How to make an enchantment table in minecraft. Enchantment table

To make things in Minecraft even more effective, they can be enchanted. A table is provided for this procedure. In this article, we will tell you how to make an enchantment table in Minecraft.

What resources are needed for the table

First you need to acquire all the necessary resources, including:

  • two diamonds
  • three blocks of obsidian
  • one book

With diamonds, everything is very simple, they can be found in caves and abandoned mines at a height of five to fifteen blocks. Obsidian can also be found in caves and mined with a diamond pickaxe. This resource can be obtained in another way - fill the lava with water and get obsidian. The book is made of paper and leather, the paper, in turn, is made of three reed sprouts.

After collecting all the necessary resources, you can start crafting an enchantment table.

Create a table

Before crafting, you need to make a workbench in which all things in the game are created. Making it is as easy as shelling pears, since this is the main item in the game - only four boards in the inventory and the workbench is ready. Well, let's get down to crafting.

  • We lay out the entire lower layer of the workbench and the central compartment with obsidian.
  • We have two diamonds along the edges.
  • We place a book in the upper central slot and get a table for enchantment.
  • As you can see, crafting is very simple, but it requires quite valuable resources.

Improving the table

To enchant things to the maximum level, and in Minecraft this is the 30th, you can improve the table. For this operation, you will need bookshelves. There are fifteen of them in total.

Bookshelves can either be crafted or found. They consist of three books and six boards. The central slots of the workbench are filled with books, and the top and bottom with boards.

If you are too lazy to create books, you can find them.

  • If you find a village, and it can be found in the desert or in the meadow, then there is definitely a librarian's house where you can find bookshelves.
  • If you are lucky, you can find several houses in the same village.
  • Breaking bookshelves should be done with an ax, but you will only drop books, but it's still better than doing them yourself.
  • Also, books can be found in the fortress, which is located underground, and you can find it with the help of the eyes.

After crafting the bookshelves, they need to be placed around the enchantment table.

The distance between the table and the bookshelves must be one block, otherwise they simply will not work.

Enchanting table

Enchanting Table ID in Minecraft: 61 .

NID : enchanting_table .

Enchantment table - the English name for the enchantment table in Minecraft. It could also be called a witch's table or magic influence table; abbreviated names are often used - enchantment table and magic table.

How to get:

An enchantment table in Minecraft, which is an incomplete block with a height of 3/4, is needed for witchcraft. It can be used to enchant tools, weapons, and armor. At the same time, their power increases and the desired effects are added. If you place an enchantment table near bookcases, then items can be enchanted more strongly. All spells are not free, because they require a certain amount of experience (experience is not required in creative mode), and since Minecraft 1.8 version - lapis lazuli. The enchanted item shimmers and glistens.

Enchanting table on the Minecraft server.

How to make an enchantment table in Minecraft?

In order to make an enchantment table in Minecraft, you have to work hard. And it's not just about knowing the crafting recipe - remembering it is not so difficult. It is more difficult to get resources, which will require a lot: four obsidian, two diamonds and one book.

Since the enchantment table is crafted from diamonds and obsidian, a false conclusion can be drawn about its super strength. But it's not. It can also be mined with a wooden pickaxe.

How to enchant an item

In order to enchant an item, you need to right-click on the table to open it and put it in the interface cell. After that, three random enchantment options will appear. If you have enough experience, then you can choose any of them. Many spells have multiple levels. In addition, the item can be enchanted for several spells. The cost increases, therefore, and the likelihood of obtaining a more valuable enchantment increases.

Enchanting table window in Minecraft.

About bookcases was briefly noted above, we add that the maximum level of experience for which an item can be enchanted increases if you place bookcases at a distance of one block from the enchantment table.

Enchantment: numbering and names

IDs for pocket edition and for computers are different in most cases.

enchantment NID ID (for computers)
Infinity infinity 51
bane of arthropods bane_of_arthropods 18
explosion resistance blast_protection 3
Ignition flame 50
deep step depth_strider 8
Breath respiration 5
The plot of fire fire_aspect 20
Protection protection 0
Projectile protection projectile_protection 4
Ice tread (walking on water) frost_walker 9
Looting (loot) looting 21
sea ​​luck luck_of_the_sea 61
heavenly punishment smite 17
Weightlessness feather_falling 2
fire resistance fire_protection 1
sharpness sharpness 16
discard knockback 19
mending mending 70
Bait lure 62
Curse of Binding binding_curse 10
Curse of Loss vanishing_curse 71
Strength unbreaking 34
Slashing Blade sweeping 22
Relationship with water (submariner) aqua_affinity 6
Power power 48
shock wave punch 49
Luck fortune 35
spikes thorns 7
Silk touch silk_touch 33
Efficiency efficiency 32

Many enchantments

Enchant Tools

Enchant Tool
Tools Name What gives
32 Efficiency
Faster resource extraction.
33 Silk touch
silk touch
Destroying a block (with the right tool) drops that block, even if it should drop something else.
34 Strength
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
35 Luck
Chance to drop more resources.
61 lucky fisherman
sea ​​luck
Luck of the Sea
Increases the chance to catch treasure. Reduces the chance of catching trash when fishing.
62 Bait
Increases the chance to catch fish. Reduces the chance of catching trash or treasure by 1% per level.

Enchant Weapon

Enchant Weapon
Weapon Name What gives
16 sharpness
Additional damage.
17 heavenly punishment
Additional Damage zombies, zombie pigmen, skeletons, withers and wither skeletons.
18 bane of arthropods
Death of insects
Bane of Arthropods
Additional damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfish.
19 recoil
Knocks back mobs and players.
20 The plot of fire
fire aspect
Ignites the target.
21 Mining
Increases loot from mobs, as well as the chance of a rare drop.
22 Slashing Blade
Sweeping edge
Increases damage against mobs near the target.
48 Power
Additional damage.
49 reclining
Dropping a target.
50 Burning Arrow
Fires arrows.
51 Infinity
Arrows are not wasted. But you need at least one arrow to shoot.

Enchant Armor

Enchant Armor
Armor Name What gives
0 Protection
Converts attack damage to armor damage.
1 fire resistance
fire protection
Protection against fire, lava and ifrit fireballs. Decreases the burning time of the player.
2 Weightlessness
Feather Falling
Fall protection
3 explosion resistance
Blast Protection
Explosion protection. Reduces recoil from explosions.
4 Projectile protection
Projectile Protection
Protection from arrows and fireballs
5 underwater breathing
Reduces the loss of air under water, increases the time between attacks of suffocation. Allows you to see better underwater.
6 Submariner
kinship with water
Aqua Affinity
Allows you to destroy blocks under water at the same speed as on land.
7 spikes
Deals damage to the attacker with some chance.
8 underwater walking
Conqueror of the Depths
Depth Strider
Increases walking speed underwater.
9 Ice Step
Walking on water
frost walker
Turns water into frozen ice and allows you to walk on the surface of the reservoir.
70 mending
Uses experience to repair an item in hands or in armor slots.

The above is just basic information on enchanting tools, weapons, and armor. It should also be noted here that with the help of enchanted books on the anvil, you can get tools with enchantments that are not normally available. And other ways of enchantment include

What is this item, and why use it during the game? In fact, it is very useful, so it is important to know how to make an enchantment table in Minecraft, and what is required for it. By the way, if you look at the name, it immediately becomes clear that everything is connected with magic. Spells come into effect that can improve the performance of any items and make them more powerful.

How is this miracle done in the game? This will require resources:

  • 2 diamonds;
  • 4 obsidian;
  • previously created book (it should already be in inventory).

A small note: creating a table is very difficult, especially when it comes to collecting resources.

After all things are collected, they should be laid out on a workbench in a special way. The result is a block of unusual beauty and shape, which has a height of about three quarters of the standard. There is also another element in the form of a closed rotating book, which is located on the block. As you approach the player's table, the book begins to open, and each of its pages begins to move.

What is important to know before crafting an enchanted table?

You should inquire in detail about the resources that are needed to create a witch's table. It is very important to know where they are mined or made, since all materials are not cheap, and their extraction is not easy. You have to be prepared to spend a lot of money if you do magical things in Minecraft!

To get diamonds, you will have to sweat very well, as you will need to go down into an underground mine. You should choose deep places where lava is concentrated. It is there that the richest diamond deposits are found most of all. To do this, you will need the presence of an iron pickaxe, and of course, it does not hurt to grab a torch (preferably not one).

After mining diamonds, you should create a diamond pickaxe with which you can go in search of obsidian. The presence of such a pickaxe is simply necessary, because obsidian consists of a strong material and no other tool can damage it. The extraction itself consists in the preliminary cooling of the lava with water.

As a result, obsidian appears against the background of a natural phenomenon. But the matter must be approached with caution, as there is a risk of falling into this fiery pool.


With the book, things are a little different: you don’t need to look for it, but make it on a workbench. To do this, you need leather and paper. The extraction of the skin is carried out by killing cows and other animals caught in the territory. Paper can be obtained from cane by chopping it and spreading it on a workbench. Usually, it is located near the lake.

Is a bookcase required?

Why waste time also on creating a bookcase? Wouldn't it be better to start the process of enchanting items? The whole point of bookcases is that they are designed to enhance spells. Therefore, you will have to be patient for some more time to start the process. This is the whole complexity of magic in Minecraft.

So, to create a locker, you will need the presence of boards and books that are already available. They need to be arranged in a certain sequence, after which the cabinet will be created!

Getting the Most Out of Spells

After long preparations, finally, you can proceed to the action itself! How is everything enchanted, and how to properly use all the resources of this witchcraft rite in order to achieve effective indicators that will dramatically increase the characteristics of armor, weapons, tools, books and other things that have? In fact, obtaining as many effects as possible, having high levels, is the maximum achievement of enchantment. To achieve such indicators, certain conditions must be observed.

Requires a small room to build. Cabinets should be used to build the walls, but the floor and ceiling can be made from other materials. This will require fifteen cabinets, for example, in version 12w23a, and before that, thirty pieces would have to be invested. Their location should be such that the table always remains in the central area and has a distance of one block from them.

Each enchantment process takes about thirty experience points, which is quite a lot. Therefore, it becomes necessary to replenish it before each cup. In the game universe, various monsters roam, harmless little animals that you can hunt and kill, gaining precious experience points.

Experience also comes from mining and smelting ore, creating farms with animals, and fishing. That is, all the actions to survive in the harsh realities of Minecraft. The game even allows you to buy potions in the settlement that give experience, in certain quantities.

Item Enchantment

All the long and difficult preparations are behind, the time has come for the long-awaited mysterious magical rite. First you need to go to the table, after which the action of the magic book will begin - it will open. Next, by pressing the right mouse button, open the main menu.

Enchanting itself does not seem to be a false process and is based on patience and luck. A certain thing is taken, which needs to be magically influenced, and placed in a square under the book. At the same moment, magic will begin its action in the form of the appearance of mysterious effects. There is no need to be frightened: this is how the visualization of magic happens. You can not even be distracted by it, but you should look at the green numbers. Their indicators are the number of experience that will be deducted for enchanting. The parameters depend on the experience spent: the more it is, the better the effect.

In the absence of cabinets, the numbers will be insignificant. Provided that all cabinets take their places, the indicators will be large.

The next step is the enchantment process. Sometimes the numbers are not as big as you would like. For the appearance of a new value, you need to take any thing that does not have a magical effect and immediately put it in its place. You can do this indefinitely until the desired numbers appear. The output is an enchanted thing, endowed with effective indicators, due to which it becomes more powerful, and a beautiful iridescent purple color appears.


From now on, your hero will be able to dispose of the most powerful equipment, with which it is possible to go to the most dangerous and insidious places in the game universe without fear for his life. After all, now you know how to make an enchanted table in Minecraft and enhance the effect of it!


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Enchantment table

Right-click on an enchantment table to open a screen with an item slot and three buttons that correspond to the three enchantment options.

When using an enchantment table, you don't know which spell was cast until you pick up the item

Each option indicates the amount of experience needed to cast the spell. If you are at level 20 and the spell costs 2, then you will drop to level 18 as soon as you click the button to enchant the item. Spell options are displayed randomly, but they must not conflict with an already cast spell. You won't know which spell was cast until you remove the tool from the table. (The letters on the buttons are random words made up of the letters of an alphabet created in the old computer game Commander Keen. The inscriptions do not affect your choice or spell.)

The more bookshelves around the enchantment table, the greater the choice of spells and the more expensive they are. The maximum number of shelves is fifteen. One block of empty space must be left between the bookshelves and the enchantment table, and the height of the bookshelves must be equal to or greater than the height of the table. If you have placed so many bookshelves that you now lack experience points for high level enchanting, reduce spell power by placing torches on the side of the bookshelves facing the table.

To increase the power of your enchantment table, place bookshelves around it two blocks away. You will see magical symbols floating from the shelves to the book on the enchantment table.

Can reduce the strength of a bookshelf by placing a torch on it

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Pss, do you want some magic?.. There is a great theme - the enchantment table. Fiery swords, indestructible tools, armor with explosion protection - and that's not all that this table is capable of. Interested? Then read on!

How to make an enchantment table in Minecraft?

Table recipe:

You will need 4 blocks of obsidian, two diamonds and one book. More about each ingredient.

  • Obsidian. Usually players are introduced to this block when they first need to make an enchantment table. In the wild, obsidian is very rare, so it is easier to create it artificially. To do this, collect a couple of buckets of water and go in search of a source of lava. Found? Fill the source with water - as a result, obsidian will appear. Or cobblestone, if you pour water not on stagnant lava, but on current, so be careful. Obsidian obtained can only be obtained with a diamond pickaxe, take care of this in advance.
  • Diamonds. Oh, coveted diamonds!.. If you have not had to admire their azure brilliance yet, go down to the very depths (no higher than level 16) and look there.
  • Book. If you want to make a book, kill a cow. Or a horse. There's nothing you can do - you need the skin. You will also need paper, which can be made from reeds (which grows along ponds).

Book crafting recipe:

Paper crafting recipe:

Making an enchantment table is not enough, it is important to place it correctly!

When the enchantment table is ready, it should choose a suitable place in your home, and feng shui has nothing to do with it. Your enchantments will be weak if you don't put bookcases next to the table. The more cabinets - the stronger the spell, but putting more than 15 cabinets does not make sense. Ideally, you want to build a library where 15 bookcases will surround one enchantment table. Moreover, the cabinet can be located on the same level with the table or one block above it. In addition, the distance between each cabinet and table should be one block. Simply put, you need to make a 5x5 square of bookcases and place an enchantment table in the center. It should look like this:

In turn, to make bookcases, you will need books and boards - it's simple!

Bookcase Recipe:

Video how to make an enchantment table in Minecraft: