, is invited to participate in various projects by well-known fashion magazines. Her photographs undermine people's understanding of gender, as well as the norms that are prescribed in accordance with this.

What about on the personal front?

Rain Dove's personal life has always interested journalists. And only in July of this year, the paparazzi found out who the catwalk star was dating. Famous 44-year-old film actress Rose McGowan, who became famous after the mystical series "Charmed", was caught kissing some tall stranger. The media immediately found out the identity of the mysterious gentleman, who turned out to be an American model.

A couple in love had a great time, not paying any attention to others. It is not known how long the two women have been dating and how serious their relationship is, but it is clear that their connection is more than friendly.

The uniqueness of each person

Rain Dove, a game changer in the fashion industry, believes that every person is an individual, and uniqueness lies in the ability to be yourself. And all gender troubles, according to the model, are social frameworks in which it is not necessary to fit. She is sure that people love each other just like that, and not for something. And I'm glad that she is accepted exactly the way she wants to be.