Aralia properties. Aralia Manchurian Aralia mandshurica Rupr

Russian name

Aralia Manchurian roots

The Latin name of the substance Aralia Manchurian roots

Radices Araliae mandshuricae ( genus. Radicum Araliae mandshuricae)

Pharmacological group of the substance Aralia Manchurian roots

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Model clinical and pharmacological article 1

Characteristic. Contains triterpene saponins - aralosides, traces of alkaloids, essential oil, glycosides, fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B 1 , B 2 .

Pharma action. Means of plant origin. Stimulates the central nervous system (superior to ginseng tincture in activity), has a general tonic, hypertensive and hypoglycemic effect. Improves appetite, sleep, weakens the feeling of fatigue, strengthens the nervous system. It enhances redox processes in tissues, GCS function of the adrenal glands, increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes and the body's resistance.

Indications. Arterial hypotension, asthenia, decreased libido, neurasthenia, depression; condition after suffering meningitis, head injury, concussion; SARS (as part of complex therapy), enuresis, post-influenza arachnoiditis, radiation sickness; physical and mental overwork; periodontitis, toothache.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, irritability, insomnia, arterial hypertension, epilepsy, hyperkinesia.

Dosing. Inside, 0.05 g or 30-40 drops (tincture) 2 times a day after meals (in the morning and in the middle of the day); course of treatment - 15-30 days. Locally, for rinsing the mouth with toothache in the form of a 20% decoction.

Among the many plants of our Earth, there are those whose medicinal properties have been known to mankind for a long time. These are mainly medicinal herbs, roots and berries, but we will talk about Manchurian Aralia, which, in terms of healing properties, is not inferior to ginseng itself, which can bestow longevity and excellent health to its admirer.

Aralia Manchurian is a low tree with a thin, very prickly trunk, from which many no less prickly branches extend. Its leaves are quite large and oblong, most of which grow at the top, like a palm tree and have a length of up to 1 meter.

When the plant reaches the age of five, then black, with a bluish tint, small berries begin to ripen from its candle-like inflorescences of a gray-white tint, which are not eaten, but serve as successors of the genus Aralia, since they have 5 seeds inside.

The flowers of the shrub also grow on its top and have a strong aroma. They always attract honey bees, therefore, having grown such a bush in your area, you can safely organize a mini apiary.

Aralia Manchurian prefers to grow alone in open steppe areas, then it is able to grow, turning into impenetrable thorny thickets and sometimes reach a height of up to 15 meters.

It is not for nothing that it has long been nicknamed the "devil's tree", since many tenacious thorns are able to dig deep into human flesh, causing not the most pleasant sensations. Although there is a plus in this - feel free to use the bush as a hedge in your summer cottage, and not a single thief will penetrate your property.

Chemical composition

This plant has simply a unique and useful composition, which even the well-known ginseng cannot be compared with.

Composition of Aralia Manchurian.

SubstanceWhat does it containMatter propertiesWhat diseases does it help?
1 StarchRootsImproves digestion, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressureGastritis, ulcer, neurosis, burns, dermatitis
2 Essential oilsRoots, leaves, branchesAntiseptic, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, expectorantBronchitis, kidney and liver diseases
3 Phytosterols (plant steroids)RootsCatalyze the formation of important substances in the body, such as bile acid, vitamin D and the hormone steroidRickets, cholecystitis, hormonal disruptions
4 FlavonoidsRoots, leaves, branchesCholeretic, antitoxic, firming, regulatoryHeart failure, hypertension, vegetative dystonia, liver failure
5 resinsRootsWound healing, laxative, antibacterialConstipation, inflammation of the skin and body
6 Tannins Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringentDiarrhea, inflammation of the body
7 Vitamin CRootsAntiviral, immunostimulating, antiallergicDiabetes mellitus, arthritis, metabolic disorders, allergies
8 Vitamins B1,RootsStimulates brain activity, resists depressionDepression, attention disorder, psoriasis, eczema, paralysis, neuritis
9 Vitamin B2RootsNeuroprotective, immunomodulating, reproductivePoor eyesight, stress, sagging skin, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
10 Trace elements (15 minerals)RootsParticipation in all vital processes of the bodyAvitaminosis, lack of significant minerals and trace elements
11 SaponinsRoots, leaves, flowersPhysical endurance and activity, improved moodDepression, fatigue, weakness of the heart muscle

Of course, such a composition can also be indicated in the pharmacy form of Manchurian aralia tincture, where all its minerals, vitamins and a whole host of additional substances, and their properties are described in detail.

In general, despite the commercial names of such tinctures based on Manchurian aralia, their composition is quite simple: crushed plant root, infused with 70% ethyl alcohol.

Medicinal properties

Aralia Manchurian has a huge list of medicinal properties and is simply indispensable for the treatment of many ailments.

For example, it is used for appetite disorders, often in children. It is able to influence the nervous system and its work, thereby stimulating the necessary centers of the brain and starting the necessary processes.

So, decoctions and infusions of aralia can eliminate insomnia, relieve headaches, toothaches and even heartaches.

The main direction of the medicinal properties of the plant is to enhance and accelerate all metabolic processes in the body.

In other words, a person who takes medicine based on the leaves or roots of Manchurian aralia feels a surge of strength, becomes the most resilient, cheerful and purposeful.

Brain activity and memory work are activated, all clinical indicators and the state of internal organs improve.

People suffering from such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, atherosclerosis feel much better when taking a medicinal plant, because it can even be cooked as a full-fledged dish, for example, leaves and young shoots are added to a salad, boiled, stuffed pies.

The fact that aralia contains many minerals and substances special only for it suggests that it can not only cure, but also radically improve the quality of life of even a completely healthy person, giving him strength and energy.

This medicinal plant is so valued that it is also used in cosmetology. Here it has a wound-healing, tonic, firming and regenerating effect on the skin and its cells.

Various creams, masks, serums, etc. have good effectiveness due to extracts and infusions from Manchurian aralia.

Folk remedies

Today it is quite simple and convenient to purchase medicines in pharmacies, but it is not always possible to find the form of medicine you need, or the price does not justify your means, or you are simply accustomed to trusting only infusions and decoctions prepared with your own hands.

If you have already decided to make the elixir of longevity and health your own work, then let's talk in more detail about some recipes based on Manchurian aralia, as well as from what and to whom such folk medicines are suitable.

Tincture from the root of Aralia Manchurian

The recipe is simple and convenient, and will not make you wait long for the result.

Insist, as a rule, dry crushed root of the plant, which is poured with an alcohol 70% solution.

Usually the proportions of preparing the tincture are 1:5, but there is an option for preparing a more concentrated form, where much less alcohol is taken - 1:2. Such a product matures faster and the effect is longer.

The standard tincture is kept for up to 14 days in a dark, cool place and requires periodic shaking. As a result, an orange-brown liquid with a characteristic taste and smell is formed, which can help with such ailments:

  • fatigue, muscle weakness, depression;
  • (enuresis);
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • poisoning with industrial toxins;
  • nervous conditions with menopause in women;
  • disorders of the heart and heart muscle;
  • ulcers, gastritis and inflammation of the digestive organs;
  • male weakness and inflammation of the prostate gland.

The methods of taking the tincture for each of these diseases are almost identical and uncomplicated - 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day are required before the evening, as invigorating drops will not let you fall asleep at night and fully rest from an active productive day.

The course of taking such a tincture depends on the degree and severity of the disease, but on average it ranges from 2 weeks to a month.

A decoction of the root and bark

Also, pre-dried ingredients in the amount of 1 tablespoon are brewed or boiled in an enamel bowl in 200-300 ml of purified water, then cooled, filtered and consumed 3 dessert spoons up to 4 times a day for 14-30 days.

Ready broth is suitable for use within 3-4 days and is stored in the refrigerator. It is also used mainly for the above diseases and has the following effects on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • antitoxic;
  • restorative;
  • anti-stress;
  • enzymatic;
  • anti-cold;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hypotensive.

Infusion of flowers and leaves of the plant

Such a healing drink is prepared exclusively in a steam bath for at least 10 minutes.

Flowers and leaves in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons are poured with boiling water, about 300 ml, and steamed until tender.

After cooling to room temperature, the infusion is filtered and drunk during the day, 1/3 of the total amount half an hour before meals.

So we are treated for two weeks, thereby strengthening the immune system, heart muscle and overall health, while not forgetting about beauty, since the infusions are perfect for compresses, lotions and rejuvenating baths.


The first rule of any treatment is no self-treatment. Before you start taking decoctions, tinctures and infusions, be sure to consult a doctor, as you risk not only harming your health, but also reducing the desired effect if the dosage or regimen is incorrect.

Since the plant has a stimulating effect, it is contraindicated in epileptics, hypertensive patients, and allergy sufferers, since it is of plant origin. It is also necessary to control the indicators of peripheral blood, otherwise a sharp drop in sugar is possible, which is very dangerous for human life.

Although the aralia itself is relatively non-toxic, pregnant and lactating women should not take the risk. Children are also at risk and may have a number of side effects when taking this medicinal plant. Older people, despite their significant experience in traditional medicine, should also be wary of such treatment.

In conclusion, it is obvious that such a miracle plant, like many other medicinal herbs, can bring both benefit and harm to our body. Possessing so many features and qualities, Manchurian aralia is recognized to be a living panacea for many serious diseases and serve as an indispensable assistant in the everyday and so difficult life of a simple working person today.

You can learn about the healing properties and features of the use of Manchurian aralia in bodybuilding from the following video:

In contact with

Manchurian Aralia is an amazing plant that has tonic properties, but it does not occupy a leading position in this niche, ginseng and eleutherococcus always come first. However, this fact does not detract from its merits: the plant is endowed with the same properties in equal measure, only they appear somewhat softer.

Aralia Manchurian has contraindications, but there are fewer of them, since the plant is less toxic than ginseng. Almost all tonic plants are effective in losing weight, this is logical. Aralia is also used to combat excess weight, which is quite justified. In the homeland of Aralia, this plant is an alternative to ginseng, and a worthy alternative.

Botanical description

This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. A small (often it does not even reach 5 meters) thorny tree has another name - “thorn-tree” or “devil's tree”, since the trunk of aralia is planted with insidious thorns.

Outwardly, aralia is a bit like a palm tree. Its leaves are twice- (rarely thrice) pinnate. Only in the fifth year of life the tree blooms. July and August is the time of its flowering. Paniculate, large inflorescences are collected in an umbrella at the very top of the trunk (6-8 panicles each); in length, they sometimes reach 45 cm. In one umbrella, there can be up to 70 thousand yellowish-white, small flowers.

Aralia fruit is a drupe (bluish, almost black) with five seeds.

Under very favorable conditions, the tree overcomes the barrier of its growth and can reach 12 m in height, which does not detract from its grace.

However, the life span of this amazing plant is short - only 25 years.

The root system of the tree is horizontal, superficial. However, at a distance of 5 meters from the trunk, its roots sharply go down, descending to a considerable depth, where they form abundant branches. This little branched tree has a straight trunk, the color of the bark is gray, in young trees the trunk is covered with light gray spots. As they grow older, cracks form on the bark, the bark begins to flake off, as if wrinkles cover the trunk.


Manchuria is the birthplace of Aralia, the entire Far East is the promised land. Here it grows on "free bread".

On Sakhalin, the plant bears little fruit and blooms only in September. Probably, in these places the tree simply does not have enough heat.

Aralia is also found on the Kuril Islands, where the plant blooms profusely and bears fruit. This is where the border of the wild plant ends; in the rest of Russia, aralia is cultivated in botanical gardens.

In the wild, aralia may well grow singly, but more often it grows in small groups. Its habitat can be glades and clearings, forest undergrowth, it can be found both near rocks and stone placers.

Medicinal properties

Primarily the main property of the plant is tonic, exciting, awakening in relation to the hypnotic effect of barbiturates. But apart from that:

Use in medicine

In what cases is the use of aralia required and possible? First of all, it is prescribed for asthenic conditions:

  1. Post-traumatic asthenia;
  2. Asthenoneurotic conditions;
  3. If asthenic syndrome is observed with post-influenza arachnoiditis;
  4. Asthenic conditions of patients, when there is a fact of damage to the central nervous system and atherosclerosis of the vessels in the initial state is obvious.

A number of conditions and diseases in addition to asthenic syndrome:

Manchurian aralia can be used for colds, but an explanation is required here: plant preparations cannot be used in the initial period, in acute conditions; it is advisable to use it only at the final stage, during the recovery period, when the body is exhausted.

Premature administration of the drug can aggravate the condition.

At home (in Manchuria, Korea and Japan), the plant is used more widely, while using both the roots and the bark of the tree:

Significant is the fact that with the right appointment, when all contraindications are taken into account, Manchurian aralia does not cause side effects.

The chemical composition of plant roots

For treatment, the roots and bark of the plant are used, the chemical composition of which is ambiguous and complex. The roots of the plant contain starch and carbohydrates, mineral compounds and essential oils. An important component are alkaloids (in particular, the alkaloid aralin), but their amount in the plant is insignificant. In addition, the roots contain a significant amount of copper, resin and choline, aralosides A, B, C (oleanolic acid glycosides).

Enough young plants are chosen for harvesting raw materials; 15 years of age is the limit, since the roots of old trees lose their healing properties.

Raw material preparation

Roots are harvested in early spring or late autumn. The roots of Aralia have a fibrous structure, the roots are brown on the outside, whitish on the inside. If you taste it, you will feel the bitterness. The resulting raw material is cleaned, washed very quickly, and then cut into pieces 10–20 cm long. If the roots are thick, they are additionally cut along. Having prepared the raw material in this way, it is dried or put into production.

Dosage forms

From the roots of aralia, you can prepare an aqueous extract or tincture. In medical practice (officially) the pharmaceutical preparation "Saparal" and 70% tincture are used.

The tincture is used orally 2 to 3 times a day, excluding the evening hours, 30-40 drops diluted in water. Saparal is prescribed after meals, 1 tablet. The course of treatment is from 15 to 30 days. After a week (or two-week) break, the course of treatment is repeated.

If you intend to take the drug for preventive purposes and weight loss, the dose is halved.


Aralia Manchurian has a number of contraindications, similar to those that are characteristic of ginseng. Contraindications must be considered strictly, due to the adequate severity of such conditions:

Aralia Manchurian in the garden

Aralia Manchurian is a light-loving tree, but frost-resistant, unpretentious to soil and moisture. She easily tolerates a transplant. You can cultivate the plant even in the conditions of Central Russia. But the roots of aralia are very fragile, in severe frosts the tree sometimes freezes up to the root collar, but then it is restored.

There are about 35 types of aralia (these include high and Manchurian aralia, both trees are close in their properties and are often called by the same name - Manchurian aralia). Of the 35 species, five are suitable for cultivation in Russia. However, only one type of this tree is grown in Central Russia.

In the botanical garden

Aralia is bred in two ways: cuttings and seeds. If the seeds are fresh, they germinate remarkably. The first years are the most responsible: the tree is still very tender, fragile. Colossal care is needed during this period, aralia needs protection. First of all, frosts threaten him, since Manchurian aralia is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases, pests also rarely attack it (with the exception of slugs).

If you pinch the top bud, you can get a very branched specimen of the tree, which can be used in the design solution of your garden.

Manchurian Aralia is a decorative, very interesting tree that can decorate any (even a very sophisticated) garden. She is endowed with a truly exotic beauty. A single tree looks impressive, but an alley of these palm-like plants or a group planting is more effective.

Aralia Manchurian for weight loss

How does aralia promote weight loss? Due to its tonic and stimulating properties, the plant helps to restore physical strength, that is, it allows you to be "in shape", which in turn helps to endure longer physical exertion. At the same time, metabolism improves, metabolism increases, and this leads to fat burning.

An additional point is that the plant lowers the amount of sugar in the blood. Based on these properties, plants such as ginseng, eleutherococcus, zamaniha and Manchurian aralia are used for weight loss.

At the same time, it is necessary to strictly observe all the norms, since their violation can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure, increased irritability, etc., with all the ensuing consequences.

Aralia Manchurian medicinal properties contraindications tincture root application photo preparations extract honey care planting description related species

Latin name: Aralia mandshurica Rupr. and Maxim

Other names: Thorn tree, damn tree, damn club. Almost all of its popular names are associated with the presence of sharp thorns on the stems, especially in young plants.


(Aralia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim.) a fast-growing low (up to 3 m, occasionally up to 6 m) tree, reaching only 25 years of age, a tree. In appearance, the Manchurian aralia resembles a tropical palm tree: a smooth, non-branching trunk (but branches can form if damaged) ends with a whorl of huge carved leaves. The entire trunk is covered with wrinkled bark and seated with numerous large spines.
root system superficial, radial, consists mainly of thick (up to 5 cm in diameter) roots. The roots are located superficially, at a depth of 10-25 cm horizontally, in some places the roots are found even in the forest litter, at a distance of 2-3 m from the trunk, curving steeply, the roots grow down to a depth of 50-60 cm, branching abundantly and forming numerous buds, from which root shoots are formed. Thanks to these buds, the plant has a pronounced ability for vegetative reproduction. Over time, a whole grove is formed around the “founder trunk”.

The bark is wrinkled, on the trunk seated with numerous large spines. They are especially strongly developed in young individuals.

The tree, as a rule, is not branched, but when the apical bud is damaged, branching specimens are often formed, having up to 30 axes with apical inflorescences.

Leaves large, up to 2 m long, compound, glabrous or bristly, twice-, thrice-pinnate, brought together at the end of the shoot, which makes the tree look like a palm tree, on long petioles, consist of 2-4 pairs of first-order lobes, which, in turn, consist of 5-9 leaflets. Leaflets are oval or ovate, with a pointed apex and a rounded base, with more or less serrated edges, glabrous or bristly. Petioles and leaf petioles are sparsely pubescent, covered with thorns.

flowers small, inconspicuous, white, cream or greenish, in spherical umbrellas, forming complex multi-flowered (up to 70 thousand flowers) inflorescences, consisting of 6-8 apical panicles, collected at the top of the trunk in large complex panicles up to 45 cm long.

Flowers five-membered, bisexual and staminate. Cup of five bare cloves, corolla of five petals, five stamens, ovary with five free columns. Petals yellowish-white, oval-triangular. Stamens 5, ovary five-celled, columns 5, they are free.

Blossoms in July, fruits ripen in August. Aralia begins to bloom and bear fruit most often at 6-8 years of age, sometimes at 4-5 years.

Fruit syncarp, five-celled drupe; fruits are spherical, 3-5 mm in diameter, blue-black, with five seeds. The number of fruits varies greatly depending on the age of the plant, habitat conditions and other reasons. Up to 12 thousand fruits are formed on the plant; the average weight of one fruit is 50 mg.

Seed productivity is very high - up to 60 thousand seeds are formed on a tree, however, a significant part of them do not ripen, and their germination is low. Stones oblong-elongated, light brown or grayish, 2.5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide. The weight of 1000 seeds is 0.928-0.935 g.

Close to Manchurian Aralia aralia high Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem., characterized by wider leaves and a loose inflorescence with a large number of umbrellas.

The Manchurian aralia has a close species, which is also used in medicine - Aralia Schmidt, or heart-shaped aralia (L. schmidtii Pojark., syn. A. cordata var. sachalinensis Tunb.).


Manchurian floristic element, being a relic plant and endemic (i.e., found in a small area in only one region of the globe) of the flora of the Far East. It grows in the southeast of the Amur region, in the southern part of the Khabarovsk Territory and almost throughout the Primorsky Territory. The northern border of the range runs between 45-50 ° N. sh. along the middle reaches of the Amur and the lower reaches of its left tributaries, penetrating west to the southern part of the Bureinsky Range, and east to the village. Innokentievka, Nanai District, Khabarovsk Territory. From here, the border of the Aralia range descends to the south, goes along the western slope of the Sikhote-Alin, bending around it to the south of Oblachnaya Mountain, then rises steeply along the seashore, penetrating to the north almost to 46 ° N. sh. Grows singly or in small groups on the edges and clearings up to a height of 700 m above sea level.

Aralia Manchurian photo


Within the outlined range, the Manchurian aralia is found in significant quantities only in the cedar-broad-leaved forests of the southern and middle Sikhote-Alin and in their derivatives, i.e., in secondary phytocenoses that developed in place of these forests that disappeared due to fires and felling. In real cedar-broad-leaved forests, it occurs singly or in small groups, exclusively in lightened places. In case of violations of the natural vegetation cover of cedar-broad-leaved forests and in areas with unformed vegetation cover, the Manchurian aralia forms relatively large thickets, where its vegetative and often seed reproduction is always observed. Manchurian Aralia is a pioneer of the settlement of burnt areas and cutting areas that arose on the site of cedar-broad-leaved forests. On burned areas, it often appears in mass quantities already a few months after the fire, but after 5-10 years the number of its individuals per unit area decreases sharply as a result of self-thinning. However, due to the rapid growth of plants, its thickets remain quite dense, and sometimes impassable. Approximately 20 years after the fire in the cedar-broad-leaved forests, the Manchurian aralia usually completely falls out, remaining only on roadsides, edges and clearings.

Growing conditions

Prefers fertile soils, open areas. This is a photophilous plant; found in cedar-broad-leaved forests in small groups or singly in clarified places. In case of violation of the natural cover after logging or fires, it forms relatively large thickets already within 2-3

It is better to choose a place for planting aralia somewhere in a corner or near a fence. It is very decorative both in summer and autumn. But keep in mind that the plant gradually grows in different directions and actively “conquers” the adjacent territory, and if it is neighboring, then a conflict may arise.


Aralia is propagated by seeds and vegetative-root cuttings and root offspring. It is quite difficult to get seedlings from seeds, therefore, if it is possible to get planting material, we recommend the vegetative propagation method for amateurs. Seed propagation is a very troublesome and thankless task.

Seeds of Manchurian aralia relatively quickly lose their germination. Therefore, it is not recommended to store them for more than a year and a half. They don't grow well. To obtain seedlings in the year of sowing, they must be stratified at a variable temperature or treated with gibberellin. The optimal time for stratification is 3-4 months at a temperature of 14-20 °C and 4 months at a temperature of 2-5 °C.

The most effective method of presowing preparation of seeds should be recognized as the use of a solution of gibberelin at a concentration of 0.05% for 2 days, followed by a two-month stratification at a temperature of about 0 °C. After treatment, the seeds are washed with tap water and kept for 1 to 3 months at a temperature of 18-20 ° C until germination. Early spring sowing is carried out at the end of April with stratified seeds. Freshly harvested seeds can also be sown in autumn (early September) to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The distance between the holes is 50-60 cm. Rows after sowing are sprinkled with humus or peat chips mixed with soil. In this case, shoots appear the next year.

The site intended for sowing or planting the Manchurian aralia must be flat in relief, with fertile, structural, sufficiently moist soils. But at the same time, water should not stagnate on it in the spring. In autumn, manure or compost is applied for digging at the rate of 6 kg / m 2.

Root cuttings and segments of rhizomes are best planted in early spring before the growth of renewal buds. The depth of embedding should not exceed - 4-5 cm. Root offspring are planted in spring in prepared (by the type of fruit crops) planting pits, well seasoned with an organo-mineral mixture per hole: 4 kg of rotted manure or compost and 30-50 g of nitroammofoska.


Aralia care consists in loosening (3-4 times), especially in the first years, weeding and feeding with nitroammophos (20-30 g for each plant).

Loosening must be very superficial, otherwise the root system is severely damaged. Plants do not grow well, do not bloom and do not bear fruit, do not form shoots and gradually die. It is better not to even hoe the surface of the soil, but simply pull out the weeds and mulch the area with a layer of compost every autumn.

Aralia needs to be fed with nitroammophos at the rate of 20-30 g for each plant. It responds well to organic slurry during the growing season: in early spring and during budding.

Chemical composition

Medicinal raw material is a root containing triterpene glycosides - aralosides A, B and C; alkaloids aralin, choline, as well as proteins, starch, carbohydrates, essential oils, tannins and mineral salts.

Active ingredients

The roots, especially their bark, contain triterpene glycosides - aralosides A, B and C, which are derivatives of oleanolic acid. Araloside A predominates, which is an oleanolic acid with successively attached residues of glucose, arabinose and glucuronic acid. The amount of aralosides should be at least 5%. In addition, it contains essential oil, alkaloid aralin, resins, micro-elements, glycosides and saponins.

Branches and leaves contain carbohydrates, essential oil, flavonoids, alkaloids, triterpenoids, organic acids and anthocyanins. The seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, octadecenoic).

The underground part of Aralia Schmidt contains the same aralosides A, B and C, among which araloside A also predominates.


Young leaves can be eaten boiled and fried. They go to feed cattle and spotted deer. The roots are suitable for making tonic drinks. Aralia is a good honey plant.

Application not in medicine

In medicine, a tincture of aralia roots is used as a means of stimulating the central nervous system in asthenic syndrome, as a tonic, identical to ginseng, for hypotension and impotence. The drug "saparal" is approved for use, consisting of the sum of aralosides A, B and C. It is produced in the form of tablets, which are used as a stimulant of the central nervous system. Aralia preparations should be used carefully with increased nervous excitability, insomnia, hypertension.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal raw materials are the roots, bark and leaves.

For blanks, it is preferable to use only 5-15-year-old specimens of aralia. The productivity of one 5-year-old plant is 0.5-1 kg of dry roots. Root offspring individuals usually bloom and bear fruit already at the age of five, have a well-developed root system. By the age of 15, many dead and lignified parts appear in its root system and the roots become less suitable for medical use. Based on these biological features, only 5-15-year-old specimens of Manchurian Aralia should be used in harvesting.

The harvesting of raw materials can be carried out in two terms: in the fall, starting from September, and in the spring at the end of April - beginning of May, before the leaves bloom. At this time, the roots contain the greatest amount of active substances.

Roots are dug with shovels. They begin to dig up the roots from the trunk, carefully moving towards the periphery. Thin (less than 1 cm in diameter) and 1-2 large radial roots do not touch: numerous adventitious roots located on them quite successfully ensure plant regeneration. Root shoots are formed from the roots left in the ground, aralia thickets quickly recover after harvesting, and there is no need to plant plants again.

The excavated raw materials are carefully cleaned from the ground, very thick (more than 3 cm in diameter) roots and parts of the roots with a blackened or rotten core are removed and cut into pieces up to 8 cm long, then cut lengthwise. The roots are dried in the shade, in well-ventilated rooms or in dryers at a temperature of about 60 ° C, and in dry weather - in the open air. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

The bark is harvested at the same time as the roots, leaves during and after the flowering of the plant in dry, sunny weather. The bark and leaves are dried in a dryer at a temperature of 50...55°C.

Use in design

Aralia is used as an ornamental hedge plant. The tree resembles a small palm tree: a thin, non-branched trunk carries a dense whorl of large leaves at its top. In autumn, when black globular fruits appear, the plant is at its most colorful.

Other application

The roots of the Manchurian aralia, as well as the heart-shaped aralia, contain up to 1% essential oil, which is used by the perfume industry. Possessing a stimulating, tonic and adaptogenic effect, preparations of aralia roots have a positive effect on metabolism in dry and flabby facial skin, restoring its elasticity and smoothing wrinkles.

Juice or infusion of leaves, decoction of roots can be added to nourishing creams for any skin. Aralia has the ability to tone the skin, makes it velvety, tender. Rinse the hair with a decoction of the roots for their best growth.


In our age of high speeds, poor environmental conditions and stress, products that help the body overcome these factors with minimal losses are in special demand. Nature has given us the most effective and harmless means. In folk medicine of our country aralia high not used as a drug. Its medicinal properties were elucidated as a result of the search for substitutes for ginseng among plants of the Araliaceae family.

Aralosides stimulate immune activity, provide anti-stress action, increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, to hypoxia(lack of oxygen) infections. They increase resistance to toxic influences (poisoning with nitrites, chlorophos, fluorine), have a protective effect during experimental radiation sickness, have hypoglycemic properties, reduce the level of lipoproteins in the blood.

Therapeutic action:

  • diuretic
  • tonic and restorative
  • hypotensive
  • potentiating

Indications for medical use:

  1. diseases of the digestive system
  2. diseases of the nervous system (191)
  3. diseases of the reproductive system
  4. mental illness
  5. diseases of the endocrine system
  6. immune system diseases
  7. diseases of the oral cavity
  8. infections and infestations
  9. poisoning

Application in official and traditional medicine

Aralia preparations are indicated for patients in the recovery stage after severe physical illnesses, with astheno-depressive conditions, physical and mental overwork, with sexual impotence (impotence), and hypotension.

Traditional Chinese Medicine uses aralia as diuretic facilities. Nanais use it for toothache and stomatitis. A decoction of the root is used for gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, colds, bedwetting, inflammation of the oral cavity, as a tonic for diseases of the liver and kidneys in order to increase urine output.

Indigenous people of Primorye it was noticed that red deer and sika deer eat young leaves and shoots of Manchurian aralia. This information led the researchers to the idea that, perhaps, aralosides are contained not only in the roots, but also in the aerial parts. From the leaves of Aralia, a drug was obtained containing the amount of triterpene saponins, the composition of which is more complex than that contained in the roots and bark of the trunks. This drug proved to be promising as a stimulant and tonic.

For medical use, two preparations from the roots of Manchurian aralia are allowed: tincture of aralia in 70 ° alcohol (1:5) and saparal. The tincture has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It is used for hypotension, asthenia, depressive states.

In pharmacies, you can find a tincture that is prepared (1: 5) with 70% alcohol from the roots of the Manchurian aralia and released in 50 ml bottles. It is prescribed 30-40 drops per dose 2-3 times a day. The tincture has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It is used for hypotension, asthenia, depression, schizophrenia with astheno-hypochondriac syndrome, astheno-depressive conditions, neurasthenia, impotence, psychasthenia.

Saparal (a sum of triterpene glycosides A, B, C from the roots of aralia) is used in the form of tablets, which are prescribed as a stimulant of the central nervous system. In addition, a non-alcoholic tonic Aralman drink is being prepared from saparal, which acts like Coca-Cola and Sayans.

A tincture (1:5) with 20% alcohol is prepared from the underground part of the Aralia Schmidt plant, which is approved for use in medical practice along with the tincture of the Manchurian aralia. Schmidt's aralia tincture is used for the same indications as Manchurian aralia tincture, and does not differ significantly from it in activity. Aralia Schmidt tincture has a cardiotonic effect: it increases the amplitude of heart contractions, increases myocardial tone, slows down the rhythm of heart contractions, slightly lowers blood pressure, increases diuresis. Aralia Schmidt tincture is less toxic compared to Manchurian aralia tincture.
The beneficial effect of aralia preparations was also noted in the initial stages of cerebral atherosclerosis. Tincture improves the general well-being of patients, increases appetite, performance, has a stimulating effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Use at home

At home, you can prepare tincture and decoction, which are used as a tonic and adaptogenic agent.

Aralia root tincture is prescribed for various kinds of depression, after a traumatic brain injury, influenza, with low blood pressure, impotence, mental and physical overwork.
To prepare the tincture, 20 g of crushed roots are poured into 100 ml of 70% alcohol and infused in a warm, dark place for 15 days, shaking occasionally. In finished form, it should be amber in color with a peculiar smell and pleasant taste. Assign it to 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day with meals. With a tendency to high blood pressure, the dose is reduced to 10 drops 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. After 1-2 weeks, the treatment is repeated under medical supervision.

A decoction of the root is used for gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, colds, bedwetting, inflammation of the oral cavity, as a tonic, for diseases of the liver and kidneys in order to increase urine output.

To prepare a decoction, 20 g of crushed raw materials (bark, roots, leaves) are poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled in a closed enameled bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes, filtered, squeezed and bring the volume of boiled water to the original. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
In order to avoid disruption of night sleep, aralia preparations are not recommended to be prescribed before bedtime.


Aralia Manchurian is low toxic. However, it should be noted that if the therapeutic dose is exceeded, signs of intoxication may appear.

Treatment for increased nervous excitability, insomnia, hypertension should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Aralia Manchurian - Aralia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim.

Aralia high - Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem.

Araliaceae family - Araliaceae

Other names:
- thorn-tree
- damn tree

Botanical characteristic. A small tree 3-5 m high. The leaves are located at the top of the spiny trunk in the form of a dense whorl, on long petioles, doubly pinnate. An inflorescence emerges from the center of the whorl in the form of a sprawling complex panicle, the branches of which bear small simple umbrellas of yellowish-white flowers. The fruit is a blue-black berry-like drupe with 5 seeds. Blossoms in July-August, fruits ripen from mid-September. Due to the presence of prickly thorns on the trunk and leaves, Aralia is popularly called the "devil's tree".

Related species: heart-shaped aralia, or Schmidt's aralia (Aralia cordata Thunb), along with the Manchurian aralia, is allowed for use, but it is included in the Red Book (1978, 1984). Aralia heart-shaped is a perennial herbaceous plant without thorns with a simple non-branching stem up to 1.25 m high. The root is thick, fleshy, slightly resinous, fragrant. The leaves are smaller, up to 50 cm long, on long petioles, twice or thrice pinnately compound, dark green above, glabrous, sometimes quite densely covered with short bristly hairs, lighter below. The inflorescence is large, up to 45-50 cm long, in the form of one apical panicle, sometimes with small additional inflorescences below. Grows on Sakhalin and neighboring islands.

Spreading. Northeast China, Korea; in Russia - only in the Far East (Primorye and Amur).

Habitat. In the undergrowth of mixed and deciduous forests, in clearings, clearings, near roads, prefers sunny places. It grows singly or forms thickets suitable for harvesting raw materials.

Harvesting, primary processing and drying. When harvesting, only 5-15-year-old specimens of plants should be used. The roots are harvested in autumn starting from September, as well as in spring before the leaves bloom (April-first half of May). They are dug out with shovels, crowbars or special devices in the form of a long metal lever. They begin to dig from the trunk, carefully moving towards the periphery. Roots no thicker than 3 cm are selected. When harvesting, one root extending radially from the trunk must be left in the soil. In the future, numerous adnexal buds located on it will ensure the restoration of aralia thickets. In addition, it is possible to recommend planting a root cutting about 10 cm long and 1-3 cm in diameter in place of the destroyed specimen.

The dug roots are carefully cleaned from the ground, blackened or rotten parts are removed, as well as roots with a diameter of more than 3 cm, cut into pieces up to 8 cm long, sometimes cut lengthwise.

Dry raw materials in dryers at temperatures up to 60 ° C or in well-ventilated areas, and in dry weather - in the open air.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials must comply with the requirements of GF XI, Art. 65.

Security measures. When harvesting raw materials, it is necessary to alternate collection sites, leave young plants for growth.

External signs. The raw material consists of cylindrical or longitudinally split pieces of roots up to 8 cm long and up to 3 cm in diameter with a few small lateral roots. The roots are light, longitudinally wrinkled, with a strongly flaky cork. The bark is thin, easily separated from the wood. The fracture is splintery, the color of the roots is brownish-gray on the outside, whitish or yellowish-gray on the fracture. The smell is strong, the taste is slightly astringent, bitter.

The crushed raw material consists of pieces of roots of various shapes, passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm.

Microscopy. On the transverse section of the root, a layer of strongly flaky cork is visible. The cortex consists of a thin-walled parenchyma, among the cells of which secretory channels with a diameter of 7 to 20 microns are located in concentric belts. The parenchymal cells near the secretory canals and the cells of the core of the rays are filled with starch grains. Starch grains are simple and 2-8 complex. The bark is separated from the wood by a thin layer of cambium. The wood is annular. The core rays are one to five rows.

In the crushed preparation, spiral and porous vessels with simple or bordered pores, fibrous tracheids, libriform fibers are visible; scraps of secretory channels and starch grains.

quality response. 1 g of crushed raw material is boiled in a water bath (t=80-85°) under reflux with 20 ml of methyl alcohol for 1 hour. As a witness, 0.01 ml of a 0.6% solution of saparal in methyl alcohol is applied. After 10 minutes, the plate is placed in a chamber with a mixture of solvents chloroform-methyl alcohol-water (61:32:7). The chromatogram is dried for 10 min, sprayed with a 20% sulfuric acid solution and heated at 105°C for 10 min in an oven. Three cherry-colored spots (aralosides) appear. Additional spots of cherry and other colors are allowed.

Numerical indicators. For whole and crushed raw materials the content of the sum of aralosides in terms of the ammonium salt of aralosides A, B and C, determined by the method of potentiometric titration, must be at least 5%; humidity no more than 14%; total ash no more than 7%; roots blackened at the break, no more than 4%; organic and mineral impurities not more than 1% each. For whole raw materials, in addition, the content of pieces of roots longer than 8 cm (no more than 15%) and pieces of roots more than 3 cm in diameter (no more than 15%) is limited. For crushed raw materials: particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm, no more than 10%, and particles that pass through a sieve with holes of 0.25 mm, no more than 10%.

Chemical composition. The main active ingredients of Aralia roots are triterpene pentacyclic saponins of the b-amirin group, derivatives of oleanolic acid. The main ones are aralosides A, B, C. They differ in the composition of the carbohydrate part and the place of attachment of sugars. The quantitative content of aralosides depends on the phase of plant development and the diameter of the roots. It is maximum in the budding phase and during the period of fruiting in roots up to 5 mm in diameter (11-12%). With an increase in the diameter of the roots, the content of aralosides decreases, since they are located mainly in the root bark, and with age, the proportion of bark in relation to wood decreases.

Storage. In a warehouse - in bags in a dry, cool, dark place. Shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

pharmacological properties. Pharmacological study of the roots of Manchurian aralia has been carried out in the laboratory of pharmacology of VILR since 1950.

Water decoction and alcohol tincture from the roots of Manchurian aralia have a stimulating effect on animals - they increase motor activity, shorten the duration of anesthesia, increase the amplitude of heart contractions, slow down their pace, increase myocardial tone, somewhat excite respiration, increase diuresis.

Manchurian aralia tincture has a stimulating effect on the functions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. When using Aralia preparations, urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids increases.

The liquid extract from the root of the Manchurian aralia and the purified amount of glycosides from the bark of the trunk have an androgenic property, increase the mass of target organs for androgens when used in immature male rats.

The sum of aralosides A, B and C has an exciting effect on animals, reduces the duration of experimental sleep, removes the inhibitory effect of chlorpromazine, rearranges the background of EEG bioelectric oscillations towards high-frequency rhythms, lowers the excitability threshold, increases the lability and performance of nerve cells, enhances activation reactions to light and sound signals, relieves drug blockade of the midbrain reticulum, increases the electrical activity of the heart muscle, reduces the heart rate due to lengthening of diastole, increases diuresis.

Aralosides stimulate immune activity, have an anti-stress effect, increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, to hypoxia, infection due to the activation of glycolysis enzyme systems and enhancing the energy supply of the body's defense reactions. They increase resistance to toxic influences (poisoning with nitrites, chlorophos, methylhydrazine, fluorine), have a protective effect in experimental radiation sickness, have hypoglycemic properties, and reduce the level of lipoproteins in the blood.

Preparations from Manchurian aralia have low toxicity. They are active both when administered parenterally and when administered into the stomach.

Medicines. Tincture in 70% ethanol and the drug "Saparal" (in tablets of 0.05 g).

Application. Drugs are released only by prescription, as saponins are contraindicated in hypertension. They are not recommended to be taken in the evening. The effect of the drug is similar to that of ginseng. In addition, the above-ground mass of Aralia is studied for the content of saponins.

Manchurian aralia tincture is used for asthenic conditions and neurasthenic reactions in patients with traumatic brain injury, infectious diseases and post-influenza arachnoiditis; psychasthenia after prolonged emotional and physical overload; with cerebral atherosclerosis with hypochondriacal complaints; with mild asthenodepressive conditions in patients with schizophrenia; with impotence.

Aralia tincture is prescribed orally 30-40 drops per reception 2-3 times a day for a month. In most patients, appetite increases, work capacity increases, sleep improves.

In patients with chronic post-influenza arachnoiditis with asthenic syndrome, the positive effect of Manchurian aralia is observed by the end of the 2nd week, while with the use of other means (iodine electrophoresis, coniferous baths, etc.), improvement occurs no earlier than after 1-2 months.

Of great interest are observations of the effect of Manchurian aralia tincture on the cardiovascular system. As shown by the oscillographic study, in patients with asthenic and astheno-hypochondriac syndromes of varying degrees and a tendency to hypotension, the use of tincture led to the normalization of blood pressure and oscillographic parameters.

Given the positive effect on the endocrine system and metabolism, aralia tincture is used for skin diseases.

Under the name "Saparal" the amount of ammonium salts of triterpene glycosides (aralosides A, B and C) is approved for use. Saparal as a tonic is used for the treatment of patients with asthenoneurotic and asthenodepressive syndrome that has arisen against the background of a skull injury, schizophrenia, cerebral atherosclerosis, and cerebrovascular accidents; with functional disorders of the nervous system after prolonged emotional overload; with diseases of the peripheral nervous system; with pathological menopause (hypotension, asthenia, depression).

The best therapeutic effect was observed in patients with astheno-depressive conditions associated with fatigue, hypotension. They improved their well-being and increased their ability to work. The condition of patients with post-traumatic disorders, the initial stages of atherosclerosis improved. Favorable influence was noted: saparala with hypotension, psoriasis. In a number of post-infectious syndromes, saparal is used as a general tonic.

Tincture from the roots of the Manchurian aralia (Tinctura Araliae) is prepared (1: 5) in 70% alcohol. Clear, amber-colored liquid with a pleasant odor. Produced in vials of 50 ml, stored in a cool, dark place. Assign 30-40 drops per reception, after a meal.

Saparal (Saparalum) - tablets containing 0.05 g of the amount of ammonium salts of triterpene glycosides from the roots of Manchurian aralia. Assign inside after eating 0.05 g (1 tablet) 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications to taking Aralia Manchurian preparations: irritability, insomnia, hypertension, epilepsy, hyperkinesis.