Phrasal verb set in English. Phrasal verb set Phrasal verb set out

Today, our consideration is subject to another sort of instance. Despite the fact that there are only three letters in that word - set- being a phrasal verb, it acquires a large number of useful and necessary meanings for us. And it is the correct use of phrasal verbs in English language makes your speech modern, lively, interesting and varied, in other words, very close to the version of speech that we can hear from.

Phrasal verb meanings set

Remember that the verb set is wrong. All three of its forms (forms of the present and past tenses, as well as the past participle) coincide in form and look like set. In company with various prepositions phrasal verb set can express the following actions:

  1. Set about - take steps (in relation to something), start something, spread (a rumor), take up something; start a fight, strike.

    I came back home and immediately set about cleaning the house. I returned home and immediately started cleaning.

    She setsabout her work vigorously. She is determined to get to work.

    We set about each other at once. “We immediately started fighting.

  2. set apart / aside - allocate, save (money), save, divert (for something), discard (feelings); to separate (fighting); annul, cancel, exclude, abolish, disregard; be different from the rest.

    She will set the magazines apart for you. She will put these magazines aside for you.

    Yesterday I visited emergency station to have my arm stitched. One of the dogs bit me when I was trying to set them apart.- Yesterday I was at the ambulance station, they sewed up a wound on my arm. One of the dogs bit me when I tried to separate them.

    The room in the hotel set apart for us was large and beautiful. The hotel room assigned to us was spacious and beautiful.

    Why did they set all our offers aside? Why did they turn down all our offers?

    The prisoner hopes that the Supreme Court will set aside his sentence. The prisoner hopes that the Supreme Court will overturn his sentence.

    This was the day set aside for his business trip. - His business trip was scheduled for this day.

  3. Set back - push back, translate (clock hands back), turn (back the wheel of history), slow down, throw back, cause damage (financial position); stop (movement), hinder; put deep (of something).

    Tomorrow we'll have to set back the clock. Don't forget about it. Tomorrow we will need to set the clock back an hour. Do not forget about it.

    Is there a building set back from the road? “Is there a building off the road here?”

    ambulatory medical care set him back a few pounds. - Outpatient treatment cost him a penny.

    The heavy traffic set us back about half an hour. Due to heavy traffic, we were delayed for half an hour.

    The opening of a new museum has been set back by a few weeks. The opening of the new museum has been postponed for several weeks.

  4. Set by - save, save (money); respect, appreciate.

    She regularly set by ten pounds a week. She regularly put off ten pounds a week.

    My name was much set by in former days. “In the past, I was very much appreciated.

  5. set down - put, put, put; drop off at a stop; state, write down (anywhere); attribute to someone (something).

    Would you mind me settingyoudown at your door? “Do you mind if I take you home?”

    He setmedown for fifty. He thought I was fifty years old.

    Don't forget tosetdown her name and address. Don't forget to write down her name and address.

    All their claims are set down in this document. – All their requirements are stated in this document.

    Can you set down your bag? – Can you put your bag down?

  6. Set forth - express, publish; to go on a trip); lay out, exhibit (show off); explain, print (literary works).

    The new books were set forth for all to see. The new books were put on public display.

    An hour later my mother set forth. Mom left an hour later.

    My colleague has set forth her ideas. My colleague presented her ideas.

    The President set forth his plans in a television talk. - The President outlined his plans in a TV show.

    This year we are going t o set forth on a journey. This year we are going to travel.

  7. Set in - expose, sew in (sleeve, insert), advance, establish (about the season, weather), begin, rise (about rain, wind, storm).

    A thaw has set in.- The thaw has begun.

    Autumn is setting in. - Autumn is coming.

    Disappointment seems to have set in among the team. “The team seems to be getting frustrated.

    This sewing machine will help you to set in a sleeve. - This sewing machine help you sew the sleeve.

  8. set off - launch, launch (rocket), call (protests), emphasize, win (look good); reimburse, compensate, balance profits and losses; encourage someone to do something; go, go, go.

    They had to set off a rocket. They had to launch a rocket.

    terrorists set off a bomb in the plane. The terrorists set off a bomb on the plane.

    I bought a new dress set off with silver braid. I bought a new dress trimmed with silver braid.

    There are two ways for you to set off this debt. “There are two ways you can repay this debt.

    The dollar's decline has set off a wave of protests. - The fall of the dollar caused a wave of protests.

    The story set us off smiling. This story made us smile.

    They set off in pursuit. - They went after him.

    What time are you setting off tomorrow afternoon? - What time are you leaving tomorrow afternoon?

  9. set out - to be placed, put on display; state, go, go, go, fly out (by plane); think, intend.

    We set out for Moscow. - We went to Moscow.

    Lunch for five was set out in the small room. Dinner for five was served in a small room.

    He set out his reasons for the way he behaved there. - He stated his reasons that prompted him to behave like that there.

    He set out to write a history of civilization. He intended to write the history of civilization.

  10. Set to - to be accepted, to take energetically for something; to grapple, to seize; to engage in a fight, a fight; start doing something, intend to do something.

    He was set to enter the market. He planned to enter the market.

    I set myself to study English. - I began to study English hard.

    Why did they set to fighting? Why did they start fighting?

  11. set up - establish (record), organize (committee); establish, open, found (business); portray someone, unreasonably consider yourself someone, provide for; raise a cry, put on your feet, recover from an illness; make claims, develop a theory; help someone get settled, etc. (more values)

    A monument was set up in her honor. A monument was erected in her honor.

N. 1. That which is set off against another thing; an offset. I do not contemplate such a heroine as a set off to the many sins imputed to me as committed against woman. D. Jerrold. 2. That which is used… The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

set off- vt: to reduce or discharge by set off: offset Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. set off ... Law dictionary

Set-off- can refer to the following:* Set off (law), the reduction of a claim by deducting the amount of a valid countervailing claim* Set off (architecture), the horizontal line shown on a floorplan indicating a reduced wall thickness, and consequently … … Wikipedia

set-off- / set ˌȯf/ n 1: the reduction or discharge of a debt by setting against it a claim in favor of the debtor; specif: the reduction or discharge of a party's debt or claim by an assertion of another claim arising out of another transaction or cause … Law dictionary

set|off- “SEHT F, OF”, noun. 1. a thing used to set off or adorn; ornament; decoration. SYNONYM(S): trimming. 2. something that counterbalances or makes up for something else; compensation; offset. 3. a) …Useful english dictionary

set off- set off 1) begin a journey. 2) cause (a bomb or alarm) to go off. 3) serve as decorative embellishment to. Main Entry: set … English terms dictionary

set-off- setˈ off noun 1. A claim set against another 2. A crossclaim which partly offsets the original claim 3. A counterbalance 4. An ornament 5. A contrast, foil 6. A setting forth 7. An offset (architecture and printing) … Useful english dictionary

set-off- the ability to discharge or reduce a debt by applying a counter claim between the same parties. For example, a bank which has lent money to a debtor may attempt to satisfy some or all of the loan by seizing the debtor's deposits at the bank… … Glossary of Bankruptcy

set off- verb 1. put in motion or move to act (Freq. 4) trigger a reaction actuate the circuits Syn: trip, actuate, trigger, activate, spark off, … Useful english dictionary

set off- Synonyms and related words: actuate, adjoin, adorn, allocate, allot, analogize, analyze, anatomize, appoint, appropriate to, array, assign, assign to, assimilate, atomize, atone for, backfire, balance, be at cross purposes, be off, be opposed to … Moby Thesaurus


  • Off-label Prescribing. Justifying Unapproved Medicine, David Cavalla. Today’s medicines are regulated for their efficacy and safety and, once approved, they can be marketed for certain uses as justified by the data. Regulatory bodies in developed countries are… Buy for 4783.18 RUB electronic book
  • Batman: Volume 3: Death of the Family: Book&Mask Set (+ Batman: Endgame: Special Edition #1), Scott Snyder. The seminal trade paperback graphic novel, BATMAN: DEATH OF THE FAMILY, is now paired with a rubber replica mask of facial flesh worn by the Joker, a must-have for any true fan of Scott…

Set up, set about, set down - there are many expressions in English with the word set. What do these up, about mean? How is it translated and used? Let's find out!

12 meanings of phrasal verbs with set in English

Very often in English there is a mysterious combination: action + small word. Moreover, they are inseparable from each other and do not mean at all what they should mean separately. So, meet, these are phrasal verbs!

There are some tricks associated with phrasal verbs. Read more about their features in this article.

The word itself set has a number of meanings, the first of which is "put in a specific place."

However, phrasal verbs are notorious for the fact that their exact meaning is almost impossible to guess from the word itself.

Set here is no exception. Therefore, we will have to treat all these set off, set aside and set back as separate words, each of which has its own characteristics.

Consider some common phrasal verbs c set.

1. Phrasal verb set about

Transcription and translation:/ [set eb'aut] - start doing something, start, take on.

Meaning of the word: Take up any kind of activity


The action that comes after this word requires -ing after itself! For example: We started (set about) to prepare (prepar ing) for the holidays. We need to start (set about) discuss (discuss ing) this problem.


He set about repair ing the car himself.
He started fix the car yourself.

If you set about cook ing something on this old stove, please, be careful.
If take it cooking something on that old stove, please be careful.

2. Phrasal verb set apart from

Transcription and translation:/ [set up art from] - distinguish, distinguish from any community

Meaning of the word: To single out something from the general mass, because this “something” is better or just different. For example: A wide vocal range set him apart from other opera singers. Favorable terms of deposits distinguish our bank (set our bank apart from) from competitors.


His experience set him apart from his colleagues.
His experience singled out him among colleagues.

What sets you apart from other candidates for this position?
What distinguishes you from other candidates for this vacancy?

3. Phrasal verb set aside

Transcription and translation:/ [set es'aid] - save money

Meaning of the word: Save and set aside money to buy something specific. For example: They started saving money (set aside money) to buy a car. He saves $100 (sets aside $100) every month.


After this word, it is required to use the word "money" (money) or to name a specific amount.


I want to start setting aside money to buy a new bike.
I want to start save money to buy a new bike.

She set aside some money for that new jacket.
She postponed some money for that new jacket.

4. Phrasal verb set aside

Transcription and translation:/ [set es'aid] - push into the background

Meaning of the word: Discard, push something into the background, because there are more important things. For example: She set aside her career when the baby was born. You need to set aside your fears and just do it.


Let's set aside our personal feelings and concentrate on work.
Let's push back on the rear plan our personal experiences and focus on work.

We need to set aside our differences and try to reach a compromise!
We need push back on the rear plan our differences and try to reach a compromise!

5. Phrasal verb set back

Transcription and translation:/ [set back] - delay, slow down

Meaning of the word: Slow down the speed of development of something for a certain period of time. For example: Difficulties in transporting building materials significantly slowed down (set back) the construction of a new bridge. Disagreements among members of parliament slowed down (set back) the adoption of reforms.


If we want to name a specific delay time, then we use by: the weather slowed down (set back) our progress through the mountains by (by) a few days. The new action plan will slow down (set back) our project by (by) a month!


The arguments among the superiors set back the project by several weeks.
Disputes among leaders detained project for several weeks.

The accident at the lab set back our research significantly
The accident in the laboratory slowed down our research.

6. Phrasal verb set off

Transcription and translation:/ [set of] - go, start a journey

Meaning of the word: Go somewhere. For example: We set off for a hike early in the morning. I want to set off tomorrow.


To specify the place where we went, we use for: He went (set off) to (for) Edinburgh on Tuesday. We want to go (set off) to (for) Machu Picchu on our own.

If we specify not the place, but rather the name of the event (trip, business trip, etc.), then it will be on: The Prime Minister went (set off) on a business trip to Turkey. We set off on a long trip through the mountains.


He set off for his country house yesterday.
He went to your country house yesterday.

We set off on a long journey to Australia.
We went on a long trip to Australia.

7. Phrasal verb set off

Transcription and translation:/ [set off] - start, activate the device

Meaning of the word: Activate some device: usually explosives or some kind of automatic system: alarm, fire extinguishing system, etc. For example: Children blew up (set off) firecrackers under the window. The burglar set off the alarm when he broke the window.


Loud noises sometimes set off the alarm.
Loud noise sometimes leads v action alarm.

The fire alarm was set off by somebody's cigarette.
The fire alarm was given v action someone's cigarette.

Let's find out some open space and set off the fireworks!
Let's find an open space and let's run firework!

7. Phrasal verb set off

Transcription and translation:/ [set off] - trigger some events.

Meaning of the word: To cause events, cause them, provoke them. For example: His speech yesterday caused (set off) a real scandal. Panic among shareholders caused (set off) a wave of sales of shares.


When the millionaire appeared at the party without his wife, it set off a lot of rumors.
When a millionaire showed up at a party without his wife, it caused a lot of rumors.

The new law has set off a wave of strikes all over the city.
New law called a wave of strikes throughout the city.

8. Phrasal verb set out

Transcription and translation:/ [set out] - to gather, intend, take up some activity

Meaning of the word: Take on something with a specific purpose. For example: He was going to (set out) break the record of his predecessor. We finally finished what we started (set out) a year ago and finished renovating the house!


We set out to prove our theory.
We set out to prove our theory.

Our company set out to become the best in this area.
our company gathered become the best in this field.

9. Phrasal verb set up

Transcription and translation:/ [set up] - install, build

Meaning of the word: Install any buildings or structures. For example: We set up a campground on a mountainside. A monument to the famous scientist was set up on the square.


The police set up roadblocks on the bridge.
The police set up a checkpoint on the bridge.

Mr. Smith set up a fence around his country house.
Mr Smith installed a fence around his country house.

10. Phrasal verb set up

Transcription and translation:/ [setup] - install device

Meaning of the word: Install a device, mechanism or computer program, make it ready for use. For example: I set up a new alarm yesterday. We need time to set up the hardware.


We set up a stereo system in preparation for the party.
We established stereo system, getting ready for a party.

One moment, I need to set up the camera.
Moment I need install camera.

11. Phrasal verb set up

Transcription and translation:/ [setup] - organize an event or business

Meaning of the word: Prepare everything for the event, establish a business. For example: We decided to organize (set up) a buffet in honor of the holiday. He set up a small shop on the corner where he sells goods from his farm.


Our club sets up meetings with famous writers.
Our club organizes meetings with famous writers.

You are going to need more money to set up your own business.
You need more money to organize personal business.

12. Phrasal verb set up

Transcription and translation:/ [set up] - substitute

Meaning of the word: Put the blame on someone for doing something wrong. For example: the arrested person tried to prove that his partner set up him. What if this anonymous scammer set up the police?

Use: Carefully, it's a colloquial word. However, it can be seen in newspapers, detective films and books, news reports and so on.


This gun doesn't belong to me, I've been set up!
This gun is not mine, me framed!

He was set up by his own business partners.
His framed own business partners.

Of course, this is not the whole list: new words of this kind appear all the time. However, his example clearly shows how diverse the world of phrasal verbs is. Moreover, they are very often used in colloquial speech - so be sure to pay attention to them when learning English.

Reinforcement task

Insert the correct word in the gap. Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

1. Exceptional quality ___ our new product among similar ones!
2. Steve ___ finish the book no matter what.
3. To finish the project, Ann ___ everything else.
4. A new discovery by scientists ___ the wildest guesses.
5. If you want to go somewhere on vacation, start ___ money now.
6. I ___ on a business trip to Beijing tomorrow.
7. Someone was here! Otherwise, who ___ the alarm?
8. I can't ___ Windows on my computer!
9. In the summer at the dacha we usually ___ a hammock.
10. I ___ to clean the room because I am waiting for guests.
11. We are planning a ____ symposium in November.
12. The problem with the workers strongly ___ our repair.
13. I believe in your innocence, Harry! Someone must have ___ you.

    set off- verb 1. put in motion or move to act (Freq. 4) trigger a reaction actuate the circuits Syn: trip, actuate, trigger, activate, spark off, … Useful english dictionary

    set off- 1) PHRASAL VERB When you set off, you start a journey. Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut... The President s envoy set off on another diplomatic trip... I set off, full of optimism. Syn:… … English dictionary

    set off-v. (D; intr.) (to start) to set off for, on (to set off for home; to set off on a trip) * * * [set ɒf] on (to set offfor home; to set off on a trip ) (D;intr.) (to start) to set offfor … Combinatory dictionary

    set off

    set off- (v.) 1. To decorate through contrast; balance by difference. * /The bright colors of the birds were set off by the white snow./ * /A small gold pin set off her plain dark dress./ 2. To balance; make somewhat equal. * /Her great wealth, as he… … Dictionary of American idioms

    set/off- v 1. To decorate through contrast; balance by difference. The bright colors of the birds were set off by the white snow. A small gold pin set off her plain dark dress. 2. To balance; make somewhat equal. Her great wealth, as he thought, set off… … Dictionary of American Idioms

    set off- 1) they set off for America with nothing but the clothes on their backs Syn: set out, start out, sally forth, leave, depart, embark, set sail; informal hit the road 2) the bomb was set off Syn: detonate, explode, blow up, touc … Thesaurus of popular words

    set off- verb Date: circa 1598 transitive verb 1. a. to put in relief; show up by contrast b. adorn, embellish c. to set apart ; make distinct or outstanding 2. a. offset, compensate … New Collegiate Dictionary

    set off to start going somewhere. He got a Guggenheim fellowship and set off for Mexico to write a novel. You need to be fit and well rested before you set off on a hiking trip. When the car broke down, he set out on foot for help … New idioms dictionary

    set-off- index counterclaim, drawback of Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C Burton. 2006 set off ... Law dictionary

    Set-off- n. 1. That which is set off against another thing; an offset. I do not contemplate such a heroine as a set off to the many sins imputed to me as committed against woman. D. Jerrold. 2. That which is used… The Collaborative International Dictionary of English


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  • Renewable Energy. Sustainable Energy Concepts for the Energy Change, Roland Wengenmayr. In the years since the publication of the first edition of this book, the world has undergone drastic changes in terms of energy sources. This is reflected in the expansion of this second…

English-Russian translation SET OFF

transcription, transcription: [ ʹsetʹɒf ]

1. hit the road

to set off on a journey - go on a journey / on the road /

he set off across the fields to the village - he went across the field to the village

to set off for London - go to London

to set off running - run away

the horses set off at a great pace - the horses raced

2. start

the decline of the pound has set off a fresh wave of selling - the fall of the pound was the beginning of a new wave of selling securities

3. 1> encourage (to something, to some kind of action)

to set smb. off on a journey - send someone. in a trip

the remark set off an argument - this remark caused a dispute

the lockout set off sympathy strikes by miners - the lockout caused solidarity strikes among the miners 2> coll. "turn on" (smb.)

a word from her would set him off - her one word was enough to start him up

if you can set him off on his pet subject he will go on for hours - if you manage to point him to his favorite topic, he will talk about it endlessly

4. blow up

to set off a charge - blow up a charge

to set off a rocket - launch a rocket

to set off fireworks - fireworks

5. set off, highlight, emphasize

the dress set off her figure - this dress emphasized her figure favorably

to set off one color with another - shade one color with another

the frame sets off the picture - the picture wins in this frame

6. separate; highlight, mark

to set off a clause by a comma - separate the subordinate clause with a comma

7. compensate

to set off a loss a debt

to set off a gain against a loss - compensate for the loss with a gain

8. count (amount of money)

you can set off this loan against what I owe you - you can count this loan towards (partial) repayment of my debt

9. decorate, decorate

a dress set off with gold braid - a dress trimmed with gold braid

10. polygraph. to spoil, spoil (print)

11. rare commend, praise

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More word meanings and translation of SET OFF from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "SET OFF" in dictionaries.

  • SET OFF - verb Date: circa 1598 transitive verb 1. to put in relief ; show up by contrast, adorn , embellish , …
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Merriam Webster
  • SET OFF - transitive verb 1. obsolete: remove 2. a. : to put in relief: show up or intensify by contrast …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - (n.) See Offset, 7.
    Webster English Dictionary
    Webster English Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - (n.) A counterclaim; a cross debt or demand; a distinct claim filed or set up by the defendant against the …
    Webster English Dictionary
    Webster English Dictionary
    Webster English Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - (n.) That which is used to improve the appearance of anything; a decoration; an ornament.
  • SET-OFF - (n.) That which is set off against another thing; an offset.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - (n.) See Offset, 7.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - (n.) Same as Offset, n., 4.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - (n.) A counterclaim; a cross debt or demand; a distinct claim filed or set up by the defendant …
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SET OFF - go on one "s way; start; operate
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • SET OFF - Date: circa 1598 transitive verb 1. a. : to put in relief: show up by contrast b. : adorn…
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • SET-OFF - noun see offset, 7. 2. set-off noun same as offset, noun, 4. 3. set-off noun that which is set off against …
    Webster English vocab
  • SET OFF - Function: transitive verb Date: circa 1598 1 a: to put in relief: show up by contrast b: ...
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - ■ noun 1》 an item or amount set off against another. ↘ Law a counterbalancing debt pleaded by the defendant …
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • SET OFF - begin a journey. → set
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • SET OFF - vt (1596) 1 a: to put in relief: show up by contrast b: adorn, embellish c: to set ...
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • SET OFF - to begin a journey: We set off for London just after ten.
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • SET OFF - set off phrasal verb (see also set) 1 . to start to go somewhere: I'll set off …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • SET OFF - 1. When you set off, you start a journey. Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut... I …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • SET OFF - 1. When you ~, you start a journey. Nichols ~ for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut... I ~, full of …
    Collins COBUILD - English Dictionary for Language Learners
  • SET OFF - Synonyms and related words: actuate, adjoin, adorn, allocate, allot, analogize, analyze, anatomize, appoint, appropriate to, array, assign, assign to, ...
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
    Slang English vocab
  • SET OFF - Function: verb 1 Synonyms: COMPENSATE 1, atone (for), balance, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, make up, offset, outweigh, redeem 2 Synonyms: MOBILIZE ...
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
  • SET OFF - I . (Active .) 1. Portion off, define the boundaries of. 2. Adorn, decorate, embellish. II. (Neuter...
  • SET-OFF - n. 1. Decoration, ornament, embellishment, adornment. 2.Off-set. 3. Counter-claim, counter-balance, equivalent. 4. (Law.) Counter-claim, cross-debt, cross-demand.
    Dictionary of English Synonyms
  • SET OFF - verb 1. Synonyms: compensate 1, atone (for), balance, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, make up, offset, outweigh, redeem 2. Synonyms: mobilize 1, ...
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • SET OFF-phr verb
    Oxford Collocations Dictionary Second Edition
  • SET OFF - phr verb Set off is used with these nouns as the subject: expedition , procession Set off is ...
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • SET OFF - SET OUT, start out, sally forth, leave, depart, embark, set sail; informal hit the road. 2192; header
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • SET OFF—v. (D ; intr.) ("to start") to ~ for, on (to ~ for home; to ~ on a …
    The Bbi Combinatory Dictionary of English - A Guide to Word Combinations
  • SET OFF - (v.) 1. To decorate through contrast; balance by difference. * /The bright colors of the birds were set off by ...
    Dictionary of English idioms
    English Idioms vocab
  • SET OFF - start, trigger Who set off the fire alarm? Who pushed the button?
    English Idioms vocabulary
  • SET OFF—v. 1. To decorate through contrast; balance by difference. The bright colors of the birds were set off by the …
    American Idioms English vocabulary
  • SET OFF - 1) set off (on the road) He set off for work an hour ago. He left for work an hour ago. 2) ...
  • SET-OFF - noun 1) decoration; ornament; finishing Syn: adornment, decoration, ornament 2) departure; departure Syn: start, departure 3) compensation (for …
    Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - Contrast
  • SET OFF - Set off
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • SET OFF - phr v 1. set off on a journey to set off on a journey - go on a journey / on the road / he set ...
  • SET-OFF - n 1. contrast; contrast as a set-off to smth. - in contrast to smth. 2. a set-off to beauty…
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • SET OFF - oppose
    English-Russian Scientific and Technical Dictionary
  • SET-OFF - set-off n. 1) decoration; ornament; finishing Syn:adornment, decoration, ornament 2) departure; departure Syn:start, departure 3) compensation (for smth.) 4) builds. performance, ...
    Tiger English-Russian Dictionary
  • SET OFF - 1) set off (on the road) He set off for work an hour ago. He left for work an hour ago. 2) ...
    Tiger English-Russian Dictionary
  • SET OFF - (n) berm; mutual offset of purchases and sales; counterclaim; departure; compensation; contrast; counterclaim; setting off; departure; opposition; decoration; ledge
    English-Russian Linguistica"98 dictionary
  • SET-OFF - n 1. contrast; opposition as a ~ to smth. - in contrast to smth. 2. decoration a ~ to beauty ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova