New form of request to the registry. How to make a request for information from Rosreestr

Usually realtors take over the solution of the problem. But it is also important for the buyer himself to understand the mechanism for obtaining information, since it may be needed not only during a sale and purchase transaction. In what ways you can collect information about the owner of the apartment, we will tell in the article.

How to find the owner of an apartment

In addition to preparing for a sale and purchase transaction, information about the owner of the apartment may be required in conflict or contentious situations - for example, if you are flooded by neighbors from above or people with obvious antisocial behavior live next door. When filing a complaint against negligent neighbors with an official authority or with a statement of claim in court, you will have to involve the owner of the apartment as a defendant. The owner himself is unlikely to show you the documents for the apartment, and he will not give information in a conflict situation, so you will have to get it yourself.

Faced with such a problem, it is important to know that information about the owner of the apartment is open and any citizen of the Russian Federation who needs it can get it. There are several instances that have information about the owners of the apartment:

  • ZhEK. Information about all owners, as well as persons registered in apartments, is fully stored in housing maintenance companies. By contacting there, if there is a good reason, you can get the information you are interested in. The disadvantage of this method is that the Housing Office is not obliged to issue such information. And even if you persuade employees to provide them, you most likely will not receive an official document with seals and signatures, which will have weight in court.
  • BTI. Has information about all apartment owners. Information is issued on the basis of a notarial and judicial request or an application from the owner.
  • Notaries. When performing procedural actions, notaries have the right to obtain any information of interest about the owner of the apartment. However, it will be possible to obtain such information only if you are a future buyer of an apartment and are preparing to certify a housing purchase and sale transaction.
  • Tax office. Real estate tax is always paid by apartment owners, so there is information about them in the tax office. You can apply there with a statement and indicate the reasons for providing such information (they must be very convincing).
  • Rosreestr. This information resource provides an opportunity to obtain information about real estate and its owners, as well as encumbrances in relation to it.

Ways to obtain information about the owner from Rosreestr

Any person can obtain information from the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) by contacting the territorial office at the place of residence. In Rosreestr you can get not only information about the owner, but also an official document - an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights (EGRP).

There are several ways to get information from Rosreestr:

  1. Through the registration office. The advantage of this method is that, by contacting Rosreestr personally, you will receive an official document with the seal and signature of an authorized person, which you can use in court. The procedure for obtaining an extract from the USRR is as follows:
    • apply to the registration chamber with an application;
    • pay the state duty (200 rubles);
    • receive a receipt from the chamber employee that the data has been accepted for processing, and agree on the date of receipt of the extract;
    • on the agreed day, having a passport in hand, receive an extract.
  2. With the help of intermediary companies. You can choose a company providing this type of service via the Internet, and by filling out the appropriate form, place an order online. This method is somewhat more expensive, but the courier will bring the necessary document to your home or to the place you specified.
  3. On the official website of Rosreestr

Step-by-step instructions for filling out an electronic request in Rosreestr

Information from Rosreestr can also be obtained electronically. It will cost less than a paper statement (150 rubles). To submit an electronic request, follow these steps:

  • Go to the federal portal of Rosreestr in the "Electronic Services" section.
  • In the "Electronic Services" section, select the "Submit a request for information from the USRR" subsection.
  • Fill out the form for requesting information from the USRR.
  • Select the type of statement you are interested in.
  • Fill in information about the property (mandatory fields are marked with exclamation marks).
  • Select the method by which you want to receive the information you are interested in. An extract can be obtained:
    • in paper form using the postal item (you need to specify the address to which the extract will be sent);
    • obtaining an extract from the territorial department;
    • electronically (you must specify your e-mail).
  • Fill in the information about the applicant.
  • Check the details and click the "Submit Request" option.
  • A payment code will be sent to your e-mail to make payment.
  • Pay for the service with a bank card, through a terminal or an electronic wallet.
  • An electronic statement will be sent to your email.

It should be noted that the electronic statement will be informational in nature and will not have legal force. Therefore, if you need an official document that can be used in court, it is better to contact the Rosreestr authorities and receive the document in person.

Electronic request to Rosreestr: easy and simple

Inquiry? Even at night

Providing information from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (EGRP) is one of the most popular public services provided by the regional Department of Rosreestr. As a rule, an extract from the USRR is necessary in order to establish the real estate object itself before making a transaction with it or to determine the owner who owns this or that real estate, as well as to avoid disputes and ambiguous situations related to the rights to real estate objects. To ensure comfort, convenience and save time for applicants to receive an extract from the USRR, Rosreestr has established the possibility of sending requests for information from the USRR in electronic form through the official website of Rosreestr (

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The electronic method of sending a request, of course, has a number of advantages compared to a request in paper form. The main advantages of an electronic request are that the information is provided online, the Rosreestr website is open around the clock, the request can be made directly at home, in the office, or anywhere else, the main thing is to have Internet access.

It should be emphasized that the creation of an electronic request is not difficult, it occurs by filling in the fields in a special request form on the Rosreestr website, it is available to any category of applicants and does not require any special knowledge and skills. Moreover, in order to obtain an extract from the USRR on the registered rights to a real estate object or on the transfer of rights to it, such applicants as individuals and legal entities do not even need a digital signature.

On an easy route

Now let's dwell in more detail on the procedure for generating an electronic request. To do this, the applicant, first of all, needs to go to the official website of Rosreestr in the section "Public services", then in the subsection "Providing information on registered rights and real estate transactions", then in the tab "Electronic services", where select "New information request form from USRR" and fill out the proposed request form.

To complete the request form, follow these steps:

- indicate the type of information requested from the USRR (for example, an extract on registered rights to a real estate object containing publicly available information, an extract on the transfer of rights to a real estate object);

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- specify the property: either it will be an arbitrary object in manual mode, or find the object using the online query service.

The “Find via online request” service is quite an interesting and valuable service for the applicant, thanks to which any person can obtain background information about all real estate objects registered in the USRR, as well as about their characteristics. Search through an online request is carried out according to one of three criteria: cadastral number, conditional number or address. The applicant receives a response immediately. Using the information received, you can check the compliance of the following data of the real estate object: cadastral number, exact address, area, floor, etc., or, for example, obtain information about residential and non-residential premises that are part of an apartment building, the rights to which are registered in the EGRP. In the column "Rights and restrictions" you can find out the date of registration of ownership.

If, when filling out an electronic request form through the “Find via online request” service, a property is found, then you can accept it in the proposed request form, which eliminates the need to manually enter information about the property in the request form. After that, you need to choose the method of providing the document: in the form of a paper or electronic document.

Most applicants have an erroneous opinion that an electronic request can only be answered in electronic form. However, in reality, applicants have the right to choose: either to receive an extract from the Unified State Register on paper with the signature of the state registrar and the seal of the body that carries out the state registration of rights, or receive it in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic digital signature of the state registrar to the applicant’s email address.

At the end of the request process, you must:

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– go to the information about the applicant and fill in the proposed fields;

- check the entered data, if necessary, make changes to the request;

Finally, send the request.

If all the information is entered correctly by the applicant, then a letter will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the request indicating the application number and payment code. Using this number, you can make a payment and track the status of the request.

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Payment for providing information from the USRR should be made in one of the convenient ways: through the Rosreestr portal using the QIWI Wallet payment system, a plastic card or through QIWI terminals. After confirmation of payment, the request is sent to the Office for execution. It should be especially noted that for requests submitted by applicants in electronic form, the Office has a reduced time limit for their consideration.

For more information on the procedure for submitting an electronic request for the provision of information contained in the USRR, and the list of required documents for submitting such a request, please visit the official website of Rosreestr ( or contact tel. (, (.

We hope that the information provided by the Department will be useful to all residents of our city and region, as well as state authorities and local governments.

Officially reliable way to find out the owner of the apartment

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A short story instead of an introduction: we advised the visitor on methods for checking the legal purity of an apartment before buying. During the consultation, we found out that he decided to insure himself before buying an apartment and find out the full names of the real owners. To do this, he turned to a law firm, where he paid 1,500 rubles. For this money, he was blatantly deceived - you can find out the owners of the apartment on your own and for a smaller amount. That is why we decided to write this article.

There are no ways to find out the passport data of the owners of the apartment in the article. Passport data belongs to the category of personal data, therefore it is prohibited to distribute and use them without the permission of the subject. With the help of our article, you can only find out the full name of the owners or, if the apartment belongs to an organization, then its name.

It is not publicly available on the Rosreestr website.

Important! Previously, Rosreestr separately included the Unified State Register of Rights (EGRP) and the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN). The Unified State Register of Real Estate contained information about the owners of real estate, but from January 1, 2017, the Unified State Register of Real Estate and the State Property Committee combined and transferred all the data to one register - the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN). Now information about the owners is in the USRN.

Information about owners is not displayed on the Rosreestr website, because only part of the information about real estate is uploaded to the public from the USRN. See for yourself: 1) go to the page “Reference information on real estate objects online; 2) select the checkbox "Address"; 3) Enter an address. Here are examples of entering the address - No. 1, No. 2, No. 3); 4) At the bottom, click on the "Create a request" button; 5) On the page that opens, click on the address of the apartment. As you can see, there is no data on copyright holders in the public domain on the Rosreestr website. And so it is with all real estate. For example, we entered the address of Moscow, Valovaya St., 6, apt. 15, and this is the reference information we received from the USRN. The owners of the apartment are not shown.

An extract from the USRN will help

The official name is "an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and registered rights to the property." In our case, the property is an apartment. As mentioned above, the USRN contains information about real estate, including about the owners. To find out this information, you just need an extract from the USRN for the apartment of interest.

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We will not list the information that is in the statement, it is better to look at the sample below. In section No. 2, in paragraph No. 1.1 “Copyright holder”, the owner of the apartment is shown. We painted over the full name in the sample, because we have no right to “shine” like this without permission.

Service for ordering an extract from the USRN, which we ourselves use

An extract from the USRN is provided in electronic and paper form. The electronic version is great for getting to know who is the owner of the apartment. Any person (not even a citizen of the Russian Federation) can order it for any real estate in the Russian Federation. After payment, the document will be sent by e-mail and it can be printed.

An electronic statement can be ordered on the Rosreestr website itself and in the service. The cost of the order on both sites is 250r. and extracts also have an electronic digital signature of the Rosreestr registrar (EDS), i.e. extracts from also have official and reliable information from the USRN. It is better to order an extract from the service. Why? Read below.

We ordered 5 extracts for 5 apartments both on and on the Rosreestr website. We compared order processes according to 3 criteria:

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  • Average time to receive statements

C - 32 min., Rosreestr - 47 h.

Someone pro unconditionally wins, but the paradox is that he receives official information from the Rosreestr itself (therefore, extracts from it also have official and reliable information). Most likely, receives information, processes it and provides it in the form of an extract faster, or maybe employees simply perform their duties better. We once received an extract after 7 hours and in support they wrote to us that the Rosreestr servers were overloaded. This rarely happens and usually in such cases an extract is sent up to a maximum of 24 hours. sends statements in .html format, which open correctly in any browser, have a readable appearance and can be printed. From Rosreestr, you will receive an extract in an unreadable .xml format. To transfer the statement to a readable format, you need to do a few extra steps, where the graphic plan is not always displayed correctly.

On the site, the order fields are easily and intuitively filled in, which are much smaller. Also, when ordering, your passport data is not required. On the website of Rosreestr, it is difficult to understand what to fill out and in what form, plus when ordering, you must fill in all the passport data.

The result - the best service turned out to be, because. through it it is more convenient to order an extract, they will send it faster and in a readable form. At the same time, the cost is the same as on the Rosreestr website - 250 rubles. All 5 extracts from had the same information from the USRN as 5 extracts from the official website of Rosreestr. The only thing is that in the extracts from there is no graphic plan of the apartments, but it is not needed.

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Instructions for ordering an extract on

See below for step by step ordering instructions with pictures. For clarity, we ourselves ordered an extract from the USRN for an apartment at Moscow, st. Vostochnaya, 13. We will not show the apartment number itself.

If you need the city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, then type in the "Region" field. To search for other settlements, first enter the name of the region in the appropriate fields and only then the name of the settlement.

In the "Street" field, enter only the name of the street, lane, boulevard, etc.

If there is a building in the apartment address, then do not worry that there is no corresponding field. Enter the address without the body, click on the "Find" button and in the next window select the address that contains the desired body.

Here's what happened with our example.

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(click on pictures to enlarge them)

If the message “Rosreestr cannot provide information about the requested property is displayed. Check the correctness of the entered data and try again "- this means that the wrong address is entered or the Rosreestr servers are "slowing down" (this happens). We advise you to double-check the address, and if it is correct, then wait a bit and try again.

Also, if the message “There is no information in the electronic database of the USRN Rosreestr. Perhaps the last transaction for this object was earlier than 2000, or the object has the status “previously recorded”. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide an extract for this object ”- this means that Rosreestr in the region (subject of the Russian Federation) where the property is located began to register transactions since 2000 (in some regions since 1998). Until 2000, transactions were registered at the BTI, so the BTI has information about the copyright holders. The difficulty is that only the owners themselves or someone with a notarized power of attorney from them can request this information.

A list of payment methods will be provided to choose from - via Qiwi, a terminal, a bank card, from a mobile phone balance, an electronic wallet, etc.

The most convenient for us were payment from a bank card and from the balance of a mobile phone. To pay with a bank card, select the appropriate checkbox, click on the "Pay" button, enter the card details in the window that opens and click on the "Pay 250 rubles" button. To pay from a mobile phone, select the payment method "Other methods", click on the "Pay" button and select a mobile operator on the page that opens.

After payment, go to the email address you previously specified and open the letter from the postal address. Also check your spam folder, sometimes emails end up there. It will contain the login and password from your personal account in the service, (1). In this letter, click on the "Activate Personal Account" button (2).

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If the letter does not arrive for a long time, write to support.

To enter your personal account, click on the "My Account" button on the top right, in the window that opens, enter your email and password, and click on "Login". We remind you that the password was provided in the letter to activate the account.

This time the statement was ready in 37 minutes, below is a screenshot of it. To download the statement, click on the middle button with the down arrow. The statement is downloaded in .html format, which can be opened in any browser. The picture below shows everything. To print, click on the button on the right with the printer sign. To download the original extract file with the electronic digital signature of the Rossreestr registrar (EDS), click on the button on the left. The file in the archive in .sig format is the digital signature.

Here is a screenshot of an example letter from which you can also download the document.

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Here is the extract itself, which we ordered for an example. In section No. 2 in paragraph No. 1.1 "Copyright holder" the full name of the owner of the apartment is indicated. The full name in the sample was painted over, because we have no right to “shine” like this without permission.

(click on the sample to enlarge it)

If you have any questions, please consult a lawyer ↓.

You can ask your question in the form below, in the comments, in the online consultant window at the bottom right of the screen, or call the numbers (24 hours a day, seven days a week): - Moscow and the region; - St. Petersburg and the region; dobvse regions of the Russian Federation.

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Good day! Sent a request for release. 2 hours have passed and nothing.

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Hello, Elena. When ordering an extract, it is indicated - Dear visitors, please note that Rosreestr is currently carrying out technical work. As a result, there are delays in order processing.

We are not the owners of the service, but we order there ourselves. Write to their support.

When switching to payment for an extract from the USRN, there is a birdie to save the card data. And it can't be removed. What does it sound like?

Hello Vadim. I have it removed. When you order an extract, your personal account is created on the service. If in the future you want to order another statement again and again through the card, you can save the card data so that you do not fill it out again when ordering. Just made for your convenience. As I wrote, the bird can be removed. And under the "Pay" button there is a postscript: We do not store or process bank card data. All transactions are performed in the CloudPayments processing center, certified according to the international PCI DSS payment card security standard.

P.S. I am not the owner of this service, but I simply order extracts for myself there.

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Can you tell me why section 2 is missing?

Hello Dmitry. Perhaps the property does not have owners, i.e. it is municipal (state). Please describe your situation in more detail.

Hello. The sole owner of the apartment has died, after what time the information will be updated in the statement. and what needs to be done.

Who submits information about the change of ownership, while the heirs share the apartment for 6 months.

Hello, Elena. After the end of the inheritance case, information about the change of ownership is submitted by a notary. This can also be done by new owners. In Rosreestr, information will change approximately 7 days after the submission of documents.

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Good day!

Will the owner of the apartment find out that a request was made for his apartment?

Hello Olga. No, he won't.

Doesn’t recognize it at all (even if you indicate your passport data in the registry) or only when making a request through your website?

Hello Alexey. Thanks for the clarification. Only if through the service indicated by us. Because when ordering through it, you do not need to indicate your passport data. If you order an extract through the Rosreestr website or at the MFC, then you need to indicate your data. This means that the owner of the apartment, if he wants, will be able to recognize them if he orders a certificate about the persons who received information about the real estate object.

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Is it possible to find out the phone number of the owner of the apartment through such an extract?

Tenants often make noise and want to contact the owner, whose name and contacts the tenants hide.

Hello Olga. No, the phone number is not indicated in the statement, the full name of the owners is indicated. I advise you to contact the district police officer in this case, he will have to react.


Hello Olga. You can order an extract on the transfer of rights to real estate, which contains information about all owners, both current and former. It also indicates the dates of who and in what years was the owner of the apartment - more details here. But only the full name is shown in it, because The date of birth is personal data and cannot be obtained without the consent of the person. You can, for example, take the last name and first name and enter them in a search on social networks. Many people add their date of birth to their profiles.

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I went to the email address I previously specified, the letter from the postal address has not been available for 2 days and, apparently, will not be. Accordingly, I don’t have either a login or a password from my personal account in the service! Divorced for money is called.

Hello, Natalia. Have you checked the Spam folder? In Gmail mail, letters from there are often transferred.

Hurrah! Right in Spam. A thousand apologies. Received an extract. But from the extract, I wanted information about the full name of the owner of the apartment that floods us, but does not want to talk to us, but it turned out that this data is not in the USRR extract 🙁

How can you find out who the owner of the apartment is?

Natalia, it cannot be that the owner's name is not in the extract. What exactly is written in it? That there is no data from the USRR?

2. Copyright holder(s): 2.1. Moscow city

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Natalia, it means that the apartment is not privatized, but municipal and belongs to the city of Moscow. It is not the owners who live in this apartment, but most likely tenants under a social tenancy or lease agreement. Why do you want to know their name?

I wanted information about the name of the owner of the apartment that floods us.

File a lawsuit.

Natalia, go to court and describe the whole situation. Say that you are flooded and the tenants refuse to tell you your full name. Applications must be accepted.

Thank you for your attention 🙂

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First you write:

... The Rosreestr website will not help ...

on the official website of Rosreestr there is nothing about the owners ...

Then you write:

... The service for obtaining an extract from the USRR, which we ourselves use:

An electronic statement can be ordered on the official website of Rosreestr ...

i.e. first you write to Rosreestr not to apply, and then you write that you can contact Rosreestr...

Hello. It is written that there is no information in the public domain on the Rosreestre website.

Good afternoon. Filled in the "Address" data.

The building was not put down (there are 3 buildings near the house).

What can be wrong?

Hello Andrei. Write to the support service of the service. The button to contact support is on their website at the bottom. Or write to

Good day! I found my property by entering the address on the whopro website. But the cadastral number that is displayed does not match the one indicated on my certificate of ownership. What is the reason?

Hello, Natalia. There can be many reasons. Perhaps they made a mistake in Rosreestre. Also, in the years, many objects have changed their cadastral numbers, because. was the formation of a new register of cadastral registration. Therefore, contact Rosreestr and clarify. If the cadastral number has changed due to the new register, then you will need to issue a new certificate with a new cadastral number. To do this, contact the Registration, Cadastral Chamber or MFC, where you need to apply for a re-issuance of a certificate in connection with a change in the cadastral number. A package of documents: a certificate of registration of rights, a cadastral passport, a receipt for payment of the state. fees (200 rubles) and a passport.

Currently, Certificates of registration of property rights are not issued.

Good day! Ordered and paid for an extract from the USRR. Email with username and password did not arrive. what to do?

Hello, Natalia. Write to the support service of the service. The website button is at the bottom.

Hello! The extract from the USRR does not contain the owner's passport data.

Is it possible to recognize them somehow, because there are a lot of Ivanov Ivanov Ivanovich.

Hello Kirill. In the usual (official) access, passport data is not indicated anywhere. Passport data is confidential information, belongs to the category of personal data, in addition, distribution and use is prohibited without the permission of the subject.

Region-Moscow, Settlement-Moscow, no matches found line appears, after clicking Find, against the Region-red rectangle - The field is not filled, a dead end ...

If it says "No matches found", then the address is incorrect. Write here or email, I'll try to find and send the result.

Sent a request, waiting for a response.

Replied to mail.

Good afternoon. In the Region field I write Moscow and he writes that the field is not filled, what should I do?

Hello, Alexander. I checked, the region was filled when entering Moscow. Try again.

At the request "Extract from the USRR online" in the field "region" there is no Republic of Crimea, what should I do?

Hello Pavel. Then you can order an extract from the USRR through the Registration Chamber, the Cadastral Chamber or the MFC (Multifunctional Center). You can also order online through the official website of Rosreestr. Methods of obtaining are specified in this article in more detail - link. Read it carefully.

The site gives out such information - “There is no information in the electronic database of the USRR Rosreestr. Perhaps the last transaction for this object was earlier than 2000, or the object has the status “previously recorded”. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide an extract for this object"

What does it mean - "previously accounted" status.

Hello Irina. This means that Rosreestr in the region (subject of the Russian Federation) where the property is located began to register transactions since 2000. Until 2000, transactions were registered at the BTI, so the BTI has information about who is the owner of the apartment. BUT the difficulty is that only the owner of the apartment or by proxy from him can request information about the owner (owners) of the apartment.

On the website of RosReestr in the reference information on real estate objects online in the section Rights and restrictions

№/….-645 dated 04.05.2008 (Property)

№/….-644 dated 05/04/2008 (Participation in the transaction)

What does this limitation mean?

Hello, Elena. The mark "Participation in the transaction" can mean a lot. For example, this property is mortgaged or transferred under a share agreement, etc. Those. there is nothing definite in this entry. Moreover, online information from the Rosreestr website is not always up-to-date. Therefore, order an extract from the USRR for this property, everything will be indicated in detail in it. How to order this extract is indicated in the article.

The service, who operates there in all cities? For some reason, it is impossible to carry out an operation on Balashikha. Please check that the information you entered is correct and try again."

Ivan, it says that the wrong address has been entered or the Rosreestr servers are “slowing down” (this happens). I advise you to check everything, or if the address is correct, then wait a bit, and then try again.

  • Admin on Officially reliable way to find out the owner of the apartment
  • Admin on Self-registration of a donation for an apartment in the MFC or the Registration Chamber
  • Admin on We independently arrange the donation of a share of an apartment
  • Admin on Donating a share of an apartment at a notary: how is it done, how much does it cost and what documents are needed
  • Elena on We independently arrange the donation of a share of an apartment

For a free legal consultation

  • Moscow and region St. Petersburg and region ext 346 all regions of the Russian Federation

Where and how can I find out who owns the apartment?

In some cases, verification of the owner of the apartment is necessary. For example, with its help, you can avoid a situation where, after paperwork for the purchase of an apartment, it turns out that it did not belong to the seller at all or was mortgaged. You can find out the owner's data in a short time using a special Internet service, paying a small state fee and without resorting to intermediaries.

When is a request required?

There are a number of situations in which it is important to know the name of the owner of a property, including an apartment. The main ones include:

  • Drawing up a contract of sale. When buying an apartment, you must be sure that the seller is really its owner, and the housing itself does not have any encumbrances and arrests.
  • When filing a lawsuit in court in case your neighbors, for example, flooded you. It is far from always that people in such a situation say their real name and surname, and when drawing up a claim, it is necessary to indicate the defendant.

Where can you find out?

You can find out information about who is the owner of the property in several instances:

  • In the JEC. In the instance, you can get information about the owner of the apartment, but please note that employees are not required to give out such information, and besides, it is not a fact that you will receive an official document with seals.
  • In BTI, but information is issued only at the request of a judge or notary, or at the request of the owner.
  • At a notary, but you can get information only if you are preparing to conclude a contract of sale for an apartment.
  • In the tax office, but at the same time, the application must indicate the reasons why you need to know the name of the owner. If the tax authority considers the reasons significant, you will be given the information you are interested in.
  • In Rosreestre. This is the simplest and most efficient method of obtaining information, because you do not need to be the owner of the apartment or indicate the reason for the request to submit a request. For information, you can contact Rosreest in person or leave an electronic application.

Personal appeal to Rosreestr

Those who are used to acting the old fashioned way can contact Rosreest personally. The request process is as follows:

  1. You come to the Rosreestr branch at the place of residence and take a form or sample application and data for paying the state duty there.
  2. After writing the application and payment, you hand over the papers and receive a receipt for their acceptance.
  3. Come on the appointed day to receive an extract. It is important to have your passport with you.

Electronic request

The second way is more modern and convenient. Since 2017, you can find data on real estate in the Unified State Register of Real Estate or abbreviated USRN.

To make a request, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the first of four forms by entering:
  • type of object - apartment or house, residential area;
  • cadastral number or conditional number, if any;
  • the address of the object, which includes such data - the region and district, the name of the settlement, the street and the number of the house, apartment;
  • choose in what form to receive the document - in the form of a link to an electronic document or a paper document with receipt at the territorial department or sent by mail;
  • indicate the address to which the statement should be sent - electronic or postal.
  1. Enter the captcha and click the button below to proceed to the next step.
  2. At the second stage, a form is already filled out, in which information about the applicant is indicated:
  • the type of applicant is selected - an individual, a notary or a lawyer, an arbitration manager or even a foreign person;
  • the category that the person has;
  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • if available - SNILS;
  • type of identity document. A passport, military ID, temporary identity card, international passport or diplomatic passport, other documents are allowed;
  • passport data (other selected document) - series and number, place and date of issue;
  • contact details - telephone, e-mail address and postal address.
  1. A check mark is placed next to the item on the consent to the transfer of personal data to Rosreestr and the button "Go to the documents attached to the request" is clicked.
  2. The third step involves adding documents that you consider necessary to submit. This item can be filled in or skipped.
  3. At the last stage, all entered data is checked, the request is submitted for processing.

After sending the request, you need to check your email. Payment information must be sent to it. After paying the state fee, we are waiting for the results.

What information can be obtained?

A request to Rosreestr allows you to get the following information:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the property.
  • The address.
  • cadastral number of the object.
  • Area size.
  • The presence of arrests and finding an apartment in pledge.
  • Date, type and number of registration of the right to property.
  • Availability of participation in shared construction.
  • Claim.
  • The presence of lawsuits on the apartment.
  • The presence of marks on the decision to withdraw the object into state ownership.

Please note that the owner's passport details are not provided. This is due to the fact that they are personal data. But even the information received is enough to check the seller for honesty.

Terms and cost

The average processing time for a submitted application is 3 working days.

If a request for the issuance of an electronic document has been submitted, then after this period you will already know who is the owner of the property. When requesting a paper version, a lot depends on the work of the mail.

Payment depends on whether you are an individual or a legal entity, in what form the answer is provided. In general, the Rosreest website indicates that the cost of providing the service:

  • For individuals will be from 300 rubles.
  • For legal entities - from 950.

You can find out more about the prices for services on the same official website of Rosreestr by clicking on the link

If there is no information in the registry, then you are not required to pay. The funds you spent will be returned to your account.

Video: Instructions for obtaining information about property owners in Rosreestr

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a five-minute video, which provides detailed video instructions for submitting a request to Rosreestr. With the help of the video, you can see the sample forms that you have to fill out, as well as the response form that you will receive:

You can get information about the owner of the apartment on the Rosreest website by filling out an electronic application and paying the state duty. Within three days after submitting the application, it will be reviewed and you will receive an extract from the register, which will contain basic information about the apartment, including the name of its owner.

Here you can download a sample extract from the USRR for an apartment. To the land plot To view the data from the USRR, you need to go to the official website of the state organization. It should be noted that any information on the land does not predetermine any secrecy. All data is in public view. Here you can download a sample extract from the USRR for the land plot. Today, many have become interested in land under individual housing construction. Even information about the purpose and type of land is provided to absolutely everyone. Procedure To make a USRR request, you need to fill out the appropriate application form. This can be done via the Internet or by visiting the Rosreestr branch in person. Whichever method is chosen, in any case, you will need to pay a state fee. Then provide proof of payment. The specialist will tell you when it will be necessary to come.

Request forms


Such an extract is called complete and it contains all the information about real estate and transactions with it. Via the Internet (online) To apply via the Internet, you just need to go to the official website of Rosreestr. A menu will open where you need to select the item about USRR.

Then fill in the required fields. The document is provided within a few days - usually no more than 5. However, if a request for an extract is made using the Internet portal, this does not mean at all that you do not need to pay a state fee. Moreover, issuing an extract from the USRR in this way is a bit more expensive.
In electronic form If you submit a request through the official website of Rosreestr, you can save a lot of time. The only, but very significant drawback is that the document is provided in electronic form. It cannot be printed correctly and has no legal effect.

USRP request sample form


The name of the rights registration authority to which the applicant submitted a request in person, by mail or in electronic form is indicated. If a request for personal appeal is submitted to a federal state budgetary institution, endowed by the decision of the authorized body with the authority to receive requests and issue documents in the form of which information is provided, the applicant, at his own request, can indicate either this institution or the territorial body of the authorized body operating on the territory of the cadastral county where the institution is located. If the request is submitted in the form of a paper document when contacting the multifunctional center in person, the multifunctional center to which the request was submitted is indicated.

The order of the request to the egrp

It is filled in by the applicants specified in parts 13, 14, 16 of Article 62 of the Law, as well as in parts 1, 3 of Article 63 of this Law, another federal law, in cases provided for by the Procedure for providing information contained in the USRN, as well as by the body providing state or municipal service, a state non-budgetary fund, its territorial body, an organization subordinate to a state body or a local government body, a multifunctional center participating in the provision of state or municipal services provided for by Part 1 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-ФЗ “On organization of the provision of state and municipal services” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, N 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, Art. 2038; N 27, Art. 3873, 3880; N 29, Art. 4291; N 30, 4587; No. 49, article 7061; 2012, No. 31, art.

Request for an extract from the USRP

A copy of the mortgage bond with a note on the transfer of rights under the mortgage bond to the applicant A copy of the depo account statement containing information about the applicant as the owner of the mortgage bond (when depository accounting of the mortgage bond) A copy of the document confirming the transfer of rights under the mortgage bond to the applicant as a result of the reorganization of a legal entity or by inheritance A copy of the court decision that has entered into force on the recognition of the rights to the mortgage bond for the applicant 7Signature I hereby confirm: the information included in the request is reliable; are valid and contain reliable information; the applicant has the right to receive information provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No.

Request for information from the USRP

Please provide information: copyright holder: individual: last name, first name, patronymic (in full): date of birth: year of birth, citizenship: Russian Federation type, series and number, date of issue of an identity document: address of permanent or predominant residence: in the form of: extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It on the Rights of an Individual to Real Estate Items He Owns on the Territory of: Federation or municipal formation (municipal formations), the name (names) of the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation or the municipal formation (municipal formations) is indicated.

Request form in USR

It is filled in by officials of federal state bodies, the list of which is determined by the President of the Russian Federation, authorized by the decisions of the heads of these bodies, if the relevant information is necessary for exercising the powers of these bodies in the established field of activity, including for the provision of state or municipal services. The seal of the relevant public authority, local self-government body, other body, state non-budgetary fund, its territorial body, notary, multifunctional center is affixed in cases provided for by the Procedure for providing information contained in the USRN, to a request submitted in the form of a paper document by the applicant specified in parts 13 of article 62 of the Law, as well as parts 1, 3 of article 63 of the Law.
Additional information (if any) is indicated, for example: inventory number of the object, number of floors, etc. When describing the copyright holder, the following must be indicated: the name of the legal entity, TIN and ORGN - for a Russian legal entity, the name and country of incorporation, KIO - for a foreign legal entity; for the Russian Federation - the words "Russian Federation", for a subject of the Russian Federation - the full name of the subject of the Russian Federation, for a municipality - the full name of the municipality (according to the charter of the municipality), for a foreign state - the full name of the foreign state.

An example of filling out a request to the registry for the provision of information

The term of the expected response to a request submitted by a body providing a state or municipal service, a state off-budget fund, its territorial body, an organization subordinate to a state body or a local self-government body participating in the provision of state or municipal services provided for in part 1 of article 1 of Law N 210 is indicated, multifunctional center in cases where the applicant is a multifunctional center, on the basis of interdepartmental requests, in order to provide state or municipal services and (or) maintain basic state information resources in order to provide state or municipal services.
Form The application is drawn up on a form issued by an employee of Rosreestr. Or, if the procedure takes place using the Internet, an online form is filled out. A request for the provision of information from the USRR for real estate is a standard form, it can be obtained from a specialist in the registration chamber. A request form for an extract from the USRR is available here. Who can apply for information? Information can be requested by any legal or natural person. It should be noted that the data via the Internet is provided for informational purposes only.
Firms, organizations that have an electronic digital signature can receive an extended extract from the USRR. And also the owner or his authorized representative can apply for the provision of the document. Obtaining an extract Obtaining a document is a simple procedure if everything is done correctly.

Sample request to the registry office for information sample

The procedure for sending a request to Rosreestr The request can be sent:

  1. by mail with written documents;
  2. at a personal appearance in Rosreestr;
  3. through the Rosreestr website by filling out an electronic form;
  4. upon personal appearance at the Multifunctional Center with written documents;
  5. in case of personal appearance in the cadastral chamber by written documents;
  6. from home with the help of field service with written documents.

When sending a request, an official unified form is filled out containing information:

  • about the necessary information about real estate: its type, area, cadastral number, address;
  • on the form of the extract;
  • about the most appropriate way to obtain information;
  • about the applicant, and when the case is handled by a representative, also about him.

Where to download the request form for an extract from the USRR (EGRN)

Any person, both a citizen and an enterprise, can request information from the USRR (EGRN).

NOTE! Since 01/01/2017, the USRR has been renamed to the USRN. This is due to the beginning of the law “On State Registration of Real Estate” dated July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 218-FZ), which combined the real estate cadastre and the register of rights, resulting in the formation of the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

To request, you must submit application for an extract from the USRR (EGRN).

An appropriate application form can be obtained from the employees of the department. It was approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 920 dated December 8, 2015 (Appendix 1). The application contains the following information:

  • Authority to which the application is being made.
  • Information about the property that interests the applicant.
  • Information about its copyright holder.
  • Information about legal documents.
  • Applicant's identifying data (full name, birth information, passport, address).
  • In what form the applicant wants to receive information (paper, electronic).
  • The manner in which the extract must be provided.
  • Information about the representative, if his authorized representative acts on behalf of the applicant.
  • The list of documents that the applicant attaches to the request.
  • Additional information about the object, if available (number of storeys, inventory numbers of objects, etc.).

The application is signed personally by the applicant or by a representative acting on his behalf.

NOTE! If information about a land plot is requested, the application must indicate either its cadastral number or area and address. For other real estate objects, their address is indicated.

The form for requesting an extract from the USRR can be downloaded from the link: Application for an extract from the USRR - sample .

Electronic request to USRN

You can apply for an extract from the USRR (EGRN) without visiting Rosreestr. This possibility is provided for by paragraph 1 of Art. 62 of Law No. 218-FZ.

To do this, you must fill out the request form on the official website and send it online.

The electronic request contains the same information as the standard application. Given that the response to the request, as well as information related to the submitted request, will be sent to the applicant in electronic form, in addition to the address of residence, it is necessary to indicate the email address to which he wants to receive a response.

A separate request is made for each property.

After submission statements extract from USRN issued to the person by the method chosen by him within 3 working days.

There is another way to access registry data - through a connection to the FSIS system. However, due to the high cost, this method is available only to organizations, the business segment.

So, you can get information from the USRR (EGRN) by filling out the appropriate application form. You can apply in person or online.

To get the necessary information, you need to send a request. This can be done through the internet portal. This method does not take much time.

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You can also contact the official bodies -. You just have to sit in line for a long time and repeatedly come to remind you of your request.

But when a document endowed with legal force is required, then one cannot do without a personal presence.

Providing information

It should be noted that information is not provided to everyone.

There are 2 types of information:

  • public;
  • hidden.

In the first case, the information is for informational purposes only. This contains only part of the data on the property. But absolutely any individual or legal entity can receive it.

Hidden information is provided only to those who have a digital signature or to the owner of the property.

Such an extract is called complete and it contains all the information about real estate and transactions with it.

Via internet (online)

To apply, you just need to go to the official one. A menu will open where you need to select the item about USRR. Then fill in the required fields.

The document is provided within a few days - usually no more than 5.

However, if a request for an extract is made using the Internet portal, this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to pay a state fee.

Moreover, issuing an extract from the USRR in this way is a bit more expensive.


If you submit a request through the official website of Rosreestr, you can save a lot of time.

The only, but very significant drawback is that the document is provided in electronic form.

It cannot be printed correctly and has no legal effect.

received in electronic format is just an introductory paper:

  • it is not suitable for transactions;
  • It is not stamped or signed.

Therefore, if you need a document for transactions, then it is better to get it by other methods.

other methods

There are several options, including a personal visit to the Rosreestr branch.

For this you need:

  1. Come to a government agency.
  2. Fill out an application.
  3. Pay the amount of state duty.

You cannot throw away the check - it must be attached to the application.

With this method, the receipt of the document takes longer - up to 10 days, but it will have legal force. It is this statement that is called complete and is used when making transactions.

Request to USRR

A request to Rosreestr is made to obtain an extract from the USRR.

It comes in 2 types:

  • to the land;
  • on buildings, structures (houses and apartments).

In the first case, the document is provided to any individual and legal entity. There is no secret information. All information is in public use.

To obtain an extract from the USRR for a building or structure, including an apartment, it is required to provide an EDS or ownership right in the case when the document must be in full.

For real estate

For real estate using the Internet, it means filling out an application through an online resource. This is much easier to do than visiting Rosreestr in person.

In this case, some information will not be received.

If you need complete data, then it is better to write an application at the Multifunctional Center or at the authorized bodies.

Public access is provided to anyone who submits a request.

To the land

To view data from the USRR, you need to go to the official website of the state organization.

It should be noted that any information on the land does not predetermine any secrecy. All data is in public view.

Today, many have become interested in land under individual housing construction. Even information about the purpose and type of land is provided to absolutely everyone.


To make a request to the USRR, you need to fill out the appropriate application form. This can be done via the Internet or by visiting the Rosreestr branch in person.

Whichever method is chosen, in any case, you will need to pay a state fee. Then provide proof of payment. The specialist will tell you when it will be necessary to come.

If registration is carried out through the Internet resource, then you need:

  • fill out an application;
  • pay the fee;
  • upload a scanned copy of the receipt to the portal website.


Of the documents, only a passport and ownership of real estate is required - if registration is carried out during a personal visit to Rosreestr.

It is necessary to attach a receipt of the state fee, otherwise the information may not be provided in full.


The application form for an extract is simple. But there is a special form. That is what needs to be filled.

You don't need to put anything in there.


The application is drawn up on a form issued by the Rosreestr employee. Or, if the procedure takes place using the Internet, an online form is filled out.

A request for the provision of information from the USRR for real estate is a standard form, it can be obtained from a specialist in the registration chamber.

Who can apply for information?

Information can be requested by any legal or natural person. It should be noted that the data via the Internet is provided for informational purposes only.

Firms, organizations that have an electronic digital signature can receive an extended extract from the USRR.

And also the owner or his authorized representative can apply for the provision of the document.

Getting an extract

Getting a document is a simple procedure if everything is done correctly.

That is, for registration of an extract, you need only 2 components:

  • payment of state duty;
  • to write an application.

An extract is always provided. If employees refuse to issue a document, then this is illegal.

Terms of submission

The statement must be issued no later than 5 business days later. But in fact, getting your document takes much more time.
