Gregory theologian what they pray for. Saint Gregory: Theologian and Teacher of the Universe

3 strong prayers to St. Gregory the Theologian

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First prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian

“Oh, great and wise teacher in all the universe, blessed Father Gregory! Great are your deeds and labors, which you have accomplished for the glory of the Holy Church: you have been a steadfast confessor and a lamp of the faith of Christ on earth, illuminating the faithful with the light of the knowledge of God, scorching false teachings, and proclaiming the word of saving truth to the whole world. Now, having great boldness in heaven towards the Holy Trinity, guide us, who bow to you with humility, to firmly and invariably preserve the holy Orthodox faith until the end of our lives, and guard against lack of faith, doubt and hesitation in faith, so that we will not be seduced by those who oppose God and soul-destroying teachings in words.

The spirit of holy zeal, with which you blazed, O glorious shepherd of the Church of Christ, kindle with your intercession also in us, whom Christ has appointed to be shepherds, so that we may diligently enlighten and confirm in the right faith the verbal flock of Christ.

Ask, O merciful saint, from the Father of lights and everyone, every gift that is useful to everyone: growth for the infant in the Passion of God, chastity for the young, strengthening for the old and weak, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, understanding and correction for the erring, intercession for the offended, protection for orphans and widows. , to those who are tempted, grace-filled help, to those who have departed from this temporary life, to our fathers and brothers, blessed repose. To her, Holy One of God, mercifully look down from the Abodes of Heaven on us humble ones, overwhelmed by many temptations and misfortunes, and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven.

Grant us, most good Father, your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that in this new summer and at all other times of our lives we will live in peace, repentance and obedience to the Holy Orthodox Church, diligently doing the commandments of Christ, fighting the good fight of faith, and so We will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with you and all the saints we vouchsafe the Holy Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, to sing and glorify forever and ever. Amen."

Second prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian

“Oh, great saint, Father Gregory, glorious teacher of the Ecumenical Church, all-zealous champion of the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, chosen confessor of the Mother of God and Her Immaculate Virginity, most luminous image of purity, humility and patience. Since I am a great sinner and unworthy of looking up to the heights of heaven, I humbly pray to you, the wise teacher of the Church of Christ, teach me to lead my life in such a God-fearing way, so that I will never take the path that is contrary to God’s command, deviate or be seduced. Protect and deliver me through your powerful intercession from the temptations of the world and the snares of the devil, just as you delivered from them the young man who retreated from our Sweetest Savior and fell into the power of Satan. Grant me the strength of my soul to be a zealous imitator of your lofty virtues: make me more right in faith, firm and unshakable, strengthen the faint-hearted me in patience and trust in the Lord, kindle in my heart the true love of Christ, so that I desire heavenly blessings above all others and enjoy them. Ask me from the Lord for sincere contrition for my sins, so that I will spend the rest of my life in peace, repentance and fulfillment of the commandments of Christ. When the hour of my death draws near, you, O blessed Father, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, then hasten to help, protect me from the evil slander of the enemy, and make me worthy of being the heir to be the villages of paradise, so that together with you and with all the saints of God’s impregnable Majesty I will appear before the Throne and I glorify and sing the Life-Giving, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, ever and ever and ever. Amen."

Third prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian

“Oh, great and glorious saint of Christ, God-wise teacher of the whole Ecumenical Church, steadfast confessor and champion of Orthodoxy, blessed Father Gregory! Look down from the heights of heaven upon us, who humbly fall before you, and beg the Lord Almighty, whose faithful servant you were on earth, to grant us firm and unchangeable preservation of the right faith, obedience to the Church of the Saints, correction of our lives, and in all needs, sorrows and when they are tempted, there is immediate help, patience and strength. Grant us your holy blessing, so that this new summer will dawn upon us, and all the days of our lives will be pleasing to God, in peace and repentance, and in the Kingdom of Heaven we will be honored together with you and with all the saints of the Life-Giving Trinity to sing and glorify, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Complete collection and description: prayer of St. Gregory the theologian for the spiritual life of a believer.

Commemoration: January 25 / February 7, January 30 / February 12 (Council of Ecumenical Teachers)

Saint Gregory the Theologian is one of the greatest Christian theologians, apologists and hymnographers. Participant of the Second Ecumenical Council in 381. A humble shepherd, alien to a church career, could sacrifice both the cathedra of Bishop of Constantinople and the title of Patriarch of Constantinople for the sake of church peace.

Saint Gregory the Theologian is the heavenly patron of scientists, theologians, apologists and missionaries. They pray to him for strengthening faith, sending down the gift of preaching, prayerfulness, understanding the fundamentals of the doctrine, for the conversion of non-believers, sectarians and schismatics. Since ancient times, people have prayed to him, together with Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, when starting the construction of a house and entering a new house, as well as for prayerful protection in persecution and temptation from evil people and authorities.

Troparion to St. Gregory the Theologian, tone 1

The pastoral flute of your theology of rhetoricians conquers the trumpets, as if I have found the depth of the spirit, and the kindness of broadcasting has been attached to you. But pray to Christ God, Father Gregory, to save our souls.

Kontakion to St. Gregory the Theologian, tone 3

With your theological language, you have destroyed the weaves of rhetoric, gloriously, Orthodoxy with clothes, worn from above, you have adorned the Church, even wearing it, calling with us, your children: Rejoice, Father, most mindful of theology.

First prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian

Oh, most honorable and sacred head and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the abode of the Savior with the Father, great bishop, our warm intercessor, Saint Gregory! Standing at the Throne of all the King and enjoying the light of the Consubstantial Trinity and cherubically with the angels proclaiming the trisagion hymn, having great and unexplored boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, praying to the flock of Christ to save people, establish the well-being of the holy churches, decorate the bishops with the splendor of holiness, strengthen the monastics for the exploits of the good trend, reigning keep the city and all cities and countries well, and keep the holy immaculate faith, pacify the whole world, deliver us from famine and destruction, and save us from the attacks of foreigners, comfort the old, instruct the young, make the fools wise, have mercy on widows, protect the orphans, grow up the babies , return the captives, heal the infirm, and everywhere warmly calling you and flowing to you with faith and diligently falling down and praying from all misfortunes and troubles through your intercession, free. Pray for us to the All-Bountiful and Humane-loving Christ our God, so that on the day of the terrible coming of His Holy Standing He will deliver us, and He will create the joys of the saints as partakers with all the saints forever. Amen.

Second prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian

Oh, great and wise teacher in all the universe, blessed Father Gregory! Great are your deeds and labors, which you have accomplished for the glory of the Holy Church: you have been a steadfast confessor and a lamp of the faith of Christ on earth, illuminating the faithful with the light of the knowledge of God, scorching false teachings, and proclaiming the word of saving truth to the whole world. Now, having great boldness in heaven towards the Holy Trinity, guide us, who bow to you with humility, to firmly and invariably preserve the holy Orthodox faith until the end of our lives, and guard against lack of faith, doubt and hesitation in faith, so that we will not be seduced by those who oppose God and soul-destroying teachings in words.

The spirit of holy zeal, with which you blazed, O glorious shepherd of the Church of Christ, kindle with your intercession also in us, whom Christ has appointed to be shepherds, so that we may diligently enlighten and confirm in the right faith the verbal flock of Christ.

Ask, O merciful saint, from the Father of lights and everyone, every gift that is useful to everyone: growth for the infant in the Passion of God, chastity for the young, strengthening for the old and weak, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, understanding and correction for the erring, intercession for the offended, protection for orphans and widows. , to those who are tempted, grace-filled help, to those who have departed from this temporary life, to our fathers and brothers, blessed repose. To her, Holy One of God, mercifully look down from the Abodes of Heaven on us humble ones, overwhelmed by many temptations and misfortunes, and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven.

Grant us, most good Father, your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that in this new summer and at all other times of our lives we will live in peace, repentance and obedience to the Holy Orthodox Church, diligently doing the commandments of Christ, fighting the good fight of faith, and so We will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with you and all the saints we vouchsafe the Holy Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, to sing and glorify forever and ever. Amen.

Third prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian

Oh, great saint, Father Gregory, glorious teacher of the Ecumenical Church, all-zealous champion of the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, chosen confessor of the Mother of God and Her Immaculate Virginity, most luminous image of purity, humility and patience. Since I am a great sinner and unworthy of looking up to the heights of heaven, I humbly pray to you, the wise teacher of the Church of Christ, teach me to lead my life in such a God-fearing way, so that I will never take the path that is contrary to God’s command, deviate or be seduced. Protect and deliver me through your powerful intercession from the temptations of the world and the snares of the devil, just as you delivered from them the young man who retreated from our Sweetest Savior and fell into the power of Satan. Grant me the strength of my soul to be a zealous imitator of your lofty virtues: make me more right in faith, firm and unshakable, strengthen the faint-hearted me in patience and trust in the Lord, kindle in my heart the true love of Christ, so that I desire heavenly blessings above all others and enjoy them. Ask me from the Lord for sincere contrition for my sins, so that I will spend the rest of my life in peace, repentance and fulfillment of the commandments of Christ. When the hour of my death draws near, you, O blessed Father, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, then hasten to help, protect me from the evil slander of the enemy, and make me worthy of being the heir to be the villages of paradise, so that together with you and with all the saints of God’s impregnable Majesty I will appear before the Throne and I glorify and sing the Life-Giving, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer four to St. Gregory the Theologian

Oh, great and glorious saint of Christ, God-wise teacher of the whole Ecumenical Church, steadfast confessor and champion of Orthodoxy, blessed Father Gregory! Look down from the heights of heaven upon us, who humbly fall before you, and beg the Lord Almighty, whose faithful servant you were on earth, to grant us firm and unchangeable preservation of the right faith, obedience to the Church of the Saints, correction of our lives, and in all needs, sorrows and when they are tempted, there is immediate help, patience and strength. Grant us your holy blessing, so that this new summer will dawn upon us, and all the days of our lives will be pleasing to God, in peace and repentance, and in the Kingdom of Heaven we will be honored together with you and with all the saints of the Life-Giving Trinity to sing and glorify, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian:

  • Prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian. Saint Gregory the Theologian is one of the greatest Christian theologians, apologists and hymnographers. Heavenly patron of scientists, theologians, apologists and missionaries. They pray to him for strengthening faith, sending down the gift of preaching, prayerfulness, understanding the fundamentals of the doctrine, for the conversion of non-believers, sectarians and schismatics. Since ancient times, people have prayed to him, together with Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, at the beginning of the construction of a house and entering a new house, as well as for prayerful protection in persecution and temptation from evil people and authorities.

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about St. Gregory the Theologian:

  • Saint Gregory the Theologian– Pravoslavie.Ru

Works of Saint Gregory the Theologian:

  • "A Homily for Holy Pascha and the Three-Day Period of the Resurrection of Christ"
  • "A Sermon on the Dogma of the Holy Trinity"- Saint Gregory the Theologian
  • "About people living in the flesh like the disembodied"- Saint Gregory the Theologian
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Prayer to Gregory the Theologian, one of the Great Cappadocians

Saint Gregory the Theologian, whose akathist text was written several centuries after his blessed death, was from the Asia Minor city of Nazianza, located on the territory of modern Turkey. The future great saint came from a pious family, all members of which were later glorified as saints. Gregory was named after his father, the Bishop of Nazianzu, his mother was Nona, his brother Caesarius, and his sister Gorgonia. Gregory's parents gave him the best education that could be obtained in those days.

Akathist to Gregory the Theologian tells about his meeting with Basil the Great

In Athens, Gregory met a man who later became his closest friend and ally - Basil the Great. Fate played a cruel joke on the pious young people: the future emperor Julian the Apostate, who became famous as one of the most cruel persecutors of Christians, studied with them.

The Akathist to St. Gregory the Theologian praises him as an ardent defender of the purity of the Orthodox faith, which during his life was especially trampled upon by the false Arian teachers. Because of his principled position, Gregory was persecuted by the Emperor Valens, who sympathized with the Arians.

The life of the bishop, partially set out in the text of the akathist to Saint Gregory the Theologian, testifies that only after the death of Valens and the accession to the throne of the pious Theodosius, Gregory was able to return to Constantinople and rule the see.

Gregory the Theologian is glorified in the akathist as a great church writer

Another field in which Saint Gregory became famous was the translation and composition of spiritual works that are still relevant today. About 45 of his books have been preserved, interpreting the Holy Scriptures, as well as teaching the laity and monastics how to live a godly life. It is also recommended to read the prayer to Gregory the Theologian on the days when the Orthodox Church celebrates his memory: February 7 and February 12.

Listen to the video about Saint Gregory the Theologian

Read the text of the prayer to Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom

About the blessedness of the luminaries of the Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, who illuminated the entire ends of the earth with the light of Orthodox dogmas and extinguished the blasphemous confusion and vacillation of heresies with the sword of the word of God; falling to your mercy, with faith and love from the depths of the soul we cry: standing before the Throne of the Most Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, for Her word, writing and life, you strive well and devote your souls, always pray to Her, that she may strengthen us in Orthodoxy and like-mindedness, and unshakable even to death in the confession of the faith of Christ, and in all-soul obedience to his Church of the Saints: may he gird us with strength from on high against all our invisible and visible enemies: may he keep His Church unshakable from unbelief, superstition, heresies and schism; may He grant our archpastors health, long life and good haste in everything; May our shepherds give us spiritual sobriety and zeal for the salvation of our flock; justice and truth for the ruler, patience for the warrior, courage and victory over enemies, intercession for the orphans and widows, healing for the sick, good growth in the faith for the young, consolation for the old, intercession for the offended, and for everyone everything necessary for temporal and eternal life, as in peace and repentance , burning with the desire for salvation, working for the Lord, fighting a good deed, we will end our course and be honored in the Kingdom of Heaven together with you to always sing and glorify the most holy and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox text of the Akathist to Saints Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great and John Chrysostom

The chosen luminaries of the Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, who with your teachings enlightened the world and extinguished all the vacillations of heresies and blasphemous confusion; as the intercessors of our salvation, with your prayers preserve us from all troubles and eternal torment, and with joy we cry out to you in thanks:

Angels of earth and people of Heaven, the saints of Christ and the blessed fathers, champions of the Life-Giving Trinity, illumined by the trisolar light from Her and praying unceasingly at the throne of the Trinitarian Divinity for our souls, hear us calling from our hearts to you:

Rejoice, you who have the boldness to cry out to the Lord for us; Rejoice, great saints of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, you who have been granted integrity; Rejoice, apostle of uniformity.

Rejoice, for through your teachings the grace of Christ has been wondrously requested; Rejoice, having captured your mind in obedience to faith.

Rejoice, blasy worker of the grapes of Christ; Rejoice, blessed by God from your youth.

Rejoice, you who have endured the sorrows of this life well and have multiplied the talent given to you; Rejoice, having preached the will of God to the mighty of this world with much boldness.

Rejoice, having driven away the darkness of wickedness; Rejoice, having enlightened the entire sunflower with the dawns of dogmas.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Seeing the heretical fierce aspirations, the sharpest sword against the networks of false teachings and fire, consuming the tares of superstition, Saint Basil appeared and, like a great shepherd, denounced the flattery of idols with his inspired broadcasting. We are taught to venerate the Holy Trinity, divided by the Hypostases but united by the Being, and cry out to Her: Alleluia.

The mind is illuminated by the grace of Christ, as the apostle of oneness of equality, the Orthodox dogmas of the teaching have been clarified and the three great lamps of the Trinitarian Divinity have appeared; Illuminated by your inspired writings, the Church of Christ shines brightly, and its faithful children ascend to the measure of the age of fulfillment of Christ. In the same way, looking at the riches of the grace of Christ bestowed upon you, as our enlighteners we praise you, blatantly:

Rejoice, God-bearing heavenly mysteries; Rejoice, repentance and silence of the preacher.

Rejoice, vessels of election; Rejoice, teacher of wisdom of the universe.

Rejoice, you who have taught people in the Divine teachings of Christ; Rejoice, you who have always walked diligently in the commandments of the Lord.

Rejoice, having manifested many different virtues in your life; Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness, who have confirmed the faith of Christ with Divine dogmas.

Rejoice, the verbal flock of Christ wiser than those who fell; Rejoice, most distinguished theologians of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, luminaries, enlightening all the ends of the earth; Rejoice, sweet-sounding pipe and lantern.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

The power of the prayers of his fathers forced Saint Gregory to leave Pontus and to Nazianza to his father, to help him, to settle down, where he taught and taught the glory of God and disgraced the Arian heresy. In the same way, great Saint Gregory, remember us, passing through the pastures of the Divine incorruptible paradise, at the throne of the Holy Trinity, and with tenderness we cry out to Her: Alleluia.

Having in their hearts the luminous grace of the Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the three preachers of God, the division of the body and the union of the spirit, piously preaching the One and Unchangeable Trinity, the Being and the Divinity, and sealing this sermon with suffering. Likewise, we, imitating their faith, cry out as follows:

Rejoice, strong and invincible supporters of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, zealous zealots of the truth of Christ.

Rejoice, warm prayer books to the Most Holy Trinity; Rejoice, good shepherds of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, Aria, who deposed and established the Orthodox; Rejoice, One Unchangeable Trinity, Being and Divinity, having glorified by deeds and teachings.

Rejoice, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, Trinity Hypostasis, who have wonderfully understood; Rejoice, for the sake of the Tri-radiant One and the One Divinity, you have endured the greatest sorrow and persecution.

Rejoice, having borne the burden of the day unabated until the end of your life; Rejoice, having driven away the dark night of evil heresies with the rays of godly dogmas.

Rejoice, you who have nourished the souls of the faithful with grace; Rejoice, thou who havest been worthy to be the heir of the Eternal Kingdom.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Raising a storm of rage and anger, O Chrysostom, the madness of people, slandering you and commandingly expelling you from the reigning city. But you, O Golden Word, abiding unshakably on the rocks of the faith of Christ and strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, you courageously endured the storm of persecution and torment and through suffering you prepared an incorruptible crown in Heaven for yourself, teaching everyone to patiently bear the Cross of Christ and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Hearing your God-inspired words, imprinted by many deeds and sufferings, thirsty for the words of eternal life coming to you from afar, and receiving incorruptible food from you and drawing Divine drink, crying out to you:

Rejoice, you who have experienced the depths of God’s word for good; Rejoice, having sought God through unceasing zeal.

Rejoice, nourishment of those who hunger for righteousness; Rejoice, comforter of the poor in spirit.

Rejoice, clouds that shed the dew of pious teachings and solder the universe; Rejoice, ever-flowing spiritual rivers, feeding the faithful children of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, guardian of the Divine Mysteries and verbal trumpets of God; Rejoice, planter of the right Christian faith and piety.

Rejoice, you who illuminate many faithful miracles; Rejoice, you who pour forth rivers of healing for us.

Rejoice, you who diligently come to you from temptations and misfortunes through your prayers; Rejoice, the whole Christian family is praised.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Christ showed you the godly star to the world, great in all hierarchs, Vasily; having acquired knowledge of the Divine Mysteries and illumination from above from the Throne of God’s grace, you wonderfully enlightened the minds and hearts of the faithful with God-inspired words, we are animated by love for God, you endured persecution and suffering for Christ well and for this reason you were honored in Heaven with prayerful boldness at the Throne of the King of Glory , the image being true in word, life, spirit, love, faith and purity, so that everyone with tenderness cries out to the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Seeing you, saints of Christ, ever abiding in heavenly countenance and always present before the Throne of God, with tenderness we sing the praises of the Life-Giving Trinity, who glorified you by your word and life, but to you, a great prayer book, we cry out from the love of our hearts:

Rejoice, the heavenly face of copulation and the cohabitation of holy angels; Rejoice, to the Throne of the King of Glory, ever coming with all the elect.

Rejoice, adorned with the glory of heaven; Rejoice, you who hate the flesh and the world.

Rejoice, having put into your minds all the treasures of the world and the delights of life for Christ’s sake; Rejoice, having ascended to the luminous chariot of virtues and having reached the Heavenly Kingdom.

Rejoice, having shown us, sinners, the image of virtues in word and life; Rejoice, you who through many sorrows have entered into the joy of your Lord.

Rejoice, warm intercessors for us before God; Rejoice, Orthodox theology has been a great luminary.

Rejoice, Christian faith is praised; Rejoice, glory to the saints and adornment of the Church.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Preaching the truth with your divinely spoken verbs, you, theologian Gregory, crushed the Hellenic superstition and temptations of heresies, but to the whole universe you silently preached in the Trinity the glorified God of the One Essence, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching everyone to cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Shine with the light of a virtuous life and the Orthodox faith through confession throughout the entire universe and with all your tongue, the light of the true knowledge of God is clear, as if you were to be a shepherd and teacher of the whole Church of Christ. Likewise, even after death, you do not cease to look upon us, who pray and cry warmly to you:

Rejoice, three great lights, guiding us to salvation; Rejoice, enlightener of those who sit in the darkness of ignorance.

Rejoice, you who explain to us the inconceivable Mysteries of the Trinitarian Deity; Rejoice, you who have infused your flock with streams of wise teachings.

Rejoice, most distinguished shepherd, having adorned your life with all sorts of virtues; Rejoice, you have kept your flock from ravenous wolves.

Rejoice, lamps of the three-sunlight, wonderfully illuminating the minds and hearts of the faithful; Rejoice, images of chastity, teaching us to be zealous for the acquisition of this virtue.

Rejoice, church helm, clearly showing the path of Orthodox knowledge of God; Rejoice, twelve apostles of oneness.

Rejoice, cohabitation of angelic faces; Rejoice, together with all the saints who continually pray for us.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Although the evil serpent tempts you, like the long-suffering Job, raises a storm of anger of the wicked, who expelled you into captivity. Moreover, we are strengthened by the grace of Christ, you have endured all suffering and illness well, Father John Chrysostom, and you have been granted a blessed death. Now, being in the eternal days of the Kingdom of Christ, do not cease to pray for us at the Throne of the Trinitarian God, and cry out with tenderness: Alleluia.

The new luminaries of light and the unshakable pillars of the Church have appeared, O great saints: by the holiness of your life, while you are still in the flesh on earth, you are bestless as if you were incorporeal. For this reason, the Church of Christ, ever glorifying you, will sing thanksgiving songs to the light-giver Christ God, by whose grace we are strengthened, having endured great illnesses and labors in the gospel of Christ. In the same way, glorifying Christ, who constantly benefits the Church of His Saints, we also praise you, as faithful servants of Christ and builders of the Mysteries of God, crying out loudly:

Rejoice, champion of the return of the Trinity; Rejoice, invincible confessor of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, hierarchs and leaders; Rejoice, having destroyed the fury of your heresies with the rays of theology.

Rejoice, image the glory of piety; Rejoice, you who are faithful in your knowledge of God.

Rejoice, divinely inspired exponent of the words of God; Rejoice, Masters of Christ, servants of Blasia and Faith.

Rejoice, you have embodied the meekness of Moses and the zeal of Elijah in your labors; Rejoice, having imitated the ancient Job through the patience of sorrows and persecutions.

Rejoice, O Joseph, in chastity and purity of adornment; Rejoice, you who have demonstrated Peter’s confession and John’s theology.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

The strange miracle of grace bestowed upon you, Saint Basil, was witnessed by Ephraim the Syrian, when he wanted to see you, father, you sent his archdeacon to bring him to you, and through your prayer Ephraim understood the Greek language and, marveling at the miracles, glorified God, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Preserve all the faith in the Holy Trinity immaculately and bring many to Christ, holy saints of Christ, having fought the good fight. For this reason, looking at your wondrous feat and your pure life, we cry out to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, having adorned the Church with the garment of Orthodoxy, woven from above; Rejoice, you who have clearly exposed heretical nonsense.

Rejoice, for through your writings and words you have gathered the spiritual treasure of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, the wisdom of God and all the red of the world of Christ for the sake of those who rejected.

Rejoice, you who have sought the treasures of Heaven above all else; Rejoice, Chief Shepherd of Christ, as a servant of the faithful who followed the life-giving footsteps.

Rejoice, you have revealed a high image of virtues in your life; Rejoice, you have cut off the passions of your soul, as well as your body, with a spiritual sword.

Rejoice, you have made a living sacrifice to the Life-Giving Trinity, holy and pleasing to yourself; Rejoice, intercessor of sinners.

Rejoice, intercessor of the poor; Rejoice, shepherds, teachers and images.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Having loved God with all your soul, Father Gregory, you chose God-like purity and chastity above all others, and you were a great theologian and the mystery was revealed to you. Now standing before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, ask for peace and salvation for all of us who praise you and sing to God: Alleluia.

Through the inspiration of the three ecumenical saints, the temptations of heresy are overcome, but the Orthodox faith is more and more overcome. For this reason, out of our zeal, with tenderness and love, we appeal to them as follows:

Rejoice, having illuminated your entire life with the love of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, having taught us to honor the One God in Three Persons.

Rejoice, having overthrown the wickedness of Arius and the blasphemies of other heretics; Rejoice, you who have blocked the wicked lips of false teachers with the grace of your words.

Rejoice, heavenly trumpets, who preached the world's Gospel of Christ; Rejoice, three great luminaries in all the hierarchs.

Rejoice, teacher of meekness, abstinence, and also repentance; Rejoice, good teachers and mentors of the monastics.

Rejoice, protector of the Church and champion of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, you who entered into the labors of the Apostles and reaped the class of good confession.

Rejoice, for your faith and deeds you received incorruptible crowns from the Chief Shepherd Christ; Rejoice, great labors and exploits in the improvement of the Church of Christ have risen.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

Don’t stop begging our Savior Christ for those who honor your memory, O all-valid John Chrysostom: for you have been given the grace to pray for us. In the same way, we too, as a vessel of the fragrant ointment that brings forth healing to all who flow in with faith, falling down with tenderness and love, cry out to God who glorified you: Alleluia.

The wall is naturally insurmountable to those who celebrate your holy memory and to all who flow to your prayer cover, shameless hope and strong intercession. Likewise, for us, holy three saints, who fall before you with tenderness, ask from the Throne of the Holy Trinity mercy and grace for timely help, so that with joy and gratitude we cry to you:

Rejoice, you who show mercy and consolation to all the faithful; Rejoice, repentant sinners who deliver you from the snares of the devil.

Rejoice, diligent dispenser of grace-filled gifts; Rejoice, intercession and protection of all people.

Rejoice, intercessor of orphan fathers and widows; Rejoice, wealth for the poor and healing for the sick.

Rejoice, mercy for those suffering through the silence of the preacher and young mentor; Rejoice, elder nourisher.

Rejoice, comforter to those in sorrow; Rejoice, strange companions.

Rejoice, help for those who are weary; Rejoice, you who honor your memory, send joy and salvation.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

The singing of the Most Holy Trinity was brought to nature more than others, the saints of God, with your mind, word, deed and theological flourishes, your rhetorical plexus destroyed nature, instructing us to honor the Trinity in Unity and sing to Her: Alleluia.

The luminous trinity of holy hierarchs, Basil, the reign of the same name, Gregory, the named Theologian, John, Chrysostom, teacher of the universe, who experienced the depths of God, praising and reverently triumphant their bright memory, we bring the following singing of praise:

Rejoice, blessed trumpets of Divine verbs; Rejoice, God-inspired women.

Rejoice, divinely inspired exponent of the apostolic writings; Rejoice, zealot of the apostolic traditions.

Rejoice, you who tell the wondrous greatness of God to all earthly beings; Rejoice, having preached the Glory of God through your life and word to the whole universe.

Rejoice, good guide and teacher to the salvation of goodness; Rejoice, destroyer of corrupt customs and planter of good morals.

Rejoice, renounce carnal lusts and teaching passions; Rejoice, physician of the wisdom of mental and physical ailments.

Rejoice, church luminary, kindled by the Trisolar Light; Rejoice, flowers of the incense of paradise.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

The grace of God was poured out abundantly in your lips, blessed: the Orthodox faith was strengthened by you, and the darkness of heretical vacillations and false teachings was driven away by the light of your inspired writings. Moreover, saints, pray to Christ God, that the spirit of your zeal for faith and piety may rest upon us, so that we may be worthy to sing together with you to the Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Singing and brightly celebrating your sacred memory, blessed Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, we humbly pray to you, do not cease to pray to Christ for all who call you by faith and cry out with love like this:

Rejoice, guardian of Orthodox dogmas; Rejoice, source of life-giving theology.

Rejoice, Divinely joyful faithful hearts; Rejoice, for the Aryans have been brought down by your unflagging deeds.

Rejoice, for by the fire of your inspired broadcasts the Eunomius heresy was caught; Rejoice, for your God-inspired words have driven away the heresy of Sabellia.

Rejoice, for the wisdom of Nestor has been abolished by you; Rejoice, for the most generous peace of the prayer book.

Rejoice, you who lead the faithful to the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, O voice of God, which resounded wonderfully for us.

Rejoice, thou who art worthy of the shepherds of the Church; Rejoice, all who have been according to the Apostle.

Rejoice, three saints, great and universal teachers.

O saints of Christ and blessed fathers, Basil the Great, church luminary and unshakable pillar, Gregory the Theologian, God-enlightened mind, great bishop, together with John Chrysostom, a strong preacher of repentance, with the heavenly face and angelic forces united, who has now accepted our small prayer, ask We have the highest thoughts and actions with the All-Bountiful God, so that, having escaped eternal torment, we will inherit heavenly life with you, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Main prayers to heavenly patrons. How and in what cases to pray Glagoleva Olga

Saint Gregory the Theologian

Saint Gregory the Theologian

Oh, most honorable and sacred head and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit,

Savior's abode with the Father, great bishop, our warm intercessor, Saint Gregory!

Standing at the throne of all the King and enjoying the light of the Consubstantial Trinity and cherubically with the Angels proclaiming the trisagion hymn, having great and unexplored boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, praying to the flock of Christ to save people, establish the well-being of the holy churches; adorn the bishops with the splendor of holiness, strengthen the monastics for the exploits of the good trend, preserve the reigning city and all cities and countries for good, and pray to keep the holy, immaculate faith, pacify the whole world, deliver us from famine and destruction, and save us from the attacks of foreigners;, old comforts, Instruct the young, make the foolish wise, have mercy on the widows, protect the orphans, grow up the infants, bring back the captives, heal the infirm, and everywhere warmly call upon you and flow to you with faith and diligently fall and pray from all misfortunes and troubles through your intercession to free.

Pray for us to the All-Generous and Humane-loving Christ our God, so that on the day of the terrible coming of His Holy Standing He will deliver us and create the joys of the saints as partakers with all the saints forever. Amen.

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KONDAC OF RELEASE TO GREGORY PALAME Like the high and holy organ of Wisdom, Like the ringing trumpet of God's words, We sing of you, Saint Gregory! But as a mind close to the initial mind, direct our mind to it, so that we can sing to you: Rejoice, grace

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To the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian First Prayer Oh, great apostle, loud evangelist, most graceful theologian, secret seer of ineffable revelations, virgin and beloved confidante of Christ John! Accept us, sinners, under your strength

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Akathist to the three Saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom Kontakion 1 Choosing the luminaries of the Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, who through your teachings enlightened the world and extinguished all the vacillations of heresies and blasphemous confusions; as intercessors for our salvation

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Troparion and prayer to three Saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom Troparion, tone 4 As the apostles are equal and the universal teacher, pray to the Master of all to grant greater peace to the universe and to our great souls

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26. Sophist Stagiria to Gregory the Bishop 1. Every bishop is an elusive creature (????????????). You, as much as you surpass everyone in eloquence, inspire fear in me so much more that in response [to my request] you will resist fully armed. 2. But, leaving the art of argument,

The icon of Gregory the Theologian is a great Orthodox image painted in honor of the saint of Christian lands. He helps believers cope with any difficulties and overcome troubles.

Known throughout the world, Gregory the Theologian went down in history as the greatest archbishop, teacher and saint. He is one of the Fathers of the Church and is one of the most venerable and holiest martyrs in Christianity.

History of the icon

From childhood, Gregory devoted his life to the Church and faith, completely dedicating himself to the Lord. He was humble, kind, generous and supportive of all people, despite his noble origin. He faithfully served God, helped the poor, contributed to the creation of new churches, and preached. The saint is the author of the divine liturgy, which is conducted in every Orthodox church around the world.

Thanks to Saint Gregory, many people opened their hearts to the Lord, Orthodoxy">having accepted the Orthodox faith. He never committed evil, always stood on the side of people and tried to help them in any trouble. He guided them on the true path and enlightened the Christian people. He was loved as if life, and after death, Gregory performed many truly good and righteous deeds, which earned him the respect of people even after his death, many icons are dedicated to the saint, which have miraculous power.

Where is the image of Gregory the Theologian located?

The icon of the saint adorns many churches in our country. The most famous are located in Moscow, in the Trinity Church, in Vladimir, in the Assumption Cathedral, and in St. Petersburg - in the Church of the Three Ecumenical Hierarchs on Vasilyevsky Island.

Description of the icon of St. Gregory

The shrine contains the image of a miracle worker, usually in a half-length image. He is dressed in the rich robes of an archbishop, holds the Holy Scripture in his left hand, and points to it with the other hand, making it clear that this is the only source where the Word of God is contained.

On some icons the saint is depicted together with two other, no less famous, Teachers of the Church: Basil the Great and John Chrysostom.

What do they pray for in front of the icon of St. Gregory?

In front of the wonderful icon of Gregory the Theologian, Christians pray for everything that worries their lives, but especially:

  • about strengthening faith;
  • about indicating the true path;
  • about healing the sinful soul;
  • about help in new endeavors.

Grigory Theologian also helps people involved in construction and those who move to live in a new place.

Days of celebration

The day of veneration of the great saint is officially considered February 7. On this day, a large number of Christians visit churches, where a service is held in honor of the memory of the Teacher of the Church and the divine liturgy written by him is performed. People pray in front of the miraculous icon of the saint for help and support.

Prayer before the icon

It is not necessary to read a deliberately memorized prayer in front of the icon of St. Gregory. It is enough to simply ask for help, speaking words from the bottom of your heart, and be sure to thank the Wonderworker for His support. The prayer might sound like this:

“Oh, greatest Teacher, Father of the Church, recognized Saint Gregory. Protect our souls from suffering, protect us from troubles and misfortunes. Drive away the enemies from our homes and do not let grief seize our hearts. Guide us on the right path and become our protector. May we glorify Your name and never cease to honor You. Let the will of the Lord be done. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Gregory the Theologian is one of the holiest and most revered people not only in Orthodoxy, but in the entire Christian faith. He is truly a great man who was devoted to the Lord until the end of his life. His icons have miraculous power, capable of helping in any trouble, but only to those who truly believe in its power and miraculous abilities. We wish you peace in your soul. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.02.2018 05:06

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, named after Mount Kykkos, helps people heal the most serious ailments. By contacting...

Oh, blessed lamp of the Church of Christ, Gregory, who illuminated the entire ends of the earth with the light of Orthodox dogmas and extinguished the blasphemous confusion and vacillation of heresies with the sword of the word of God.

Falling at your mercy, with faith and love from the depths of our souls, we cry:

standing before the Throne of the Most Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Inseparable Trinity, for Her word, writing and life, strive well and devote your souls, always pray to Her, that she may strengthen us in Orthodoxy and unanimity, and unshakable even to death in the confession of the faith of Christ, and in the all-soulful obedience to his Church of the Saints:

May our invisible and visible enemies gird us with strength from on high:

May the Church keep her unshakable from unbelief, superstition, heresies and schism; May He grant our archpastors health, long life and good haste in everything.

Let our shepherds give spiritual sobriety and zeal for the salvation of their flock, may the ruler give justice and truth, may the warriors give patience, courage and victory over enemies, may the orphans and widows be interceded, the sick healed, the young be blessed with growth in faith, may the elders be comforted, may the offended be interceded, and all the best to all. temporal and eternal life is necessary.

For in peace and repentance, burning with the desire for salvation, working for the Lord, fighting a good deed, let us end our course and be honored in the Heavenly Kingdom together with you to always sing and glorify the Most Holy and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian

Oh, most luminous lamp of the Church of Christ, Gregory, who illuminated all the ends of the earth with the light of the Orthodox Rule and extinguished blasphemous shamefulness and uprisings of heresies with the sword of the word of God.

Falling before your mercy, with faith and love from the depths of our souls we cry:

Standing before the Throne of the Most Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, to Whom you have rushed in word and soul, writing and your pious life, always pray that He will strengthen us in Orthodoxy and like-mindedness and in the unshakable confession of the faith of Christ until death, and in obedience to the Holy Church :

May he gird us with strength from on high to fight enemies visible and invisible:

May He keep His Church unharmed from unbelief, false faith, heresy and schism, and may He grant our people longevity and prosperity in all good things.

May He give spiritual sobriety, repentance and pious life, zeal for the salvation of the flock to our shepherds, patience and courage to fight enemies, protection to orphans and widows, healing to the sick, good growth in the faith to the young, consolation to the old, and consolation to the offended. intercession and everything necessary for the salvation of the soul in temporary life.

May we, in peace and repentance, with an ardent desire for the salvation of those who work for the glory of the Lord, taking upon ourselves a good deed, end our lives and be honored in the Kingdom of Heaven with you to always sing and glorify the most holy and magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. . Amen.

Oh, great saint, Father Gregory, glorious teacher of the Ecumenical Church, all-zealous champion of the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, chosen confessor of the Mother of God and Her Immaculate Virginity, most luminous image of purity, humility and patience. Since I am a great sinner and unworthy of looking up to the heights of heaven, I humbly pray to you, the wise teacher of the Church of Christ, teach me to lead my life in such a God-fearing way, so that I will never take the path that is contrary to God’s command, deviate or be seduced. Protect and deliver me through your powerful intercession from the temptations of the world and the snares of the devil, just as you delivered from them the young man who retreated from our Sweetest Savior and fell into the power of Satan. Grant me the strength of my soul to be a zealous imitator of your lofty virtues: make me more right in faith, firm and unshakable, strengthen the faint-hearted me in patience and trust in the Lord, kindle in my heart the true love of Christ, so that I desire heavenly blessings above all others and enjoy them. Ask me from the Lord for sincere contrition for my sins, so that I will spend the rest of my life in peace, repentance and fulfillment of the commandments of Christ. When the hour of my death draws near, you, O blessed Father, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, then hasten to help, protect me from the evil slander of the enemy, and make me worthy of being the heir to be the villages of paradise, so that together with you and with all the saints of God’s impregnable Majesty I will appear before the Throne and I glorify and sing the Life-Giving, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Oh, great saint, Father Gregory, glorious teacher of the Ecumenical Church, all-zealous champion of the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, The Mother of God and Her Most Immaculate Virginity, the chosen confessor, the most luminous image of purity, humility and patience. Since I am a great sinner and unworthy of looking up to the heights of heaven, I humbly pray to you, the wise teacher of the Church of Christ, teach me to lead my life in such a God-fearing way, so that I will never take the path that is contrary to God’s command, deviate or be seduced. Protect and deliver me through your powerful intercession from the temptations of the world and the snares of the devil, just as you delivered from them the young man who retreated from our Sweetest Savior? and fell into the power of Satan. Grant me the spiritual strength to diligently be an imitator of your lofty virtues: make me more steadfast in my faith? and unshakable, strengthen the faint-hearted me in patience and trust in the Lord, kindle the true love of Christ in my heart, so that I desire heavenly blessings more than all others and enjoy them. Ask me from the Lord for sincere contrition for my sins, so that I will spend the rest of my life in peace, repentance and fulfillment of the commandments of Christ. When the hour of my death draws near, you, O blessed Father, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, then speed up to help, protect me from the evil slander of the enemy, and grant me the heir to be the villages of paradise, yes? with you and with all the saints of God’s impregnable Majesty I will appear before the Throne and glorify and sing the Life-Giving, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Oh, most honorable and sacred head and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the abode of the Savior with the Father, great bishop, our warm intercessor, Saint Gregory! Standing at the Throne of all the King and enjoying the light of the Consubstantial Trinity and cherubically with the angels proclaiming the trisagion hymn, having great and unexplored boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, praying to the flock of Christ to save people, establish the well-being of the holy churches, decorate the bishops with the splendor of holiness, strengthen the monastics for the exploits of the good trend, reigning keep the city and all cities and countries well, and keep the holy immaculate faith, pacify the whole world, deliver us from famine and destruction, and save us from the attacks of foreigners, comfort the old, instruct the young, make the fools wise, have mercy on widows, protect the orphans, grow up the babies , return the captives, heal the infirm, and everywhere warmly calling you and flowing to you with faith and diligently falling down and praying from all misfortunes and troubles through your intercession, free. Pray for us to the All-Bountiful and Humane-loving Christ our God, so that on the day of the terrible coming of His Holy Standing He will deliver us, and He will create the joys of the saints as partakers with all the saints forever. Amen.

Oh, most honorable and sacred head and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Spasovo? dwelling with the Father, great bishop, our warm intercessor, Saint Gregory! Standing at the Throne of all the King and enjoying the light of the Consubstantial Trinity? and the cherubic angels proclaiming the thrice-holy hymn, having great and unexplored boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, praying to the flock of Christ to save people, establish the well-being of the holy churches, decorate the bishops with the splendor of holiness, strengthen the monastics for the exploits of the good trend, preserve the reigning city and all cities and countries well, and Please keep the holy, immaculate faith, and let the whole world die from famine? and deliver us from destruction, and save us from the attacks of foreigners, console the old, guide the young, make the foolish wise, have mercy on widows, stand for the orphans, grow up the babies, bring back the captives, heal the infirm, and everywhere the warmth of those who call you and with faith flow to you and fall diligently and free those who pray from all misfortunes and troubles through your intercession. Pray for us to the All-Bountiful and Humane-loving Christ our God, and even on the day of His terrible coming, will He? standing will deliver us, and the joys of the saints will be partakers with all the saints forever. Amen.


Commemoration: January 25 / February 7, January 30 / February 12 (Council of Ecumenical Teachers) St. Gregory the Theologian is one of the greatest Christian theologians, apologists and hymnographers. Participant of the Second Ecumenical Council in 381. A humble shepherd, alien to a church career, could sacrifice both the cathedra of Bishop of Constantinople and the title of Patriarch of Constantinople for the sake of church peace. Saint Gregory the Theologian is the heavenly patron of scientists, theologians, apologists and missionaries. They pray to him for strengthening faith, sending down the gift of preaching, prayerfulness, understanding the fundamentals of the doctrine, for the conversion of non-believers, sectarians and schismatics. Since ancient times, people have prayed to him, together with Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, when starting the construction of a house and entering a new house, as well as for prayerful protection in persecution and temptation from evil people and authorities.

Oh, great and wise teacher in all the universe, blessed Father Gregory! Great are your deeds and labors, which you have accomplished for the glory of the Holy Church: you have been a steadfast confessor and a lamp of the faith of Christ on earth, illuminating the faithful with the light of the knowledge of God, scorching false teachings, and proclaiming the word of saving truth to the whole world. Now, having great boldness in heaven towards the Holy Trinity, guide us, who bow to you with humility, to firmly and invariably preserve the holy Orthodox faith until the end of our lives, and guard against lack of faith, doubt and hesitation in faith, so that we will not be seduced by those who oppose God and soul-destroying teachings in words.
Ask, O merciful saint, from the Father of lights and everyone, every gift that is useful to everyone: growth for the infant in the Passion of God, chastity for the young, strengthening for the old and weak, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, understanding and correction for the erring, intercession for the offended, protection for orphans and widows. , to those who are tempted, grace-filled help, to those who have departed from this temporary life, to our fathers and brothers, blessed repose. To her, Holy One of God, mercifully look down from the Abodes of Heaven on us humble ones, overwhelmed by many temptations and misfortunes, and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven.

Oh, great and wise teacher in all the universe, blessed Father Gregory! Great are your deeds and labors, which you have accomplished for the glory of the Holy Church: you have been a steadfast confessor and a lamp of the faith of Christ on earth, illuminating the faithful with the light of the knowledge of God, scorching false teachings, and proclaiming the word of saving truth to the whole world. Now, great? in heaven, having boldness towards the Holy Trinity, help us, who bow to you with humility, to firmly and unchangeably preserve the holy Orthodox faith until the end of our lives, and protect us from lack of faith, doubt and hesitation in faith, so that we will not be seduced by ungodly and soul-destroying teachings with words.
The spirit of holy zeal, with which you blazed, O glorious shepherd of the Church of Christ, kindle with your intercession also in us, whom Christ has appointed to be shepherds, so that we may diligently enlighten and confirm in the right faith the verbal flock of Christ.
Ask, O merciful saint, from the Father of lights and to all, every gift that is useful to everyone: growth in the passion of God for the child, chastity for the young,? strengthening for the old and weak, consolation for the grieving, healing for those who are ill, understanding and correction for those who have gone astray, intercession for the offended, protection for orphans and widows, grace-filled help for those who are tempted, for those who have departed from this temporary life, blessed rest for our fathers and brothers. To her, Holy One of God, mercifully look down from the Abodes of Heaven on us humble ones, overwhelmed by many temptations and misfortunes, and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven.
Grant us, most good Father, your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that in this new summer and at all other times of our lives we will live in peace, repentance and obedience to the Holy Orthodox Church, diligently doing the commandments of Christ, fighting the good fight of faith, and so We will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with you and all the saints we vouchsafe the Holy Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, to sing and glorify forever and ever. Amen.