Fallout 4 mod more legendary enemies. How to remove weapons

This mod for Fallout 4 significantly increases the number of legendary enemies spawning (about five times more than usual). By increasing the legendary enemies, you will also increase the chance of finding legendary items (if you manage to cope with the opponents, of course).

In the archive you can find seven options, each suitable for a certain complexity of the game (you only need to install one file). To make it more comfortable to play, we recommend putting one file on all difficulties so that there is less confusion in the future.

The easiest way is to install the mod through or install according to the instructions:
1. In the folder "My Documents / My Games / Fallout 4" we find the file "Fallout4Prefs.ini" it needs to be edited - in "" add "bEnableFileSelection = 1" (without quotes)
2. After that, go to “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4” and open the “plugins.txt” file with notepad, then add the line “NAME.esp” after “Fallout4.esm” (without quotes) to it , save and close.
3. Go to the properties of the "plugins.txt" file and mark "read-only".
4. Add the "esp" file of your choice to the "Data" folder, which is located in the root of the game /Fallout 4/

There are many different bosses in Fallout 4 that you can meet while going through the story or just find them randomly. Let's talk about a few of them.

The most powerful bosses in the Fallout 4 universe

In the Commonwealth, there are many different dangerous monsters and people who are ready to tear apart anyone who gets in their way. But bosses are superior to ordinary raiders, super mutants and other opponents with their strength, endurance, general characteristics and survival. Often they have a special weapon in their arsenal that can be taken as a trophy.

The first boss is Kellogg. We meet him at the beginning of the game, because it is he who kills our wife / husband (as opposed to choosing a gender) and steals Sean. He has a special pistol - a revolver, which deals a lot of damage. In addition, during the battle, he uses Stealth Boy, thanks to which he becomes invisible. He is a very dangerous opponent, besides, he is guarded by a crowd of synths, because he works for the Institute. It is impossible to avoid a fight with him if you want to go through the main story, because it is in his head that the information about how to get to the Institute is contained.

Near the Park Street station there is a small, unremarkable pond. But if you look at it closer, you can see a huge creature under the water, which bears the name "Swan". A boat is stuck in the left hand of this creature and it is not averse to using it for certain purposes. The fight is extremely fierce, it is not so easy to kill this creature, but the reward is worthy. As a reward, we get a special melee weapon that increases the damage dealt with each subsequent attack and has a good initial damage.

The next dangerous boss is the Beast. Starts spawning randomly at higher levels. He also appears when we attack the fort with nuclear mini-charges, where the super mutants have set up their lair. There we fight this monster for the first time, using the minigun of the vertibird. The monster is a three-meter super mutant that can throw huge stones if the enemy is far away. And if his enemy is close, he starts attacking with a huge metal club. After killing him, you can find any trash, covers, cartridges or weapons in the corpse. Nothing special or overly unique.

Lorenzo Cabot is one of the most unique bosses in the game. He wields a powerful artifact that grants him unique abilities such as teleport. We will not fight him directly. It is possible to kill him with radiation, in the same room in which he is closed. His son will help us with this. Particularly fierce fights should not be expected, we just need to turn on a few generators and that's it. But the moment is quite touching and interesting. At the end, a week after the murder, Jack Cabot, son of Lorenzo, will give us a unique pistol.

And the most terrible boss in the game is the swamp queen. This huge creature can be found in the Castle, in the lair of the Minutemen. This monster has a huge amount of health, and the damage is very high. Basically, the swamp queen spits a deadly venom that kills anyone it touches very quickly. Starts to appear at high levels, but the fight cannot be avoided if you decide to free the Castle. Take only your best equipment.

And remember, it is the bosses that make the game more diverse and exciting, because they are much stronger than ordinary game creatures.

V Fallout 4 like in all games Bethesda, there are NPC IDs you can call them by. In our guide, we will show you the ID list: all NPCs, partners, monsters, legendary bosses. in Fallout 4.

The list we are looking for:

  • Partners / Companions
  • Regular NPCs
  • Monsters, robots
  • Legendary Enemies, Bosses

To call an NPC in front of you, do the following:

  1. Open the console with ~, located in the upper left corner of the keyboard under the ESC key
  2. We enter the command player.placeatme (id value) all lists of available NPCs are below.
  3. They may not have enough space, then the game may ask you to find a larger area.

List of NPCs

ID List of NPCs

List of partners / companions

Partners are called using the command prid (partner id), then player.moveto (teammate id) after that, you should teleport to it. This command is used if your partner is on a spree or stuck in textures, so there is nothing wrong with that, you are just trying to fix the current situation in this way.

ID List of partners / companions:

List of opponents

ID List of opponents:

List of legendary opponents

ID List of legendary opponents:

ID Legendary Enemies
ff0009a7Mister Handy / Deathclaw

Significantly changed. New monsters, monsters and just unpleasant people have appeared who do not want to see you around and shoot, jump, spit acid and just hit you for nothing. So, no matter who you are in Fallout 4, you will have to protect yourself and your settlement from all this gang-brotherhood in any way.

Today we will take this problem seriously and try to figure out how to effectively bring down all these unpleasant creatures, with whom it is simply impossible to agree. At the same time, we will leave out the guides for relatively safe creatures like insects or wild dogs, about the methods of dealing with which there is really nothing to say. Is that to advise to embed them properly. But such a completely logical reaction, hopefully, will find you itself.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and show all this rabble where the crayfish hibernate.

Deathclaws (claws of death)

It is assumed that these highly dangerous creatures were once chameleons, but under the influence of radiation turned into an armored version of the clawed land dragon. They could well be called "dragon-like chameleon lizards." But Deathclaw, of course, sounds much more interesting.

Weaknesses of these creatures

Deathclaws are extremely well armored. Heavy armor provides excellent protection against radiation and energy weapons almost everywhere. It is also useless to aim at the head, it is covered no worse than the rest of the body. The only place that is possible, but very difficult to get, is the belly of the monster.

Well, how to fill up this carcass then?

Firstly, you need armor that will not fall apart after the first blow. Because otherwise this same blow will be the last for you. That is, it would be nice to put on Power Armor. The second follows from the first point. These guys are very fast, so don't let yourself be caught off guard, otherwise a couple of powerful hooks - and you will be clapping your beak already on a nearby save.

You need to gouge in the belly of the creature. This is the only way to lay her down horizontally before she lays you down. It is clear that Deathclaw will not stand and wait for you to come, so you need to seize the moment and work with combinations of devastating attacks. The creature generally moves almost all the time, so your time comes when it stands on its hind legs and yells in a terrible way. Then rush forward and hit the weak spot using a heavier melee weapon, then a serious cannon through VATS and throw something that explodes loudly, then move away from the retaliatory attack. The main problem is that the rear leg stance does not last long and always takes place a couple of seconds before the attack of Deathclaw himself. Which means - the necessary combination for the final disposal of the monster is as follows: good armor, a big gun and, unfortunately, experience that can only be gained in fights with these creatures, many of which will end sadly for you.


Mirelurks are crabs with a huge amount of legs. Predators by nature, they usually disguise themselves, climbing almost entirely into the coastal sand of a river or any other natural body of water and attack unsuspecting prey by jumping on it from their hiding place. It is very rare that they are pursued openly, but if they try to do this, they can always be identified by the loud clicking they make. From afar, they can be seen by their overly even shell, which they disguise as hills or rock formations. Through VATS, Mirelurks are also perfectly visible.

Weaknesses of Mirelurk

Mirelurks take cover behind a powerful carapace. Only the head is vulnerable when they stick it out for a bite.

Well, how to gore these creatures?

Mirelurk are not fools, so they take care of their heads in most situations. You have two options - wait for the attack of the creature and, having withstood the onslaught, gobble up a headshot. Or send a companion to distract the predator in order to operate unnoticed. Either way, the creature will do its due damage, so don't think you can get away with it. Attack Mirelurk from a distance, aim at the endless legs and break them until the speed of this overgrown crab becomes like that of a turtle. Then start hunting for his head, but remember, all these are flowers compared to their Queen. This aunt is generally fire. Not only is the mirelurk queen bigger and faster than its ordinary relatives, but it also spits acid like your armored train, taking tablespoons of health from you. The "spitting" of this beauty can be cut down by damaging a small stigma-nose on the muzzle. However, the task is difficult to perform even with the VATS system. Prepare more rockets, it will be nice to rely on a minigun with nukes, although the latter will have to fire a couple of at least, mirelurks are very well protected from radiation.


Despite the beautiful name, these are actually just huge scorpions that have mutated from ordinary, inconspicuous, but very poisonous creatures into formidable predators that can take you out with one blow. They are found everywhere, mostly near abandoned buildings, where they hide and wait for their prey. Despite their size, they are fast and able to go unnoticed for a sufficient time to become a fatal surprise for the Fallout 4 hero wandering about his business.

Weaknesses of radscorpion

The name of this creature tells you that radiation is a nutrient broth for it. Therefore, you should not even try to hit her with your energy weapon. You need a bigger gun and an even bigger gun, but with a sniper scope.

Let's fuck her, shall we?

No problem, let's go. They can, of course, unscrew the head, but with a favorable outcome, we will get an excellent source of food. The main problem is that scaring these creatures when you are hunting them is highly discouraged. Scorpions simply dissolve on the map and for the second time they will find you themselves at the most unexpected moment with all the consequences that are called. Prepare a large caliber, it is better to have a sniper with you and do not skimp on Molotov cocktails. You can give these guys a bit of a carpet bombing by treating the area where they can presumably lean out and bombard them to the fullest. You should have weapons power and mobility on your side, so it's not worth it to completely clog up in armor, it will reduce your survivability in case you have to quickly jump from the tail of a vigorous and extremely dangerous radscorpion.

Welcome to the living and active Wasteland!
Has survival become too easy? Not challenging enough? Your level is too high, and the enemies are bored? Tired of walking around the empty Commonwealth? Someone to kill? Then this mod is for you!

Update: 1.4
Latest update courtesy of SMB92. He edited the ESP file to make the mod work in the Nuka-world. I'd like to emphasize that I haven't VERY tested this file...

How to make an update using the current save:

  • - Go to any interior, such as the basement of one of the Sanctuary houses.
  • - Save the game and exit.
  • - Completely uninstall the previous version.
  • - Start the game and load the last save, ignore the missing plugin warning.
  • - Make a new save (it will be cleared of previous versions of the scripts).
  • - Install new version fashion.
  • - Load the latest save.
  • - Play.

The main purpose of this mod is to bring more life to the Commonwealth by adding new spawn points for enemy NPCs, animals and creatures. The addition of thousands of new enemies makes the Commonwealth much more chaotic and dangerous, bringing entirely new possibilities, including tactical play and more complex supply management. Depending on the spawn settings, the mod can offer a whole new gaming experience, from a slightly improved vanilla spawn system to extreme hardcore. This mod brings back the fun of gaming combat and mechanics, from a lonely wanderer in a desert world, to a new dynamic and chaotic Wasteland where your choice in the game, character creation and choice of tactics will matter more than in the vanilla game. It really makes you believe that the Commonwealth had those 200 years of mutant and human breeding to signify their presence in the area.


  • - A complete overhaul of spawning for Commonwealth exteriors, with the addition of thousands of spawn points for enemy groups in the vicinity of Boston, as well as in the city itself.
  • - A wide variety of spawn settings, including density of spawn points, number of units per point and patrol groups, chances for story factions to spawn in certain areas, randomness of the number of units in spawn groups, and respawn settings for new enemy groups.
  • - The mod uses random number generator scripts to switch between different group placement points and the number of enemy groups. This mechanism offers fully dynamic spawning, with a high degree of randomness, meaning you will almost never encounter the same enemy groups in the same place.
  • - All spawned units are no longer static, and will patrol the surrounding areas. You will never know when and where you will meet the enemy. The situation in the game can change in very unexpected and dramatic ways, forcing you to react and make tactical decisions on the fly.
  • - The faction of the spawn groups will be different depending on the area you are in. Many places in the game have individual faction lists for the new spawn, simulating a larger area of ​​influence for the faction. This mechanic offers you a wide variety of enemies to encounter, allowing you to encounter any faction from the game.
  • - Special group compositions for any NPC spawn groups. Each group will have leaders, strong, medium and weak mobs. Large groups will be much more likely to have strong units and legendary leaders. Some hardcore faction block variations, including power armored mobs, will be common throughout the Commonwealth.
  • - New appearances will include many factions underutilized in the vanilla game. You will usually encounter some of the Forged and Raider Bots from the DLC along with the regular Raiders.
  • - The mod uses new mechanics for spawning story factions. This includes Minutemen patrols around player-owned settlements and Minutemen/Brotherhood/Subway patrols in and around Boston and Cambridge. Minuteman patrols in settlements will become more numerous and expand the patrol area further from their base based on population and happiness calculations, while the chances of seeing the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel groups will depend on story progression.
  • - Collision zones have been adjusted for enemy levels when moving from Sanctuary to the south, beyond Quincy and the Glowing Sea area. As you level up, the chance of seeing mobs that are higher than your current level dramatically increases, keeping in mind that not every fight can be won, forcing you to make new tactical decisions based on the enemies you face.
  • - The mod completely reworks the Glowing Sea area, which will be filled with the most dangerous enemies, such as super mutants, deathclaws, robots, children of the atom and ghouls. This place is a dangerous combat zone, as it should be.
  • - In general, the mod includes about 50 thousand new NPCs and creatures, about 1500 new group points and patrol routes in the common area of ​​the Commonwealth, about 200 patrol groups in cities, and about 200 minutemen groups patrolling settlements.


Do not rename the main mod file, it is related to some script functions and if you change the file name the game will crash.

This mod requires significant resources and makes heavy use of scripting. For best performance and stability, it's best to start a new game. In addition, due to changes in the game, there is a problem with the lack of sprint caused by the modification of the game cells. To fix a sprint bug, add an entry to Fallou4.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini located in the folder /Documents/My Games/Fallout4

Copy files from archive to folder Data games and activate WOTC.esp in your mod manager.