How to get a girl to hook up with you. How to make a girl ask you for sex

Starting to build relationships with a representative of the opposite sex is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Surely you will have to convince the interlocutor that you are the only one next to whom she will be truly happy. How to start dating a girl is an urgent issue, so it’s worth conducting a small educational program on this matter.

Give the impression of a reliable and independent person

If a girl knows you can rely on a guy that he can be entrusted with something important, she will hold on to him like a saving straw. Therefore, always keep your word, do not refuse if you are asked to help, even if the request is completely trifling. Also show yourself as an independent man who is used to relying on his own strength. Subsequently, when it comes time to propose to the lady of the heart, you will have a good chance of getting a positive response.

Show that she is dear to you

For this be interested in her affairs, well-being, give advice how best to act in a certain situation, and so on. In general, be involved in her life. Women do not let such men pass by themselves and do the right thing.

Spare no money

Women never liked misers. However, do not put an equal sign between stinginess and thrift.. It is not necessary to give a magnificent bouquet when you can get by with three or five roses, because the main thing is still attention. If you're going to take a girl to the cinema, you don't have to take her to the most expensive theater and the most expensive show, spending a lot of money on popcorn and drinks.

Radiate positivity and take care of yourself

To successfully start dating a girl, radiate positivity. Joke more often, but don't let the quantity of the jokes outweigh the quality. Don't make fun of anyone in your jokes. Be also neat, constantly monitor your appearance - ladies do not like sluts.

Confess your feelings beautifully

Finally, it's time propose to meet. Rhymes will help you do it beautifully. Come up with a proposal to meet in poetry beforehand, or at least memorize a few lines about love from a poem by your (or her) favorite poet. If you are shy, write a proposal to the girl in social network, for example, "In contact". After that, after making sure that she is online and has already read your message, visit her and ask if she agrees. In this case, you do not have to make an offer live.

Having won the girl's heart, constantly maintain your feelings at the proper level, do not let romance leave your relationship. And then you will grow into the strongest

The article will provide more opportunities to decide on the right direction in a conversation with a woman and how to build it in such a way as to really achieve your goal.

How to convince a girl that she is beautiful, not fat and you need to love and respect, value yourself

You can convince a girl that she is beautiful with a traditionally hackneyed phrase, saying: “For me, you are the most beautiful in the world and I don’t need another!”. Such moral support will help the girl forget about her shortcomings and raise her own self-esteem.

How to convince a girl to tell and date you that you love her and you need her

No arguments will convince a girl to date you if she does not feel sympathy or love. If you are convinced that a girl likes you, then it is enough to tell her directly about your feelings and intentions to meet.

How to make a girl regret leaving you

To make a girl regret leaving you, you need to act accordingly before she decides to leave you.

How to convince a girl to do what you want and do what you want

Many girls tend to be stubborn and it can be quite difficult to convince a shrew to do what you need.

To avoid conflict smart guy or he will be forced to compromise or learn to veil his desire so that the girl will think that she herself wants to do this. This skill can be developed by understanding and understanding yourself, becoming your own psychologist.

How to convince a girl that she does not need to lose weight and take care of herself

You can convince a girl that she does not need to lose weight by complimenting her current forms.
But the arguments in favor of the fact that the girl should take care of herself can be a delicately stated request that they would like to see their chosen one a little different - more well-groomed, fit, etc.

How to convince a girl to live with her parents and you

You can convince a girl to live with her parents and you by assuring her that in your family they treat her like a daughter and wish only the best.

How to make a girl wait with the army

No one has the power to make a girl wait for a guy from the army. The only consolation in this situation is that true love stands the test of separation, and fake love is not needed by you yourself.

How to convince a girl to divorce her husband

You can convince a girl to divorce her husband by showing the seriousness of her intentions and proving that she needs you.

How to get a girl to kiss with her tongue

The desire to kiss should be mutual. If a girl is shy, then the guy needs to be especially delicate and gentle. Don't force things. Kiss the girl on the cheek for the very first time, after 2-3 dates - on the lips, and after you see that the girl is used to it - try kissing her with the tongue.

How to make a girl eat meat

Forcing a girl to eat what you yourself consider appropriate does not make sense. Let the girl eat what she sees fit.

How to convince a girl who has a boyfriend to go on a date if she doesn't want to

Convincing a girl who has a boyfriend to go on a date with you if she doesn't want to is not the way to go. Do not interfere with building relationships with others, so as not to be ever abandoned yourself.

How to convince a girl to give a second chance, your phone number

You can convince a girl to give a second chance or your phone number by showing her that you are interested in her and proving that you yourself are of interest.

How to make a girl respect and appreciate me, cook and clean the house

There is only one way to make a girl respect and appreciate a man in you, as well as cook and clean the house - marriage.

A pretty girl herself runs after a man and in every possible way seeks his attention? Agree, not the most standard situation. We are used to a young man initiating a relationship and making his way to a girl's heart through icy indifference.

However, not everyone likes this alignment: you run after her, remind you of yourself, invite you on dates ... And what is the result? Constant rejection and disappointment.

No wonder so many men keep asking the same question: how do you get a girl to chase after you? Not every man and not every woman will succeed, but it's still worth a try. Do you agree?

Before talking about specific approaches, let's look at what qualities and features attract girls.

  1. Do not show excessive interest in a relationship with a girl. Remember how Pushkin noted that a woman can be liked through indifference? Having become accustomed to male attention, the girl will subconsciously begin to seek that “insensitive chump” over there. However, one should not demonstrate only indifference, because without affection and love, relationships will come to naught. Such half-heartedness only fuels the attraction of a woman. That is, the guy needs to be open to feelings, but show his detachment.
  2. Find an interesting or unusual hobby. Women like those representatives of the stronger sex who have a real male hobby. It is important to show that you are a goal-oriented person. These hobbies can be:
    • hunting or fishing is really a male occupation, but it is more suitable for older men;
    • skiing - in addition to the fact that it forms a good figure, you can meet many attractive and active girls on the ski slopes;
    • photography - practice, master the settings, angles, programs like photoshop, and your photos on social networks will encourage girls to contact you;
  3. Don't be jealous. Jealous - show your own vulnerability and affection. That is, the girl feels her superiority over you. It's no secret that one of the manipulative ways that girls often use is to cause jealousy. For example, a woman says that other men are interested in her, or specifically puts on mini-skirts and dresses with a deep neckline. Even if you don't like it, don't comment, just point out that she looks great.
  4. Do not call or write without a special reason. Contact the girl only on business. Having created the image of a busy person, you need to support him in every possible way. When you call, do not ask standard questions, immediately after a short "hello" get down to business. Also, if you're wondering how to make a proud girl suffer, try not contacting her for a few days.

The tips are quite simple, however, there are certain features in their implementation in practice. You can’t drastically change your behavior - yesterday’s romantic suddenly becomes a burnt cynic. Probably, unfamiliar young ladies will not notice a dirty trick, but the girl you like may well “cut through the chip”. Change gradually and without much fanaticism!

If every now and then the question arises in your head, how to force your ex girlfriend run after you, listen to the recommendations of psychologists. And they do not advise showing the proud woman that you are ready to move mountains for her. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates a good attitude.

Most girls don't need a slave. We have already said that an equal partner is selected in beautiful heads, and even better - to find that very “real” man who will dominate, confidently lead, thereby forcing himself to be respected.

Create an illusion (if this has not yet been observed in reality) of your popularity with the opposite sex - for example, it can be a large number of pretty girls on a page on a social network. Here the human subconscious works: since it is popular, it means that it has many positive qualities. Your task is to arouse her interest.

In addition, psychologists warn that it is impossible to find a relationship in which both partners are on an equal footing. One dominates and the other usually lets you dominate. If you are chasing a woman, she is in charge, and vice versa. It is extremely difficult to change such “roles”, the only way is to destroy the relationship and glue them together again, but on your terms.

Still thinking about how to make a girl run after you after a breakup? Become the boss in your relationship by changing the rules of the game. The new principles are as follows:

  • do not be jealous and do not be interested in the past of the girl;
  • find yourself some occupation that is not related to the young lady;
  • do not write or call her just like that;
  • engage in self-development.

Of course, it all depends on the situation, the personality of the girl and your personality. I want women to run after you, go ahead! But if you are a supporter of the traditional development of relationships, let the lovely young ladies feel their own exclusivity. However, this does not mean that you do not need to constantly work on yourself. Girls love versatile guys.

In the section on the question How, at the age of 15, to persuade a girl (also 14-15 years old, a virgin) to have sex with you ??? given by the author Artyom Sukhanov the best answer is and you are not afraid of the consequences! ? At this age, it is too early to start sexual relations, especially for girls.

Answer from Pavel Maksimovich[guru]

Alcohol and the absence of parents at home to help!

Answer from legal consciousness[guru]
And it never occurred to you that she might not be ready for this yet ... In general, you just need to talk to her, find out why she doesn’t want this yet, etc.

Answer from Neurologist[expert]
it's not too early for you to have sex

Answer from Drizzle[guru]
14-15 years old is the age when childhood plays in the ass, but you want to be an adult!
So just drag her to bed

Answer from Floria[guru]
She will persuade you when she is ready and curiosity will take up !!

Answer from Catherine N[guru]
Prepare her psychologically. Play on feelings. You can ask a question: "If you love me, then let's try this..."
Talk more about these topics. And most importantly, make this first time beautiful and romantic for her)

Answer from GurGog188[guru]
It is better to wait for the 18th birthday and then the girls themselves will give you, verified personally.

Have you found yourself in a situation where you passionately want a girl, but don't know what to say to her? If you do nothing, then it is very possible that she will start dating another guy, and, in the end, have sex with him. But if you want a girl to have sex with you, then it won't hurt you to know a few subtle tricks to attract her. You have to know what women want from men and then give them what they want. And if you do it patiently and with proper guidance, it will not be difficult for you to get a girl to have sex with you, and soon she will be asking you for sex herself.

Here are some surefire ways for you

1. Your appearance very important. Small changes in your haircut and clothing can make you more attractive. Remember that physical attractiveness is important, so choose carefully what you wear and how you wear it.

2. Be a charming man and show her that you like her. Tease her to make her laugh and to show her that you like her.

3. Talk about her family, dreams, and her past life, and listen carefully to what she says. Always talk to her about her dreams and let her know that you are ready to help her achieve her dreams. This alone will create a high level of intimacy. Now you will be in her heart.

4. Show her that you care about her. Girls love sweets, flowers, so buy her sweets, flowers, and other trinkets. But you don't have to circle around her like a puppy, otherwise you may ruin your game. You must demonstrate the qualities of a leader, and not look at other women. Let her believe that you are doing everything only for her, and not for any other girl. This will show her that you really like her.

5. Remember that girls like guys who can handle the situation. Therefore, when you are with her, be in charge and take control of the situation. You must be at the center of your relationship.

6. Let her feel that she is beautiful. Every girl wants to hear this phrase, "You are the most beautiful girl in the world". But you should not tell her this until you have touched her emotions and entered her heart. If you meet a girl for the first time and tell her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world, what will she think of you? She will think that you are not trustworthy, and you are not worth wasting time on.

7. Try to demonstrate your high status as a man. Don't think she's superior to you. Increase your value and be a real man. Once you do this, you can easily make any girl want to have sex with you.