Chicken skewers on skewers: ideal for a children's party (we cook in a skillet and in the oven). Shish kebab in the oven Juicy shish kebab in the oven

You will probably be surprised, but today we are cooking barbecue in the oven on pork skewers, as always, you will find the recipe with a photo under a short description.

Such a barbecue can be cooked at any time, regardless of the time of year, without leaving your kitchen, and no weather will stop you.

Of course, barbecue in the oven on skewers cannot be compared with what is cooked on a fire or in a charcoal grill, with the aroma of smoke, with the smell of a fire, in nature. But, if you really really wanted to try a barbecue, and the weather is “no”, or maybe you just don’t have time to go out into nature, then today’s recipe with a photo will come to your aid.

And the smell of haze, you can replace the "liquid smoke", which is freely sold in supermarkets. Just drizzle the meat a little before putting it in the oven.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers turns out to be very juicy and fragrant, despite the fact that it is cooked at home.

The finished dish goes well with any sauce, choose to taste:

  • And even,

5 secrets of cooking barbecue in the oven on pork skewers

  1. To ensure that the meat is well fried, string it on skewers with small indents.
  2. Wooden skewers, before stringing pork, soak in boiling water for 30 minutes so that they do not burn in the oven
  3. In order for kebabs in the oven on skewers to have a characteristic smell of smoke, many housewives sprinkle the meat with “liquid smoke” (but, I don’t recommend it, it seems to me that this is NOT useful, although it’s up to you)
  4. You can use a one-time smoker (they are on sale), you can use it directly in the oven
  5. If your oven "dries", bake the pork in a sleeve (bag) or wrap it in foil

It seems to me that the most appetizing is barbecue in the oven on pork skewers, with streaks of fat (this is my personal opinion, and it may differ from yours). The dish turns out with a fried crust, juicy, with the aroma of fried meat.

Shish kebab, very similar in smell, taste, can be made in an ordinary oven. At the same time, of course, avoid any burning and unnecessary odors in the apartment. It is only important to clearly observe certain conditions - and everything will work out. For business?
So, the first condition is, of course, meat. Lamb or young pork is best suited for our apartment barbecue. But veal will do, whatever I say about beef. But this is a matter of taste and the ability to choose the appropriate parts of the carcass. Of course, as for any "normal" barbecue, the meat should not only be steamed, but well ripened. As for the parts of the carcass, where it is preferable to cut this meat, I will say this: the best lamb pulp is on the back (thigh), and in the upper part. The same goes for pork. But from veal it is better to take tenderloin (the one inside the carcass, under the costal-vertebral part) or the pulp from the rump (upper part of the back).
The second important condition is the presence of a small piece of fat tail or fresh lard. "Small" - this means that a piece by weight should, of course, be less than the weight of the pulp.
The third condition: the meat, before cutting, must be cleaned of films, veins, tendons. We cut the pulp itself into small pieces, no more than a walnut, trying to make the pieces approximately the same in size. Even finer cut the fat. It (by the number of pieces) should be about the same as the meat.

Place the chopped meat and lard in a spacious bowl and rub the onion into the bowl at the rate of one onion per pound of meat.

As soon as the onions are rubbed, we proceed to marinate the meat, as for ordinary kebabs. That is, lightly salt and pepper with red pepper, add a pinch of ground cumin and a pinch of ground coriander seeds, a couple of pinches of turmeric, slightly sprinkle the meat with vinegar in order to give the kebab a specific flavor, and squeeze the lemon. It is possible, and sometimes necessary (when it comes to any kind of “vinegar” from a nearby stall), to get by with just a lemon.

Then mix the meat well, cover the bowl with a lid and leave to marinate for at least an hour, while starting to preheat the oven.
While the oven is heating and the meat is marinating, you can start serving the dish for the future barbecue. First of all, you will need to prepare the onion. To do this, cut a couple of onions into thin rings, wash them several times in cold water, add finely chopped greens, a little pepper and a little lemon juice.

Along the way, I recommend preparing a sauce for dipping the finished kebab. You will like it much more than any ketchup. It is done relatively quickly and simply. Finely chop a few good ripe tomatoes, place them in a suitable frying pan or in a steel ladle, add a pinch of salt, a pinch of granulated sugar, a pinch of hot red pepper and about a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

We put on the burner with a moderate temperature and, stirring with a spatula, simmer for 8-10 minutes. Add a couple of teaspoons of good tomato paste (carefully study the composition on the label). If there are ripe ground tomatoes brought from the southern regions, which, however, is possible only in the season, we do without tomato paste. Even a very good one.

Simmer for another 5-7 minutes, level the sauce with sugar-salt-pepper and mix in finely chopped cilantro and a couple of garlic cloves crushed with a special tool. This, by the way, is one of the rare cases when it is recommended to grind garlic in this way, since the sauce is also a certain consistency.

Immediately remove the sauce from the stove and put it in the cold to cool.
Now it's time for the barbecue. Marinated meat is best strung on bamboo yakitori skewers, as the skewers are unlikely to go into the oven.
The fourth important condition: when stringing a piece of meat on a skewer, it must alternate with a piece of lard, and it will be necessary to finish the stringing with a piece of lard. It is not worth stringing the pieces very tightly.

We will bake kebabs on the grill. But before putting them on the grate, prepare the baking sheet accordingly, which should be located directly under the grate. To do this, we fasten a couple of sheets of foil, cover a baking sheet with it and randomly place several pieces of thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200blard on the foil. This is the fifth important condition.

Now you can put the grate on a baking sheet, put the kebabs on it so that they do not touch and push this whole “construction” into the oven, which should be heated to 250 degrees.

And now, my friends, pay attention! As the frying progresses, juice will begin to drip from the kebabs onto the foil, then the lard will melt. The top of the kebabs will begin to bake intensively, while the bottom, due to the reflective features of the foil, will lag behind this intensive baking. The lard gradually spreading over the foil, which we previously laid on it in thin pieces, will restrain the “premature” smoking of fat dripping from the kebabs. This is what we need, because as soon as the top is golden, we turn the kebabs over once with the fried side down and wait for the moment when, finally, the fat on the foil gives smoke. It will happen quickly enough. As soon as the fat gives off smoke, both the grill with kebabs and the baking sheet with foil will need to be removed from the oven.
Ready kebabs can be put on a dish, abundantly covered with prepared onions. Everyone adds other vegetables and herbs at their own discretion. Oh, and don't forget the homemade sauce.

Some useful recommendations - given that the ovens are different. In electric stoves, the ovens of which are equipped with lower and upper heating elements, it is better to place the baking sheet at the middle level of the oven and at the final stage of frying, it is advisable to turn on the convector to quickly brown the meat. In gas ovens, the baking sheet should be placed on the very top. Some gas ovens are equipped with an electric grill that turns on when the gas is turned off. In this case, it is better to put the baking sheet lower, and at the final stage, rearrange it briefly under the grill. It is also desirable, no matter which oven, after 10 minutes after the start of frying, put a ladle of hot water on the bottom of the oven for a short time (for 5-7 minutes). This technique will not allow the meat to dry out.
Bon Appetit!

Who cares, but we like the most baked kebab in the oven from pork. The smell of fried meat, crispy crust, juiciness, softness: it's all about him. Such a dish can become the main one at a festive and family celebration. Of course, you should not underestimate other types of meat either, so below we will describe how to fry a barbecue in the oven from chicken and beef fillets. It is known that all “slippers” are different in taste and color, so everyone chooses for himself what he personally likes.
An oven with convection instead of a fire, and the result is almost the same - delicious, fragrant pork, the only thing is a little less smoke. But there is a plus, the side dish can be laid at the same time! It is necessary to string meat on ordinary metal skewers or bamboo skewers, see what you have available and for convenience.
And you can make a barbecue without additional equipment, simply laying it on top of an onion or other vegetable pillow.
It will only have a positive effect on the taste! We advise you to try!

Required products:

  • pork meat - 1 kg;
  • white onion - 2 pcs;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • Salo;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking pork skewers at home is not a painstaking task, and for the best taste, it is better to choose fatter pieces of meat, for example, the neck. The fat content of the meat will disappear, and the taste will become softer and much juicier. If you take the lean part of the pig, then there is a chance that the kebab will come out dry and sinewy. You need to bake meat at high temperatures of about 240-260 degrees Celsius, so preheating the oven is required.

How to cook barbecue at home:

  1. We cut the meat into small pieces, about 4-5 cm each, if you plan to put them on skewers or skewers. Make sure that the pieces do not differ much in size, otherwise they will bake unevenly.
  2. For greater juiciness, we need onion and its juice, so we cut it into small rings or half rings and press well so that the juice stands out.
  3. We shift the onion to the meat, mix and pour in any vegetable oil suitable for frying: sunflower, olive or mayonnaise.
  4. Spices, where without them!? The main bouquet of aroma and taste is created thanks to them. You can take completely different, any that suits you and you like. I use ground black pepper, basil and kebab seasoning. They go best with meat dishes.
  5. We take a lemon and squeeze it well into the meat, and cut the rest and also combine it together. Additionally, you do not need to use vinegar; lemon and onion juice perfectly performs its function. Sometimes, all the same, it is worth using it if you doubt the freshness of the meat, or it is tough and bad.
  6. For an excellent marinade, it is better to marinate the meat for 1 to 3 hours, but half an hour will also be enough if you are in a hurry.
  7. Add salt at the end of the pickling process, and mix everything thoroughly.
  8. If you string on skewers, you can start right away, but with wooden skewers you need to carry out special preparation. So that they do not start to burn and smoke inside the oven, soak them first in cold water for half an hour.
  9. Shake the meat off the onion and thread onto skewers or skewers.
  10. Salo or vegetables, strung alternately with meat on a skewer, give it additional softness and juiciness. Therefore, if you chose lean pork, string it in the following order: first lard, then meat, and so on, ending with lard. Do the same with vegetables. By the way, you can take different ones (tomato, bell pepper, olives, black olives). The beauty of serving such skewers is guaranteed.
  11. In an oven preheated to 240-260 degrees (choose the temperature depending on the power), we send a baking sheet with onions, remove the lemon. Put the skewers with meat directly on top of the onion and turn on the timer for 30 minutes.
  12. When cooking barbecue on the grill, we often turn it, sprinkle it with water or marinade, the same must be done with barbecue in the oven. Turn over every 10-15 minutes and water it.
  13. At the end of cooking, it must be thoroughly fried so that the meat looks the same as from the coals. Lift the skewer off the onion and place it on the sides of the mold so that there is no contact with the onion, turn on the grill mode, and let it cook for another 5-10 minutes. Do not keep too long, so as not to overdry!
  14. Ready! Decorate and serve with onions! Everything will be eaten.

Option 2. Pork skewers in the oven on a baking sheet in the sleeve and on the onion pillow

This barbecue recipe in the oven is practically no different from the real one! The peculiarity lies in the spicy marinade and onion pillow.

You will need the following products:

  • pork neck - 2 kg;
  • medium bulbs - 8 pcs;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 4-5 tbsp;
  • dry garlic;
  • chopped coriander;
  • salt.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. We start with meat: wash, wipe dry from excess moisture with paper towels, cut into large pieces (it will be juicier this way). If there are veins, chop them. Place in a bowl to marinate in.
  2. Marinade: combine and thoroughly stir natural honey, pasta, sauce, add garlic, coriander and salt. Don't go wrong with salt, keep in mind that soy sauce is very salty. Take dry garlic, it smells much more pleasant and appetizing. The first highlight of this recipe is the basis of this spicy marinade.
  3. Pour the marinade over the meat, mix thoroughly by hand, roll each piece on all sides in this composition. Put soak in the cold. For an even better result, you can cover the meat with a plate or film and press down with something heavy, under the influence of weight the juice will stand out, and the meat will marinate more strongly.
  4. Onion pillow: peel, cut into half rings, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, pour in 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar, evenly distribute over the container and pour boiling water on top so that the onion is all covered with marinade. Soak the onion for 20 minutes and drain the liquid through a colander. The onion will acquire an interesting sweetish-sour taste, and all the bitterness will come down. A pillow of pickled onions is the second highlight of this magnificent dish. It is she who creates the saturation of the taste of barbecue in the sleeve, baked in the oven.
  5. We form a bag: pour the onion into the sleeve, level it with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm, put pieces of meat on top (preferably in one layer), and tie it around the edges, put the sleeve on a baking sheet and bake for about an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The bag will inflate like a ball during cooking, don't worry, it should be so. Just be careful and careful when you cut it! You need to cut from the top in the middle, without hitting the bottom layer, and slightly on the sides. Do not spill the highlighted yushka into the mold.

Option 3. Pork barbecue in a jar

Sounds intriguing? And most importantly, no special preparation is required. The positive aspect of this method of cooking shish kebab, unlike the real one, is the speed of cooking and the absence of the hassle of collecting sticks for fire, holding coals and smoke that blows in different directions with a restless wind. So we don't care about bad weather!

A detailed description of the cooking steps is recorded on video, so look through and get down to action!
Please note that a small amount of water must be added to the jar so that the kebab comes out juicy, soft and tender, and not a wooden cracker. You can brown the meat at the end of cooking, after draining the excess water.
And don't worry about the jar bursting under the heat. This will not happen if you gradually heat the oven along with the jar.

Option 4. Especially tender barbecue in the oven on chicken breast skewers

And again, the marinade is the main link in the ideal taste and wonderful aroma of baked meat. In appearance, the kebab turns out to be golden and very appetizing due to the seasonings that are present in its composition.
For each meat and depending on the processing temperature of the product, you need to choose the right marinade.
If you want to know more about marinades, check out the list.
Chicken legs, wings, breast, everything will do, but we choose the breast.

How to cook barbecue in the oven on skewers? The process of cooking chicken breast is as follows:

  1. products;
  2. pickle;
  3. baking.


  • chicken fillet - 3-4 pieces;
  • Bulgarian red and yellow pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • chicken seasoning mix, which includes: turmeric, paprika, ginger, garlic, Roman cumin, fenugreek, black, red, allspice, cloves, cinnamon and cardamom, sugar.


  • wash the breast, dry it, cut into cubes;
  • coat well with mayonnaise with seasoning, cover with a lid and keep in the refrigerator overnight. 2-3 hours will also be enough.


  • wash vegetables, peel and also cut into cubes so that they are all about the same.
  • skewers soaked in water are pierced through the meat, then the pepper, then the onion, and so on in a circle, ending with the meat.
  • Spread food parchment paper on a baking sheet, put the prepared skewers on top and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

At the end of 40 minutes, your barbecue is ready! And the smell is so irresistible! Enjoy your culinary skills!

Option 5. Shish kebab at home from veal on skewers

The last recipe in this article, but by no means the last in terms of taste, is beef kebab, or rather veal, as veal cooks faster and is much softer.

A few practical tips for choosing:

  • The marinating time for veal and beef varies significantly. For the first one, you need only 2-4 hours, and for the second, you need to insist more than 10. Therefore, make your choice taking this fact into account.
  • The softness and sinewiness of the meat is also different, naturally, the younger it is, the more tender.
  • The smoky flavor can be achieved by using lard in cooking. The smell will be subtle, but at the same time add sophistication

How to make barbecue in the oven? We will need:

  • veal meat - 1.5-2 kg;
  • fresh pork fat - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • spices to taste;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • vinegar;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the meat into equal pieces of 3-4 cm, while removing all the veins, films, cartilage, etc.
  2. Cut the fat in the same way.
  3. Transfer the meat and lard to a marinating container, it is advisable to use ceramic dishes, glass can also be used.
  4. Grind the onion in a meat grinder or blender and combine it with slicing.
  5. Add all the spices of your choice, lemon juice and vinegar.
  6. Mix everything very carefully, cover and leave to marinate for 2-4 hours in the refrigerator or other cold place.
  7. Soak the skewers in water and string lard on them first, then marinated meat, the last should be lard again.
  8. It remains the case for the small. The form must be wrapped in foil and put additional pieces of fat on it. At high temperatures, it will melt and burn, which will give its specific smell and taste, reminiscent of the smell of a fire.
  9. Our meat preparation must be laid out on a grate greased with vegetable oil and placed on top of a baking sheet with lard. Bake for the first 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees Celsius, then turn over and cook until the desired result is obtained.
  10. And the best part is the presentation! The best meat companions are fresh or baked vegetables and herbs, so cut tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, decorate them with green onions, parsley, fresh basil and lettuce and run to the table! I'm sure you'll want more! Bon Appetit!

We looked at 5 options on how to cook shish kebab in the oven fragrant, tender, juicy, as tasty as roasted on a fire. Therefore, never be upset if the weather does not match your plans. Of all the recipes reviewed, you will definitely like some of the pork, chicken, or maybe veal. The choice is yours! All recipes are amazing and personally tested.
Finally, I want to wish you always good weather and a pleasant environment! Go out into nature more often and fill up with vital energy with delicious kebabs! Well, in all other cases, the oven is a wonderful friend!

The oven copes with the preparation of barbecue no worse than smoldering coals. Of course, pork on the grill acquires a special, “barbecue”, smoked smell. To get such an effect at home is difficult, but possible. For baking delicious pork skewers on wooden skewers, there are culinary tricks and techniques:

  • Thread the pork, making small indents so that the kebab is fried evenly.
  • Wooden skewers can be soaked in cold water for several hours to prevent them from burning in the oven.
  • To give the dish a characteristic smoky smell, some housewives add liquid smoke. I do not use this product for cooking. Now there are one-time smokers on sale that can be used directly in the oven.
  • If the oven tends to dry out, it is better to place the meat in a baking bag (sleeve) or wrap it in foil. There is also a great cooking method.
  • You will learn the rest of the cooking secrets in the recipes below, step-by-step photos will help you quickly understand the cooking process.

    Cooking fragrant shish kebab from pieces of pork with onions in the oven

    A reliable marinade recipe for barbecue on charcoal, in the oven or. Onion juice softens the meat, making it tender and fragrant. Long pickling is not required - a delicious dish will be ready in half an hour.

    List of required products:

    How to cook pork skewers with grated onions in the oven:

    For shish kebabs on skewers, as for any other shish kebab, it is better to use meat with moderate marbling (internal fatty streaks). A large amount of external fat will only spoil the dish, because. excess fat will not have time to render, as in the case of charcoal cooking. Therefore, external fat deposits are recommended to be completely cut off.

    Wash the processed pork, be sure to dry it. Cut into cubes (rectangles) with a side of no more than 4-5 cm. The cut should be smaller than for a classic barbecue.

    Put the chopped pork in a container in which it will marinate. To prepare the marinade, grate the onion on a coarse grater. When cut with a knife, the onion juice will not stand out in sufficient quantities to soften the meat fibers. Send the onion to the meat. Add seasoning and salt. If there is no ready-made seasoning, mix several types of spices. Suitable for barbecue: coriander, marjoram, basil, parsley, all kinds of pepper, mustard, ground ginger, etc. Pour in the oil, it will take a little. It will serve as a link between the marinade and meat, and will not allow the dish to dry out in the oven.

    Mix everything with your hands. Marinate 30 minutes to 36 hours. For prolonged pickling, it is necessary to hide the pork in a cold place. Put 4-5 pieces on each skewer (not close).

    Cover a heat-resistant sheet with sides with foil. Lay out the skewers so that the edges of the skewers cling to the sides, and the meat does not touch the bottom of the pan. You can also bake a dish on a wire rack, placing a container under it to drain the fat. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 250-270 degrees. Put a barbecue in it. After 5-7 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. Continue cooking for about 12-15 more minutes. Remove the dish from the oven and let it “rest” under the foil for 7-10 minutes. The juice should disperse through the fibers, and the pork will turn out very juicy.

    Serve exclusively hot.

    Shish kebab with vegetables - juicy pork in the oven, baked on skewers

    A hot meat dish, with a predominance of protein, is served with a side dish, preferably a vegetable rich in fiber. We offer to cook bright, delicious 2 in 1 skewers of vegetables and meat. The dish uses a light, unobtrusive marinade with spices. Try it!

    Ingredients for 4 large skewers:

    Recipe for barbecue in a gas oven with pieces of vegetables:

    Rinse off small debris from the meat, remove moisture with paper towels. Cut the meat into cubes or oblong pieces.

    Mix salt, vinegar or juice, oil and seasoning. You can choose spices according to your taste. Provence herbs go very well with vegetables and pork. Of course, the taste will be slightly different from the traditional barbecue. If you want to bring the dish closer to the classics, use barbecue seasoning. Also suitable paprika, garlic, rosemary, thyme, coriander in any combination.

    Stir the contents of the bowl and pour over the chopped meat. Using your hands, spread the mixture over the pork. Let her stand aside while you work on the vegetables. The shish kebab will have time to soak in the aromas of spices. If possible, marinate longer.

    Cut the onion into rings. It is better to choose a smaller onion so that the rings do not look too bulky on skewers. Instead of onions, you can use leeks or shallots. Chop the pepper into squares. If cherry tomatoes are used, just cut them in half. Chop large tomatoes into quarters.

    Thread the meat and chopped vegetables onto the skewers in any order.

    Place the kebab on the form or baking sheet so that it does not come into contact with the bottom, i.e. "hung" on the sides, as shown in the photo.

    Bake at 200 degrees for 6-7 minutes on each side. To brown the pork appetizingly, turn on the grill (top heat). This is how I got my barbecue. I advise you to try it too!

    Pork skewers baked in the oven

Hello everyone. In this review, I will tell you how to cook pork skewers on skewers in the oven so that it comes out as tasty, soft and juicy as cooked on a fire.

The barbecue recipe cannot be attributed to year-round dishes, because. to cook it, you need not only products, but also suitable weather conditions, conducive to culinary exploits. And in our strip this weather is seasonal, from May to October. Therefore, when you want to pamper yourself with a tender barbecue in the off season, you can cook it at home without going outside.

Many options for its preparation in the oven have been invented: in foil, in a bag, in a jar ... But I want to talk about the most successful way - on skewers. And although this is a homemade barbecue, it is closest to the traditional method on skewers on the grill.

To obtain an excellent result of the dish, certain subtleties must be observed.

  • So that the food is not overdried, the meat should be with fatty layers, or a slice of bacon is strung through each piece. It should take no more than 20-25 minutes to prepare.
  • To preserve the juice in the meat, the kebab should be baked only at a high temperature of at least 250 ° C.
  • During cooking, the skewers must be turned over every 5 minutes and watered with marinade.
  • Wooden skewers are pre-soaked in water so that they do not burn. And if iron skewers are placed in the oven, then you can use them.
  • Always marinate foods: chicken - 2 hours, pork and beef - 8, lamb - 4.
  • To feel the real aroma of a fire from food, you can use liquid smoke: 2 tsp. for 2 kg of meat.


  • Pork pulp - 1 kg.
  • Pork fat - 200 grams.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Table vinegar - 3-5 tbsp.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers, recipe

Wash the pork and pat dry with a towel. Cut off the films and strands. Cut into 4-5 cm pieces.

Peel the onion, rinse and cut into rings 8-10 mm thick.

Put pork with onions in a marinating bowl.

More delicious recipes on the blog:

Add bay leaf, ground pepper and any spices. I decided to add ground nutmeg as well.

Pour in the vinegar and mix well. Instead of vinegar, you can use mayonnaise, ketchup, kefir, yogurt and other marinade sauces.

Cover with a lid or film and leave in a cool place for 8 hours.

After this time, soak the wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes, and cut the fat into slices of 5-7 mm.

String products alternately on skewers: an onion ring, a piece of meat, a slice of lard, etc.

Put the skewer on a baking sheet with high sides or on a wire rack, i.e. pork should not come into contact with the bottom of the form, it should be fried on all sides with hot steam.

Preheat the oven to 250 ° C and send the pork to bake for 20-25 minutes closer to the spiral. Turn it over every 5-7 minutes and pour over the brine that remains from pickling. Serve the dish immediately after cooking.

If you bake meat on a wire rack, then place a baking sheet under it, on which juice will drip. Also, if desired, you can put on this baking sheet, which will be baked and soaked in meat marinade.

Today we learned how to cook pork skewers on skewers in the oven. According to the same recipe, you can cook barbecue on a fire and from any other type of meat.