Quick pickled tomatoes without peel. Instant Skinless Tomatoes


Peeled tomatoes for the winter are a wonderful option for an excellent snack that can be served for a festive table, for a family dinner, and even for an unexpected feast. The taste of these tomatoes resembles classic brine tomatoes, but they are more intense and spicy.
If you like spicy food, you can also add hot peppers to the ingredients to add spice to the tomatoes. But try not to overdo it, as you risk making the tomato taste overly pungent and impossible to eat.
To prepare such a snack, you can take both ordinary medium-sized tomatoes and small cherry tomatoes. It will be more convenient to put them in a jar, and much more will fit in a container. It is advisable that the tomatoes are ripe, but not overripe, as in this case their flesh will be too soft, and after you peel and put the tomatoes in jars, they can turn into porridge. Give preference to fruits with thin skin and firm flesh.

Some hostesses like to cover the tomatoes in halves for the winter, first peeling them off, but in this case you need to work very carefully so as not to crush the tomato when cooking and placing it in jars. Also, tomato juice is often added to the jar to enhance the aroma and taste of the finished dish. This is especially often done in order to slightly mask the smell of vinegar, if it is added. No vinegar will be used in our recipe.
At home, cooking delicious peeled tomatoes for the winter is as easy as shelling pears. If you carefully read our recipe with step-by-step photos and try to cook an appetizer using it, you will be sure of this for sure. Be sure to prepare the required ingredients and set aside some free time to cook the peeled tomatoes for the winter.


Peeled tomatoes for the winter - a recipe

First, prepare the ingredients you need and place them in front of you on the counter to cut down on the time spent looking for them during the cooking process. Make sure the tomatoes are whole and unbeaten, wash the greens well and leave to dry on a towel.

Boil some water in a saucepan, place the tomatoes in a plastic bowl, and then fill with hot water so that it completely covers the tomatoes. Leave them in hot water for a couple of minutes, then use a slotted spoon to remove and transfer to another plate.

Carefully make a cruciform incision on the skin of the tomato, then, prying it with a knife, begin to slowly remove it. As a result, matte tomatoes, ideally peeled from the skin, should be obtained..

Place them in the jar, being careful not to tamp them so as not to damage or crush the food. Try to fill the can as much as possible.

Now you need to cut the greens. At the coriander, immediately cut off the branches, leaving only the leaves, which are cut as finely as possible with a sharp knife. Peel the garlic and also cut into small pieces.

We offer you a simple recipe for pickled peeled tomatoes for the winter. Juicy, dense, tender tomatoes, twisted with sweet crispy slices of bell pepper, filled with spicy marinade with spices. The preservation turns out to be sweet and sour and a little spicy thanks to the spicy garlic. In winter, such tomatoes are useful not only as a fragrant snack, but also as raw materials for tomato borsch dressing. They can also be added one at a time to different dishes such as vegetable stew or meat sauce. Moreover, you can use not only tomatoes, but also sweet peppers, which are also saturated with all the juices.
The highlight of this blank is that we roll up the tomatoes without the peel. So they are much better saturated with marinade, and they are more convenient to eat.

You will need:

- 1.2 kg of tomatoes,
- 1/2 bell pepper,
- 1 liter of water,
- 2 - 4 cloves of garlic,
- 5 allspice peas,
- 2 tbsp. salt,
- 5 black peppercorns,
- 4 tsp vinegar
- 2 tbsp. Sahara,
- 2 bay leaves.

We choose small ones for twisting, which will be easy to put in a jar. They also need to be firm enough not to soften in the marinade.
We wash the vegetables and make a small cross-shaped cut on each top. Place in a small bowl and cover with boiling water.

Then after a minute we drain the boiling water and fill the dishes with tomatoes with cold water. After this blanching, skinning is greatly facilitated. Remove the skin and set it aside for now.

We take on the marinade. To do this, mix water with spices. We do not add only vinegar yet. Pour it in after the marinade boils. That's it, he's ready!

Put peeled and medium-sized chopped garlic cloves in sterilized jars. We also spread a couple of slices of Bulgarian.
It must first be cleaned of seeds and divided into thin pieces.

We spread the tomatoes, not ramming too much, so as not to crush them.
And fill the blanks for preservation with boiling, fragrant brine.

It remains only to tighten the jars and send them to cool in a warm, dry place. Do not forget to turn the containers upside down and wrap them well with a blanket.
Tips: Cream tomatoes or any other small but firm structure are very suitable for pickling. Cherry should not be preserved in this way. They are too delicate and can wrinkle under their own weight.

Bon Appetit.
Starinskaya Lesya

After making sure the tomatoes are not damaged, rinse them carefully. The greens also need to be rinsed well and left to dry on a towel.

Boil a little water in a saucepan, put the tomatoes in a suitable plastic bowl, and then pour them with this water. Pour vegetables so that the water completely covers them. After a couple of minutes, remove and transfer the tomatoes to another container. Wait until they cool slightly, otherwise you will burn yourself when removing the skin.

Make a neat cruciform incision in the skin of each tomato and, prying it with a knife, begin very slowly and carefully to remove the skin.

Now the tomatoes are ready, peeled - then it's time to put them in the jar. Do this slowly and do not try to tamp the fruit more tightly, because this way you risk damaging or even crushing them. At the same time, it is advisable for the bank to try to fill it completely (as far as you can).

After chopping, place them in the tomato jar, but do not stir - the greens should remain on top.

Boil the brine water and add salt to it, then pour over all the tomatoes. Be sure to use the pickle hot!

You don't need to sterilize the jars additionally, so just roll them up and hide them under a warm blanket overnight. In the morning, the banks can already be removed.

Your appetizing preparation for the winter is ready without vinegar.

Skinless tomatoes in their own juice

And one more recipe for quickly harvesting tomatoes for the winter without a peel, where sterilization is not required.

  • Tomatoes (about 800 grams),
  • 10 grams of sugar
  • 30 grams of salt
  • 320 grams of tomato juice,
  • two grams of citric acid.

We clean the tomatoes according to the already known method: first we rinse them properly, then put them in a colander and immerse them in boiling water in a saucepan for two minutes.

We take out, quickly cool (cool water will help out here) and carefully get rid of the skin on all tomatoes.

After cleansing, the fruits will need to be rinsed with water and put in a jar. Do not forget that you need to act calmly, not especially zealous and not trying to push all the vegetables tighter.

After all the tomatoes are laid out, pour the tomato juice into the jar.

Instead of juice, a hot brine is suitable: it is prepared from water, citric acid, sugar and salt.

Fill the jars with them, then seal with lids and leave to cool. Wait for them to cool, and then remove to the rest of the seams.

You don't need to do anything else - your delicious skinless canned tomatoes are ready to eat.

Most housewives harvest tomatoes for the winter in brine. But you can kill two birds with one stone: preserve not only vegetables, but also tomato juice in one jar. And in the last issue, we have already looked at the benefits and a step-by-step recipe for such a recipe. Tomato juice can be further used for overcooking in borscht, instead of tomato paste, or drunk cold straight from the can.

Here's another awesome recipe for a tomato in its own juice. Real jam!

In the previous article, I already reviewed the recipes. Today we will consider how to cook peeled tomatoes in their own juice. This has several advantages:

  • Vegetables soften.
  • Before sending the tomato to the dishes, you do not need to first remove the peel.
  • The canning process is reduced.

If you try this method of preparing a blank, then you will no longer use the old methods.

Step by step photo recipe

It is very easy to make a blank. In addition, the recipe will not use salt and sugar. The whole process takes a minimum of time, so you don't need to spend the whole day in the kitchen. Italians use a similar method to add vegetables to pizza, lasagne, spaghetti, sauces.

For a liter can you need to prepare:

  • 10-15 small tomatoes. If possible, it is better to use cherry.
  • 1 kg of fleshy tomatoes.

No other ingredients are required.

First, we will get rid of the skin. The tomatoes must be blanched. It is necessary to prepare a bulky dish with boiling water and a container with cold water (if possible, add ice to it).

Wash the fruits with cold water. Make a shallow cross-cut as shown in the image below.

Send the tomatoes to a bowl of boiling water. Depending on the thickness of the skin, remove it after 5 minutes. For convenience, it is recommended to use a slotted spoon.

And immediately place the fruits in a bowl of ice water.

After such a procedure, it is very easy to remove the skin.

From peeled tomatoes, carefully remove the stalks with a sharp knife, and then put them in sterilized glass jars.

Choose fleshy fruits, divide into several slices. Send to a saucepan and simmer over low heat with the lid closed until the vegetables are tender. Then pass through a meat grinder. You can also grind tomatoes with a blender, blender or vegetable cutter.

Pour homemade tomato juice over jars of vegetables.

Put a towel on the bottom of a deep baking sheet and place the jars, filled to the very top.

Heat 1.5 liters of water to 70 degrees and pour it into a baking sheet.

Cover the jars with boiled lids, set the temperature in the oven to 140 degrees. After 20 minutes, open the oven, screw the lids tightly, turn the cans over and leave to cool completely.

Tomatoes without skin in their own juice, and without vinegar for the winter - you will lick your fingers!

There is another easy way to prepare delicious tomatoes in tomato juice. This recipe does not use any spices, seasonings, vinegar, or other ingredients. For harvesting, you need to prepare only 1.7 kg of tomato, based on a 1.5 liter jar.

If you have a lot of fifth and larger tomatoes, it is recommended to prepare them in your own juice. For the recipe, no additional ingredients and preservatives are needed, since vegetables have enough juice and acid to keep them for a long time.

You must wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks and try to peel them off. If this does not work, then they need to be dipped in boiling water for 10-15 seconds, after which they should be immersed in cold water. As a result of this procedure, you can easily remove the skin. But some varieties are well cleaned without such a procedure.

Small tomatoes with a solid and dense structure should be set aside, and the rest should be divided into medium slices and twisted in any convenient way.

Pour the resulting juice into a thick-walled container, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes over low heat. It is recommended to remove the foam. After that, send the tomatoes into the tomato paste for 5 minutes.

Sterilize glass jars with steam, and pour boiling water over the lids. Remove whole fruits from the pan and send them to prepared jars.

Boil the tomato paste again and fill the jars with it to the very top, roll it up with a key, put it upside down, cover with a blanket and set aside for several hours so that the workpiece is completely cooled.

You can store tomatoes in an apartment in a dark place. The fruits can be used to prepare salads and cold snacks. And use the juice for borscht and other liquid dishes.

If you have never done such a blank, then be sure to try it this year. Roll up at least a few cans, if you like it, then next year you will make more supplies.

Skinless tomatoes in their own juice. Step-by-step photo recipe Most housewives harvest tomatoes for the winter in brine. But you can kill two birds with one stone: preserve in one

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

Any food, skillfully, can be turned into culinary wonders. Especially in the season when the fresh gifts of nature - berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs - are just the sea.

This recipe for a tomato in its own juice does not require any special skill. To create such a strategic reserve for the winter, you do not need to do magic in the kitchen for a long time, experimenting with all kinds of marinades and fillings. And prepare one or two jars for a sample, and, who knows, maybe such tomatoes without peel, pickle and vinegar will forever occupy one of the first places in your ranking of homemade products!

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without vinegar

recipe for preparation for the winter without marinade and brine

For convenience, the amount of ingredients is given for one liter can and 800 g of tomatoes, and you prepare the volume you need.


  • tomatoes,
  • cilantro and parsley - one third of a large bunch,
  • hot pepper - half of one piece,
  • sugar and salt - one tbsp. l.,
  • garlic - four cloves.

Cooking process:

All products must be clean. Dry the greens, and the tomatoes will undergo another water procedure. Therefore, it is not scary if wet beads remain on them. Chop the garlic, peppers and herbs very finely (no tails).

Toss them with sugar and salt.

The dressing will be saturated with the juices of all the ingredients, and during this time you will sterilize the cans and lids. Close the containers to keep them warm while you prepare the vegetables for the next step.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. But do not rush to skin them, because you can burn your fingers. Let the tomatoes sit in the water for a few minutes.

Then the whole subsequent process will pass without difficulty. Peel, cut vegetables in half if large.

Place them in hot jars, alternating with dressing. Please note that the tomatoes will still let the juice flow and settle a little. Therefore, leave them alone for 10 (or a little more) minutes.

As soon as liquid appears, more tomatoes can be added. Even after you put the jars on sterilization, you can continue to fill them. It is more difficult to do this when you decide to use the oven for sterilization. It is better to subject cans to such a treatment on the hob. And do not forget to make sure that the water in the sterilization container does not boil too much.

We felt that we should no longer overload the jar with tomatoes, sterilize it for five minutes and immediately roll up the tomatoes with lids, turn the containers over. Wrap them up with something warm, such as a terry towel. The tomatoes in their own juice will cool down and you can lower the jars into the cellar or transfer them to the cool pantry.

For the recipe and photo of tomatoes without vinegar, marinade and peel, we thank Galina Aleksandrovna.

Perhaps you will like harvesting tomato juice for the winter:

How to make a tomato - >>

This recipe for a tomato in its own juice does not require any special skill. Recipe for tomatoes without vinegar, marinade and pickle in jars for the winter, tomatoes for the winter

Tomatoes in their own juice - this delicious recipe will come in handy for every housewife. Tomatoes and their juice are especially useful for people with digestive problems. Half a glass of juice a day - and the stomach works like a clock. An additional highlight and additional labor in this diet recipe is pickling tomatoes without the skin.

For this recipe for blanks, cream tomatoes are suitable, small, oval-shaped or small round, up to 3-4 cm in diameter.

Where do we start canning tomatoes in their own juice and without the skin? right, we think how to skin a tomato quick and easy.

To do this, we sort out the tomatoes, wash them, blanch them for 1-2 minutes. in boiling water and then refrigerate under cold water. You can blanch with a colander or directly in the saucepan. After the tomatoes have been in hot and cold water, it is easy to peel them off.

Now, you need to know how to make tomato juice. We will deal with its preparation separately. We will make it from the remaining tomatoes that did not fit in size or for other reasons. These can be large, overripe, rumpled fruits.

Cooking tomato juice.

We wash the prepared tomatoes several times in water, discard the stalks, damaged areas from diseases and sunburn, with greenery, cut into pieces and boil until soft. Wipe the cooled contents of the pan through a sieve to separate the skin and seeds from the juice.

We add salt to it, you can boil bay leaves, black pepper and boil. To prepare a marinade from tomato juice for 1 liter of juice, you will need 20-30 g of salt. The tomato juice for the marinade is ready.

Now, we need to make our preparation faster, since the shelf life of the juice is 1 hour. Then the juice begins to ferment. If we want to marinate a large number of tomatoes, then the juice will have to be prepared in several stages.

Important: To increase the boiling point of water at home to 108-110 ° C, add about 2 tbsp to a pot of boiling water. tablespoons of salt.

Tomatoes in their own juice according to this recipe taste like fresh. And although tomato juice and salt (without vinegar) act as a preservative, they are stored for a long time. This recipe for harvesting tomatoes is good because there is no waste - the tomatoes are eaten, and the juice is drunk.