The best premium tank in WoT. The best premium tank in WoT The best tanks for earning silver

Oct 08, 2018 by in

Previously, in the game World of Tanks, you could earn silver on tanks of tier 6-8, but at the present time, the wargaming policy has changed, and you can only actively earn in-game currency on premium tanks. All premium vehicles have different technical characteristics, which divides tankers into different opinions about the best tanks to earn money. Below is a list of the best tanks to farm based on player feedback.

If you need

German premium heavy tank tier 8 Lowe, holds the record for earning silver. This technique appeared in the premium store at the beginning of the popularity of the game and was subject to changes in technical characteristics, almost every six months. Lion's recent changes have been very successful, as the heavy tank has finally become a formidable contender among sibling vehicles. Engine power was increased, declination angles were increased, and armor was added in the hull and turret. The German Lion did not become a dynamic tank, however, he began to get to his destination faster. At the moment, the tank has an engine with a power of 1000 hp. Since the weight of the tank is 90 tons, the specific power is 11.15 hp/t.

As for armor, according to the performance characteristics, the front of the turret is only 120 mm, however, it has a huge gun mantlet, which is also 120 mm. As a result, the frontal part of the Lion's tower, armored by 240 mm. This is enough to tank lvl 8-9. The hull of the tank was also improved, armor was added to the VLD (120 mm) and sides (100 mm). That is, at an angle, the armor increases significantly and the tank is already quite difficult to penetrate. With improved armor on the sides, Lev can tank enemy shells with the sides, but at optimal angles.

The gun of the tank is its main advantage. Accurate cannon with high degrees of declination, allows you to aim the enemy at long distances. The average armor penetration of the base projectile is 234 mm, which is one of the best indicators at level 8. However, there is also a downside. An 11.5 second cooldown that delivers an average damage per minute of just 1600 damage.

The last advantage of the tank is its viewing radius of 400 meters. Not all level 8 STs have such indicators.

The German king of beasts, a rather colorful technique. The tank has both many pluses and minuses. Leo is able to hold back the breakouts of rivals, playing from the terrain. A large viewing radius will allow armored vehicles to shine independently in battle, while earning a lot of in-game currency.

Preferential French premium TT level 8. This tank has always been played by experienced tankers. It has almost no armor, but it has a good quick-firing gun, a good sight radius, and a powerful engine.

After updating the balancer in the game and introducing a large number of vehicles with good technical characteristics, the FCM 50 t began to noticeably lose in all respects. Since the vehicle belongs to the preferential level of battles, the maximum level that the Frenchman will reach is 9. With all its current performance characteristics, the tank almost always plays with 9 levels. However, even there he from time to time shows his agility and rate of fire.

If you look at the characteristics, the FCM 50 t has pretty good armor in the upper part of the hull - 140 mm, but the angles of its declination are arranged in such a way that the reduced armor is practically non-existent. The tank is capable of speeds up to 51 km/h, and the specific engine power is more than 18 hp/t, which allows you to quickly drive on hilly terrain, change positions and retreat. As for firepower, the Frenchman has a 90 mm gun with 212 mm armor penetration of the base projectile and a one-time damage of 240 units. The tank's cooldown is 7.19 seconds, which allows it to deal an average damage per minute of 1920 HP.

Currently, this tank is quite difficult to play, because in battles against 9 levels, one-time damage of 240 HP is too low. In terms of farming, the FCM 50 t has one unique feature. Armor-piercing shells of the tank cost only 250 units. silver. This means that after the battle, there will be small deductions of the in-game currency.


The American heavy tank costs slightly less than the Lowe and has its own unique abilities. The T 34 has a strong 280 mm turret, which is almost impossible to penetrate even for Tier 10 tanks. The only weak point on the tower is the hatch, which is located on the back of it. However, it is quite difficult to target it, because its size is too small. The hull of the tank is lightly armored, only 102 mm. Therefore, for a comfortable game, you should take positions with reliefs so that you can hide the body. Tanking with a turret also helps with the gun depression angle of -10 degrees. Since the hull of the tank is low, it is able to hide it even on steep hills.

The dynamics of the T34 is very weak - only 12.44 hp / t. The maximum speed is 35 km / h, which is also a low figure. However, this heavy tank has a powerful gun, with an average armor penetration of 248 mm and a one-time damage of 400 HP. Deal a lot of damage per minute, does not allow a long cooldown of 14.38 seconds. The viewing radius is average, like many TT lvl 8. - 380 m.

The tank is equipped with a powerful gun with high armor penetration and high one-time damage. Declination angles allow you to tank from the turret, while being sure that it will not be penetrated. However, the tank is too slow, has poor gun stabilization and a large spread when firing. The T 34 will be effective on the hills, in battles at medium range and closer.


The Chinese branch of tank destroyers appeared in the RU region relatively recently. Almost all of them look like anti-tank installations of the USSR, however, they have different performance characteristics. This also applies to premium PT level 8 WZ-120-1G FT. Premium vehicle has a powerful weapon with a high one-time damage of 440 HP. and an average armor penetration of 258 mm. The reload time of the gun is 9.39 seconds, which allows you to deal 2807 average damage per minute. This is one of the best indicators among all tier 8 tanks. However, the 122 mm gun has too long aiming time of 2.8 seconds with a spread of 0.35.

There is no armor as such, the front part is 120 mm, the sides are 80 mm and the feed is 45 mm. For all its firepower, the tank destroyer has good dynamics. Specific engine power 16.24 hp / t. This allows you to quickly develop a maximum speed of up to 50 km / h.

The viewing radius of the Chinese premium tank destroyer is 380 m. With upgraded crew skills and additional equipment, the WZ-120-1G FT can detect penetrating tanks on its own.

The new Tier 8 Chinese Premium Tank Destroyer has a good weapon that can deal a lot of one-time damage every 9 seconds. However, the large spread and long convergence make it possible to shoot effectively only at medium distances. Many tankers consider this tank to be one of the best in its tier, despite the fact that you can still earn good silver on it.

M4A1 Revalorise

Tier 8 medium French tank, which was improved by the developers at the request of the players. At the moment, the premium CT has a rather powerful 105 mm gun with a high one-time damage of 390 HP. and an average armor penetration of 200 mm. The accuracy is acceptable, with a spread of 0.33, the convergence is only 2.3 seconds, which allows you to hit the enemy at long distances. Minus the firepower, it's a long reload of 12.27 seconds. With declination angles of -10 degrees, the tank can play comfortably from the terrain, however, the armor of the turret, as well as the hull, leaves much to be desired. The maximum armor thickness in the turret is 63 mm. The Frenchman can deflect some projectiles, but tanking with a turret won't work.

The dynamics of the tank is average, with a high specific power of 15.84 hp / t, the M4A1 Revalorisé is able to reach a maximum speed of only 40 km / h. That is, the speed is gained quite quickly, but the tank will drive moderately.

The visibility of the M4A1 Revalorisé is 390 m, which is a good indicator for a medium tank. With the equipment installed and a trained crew, the Frenchman will well illuminate enemy vehicles.

Since the tank is not preferential, with weak armor it will be quite difficult to play with 10 levels on it. However, an accurate weapon allows you to target the weak points of the enemy and inflict large one-time damage. Together with a good overview, the French CT can bring good profits.

Like a newbie World of Tanks about up to the eighth level, then he begins to notice that tanks after the battle sometimes go into a serious minus. And then the question arises for everyone: how to collect silver is not the next tank? Not small levels to drive and take out some 5-10 thousand?

For those who want a really big increase in silver after the battle, then there is no better option than to invest real money in the game and buy a premium tank, which earns much more than ordinary upgraded vehicles.

List of premium tanks that are convenient for farming credits


Among the tanks of this level, the following vehicles will be the most suitable tanks for farming:

– T26E4 SuperPershing is a pretty good choice for the average player who requires very little maintenance and is able to farm incredibly at his level. However, when it hits the bottom of the list, you have to shoot with gold, and even then the tank goes into a small, but all plus;

– FCM 50t is probably the most farmable tank, which is also a pleasure to play, but already having the skills of the game; he farms a little worse than the "Lion", but due to his speed, he is more versatile;

– T34 – thanks to its most powerful gun, this tank does not need premium shells, and its profitability is only slightly inferior to the same record holder – “Lion”;

– Löwe is the tank that brings the most silver moments, however, due to its slowness and size, it is quite boring to play on the Löwe, and besides, you are a very vulnerable target, especially alone;

– AMX CDC is a very difficult tank to master, exclusively for experienced players who can cope with the complete lack of armor, and it farms no worse than the T26E4 SuperPershing, or even better.

On average, the tanks listed above bring about 50-80 thousand without a premium account, and with it the profitability of some reaches 100 thousand clean.


– SU-122-44 – a tank destroyer with excellent dynamics and good armor, serious damage per minute – almost an imba at its level, capable of farming approximately 50 thousand silver.

Alas, the SU-122-44 is the only worthy premium tank that is on permanent sale. But there are also cars that are full in random and that appear during promotions. For example, the E-25 is one of the strongest tanks on the level and farms just as well as the SU-122-44. Also, during the promotions, you can grab the IS-2 (Berlin) or the new KV-122. You can not only farm on them, but also pleasantly bend down.


– SkodaT-40 – a good Czech tank with good alpha and dynamics will be an excellent choice for an average player and can bring about 20-30 thousand silver in good battles;

– DickerMax – tank destroyer without armor, but with a decent weapon, thanks to which she farms better than all her classmates;

– Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2 – the first Swedish premium tank with a good drum, has farming indicators, which is about the same as its Czech counterpart.

The rest of the tanks are not very convenient for the game, so we will not consider them.


– KV-220 is a very rare guest in random, which is difficult to buy – only for very rare promotions for it, but the tank’s armor decides the outcome of almost any battle;

- SU-85i - a mediocre tank destroyer with average characteristics for all indicators at the level;

- T25 - a fast German with a good gun and no armor;

– Churchill III – very fast firing advice, with low damage per shot, large dimensions, mediocre armor and rather slow.

We will not consider the rest of the tanks of Tier V and below, as they are either difficult to play, or they farm too little in order to pay attention to them.

Pumpable tanks for farming

Nobody, of course, disputes that conventional pumping machines, you can go into a normal plus, among these are:




And now the tanks VIII-level and above require a large amount of silver for repairs and for buying shells, equipment - so farming on them is probably the last thing.

After reading this article, you will now know which tanks are worth buying to earn silver, as well as which of the pumped vehicles can be suitable for this activity.

It should also be noted that with a premium account, tanks of high levels can sometimes be farmed if you can keep their durability until the end of the battle.

18.3.2017 12737 Views

In this article, we will look at the most suitable tanks in the WoT game for farming silver.

Silver in World of Tanks

The main in-game currency in World of Tanks is the so-called silver. For it, you can buy pumped tanks, equipment, retrain the crew. Also, with the help of silver, you can buy first-aid kits, rem. kits and other useful equipment that helps the player to be more useful on the battlefield.

In addition, most of the shells players buy only for silver coins. Players can earn this currency in battles, and depending on their use in the process of a tank battle, the amount of silver earned can vary in one direction or another. The mechanics of the game provides for a decrease in the profitability of tanks depending on their level. And already after level 6, some tanks can go negative in silver, even if they win.

Prem tanks for farming in wot

Playing at the tenth levels, almost all tanks go into the red, so all players need to replenish this currency. To do this, Wargaming releases premium tanks, which in most cases are sold for real money. Players who buy wot tanks for farming silver, in addition to other bonuses, receive an increased profitability of vehicles. This technique is ideal for earning silver coins and is able to cover the player's need for this currency.
Prem tanks for farming in wot are represented at almost all levels, but tanks of the eighth level are considered the most profitable. These machines are often the most expensive in the Premium Store, but they also bring in tons of Silver. In combination with a premium account and reserves, such a tank can bring 150,000 silver coins from one battle, and in case of an excellent battle, the reward can increase to 200,000. Playing on such machines, you can earn up to 1,000,000 coins in one hour, which more than covers all the needs of players.

Farm coefficient of prem tanks wot

The farm ratio of wot tanks has been increased by 50% compared to similar pumped vehicles. In combination with the low cost of repairing such machines, players prefer to buy these machines despite their rather high cost. Tank farming ratio wot usually depends on the level of the vehicles. Thus, a level 6 machine usually earns significantly less than a level 8 machine.

Since Tier 8 premium vehicles remain the most popular, it would be worth considering them in more detail. Vehicles of this tier differ from others in that they often meet enemy vehicles of the tenth tier in battle. And if for ordinary tanks this is a rather significant disadvantage, then for premium vehicles it is a plus. Since shooting at high-level vehicles, the player receives more silver than shooting at low-level opponents.

An ideal premium tank for farming silver in wot is a very flexible concept, since earning credits is directly related to the player's useful actions in battle. A player who is used to playing slow and heavily armored vehicles will not be able to sustain high damage output on fast vehicles like the AMX CDC.

This will lead to the fact that the player will receive very few credits from the battle and the tank itself will farm poorly, although in the hands of a player who is used to such a technique, AMX CDC can earn mountains of silver coins. Therefore, the wot top of premium tanks for farming is a purely subjective top of one author or another, and many players who purchased a premium tank relying only on such tops ended up with a vehicle that is absolutely not suitable for their gameplay.

This article will describe the best premium cars in different categories. This sorting will help you choose the best premium car for the player. It is worth noting that farm ratio prem tanks wot level 8, as well as other levels, is kept secret and has never been publicly published. Many players have tried experimentally to find out these coefficients. As a result, they found that these indicators are almost the same for all vehicles and the player's earnings vary only by the price of the shells that were spent during the battle.

For players who love heavily armored vehicles, premium tier 8 tank Panzer VII Löwe. This vehicle, after the recent “up”, received decent frontal armor and an almost impenetrable gun mantlet. The gun of this tank has excellent accuracy and armor penetration, which often contributes to the use of only armor-piercing shells in battle, which are much cheaper than sub-caliber ones. Unlike other excellent heavy tank T34, Leo has lost a minus in the form of a weak armored hull, and in the realities of a modern random house, it shows higher performance in battle.

Players who like versatile vehicles tend to prefer French heavy tank FCM 50 t. This tank is heavy only on paper, it has significantly less armor than most TTs of the same tier. But along with the minus of weak armor, this tank has excellent mobility in its class, a good weapon and a preferential level of combat. Its driving characteristics make it possible to use this vehicle as a medium tank as well. At the top of the list, this slanted armor is able to take a hit from low-level opponents.

Perfect for ST water M4A1 Revalorise. After its recent improvement, this tank sparkled with new colors. And although its chassis is from a Sherman, with all the ensuing consequences (low armor, mediocre speed), the gun of this tank is able to compensate for these shortcomings. It has excellent one-time damage, accuracy and high projectile speed, which significantly increases the chance of hitting a projectile at long distances.

For players who prefer playing light tanks, the ideal option would be leKpz M 41 90 mm GF. This is the same bulldog of the American research tree, only with a cyclic 90 mm gun. The advantage of this tank is also the presence of land mines with excellent penetration of 102 mm. This helps him come out victorious in a duel with enemy light tanks. Since the use of land mines has a high chance of removing internal modules in an enemy tank.

Along with this great offer for such players, a medium tank can also become AMX CDC. Although this vehicle belongs to the medium tanks, its gameplay is almost identical to the gameplay on the LT. The complete lack of armor, poor stabilization, and at the same time excellent mobility and damage per minute make players use this tank as a light one.

Among players who prefer tank destroyers, the ideal premium tank is Rheinmetall Skorpion G. This machine has a number of advantages that clearly distinguish it from classmates. A huge plus is the presence of the tower. This significantly increases the accuracy of firing at moving targets, a weapon with a huge alpha makes it easy to destroy enemy vehicles. Also, this tank has good mobility. The disadvantages of this machine include the lack of armor and relatively low camouflage rates.

Before choosing a premium vehicle, the player should decide on his gameplay and choose the tank that is closest to him. This article only lists a few premium tanks that are the best in their class, but some players may prefer other vehicles that they can farm better on.

This statistical information is presented for review and represents average indicators (average for the hospital). When collecting statistics, the impact of a premium account, bonuses, or completing tasks was not taken into account.

Profitability of conventional tanks by levels and classes

Judging by the data in this table, you can earn on regular, non-premium tanks up to level 6 inclusive. At level 7, at best, you will go to 0, and already at level 8, losses can await you.

The most profitable are levels 5 and 6. The most profitable vehicle classes are Tier 4, 5 and 6 art (about 5-6k per battle). In second place - TT, ST and PT level 5 with an indicator of 4-5 thousand silver per battle.

Profitability of premium tanks

Here is the following picture. The most profitable are level 8 TDs, which are capable of giving out more than 20k per battle. In second place are TTs of the same level 8 and 16k per battle. Third place for ST 8 level and 14k for the battle.

After level 8, the most profitable premium tanks are representatives of levels 6 and 7.

Yield by tier (prems vs. regular)

The undisputed leader in this comparison are premiums: 8, 7 and 6 levels. Level 8 and 16,000 silver per battle are in first place, followed by levels 6 and 7 with 10,000 silver.


The most profitable tanks are level 8 premiums. If you take ordinary tanks, then for farming you need to roll out vehicles up to level 6 inclusive, since further there is a high probability of going into the red. The most uniform earnings across classes occur at level 5. The most profitable tanks are art 5, 6 levels.

Statistics prepared by

I hope this information will be useful to you and you will be able to more accurately plan your income in the game.

3 years and 4 months ago Comments: 30

The need for game credits - the so-called "silver" - World of Tanks players feel literally from their first battles. If the purchase and operation of entry-level tanks is relatively cheap, then even for a vehicle of the fourth level, not to mention the older ones, you have to save up. In addition, you need additional equipment, consumables, premium shells... But where can you get the much-needed silver?

Of course, you can buy a premium account and a couple of premium tanks of the 8th level with an increased profitability coefficient. This will greatly facilitate the earning of silver, but it will cost a pretty penny - the prices in the game from Wargaming are not cheap at all. There is a second way - to earn silver, that is, "", on pumped tanks.

Pharm is a game with the aim of earning game currency, that is, credits. So you need to choose a tank that will farm as much as possible and spend as little as possible (repairs, shells, consumables, etc.). Of course, there are no special tanks, everyone farms almost the same, but you need to decide on your favorite type of vehicle. Some like to play TT, some like to play PT, some like to play CT, etc...

The WoT economy is built in such a way that the easiest way to do this is on machines of the 5th and 6th levels. It is on them that the highest average profitability of battles, unless, of course, you constantly use gold ammunition and consumables. Purely subjective, farming silver on Tier 5 vehicles is still slightly easier than on Tier 6 tanks. But after all, there are dozens of combat vehicles of the 5th level in the game, your eyes run straight! Let's choose top five tanks, the most suitable for earning silver without additional financial investments.

1. O-I Experimental (Japan, heavy tank)

The first number on our list is the Tier 5 Japanese heavy tank O-I Experimental. Why exactly him? Everything is pretty simple. Over the past month, the average percentage of wins on it was 51,03% , which is the best indicator (!) among upgraded Tier 5 vehicles. More victories - more silver, the dependence is extremely simple.

It is worth noting that O-I Experimental is really good. Yes, in patch 0.9.15 he was nerfed, increasing the time of aiming and reloading guns, but this does not prevent him remain one of the most formidable machines on the level. The armor of the tank is rather weak, the hull and turret are only 75 mm each in the strongest places, but the Japanese are not famous for their protection. Its strongest point is its top tier 6 10 cm Cannon Type 14 gun, which delivers 300 units damage during armor penetration by an armor-piercing projectile of 130 mm. At the same time, the tank also has very good mobility for this class.

O-I Experimental rides well, easily breaks through levels 5-6 and is endowed with an excellent safety margin of 700 HP. Together, this allows you to keep good average damage indicators, which means farming, farming and farming again. O-I feels great in the top, but is not lost in the bottom of the list, even the “fattest” tanks of the 7th level do not smile at getting a weighty slap for 300 damage. Well, most classmates go to the hangar after two hits from the top O-I gun. In general, a great tank for both playing and earning silver.

2. KV-1S (USSR, heavy tank)

The once beloved “kvass” has been demoted from a heavy tank of the sixth level to the fifth quite a long time ago, having seriously changed its game characteristics. But the KV-1S did not get lost here either, in terms of the average percentage of victories on it, it is located almost immediately behind the O-I Experimental - 50,53% over the past four weeks.

The KV-1S has very balanced armor, propulsion and armament. At the top of the list, it is capable of deflecting projectiles quite well, and the top tier 6 85mm S-31 cannon penetrates 119mm of AP shells at 160 damage and a reload speed of just 5 seconds, without additional equipment. So the car is doing very well.

Very similar to KV-1S and KV-1, which is a true gaming classic. KV-1 is also quite a worthy farming candidate. True, his mixing is slightly worse, but the booking is slightly better.

In general, both the KV-1S and KV-1 are pleasant to play, deal damage and get game credits, the choice between these combat vehicles is purely a matter of taste.

3. T67 (USA, tank destroyer)

Perhaps, T67 is one of the weirdest tier 5 tank destroyers and definitely one of the most fun in the game. Very fast and stealthy, it has a rotating turret, which compares favorably with most anti-tank self-propelled guns in the game.


She doesn't have any armor, but she doesn't need it. The main features of this machine are speed, invisibility and excellent DPM. It's no joke, the base amount of damage per minute for the T67 is 2156 units, and if you add the appropriate equipment and perks, then it reaches absolutely fantastic heights. The damage of only 115 units per shot is more than offset by the rate of fire and armor penetration of 128 millimeters.

T67 almost never suffers. At the top of the list, this vehicle, when used correctly, is capable of deciding the outcome of battles alone, at the bottom, it can create a lot of problems even for powerful Tier 7 tanks. Indeed, there are very few vehicles in WoT that can be used in any battle, T67 is just one of them. And the more victories and damage, the more silver falls into the players' wallets.

4. T-34 (USSR, medium tank)

The legendary “thirty-four” must have been in every player who came to the world of World of Tanks. Still, everyone wanted to play on the famous car that fought so famously in World War II.

But the T-34 is not only a symbol, but also great tank for farming silver. Possessing good performance and good armor for its class, the "thirty-four" is also endowed with a completely crazy gun.


The 57 mm ZiS-4 cannon fires 26.09 rounds per minute, excluding additional equipment and perks. And this 2218 units exactly per minute! IS7 can be sawn, if, of course, it gets in the way of this monster. Armor penetration is 112 mm with an armor-piercing projectile and as much as 189 mm with a sub-caliber one. So for the T-34 there are no impenetrable targets, armor-piercing shells are enough for most, but if necessary, you can safely shoot heavy tanks of the 6th and 7th levels in the forehead.

In fact, the ZiS-4 is an endless drum that shoots every two seconds and knocks out 85 points of damage from an opponent. A little, but you don't need more. In general, the T-34 rides well, hits something and shoots excellently, which allows you to seriously influence the course of battles and consistently farm much-needed silver.

5. AMX ELC bis (France, light tank)

Not everyone likes the class of light tanks, as it is quite difficult to master. But AMX ELC bis, in the common people "Christmas tree", has long fallen in love with hundreds of thousands of players.

This light tank has the speed of a Formula 1 car, a very low silhouette, which makes it very difficult to hit, and, to top it off, a wonderful top gun D. 915, which gives out 240 points damage when pierced by an armor-piercing projectile of 170 mm, and by a sub-caliber projectile - 248 mm.

Max speed in 65 km/h, which the "Christmas tree" picks up quite easily, allows you to play. In addition, she also has an excellent disguise. An AMX ELC, standing in a bush and pulling on a camouflage net, can only be seen point-blank, while allies will inflict damage on its illumination and thereby help the player earn silver.

If the game situation allows, you can shoot, because 240 units of average damage is an indicator of many tanks of the 8th level, with which the “Christmas tree”, by the way, will often intersect.
"Yelka" rides, shines, shoots and, as a result, farms. True, you need to play it very carefully, there are no armor or durability points here. But in the hands of skilled players, the AMX ELC allows you to create real miracles, which are generously rewarded with in-game silver.

Of course, almost all Tier 5 combat vehicles can be consistently profitable, but farming on the above tanks will be not only effective, but also enjoyable. Less suffering - more silver and fun!

Is it possible to farm on LT or Art?

As for the other types of tanks (LT and Arta), it's hard to find the best ones there. Some tanks are better, some are worse, besides, arts and LTs are the hardest to farm, because. thanks to the light, they give few credits, and it’s hard to damage on art. Of course, the above five may be different for you, it all depends on your style of play. But remember, when choosing your best farmer, always count on high damage, as well as damage with your help (by light, knocking down guls).

That's all, good luck on the battlefield.