Loan application form: filling procedure. How to fill out a Sberbank application form to receive a loan Sample application form to receive a loan product

To obtain any loan product, the potential borrower must first the corresponding application for its registration. The document is an application in the form of a questionnaire. The information included in it fundamental for. That is why the applicant should take a responsible approach to filling out the application form correctly. The article will introduce you to the structural form of the document, mandatory parameters and some nuances.

Document structure

Each financial institution offers its own questionnaire to fill out. Its content and form are developed and approved by the lender independently. However, in general, the structural component of the document is the same for all banks. The questionnaire is divided into the following blocks:

  1. Information about the applicant:
  • personal information;
  • passport document data: series/number, date/place of issue;
  • addresses: registration and actual stay;
  • communication methods.

Some lenders also have sections for entering data about:

  • the level of education of the person being questioned;
  • his marital status;
  • composition and family members.

2. Financial section, which contains information about:

  • labor activity - this is data about the employer, his field of activity, the applicant’s position, etc.;
  • the solvency of the respondent - monthly income and expenditure of the family budget, available liquid assets;
  • existing obligations - existing loans, enforcement proceedings, alimony, etc.

On the first page of the document, the applicant’s status should be noted – “borrower”. The “Name” block on the right is not filled in.

The contact block indicates valid mobile/home/work telephone numbers by which the lender can contact the applicant. As a rule, the additional number indicates the telephone number of the second spouse or another close person.

Civil passport data should be entered exactly as stated in the document itself. Its series and number are displayed in red numbers in the right margin. The code of the authority that issued the passport is indicated in the corresponding column and on the department’s seal.

The next page of the questionnaire displays the data of registration addresses and actual residence - to be filled out if it does not match the registration. Information about marital status and family members is also entered - these are all persons who live with the applicant. If such a relative is a full-time employee of the lender, then this must also be displayed.

  • labor activity and employer data - name, field of activity, approximate number of employees. The applicant indicates the type of employment, length of work at the current place and total length of service.
  • financial and property status - this is the income and expenditure part of the personal and family budget, the availability of liquid movable/immovable property.

The next two pages of the questionnaire are for informational and confirmation purposes only. The applicant consents to the processing and receipt/sending of documents and his personal data by the lender. You should carefully read the information provided in these sections.

If it is necessary to apply for a loan for any purpose, the client must provide complete information about himself. This happens by filling out an application for a loan at Sberbank.

Today the bank offers its clients a whole line of loan products for different occasions.

The application form for a Sberbank loan is a standard six-page form. Any citizen has the right to enter data into it: borrower, guarantor, trustee, bank employee in writing or in printed form (using software). All sections must be filled out; skipping columns is not allowed. If there are corrections, the signature of the person concerned must appear next to them.

The first thing a client needs to do is select a loan option. For the convenience of borrowers, a single version of the form is provided for providing information about themselves, regardless of what type of loan is issued - a mortgage, a car loan or any consumer loan. Five pages concern data about the borrower himself, and only the sixth indicates wishes regarding the type and parameters of the loan:

  1. The amount of the desired amount;
  2. Currency;
  3. Duration of interaction;
  4. Type of loan: consumer, mortgage, car loan.
  5. Description of the characteristics of the selected option: loan without collateral, secured, with a guarantee, for personal farming or make, type, year of manufacture of the car. With a mortgage - ready-made, for construction, according to NIS; description of the property and its value.
  6. Option for receiving a loan: to an existing account (enter the number) or you need to open a new one.

Sample forms of questionnaires and applications for obtaining a loan from Sberbank

You can obtain a sample of it in advance and familiarize yourself with all sections. What should you definitely pay attention to? In several places it is required to confirm the specified information with a personal signature. This applies to the following:

  • After specifying personal information and characteristics;
  • As confirmation that all data is true and current;
  • Certificate of the selected loan type.

The future borrower can download the form to fill out on the official website of the banking institution

Required documents to obtain a loan

If you download the form in advance, you can enter all the information about yourself in a comfortable environment. This will avoid mistakes and will have a positive effect on the correctness of the information presented. Since it needs to be provided to the maximum extent, certain documents will be required:

  • Passport ;
  • Labor book;
  • Personal income tax-2;
  • Property papers;
  • Pension and salary cards, if accruals occur through this bank.

The same documents will be needed if you decide to submit an application in person at a bank branch. This option makes it possible to use the help of an employee in difficult moments.

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Procedure for filling out the form

The procedure for filling out the data of the future borrower does not cause any particular difficulties. The form contains the following main points:

  1. Role in the program (borrower, guarantor, co-borrower).
  2. Personal and passport information. If it is changed (last name, first name), you need to note the previous ones and the reason that caused it.
  3. Contacts. It is recommended to leave the maximum number of phone numbers, because... this helps speed up the analytics process and decision making.
  4. Education.
  5. Addresses (residence, registration).
  6. Marital status, immediate family. It is mandatory to enter information about the spouse, about other relatives - optional. If among them there is an employee of Sberbank, you should indicate the department or branch where he works.
  7. Information about the employer, field of activity, position held, length of service. If this is a bank application for obtaining an individual entrepreneur loan, you need to tick the appropriate box.
  8. Financial data: salary income, additional, total family budget, fixed expenses.
  9. Property. Description of the apartment, house or car. Detailed specifications will be required. It is worth noting that you only need to submit information about those objects for which the borrower himself is indicated in the property documents.
  10. Card numbers for payment of pensions or wages (if available).

Before the Sberbank application form for obtaining a loan is signed, the form must be checked again. The client must check the box indicating his responsibility when providing false or irrelevant information. It is worth reading the 4-5 page text that describes the reasons for using the data.

If you choose mortgage lending, you need to select Housing Loan in the application form.

Then you should enter your credit number to check your history of previous loans through the credit bureau. Having entered the date and time, you should hand it over to the employee, who is required to confirm its receipt with a personal signature. This will indicate that information about the applicant is being processed.

Questionnaires from different banks may differ in the number of items. If you have a small online form consisting of one page, then you will complete the full questionnaire over the phone or at the bank office. The full application form for a loan typically contains the following fields and sections:

  1. Information from the borrower's passport: series, document number, by whom and when it was issued, date of birth of the applicant, his full name, registration and residence addresses. This part of the application must be filled out very carefully. Do not make mistakes, do not make abbreviations, rewrite information exactly as indicated in the document. There may also be a section for filling out information about a secondary document (SNILS, TIN, rights, etc.).
  2. Information about marital status, number of children. If the applicant is married, the bank may ask for your spouse's phone number. When calling, if it is made, the other half of the applicant must confirm awareness of the submitted application.
  3. Job details: full name of the employer, work address, position of the applicant, his total length of service and length of service at the current place of work. The bank will also ask you to provide a landline work telephone; some credit institutions require the telephone number of the potential borrower's immediate supervisor. The amount of the applicant’s monthly income after all required deductions (taxes, alimony, etc.) is also indicated here. If the program requires, income is confirmed by certificates.
  4. Information about contact persons. These are 1-2 people (relatives, friends) who can confirm information about the borrower. The bank may call these citizens, they must be warned about this.
  5. Information about existing and repaid loan obligations. You need to indicate the banks whose lending services you previously used. Here the applicant talks about his existing debts. It is useless to hide amounts, since they are reflected in the credit history. Moreover, concealing this information will be regarded as data forgery, and therefore the loan will be refused.

Filling out the form online

The procedure for submitting an online loan application differs from the standard process when applying to a bank office. Almost all credit organizations have switched to the method of accepting applications from citizens via the Internet. This makes lending programs more accessible, and the bank itself saves its own resources.

How to fill out and submit an application for a loan online:

  1. You should choose a suitable loan program by studying bank websites. In this case, you can use an online loan calculator, which will help you navigate the optimal loan parameters and choose the best offer.
  2. There is an application form on the bank's website. Usually the link to it is on the product description page. Fill out all fields and wait for the decision. The potential borrower may receive an answer in a few minutes, but for now the decision will be preliminary. Usually, soon the applicant receives a call from a bank employee who conducts a complete questionnaire over the phone.
  3. If the bank gives an approving response, it invites the applicant to its office. Here the borrower is identified and his documents are checked. If everything is in order, funds are issued.

Remember that even if the loan is pre-approved, the office may change the decision. Perhaps the bank will suspect data fraud. In addition, if the applicant did not correctly indicate his passport details in the application form, the approval will also be cancelled.

The procedure for filling out an application at the bank office

For convenience, you can first print out an application for a loan from the bank’s website and fill it out in a relaxed atmosphere. Or you will fill out a paper version of the application form at the office of a credit institution. Submitting an application directly at the office looks like this:

  1. The client comes to the office of the bank of interest, where there is a lending department (information can be clarified through the hotline of this institution). Here the manager will provide a paper version of the questionnaire to fill out or will conduct the questionnaire orally.
  2. After filling out the application, it is sent for consideration. The time for data analysis depends on the type of loan requested. For applications for standard programs, a decision is made within 1-3 days, for express products within a day or even an hour. During the process of verifying information, the borrower may be called and asked various questions. Contact persons can also call.
  3. The applicant is notified of the decision by telephone indicated in the application form. If this is approved, the citizen with a passport again visits the bank office, where the loan will be directly received.

When filling out an application in the office, keep in mind that the manager is also evaluating you. You should behave appropriately; you should not have any problems providing information about yourself. If you behave rudely, suspiciously, if your appearance does not match your personal data, you will be denied a loan.

Hello everyone.

I decided to add a new section to my blog. That we are all about theory and news. Let's move on to the practical plane.

So, in this section, we will upload examples of filling out various types of banking documents. We will add them both independently and based on your suggestions. If you need help or advice with anything, please contact us, we will look at specific examples.

Where do I start, you ask?

I’m sure you’ve already guessed it from the title of the article).

Of course, we will start with an example of filling out an application for a loan from our flagship in the banking market, i.e. Sberbank. So how to fill out a legal entity’s application form for a loan in Sberbark?

As I said above, offer profiles of other Banks, we will work with them. If you have questions about any filling, you can also write in the comments.

So, an application form for a loan from a legal entity.

Before you go into specific examples, before filling out the questionnaire, you can refer to articles on and importance , because We will not raise questions about this in the current article.

I’ll say right away that I don’t like the application form for a loan from a legal entity from Sberbank. This is my personal opinion. Or rather, it seems to me that it is more convenient to fill it out by hand, rather than electronically. An unfinished questionnaire, or something.

Different formats in cells. Cells overlap each other. Something constantly needs to be expanded, expanded, changed, etc. For me this is not very convenient.

How to fill out an application form for a Sberbank loan

Although if you look at the Sberbank page about the work procedure. Then in paragraph 2 we see that at the meeting a Bank employee will help you fill out the form.

Here, of course, I have a question: will the entrepreneur be able to bring all the documents the first time if he has, for example, 5-10 companies that will definitely need to be included in the application form. Of course, this will not be easy to do by hand. What if the entrepreneur didn’t take some document? It turns out that you will have to go “home” to get the document?

Again, the question is whether it is advisable to spend an employee’s time filling out a questionnaire. Spending an employee’s working time filling out a legal entity’s application form for a loan, and not a small one at that (for example, 1 hour), in my opinion, is an inappropriate waste of an employee’s time. It is much easier to prepare a human sample for filling (but why me then?)).

So, the questionnaire filled out by me will be attached.

For convenience, I highlighted the cells that I filled in in yellow. So that you can see where I filled out the form and where I left it blank. The cells that I did not fill in can be hidden as unnecessary.

For any questions you have, please leave a comment.

Source Alexander MSBHelp Kiselev.

High probability of approval when submitting an application through this service

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Fill in loan application form

Methods receiving:


Financial organizations support remote methods of interaction with clients and strive to simplify the applicant’s task of applying for a loan as much as possible. An important part of the application is the application form, which takes only 10-15 minutes to fill out. Forming a request does not require any special knowledge or skills from the user and is carried out at any time of the day convenient for the borrower.

Submitting an application for a loan using your passport

Remote submission of the borrower's application for a loan using a passport allows you to quickly find out the bank's answer without going to the office. The applicant should first determine the size of the loan and select a loan program with optimal characteristics. In the process of analyzing banking products, it is necessary to evaluate their significant parameters:

  • proposed borrowing limits;
  • affordable debt repayment terms;
  • the amount of interest rates;
  • the presence of additional commissions;
  • speed of processing applications;
  • conditions for early fulfillment of obligations and recalculation of interest;
  • penalties for delays.

It is useful to familiarize yourself with the offers of those organizations from which the applicant has already received and successfully repaid loans. New courts with favorable conditions await regular clients who have proven their reliability.

Submit an online loan application

Due care must be taken when preparing your application yourself. Accidental errors, and even more so deliberate distortion of information, can cause a request to be rejected. Before submitting your application form online, you should make sure that the information provided for consideration is correct and correct any identified deficiencies. The presence of existing loans does not prevent you from successfully obtaining a loan. Lenders approve the issuance of borrowed funds if the applicant’s income is sufficient to make all required payments.

Filling out an application for a cash loan

The user copes with simply filling out a questionnaire when creating a request for a profitable cash loan in a short time without complications. The questions concern current information about the borrower:

  1. dates and places of birth;
  2. registration addresses;
  3. passport data;
  4. contact information;
  5. marital status;
  6. source and amount of income;
  7. volume of liabilities and other expenses.

The application should indicate the desired amount and duration of the loan. A loan calculator is designed to calculate future monthly payments and the amount of total payments.

Application form for a consumer loan to a bank

Applications received by the bank with profiles of applicants are usually considered within an hour. Some lenders make a decision in 1-2 days. After a call or SMS with a positive response, the applicant will only have to visit the office, present the original documents, sign an agreement and receive the approved amount in cash or to an account (card). Taking out a loan for emergency needs allows you to:

  • take money in a timely manner for the successful implementation of personal plans;
  • get a profitable loan at low interest rates;
  • urgently purchase material goods and gradually repay the debt in accordance with a comfortable schedule;
  • save on overpayments when repaying early;
  • use the provided funds at your own discretion without control from the financial institution.

The absence of late payments guarantees an increase in the client’s credit rating and a loyal attitude from the lender when applying for the next loan on attractive terms.