What's happened. What does devil's advocate mean? what does the devil's advocate mean

The meaning of phraseologism "devil's advocate"

"Devil's Advocate" is a person who, firstly, sees only bad things in a person and talks about him only, considering only his shortcomings, completely forgetting about his positive qualities, and taking into account only the negative qualities of a person.

Secondly, such a person, even in the positive qualities of a person, is looking for something bad and negative, thereby trying to denigrate a person in the eyes of others, a kind of "fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey." They say that the hen digs in the dirt to find a grain, and he digs in the grain to find dirt.

Thirdly, this is the name of an inveterate and meticulous debater who argues for the sake of a dispute, the end result of which does not bother him much, and he himself may not support the defending position at all. Also in this way, he may try to identify weaknesses in his position or try to prove something “by the contrary”.

The origin of the phraseologism "devil's advocate"

Phraseologism "devil's advocate" or more accurately translated from Latin "advocatus diaboli" "devil's advocate" first appeared as a term in the Catholic Church. This was the unofficial name of the position, which became an integral part in the process of canonization, and later beatification - an integral part at the initial stage of canonization by the Catholic Church.

Canonization is the reckoning of a deceased person to the canon of saints, followed by worship. This was done for the purpose of propaganda to strengthen and popularize the faith among the people, which attracted more and more followers. In addition, this significantly simplified the fight against unwanted sects and objectionable cults, undermining the authority of Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular.

The practice of the first reckoning as a saint began in the early Middle Ages, and the decision on the holiness of a person was made personally by the bishops. But over time, cases began to appear when the holiness and virtue of the newly-made saint began to raise big questions for many and doubts arose in his sinless life, so he came up with the process of canonization, which has survived to this day. In addition, this could further increase the authority of the church in the eyes of the common people.

From now on, the bishops were supposed to provide a candidate for canonization, the choice of which was approached with sick caution, and all information about his affairs during his lifetime for consideration personally by the Pope for his approval. But in most cases, the Pope was not personally acquainted with this or that candidate and could not reliably know the whole history of his life. Therefore, a canonization procedure was needed, which would reveal whether a candidate is really worthy of such a high honor or not.

She concluded as follows. The proposed candidate was scrupulously considered from two sides, one of which was represented by an advocate or advocate of God (advocatus Dei). His task was to present the proposed candidacy of the deceased person from the best possible side as a great martyr and holy righteous man, listing all the church regalia and good deeds throughout his life.

After that, the turn of the so-called "devil's advocate" came, who, on the contrary, revealed acts that denigrated the candidate, and tried in every possible way to find arguments that did not allow him to undergo canonization, prove his sinfulness and expose him as unworthy of canonization to the saints.

Officially, the position of "devil's advocate" was called promoter of the faith (promotor fidei) and was introduced in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V, existed for almost 400 years and was abolished in 1983 by John Paul II.

“Devil's Advocate” this position was nicknamed due to the fact that the speaker acted as an enemy of humanity and God, that is, on behalf of the devil. As a rule, this position was appointed from among very experienced ministers of the church, with a sharp mind and excellent oratory. This was done so that there was not the slightest doubt about the correctness of the choice made.

Since then, not a single canonization has taken place without a "devil's advocate". And the expression "devil's advocate" began to be used in a broader sense, and not just as a church Catholic position.

Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

Devil's Advocate

such a participant in a dispute, discussion, discussion, who expresses arguments that characterize only the negative aspects of the problem under discussion, looks for facts that reject a positive solution to the problem, without stopping at the fact that the arguments look obviously ridiculous; in judicial practice - a malicious, meticulous accuser, outlining only the negative sides and features of the defendant. It also denotes a picky critic. One should not speak entirely in this spirit (something positive should also be mentioned), otherwise it will instill the idea of ​​​​prejudice.

Catholic Encyclopedia

Devil's Advocate

(lat. Advocatus diaboli is an informal job title for the canonization institute of the Catholic Church. Officially, this position was called the strengthener of the faith ( lat. promoter fidei). It was introduced in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V and officially abolished in 1983 by John Paul II.

The function of the devil's advocate was to collect all possible arguments that could interfere with the canonization of a potential saint. The canonization could only take place if the promoter of the faith did not find arguments of sufficient importance to cancel the procedure. Prior to 1983, no act of canonization could be recognized as legal if the devil's advocate was not present at this act.

In modern language, this term is often used to refer to people who defend a position that they themselves do not hold. Sometimes they do it just to argue, sometimes in order to identify possible logical flaws in their own position or try to prove their position “by the contrary”.

In this article, lawyer Evgenia Sanarova answers the question "Who is called a devil's lawyer?"

Could you, under certain circumstances, take the position of a devil's advocate in life?

Initially, a participant in the procedure for the canonization of a saint by Catholics was called a devil's advocate. It was structured as a lawsuit in which there were two sides - God's Advocate, who praised the candidate for sainthood, and the Devil's Advocate, who tried to refute the arguments of the opposing side and argue that the candidate was completely unfit for sainthood.

Later, a person who tries to denigrate everything, see the bad in the good, black in white, etc., was called the devil's advocate. in the grain to find dust and dirt

Catholics have had such a position for almost four hundred years, informally called the devil's advocate. It was officially called in a different way - "strengthener of faith."

Appeared since 1587 (introduced by Sixtus V), liquidated it in 1987 by John Paul II.

During the canonization of a person as a saint, one of the Catholic priests looked for arguments preventing his canonization, another, God's advocate, presented arguments in his favor.

If the "advocatus diaboli" did not find serious reasons, then the canonization was considered approved. But without the presence of a “faith strengthener,” it was not carried out at all.

So the original meaning of this expression was that unworthy people would not be ranked among the saints.

The term Advocatus diaboli of the Catholic Church, as it sounds in Latin, refers to the unofficial title of a position in the institution of beatification and canonization. The official name is the unofficial name promotor fidei (faith strengthener). A more accurate translation into Russian is "devil's protector".

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The functions of the priest of this position are to find obstacles to the canonization of the candidate for sainthood.

The Devil's Advocate argued with the Advocate of God, advocatus Dei, who acted as the defender of the pretender.

Without the presence of the Devil's Advocate, no one could be considered a saint.

I won’t answer right away about “when” - you need to look on the Web.

Who is called that? Lawyers who are ready to defend anyone (murderers, rapists, gangsters, etc.) for money, despite the full proof of their guilt and condemnation by society. As a synonym, you can use the phrase "corrupt lawyer."

Under no circumstances would I want to become such a “lawyer”. And hopefully I won't.


The Devil's Advocate is a idiom. He came to us from the dark and mysterious Middle Ages. In the Catholic Roman Church, when another saint was canonized, they arranged a procedure over him that was very similar to a kind of trial. The representative of one of the parties (called the "lawyer of God") - "protected" the future saint. The second side (“Prosecutor’s”), on the contrary, looked for flaws in him and was referred to as the “Devil’s lawyer”. A person could become a saint, or he might not. It depends on who won this discussion.


"Devil's Advocate" can now be called those who are looking for spots on the sun (relatively speaking) and eventually recognize the Sun as dark.

Personally, I do not want to look for vices. Especially in that which is immaculate.

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Specialists who pervert laws for profit. When I was emperor, I decided to execute them all.

Devil's Advocate - now often used in the same sense as the Hollywood lawyer (partly due to literal understanding, partly, perhaps due to the fame of the film of the same name with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino in the lead roles), that is, one who for the sake of money or other benefits, with the help of sophisms, various tricks, references to non-compliance with formal procedures, protects a notorious villain from a well-deserved punishment or justifies unconditional evil. In this sense, see the corresponding article about the trail.

However, earlier the meaning of this expression was quite different:

Stable combination (term). Used as a noun phrase.

  • IPA: [ɐdvɐˈkad ˈdʲjavəɫə]
  • Albanian sq: Avokati i Djallit, Advocatus Diaboli
  • English en: devil's advocate
  • Arabic ar: محامي الشيطان
  • Asturian ast: abogáu del diañu
  • Bulgarian bg: devil's lawyer
  • Greek el: συνήγορος του διαβόλου (synígoros tou diavólou)
  • Danish da: djævelens advokat
  • Hebrew he: פרקליט השטן
  • Icelandic is: málsvari andskotans
  • Spanish es: abogado del diablo
  • Italian it: advocatus diaboli
  • Catalan ca: advocat del diable
  • Chinese (simplified): 恶魔的代言人
  • Korean ko: 악마의 대변자
  • Latin la: lt: velnio advokatas
  • Macedonian mk: lawyer in havolot
  • German de: Anwalt des Teufels, Advocatus Diaboli
  • Dutch nl: advocaat van de duivel
  • Norwegian no: djevelens advokat
  • Polish pl: adwokat diabła, Promotor Wiary
  • Portuguese pt: Advogado do Diabo
  • Serbian sr (lat.): Đavolji advokat
  • Slovak sk: diablov advokát, advocatus diaboli
  • Turkish tr: şeytanın avukatı
  • Ukrainian uk: devil's advocate
  • Finnish fi: paholaisen asianajaja
  • French fr: avocat du diable
  • Croatian hr: vražji odvjetnik
  • Czech cs: ďáblův advokát, advocatus diaboli
  • Swedish sv: Djävulens advokat
  • Esperanto and eo: advokato de la diablo
  • Estonian et: kuradi advokaat
  • Japanese ja: 悪魔の代弁者 (あくまのだいべんしゃ, akuma no daibensha), 列聖調査審問検事 (ressei chōsa shinmon kenji), あまのじゃく

February 01, 2014 No comments

Who is a lawyer? The answer to this question can be found in the Federal Law, but if you have no desire to read it, then pay attention to this article. We will tell you who a lawyer is, and who only pretends to be one.

Advocate means a person who has the status of a lawyer. In addition, he must also have the right to practice law, which was established by Federal Law. But even this is not important, but first of all, the fact that a lawyer is an independent professional adviser with a higher legal education, as well as a special qualification, which was officially confirmed by the commission. It should be noted that a lawyer should not take part in work that does not correspond to his status, but at the same time he can be engaged in teaching or scientific activities.

Many of us imagine lawyers as advocates. To be more precise, as a defender of one of the parties during the trial. In fact, reality differs little from the imagination of people. The lawyer is a participant in the trial. It performs a protective function in relation to the plaintiff or the defendant. Anyone can use legal services in Kazan. But finding a good lawyer can be problematic.

What can a lawyer do if he is a representative of the plaintiff or defendant? First of all, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a lawyer must protect the rights and interests (only legal ones) of those persons whom he represents. It is also in his power to send official requests not only to public, but also to state organizations. Receive certificates, characteristics, any documents required for the trial.

Recall that a lawyer is a person who, in accordance with the law, must not only honestly, but also in good faith protect the rights and interests of citizens who turn to him for help. In addition, a lawyer may be appointed to defend the accused in criminal proceedings. Such an appointment may occur at the insistence of the bodies of inquiry, court, preliminary investigation. There is another rule that should never be broken. No lawyer has the right to disclose information or information that is directly related to his ward.

Without a doubt, this film, which is an example of the brilliant game of Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves, played a significant role in the spread of this expression. It is thanks to the film that the expression The Devil's Advocate gives rise to associations with know how to benefit from everything, and then forget; I know everything, but I can't do everything; killing with kindness is our secret;as your lawyer, I advise you to stay away from me; .

At the same time, the expressionDevil's Advocate ( The Devil's Advocate ) appeared much earlier and initially had a completely different meaning. So, in the Catholic Encyclopedia under the Devil's Advocate ( lat. advocatus diaboli) is understood as the unofficial title of the position of the institute of canonization of the Catholic Church. The official title of Devil's Advocate is Faith Strengthener ( lat. promoter fidei). It was introduced in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V and officially abolished in 1983 by John Paul II. A more linguistically correct translation from Latin of the expression advocatus diaboli is the protector of the devil.

The task of the Devil's Advocate was to collect and present all possible arguments that could interfere with the canonization of a person potentially recognized as a saint. In particular, such arguments are the selfish motive in doing good deeds. For k anonization requires a positive decision based on the results of the dispute between two parties expressing opposing opinions and presenting appropriate arguments. The name of the second party is God's Advocate(lat.Advocatus Dei). Its task is to present materials and information confirming the positive qualities of a potential saint, allowing us to talk about the possibility of classifying him as a saint. Respectively, a person could not be recognized as a saint if the arguments presented by the Devil's Advocate were weighty enough. The presentation of arguments and evidence by two parties defending opposing opinions outwardly resembles an adversarial process in court. Until 1983, the presence of the Devil's Advocate was a prerequisite for the legality of an act of canonization.

In modern usage, the term Devil's Advocate has many different meanings. It is interesting to note that among them there are both negative and positive meanings. So, in the book “Organizational Behavior” by D. Newstrom and K. Davis, this term refers to a member of the group, one of whose duties is to constructively criticize the proposals of colleagues, analyze their arguments and logic, which allows them to make informed decisions. The English-Russian dictionary means by the Devil's Advocate a person who defends the wrong cause or the wrong position. Quite often there is an interpretation meaning a person defending a position that he himself does not adhere to. At the same time, the motive of behavior can be either just a desire to argue, or a desire to identify possible logical flaws in one's own position or try to prove one's position "by contradiction". Also quite often the expression Devil's Advocate is used in relation to a person who seeks out only dark, evil sides in something or someone, who is only interested in this side of the matter. After the release of the film of the same name, the expression began to be used in relation to a lawyer defending an outright criminal who committed a particularly serious crime and, both from the standpoint of morality and from the standpoint of the law, deserves the most severe punishment.

The expression The Devil's Advocate is stable and has meanings comparable to Russian in other languages. Yes, aChristine Ammer's 1992 American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms "by Christine Ammer" reveals the meaning of the expression Devil's Advocate ( d evil "s advocate) as a term of the Roman Catholic Church, which refers to a specially appointed person whose task was to put forward arguments against the canonization or inclusion in the league of saints represented persons. The expression has been used in English in a broader sense since the middle of the 18th century.

At the same time, if you think about who the Devil's Advocate really is, the picture is somewhat more complicated. It must be agreed that the progenitor of evil himself needs little protection from anyone. Especially on the ground. Rather, it speaks of the need for protection for the other side. Another thing is that after the defense, the second function of a lawyer is to represent the interests of his client. Based on this construction, we can conclude that the Devil's Advocate carries out activities on earth on behalf of and on behalf of his represented, the result of which may be the transfer of ownership of the soul of the counterparty in a transaction concluded by the lawyer on behalf of the represented. With this design, the Devil's Advocate becomes a lawyer for extraordinary deals, specializing in. However, this conclusion is not entirely correct.

Despite the seemingly absurd position that the Devil's Advocate specializes in such, this position has its own rationale. Quite often, when thinking about the intention to commit this or that act, we are faced with an emerging doubt about the correctness of the plan. And how often do we have such thoughts in connection with litigation literally on the threshold of the court. To recover an overdue debt from a friend, but at the same time lose his friend. Evict an ex-wife from his apartment, but at the same time lose the opportunity to see the child forever. Sue yourself the opportunity to use another room, but forever quarrel because of this with all relatives. As for the leaders of organizations, they have to find themselves in a similar situation much more often. Entity debt forces a person to make the decision to sink a recent companion friend in most cases. Questions like these often cause a person to get excited to the point where he loses the ability to make a decision on his own. And here, quite often, a lawyer appears, to whom a person turns for advice. And aren't the words of a lawyer speaking about the absolute legitimacy of the client's claims serving as the latter that tip the scales in favor of profit to the detriment of good. In this situation, the lawyer, like in the movie, says: “Z I know everything, but I can't do everything. I will teach you how to act, but you must make the decision yourself. And similar questions arise sooner or later in any person, if not in, then in, hereditary, in. Therefore, the answer to the question of what goal the lawyer is leading the client to does not seem absurd.

But, as already mentioned, this conclusion is only partly true. Obviously, in the situation under consideration, the circumstance that the lawyer himself is guided by will also be important. Agree, there is a certain difference between persuading a client, guided solely by his own self-interest, and providing him with information about the possibilities of the legal mechanisms existing in his situation. Although, sometimes a lawyer feels a desire, albeit to a small extent, but still push the client to make a certain decision. Only a low-level lawyer persuades, strongly recommending to do just that, and a higher-level one presents only part of the information, allowing you to choose the right decision yourself. And the more information a lawyer has, the higher the temptation of such manipulation.

Each time, receiving a benefit and sacrificing values ​​that are higher than money, a person makes a deal. And in any case, this deal is paid. The price is remorse, the fear of committing a sin. It is this transaction, unlike , that is . For a reason that transcends all other human activity. Using the terms of the joint stock law, we can say that it is in this situation that a person needs special approval to complete such a transaction. And it just so happens that you need to go to someone for approval. Not necessarily a lawyer. There are also friends, work colleagues, fortune tellers. However, in some cases, that someone is the lawyer. The duty of which, in my opinion, is to objectively present to the client both negative and positive aspects of his situation.