Why do you dream about games, playing in a dream? Famous football player Dream interpretation of a football match.

Explanations of night visions with such a scenario will depend on the nuances of the dream. You yourself played or were just a spectator at the game at the stadium. Maybe you watched the game on TV. The exact interpretation will depend on all this. To find out about this, check out the proposed dream books.

The view of psychologist S. Freud

  • Played football in a dream - you have become in the habit of imposing your opinion on the people around you. This is not everyone's cup of tea. It's time for you to change this rule.
  • Seeing others playing football means don’t take other people’s opinions seriously. It is often wrong. It's better to trust your intuition.

Opinion of the white magician Yu. Longo

  • Kicking a ball yourself in a dream means you will soon surprise your friends with your unusual act.
  • You've probably decided to make a drastic change in your life. Warn everyone about this so that they understand your actions correctly.
  • Watching a match from the stands of the stadium means something will alienate someone you know. You will need to either take his side or acknowledge the condemnations of your opponents. In any case, you will not be able to change the situation.

Autumn dream book

  • Seeing the goalkeeper catch the ball means you will successfully complete the job you started.
  • If you watched a match on TV and the team you supported won, your dreams will not come true.

Summer dream book

Watching the game on TV means having a pleasant time.

Spring dream book

A goalkeeper on a football field is an obstacle to completing a task.

Pastor Loff's Interpretation

  • Playing alone on the football field symbolizes your lack of independence.
  • Watching others play is a sign of your low authority among the people around you. Nobody takes your opinion seriously, you gradually lose the respect of your friends.
  • Seeing a goalkeeper watching the game is a sign that you are about to go watch a football match.

Modern dream book

  • Were you on the stadium podium as a spectator - in reality you lack initiative. This way it is impossible to achieve tangible success in life. It is necessary to change your position in life.
  • Take part in the game yourself - by your example you have a positive influence on your children.
  • They saw that the football stadium was not used for its intended purpose - it will take a lot of effort to achieve their plans.

Dream Interpretation Housewives

  • While playing football, hitting the goal post with the ball indicates unexpected obstacles on your way.
  • Watching a football match means refusing to help your neighbors.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing yourself playing football promises money and property disputes.

Interpretation by psychologist G. Miller

  • Watching the game from the stands of the stadium portends trouble. The reason for them will be excessive addiction on your part to dubious entertainment activities.
  • This also suggests that you may fall under someone's influence and it will be difficult to get rid of it. This will cause anxiety and affect your well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

  • Playing football means success in the financial sector. You will meet people who share your aspirations. Together you can achieve success. These could be friends, work colleagues.
  • Watching football on TV or at the stadium means you are likely to be influenced by strangers. This may adversely affect your business.

Dream book for girls

  • If you played football in a dream, you will take part in an interesting event. It will happen at your educational institution.
  • In a dream you played football, but in reality you don’t know how to do it. In the near future, you will have to do things that will bring you difficulties and a lot of trouble. You will not be able to refuse this matter.

Everyday dream book

  • Watch others play football. Listen to your intuition before you make an important move. Don't take other people's advice into account.
  • Football in a dream symbolizes your real life. It is also like a game. Be mobile and always be prepared for unexpected turns of fate.
  • Play yourself - refuse the temptation to influence other people. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
  • During the game, players attacked you from all sides. Exercise caution in reality to avoid injury.

Opinion of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Watching a decisive football match on TV means your friend will find himself in a difficult situation. You will have to help him get out of it. This will require a lot of effort on your part, which can cause deterioration in your health.

Dream book of symbols

  • A dream with a similar scenario speaks of a rapid change of events in your life.
  • Winning the game foreshadows the fulfillment of your plans in reality.

Family dream book

Playing by yourself or watching the game from the side promises a lull in business, a waste of time, and financial difficulties.

Lunar dream book

In your dream, you happened to play on the same team with a famous football player - thanks to influential connections, in reality you allow yourself a lot. This does not do you any honor and may one day lead to disastrous consequences.

Interpretations from other sources

  1. Seeing a football game in a dream promises a manifestation of jealousy in a love relationship.
  2. Watching the game as a spectator portends deterioration in health. You will have to forget about everything for a while and listen to the advice of doctors. Your body needs rest.
  3. Seeing yourself as a player, but watching the match from the bench - you experience a feeling of dissatisfaction in reality due to the fact that you will no longer be able to do what you love due to health problems.
  4. In a dream, you skillfully played on the field - in reality you have a tendency to put pressure on the people around you. Try to get rid of this bad habit. This will raise your authority.
  5. During the game, you scored a goal that brought your team victory. This will prevent you from putting too much pressure on your friend. So you might lose it.

Playing football in a dream means you are used to manipulating people and don’t think at all that others may not always like it.

If it is important to you how people you consider your friends will treat you, then you need to change your behavior.

Watching someone else play football - don't attach so much importance to someone else's opinion. Surely you yourself have been convinced more than once that someone else’s opinion is not always correct.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Seeing Football in a dream

Playing football means being in a wonderful company of like-minded people.

The dream also marks financial success.

Watching a football match on TV or at the stadium means becoming dependent on the actions and desires of other people.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does the dream Football mean?

Seeing yourself playing football: in the near future you will commit an act that is completely uncharacteristic for you, which will incredibly surprise your friends and family.

So that your family does not worry about you, explain to them that a turning point has come in your life and now you will radically change not only your life, but also yourself.

The sooner you warn them about this, the less stress you will subject them to.

Seeing yourself sitting on the stands of a stadium and cheering for one or another team: soon one of your friends will commit an extraordinary act, and you will have to either side with this friend or move to the opposing camp.

But no matter what you do in this case, you still won’t be able to change the situation.

If you are just watching the game: in reality you will have to retire for a while for health reasons, but do not complain about fate and do not curse the doctors who forbid you to do what you love.

Understand that you can’t change all your affairs; you dream that you are watching or listening to a television or radio broadcast of a football match: soon you will hear alarming rumors about the inappropriate behavior of someone you know.

You will empathize with this person and even try to help him, but then it turns out that all your fears were far-fetched, and this is to blame.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing Football in a dream

English football - without exaggeration, you need to stand firmly on your feet and be ready to be active if necessary.

Be ready to dodge your opponent's shots and score a goal as soon as the opportunity arises.

Football - In the middle of a tense game, people are running towards you from all directions.

You can get injured, but not if you are firmly on your feet and ready to move quickly at the slightest opportunity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Dream about Football

Playing football or watching the game - you will experience stagnation in business, wasted time, meaningless conversations, and financial losses.

Imagine that it started to rain and the game stopped. The football players leave the field. You leave the stadium, get into your car and drive away.

Interpretation of dreams from

Everyone is familiar with this type of team game like football. Some people prefer to watch the match, rooting for their favorite team, while others will not refuse to kick the ball on the field. Why do you see football in dreams? We turned to the best dream books to answer this question.

What did the sleeper have to do with football in the dream?


Did you watch the match at the stadium? A powerful man wants to dominate you. It will not be possible to get rid of this influence quickly and easily.

A close friend is on the verge of making an unacceptable mistake, the consequences of which are up to you to deal with. According to the dream book, this is warned by a vision in a drowsiness, in which I happened to watch football on.

To see women's football in a dream - in reality the dreamer is obliged to find a non-standard and original way out of the current difficult situation that will affect the majority of those around him.

In a dream about football, did you see fans fighting in the stands? It is important to show your best side in the near future and management will appreciate your efforts and impulses. Read more about what you dream about here.


If you happened to play football in a dream, then dream books believe that in reality the dreamer is a person who impartially manipulates people, suppressing their desires.

And since in a dream you yourself had to play, and were even lucky enough to score a goal in football, then dream books believe that in reality you should stop putting pressure on your friend, otherwise the risk of losing him will increase significantly.

At the whim of Morpheus, the dozing one was a member of the Russian national team? The dream book warns that you should not expect good from the arrogant and boorish behavior that you allow yourself because of influential connections.

Judge or coach

The sleeper will have to deal with family troubles, since in the dream he acted as a football referee.

In reality, the sleeper is a true manipulator who uses people for his own purposes. This interpretation is carried by a night vision in which you coached a football team.

Get injured, be a substitute

An injury during a match is a warning that spiteful critics are planning to harm you by collecting incriminating evidence and plotting intrigues.

And if in your dreams you were part of the team, but were on the bench, then in reality you are exhausted from discomfort, because your health condition forced you to say goodbye to your favorite pastime.

Attributes of a match in dreams

  • A soccer ball foreshadows a successful outcome of accumulated adversity and problems.
  • The boots symbolize the upcoming work, which is distinguished by seriousness and responsibility.
  • The uniform of a sports player is a symbol of a new comrade with an influential position in society.
  • A fan's scarf promises a surprise. Perhaps an amazing adventure or an improvement in your financial situation.
  • A whistle is a sign of nervous tension, which is important to relieve as quickly as possible.
  • Rattles and pipes represent a pleasant acquaintance that will culminate in a romance. Read more about what you dream about in this article.

Who was the dreamer?

To meet her future lover, who will play an important role in her life, a lonely girl has a dream in which she happened to play football.

A sports game hints at the danger of a rival appearing to a woman in a relationship..

And if a married lady saw football in her dreams, then in reality she will have to deal with the problems of her household.

As for men, regardless of their marital status, they should loosen their grip and stop using others and their family for personal interests.

On the pages of books of interpretation...

Miller predicted trouble for anyone who was watching football from the stands in a dream. Protect yourself from entertainment activities of a dubious nature.

It is possible to fall under bad influence. Experiences associated with such an event will negatively affect your well-being.

Freud insisted that If you happen to play on a football team, then it is important to stop manipulating people, as long as their opinion matters to you. Someone else's opinion is not worth your attention. This is how the vision in which you watched the game is interpreted.

According to Longo, your unconventional action will surprise your comrades if in your dreams you were kicking a ball across the field. Were you rooting for the team in the stands? A close acquaintance will soon “throw out” some trick. You have to either take his side or join the condemners.

Loff hinted at a lack of independence when he deciphered a dream in which the dreamer played alone on a football field. If you watched others play, then you do not have authority among those around you. Alas, no one cares about your opinion.

It is worth remembering: a dream is not a 100% variation of the future. Sometimes dreams do not carry any subtext. But sometimes they are able to warn and warn against the future.

Why do you dream about football?

Freud's Dream Book

Playing football in a dream means you are used to manipulating people and don’t think at all that others may not always like it. If it is important to you how people you consider your friends will treat you, then you need to change your behavior.

Watching someone else play football - don't attach so much importance to someone else's opinion. Surely you yourself have been convinced more than once that someone else’s opinion is not always correct.

Why do you dream about football?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Football is much ado about nothing.

Why do you dream about football?

Spring dream book

Case - the character of the person who will be near you will be hidden, and your attempts to make contact will not be crowned with success.

Why do you dream about football?

Summer dream book

Case - means undeserved insult.

Why do you dream about football?

Autumn dream book

Case - a quarrel will occur over a fictitious story.

Why do you dream about football?

Esoteric dream book

Play for yourself: There will be disputes over property, money, dividends.

Seeing others play is the same, but the initiators and performers will be others.

Why do you dream about football?

Modern dream book

Seeing others or yourself playing football in a dream means that you will not be able to do the work assigned to you well.

Why do you dream about football?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Football - Stagnation in business, empty time spent, meaningless conversations, financial losses. Imagine it started to rain and the game stopped. The football players leave the field. You leave the stadium, get into your car and drive away.

Why do you dream about football?

Jewish dream book

If you had a dream on Monday night, this dream is a sign of family troubles; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will strive for the same thing that all your friends strive for; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, says that you have to make a choice from several extremely dubious options.

Watching a football match A dream you had on Monday night means that you will be drawn into intrigue, the meaning of which will remain completely incomprehensible to you; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it says that you will have to meet many people; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, he comes to numerous guests.

Why do you dream about football?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does Football mean in a dream - the joy of victory or the bitterness of defeat.

Why do you dream about football?

Idiomatic dream book

“The man in the case” is a closed, uncommunicative person; “case” - protection for something and as a special accessory in which exquisite value is stored.

Why do you dream about football?

Dream book of relationships

Playing football in a dream means that you tend to control people, and manipulate those around you regardless of their wishes. If you want people to treat you well, change the way you treat them.

If another person plays football, this means that you tend to attach great importance to other people's opinions. However, it is not always objective.

Why do you dream about football?

Online dream book

If you saw football, it means you will find those who will support you.

If you were a fan, you will be dependent on someone for a very long time.

Why do you dream about football?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Playing football means being in a wonderful company of like-minded people (friends, colleagues or partners). The dream also marks financial success.

Watching a football match on TV or at the stadium means becoming dependent on the actions and desires of other people. Perhaps the consequences of your activities will not be favorable.

Why do you dream about football?

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing yourself playing football in a dream means that in the near future you will commit an act that is completely uncharacteristic for you, which will incredibly surprise your friends and family. So that your family does not worry about you, explain to them that a turning point has come in your life and now you will radically change not only your life, but also yourself. The sooner you warn them about this, the less stress you will subject them to.

To see yourself in a dream sitting on the stands of a stadium and cheering for one or another team - soon one of your friends will commit an extraordinary act, and you will have to either take the side of this friend or move to the opponents’ camp. But no matter what you do in this case, you still won’t be able to change the situation.

If in a dream you are simply watching the game, in reality you will have to retire for a while for health reasons, but do not complain about fate and do not curse the doctors who forbid you to do what you love. Understand that you can’t change everything, just like you can’t earn all the money, and health is such a capricious thing that you need to take it seriously.

You dream that you are watching or listening to a television or radio broadcast of a football match - soon you will hear disturbing rumors about the inappropriate behavior of someone you know. You will empathize with this person and even try to help him, but then it turns out that all your fears were far-fetched, and the reason for this is unreliable information that reached you. Therefore, having received any news, try to double-check it several times, and only after that can you make one decision or another. Otherwise, you may not only not help the person, but also cause a lot of trouble, and you yourself will find yourself in a very awkward position.

A dream about games can only be interpreted if you know which games the dreamer took part in.

For example, a vision where someone teaches a person how to play with a dog foretells that the dreamer will soon have to deceive someone. A dream about playing musical instruments promises joy and relaxation.

Entertainment such as football or volleyball, where the main participant is the ball, indicates that a person will soon have to make a decisive life choice.

It is important to remember the slightest details of night vision, the sensations that the player experiences, only in this case the dream book will correctly interpret the dream.

So, why do you dream about playing? What will the dream books tell us?

General interpretations of dream books

Often in dreams there are children with whom the sleeper plays or has fun. According to the dream book, children always represent a symbol of wisdom and correctly chosen decisions.

  • If they rejoice and frolic in the vision, then the dream predicts quick success.
  • Sad or whiny babies indicate that difficulties or minor troubles may arise in solving any problems.

A person dreams of a game when he will need to develop certain events in his life or solve planned matters. If the player makes mistakes or loses, then solving important matters in real life may end in deception.

When a person emerges victorious from all entertainment and rejoices at the same time, success and a bright streak awaits him ahead! Which will have the best impact on his future.

  • If you dream that a player constantly makes mistakes and fails, then in real life such a dream foreshadows victory over life’s difficulties and success in business.
  • A person loses to his beloved spouse or his lover - a vision according to the dream book promises a romantic date, which can end with a marriage proposal.
  • Enjoy the entertainment - comfort and peace will come in the family circle.

  • Creating the image of an actress or famous person, participating in theatrical plays or simply performing in front of a general public is a sign of great luck and real success. But if the audience during the performance greets the sleeping person with stormy applause, then the dream foreshadows quarrels and minor problems.
  • Computer entertainment, where the sleeper becomes a participant in the main process, portends doubts about a person’s character. Computer games with a child indicate complex family relationships; perhaps the offspring lack parental care.
  • Dreams in which children take part always represent joy, family happiness and tranquility. When they play with their parents, the dream foretells happiness and inner harmony.

Interpretations of the dream book for playing with a ball

Why do you dream about football? Football in dreams indicates that a person likes to subjugate other people under his influence.

Seeing football from the outside and taking part in the game as a spectator - a person will be faced with an acute problem, a way out of which he can only find a way out with the help of friends.

  • Playing football yourself means the risk will be justified; decisive changes are coming in your destiny.
  • Football in the company of guys portends good luck and fun.
  • Football with a boy indicates that in real life a person needs to show determination and perseverance.

Why do you dream about volleyball? A dream about volleyball always indicates the work area in life. If volleyball brings pleasure, then relationships with colleagues develop harmoniously.

Volleyball with a large number of athletes portends participation in a mass party or corporate event. And volleyball with children foreshadows an imminent important and responsible task, which, if successfully resolved, will be adequately paid.

Seeing volleyball in a large hall means a prosperous career. Losing in volleyball is an unkind sign; perhaps ill-wishers and gossips will play a decisive role in a person’s life.

Why do you dream about basketball? A dream about basketball often indicates relationships with people around you.

  • Losing in basketball is a sign of lack of confidence in communicating with people.
  • Seeing athletes playing basketball is a sign of labor-intensive tasks that will require a quick solution.
  • Basketball with children portends success and new successful acquaintances.
  • Watching basketball on TV is like making purchases in real life.
  • Watching basketball and acting as a referee means that a person will soon have to take a decisive step or become a significant participant in someone’s destiny.

What if you dream about playing in the snow?

Snow in night visions indicates the immediate fate of a person, the imminent situations that will happen to him.

  • Making snowballs means being afraid and afraid of something, but the fear will not be justified.
  • Making dark-colored snowballs means illness and failure; clean and white snowballs mean health and joy.
  • Snowball fights with kids portend good luck and a fun time.
  • Playing snowballs with a child boy means a quick resolution of pressing matters.
  • Throwing snowballs with your loved one - everything will work out in the personal life of the sleeping person.

Dreams about playing with a dog

Having fun with a dog in a dream indicates that in real life a person has a faithful friend who will help him in any situation or provide the necessary support. The dream book interprets games with a dog as the disposition of the people around you.

  • Working with a dog that doesn’t listen means minor difficulties are expected in real life.
  • Playing with a dog and a child means good luck in business and in life.
  • Having fun with a dog that is showing aggression means understanding that in the life of the sleeper there are enemies who are beginning to openly manifest themselves.

Dreams about playing cards

According to the dream book, entertainment in which cards take part indicates a person’s external life, his society and his attitude towards life.

A deck of cards in a dream means that a large society awaits the person ahead, in which the latter will be given a lot of attention. If at the same time the deck of cards is shuffled, then new acquaintances will bring troubles and problems into his life.

  • Play cards for money - a fun acquaintance is ahead.
  • Winning at cards means making a profit.
  • Losing at cards is a sign of imminent disappointment or minor loss.
  • Playing cards represent chores around the house; Tarot cards indicate the emotional state of the sleeper.
  • Having fun with children or one child and a boy promises quick success. Card games for money with children portend material wealth or an unexpected increase.

What does chess mean in the dream book?

Why do you dream about playing chess? Visions about chess indicate the internal state of a person.

  • Seeing chess and a chessboard means competition in business.
  • The chess pieces are arranged in their configurations - minor quarrels.
  • Playing chess with a child is a successful completion of risky undertakings.
  • Taking part in a game of chess with a stranger means disappointment in life or resentment towards loved ones.

Any type of entertainment indicates the inner state of a person. When a sleeper enjoys games, success will definitely await him in real life.

Failures in entertainment carry information that a person needs to be smart and sharpen his intuition, since small problems are looming ahead.

All games for money indicate the material sphere of life, which, depending on the feelings in a dream, can be positive or have some shortcomings.
Author: Tatyana Agishina