Womb breathing meditation. Uterus cleansing and energy return

Great for opening and harmonizing the second chakra, for working through and releasing pain and resentment against men, helps to accept yourself, your femininity, this is a meditation on self-love. And with a certain degree of energy disclosure, the practice becomes a meditation on the fulfillment of desires, helping to gently attract into your life what is harmonious and desirable.

Find 20 minutes for yourself when no one will disturb you.

Sit in a quiet place, turn on soft music, close your eyes.
To get started, just sit for 5-10 minutes, calm your thoughts, anxieties, distract yourself from everyday affairs, focus on what you will do now to cultivate your feminine energy.

So let's start...

Breathe deeply with your chest, and gradually lower your breath down into the abdomen, now breathe with your stomach, breathing is deep, calm, even ...
Now gently lower your breath into the uterus, and breathe as if through the uterus ...

Track what sensations you have in the uterus? What is the energy there? What color is she? What are the emotions in this organ of femininity?

It often happens that a woman's uterus "cries", I often met this in private energy sessions. Or the uterus is all shrinking, frightened, there may be fear ... pain, fears ... resentment ...

Talk to your uterus by placing your hand on your groin area. Ask her: “What can I do for you? What are you missing? How can I help you? ”... The answer will come by itself, you will feel it, understand it.
Ask her forgiveness that they sometimes treated her rudely or harshly, did not attach importance and attention to her.

And now breathe with this attitude: each breath fills your uterus with light, warmth, and with the exhalation, dark spots, negativity, pain, resentment disappear ... and again, inhale - the heat energy enters the uterus and fills it with light, love, attention ... exhale - that's it the bad leaves the uterus into the ground, dissolving in it ...
Breathe like this for 5-7 minutes to start.
Then promise the uterus to take care of her more, thank her for giving you beauty, femininity, charm ...
Raise the breath again into the stomach, and then into the chest ...
Take a deep breath and open your eyes!

To begin with, work out several times by cleansing the uterus, as a rule, many women have already managed to accumulate a lot there. And then you can just breathe the uterus, fill it with energy. Ultimately, you should have the feeling that your uterus is shining through your body in a radius of five meters and illuminating everything around. This is just an amazing feeling, it touches all passers-by and people begin to smile at you, turn to you, treat you differently, and you yourself get the feeling that there is an inexhaustible source of love, affection and warmth inside you.

Of course, it is ideal to carry out this practice with someone who knows, because at first all negative emotions, pain, tears, resentments come out. It is important that someone nearby listens to you later, supports you, and then, working in a group fills you with strength, the effect is many times stronger there.

When you fill the uterus with energy and feel that you yourself have become filled, then try to imagine a radiant ball of light golden energy in the uterus. The womb is the place of creation, place in this ball what you would like to see in your life, material or non-material, observe yourself inside this ball already possessing it. Fill this "new you" with light. This meditation is best done with one wish before it is fulfilled.

Today I wanted to tell you, my dears, about one very important practice "Womb Breathing". It harmonizes the work of the second chakra, and also connects us very well with the female center, which is located in the uterus.

Favorably affects sexuality, awakens desire and can even cure women's diseases, fills.

And the state after such practice is just a fairy tale, I really like it. You get goosebumps and a feeling of love and harmony sets in, so I highly recommend doing it.

Choose a time so that you can sit quietly in silence for 15-20 minutes. Turn on beautiful music, sit down and relax. Breathe calmly first through the chest, then lower your breath down, breathe through the stomach, then even lower and breathe through the uterus, as if breathing through the womb and filling the uterus.

Observe your sensations, feelings and emotions. What color is the energy in your womb? What does she feel?

Very often, in women, resentment or feelings of guilt or other blocks accumulate in the uterus, which then do not allow them to live harmoniously and feel like a real woman.

Place your hands on your groin area and talk to her, ask her what is bothering her, how she feels, and what you can do for her. The answers will come on their own at the level of consciousness, the main thing is to listen to them.

Ask forgiveness for the fact that so little attention was paid to her and little love was given.

After you've spoken to her. You also need to breathe with this attitude: inhale through the uterus - light and love enter it, exhale also through the uterus - all negativity, resentment, blocks, reproaches and everything that prevents you from living disappears.

Inhale - filling with light healing energy, exhale - negative and all that is superfluous goes into the ground.

Purify your feminine center with this breath.

Breathe like this for 5-7 minutes. Then thank your womb for being beautiful and sexy. Promise to pay more attention to her.

Then raise your breath calmly, first into the stomach, and then into the chest.

At first, when you start clearing your feminine center, various emotions, tears, and the like may come up. Don't be afraid, accept it with gratitude.

When you completely cleanse your uterus (you will feel it), then you can simply fill it with energy and love in the future.

I also wanted to say after such a practice a woman glows like the sun. Many will notice these changes, and you yourself will feel very good, there will be a feeling of fullness and sincere love for yourself and the whole world.

I wish you to be feminine and sexy.

A special aura, charm and magnetism are given by nature to a woman as a mother, coastline and keeper of the hearth. In the modern world, representatives of the weaker sex successfully combine these functions with business, study, and participation in the social life of society. The wasted energy is given away in the body by problems in relation to men, a weakening of vitality. Therefore, it is not surprising that many ladies of different ages are increasingly interested in mediative practices, intimate gymnastics. Their goal is to fill with feminine energy.

Breathing the uterus is like

The female uterus is the center of concentration of all female power, respectively, both sexuality and charm. The main exercises aimed at strengthening the physical and energy health of this organ are uterine breathing and special exercises for strengthening intimate muscles. These sets of exercises, supported by meditation, are part of yoga, qigong gymnastics.

Why is this meditation becoming popular? All the physical health of a woman is closely related to the health of the uterus, in turn, it is in this organ that all the negative energy that can cause its diseases is collected. Dissatisfaction with relationships with a man, sexual impulses from all previous relationships - everything accumulates in the uterus and does not allow a woman to build new healthy relationships. Information about previous contacts is stored in this drive for about seven years. Breathing the uterus is a meditative way to cleanse the body of all negative "garbage".

Features of preparation

By itself, this meditation on the theme "Let's clean up all unnecessary" does not require significant special devices and accessories. It is important to remember that this is not just an exercise. Breathing by the uterus without mental concentration and disconnection from external stimuli becomes just physical education for intimate muscles (which is also important). Therefore, before carrying out this charge, several important points cannot be ignored.

  • Set aside 15 minutes for yourself so that your thoughts are not distracted by the kitchen, work, children, etc.
  • Exclude from the environment to the maximum all external stimuli.
  • The environment should be one where you feel as comfortable as possible.
  • There is no need to start any women's practices if skepticism or distrust is spinning in your thoughts.

Important! All manipulations with your body and body have a positive result only with full confidence and goodwill towards yourself!

How to properly breathe the uterus

In various sources, uterine breathing is described in different poses: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered; sitting on a chair or in the lotus position, arms down, palms up; lying on your back, arms along the body. How right? So, how convenient. A strict position is not a prerequisite. Turn on some nice light music. There are even special music blocks for this relaxation theme.

Thoughts must focus in one area: on their inner center. Think of your uterus as a separate living entity. Thank her mentally, ask for forgiveness for your behavior. At this time, adjust your chest breathing evenly.

Now take a breath with your stomach and gradually mentally move the center of breathing lower and lower. Your most important chakra is now breathing with each inhalation and exhalation. Constantly, along with breathing, a mental orientation works: on exhalation, you free your organ from all negativity, on inhalation, it is filled with light energy.

Inhalation and exhalation is accompanied by contraction and weakening of the vaginal muscles. You can put your hand on your stomach and, with light pressure, help the uterus.

Don't be afraid of the sensations

Some time after the onset of intense breathing, the uterus may begin to pulsate or, conversely, shrink and “fear”. Calm her down, talk to her mentally calmly and kindly. The negative accumulated by the uterus can appear under the guise of tears, sometimes even screams. Do not be afraid of your incomprehensible behavior. This means that the womb is breathing correctly, and a lot of accumulated stresses come out of the main female organ. Some secretions may appear - that's good: the detoxification is successful.

Gradually weaken the uterine breathing, move the source higher and higher, relax. For the first time, a 5-minute workout is enough, gradually bringing meditation to 15 minutes.

What is imbilding

When discussing women's practices, one cannot ignore fitness for intimate organs, or imbuilding. Can imbuilding and uterine breathing be the same technique? Gymnastics in its purest form, without a spiritual environment, is reduced to the uterus, anus. The practice of "womb breathing" is a way to energize the female ego. Only by combining these two concepts, you can achieve a result. It is on this that the charm and attractiveness of Japanese geisha is based.

The list of imbuilding includes various exercises, the simplest essence of which is the contraction of the muscles of the genital organs, as a result of which they become elastic and elastic.

Result and contraindications

  • Weakness of the muscles of the female genital organs is almost the main cause of female diseases. inflammatory processes, abortion, age-related urinary incontinence - all this can be avoided if blood flow to the uterus and vagina is ensured.
  • Women's health is directly related to pregnancy and childbirth. Uterine breathing and special physical education, which cleanse and strengthen the uterus, ensure the normal course of these processes.
  • The sexual component has significant weight in marital relations. A woman who is ready to give moments of pleasure to herself will always be attractive to a man. The elastic muscles of the genital organs, the uterus, filled with bright positive energy, allow both partners to experience the fullness of sexual sensations.

There are no contraindications and age restrictions for women's practices. The only caveat for pregnant women: classes are very useful for the successful passage of the whole process, but it is better if they are supervised by a specialist. Too active loads can cause unwanted reactions.

How to be filled and shine from within.Working with the uterus, understanding its nature

This is the center of our feminine power, this is our Inner Woman.

The uterus is a kind of such a recording device that does not have logic.
There is a Soul - energy + information. We deal with the soul, get along, harmonize certain events of our life. Such work of the Soul allows us to move forward along the Path, to be harmonious. But women, in addition to the Soul, as a recording device (contains information), also have the Uterus, which also "remembers", which also needs adjustment, harmonization - periodically ... And it literally "settles" insults, unpleasant life situations, stress, excessive loads - all this affects our feminine nature - illnesses, ailments, fatigue on the face, early wrinkles, dull eyes appear ... The woman in us seems to fade.
In general, the state of the uterus affects many things: the state of health, well-being, how we look, how attractive we are to men, and also how much we can fill our man.

In the Slavic tradition, a woman is matter (energy), a man is information. How successful her man will be depends on the energy of a woman.

How to save and accumulate internal energy (female energy)

What negatively affects the state of our uterus (our Inner Woman):
1. Resentment.
2. Not self-love.
3. Not loving others.
4. Negative emotions.
5. Stress.
6. Quarrels.
7. Alcohol, smoking.
8. Excessive eating, disordered eating. (Points 7, 8 - rather, have a reflection on our psycho-emotional mood, can form internal dissatisfaction with ourselves, not to mention the consequences of a direct nature - the appearance of our body; and all this will naturally affect the state of our Inner Woman).
9. Excessive work, other loads.

What rules of life help us feel excellent, harmonious! Feel like a beautiful, desirable, worthy woman:

1. It goes without saying to minimize, up to the complete absence, the manifestations listed in the 9 points above.
2. Proper natural nutrition in moderation.
3. Wear feminine clothes - skirts, dresses. A woman collects energy from the Earth, men from the Sun, from Heaven. And the longer the skirt and the more flared downwards (with the sun), the better - the more energy it will take from the Earth.
4. Harmonious periods. Give yourself a rest these days. Relax completely. This is a period of renewal, purification, reboot.
6. Get enough sleep. For this we go to bed earlier. Here and beauty, and health, mood ...
7. Regular work with the uterus - cleansing, harmonization, filling.
8. Purity of sexual relationships.

For the health and harmony of our Womb, two practices are needed:

1) Purification, harmonization, filling of the uterus.
2) Breaking up with former sexual partners.

The practice of cleansing, harmonizing and filling the uterus

Preparing yourself and space
We improve the space around us. Cleanliness of the room is important so that you feel cozy and comfortable in it. Well, they are very helpful in creating the necessary mood for practice - candles, favorite smells (preferably not harsh, so as not to distract you during work), incense, flowers in the room. As you wish.
We sit comfortably, you can even lie down if you want. It is possible while taking a bath, when the body is relaxed, you are calm.
You can turn on light pleasant music.
Close your eyes and let's begin.

Attune with REIKI in order to cleanse, heal, harmonize and fill the uterus and ourselves through it with energy.
We draw symbols intuitively.
Handles on the uterus.
For those who are not into Reiki: it is good to attune with the energies of the Goddess Lada, ask her help to work with you. We continue as written. Then - at the stage of filling the uterus with energy, we fill ourselves with our love and thank ourselves, it’s good even to list for what ... Those who are in Reiki, it will also be great to turn to Ladushka with a request to help, work with you, in addition to Reiki itself.

We mentally clean the uterus from everything accumulated destructive in it, forgive, harmonize; if some episodes from life come up - here it is necessary to understand what needs to be done, maybe the harmonization of the past, maybe the connection remained through the chakras with the former man ... remember, write down, so that you can work with it later.
Then we fill with Energy, everything beautiful and beautiful, we send gratitude to ourselves as a woman, we say compliments, we say how we love ourselves, the task is to understand what our Inner Goddess may be missing - that means you need to give, let it into your life, finally allow yourself . So this is necessary for you.

We are finishing. Thank you.
Write down what you need in your diary.
You can cleanse the uterus by imagining a pit with fire under your feet, and mentally, when destructiveness, heaviness, not harmony leaves through the perineum, we send it there, Fire neutralizes it. We thank him at the end.
Return to Practice periodically.

It has long been no secret to anyone that every sexual relationship leaves energy threads in a woman, with which she remains connected with a man for a period of about seven years, even if they parted. Through these threads, a woman "feeds" with energy all the partners with whom she had sex at least once.

The more such casual partners, the less energy a woman has left. Yes, she can practice regularly, but, as they say, it is impossible to fill a vessel with clean water if there is dirty water in it.

Until all past connections are cleansed and cut off, they will inevitably take away all that energy,which you are trying to accumulate. You are not flattered by the idea of ​​being an eternal “battery”, fueling the brightness of life and the success of your former partners?! I think no. Unless, of course, you value and respect yourself even a little bit.

In addition, you must be aware that while you are entangled in a web of old attachments on a subtle plane, this is energetically read by other men, so attracting a worthy partner into your life and creating a happy relationship with him becomes either completely unrealistic or very problematic.

Getting rid of the bindings of past relationships

The practice of rolling out sexual relations with an egg

Take a homemade live egg. Those. that chicken egg that was fertilized by a rooster (in extreme cases, you can take an ordinary egg from the store, but always fresh)

Wear comfortable cotton underwear.

Light the wax candle.

Say:« You are a living egg - it all started with you, Remove those ties that are in the dirt from me.»

Imagine that you are sorting through an album with photos of your ex-boyfriends.

Start rolling the egg over your perineum, genitals, and lower abdomen. When you roll out, imagine your former partners. Roll out each partner until his image disappears from your thoughts. And only then move on to the next one.

When finished rolling out, break the egg and pour its contents into a jar of water.

While doing this ritual, I have repeatedly observed a huge white worm wrapped around the yolk or many thin threads woven together on the yolk. Thus, your negative connections are transferred to the egg. Therefore, then the water with the contents must be poured into the toilet with the words " Where there is water, there is trouble» and drain. Throw away the bank.

Usually, after such a disconnection ritual, men begin to call and try to join again. Be careful.
If you really want to cut off these connections, then do not give in to these temptations.

INTENTION about cleansing the bodies and fields of a woman after sex with a man:

“I express my intention and ask my Higher Self, and all the forces of Light that are relevant for this process, to clear my bodies and fields from the informational component (name of the man) that penetrated me during sex.
I ask you to uncreate this information component with the energies of light and love at all levels, bodies, plans, qualities, programs, attitudes, knowledge, sensations, thoughts, layers, chakras, lives, universes, in my consciousness, subconsciousness, superconsciousness and in my heart.
I invoke the Law of Divine Grace and ask the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Bright Deva of Healing, Archangel Michael, (name any other Light Beings you wish to invoke) and my own Higher Self to withdraw and heal all painful emotions now , physical binding structures, thoughts or beliefs, karmic structures or energies that belong to me or other people that I do not need in the process of learning and growing. I ask that these energies be withdrawn from my body and aura, transformed into pure creative life force and returned to me.
Thank you!"

Practice "Breathing the uterus"

The practice of "Womb Breathing" is basic for all women.
It connects us with the female center, which is located in the uterus, harmonizes the work of the second chakra, has a positive effect on health and sexuality, fills with female energy.

Body position - standing, feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms hanging freely along the body. You need to breathe through the mouth, deeply, passing the breath through the whole body.

We inhale through clenched teeth, as if sucking in air, exhale through the parted mouth. As we inhale, we contract the vaginal muscles, as if drawing energy inward (at this moment, imagine that as you inhale, the healing energy of the earth enters your feet, rises into the uterus and fills it). Help yourself with your hands, clenching your palms into fists and bringing them to the level of the ovaries. On exhalation, the muscles of the vagina relax, and all the negativity, all that is superfluous goes into the ground, while you take your hands slightly back.

Gradually, you will feel a slight pulsation of the uterus and heat in the lower abdomen. Exercise should be performed for at least 5-10 minutes. After that, you should lie down in silence, putting your hands on the uterus, feeling your female center.

Very often, resentment, feelings of guilt accumulate in the uterus of a woman, other blocks that prevent her from being a filled, harmonious woman, grow into diseases. The uterine breath heals, fills with the energy of the earth, the energy of femininity and sexuality. This practice helps to purify the feminine center with the breath.

At first, when you start practicing this practice, various emotions may come up, tears come out, even screams. Don't be afraid, accept it with gratitude. Lie on your back, put your hands on the area of ​​​​the uterus and talk to your female center, ask for forgiveness for paying so little attention to her, giving her little love, ask the mother about what is bothering her, how she feels, what you can do for to do it. And the answers will come.

In the future, when you completely cleanse the uterus, it will simply go on filling it with energy, love, sexuality. If you do this practice regularly, you will begin to notice positive changes in a week.

There are a lot of varieties of this technique, but the most important thing is to understand the essence of the process.

The uterus is not just a reproductive organ, it is a mini projection of the Universe and therefore it already contains the wisdom of all generations, the Great Women of the World, etc.

And you can draw your strength, your knowledge, wisdom from your uterus, negotiate with it about health, as soon as you open it, start communicating with it, cleanse it of guilt, resentment or other blocks that prevent you from living harmoniously and feeling a real woman.

When we do not hear our intuition, true desires - sensuality and orgasmicity are blocked, and energy stagnation in the uterus occurs first, and then formations and seals at the physical level. Knowing perfectly well the rule “Where your attention is directed, energy flows there”, try to lower energy from the head to the uterus more often, thereby turning off the head and turning on your sensuality and femininity, filling the uterus and body with female sexual energy.

Only after you feel your energy fullness does it make sense to establish and improve relations with your man or attract a new partner into your life.

If you have had many partners or strong emotional attachments in the past, and you feel that you are not able to cope on your own, because you are experiencing:

Feeling lack of energy
inner emptiness
Lack of joy and enjoyment in life

I invite you to my individual consultation: okhelps.com/consultation/-svetlana-culimova-

Svetlana Sulimova
Hereditary psychic, parapsychologist, healer.
She received her gift through the female line of 3 generations.
Thanks to my gift, I can help any person in a difficult moment of his earthly journey.
What I have been doing successfully for over 25 years.
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