Melatonin 3 mg instructions for use. Melatonin - instructions for use, indications, form of release, side effects, analogues and price


Melatonin, a synthetic analog of a hormone produced by the pineal gland, can solve problems with insomnia. The drug normalizes the biological rhythm, improves the quality of sleep, after waking up does not cause weakness, lethargy, fatigue. The tool is remarkable in that it has not only a hypnotic, sedative effect, but also antioxidant properties. This allows him to slow down the aging of the body, stop the development of atherosclerosis, a cancerous tumor.

Composition and form of release

Melatonin is produced in tablets by different manufacturers. In the USA, this drug is considered a dietary supplement, although the main active ingredient is a synthetic hormone. This is melatonin at a dosage of 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 mg. Instructions for use indicate that the following excipients improve the properties of the drug:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • disubstituted anhydrous calcium phosphate;
  • stearic acid;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine Melatonin has a hypnotic, sedative, adaptogenic (stimulating immunity, mental abilities) effect on the body, acts as an antioxidant. After absorption in the stomach and rectum, the active substance enters the bloodstream, in its composition it penetrates the blood-brain barrier that protects the blood from the nervous tissue. Thanks to this, the medicine has the following effect:

  • promotes sleep;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • reduces the frequency of awakenings;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • reduces headache;
  • intensity of reaction to stressful situations.

The drug owes such an effect on the body to the main active substance - melatonin. This is a synthetic analogue of the hormone of the same name, which is produced by the pineal gland (pineal gland) - an endocrine gland located in the midbrain. Most of the hormone is produced at night. Its synthesis largely depends on the level of illumination: in a dark room it increases and vice versa.

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the circadian rhythm, sleep and wakefulness. In addition, it performs the following functions:

  • regulates blood pressure;
  • reduces mental, emotional, physical activity;
  • regulates the seasonal rhythm, the frequency of sleep;
  • promotes adaptation when changing time zones;
  • reduces the penetration of calcium into bone tissue;
  • promotes the synthesis of antibodies;
  • reduces the rate of blood clotting;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • has antioxidant properties (slows down oxidation);
  • reduces the synthesis of somatotropin - a hormone responsible for the growth of children;
  • inhibits the production of corticotropin, which regulates the work of adrenal hormones;
  • reduces the synthesis of thyrotropin, which controls the production of thyroid hormones;
  • inhibits the production of leptin at night, which regulates energy metabolism, suppresses appetite, so a decrease in hormone synthesis contributes to obesity.

Melatonin in the midbrain and hypothalamus increases GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, and serotonin, the happiness hormone that affects mood. Regulates the hormone and the endocrine system. First of all, it suppresses the production of gonadotropins, which control the work of the sex glands (it has a weak contraceptive effect). Due to this effect, it slows down sexual development in children.

Scientists conducted experiments on animals aimed at finding out the body's response to a lack of melatonin by removing receptors that interact with the hormone for this purpose. The result was premature aging: early menopause, obesity, reduced insulin sensitivity, and pathological changes in cells due to the action of free radicals were often the cause of cancer.

Indications for use

Although Melatonin in tablets has a versatile effect on the body, its main task is to regulate sleep. The indications for taking the medicine are:

  • insomnia and other problems associated with sleep disturbance;
  • normalization of sleep in the elderly;
  • the need to adjust the biological cycle of sleep and wakefulness when changing time zones, changing time, in other situations;
  • protection of body cells from the damaging effects of free radicals;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood (the drug reduces its abnormal amount, but does not affect the concentration at normal levels);
  • cancer prevention;
  • problems with psychological adaptation;
  • stress and depression.

How to take Melatonin

The need for taking the drug, dosage, duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor. Self-treatment can lead to complications. Tablets are swallowed with a glass of water, half an hour before bedtime, preferably at the same time. The instructions for use explain this by the fact that 4–6 hours after taking the pill, they dull attention, reduce concentration, and worsen coordination. For this reason, taking the medicine before work or leaving the house is impractical. Adult tablets are prescribed to drink according to the following scheme:

  • 3-6 mg (one to two tablets) per day for a month;
  • take a break for 30 days;
  • repeat treatment.

Children over 12 years of age may be prescribed the drug at a dosage of 3 mg. To stabilize sleep in old age, as well as with hypertension or atherosclerosis, the doctor prescribes the medicine in the minimum dosage - 1.5 mg (1/2 tablet) per day. If the dose is ineffective, it is increased to 3 mg. The medicine can be used from 3 to 6 months, taking a break for a week every 30 days. Cancel the drug gradually, reducing the dose over 1-2 weeks.

special instructions

Considering that melatonin-based drugs cause drowsiness, the instructions for use advise during treatment to refrain from driving, to engage in activities that require special attention and concentration. If this cannot be avoided, in no case do not take the drug before work. Just before bed. In addition, the following points should be taken into account:

  • during treatment, bright lighting should be avoided, since light reduces the synthesis of melanin;
  • it is necessary to stop smoking (reduce the level of the hormone) and drinking alcohol (the hypnotic effect decreases) while taking the remedy;
  • the drug should not be taken by women who plan to become pregnant, because it has weak contraceptive properties.

drug interaction

If during treatment with Melanin a person takes other medications, this should definitely be told to the doctor, who will adjust the treatment regimen.

  • Melatonin tablets affect the effectiveness of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.
  • The substance enhances the action of benzodiazepines (psychoactive substances with hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant effects), increasing their binding to their intended receptors.
  • The pineal hormone enhances the sedative properties of Zaleplon, Zolpidem, Zopiclone (hypnotics). According to the instructions, the simultaneous use increases the violation of coordination, attention, memory.
  • Under the influence of melatonin, the effect of methamphetamines increases, which affect serotonin receptors and act on the peripheral nervous system (dopaminergic effect).
  • The drug enhances the antibacterial properties of Isoniazid (used for tuberculosis).
  • Fluvoxamine, 5- or 8-methoxyporalen, Cimitidine increase the level of the pineal gland hormone in the blood, inhibiting its metabolism. Instructions for use Melatonin says to avoid such combinations.
  • Aspirin, beta-blockers reduce the level of the hormone.
  • Simultaneous administration of the drug with sedative antidepressants and tranquilizers reduces the effect of melatonin.
  • The drug enhances the effect of Lisinopril and Tamoxifen, which are used in the treatment of hypertension in patients with functional insufficiency of the pineal gland. For this reason, the instructions for use recommend a combination of these drugs.

Side effects

Use the drug should be careful: it causes a lot of side effects. Instructions for use indicate the likelihood of the following complications:

  • discomfort in the stomach, constipation, dry mouth, vomiting;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • deterioration of memory, attention;
  • depression, anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness, frequent mood swings, tearfulness, fatigue;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • decrease in leukocytes and platelets in the blood;
  • angina, palpitations, flushing;
  • waking up too early
  • increased sexual desire;
  • increased psychomotor activity;
  • decreased visual acuity, lacrimation;
  • sweating at night;
  • thirst;
  • weight gain.

A medicine based on melatonin can provoke an allergy, which will manifest itself as itching, a rash. Among the side effects from the skin and its appendages are dermatitis, eczema, dry skin, psoriasis, brittle nails. The instructions for use indicate that muscle and connective tissue can react negatively to the drug: convulsions, pain in the limbs, neck, arthritis are possible.

Overdose of Melatonin

Do not exceed the dosage indicated by the doctor. Failure to follow the instructions can provoke prolonged sleep, disorientation, amnesia. In case of an overdose, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage, an enema, drink black coal or another enterosorbent. In addition, doctors practice symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating negative symptoms.


Melatonin preparations should be carefully taken by people whose field of activity is related to concentration. It is better to refrain from taking the remedy for women planning a pregnancy. The drug is carefully prescribed for allergy sufferers and people with endocrine disorders during treatment with hormonal drugs. According to the instructions for use, contraindications for taking Melatonin are:

  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • lymphoma - a type of cancerous tumor when a neoplasm develops in the lymphatic system;
  • lymphogranulomatosis - cancer of the lymphoid tissue;
  • leukemia - blood cancer;
  • myeloma - a type of oncology associated with disorders of the bone marrow;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • severe kidney or liver problems;
  • childhood.

Terms of sale and storage

Melatonin-based preparations are sold without a prescription. Store the medicine in a dark place at room temperature for the period indicated in the instructions for use (3-4 years).

Melatonin analogs

Medicines based on melatonin are produced under different brand names, so they have the same indications and contraindications, method of application. Among them are drugs such as:

  • Vita-Melatonin (Ukraine, Kiev Vitamin Plant);
  • Melatonin (Ukraine, Zdravopharm);
  • Menopur (Germany, Ferring GmbH);
  • Melapur (USA, Genzyme Pharmaceuticals);
  • Melaksen (USA, Unipharm, Inc.);
  • Yukalin (USA, I&C Pharmaceutical);
  • Melatonin (USA, Now Foods).

Melatonin price

Medicines based on melatonin in Moscow and the Moscow region can be bought in sports nutrition stores. The cost depends on the manufacturer, the number of tablets in the package. The prices are as follows.

The benefits and harms of melatonin have been clarified relatively recently, the so-called sleep hormone has not yet been sufficiently studied. Most of the tests of the artificial drug were carried out on animals, the results of tests in humans concerned a short-term effect. There is no exact data on the long-term effects of taking the substance, but it is now recognized as a harmless dietary supplement.

What is melatonin and what is it for?

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. Its quantity affects the quality, quantity of sleep, related processes. The benefits and harms of the presence or absence of a substance are associated with the ability to control the "activity-rest" cycle.

The hormone acts most at night, when falling asleep. It is believed that it strengthens the immune system, helps to avoid premature aging. The main useful property is to improve the quality of sleep, protection from stress.

There is a theory - it benefits as a prophylactic against cancer. This ability is poorly understood, so you should avoid considering it a cure for oncology.

In addition to correcting the circadian rhythm, melatonin benefits men by eliminating potency problems. The harm of the substance to males is identical to the harm to women.

When and how is the hormone produced?

The body produces a substance according to a certain schedule. The pineal gland produces melatonin at night, starting at dusk, peaking at 24:00, and falling at about 4:00 in the morning. This is one of the reasons why early sleep is beneficial.

In order for the beneficial properties of the substance to be fully manifested, it was produced enough, the following rules must be observed:

  • curtains should be hung opaque, blocking the light of lanterns, city lighting;
  • going to bed is useful from 21.00 to 24.00;
  • when it is impossible to go to rest before midnight, it is advisable to dim the light;
  • an hour before bedtime, it is recommended to avoid exposure to computer monitors, e-books, tablets;
  • before falling asleep, a small cup of cocoa will bring benefits;
  • in case of overwork, it is useful to drink tea from soothing herbs: motherwort, and others.

The production mode is designed for an abstract, ideal organism. Individuals may have slightly different internal clocks. The existence of the so-called larks and owls cannot be denied. The mode of activity of the first fully corresponds to the cycle of production of the substance, and the second - significantly differs from the norm. Attempts to artificially correct circadian rhythms will be harmful. It has been noticed that people who are forced to live according to an alien cycle are more likely to get sick, irritable and prone to depression.

Important! The generally accepted mode of work, rest is suitable only for the majority, "owls" helps to adapt to an alien "activity-rest" cycle with herbal infusions, low doses of melatonin.

Benefits of Melatonin

The benefits of melatonin tablets outweigh the potential harm. For men and women, the drug is indicated for the same cases. Rarely, taking a substance is contraindicated - this is not a reason to refuse if a doctor has prescribed it.

Melatonin to normalize sleep

As a sleep hormone, the substance is associated with the regulation of the wakefulness and rest cycle. The beneficial properties of melatonin primarily relate to improving the quality of sleep. The medicine helps:

  • cure insomnia;
  • better sleep, eliminate the feeling of weakness in the morning;
  • stop waking up at night, in the morning, ahead of time;
  • fall asleep quickly after waking up;
  • Easier to deal with changing time zones.

Melatonin does not have to be taken as a dietary supplement in order to benefit, it is permissible to limit oneself to natural ways to increase the content of the substance. The risk of doing harm is minimal, to benefit is the opposite.

Increased life expectancy

Experiments with mice have shown that it increases their lifespan by 20%. There are no similar studies in humans. There is no reliable information about the effect on the longevity of other mammals.

It is believed that melatonin plays the same role for the human body, the benefits are not limited to the correction of the circadian rhythm. In medical circles, it is customary to recognize the property of a substance to prolong life, despite the lack of information about it. No effect on longevity was noted.

Melatonin for weight loss

For women, the benefits of melatonin are complemented by an effect on the figure. To lose weight, some nutritionists prescribe this drug. This is due to the unobvious beneficial properties of the substance:

  • melatonin is able to regulate metabolism;
  • normalizing sleep, the substance controls appetite, reduces the desire for sweets;
  • hormone helps maintain the right amount of brown fat.

This substance is responsible for heat transfer - the more it is, the more calories are spent if there is no physical activity.

When taking the drug, we must not forget that, in addition to benefit, minor harm is possible. It is impossible to drink medicines containing the substance in the morning and afternoon - they cause drowsiness.

Melatonin deficiency symptoms

Melatonin tablets will benefit when it is not produced enough, because the lack of a substance is harmful to health. Deficiency symptoms are obvious:

  • insomnia;
  • restless sleep;
  • difficulty falling asleep
  • chronic fatigue.

Additional symptoms caused by a lack of melatonin, hidden:

  • depression;
  • forgetfulness;
  • menstrual irregularities in women;
  • high blood pressure.

Important! Deficiency should be detected by tests, as self-diagnosis will do more harm than good. With the identified symptoms, you should contact a specialist for the appointment of the necessary examinations.

How to normalize melatonin production

The lack of melatonin is harmful to health, the beneficial properties of the substance are important for the body. Normalize the level of the substance is available by natural methods. Here are some ways to increase concentration:

  • there are products that affect the increase in the amount of the substance;
  • you can control the mode, go to bed, get up on schedule;
  • total darkness is required during sleep, excluding the use of a night light, blackout curtains drawn.

Before trying to increase the content of the hormone, it is useful to be diagnosed by a specialist. Otherwise, patients miss a more serious problem, harming the body with the wrong treatment.

The beneficial properties of melatonin are independent of the method of obtaining the substance by the body. Drugs, food, activity regimen - the effect is the same. Harm is possible from an overdose of tablets.

What foods contain melatonin

A high concentration of the hormone will harm health. Beneficial properties with an increase in dose will remain the same level as with a low dose. An overdose of melatonin will happen when its content is raised by food. Substance rich:

  • cherries;
  • tomatoes;
  • bran bread;
  • Pine nuts;
  • bananas;
  • corn;
  • carrot;
  • barley;
  • radish.

Melatonin requires the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in:

  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • fermented milk products;
  • cocoa;
  • poultry meat.

Important! Caffeine, alcohol, lack of carbohydrates, smoking lower the amount of the hormone. It is recommended to give up bad habits, drink more cocoa, eat chocolate.

Features of taking melatonin and dosage

Useful properties of the drug, the likelihood of harm depends on the way the drug is taken. The drug is available in tablets and capsules. They take the form prescribed by a specialist.

How to take melatonin tablets

To exclude harm to health, the medicine is drunk according to the scheme determined by the doctor, according to the instructions attached to the package, then the beneficial properties will manifest themselves completely, in contrast to the harm.

It is recommended to use the drug 1 hour before rest: 1 tablet, each containing 1.5–3 mg of the substance. Depending on the form of release, the medicine is washed down with water, kept under the tongue, waiting for complete resorption.

Insomnia is treated by taking tablets 3 hours before falling asleep. With frequent change of time zones, the medicine is drunk for 3-4 days. The remaining cases require treatment until the symptoms are completely eliminated. Further use is neutral, does not bring any benefit or harm.

When to take melatonin

When there is a problem - unexpected awakenings at night with the inability to fall asleep after - it is useful to take the medicine 15 minutes before rest.

Melatonin during pregnancy

The properties of melatonin for women at certain periods of life are harmful instead of beneficial. Pregnant, breastfeeding, the substance is forbidden to take and in case of urgent need. Increasing melatonin is beneficial by eating more foods that naturally increase its content. To improve falling asleep, pregnant women use other means that do not harm the expectant mother or fetus.

Can melatonin be given to children?

Some experts advise avoiding taking the drug before the age of 18, explaining the recommendation with a lack of information about theoretical harm.

Important! A drug can have an unpredictable effect on a developing organism. The potential harm is theoretically greater than the potential benefit.

Melatonin harm and side effects

The substance is partially safe, in addition to benefit, harm is possible. Melatonin has few side effects. These include:

  • drowsiness;
  • rarely - an allergic reaction;
  • lethargy;
  • nausea;
  • distraction of attention;
  • slow reactions;
  • stomach upset.

By observing the prescribed dosages, side effects are avoided, the drug does not cause harm, beneficial properties appear.

Contraindications to taking melatonin

Sometimes it is harmful to take the drug. There are a few cases where the substance cannot be taken, although there are few of them.

  1. Melatonin is contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  2. The drug is not suitable for children.
  3. In rare cases, allergic reactions.
  4. When a person has diabetes - due to incompatibility with the medications taken.
  5. In severe depression, some types of drugs are poorly compatible with the drug.
  6. Patients with epilepsy, leukemia should also not take the remedy.

Important! Sleeping pills of chemical origin will not replace natural ones with melatonin. They put you to sleep, but do not contribute to healthy rest. The useful properties of artificial sleeping pills are questionable.

Melatonin analogues

Useful properties of the hormone can be obtained from other drugs, analogues. They have a different composition, the beneficial effect is similar.

  1. Melaxen.
  2. Menovalen.
  3. On Dream.
  4. Relax.
  5. Bioson.
  6. Seda Mix.
  7. Donormil.
  8. Deprivation.
  9. Valesan.
  10. Vernison.

The first item contains melatonin, the rest, except for Donormil, are herbal remedies. Harm is possible with intolerance to some components. In other cases, the beneficial properties of herbs will replace the hormone.


The benefits and harms of melatonin have been partially studied, the use of tablets in the future may have a negative effect on the patient. With violations of circadian rhythms, the intake of the substance has a positive effect on the cycles of rest and wakefulness. Useful properties of dietary supplements are irreplaceable.

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced in an endocrine gland called the pineal gland. It produces about 80% of this important substance.

Normally, it is formed at night from 12 to 6 in the morning. But sometimes the system fails, and the person suffers from insomnia. In this case, you can try to restore the level of the hormone with food or medication.

The substance is found in foods or may be more actively produced because of them in the body. Contribute to this:

  • corn;
  • some types of tomatoes;
  • figs;
  • oat groats;
  • dried grapes;
  • bananas.

The production of the hormone in the body is inhibited by drinking alcohol, smoking, excessive consumption of strong coffee. Also, some drugs contribute to its destruction:

  • caffeinated;
  • nifedipine;
  • captopril;
  • antidepressants;
  • powerful sleeping pills.

The daily routine also plays a big role. In order to establish the production of your own hormone, you need:

  • go to bed before 10 pm;
  • in no case do not sleep under artificial lighting, even if it is a dim night light - light destroys melatonin;
  • if the light is still present, a dense opaque sleep mask will save;
  • eat a balanced and varied diet, exclude low-calorie diets.

If all else fails, and insomnia progresses, it is advisable to start taking medications containing melatonin.

Description of what is melatonin

Melatonin is widely known as a sleeping pill, but it also helps cure weather dependence in cases where a person often changes geographic zones and suffers from a sharp change in climate. Some confuse the name and look for melanin tablets in pharmacies, but this is a completely different substance.

Dispensing from pharmacies is carried out without a prescription.

Additional properties of melatonin

This special hormone performs the following functions:

  • accelerates the stages of falling asleep and awakening;
  • relieves tension during stressful situations, improves the emotional background;
  • corrects periods of sleep and wakefulness;
  • normalizes blood pressure figures, which is especially important for elderly and senile patients;
  • inhibits aging, oxidation and destruction of cells;
  • relieves symptoms of headaches;
  • strengthens the body's own immune forces;
  • beneficial effect on the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the risk of malignant tumors.

There is evidence that drugs with melatonin reduce the development of involuntary muscle contractions, help to get a person out of depressive states, and eliminate noise and ringing in the ears.


Melatonin tablets contain an artificially created analogue of the natural hormone at a dosage of 3 mg. Auxiliary substances include shaping components, thickeners, flavors and preservatives. Sometimes the shell contains a special ingredient that allows melatonin to be released for a long time, which leads to a longer effect of the drug.

Release form

The drug is produced in tablets for oral use, which must be washed down with water. You can also find it in the form of chewable capsules, which are very convenient to take without getting out of bed.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The drug Melatonin, after entering the stomach, is determined in the blood literally after 1-2 hours and has the highest concentration by this time. The substance breaks down into its constituent components in the liver, so it is extremely important that this organ be in order. Its half-life is very short, i.e. it does not accumulate in the body and quickly leaves it. It is excreted by the kidneys along with urine, so they should function normally.

Melatonin rarely causes side effects. There is no habituation or dependence. But still, excessively long-term use is undesirable.

Indications for use

First of all, it is used as a means of restoring sleep and the sleep-wake cycle. In addition, it is an adaptogenic (tonic) substance, i. able to increase the body's resistance to various negative environmental factors. How to take is described below.

There is also a dosage of 0.3 mg. It was created specifically for the treatment of weather sensitivity and for people working on a rotational basis when the light regime of the day is disturbed. The method of application is the same.

The specifics of the use of the drug

When taking melatonin tablets, you need to know that the substance is destroyed by strong light. This means that after taking it, you need to turn off the lights, put away gadgets with bright monitors. Ideally, it should be drunk in complete darkness just before going to bed. It is advisable to use a special opaque eye mask. But this is not always possible. To do this, melatonin preparations were invented in the form of chewable capsules that can be taken immediately in bed. They are produced for every taste and color.

Dosages and method of application

Melatonin: instructions for use: When using melatonin, the dosage is increased gradually. The starting point is half a tablet, i.e. 1.5 mg. The highest dose can be 2 tablets. The required amount is taken half an hour before bedtime once a day. The effect will be, even if you go to bed during the daytime.

In the event of a change in time zones, when the sleep-wake cycle is disrupted, the course intake begins 1 day before departure and lasts about a week. All this time, the tablets are also taken one time per day 30 minutes before bedtime.

Melatonin tablets can be used for as long as needed, but not for life. With adequate intake, it is not addictive and does not cause much harm.

A dosage of 0.3 mg is used as a treatment for dysadaptation to changing climate conditions. This is especially true for travelers who often change geographic zones and do not have time to get used to weather conditions and time zones.


Like absolutely any synthetic drug, it has certain contraindications for use. You should check them out before accepting.

Among them are:

  • allergy to the constituent substances;
  • severe disorders of cardiac, renal and hepatic activity;
  • diseases associated with a violation of the body's immune system;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • diabetes mellitus type I and II;
  • the period of bearing a child and lactation.

Why not prescribe the drug to children?

Use in childhood is inappropriate and sometimes dangerous. The fact is that the growing body is not yet fully formed. And it is highly undesirable to prescribe the synthetic hormone melatonin at such a time. This can lead to disruption and failure of the hormonal background and problems in the future. In addition, special studies have not been conducted on the safety and effectiveness of the drug at this age.

However, a doctor may prescribe the drug to a teenager at their own risk if, in similar cases, melatonin has been beneficial and has not caused serious undesirable effects.

Side effects

Melatonin side effects. The reactions themselves occur quite rarely and do not pose a threat to health. They pass by themselves or with the help of symptomatic therapy (antihistamines or sorbents, depending on the case).

  • allergic reactions in the form of itching, hives or swelling in the first 7 days of admission. Usually go away on their own;
  • in the morning there may be a feeling of drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, loose stools);
  • temporary loss of appetite;
  • paradoxical increase in nervous excitability.

If the symptoms of side effects do not disappear after a few days of admission, the drug is canceled.


There is no registered data. Manifested as normal unwanted effects. If allergic reactions occur, an antihistamine is taken according to age (Tsetrin has proven itself well). If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to use sorbents (Smecta is able to relieve heartburn, eliminate vomiting, nausea or loose stools), which will remove the remnants of the drug from the body. There is no specific treatment. Hospitalization and control of doctors is not required.

special instructions

During the course of treatment, it is worth refusing to drink drinks containing ethanol in any quantity. This affects both the effect of the drug itself and the work of the liver, which has a double load.

Cannot be taken by girls in position. The same applies to breastfeeding. There were no special studies confirming the safety of the drug for the expectant mother and baby.

The drug has an interesting effect - a weak contraceptive effect, this should be taken into account by women who want to become a mother in the near future.

Note to diabetics: the tool reduces the level of insulin and glucose.

It is worth paying attention to the name on the package, “melanin in tablets” is another substance.

Transport management

Due to the sedative effect of the drug, it is not recommended to take on work that requires increased attention. The speed of the reaction may also suffer. Drive cars and complex mechanisms with caution, because. melatonin can make you feel sleepy, especially in the morning.


Melatonin in a pharmacy can cost in different ways. The price varies from 300 rubles. up to 2,000 rubles., depending on the manufacturer.

In this case, the cost equals the quality. A really good product can't be cheap. After all, a lot of money is spent on its production: the acquisition of high-quality raw materials, its purification and processing; good packaging that will protect against moisture and light radiation; correct transportation with observed storage conditions.


Melatonin in a pharmacy is provided by different companies, and its analogues can be both as biological additives and medicines. Medicines are more proven, they have quality certificates, they are sold only in pharmacies.

Dietary supplements are not required to be certified, sometimes they are useless or even harmful, but there are well-established companies that are responsible for quality and value their reputation. You can buy them both at the pharmacy, and in some specialized departments or on the Internet. Now there are a whole bunch of sites where you can order melatonin for any amount and any taste, and they will deliver it directly to your home.

The table shows the names of medicines and supplements, their prices as a comparison.

Apart from other drugs and dietary supplements is the drug Circadin.

It contains only 2 mg of active ingredient, but tablets are produced with prolonged action, i.e. longer lasting effect. It is used for short-term treatment of primary insomnia in people of retirement age.

Reception is carried out 1-2 hours before bedtime, unlike other drugs, in addition, it is forbidden to divide the tablet. The point is in its special shell, which dissolves in a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract and releases melatonin so that it is absorbed where it should be. If the shell is cracked, the gastric contents will prevent the tablet from releasing melatonin for a long time and the effect is reduced.

The course of treatment is limited to 13 weeks. Side effects are more pronounced and more serious. It is noted that tobacco smoking significantly reduces the concentration of Circadin in the blood, which negatively affects the effect of it. Hormonal preparations with estrogen, on the contrary, increase its amount in the body. Released strictly according to the recipe.

The lack of melatonin leads to sleep disturbance, provokes insomnia, reduces the body's adaptation to changing time zones. It is possible to compensate for the deficiency of this hormone of the epiphysis by taking special preparations. They not only normalize sleep, but also have additional positive effects. In order for the remedy to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of admission, indications for use, and possible side effects in advance.

Melatonin is a hormone responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm of living organisms, that is, for wakefulness and sleep. The compound helps to get rid of insomnia that occurs against the background of overwork, irritability from a sudden change in the time zone. Due to these features, it is often called the "sleep hormone". Melatonin is a derivative of serotonin produced by tryptophan.

The latter is the essential amino acid L-tryptophan. The highest concentration of the hormone in the blood occurs at night, namely from midnight to five in the morning. The highest peak is reached at 2 am. During the day, melatonin levels decrease. In other words, when a person is awake, melatonin decreases and rises during sleep.

Characteristic features of the hormone

The production of melatonin is directly related to the circadian rhythm. In the light, that is, during the day, the production of the hormone decreases sharply. At night, its concentration, on the contrary, begins to increase. In summer, when daylight hours increase, melatonin synthesis is significantly reduced, while in winter, on the contrary, it increases. Age also plays an important role.

The older a person gets, the less melatonin is produced. This causes poor sleep. A person is more often tormented by insomnia, which negatively affects the phase of deep sleep. He becomes more irritable. His systems and organs cease to recover properly. Melatonin leads to a decrease in systolic pressure.

Why and when is it necessary to take the “sleep hormone”?

Melatonin is required to be taken by people in the following situations:

  1. The hormone is necessary for those who suffer from insomnia, have difficulty falling asleep due to severe overwork and prolonged wakefulness. If you increase the concentration of melatonin, sleep problems will be greatly reduced. This substance has a sedative effect and a calming effect on the nervous system.
  2. A connection is required for every person who experiences increased irritability, either due to a change in time zone or work schedule. The hormone is also useful for those who are engaged in physical activity, leading to muscle fatigue. The substance helps to relax and recover better in a dream.

The substance helps to cope with fatigue after training and overwork.

Effects and benefits

The main function of the hormone is to improve the quality of sleep. The compound takes an active part in the normalization of the processes of the endocrine system. Melatonin reduces emotional and physical activity, but only during the period when wakefulness becomes a hindrance to normal biorhythms.

The hormone also has positive side effects. It has anti-stress, antioxidant, immunostimulating, antitumor effects. In addition, it slows down the aging process. Along with general properties, the compound also has a specific effect, depending on the specific physical activity.

Athletes take melatonin primarily to improve sleep. Such an impact directly depends on the speed of the body's recovery processes after playing sports. The higher the intensity of training, the more irritated the nervous system. Such an impact negatively affects the state of the body.

The quality of sleep after heavy physical activity becomes much worse, and recovery takes much longer. If a person experiences insomnia, then the athlete will not have enough strength to perform specific tasks. Sleep allows the muscles to relax and the internal organs and nervous system to recover. The better an athlete sleeps, the faster he recovers, and athletic performance improves to a large extent.

Impact on libido

A huge amount of research has been done on this topic. They showed that there is no direct relationship between the concentration of melatonin and libido. Taking drugs that increase the level of this substance does not have a direct effect on the anabolic hormones that are responsible for the male libido.

Influence on testosterone concentration

The level of the male hormone has a positive effect on anabolic processes, sexual desire, and sexual function. Melatonin has been shown in studies to directly affect testosterone production and does not inhibit testosterone synthesis. The female hormone, called prolactin, has a negative effect on the male hormone. Such an indirect effect is possible only at certain dosages.

Relationship with prolactin

There are no specific definitive results regarding the relationship between melatonin and prolactin. Some studies have shown the absence of any effect on the female hormone, but no clarifications regarding the duration and period of exposure have been clarified.

In young people who took five milligrams per day for thirty days, an increase in prolactin levels was detected. An increase in the female hormone was recorded daily. An increase in the concentration of prolactin was observed not during the day, but at night, when the level of melatonin reached its highest concentration.

Effect on growth hormone

Somatotropin (growth hormone) is dependent on melatonin. The "sleep hormone" has a positive effect on GH, the peak concentration of which occurs at night. Both compounds are produced during the rest period. Their concentration decreases with sleep problems and insomnia, which leads to a decrease in the production of both melatonin and somatotropin.

GH has a positive effect on cell growth not only in children, but also in adults. It has catabolic and anabolic effects, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, increases the absorption of calcium in bone tissue. Somatotropin is required not only in adolescence, but also for those who are actively involved in sports. The main property of melatonin is that it has a positive effect on sleep quality and recovery. This hormone has a good effect on the production of somatotropin.

Benefits for weight loss

A lot of research is devoted to how melatonin affects a person's weight. The hormone stimulates the absorption of glucose and the accumulation of glycogen in muscle tissues. The substance stimulates an increase in the production of creatine phosphate and energy, that is, ATP. Such an effect allows you to increase energy during physical exertion. This helps to increase the duration of the training, which, in turn, contributes to greater burning of subcutaneous fat. The fat-burning effect of insulin and glucose levels helps reduce weight loss.

Indications and contraindications

It is impossible to take the drug with melatonin for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, myeloma, lymphoma, leukemia, epileptic seizures. The hormone is contraindicated for use by children who have not reached the age of twelve. For adolescents, only a specialist should prescribe drugs.

The hormone is intended to be taken in the evening. It is best to take the drug thirty minutes before going to bed. The active substance begins to act after 45-60 minutes. When taking the hormone, direct contact with bright light should be avoided. It suppresses the effect after the use of the drug. Tablets are washed down with plenty of water.

The instruction and the optimal daily dosage of the drug completely depend on which dietary supplement or pharmacy drug is taken. It is necessary to carefully study how much melatonin is contained in one tablet. The daily optimal and safe rate of the active substance is up to three milligrams. In the early days, it is recommended to take one to two milligrams, and then increase the dosage. The maximum dosage is 6 mg. Deterioration of well-being is a signal that it is necessary to stop taking the supplement.

Course duration

Melatonin is recommended to be taken within a month. A longer course (up to two months) is possible only on prescription. Next, be sure to take a break equal to a week. If the need arises, then after a week's pause, the course is repeated again. From three months to six months, the drug can be prescribed to older people who are being treated to normalize blood pressure.

In what form is the drug produced?

The supplement is sold in the form of white tablets, which are then washed down with water. Some manufacturers produce the drug in the form of chewable pills.

Medicines with melatonin

The hormone is found in the following supplements:

  1. Vita Melatonin, each tablet of which contains up to three milligrams of the active substance. Issued in the USA. One package contains 30 tablets.
  2. Melarithm containing the same amount of melatonin as the American drug. The Russian additive is produced in packs of 24 tablets.
  3. Circadin, which is a Swiss drug. One pill contains two milligrams of the hormone.
  4. Melaxen. Another American addition. Each tablet contains three milligrams of the substance.

People who are actively involved in sports are advised not to take pharmaceutical preparations, but dietary supplements. Sports nutrition manufacturers develop and produce their own supplements that have a positive effect on recovery processes after training in the sleep phase. They have a positive anti-catabolic effect when a person experiences emotional, physical stress. This effect has made these drugs popular among people leading an active lifestyle.

Biologically active sports supplements with melatonin are recommended to be taken at night (half an hour before going to bed). In addition, they are recommended for use when flying if the time zone changes. Before the flight, you should drink the supplement for an hour. You should not drink the drug before training. Inhibition of physical activity with disorientation leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the lesson. It is not recommended to drink the drug in the morning and during the day.

The best manufacturers and sports supplements

  • Optimum Nutrition with 100 tablets of 3 mg.
  • NOW Foods with 60 capsules of 3 mg.
  • Ultimate Nutrition with 60 pills of 3 mg.
  • Scitec Nutrition with 90 tablets of 1 mg.
  • Universal Nutrition with 60 pills of 5 mg.

If we compare pharmaceutical preparations and sports supplements with an active substance, then the latter are much more beneficial. The content of melatonin in each individual capsule is the same, but the number of tablets in dietary supplements is greater, but at the same time they have a lower cost.

Most of the substance is contained in rice. The amount of hormone that enters the body with food is quite small. This does not allow you to get enough dosage that would help to get positive effects in terms of improving the quality of sleep. Much more beneficial is the use of foods with L-tryptophan, which promotes the production of melatonin. To enhance the result, you need to supplement taking the hormone in the amount of 1-6 milligrams per day. It is simply impossible to obtain such dosages from ordinary food.

Melatonin during pregnancy

The supplement is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, it is not recommended to use the drug for those women who plan to become pregnant, since the hormone has a contraceptive property.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking the drug with drugs that block beta-adrenergic receptors leads to a decrease in the production of the hormone. Melatonin supplements work well with sleeping pills, which have a synergistic effect. The hormone increases the effectiveness of tamoxifen, which has an antitumor effect. It enhances the antibacterial action of isoniazid.

Side effects, risks and harms

Melatonin is considered safe to take. Some people may have individual intolerance, expressed in loss of coordination, severe dryness, vomiting, nausea. In the morning hours, some people may feel increased fatigue and poor health. Some pharmaceutical preparations cause irritability, palpitations and excitability, headache, dizziness, night sweats, loss of concentration, blurred vision, migraine.

After taking the “sleep hormone”, it is not recommended to drive a vehicle. This is due to the fact that melatonin has an effect on the decrease in attention and concentration. Do not give the drug to children, since no studies are known on how it affects them. It can slow down sexual development. An overdose also negatively affects the body if more than 30 milligrams are taken, when disorientation occurs, memory is lost, and sleep duration decreases.

Terms of sale and storage

Drugs are dispensed without a prescription, even in pharmacies. Sports supplements are freely available. The funds must be stored in the purchased packaging, in a place where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, protected from direct sunlight. Usually the shelf life of the drug is up to three years, but only under the right storage conditions.

Melatonin analogue

Tryptophan is a dietary supplement, the intake of which in a daily dosage of 500 mg promotes the synthesis of serotonin. At night, this joy hormone is converted into melatonin. In addition, this preparation contains vitamins B5, B6.

Melatonin is a hormonal drug that affects the human nervous system.

In most cases, it is used for severe stress, as a sedative, when the psyche is not able to cope with the existing tension on its own.

However, its long-term use has an immunostimulating effect, allowing you to strengthen the protective functions of the body. How to take melatonin correctly, instructions for use and contraindications, as well as prices and reviews, we will consider further.

Melatonin, called the sleep hormone, is able to activate and normalize human biological rhythms, which cannot be done on its own in a state of stress.

Therefore, its indications for use are the following disorders:

  1. Change of climatic zones with the change of time. This is especially true for those people who are forced to travel frequently from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern. The drug helps to speed up the process of adaptation to local time, normalizing all biorhythms.
  2. Insomnia of various etiologies, including those caused by severe migraines. The sedative properties of the drug, based on an increase in the concentration of the natural sleep hormone, which bears the same name, help to quickly fall asleep even in the most difficult situation.
  3. Sleep disorders. The drug helps to adjust biorhythms in such a way that a person gets a full eight-hour sleep at night, which is necessary for the rest of the whole organism.
  4. Strong psycho-emotional overexcitation. The drug inhibits the nervous system, allowing a person to relax, which is extremely important to prevent serious health consequences (prevention of stroke and heart attack).
  5. Treatment of a depressive state that lasts more than 5 days.

It has been scientifically proven that the drug slows down the aging process, so it is approved for use by elderly patients, in the absence of other contraindications.

As a prophylactic, Melatonin is prescribed for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as for patients whose work is carried out at night.

The main advantage of Melatonin over sleeping pills and other sedative drugs is that it is identical to the hormone that is synthesized by the endocrine system, so the body perceives it well, without provoking adverse reactions.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that in most cases the drug is well tolerated, there are categories of patients who should refuse to take it:

  1. Childhood and adolescence - the introduction of a hormone can provoke a hormonal imbalance, especially during puberty, when the endocrine system is under increased stress.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation - at the time of gestation, the hormonal system of a woman is constantly changing, so hormones should not be used, especially without the knowledge of a doctor. The drug is well absorbed into the blood and breast milk, which makes its use impossible during breastfeeding.
  3. Diabetes mellitus - violations of the secretion of the pancreas can be aggravated by the artificial administration of hormones.
  4. Renal failure in a chronic form - the metabolites of the drug are excreted to a greater extent in the urine, so the kidneys are under increased stress.
  5. Autoimmune diseases - Melatonin can exacerbate diseases, as well as provoke a deterioration in dynamics.
  6. Oncological diseases - the presence of a neoplasm, even a benign nature, makes taking hormonal drugs dangerous.
  7. Epilepsy.

With extreme caution, the drug is taken by persons who have a tendency to develop allergic reactions.

In this case, before starting the course of treatment, it is recommended to reduce the initial dose by 10 times, and then make sure that there are no clinical signs of allergy.

Alcohol can affect the hormonal system, making the drug less effective.

In case of increased individual intolerance, the drug is not used in therapy, replacing it with similar properties, but different in composition.

With extreme caution and under the strict supervision of doctors, the drug is used in complex therapy, excluding its simultaneous administration with drugs such as:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • other antidepressants that can increase the sedative effect.

Side effects after taking Melatonin, even if the course is long, are mild and are extremely rare.

In most cases, this is due to an independent increase in the dosage recommended by specialists, which can manifest itself in the form of:

  1. Drowsiness, a feeling of apathy, against which there is a loss of appetite, lack of mood and vitality.
  2. Disorder of sexual function, decreased libido.
  3. Hyperexcitability.
  4. Difficulty waking up in the morning, lack of appetite.

When an individual intolerance to the drug is noted, an allergic reaction may develop.

It is characterized by such clinical signs as:

  • hives - a small red rash that itches a lot;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • drying of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes;
  • angioedema.

The most dangerous manifestation, characterized by a rapid course, is anaphylactic shock. In 35% of cases, death occurs immediately. The cause of anaphylaxis is an acute reaction of the immune system to the repeated introduction of the allergen.

When signs of an allergic reaction appear, it is important to quickly provide first aid by injecting a dose of an antihistamine and a sorbent into the body that can reduce the content of toxins in the intestines. You should also call an ambulance, describing in detail the patient's condition, and what exactly it was caused by.

Perhaps the following topic will be of interest to you:. What foods contain melatonin and is it possible to obtain this substance from food in sufficient quantities.

Dosage and administration

The dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment depends entirely on what disorder the patient is worried about. There are two options for taking Melatonin:

  1. The course of treatment, at least 10 days, allows you to normalize biorhythms and metabolic processes in the body. Effective in severe mental disorders. The dosage is selected individually. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 20 days, after which a break of at least 30 days is required.
  2. Single doses - recommended if insomnia is not associated with a mental disorder and is a single occurrence.

Scientific studies have shown that even small doses of Melatonin can have a therapeutic effect. As a single dose of the drug, it is recommended to use half a tablet, which is quite enough for a good night's sleep.

Despite the fact that the drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription and is freely available, it cannot be used on its own, which can provoke a number of adverse reactions that are dangerous for the body. At home, it is impossible to determine which dosage is the most optimal for a particular case, so it is better not to experiment with your own health, giving preference to the experience of a doctor.

Tablets are taken 30-40 minutes before bedtime with a small amount of warm water, which speeds up the process of their splitting.

Since the drug has a sedative effect, its use during the daytime is not recommended, especially when it is planned to perform activities that require increased concentration of attention: driving vehicles, technological process, etc.

The maximum daily dose of the drug, which does not contribute to the development of adverse reactions, is 6 mg. Usually the therapeutic dose is 1-3 mg. This is quite enough to get a good sleep and rest. In the case when it is difficult to wake up in the morning, and the feeling of drowsiness accompanies the whole day, the dosage should be halved.

When choosing the optimal dosage, indicators such as:

  1. Age - the older the person, the more carefully the amount of Melatonin is chosen so as not to provoke the development of negative consequences.
  2. Gender - in women, the hormonal system is more active, so a third of the pill is enough for them to sleep soundly, while a double dose may be required for a man.
  3. Weight - in the presence of excess weight, the dose is increased by 1 mg for every 30 kg. In the presence of obesity, it is important to make sure that there is no diabetes mellitus, which acts as a contraindication to taking this medicine.

To enhance the effect of the drug will help foods that contain substances that precede the active production of the sleep hormone:

  • eggs;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • lean fish.

It should also be taken into account that the level of melatonin in the body can be increased to dangerous levels when a person, in addition to Melatonin, simultaneously uses other hormonal-type sedative drugs.

This should be taken into account in complex therapy in order to avoid the development of unwanted side reactions.


If for some reason the dose recommended by the doctor has been increased several times, signs of an overdose may develop. The clinical picture will depend on how much the dose is increased. Intoxication occurs already with a five-fold increase in the maximum daily dose.

An overdose is manifested as follows:

  1. Intoxication of the body - nausea and abdominal pain, sometimes with vomiting and diarrhea. Severe chills, palpitations, arrhythmia.
  2. Loss of consciousness - lack of reactions to an external stimulus, decrease in body temperature, convulsions. In rare cases, there is a medical coma.

In case of diagnosing symptoms of an overdose, you should immediately call an ambulance, as well as perform a number of first aid actions:

  • clear the contents of the stomach, causing a gag reflex;
  • reduce the concentration of toxins by introducing sorbents;
  • put a cleansing enema, the water for which should be boiled, but at room temperature.

In no case should you increase the dosage of Melatonin, since in large quantities it can provoke an increased load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys. Nephrotoxicity is the most dangerous, because it can lead to degenerative processes in the kidneys, which will lead to their further failure.

Cost and analogues

A package of 90 tablets, with a dosage of 3 mg, will cost the buyer 860-900 rubles.

Any other variations of melatonin, depending on the intended use, may have excellent prices.

Medicines that have a similar therapeutic effect can be considered the following:

  • Melaxen;
  • Circadin;
  • Melapur;
  • Melaton;
  • Yukalin.

In many countries, melatonin is not considered a drug, referring it to a group of food supplements.