How to do the perfect prom makeup. Technique and types of makeup for graduation with photos and videos How to make up for graduation yourself

At the prom, all girls want to shine and have every right to do so, because such a holiday happens only once in a lifetime! If the evening dress has already been bought, the hairstyle option is ready, and the manicure is done, all that remains is to choose a fashionable make-up for graduation 2019, which will harmoniously fit into the solemn ensemble and become the highlight of the chosen image.

Among the main fashion trends of 2019, makeup artists call naturalness and femininity. That is why natural make-up comes to the fore, which does not lose ground for several seasons, giving odds even to the classics.

Unlike sexy red lipstick and “cat” arrows, makeup a la naturel will be a win-win option for graduation, because the celebration of graduation is a celebration of youth, innocence and beauty, therefore, the emphasis should be on natural charm:

  • emphasize the natural girlish beauty easily with the help of pastel shadows, soft pink or peach blush, lipstick in natural tones or a glossy gloss that repeats the shade of the lips;
  • the natural shape of the eyebrows is best highlighted with shadows or a pencil to match;
  • eyelashes are easy enough to tint with mascara, abandoning artificial hairs of unnatural length.

But the leitmotif of the evening make-up will be a slight glow of the skin. This is easy to achieve with a wet finish or powder with shimmery particles, which should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. It would be useful to prepare your face for make-up with the help of refreshing masks and massage 1-2 weeks before the celebration, and have a good night's sleep just before the holiday.

Look into your eyes

In the shadows, preference should be given to those shades that are in harmony, first of all, with the color of the eyes. Stylists also recommend taking this factor into account when choosing a festive outfit in order to avoid dissonance in the image.

Makeup for brown eyes

Brown-eyed ladies should pay attention to sand and golden shades, olive and green, silver, purple. No less successful will be chocolate tones and a shade of eggplant. At the same time, makeup artists recommend abandoning the pink palette. The harmonious completion of the fashionable ensemble for brown eyes will be neat black arrows.

Make-up for blue-eyed girls

The depth and radiance of blue eyes should be highlighted with white, pearl or beige tones. No less interesting will look sand, gold or bronze tones, as well as an extensive palette of blue and purple (turquoise, sea wave, lavender, violet, and so on). Meanwhile, it is undesirable to use the “native” blue color: due to the combination of shades, the eyes will touch dull and colorless. As for eyeliner and mascara for blue eyes, you can choose blue tones, and point the arrows in dark gray.

Stylish look for owners of green eyes

For green eyes, blue and blue tones should not be used, which in this case will be an inappropriate accent, distracting attention from the natural shade of the eyes. A good choice would be:

  • gold and bronze mother-of-pearl shadows;
  • light monochrome range of beige or silver-gray tones;
  • soft lilac, violet and natural emerald shades;
  • ombre makeup, combining several shades of green with smooth transitions.

An excellent combi partner would be a brown or ashy eyebrow pencil, as well as brown or dark gray eyeliner and mascara. In addition, makeup artists recommend an interesting trick: after applying the base mascara, tint the tips of the eyelashes with mascara of a different shade (blue, lilac or violet), which will make the look more expressive.

That smoky eye

Sophisticated and glamorous smoky eyes makeup is back on the fashion wave! This is not surprising, because with its help you can achieve lightness and tenderness and at the same time create an intriguing and mysterious image. Today, this beauty technique pushes the boundaries and offers young graduates improvisation with color - the ability to choose not only gray, but also brown, purple and green tones and all shades of the night sky.

Lovers of originality can experiment with directions: create a haze in front of the eyes, intensifying the color on the moving eyelid and smoothly blending it down to the motionless one. Or create the effect of an iridescent eyelid, highlighting the eyes with an intense color from the outside and inside.

Lips in the spotlight

Juicy and seductive lips are always in the spotlight, so girls can boldly demonstrate natural forms, skillfully emphasized by lipstick or gloss. Grade 11 and school are left behind, so you can afford a little courage and try on the image of a fatal beauty or a daring seductress.

Instead of a delicate make-up a la naturel, graduates may prefer catchy lipstick or shine in shades of marsala or burgundy, play with wine tones or even make a beautiful ombre make-up, showing a rich palette of red shades on the lips. A real hit of the season has become matte lipstick, which easily falls on the lips and does not require a pencil eyeliner.

However, you should not experiment further - simultaneous accents on the lips and eyes will make the makeup too “heavy”, which will make the owner look older than her years. Classic arrows, a natural brow line, light shadows and porcelain skin tone, which is easy to achieve with concealer, foundation and powder, will be the optimal completion of the image.

Original beauty ideas for creative ladies

Particularly noteworthy are the holistic images that makeup artists offer to graduates not only in accordance with fashion trends, but also according to their mood. Graduation party is the last fairy tale of the outgoing childhood, so why not turn on your fantasy and fool around a little, trying on a new image?

doll makeup

Almost all girls had a Barbie doll as their best friend in children's games, and many dreamed of becoming at least for a moment as cute and charming as their favorite toy. Dreams Come True! And today you can play the role of the famous doll by doing a festive make-up “a la Barbie” for the prom.

It is worth considering that the make-up must be perfect, like the doll itself:

  • perfectly even tone (the foundation should completely match the natural skin tone);
  • symmetrical and well-defined eyebrows;
  • azure or pink shadows (possible in ombre style) and raspberry lipstick;
  • black or dark gray arrows and well-dyed eyelashes.

This image is more suitable for fair-haired girls and will be especially appropriate if a dress in pink, coral or turquoise is bought for the holiday. Young ladies with dark hair should look for another option, otherwise there is a risk of turning a romantic holiday look into an image for a carnival.

Make-up in retro style

Retro motifs, confidently defiling on the world podium, are also projected into the make-up sphere. Therefore, young ladies at the prom will be able to fantastically transform, using as an example to follow the person of famous Hollywood stars:

  • super-resistant mascara combined with black eyeliner, juicy scarlet lips, white curls, a flying pleated dress - and the image of the legendary Marilyn Monroe is ready;
  • wide thick eyebrows of perfect shape, light shadows, catchy arrows and pale pink matte lipstick will allow you to get used to the role of the legend of the 60s, the incomparable Audrey Hepburn;
  • flawless porcelain complexion, eyebrow threads, dark shade of shadows and blood-red lipstick - makeup in the style of Marlene Dietrich will ensure increased attention of others.

The main thing is to make the make-up very high quality and neat to match the high status of the star.

Fancy arrows

A new trend in makeup is original arrows, which will certainly appeal to outrageous girls. Stylists suggest not being limited to classic options, but giving yourself a little free rein and deducing:

  • ultra-long arrows (from the bridge of the nose to the middle of the temple);
  • two lines at once (from the upper and lower eyelids);
  • eyeliner a la Amy Winehouse (wide arrows with a large spread in combination with dark shadows);
  • "cat" eyes using colored eyeliner;
  • arrows outlined by dots or small jerky strokes.

The fantasies of makeup artists can only be envied, but do not forget that makeup is intended for a prom, and not for a party in a nightclub. Therefore, girls who decide on such a beauty experiment should not add additional accent details to their makeup so as not to cross the line between originality and vulgarity.

Regardless of the chosen style, holiday makeup is definitely worth “rehearsing” and seeing how harmoniously it looks on the face, how it goes with the outfit and whether it fits into the overall image. If there are doubts about the quality of the performance, it is better to contact a professional makeup artist who will provide advice, perform flawless make-up and allow the young graduate to be on top!

Makeup photo for graduation 2019:

The attractiveness of blue eyes has a bewitching effect on everyone present. Makeup for graduation 2018 for girls should emphasize natural beauty. At the same time, a feminine and gentle image will turn out.

It is not difficult to choose makeup for graduation 2018 for blue eyes, just follow the advice of a specialist. It is important to give expressiveness to the look and emphasize the depth of color. The blue tint itself is very beautiful and attracts the attention of others.

To create the perfect makeup for blue-eyed graduates, you need to read the advice of experts. In this case, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. The skin must be perfectly clean. Therefore, you should even out the tone of the face. To do this, you can use a light powder. To care for young skin, you should select special products.
  2. The image will turn out romantic if you use air blush. From the shades it is worth choosing beige, pale pink, light peach. Blush is applied with light movements on the cheekbones.
  3. When choosing lipstick, attention should be paid to pale shades. It is best to choose a transparent gloss. This will help emphasize the natural beauty of the graduate, make the image more romantic.
  4. The emphasis should be on the eyes. Shadows should be in harmony with the color of the eyes and the shade of the dress. To make the look more expressive, you should use eyeliner or a pencil.

Note! If a girl has problem skin, then when creating makeup, preference should be given to pale shades.

Color palette

For blue-eyed graduates, it is necessary to choose the right palette of shadows, the choice is huge. Each girl will be able to choose the best option.

The following shades of shadows will look the most harmonious:

  • apricot;
  • caramel;
  • beige;
  • White;
  • lavender;
  • gold;
  • sea ​​wave;
  • turquoise;
  • sand;
  • bronze;
  • pearl;
  • purple;
  • lilac;
  • silver;
  • fuchsia;
  • Gray.

Important! Girls with blue eyes should abandon the following shades of shadows: green, bright blue. In this case, the look is inexpressive. These shades are best used for eyeliner.

To draw attention to the lips, you need to choose lipstick of the following tones:

  • wine;
  • beige;
  • cherry;
  • any shade of pink.

Choosing makeup for graduation 2018 for blue eyes should be done carefully. It is important to keep the contrast. This will make the look open and the eyes bright.

Makeup for brunettes: step by step

Drawing the eyes is the most difficult step in creating makeup. Those with blue eyes are very lucky. Many women envy them, and men are fascinated. The blue tint gives the girls femininity, tenderness. You can emphasize the beauty of the eyes with the right makeup.

  1. Prepare the shadows of a beige shade, paint over the entire eyelid with them.
  2. On the outer corner of the eye, draw an arrow with a pencil, gently shade it. On the eyelid, hold with pale blue shadows.
  3. Prepare blue shadows, shade the outer corner with them. Blend with a brush.
  4. Draw a line with blue shadows under the eye, this should be done carefully. The line should be barely visible. Paint over the inner corner with a white pencil.
  5. Under the eyebrow, use a pale highlighter.
  6. Coat your lashes with black mascara.

Note! Shading the shadows must be done carefully. Do not wipe off excess with a damp cloth. This will only make the result worse.

smokey ice

Many graduates pay attention to smokey ice. Makeup is universal, suitable for any eye color. The main thing is to choose the right color palette.

Smokey ice gives the look expressiveness and brightness. All the attention of others will be riveted to the eyes. Makeup is suitable for brave girls who are not afraid of experiments.

Execution sequence:

  1. Apply a base to the eyelid.
  2. Cover the eyelid with light shadows, blend.
  3. Line carefully.
  4. Paint over the moving eyelid with a dark shade, shade.
  5. On the fixed part, apply shadows of a medium tone, blend.
  6. Define the border of the shadows, apply a light shade on it.
  7. Draw an arrow, lightly paint over the lower eyelid with dark shadows.
  8. Apply mascara to eyelashes.

Retro style

Retro motifs are quite common. Makeup artists also recommend them for creating makeup for the prom. Young girls can transform and take one of the famous Hollywood stars to follow.

Fans of Marilyn Monroe can reincarnate for one evening. To do this, you need to prepare the following: persistent mascara, black eyeliner, bright lipstick, flying dress. As a hairstyle, you should choose curls. A great option for blond graduates.

To create an image in the style of Audrey Hepburn, girls need to choose the following: wide eyebrows, defiant arrows, light pink lipstick, light shadows.

Marlene Dietrich also has distinctive features. Her fans can choose a porcelain complexion, thin eyebrows, dark shadows, bright red lipstick.

To attract the attention of others, makeup must be done with high quality. Otherwise, the image will turn out ridiculous.

Basic Mistakes

To choose makeup for graduation 2018 for blue eyes, you need to pay attention to the advice of experts. They talk about the main mistakes girls make.

The most popular mistake is that young fashionistas do the first make-up they like, without thinking about the individual features of their appearance. It may not suit the color of the eyes, the shape of the face, the hairstyle. As a result, the image will be unnatural.

  1. Do not use dark shades of shadows. Colors such as hot pink, red, terracotta spoil the delicate image. When choosing these colors, there must be arrows. Otherwise, the eyes will look swollen.
  2. Greens don't go well with blue. Do not chase fashion trends. It is best to choose shadows based on eye color.
  3. The blue palette should be used only when creating complex makeup, as an additional element. If you paint over the eyelid with blue, the look will turn out dull and unnatural. Such makeup will look vulgar.
  4. Blondes with blue eyes should pay special attention to pink shades of shadows. With their help, you can create a romantic, gentle, fresh look.

By avoiding the main mistakes when creating makeup, it will be possible to make the look more expressive. In addition, you can hide the main flaws in appearance and emphasize its advantages.

Every girl looks forward to prom. At the festival you can show your individuality, youth, impeccable taste. In order to attract the enthusiastic looks of others, you need to think about the image in advance. Hairstyle, makeup, outfit should complement each other.

Blue-eyed graduates are very lucky. They can create different images, while maintaining their individuality. The main thing is to choose the right color palette. It is best to opt for pale shades. This will help create a feminine and romantic look.

Each graduate dreams of attracting the attention of the boys and becoming the queen of the ball, so she begins to prepare for such a responsible day in advance. Someone pays special attention to the choice of outfit and accessories, others puzzle over the choice of hairstyles, but it is precisely the beautiful girlish face that is the visiting card of the graduate. What a young princess should look like, what kind of makeup for graduation she should choose and how to do it - we will tell below. We will also share with you valuable tips on the selection of cosmetics for different types of appearance.

What should be the make-up of a graduate?

Thinking through her festive look, the girl should, first of all, choose the style and color of the dress, the length and shape of the hairstyle, and only then the make-up for the prom. It should not only be beautiful and fashionable, it is much more important that it matches the uniform image of the girl, emphasizes the dignity of appearance. Graduation makeup should not be too bright, otherwise no one will notice a beautiful hairstyle, and if it is uninteresting and boring, then even a beautiful outfit will not save the girl from the image of a “gray mouse”.

If a girl doubts the choice of shades of cosmetics or a particular type of makeup, then she can be advised to ask for advice from her mother, older sister, and preferably a professional stylist. It is difficult for a young lady to see the shortcomings of her appearance herself, determine the shape of her face and correctly choose a make-up. You can also borrow a ready-made star image.

Is it possible to go without makeup at prom?

So, if the outfit is already hanging in the wardrobe, the hairstyle is also chosen, then it's time to start working on the beauty of the face. Many young ladies who do not use decorative cosmetics in everyday life believe that with a “clean” face you can also come to the evening of farewell to school. It is worth noting that even the most ideal and correct face needs cosmetics when it comes to a festive date. Just imagine a girl in high heels, in a sparkling floor-length evening dress, with chic curls and no makeup on her face. Even the most beautiful face will be “lost” against the background of a bright image, it will look dull, gloomy and inexpressive. If you are not a supporter of bright lips and long eyelashes, then you can very carefully and subtly make accents on your face, emphasize beautiful eyes or the original shape of your lips. It is important to follow the rule of the “golden mean” here, you must not overdo it, the gentle image of a young beauty in a short blue puffy dress with a tiara on her hair will not suit aggressive dark makeup. In order for facial features to look harmonious with the image of a girl, it is important to remember the basic rules.

  1. Clear skin. If a girl decided to conquer everyone with her beauty during a school evening, then she should take care of clean skin in advance, especially if she is problematic. To do this, it is best to visit a competent cosmetologist who will select an effective course of treatment. Remember that even the most fashionable makeup is not able to hide acne or pimples.
  2. Nice, even complexion. If the problems are eliminated and the skin is healthy, then tinting agents will help to emphasize its youth and add radiance. You should not completely abandon them, the evening is long, at the end of the party the skin will look tired and dull. But this does not mean that it is worth applying a thick foundation on the face with a thick layer. Creams with a dense texture are not suitable for young girls, the tonal base should be light, airy texture.
  3. Matte skin. The prom always includes dancing and active pastime, sooner or later the face will begin to shine, which looks ugly and untidy, this defect is especially noticeable in the photographs. So that the chin, forehead and nose do not shine from sebum, you can take compact powder and dry wipes with you. To begin with, it is worth removing excess sebum from problem areas, and only after that you can lightly powder it.
  4. Ruddy cheeks. Even if you applied the tonal foundation very competently and fixed it with powder, the face can look monotonous, like a single canvas. In order to look bright and expressive, you can use blush and bronze. Blush is applied with a thick brush to the cheek area, and bronzer is applied to the area under the eyes, on the cheekbones and chin.
  5. The eyes are the mirror of the graduate. If you are in doubt about which facial features should be “striking” to others, then think about what you yourself look at first of all when communicating with a person? Of course, these are the eyes, it is on them that you should pay special attention. In order to make them seem more expressive, you can simply tint the eyelashes, if you wish, you can apply shadows, they should not be flashy colors, but the tone should match the dress.
  6. Scarlet lips. The choice of lipstick is the final, but no less important stage in the festive make-up. It is better for schoolgirls not to use brown, red, burgundy shades of lipstick, it is worth giving preference to gentle, light, romantic tones, for example, pale pink, light cherry, peach. For girls who rarely wear makeup, a colorless gloss can also be suitable, but only on condition that the eyes are not too dull.

Makeup according to eye color

Choosing shades of lipstick and shadows, you should focus not only on the color of the evening dress, but also on the color of the eyes:

- For girls with brown eyes, brownish-beige shades are more suitable, a combination of dark color with pink, a shade of gold with bronze will look spectacular. Lipstick will suit a strawberry or scarlet shade, cherry lip color also looks good.

- Girls with blue eyes should give preference to shades of light, gray or white shades, shades of chocolate color will look beautiful. If the eyes are made up brightly, then lipstick can be caramel tones, as well as light pink transparent shades.

- Graduates with green shades of eyes can beautifully emphasize their brightness with shades of brown shades, including sand, gold or chocolate colors. Copper shadows will look very unusual. At the same time, you can choose a plum shade of lipstick for the lips; blue and pink colors are not suitable for makeup.

- A schoolgirl with gray eyes goes well with shades of greenish and pink, as well as silver. Girls with this type of appearance need to give up rough dark eyeliner, it rarely goes to light eyes. Lipstick can be any, but it should match the color of the dress and the tone of the face.

holiday makeup examples

The most popular image for a farewell school evening, which most girls choose, is the image of a princess. It corresponds to light makeup with pink tones, we will talk about it and other options in more detail.

Light girly makeup

Childish innocence and spontaneity looks tender, if the girl's outfit is modest, in pastel colors, then the make-up for the prom should match it. It implies calm tones of cosmetics: beige, pale pink, plum, sand. So that such makeup at the prom does not seem dull, you can make up your lips a little brighter, it can be coral lipstick or caramel gloss. Eye shadows can be chosen in light terracotta or chocolate shades. If the girl has light curls, then you can add definition to her eyes with gray, as well as brown pencil or eyeliner. For brunettes, a black pencil is well suited for this purpose.

smokey ice

If a girl wants to look a little older, then she chooses not only the appropriate dress, but also makeup for the prom. An excellent option in this case would be the popular Smokey Ice. Not every graduate wants to look romantic, a make-up in smoky colors will favorably emphasize beautiful eyes. So, the main range of cosmetics is gray, but it can be beautifully combined with terracotta, plum, sand shades. Sometimes stylists recommend adding false eyelashes to this look, but they should not look too artificial. Lipstick should be light and not too catchy.

doll makeup

If a girl is used to attracting maximum attention to herself, and she chose a bright pink, orange or blue dress, then a puppet makeup for prom will suit her. The main skin tone should be even, sometimes the cheekbones and chin can be highlighted with a slight sheen, blush should be chosen in pink. A small amount of bright shadows with mother-of-pearl are applied to the inner corner of the eye, while for the upper eyelid it is better to take matte blue, lilac or pink shadows. The outer corner can also be highlighted with brown shades. Shades of beige tones are applied under the eyebrow, and brown tones on the upper eyelid. The final chord is black arrows and false eyelashes. At the same time, lipstick should always be pink, and so the puppet makeup for graduation is ready.

Resistant to stuffiness, heat, sweat, and just in case, also to tears, suddenly it occurs to you to cry? For graduation makeup, give preference to products marked waterproof, water-resistant, long wear.

Long-lasting eyeshadows like Clinique's Chubby Stick Shadow Tint for Eyes are perfect for a quick makeover and won't take up much room in your makeup bag.

2. Don't experiment with new products the day before.

This applies to the make-up itself, and skin care products, and decorative cosmetics. It is useful to rehearse makeup in advance, at least 3-4 days in advance. In addition, no dermatologist or makeup artist can guarantee that a new, even super expensive cream will not cause skin irritation, and super mascara will not cause eye irritation. Star Hollywood makeup artists advise at least a week before solemn ceremonies like the Oscars to give up beauty experiments, and do eyebrow correction or eyelash coloring at least 3 days before the important event. We take note!

3. Don't use too much makeup

If there is a whole “layer cake” of foundation and powder on the face, the makeup will inevitably float, and if the skin is oily, it will happen very quickly, literally in a couple of hours. In addition, graduation will probably end with a meeting of dawn - which means that makeup should look equally good both in evening lighting and in daylight.

Instead of eye shadow, which usually "floats" the fastest, you can do just fine with colored eyeliner or a long-lasting pencil. Moreover, in the spring-summer collections you can find eyeliners and pencils of almost any shade! The most fashionable this season are all shades of blue, lilac, as well as copper-bronze.

If you decide to make smoky eyes, be sure to use a base under the shadows and instead of jet black shades, which often look too harsh and add age, use lighter ones: lilac-lilac, gray-blue, golden, maybe with mother-of-pearl. Moreover, colored smoky eyes are now very relevant. If the skin is problem-free, it is quite possible to abandon the base for makeup and a dense toner in favor of a light BB cream.

A favorite of Hollywood makeup artists Make Up For Ever High Definition Foundation

4. Play with accents

But moderately. The emphasis on both eyes and lips can easily turn a young graduate into a worldly woman. Therefore, if you really want to make both burning smoky and trendy glossy cherry lips at the same time, think carefully: “Is it necessary?”. Moreover, now the trend is natural and light bronze makeup, a combination of bright (but not dark!) Eyes with natural, only slightly touched by transparent gloss lips, or a minimal eye make-up in combination with bright glossy lips in fruity shades (super fashionable orange and strawberry- pink shades of lipsticks and glosses are perfect for prom makeup!). Having focused on the lips, you can simply apply concealer on the eyelids, glue a few false cilia.

Orange and fruity pink glitters, as in the Chanel summer collection, are perfect for...

5. Take the essentials with you

They will be needed to fix or update makeup and look good in the photo throughout the prom. At a minimum, it should be a transparent powder, matting wipes, lipstick or lip gloss. It is also worth putting an eyeliner in a cosmetic bag, a white or cream kajal for eyeliner of the eyelid mucosa.

Graduation for a girl is a very important event. Probably like an Oscar for movie stars. Although ... maybe even more significant. Think for yourself, because the film ceremony takes place annually, and graduation and farewell to the school are once in a lifetime!

Therefore, any graduate wants to be in all her glory: hair, accessories, makeup ... Hmm ... By the way, about makeup! Have you ever thought about the fact that it will look especially charming if you select decorative cosmetics according to the color of your eyes.

This article will cover the principles of how to do eye makeup for graduation according to their color, as well as tips, information on a suitable color palette, several step-by-step descriptions, photo examples and videos.

As soon as this color is not called: chocolate, caramel, nutty, amber, almond. It gives a wide range of make-up opportunities for any girl and woman. But how beautiful to make up for a holiday in honor of farewell to the school? The right prom makeup for brown eyes will make the look especially charming and complete. It can be made both gentle and bright. More on that below.

What color palette is right for you?

  • Let's talk about what colors of shadows are generally suitable for this eye color: blue-lilac, silver, golden, brown, beige shades, dark pink colors, sandy, nutty, creamy, olive, plum, light brown, purple, eggplant and different shades of green.
  • It is undesirable to use shades of terracotta, orange and pink!
  • For a festive exit, it is important to make not only alluring eyes, but also decorate lips. This will help bright red, beige, brown, pale pink lipstick.

Let's take a closer look at 2 images:

  1. First option: light and delicate make-up for prom. He, like no other, is able to emphasize the youth and natural beauty of the graduate. In addition, it is relevant for, because you can not be afraid that it will flow and ruin all the “paints”. To create a light prom makeup for brown eyes, you must follow the following rules:
  • decorative cosmetics should be natural shades;
  • cosmetics of golden, beige, light pastel shades look very interesting in this case;
  • if there is a desire to make the lips bright, then the eyes should only be slightly emphasized with mascara.

2.Second option: bright makeup for brown eyes for graduation step by step:

  • First, prepare your skin: cleanse and moisturize.
  • Then, using a corrector and concealer, mask skin imperfections, such as bumps, certain defects. And then apply the main tone.
  • First of all, apply the base shade of shadows on the eyelids. Then paint a little dark shadows on those parts of the eyes that are most darkened.
  • Highlight your eyes with eyeliner or pencil.
  • It is necessary to highlight the highlights with a highlighter or just light shadows.
  • If desired, you can emphasize the eyebrows. This can be done using special shadows or a pencil.
  • And the final touch will be the application of mascara.

And how to make prom makeup for brown eyes especially bright and solemn?

The secret is simple: there are no restrictions for the holiday! For example, you can use shimmers, various sparkling cosmetics. But do not forget, the beauty of any make-up lies in its quality execution!

And now the most interesting - photo examples of prom makeup for brown eyes. Photos of stylish stars will help us with this.

Pale pink on the lips, arrows and fluffy cilia - perfect!

It seems to be simple and natural, but take a closer look at how luxurious and stylish Kira looks!

A very good example of howprom makeup for green eyes. See how interesting the rich red lipstick looks at Mila Kunis.

Have you noticed how this option emphasizes brown and makes it especially attractive?

Wonder Woman definitely knows how to wear wonder makeup!

Video: How to do prom makeup for brown eyes


Blue is associated with the most beautiful things - the water surface, the sky. Such eyes are beautiful because of their angelic, delicate shade. How to do prom makeup for blue eyes to repeatedly emphasize their beauty? Just follow the tips below!

Color palette:

  • For prom makeup for blue eyes, the following eyeshadows are most relevant: gray, sand, golden, pearl, apricot, violet, bronze, purple, silver, cream, beige, pale pink.
  • But for prom makeup for gray-blue eyes, shades of turquoise, hot pink, aquamarine, fuchsia are perfect.
  • It is advised not to use green, pink and blue shades.
  • It is better to paint sponges with lipstick of different pink, cherry, wine, beige, beige-pink colors.
  • If your eyes are made up with light shadows, give preference to gray or black-brown mascara. If dark, bright or saturated shadows were used, then you can paint with black ink.

For blue-eyed graduates, smoky eyes are suitable. Graceful smoky eyes for graduation for blue eyes step by step:

  1. For durability, apply a base on the eyelids.
  2. Cover the eyelids with the lightest shadows from the ciliary line to the eyebrows (and do not forget to blend there).
  3. Make an eyeliner with a light shading.
  4. Make up the moving eyelid with the darkest shade and blend.
  5. Make up the fixed part and crease of the eyelid with shadows of medium tone, blend.
  6. Make the shadow line limit the lightest shadows and blend.
  7. Draw an arrow again. And if you wish, you can slightly emphasize the lower eyelid with dark shadows.

Photo of a successful image: a clear arrow, lush cilia, an interesting lower eyelid.

Below you will see a photo of how you can do prom makeup for blue eyes, based on experienced famous women:

Reese Witherspoon succeeded in an incredibly gentle and angelic image, largely due to moderation and matching lipstick.

This is how you can make a gentle prom makeup for blue eyes, while applying a bright accent - red lipstick. A very light blush and colored eyelashes give the image balance and sophistication.

Clear arrows and a little peach mother-of-pearl on the lips emphasize the delicate blueness.

Video: How to make evening prom makeup for blue eyes


Evening graduation makeup for green eyes should attract attention and emphasize the charm of magical eyes. Do not be afraid to try on bright accents, because this is your holiday! But also do not make it too bright, otherwise it will look treacherously careless and inharmonious.

  • To the face are shades of gray, peach, silver, bronze, golden, lilac, emerald, violet. They favorably draw attention to the face.
  • But blue and blue tones unanimously do not recommend using all experienced makeup artists.
  • And what makeup without highlighting the lips? For a delightful look, lipstick of red, red-orange, terracotta, pink shades is suitable.
  • Smoky makeup looks spectacular with gray, brown and black shadows.
  • Instead of classic black, it is better to use dark gray or brown eyeliner.
  • There is another prom makeup trick for green eyes: after applying brown or regular black mascara, tint the tips with colored mascara (for example, violet, purple, blue).

If the general look of makeup and outfit allows, then you can experiment and use a pencil or eyeliner in interesting colors. For example, lilac, plum, golden, and even green! But it should not be the main and overwhelming shade.

Advice: This option will look beautiful if you make up your eyes with pink or lilac shadows and shade with a green pencil (example below).

Feminine yet very effective. It emphasizes the depth of green eyes, making them expressive, bright and festive.

And now more photo examples of makeup for green eyes for graduation!

Green-eyed beauty Emma Stone knows a lot about beautiful and fatal images! Several versions of a high-quality make-up for the holiday using the example of a Hollywood star:

But what can be a gentle prom makeup for green eyes. Delicate pink looks great on the eyelids!

A truly royal and vibrant look with red lips and green eyes.

Video: Prom makeup for green eyes with purple accents


Gray eyes look very noble and produce a double impression: hardness, on the one hand, and tenderness, on the other. Here are some tips on how to make gray eye makeup for prom in the most successful way:

  • Under such eyes, a silver shade and many shades of gray are perfect, for example, metallic shadows and colors of wet asphalt are suitable.
  • Shades of neutral shades are preferred, for example, beige, golden, gray-beige, gray-blue, ivory. Lilac, mint, pink shadows will also look beautiful.

  • Makeup for gray eyes at graduation will look beautiful with eyeliner. But it is advisable to choose an eyeliner or pencil in brown, blue or dark gray.
  • Gray-eyed beauties are advised not to use shades of the following colors in their festive make-up: terracotta, green, dark brown, blue, orange, turquoise. The fact is that these tones will pull the blanket of attention onto themselves, and the eyes will be shaded in an unfavorable color, they will be faded and saddened. Also, do not paint with shadows that are identical in color to the eyes.
  • Do not make makeup too bright.
  • Lipstick - natural plum and beige, light cherry tones.

Gentle prom makeup for gray eyes in stages:

  • apply peach pearlescent shadows on more eyelids;
  • then draw a sophisticated line in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner of the eye and the static eyelid with shiny shadows of a light shade;
  • now use eyeliner for classic arrows.
  • finish with a black lengthening mascara.

Photos for visual understanding:

Beauty Amanda Seyfried looks great with light cherry lipstick, even tone and well-colored cilia.

Bright Sophie Turner knows a lot about not only games and thrones, but also the most beautiful images.

One hundred percent stylish example of how to do prom makeup for gray-green eyes.

Video: Graduation makeup example for gray eyes

How to enlarge eyes

An interesting video on how you can effortlessly perform prom makeup with eye enlargement. If you want to achieve an increasing effect, you can take note of the information.