Histidine: formula, chemical reactions. Histidine structural chemical formula Histidine reaction


Histidine is a heterocyclic alpha-amino acid. It belongs to proteinogenic amino acids, of which there are 20. Its biological role is that it is an essential amino acid (along with lysine, alanine, leucine, valine, etc.), necessary for both children and adults.

chemical name

The substance has the following chemical names: L-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, L-β-imidazolylalanine, or L-α-amino-β-(4-imidazolyl)-propionic acid. It is abbreviated as Gis, His, H.

Chemical properties

The substance has weak chemical properties. This is due to the fact that the molecule contains an imidazole residue. The formula of the substance is C₆H₉N₃O₂.

The Pauli reaction produces colored products that are used to determine the amount of a substance. Together with arginine and lysine, this element forms a group of individual amino acids, forming transparent crystals.

Composition and form of release

Produced in the form of a 4% solution in 5 ml ampoules with the same active ingredient.

Pharmacological properties of the drug histidine

The drug is rapidly absorbed, regardless of the method of its administration.


It reduces pain, hypoproteinemia, fights anemia, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes liver function, improves myocardial contractility, activates cell regeneration processes, improves sleep and heart rate, and also normalizes lipoprotein metabolism and nitrogen balance in the body.

It increases the speed of reactions, is a histamine antagonist, improves local immunity, promotes the production of globin, iron absorption and transferrinemia.

Helps improve gastric and intestinal motility and secretion (it is believed that this occurs due to the conversion of the substance into histamine). Reduces the negative impact on the body of various factors, which include elevated temperatures, low barometric pressure, ionizing radiation.


After 1 hour after injection into a vein, the amount of the substance in the blood plasma increases, and after 2 hours it decreases slightly. But even after 4 hours, its level does not become the same. After 3 hours from the moment of administration of the substance, hyperaminoacidemia is replaced by hypoaminoacidemia, which is the result of accelerated secretion of somatotropic hormone.

The ingestion of an additional amount of this substance increases its excretion during urination. This is because in the renal tubules the process of reverse absorption of the substance is weaker than in other types of amino acids.

Most of the substance is spent on protein synthesis, and the rest of its amount decomposes under the action of the enzyme histidine decarboxylase, from which histamine is obtained. Histidase, acting on this substance, forms glutamic acid.

This substance can be oxidized, and also be part of dipeptides (carnosine and anserine).

What products contain

This substance is found in such products:

  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • pork;
  • fish (tuna, salmon);
  • eggs;
  • lentils;
  • squid.

Indications for the use of histidine

It is used in medicine and sports nutrition. The drug is prescribed at an early stage of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis (with high acidity), liver diseases, in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

The drug is used in the form of intramuscular injections of a 4% solution of 5 ml every day for a month. After this course, it is necessary to do 5-6 injections every 2-3 months.

For various diseases, the drug is prescribed as an intravenous infusion. The substance is part of mixtures of amino acids.

With impaired synthesis of this substance, the drug is taken orally 2-3 times a day, 0.5 g with meals. Such a course lasts from 1 to 3 months in parallel with a low-protein diet.

How to take histidine

The daily requirement for this substance for an adult is 2 g. It is not recommended to exceed a dose of 6 g. The dosage is calculated individually for each person, based on his physical parameters, age and health status. Proper intake of amino acids will help maintain its balance in the body, since an excess of a substance has negative consequences. These include a lack of copper, which entails a depressive state and psychosis.

It is necessary to observe the correct proportion when taking amino acids.


Preparations based on this substance are contraindicated for those who suffer from CNS disorders, have individual intolerance to this element, arterial hypotension and asthma. It is not recommended to use the drug for people who are overweight.

Side effects

Side effects include weakness, which quickly passes, blanching of the skin, pain in the stomach.


An excess of this substance can lead to stress, mental disorders, anaphylactic shock, collapse, angioedema, etc. Allergies, headaches, dizziness, impaired perception, lowering systolic pressure, tremors in the body may also occur. Fever, redness of the skin, bronchial spasms, vomiting, nausea, increased blood viscosity - all these are signs of an excess content of amino acids in the body.

special instructions

An overdose should not be allowed.

Can I take during pregnancy and lactation

Application in childhood

Insufficient intake of this element in the baby's body can cause eczema. Care must be taken to ensure that the child receives the dose of amino acid he needs, since its deficiency can lead to negative consequences. This is important in childhood and adolescence, when the body is in the process of growth and intensive development.

For impaired renal function

In the presence of violations in the functioning of the kidneys, the use of this drug and mixtures based on it is indicated.

For impaired liver function

In diseases accompanied by impaired liver function, the intake of amino acid mixtures with a reduced content of this element in the composition is indicated, since the process of deamination of amino acids occurs in this organ.

drug interaction

The effect is enhanced if the drug is taken in combination with other amino acids. If a patient has renal anemia, it is necessary to use iron-containing preparations in parallel with this remedy. This will promote the reabsorption of iron in the intestine, the connection of heme and globin.

Studies have been conducted, as a result of which it was found that the combination of zinc with this amino acid is a powerful cure for colds. Zinc facilitates the absorption of amino acids. Such a compound speeds up the healing process and restores immunity after viral and bacterial infections. The disease recedes 3-4 days faster.

Histidine(L-Histidine) is a conditionally essential heterocyclic alpha-amino acid found in many proteins.

This amino acid is most often used in medicine and bodybuilding.

In the human body, histidine is synthesized in insufficient quantities, so it is so important to provide its additional intake with the help of food or dietary supplements. In this case, you need to know the daily intake of histidine.

Daily requirement of the body for histidine

On average, the daily intake of histidine for an adult is 1.5-2 grams. The maximum allowable dosage of L-histidine is 5-6 g per day. But do not forget that for each person the exact dose is selected individually by a specialist and it will depend on many factors, for example, on the general state of health, weight, age of the person. You need to know that a reasonable intake of amino acids, including L-histidine, will help to avoid the consequences of its deficiency or excess in the body.

Consequences of histidine deficiency

The lack of histidine in the human body can lead to a decrease in sexual desire, delayed physical and mental development, increased thrombosis, muscle weakness, hearing loss, fibromyalgia. And also the lack of this amino acid reduces the formation of hemoglobin in the bone marrow.

Consequences of an excess of histidine

An excess of histidine leads to a deficiency of copper in the human body, stress, various types of psychosis. Therefore, you need to monitor your health and get only the benefits of L-histidine without any consequences that do not affect our body in the best way.

Useful properties of histidine

Histidine is important for every person and is simply indispensable during the growth of the body, it is part of many enzymes. Histidine is part of hemoglobin and is involved in its synthesis. In addition, histamine is synthesized from histidine in the body, and it is also important for the synthesis of white and red blood cells and the most powerful antioxidant carnosine. Histidine is a blood clotting regulator and an integral part of the myelin sheaths that protect nerve fibers. This amino acid strengthens the immune system, protects our body from all kinds of infections, radiation, absorbs ultraviolet rays and removes heavy metals. Histidine promotes tissue growth and repair, improves joint health, and increases muscle endurance, allowing athletes to train longer and with greater intensity. Supports the function of the auditory nerve, reduces the severity of allergic reactions. The amino acid L-histidine plays an important role in protein metabolism, increases libido, fights stress, improves and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the healing of the nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body.

In medicine, L-histidine is successfully used in complex therapy for the treatment of stress, arthritis, atherosclerosis, allergies, ulcers, gastritis, anemia, hepatitis, acquired immune deficiency syndrome. And also this amino acid is used in the recovery period after illnesses and injuries.

Unfortunately, such a useful amino acid has contraindications and harm, which mainly concerns dietary supplements and drugs.

Contraindications and harm of histidine

A contraindication to taking L-histidine is organic diseases of the central nervous system, individual intolerance, bronchial asthma, arterial hypotension. It is also better for overweight people to avoid drugs based on L-histidine.

Most often, harmful properties occur when L-histidine is consumed in large quantities. In case of an overdose, Quincke's edema, collapse, anaphylactic shock, an increase in stressful situations, up to mental disorders, may occur. In addition, manifestations of allergic reactions, dizziness, headache, impaired consciousness, dyspepsia are possible. As well as lowering blood pressure, tremor, fever, skin flushing, paresthesia, thickening of the blood, nausea, vomiting and bronchospasm.

But, despite the contraindications and harm, each person needs to know which foods contain this vital amino acid, and, if possible, use them as often as possible.

Foods rich in histidine

The main sources of histidine are foods such as: chicken, beef, eggs, squid, fish. And also in large quantities, histidine is found in milk powder, cottage cheese, hard and processed cheese, wheat, soybeans, rice, peas, walnuts and peanuts.

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Histidine is an amino acid obtained from proteins as a result of hydrolysis. The highest concentration (almost 8.5 percent of the total) is found in hemoglobin. It was first isolated from proteins in 1896.

What is histidine

It is well known: when we eat meat, we consume, and in the composition of proteins - amino acids. Histidine is one of the most important amino acids for sustaining life on Earth. This proteinogenic substance is involved in the formation of proteins and affects a number of metabolic reactions in the body.

All are building blocks for proteins. After protein digestion, the body receives individual amino acids. Some of them are replaceable (the body is able to produce them) and irreplaceable (can only be obtained through diet). Histidine in this regard is a unique substance - an amino acid that is interchangeable and irreplaceable at the same time. Or, as it is customary to call it, semi-replaceable.

Infants have the highest need for this amino acid, as they need histidine as a growth agent. Babies get it through breast milk or from baby food. Also, this substance is indispensable for adolescents and people after serious illnesses. An unbalanced diet and frequent stress lead to an amino acid deficiency, which can manifest as slow or complete cessation of growth in children and rheumatoid arthritis in adults.

Functions of histidine

One of the most striking characteristics of histidine is the ability to transform into other substances, including histamine and hemoglobin. Also involved in a number of metabolic reactions, contributes to the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues. In addition, it helps to remove heavy metals from the body, restore tissues and strengthen the immune system.

Other functions of histidine:

  • regulation of blood acidity;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • coordination of growth mechanisms;
  • natural recovery of the body.

Without histidine, all processes associated with growth will stop, and the regeneration of damaged tissues will become impossible. Also, the consequence of the absence of histidine in the body is inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the body, and recovery from surgical operations will be delayed for a longer time. In addition, histidine has a therapeutic effect in inflammation, which means it is an effective medicine for arthritis.

In addition to the already mentioned beneficial properties, this amino acid has another equally significant ability - it helps to form the myelin sheaths of nerve cells (their damage causes Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, as well as other degenerative diseases). Also, this semi-essential amino acid is involved in the synthesis of red and white blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes), which again helps to strengthen the immune system. And finally, it is important to say that histidine protects the body from radiation.

Although the preventive and therapeutic potential of histidine is not yet fully understood, a number of studies have already proven the effectiveness of the amino acid. In particular, this beneficial substance is known to help lower blood pressure. Relaxing blood vessels, prevents hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack and other cardiac diseases. It has already been proven that daily consumption of this substance reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by almost 61 percent.

Another area of ​​​​application of histidine is nephrology. Amino acid has a positive effect on the condition of persons with chronic renal failure (especially in old age).

In addition, this substance has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of hepatitis, stomach ulcers, urticaria, arthritis and AIDS.

Daily rates

Therapeutic doses of histidine range from 0.5 to 20 g per day.

But even the use of 30 g of amino acid per day does not cause side effects. So, in any case, the researchers convince. But they immediately clarify: provided that the drug does not last long. But still, the most adequate is called a dosage of 1-8 g per day. More precisely, the individual minimum need for an amino acid can be anticipated by the formula: 10-12 mg of a substance per 1 kg of body weight. Histidine is best taken on an empty stomach. So its action is more effective.

Combination with other substances

Recent studies have shown that the combination of histidine and zinc is an effective remedy for colds. In addition, zinc promotes easier absorption of the amino acid. In addition, an experiment involving 40 people showed that a "cocktail" of and histidine minimizes the duration of diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. A cold against the background of an amino acid lasts an average of 3-4 days less.

Reception features

Histidine in the form of a supplement is useful for people with arthritis, anemia, or after surgery.

Individuals with bipolar disorder, allergies, asthma, and inflammation of any kind should avoid this drug. Also, with caution, supplements containing an amino acid should be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as people with folic acid deficiency.

Chronic illness, injury, and stress increase the need for histidine. In this case, it is quite difficult to satisfy the needs of the body solely through products. But problems are solved with the help of bioactive additives. Indigestion and low acidity are also the cause of a more intense intake of the substance.

Histidine metabolism disorder is manifested by the rare genetic disease histidinemia. These patients lack an enzyme that breaks down the amino acid. As a result, the level of the amino acid in the urine and blood rises sharply.

The dangers of scarcity

Studies show that people with rheumatoid arthritis usually have low levels of histidine. Amino acid deficiency in infants often causes eczema. In addition, insufficient intake of the substance leads to cataracts, and also provokes diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Histidine is known to affect the immune system, for this reason, a deficiency of the amino acid increases allergies, makes the body more prone to infections and inflammatory processes. Insufficient intake of the substance has an extremely negative effect on the health of children and adolescents during intensive growth and formation of the body.

Also, an amino acid deficiency can “remind” of itself with developmental delays, decreased libido, hearing loss and fibromyalgia.

Is excess dangerous?

There is no information on the possible toxicity of histidine. But still, the consumption of amino acids in especially high doses can cause allergic or asthmatic reactions, provoke a deficiency of copper and zinc, and, on the contrary, increase the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. In men, an excess of histidine causes premature ejaculation.

histidine in food

Properly selected products will help to satisfy the daily need for an amino acid. For example, just 100 grams of beans provide more than a 1-gram serving of histidine (1097 mg), the same amount of chicken fillet will enrich the body with an additional 791 mg of the substance, and a similar serving of beef will provide approximately 680 mg of histidine. As for fish products, approximately 550 mg of the amino acid is contained in a 100-gram piece of salmon. And among plant foods, wheat germ is the most nutritious. In 100 g of the product - within 640 mg of amino acids.

However, it is important to note that these figures are approximate, since the saturation of food with useful substances depends on many factors. And the storage conditions of the product are of no small importance. If we are talking about histidine, then in order to preserve its maximum amount in peas, walnuts or corn, the products must be kept in hermetic conditions, away from direct sunlight and oxygen. Otherwise, histidine is rapidly destroyed.

To maintain the balance of amino acids in an adult body, the substance that is synthesized in the liver from other amino acids is usually enough. But for children in a period of intensive growth and for some other groups of people, it is important to supplement amino reserves from properly selected food.

Protein products contain, if not all, then at least most of the amino acids necessary for a person. Animal products contain so-called complete proteins, therefore they are more useful in terms of supplying amino substances. Plant foods contain only some of the essentials. Although it is not difficult to replenish histidine reserves, especially since the body is able to produce it, there are still cases of deficiency of the substance. To avoid a decrease in concentration will help the use of products from different groups.

There is a high concentration of histidine in meat, fish, dairy products, some cereals (rice, rye, wheat). Other sources of amino acids: seafood, beans, eggs, buckwheat, cauliflower, potatoes, mushrooms, bananas, citrus fruits, melon.

You can provide the daily rate of amino acids from dishes prepared from beef, pork, lamb and poultry, various types of hard cheese, soy products, as well as fish (tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, halibut, sea bass). From the group of seeds and nuts, it is important to consume almonds, sesame seeds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios. And from dairy products - natural yoghurts, milk and sour cream. In the cereal category, a lot of histidine is found in wild rice, millet and buckwheat.

Histidine is an essential amino acid for health. It is essential for tissue growth and repair, production of blood cells and the neurotransmitter histamine. This substance is able to reliably protect tissues from damage by radiation or heavy metals. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet in order to provide the body with a sufficient amount of amino acids. Foods rich in substance are necessary for children and adolescents, as well as for persons after injuries or operations. This semi-essential amino acid has already been proven effective in maintaining human health. And you already know how to provide yourself with this useful substance.

Histidine or l histidine is one of the non-essential amino acids that is part of many enzymes. Its main property is that it helps the growth and regeneration of tissues. Histidine is produced during the production of histamine, is found in many foods, and is needed to treat many conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, or ulcers. It is found in significant concentration in hemoglobin. The lack of this amino acid can cause serious consequences.


Histidine can be found in the myelin sheaths that cover nerve cells. It plays an important role in protecting the body from infections. This amino acid not only improves immunity, but also resists radiation.

Histidine or l histidine is one of the non-essential amino acids

No less important is the fact that it helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body. Histamine promotes a more intense blood flow to the internal organs. This also increases sex drive.

Without this important amino acid, the body is defenseless and unable to resist stress and depression. Amino acid gives resistance to adverse external conditions of the nervous system and the body as a whole.

Histidine is often used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It reduces pain, heals affected tissues and stops bleeding. Histidine is also effective in the treatment of parenchymal hepatitis.

Amino acid is actively used in the treatment of immunodeficiency virus. Its deficiency is known to lead to serious hearing problems.

Histidine is often used in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Effect on the body

Since histidine is part of many active enzymes, it affects the functions and condition:

  • liver,
  • Gastrointestinal tract,
  • Adrenal,
  • nervous system,
  • Musculoskeletal tissue.

Due to specific features, this amino acid is involved in the production of:

  • carnosine,
  • Listamina,
  • Anzerina.

Histidine is involved in the production of hemoglobin

Its use helps in the treatment of the following diseases and the elimination of problems such as:

  • allergic reactions,
  • Stress and depression
  • Rheumatoid arthritis,
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • Anemia,
  • Gastritis,
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Uremia,
  • Hepatitis,
  • reduced immunity,

It is also used in a set of procedures aimed at restoring a person after severe injuries and illnesses.

The amino acid histidine helps in the treatment of hepatitis

Deficiency and Excess

A person needs at least 2 grams of the substance per day. If the amount of this important amino acid is insufficient, that is, significantly less than the established norm, then irreversible changes can occur in the organs.

An amino acid deficiency can cause muscle pain and inflammation. A person's hearing may be impaired or completely lost. In both sexes, sexual desire is significantly reduced.

However, not only the lack of histidine can be dangerous. Its excess is also harmful. If the amino acid is present in the body in excess, it can cause problems with the nervous system.

An excess of it can suppress the activity of neurons. As a result, the person becomes irritable and agitated. Ultimately, this can lead to neurosis.

Those who suffer from manic-depressive psychosis should not additionally use histidine preparations at all. The amount of the substance that is contained in regularly consumed products is enough.

Include foods rich in histidine in your diet is a must. After all, the human body can produce this amino acid only partially. Avoiding its deficiency is easy if you eat enough cereals. What other products contain it?

main sources

L histidine is found in many foods. Most of it is in:

  • lentils,
  • Peanut,

L histidine is found in peanuts

  • salmon,
  • tuna,
  • Soy beans.

What foods contain this amino acid other than the ones listed above? A sufficient amount of it is found in some vegetables and fruits:

  • beets,
  • cucumbers,
  • spinach,

L histidine is found in spinach

  • radish,
  • garlic,
  • pineapple,
  • apples.

What plant foods contains histidine is very important for vegetarians to know, because they do not eat meat and fish.

The use of any foods that contain histidine supports the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially useful for disorders associated with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice.

Histidine? Healthy longevity is possible only with proper and balanced nutrition. In order for all systems and organs to work correctly, we must receive a large amount of useful substances per day. And in this list amino acid histidine occupies not the last place. It is necessary for the course of a number of biochemical processes. Surely, many do not know about the huge the role of histidine in the life of the body. Therefore, we suggest you read about the beneficial properties of this substance. We will also describe how this amino acid in sports and medicine.

Histidine in the optimal natural form and dosage is contained in bee products - such as flower pollen, royal jelly and drone brood, which are part of many natural vitamin and mineral complexes of the Parapharm company: Leveton P, Elton P, Leveton Forte ”, “Apitonus P”, “Osteomed”, “Osteo-Vit”, “Eromax”, “Memo-Vit” and “Kardioton”. That is why we pay so much attention to each natural substance, talking about its importance and benefits for a healthy body.

Conditionally essential amino acid
histidine: for the liver and nerves

Histidine is an amino acid that is still debated in the scientific world. Some scientists argue that it is not synthesized in the human body, and therefore must be regularly supplied with food. Others, on the contrary, cite research data, according to which, in small quantities, this substance can be produced in the body. Therefore, more and more often, histidine, together with arginine, is classified as a special group - « conditionally essential amino acids. Slightly less common is the name "semi-essential amino acid".

One way or another, but small amounts of histidine, which the body produces on its own, are insufficient to maintain health. Moreover, in children under one year old, the synthesis of this substance does not occur at all. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet, trying to diversify your diet.

What is histidine

In nature, histidine is common - it is present in most living organisms. It is a component of protein, and is also found in free form. In the human body, this amino acid is also found in large quantities. This substance belongs to the group of proteinogenic, which means it is necessary for the production of protein. In its purest form histidine is colorless powder that melts at 287 degrees (L-isomer). This compound is highly soluble in water, but poorly in ethanol. When decarboxylated histamine is produced in the body. To obtain drugs (the Latin name is histidine), they are isolated from hemoglobin and blood, and also synthesized. By the way, today the world produces more than 200 tons of this substance per year.

Histidine: history
important scientific discovery

History of an important scientific discovery occurred at the end of the 19th century, at a time when chemistry was developing very actively in Europe. The well-known German physiologist and biochemist A. Kossel in 1896 isolated sturine from sulfate hydrolysates. In the same year, the Swiss chemist S. Hedin managed to obtain L from other proteins, and he worked independently of his colleague. V. Pauli also made a great contribution to the study of this substance.

A. Kossel is known for having created a classical method for the quantitative isolation of "hexon bases", to which, in addition to include such amino acids like arginine and lysine. Thanks to his achievements, scientists later found out that proteins are of a polypeptide nature. Also, this biochemist conducted research in cell biology, studied the chemical composition of the cell nucleus, and was engaged in the isolation and description of nucleic acids. For his work, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on December 10, 1910.

Meaning histidine for the body.
"Brick of the Body"

Despite the fact that this substance is little known to a wide range of people, the importance of histidine for the body great. It would not be an exaggeration to call this amino acid "brick of the body". Firstly, it is involved in protein synthesis, and, therefore, helps build muscle. Secondly, histidine is part of many enzymes, such as gastrin, which is involved in the digestive system, improving the absorption of a number of vitamins.

This connection also improves nitrogen balance in the body, helps the proper functioning of the liver. Plays a significant role in the work of the immune system - with its participation, the formation of leukocytes and erythrocytes occurs. In addition, it is found in large quantities in hemoglobin. In addition, histidine is a component for the production of such an important substance as L-carnosine.

More body histidine needed for synthesis histamine, a unique hormone involved in 23 major physiological functions. For example, the sexual health of both men and women depends on its content in the blood. Another great merit of histamine is the fight against various infections. In recent years, scientists have noted that many people have high levels of histamine in their blood, which is caused by diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, obesity, caries, and various types of allergies. Histamine is a mediator of allergic reactions, dilates small blood vessels, constricts large ones. Allergy mediators are substances that are released from cells or created as a result of biochemical processes in the body, necessary for the correct course of an allergic reaction.

At the same time, do not forget about other useful properties :

  • helps young children grow;
  • participates in the regulation of blood acidity;
  • relieves allergies;
  • helps to recover after a serious illness;
  • contributes to the normalization of sleep;
  • necessary for the formation of myelin sheaths of nerve cells;
  • important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

It also has adaptogenic properties, reducing the impact on the body of destructive factors.

What happens when lack of histidine?

It has been established that at lack of histidine children slow down growth and development. For adults, this condition is dangerous because it can lead to rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, with a deficiency of this amino acid, the recovery of injured areas of the body worsens, and therefore recovery after operations may be delayed. In addition, another effect is manifested - the condition of the skin and mucous membranes worsens.

Doctors are sure that flaw in organism leads to diseases of the stomach and cataracts. Also weakened immune system which is especially dangerous for infants. Cases have been recorded when babies suffered from dermatitis with a lack of this amino acid in food. It has been noticed that with a lack of histidine in the body, people complain of a breakdown. In addition, libido decreases, hearing worsens and fibromyalgia develops. Other symptoms may also be mentioned. deficit :

  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases;
  • zinc deficiency;
  • speech disorders;
  • gait changes;
  • reduced mental activity;
  • irritability;
  • distraction;
  • delayed puberty;
  • atypical allergic reactions.

Lack of an amino acid in the body leads to such a disorder as histedinemia. This is a rare genetic disorder that causes the body to stop producing the enzyme that breaks down histidine. In these cases, mental development is reduced, speech and motor functions are impaired.

Amino Acid Excess
Side effects

Need to say what to achieve overabundance of amino acids difficult, because it is well absorbed by the body. But exorbitant doses of the substance can lead to allergic reactions, asthmatic manifestations, and also reduce the time of sexual intercourse in men. Here it would be appropriate to say about side effects that cause drugs :

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • dyspepsia;
  • nausea;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • hand trembling;
  • skin rashes.

In case of an overdose with such a medicine, collapse, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock may occur. It is not recommended to use this amino acid for patients with bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension and organic diseases of the central nervous system.

Histidine : substance in sports

It has been proven that histidine takes part in the synthesis of proteins. Therefore, the muscles grow and become strong, which is important for athletes. It also causes an increase in secretion somatotropin, which stimulates the growth of cartilage, bones and muscles.

Also histidine as substance in sports It is valued because L-carnosine is synthesized from it in the body. As you know, it is a strong antioxidant that is found in the brain and muscles. It increases stamina by preventing the accumulation of decay products. In particular, it neutralizes the acid that is produced during intense muscle tension.

Besides included in various sports nutritional supplements, which are used for muscle growth and recovery from injuries. It is noticed that it is especially effective when taken together with beta-alanine, so the mutual action of amino acids is enhanced. If you use in this way, you can improve the results, both in strength sports and athletics.

This substance is part of the Leveton Forte vitamin complex. This drug is based on herbs and bee products, helps to increase endurance and performance.

Histidine in medicine:
great prospects

Due to its many properties histidine in medicine today it is ubiquitous. Since it is part of many enzymes, it has a beneficial effect on the liver. It is also considered a good remedy for the treatment of hepatitis, helps with arthritis, urticaria. That is why this substance is a component of many drugs. In particular, histidine hydrochloride is prescribed as a remedy for stomach ulcers and hepatitis. Often, the amino acid is used as one of the components of the complex treatment of atherosclerosis.

In 1976, Soviet scientists V.S. Yakushev and R. I. Livshits conducted a series of experiments on animals, during which they found that it limits the formation of malondialdehyde in tissues during experimental myocardial infarction. All this makes it promising for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

It is worth saying that the prospects for histidine in medicine very significant. In one of the recent studies, scientists found that histidine goes well with. Doctors are sure that such a combination is an excellent medicine against SARS and other colds. After a series of experiments, it turned out that patients who took histidine with zinc recovered much faster. It is worth noting that this trace element improves the absorption of amino acids. In turn, histidine transports zinc into cells, increasing their performance.

Also, the substance is used for radiation exposure and for the removal of heavy metals, it is used as a treatment for AIDS. In addition, histidine has established itself as a cure for kidney diseases.

Which products
contains histidine

Because it , we need to receive it constantly. It is not difficult to replenish the supply of this amino acid in the body, but not everyone knows what foods contain histidine . Let's name the sources of amino acids in food of animal origin:

  • beef;
  • hen;
  • fish (salmon, mackerel, halibut);
  • dairy products (yogurt, sour cream);

In significant quantities contain this substance and many plant products:

  • peanut;
  • lentils;
  • soya beans;
  • rye;
  • wheat;
  • buckwheat;
  • cauliflower;
  • potato;
  • mushrooms;
  • bananas;
  • melon.

Daily rate
amino acids

To know how much food we eat, you need to know about daily requirement of amino acids histidine. So, a person needs 1.5-2 grams of this substance per day. For the correct preparation of the diet, you can use the following formula: 10 mg of amino acids per kilogram of weight. Athletes who experience significant stress and need a special diet can take more of the amino acid. It is believed that the amount of histidine consumed with food should not exceed 7-8 grams per day. At the same time, some sources contain information that the therapeutic dose of this compound can reach up to 20 grams.

Summarizing our reasoning, we can say that conditionally essential amino acid histidine is very important for health. In addition to participating in the formation of proteins, it is an important component of many enzymes. It also helps the liver, immune system and heart perform their functions. Without it "brick of the body" our life would be impossible.