Omorochka to inspire the right thoughts and incline to the actions you need. Omorochka - how to induce and remove the suggestion of Morok or blocking the consciousness of the race

In the epigraph of our study, it is said that each characterist strives to become the master of his own destiny. To do this, he develops self-awareness of his "I". For this, special exercises were used, used by the priests and attendants of the Vedic cults of the Slavs since ancient times. After all, no matter what natural power a person has, he always runs the risk of submitting to the influence of another person, unless he develops the Self-Consciousness of the Spirit in himself. Therefore, only a highly spiritual person can be called a characterist. And this is about them in ancient books it is said directly: "The word of the characterist is the word of the characterist and it is not allowed to violate it."

Morok was applied, as already mentioned, mainly to enemies. Here are a few rules of characterization that ensure confusion:

1. Be absolutely confident in your abilities.

2. Speak clearly, firmly and clearly

3. Look into the eyes of your enemy.

4. Relax as much as possible.

5. Use the self-awareness of your "I".

And so the consciousness of a person is, figuratively speaking, a smart brother (since both Soul and Spirit are present there), and the subconscious mind is a trusting, stupid brother (only knowledge of the body is present), who believes absolutely everything that he is told. A smart brother makes sure that no one deceives his trusting brother, because as soon as a trusting brother comes into contact with someone, he will no longer hear the warnings of a smart brother, he will listen and obey the other. Therefore, the goal of the characteristic when inducing confusion is to deceive, distract the consciousness of a person and get in touch with his Subconscious.

We know that consciousness consists of some part of the knowledge of the body, some part of the knowledge of the Soul and is fragmentarily represented by the knowledge of the Spirit. Hence it turns out that in order to obtain an altered state of consciousness, necessary for confusion, it is necessary to change the ratio of the knowledge that makes up the consciousness. It is generally not worth paying attention to the knowledge of the Spirit, since the majority of modern humanity simply does not have it, and then there are two options for inducing confusion.

In the first one: the knowledge of the Soul of the experimental person is completely forced out of his consciousness by the person conducting the suggestion and is replaced by information coming from the characterist. In the second case, the Soul is not forced out, but its working programs fail and block, the biocomputer freezes and the necessary information is entered into it through the formed channel. From this we can conclude that in order to penetrate into someone's biocomputer, and take control of it into your own hands, you need to know only two main ways. The first one consists in sending natural logical information, with the help of which the protective programs of consciousness are skillfully bypassed and the Soul of the experimental person is gradually forced out of his consciousness with the help of the information you enter. The second way to induce an altered state in a person is to knock down his established stereotypical behavior programs, using the so-called confusion technique. And when someone else's biocomputer freezes for a short time, in order to understand what's the matter, you immediately penetrate into his subconscious, since the protection does not work at that time. When you use the confusion technique, you are not building long meaningful logical transitions. You start by causing a state of mild confusion in a person, and then, starting from this moment, you begin to build your own natural channel of communication with the Subconscious.

Examples of the first option.

To fine-tune your communication channel with the subject's Unconscious Mind, you need to maintain a constant rate of speech and use the subject's breath as a measure of the rate of speech you produce. There is a misconception that in order to inspire something, you need to speak in a monotone. In fact, if you want to create an exciting experience for someone, it is much more effective to speak in an excited voice. It's not so much what you say, but how you say it.

When you are in the business of hazing, your task is to notice what the person reacts to naturally. We must learn to see how a person reacts in order to change his behavior, delivering to him the information to which his biocomputer can respond appropriately. If you learn this, you can put anyone into an altered state of consciousness where you can tell them what you want.

The communication channel is not established if you speak faster than the person can hear you. The communication channel will also fail if you are talking about sensations when a person sees visual images. But if you adjust the rate of your speech to the rate of his breathing, if you blink at the same rate as he blinks, if you nod at the same rate as he nods, if you sway at the same rate as he sways, and if you say what really should be or what you notice is happening, then you will build a stable communication channel. If you say: “You feel the temperature of your hand, the sounds in the room, the movements of your body when you breathe,” then your words correspond to the experiences of a person, because all this

happening. Characterists call this kind of correspondence “tuning”. This is how trust is acquired, and at the same time experiences are intensified, which in the very

in fact, a person has, but remained subconscious. That is, the information you deliver becomes more decisive than the information of his own soul.

To achieve a stable connection, you must adjust your statements to the experiences of a person, but when you have already reached the moment of formation of an information channel, you must be able to use it. The key to this is the ability to make transitions. With the help of transition words, this can be done smoothly. Transitional words, which include, for example, the words "if", "when", "and", "because", "while", are words that suggest a meaningful connection between two statements. Starting with information based on sensory experiences, you use these words to make transitions and trigger reactions that induce altered states. The hassle does not have to be difficult or unnatural. It must be the most natural thing in the world.

And so, you say three tuning sentences, use a transitional word and add one sentence leading the person in the direction you want. And all the time you use non-verbal types of adjustment: breathe

with the same frequency as the person you are speaking to, or match the pace of your voice with your breathing.

Another example of induction is simply the direct force of your Self's personality. You simply inspire confidence and thereby remove the protective filter of consciousness. Back up the information you provide with real action. Next, you need to force the suggestible to transfer his attention to the area of ​​​​sensations and feel them with aggravation, and only then, with the help of transitions, you transfer him into a trance. For the successful implementation of this technique, you need to cultivate the unshakable power of the Look. Those who meet such a look immediately feel what a huge inner strength your look expresses. It is no coincidence that in many martial arts, fighters begin the fight with a struggle of views. And, as a rule, they determine the alignment of forces by the strength of their gaze. Such a view is rarely given by nature, so it must be developed with special exercises.

Examples of the second option.

The handshake is an automatic integral, acquired behavior program in the human computer, which consciousness clearly defines and recognizes. Each of us has thousands of such automatic programs. You just have to notice which ones are truly automatic for a given person, and then interrupt one of them. When we extend our hand for a handshake, the person in response extends his. If you interrupt his movement by grabbing his wrist with your hand and slightly raise his hand. Then a person will lose his software and he will be confused. Now you only have to deliver the proper suggestions, which he will usually follow. This reaction causes everything "unexpected". And while a person is "delayed" by the fact that you did something completely inappropriate or unexpected for his consciousness, you have the right time to inspire him with a further desired reaction for you.

Another way to induce confusion is to overload his conscious activity, which will also cause his software to fail. Then you can send information directly to his subconscious, and the person will respond to this information. The easiest way to overload a person's attention is to force him to focus on a complex inner experience (complex calculations, reflections, etc.).

Kharakterniki, as we have already said, used wraith in the fight against their enemies, and for this they often had to make massive suggestions. The technology for inducing such a collective haze is well described in the Veles Book:

“The same bird came to stop the cavalry, and to the enemies of the people ( rite of burning the dead) who created that bloody one. And in the head of those horsemen, the mind attracted fear, and they were circumcised in that section. And then everything came from Kolo Rusko (a rite performed by the priests with the help of a circle). So do it if you want to deliver victories to us, and do not want to become a victim (of enemies) that day, like fleeing sheep. ... "... And we will wash our bodies and our souls, yes we have (we create) often Colo ( a circle ) Russian from whom we expect strong visions (bachinha) and they inspire fear in the mind of the enemy. The same ( Christians) do something else to turn us away from old prescriptions.

It turns out that our Ancestors knew that in order to increase the power of the human biocomputer, it is necessary to assemble a single system of blocks closed in a circle from individual personal units. And then, out of many individual community members gathered in the kolo, a single powerful tribal supercomputer arose. The minds of the Gods also joined him. And all this incredible power was directed by the priest to influence the disparate minds-processors of enemies, which were easily hacked, and the Fear virus program or another one providing the necessary haze was introduced into them. Thus, connecting in a vicious circle, our Ancestors in the old days very often used a single generic computer unit, which they could also connect to a single universal network-system, from where they received knowledge in the form of visions, and all this was used to fight the enemy.

Good day! The magician Azal is with you, and we have a very interesting topic today. We will analyze what troubles are in magic, how they work, what they are used for and how to make a trouble for a person.

Omorochka is a certain group of magical influences, the action of which is to replace the victim’s real, objective idea of ​​​​something or someone with an illusory one, “induced” with a specific purpose. That is, the victim will perceive not what actually exists, but what the magician (or customer) wants to show him. A simple example: a person sells his car, which was previously made a mess by a magician. What kind of car it really is and how the buyer will perceive it - you can see this difference in the picture below. This, for example, although somewhat exaggerated, is very intelligible. :)

What is the purpose of such magical influences?

They are usually in demand in the following areas:

  1. In the sphere of relationships - love troubles and similar influences.
  2. In the field of business, trade - as in the above example with the sale of a car.
  3. The scope of protection is to protect property, yourself, your loved ones or something else of special value.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the above points with examples.

Love troubles

Here I will include the whole group of troubles that are aimed at one person to like it - more often it is >> mess for a loved one<<. Как она действует? К примеру, не раз наблюдал ситуацию, когда выдавали замуж, скажем так, не очень привлекательную девушку с помощью такого магического влияния. Влияние оказывалось именно на жениха – он видел свою невесту более красивой и более привлекательной, чем ее видели все остальные.

However, sometimes troubles are used to please everyone around, and not to any particular person. To make others perceive you as more attractive, younger, more charming - these are the so-called troubles for beauty, youth. I also included them in this group, although this is probably not entirely correct. :) But it doesn't matter. The technique of one of these troubles for beauty is given by me in full in the article " How to please people».

How exactly does the frostbite work?

Now I propose to disassemble how the frostbite works. In general, these magical influences have a twofold mode of action:

  1. More often they have an impact directly on the brain of the perceiving person, which is why they say "fool the head", and nothing else :)
  2. They can also act by "deceiving" the organs of perception of a person. Most often, sight, smell and hearing are “deceived” in this way.

Causing visual illusions

Causing auditory illusions

Rarely, but still, troubles are used that deceive the ear. Together with conscious training and staging of speech, they induce such an effect that makes it possible to give the voice and speech in general a “sweet voice” (if I may say so). That is, no matter what a person says and no matter how he says it, they will always listen to him, getting great pleasure from it. Even if the person himself is burry-hissing and with a raspy voice, then his speech, after inducing the appropriate mess, will be perceived as the singing of a nightingale :)

Mistakes in business and trade

This is perhaps the most common use of these magical influences - with a very selfish purpose of all possible. Now, even in stores (and not necessarily esoteric) and in the trading market, you can fully feel the influence of such a mess. People impose troubles either on the product itself, which they need to sell, or on a certain item (“decoy”), which is located next to the product and works like a magnet for buyers. Often, having bought such a product, a person then cannot explain to himself for what purpose and why he bought it at all. He just became a victim of a mischief, he just really wanted to buy it, despite the fact that he doesn’t need it for nothing.

The troubles are able to "knock down the sensations", the vigilance of a person when signing any business contract or agreement. A person “simply will not notice”, will not pay attention to a couple of important words in the document. Subsequently, such a mistake can cost him dearly.

Troubles in the field of protection

This is probably the most interesting area of ​​​​application of troubles - >> protection magic <<. Чаще всего для таких воздействий заключают договоры на защиту с соответствующими божествами или существами-защитниками. На защищаемый ими предмет или объект наносят знаки этого существа. При «срабатывании» такой защиты наблюдается очень интересный эффект – эффект мнимой реальности. К примеру, ваш дом находится под охраной такого существа, и в него вдруг желает залезть вор в ваше отсутствие. Не всегда можно стопроцентно предугадать, что именно случится с этим вором. Perhaps he will suddenly see a huge dinosaur in front of the entrance to your house, seeking to devour him. Perhaps they will let him into your house, but will not leave the opportunity to leave it - the thief will wander around the house for weeks, “not seeing” windows and doors until you yourself let the poor fellow out. Perhaps he simply won’t be able to move when he enters your yard - his arms and legs will “stop” obeying him. In any case, no matter what the thief feels and sees in your yard or at home, this is just the effect of the creature on his brain, nothing more. All the reality that will surround him will be only for him alone (imaginary) and in order to protect your home.

In this way, they protect real estate, cars, wallets, chests with valuables and more. Also, such troubles are made to protect people. For example, a fool on the enemy can work as follows. You, protected by such an influence, are a frail young man walking in the alley on a dark night. There are people waiting for you who want to take away your money and things. They slept well and prepared for attack and robbery, they have weapons and pumped biceps with them, but when they look at you, they are suddenly seized with fear, a sense of imminent death approaching, they feel sudden fatigue and lack of strength. In general, approximately so it can work.

And more about morons

In addition to the ones I have described above, there are other troubles, with other goals. Such troubles are directly related to black magic and are damage (see >> bullshit on the enemy<<). Они не просто «туманные» или «одурманивающие», они представляют собой агрессивное вторжение в мозг человека с целью подавить его волю и заставить поступить определенным образом. К примеру, есть оморочка чтобы внушить нужные мысли. Они наводятся с целью получить управление над человеком в свои руки. В случае любовной оморочки – заставить вступить в отношения, в которые иначе человек бы не вступил. Если это не любовные цели, то человека принуждают таким воздействием купить или продать что-то, подписать какие-то бумаги или сделать что-либо иное, что человек никогда не сделал бы по собственной воле.

0 There are still people who are fond of literature written two hundred or even three hundred years ago. Naturally, in the text one can meet long-obsolete expressions and terms, the meaning of which has been lost over the years. For example, you know what the words have in common: "twilight", "blink", "fainting"? If we rummage through explanatory dictionaries, we will find out that their "ancestor" turned out to be the old Russian word Morok which means you can read a little below. Do not forget to add our resource to your bookmarks, because in the future we will have a lot of useful information.
However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to read a couple of other publications on random topics. For example, what does Gloomy man mean, how to understand the expression Deep meaning; what does Finita mean, what is Current, etc.
So let's continue what does moroc mean? This obsolete word has several meanings, we will analyze the most popular of them.

Morok- this is a distortion of reality, a distortion of the perception of the world around

Synonym of Morok: fainting, haze, dusk, seizure, obsession, clouding of consciousness.

Morok- it is cloudy, nebula

Synonym of Morok: gloom, haze, darkness, twilight.

communist hassle- this mocking expression refers to the USSR, and all the people who lived in it. It means that all the citizens who inhabited the Soviet Union were as if in a sticky fog of hopelessness, despair and hopeless horror. This concept was invented by liberal cattle in the 90s, when millions of pensioners were dying of hunger in a democratic and free Russia, and the rest ate what had grown in their summer cottages.

Generally, most people perceive hassle", like a mirage that tired travelers see in a hot desert. The main difference between a haze and a mirage is that it is "induced" consciously, that is, it is some kind of fuss, hard and unloved work.
However, initially, our distant ancestors perceived the word "haze" as "darkness" or "thick fog". Although in a figurative sense, under this concept they saw something intoxicating consciousness.

Judging by the interpretation of this word, in that distant era, people simply gravitated towards everything dark, mysterious and mysterious.
Over time, derivative expressions and terms appeared from this word, which are actively used even today. Perhaps they will help to define the word more precisely. Morok meaning and origin. For example, it is worth highlighting such a word as " hassle", in which the emphasis falls on the second "O". Although nothing mysterious and strange is found in this concept, as a rule, it is understood as worries, problems, everyday fuss.
Here " dusk"- this is a more curious word that is perceived even by modern teenagers. Many probably remember the order -" Everyone get out of the darkness". True, in fact, it means only a short period of time, between the onset of night and the sunset of the daylight.
Fainting- the word is commonplace, and is often found among teenage girls who "went too far" with their starvation, that is, they temporarily lost consciousness.

You will be surprised, but from this concept, a stable phraseological unit has formed, which is very popular and widely used in various circles - this is "fooling". This speech turnover is understood as a deception of another person, an attempt to confuse him. Do you remember that catchphrase from the movie Gentlemen of Fortune - " I'll tear my mouth - I'll poke out blinkers"? But without the word discussed in this article, this picture would have remained without this very funny and quoted remark. After all, "blinkers" came from the word "blink", which in turn was formed from the term " hassle".

In Russian mythology, there was a rather gloomy god named Morok, who was able to mislead people, could immerse them in a hypnotic state, patronized ignorance, deceit, and lies.
Some researchers suggest that this is a simple borrowing from the ancient Greeks. They had the god Morpheus, who was also a "pepper". The ancient Scandinavians also had the god of jokes and jokes - Loki, and the Greeks Hermes. Perhaps the ancient Slavs borrowed these gods, and merged into one, who knows? True, following our unwritten national tradition, our deity turned out to be more gloomy and formidable. Our ancestors Morok guarded the way to the Truth, to appoint it. After all, in their opinion, mortals are not supposed to know the truth, because this knowledge will allow them to become equal to the gods.

After reading this article, you learned the word Morok, meaning and origin, and now you will not fall into a stupor at the next mention of it.

From a private letter:

"Hello! With my question, I will take your time, but I have no one else to ask, but I really want to know how you can make a person an obsession? I think that not only for me, but for many masters, this topic will be very

interesting. I heard from my mother about obsession, but, as I understood, she also did not know how to do this.

My grandmother used to say: “There are a lot of very amazing knowledges in witchcraft, and among them there are also especially outlandish ones. Last but not least, it is, of course, an obsession and a hassle. And she told me how, once upon a time, she was taught the skill, taught her an excellent lesson. This is how my grandmother recalled this: “In the evening, my mentor warned me that we would go to the forest in the morning. This was a common thing for us, since we constantly harvested various herbs, aspen horns, cobwebs from bushes, feathers dropped by ravens and other birds, took dust from forest crossroads until snow fell and fell asleep. In general, we prepared a lot of things, you can’t count everything, because the people who came to us had different troubles, which means that you need to have different help. After breakfast, we went with her to a distant forest. And when they reached him, the mentor said: "You sit down here, rest a little, and for now I'll collect stinky bugs for the infusion."

At that distant time, everything that the elders said was carried out unquestioningly. They told me to sit down, and I sat down under the aspen, where my grandmother pointed her finger. Somewhere in a minute I suddenly felt a rustle. I looked back and saw a rabbit. The hare was grey, the size of a cat, and he raised his long ears, looked at me and did not run anywhere. There were a lot of hares in those places, and I was not particularly surprised. She looked at him, that's all. The hare moved and made a jump in my direction, then another and another and was very close to me. I had fun watching him, because then I was still almost a child. And then suddenly this hare stood up on its hind legs, stretched out its front legs at the seams and bent in a bow. Eyes wide and speechless, I remained silent. And the hare began to grow right before our eyes. Here he is up to my waist, now up to my shoulders, and now he has become even taller than me! I remember well that at the moment when all this was happening, there was no fear or surprise in me, as if such human-sized hares were a common thing, and there was nothing strange about it. The hare waved his paw at me, as if inviting me to follow him, and on two legs he rushed into the thickets of raspberries. I jumped out of my seat and ran after him. He walks and I run. And so we walked to the meadow. And in that glade of flowers, apparently, invisibly, and everyone is different! The aroma was in the air, impossible, as if the whole space was filled with incense.

Among the grass is a huge red strawberry. I tear it and eat it, tear it and eat it, all smeared in berry juice. The bees buzz like bumblebees, booming, sultry, viscous. From all this my head was spinning, and I sat down in the grass, and then completely lay down. The hare bent over me close, close, and I clearly saw his amber eyes, surrounded by a black rim. Pinkish nose and mustache, like a cat, and most importantly - he was smiling! I felt so good and calm that I closed my eyes, while having a strong desire to take it and fall asleep. And then someone splashed water in my face. I screamed, opened my eyes and saw my mentor...

“Where is the rabbit? I asked. “Where is the meadow and where are the flowers?” My mentor grinned and answered: “It was your delusion, you saw only what I gave you through it. It’s like a dream in which you hear and feel everything, rejoice and eat delicious food. It's like madness, in which a person who has lost his mind finds for himself his new, imaginary world. He lives in it and sees everything differently. He can feel either a beggar or a king. He easily, like masks, changes his appearance, and this no one will ever see, except for himself. The difference between madness, sleep and obsession is only that a dream is a kind of connection between the soul and body with a person. You can wake up from it, rejoice if the dream is bright,

and be upset if the dream is bad. And madness is a clouding of the mind and the state in which a person tries to hide from everyone and from himself. Glamor is a change in the sense of space, world, era, time. This is both a dream and, if you like, almost insanity, into which you were forcibly introduced by witchcraft.

Now, decades later, when I recall my grandmother's story of how her mentor taught her a lesson in inducing glamor, I see that she was very wise with her. In order not to frighten an unreasonable child (my grandmother), she let her see in her ephemeral imagination the most harmless thing available to the consciousness of a child - a hare. After all, if she then showed her something more terrible, her little student could get an unaccountable fear of such a difficult rite as a haze or an obsession for life!

I will never forget, no matter how long I live, one incident. Two people came to my grandmother, a man and a woman, old people. When they entered, the woman wept profusely. She asked very much that my grandmother went to them. Their son was dying, and at the same time he was terribly afraid of death and kept repeating

ryal: “Mom, why am I not small, not a baby? You would have taken me in your arms and rocked me, and maybe then I wouldn’t be afraid to die, but so, mom, I’m very afraid. They will bury me in a hole and hammer me with nails in a coffin, and then worms will gnaw at me. But I don't want to. I'm afraid to die - do something. Lord, how I want to be a baby, so as not to smell, not to understand that I am leaving ... "" When he said this, we had a priest, - the woman said. - He came to consecrate him. Hearing the last wish of our son, he told us about you, that you are capable of doing many miracles, so we came for the sake of our son. I would gnaw the earth, just to fulfill the last wish of my child. Help us if you can."

Seeing and hearing all this, I had no doubt that my grandmother would fulfill this request. She said: “I don’t need to go to you. I will give you my handkerchief, and when you return to your son, throw it on his chest. And there my guardian angel will help in everything and manage everything. These two left us, and on their faces there were bewilderment and confusion, apparently, this was not at all what they expected from her ...

A few months later, the parents of that guy came again, they brought a handkerchief. The woman, brushing away tears from her cheeks, said: “I threw a scarf over him, and he went limp and quiet, and his face

at the same time she became blissful, like a baby. I hugged him, pressed him to my chest and realized that he really was a baby: his face was clean, bright, like an angel's. Even the smile was like a sinless one. He died - as he fell asleep, no torment, no convulsions. His dream came true, he left so calmly, so quietly, as if he had walked out the door for a minute. I don’t know, dear mother, how you managed to do it, but only we are indebted to you.”

Further, it remains to state in an accessible way how it is possible to bring a glamour on a person. Before I talk about this, I want to start by explaining in which cases the sorcerer basically makes a delusion. This may be necessary in various situations. For example, when a certain young male spouse has a completely elderly or even an old wife, and if he is professionally put on an obsession, then he will naturally feel and see her as equal to himself. The whole environment will make fun and laugh at him, saying that his wife is an old hag, but only he himself will see the exact opposite: young, mischievous eyes, a swift and flying gait. Her face will seem to him fresh, glowing, satin. And her smell will be the smell of lilies of the valley or delicate roses. He will certainly super-zealously monitor her contacts and behavior so that, God forbid, she does not cheat on him. He will literally be devoured from the inside by anxiety and jealousy - as if his beloved had not left him. I have seen this many times in my life.

I assure you, all this can be done if you correctly and timely cast an obsession. It is possible, of course, and vice versa, with the help of obsession, to make a person very strongly doubt the external data of the most beautiful and intelligent girl, her mind and charm, even if a man once left his family for her sake. In a word, there are plenty of options for practical work with obsession and confusion. There is not enough time to go into detail about this.

In the next message later, I will describe in detail one of the methods of inducing a glamour on a person. I am sure it will be of interest to the reader.

If it is required to influence a person with the help of magical methods, a cloud is used to inspire the necessary thoughts to a particular person. With its help, his own will is suppressed, instead other intentions are imposed. Magic witchcraft can affect anyone, be it a spouse, enemy or boss.

If you want to influence a person with the help of magical methods, goof is used.

With the help of certain magical influences on any person, he can be inspired with the necessary thoughts by sending troubles. This is a kind of substitution of the real idea or the victim's own opinion for something related to the illusion.

The perception of the world at this moment is greatly distorted, a person makes decisions unusual for him. A strong confusion of the enemy is made for all occasions, with a specific purpose.

Thoughts with a certain task are sent to the victim. Spells can be performed with the help of conspiracies, rituals or witchcraft. With the help of some rituals, you can first bring a haze on a person, his will will weaken, and then you can have a conversation with him and force him to perform work or action that is unusual for him.

The magical effect is aimed at breaking the will of the chosen victim, changing his worldview

Such a magical effect is mainly aimed at breaking the will of the chosen victim, changing his worldview and intentions. It appears almost immediately.

Why is it made and how does it work

In order to distort the reality and the perception of the world of a particular object in the direction necessary for the customer, a little cloud is sent to the victim in order to inspire the necessary thoughts and actions. The magical effect of such a plan is the most versatile weapon and not too costly. After it, side effects are extremely rare.

When a cloud is brought into the thin shell of a person, nothing is introduced, the confusion acts like hypnosis on his consciousness. It surrounds a person in the form of a cocoon, entangles his thoughts. He brightens up or embellishes individual details, juggles the real facts. A person, being under the influence, makes other decisions than before this moment.

There is a strong numbness of the enemy for all occasions, usually a couple of weeks. For this reason, the customer has little time left.


There is a strong foolishness of the enemy for all occasions, usually a couple of weeks

During this period, it is necessary to ensure that the object is inclined to the necessary decision or action. Sometimes a whole series of troubles is used for the effect in order to prolong the magical effect.

What are the signs

How can you know by what symptoms that a person has been affected?

The surest sign is a sharp change in the behavior of the victim, which is not characteristic of him by nature. Recently, a woman does not recognize her beloved man, he suddenly became cold, constantly rude, behaves in a strange way.

The surest sign is a sharp change in the behavior of the victim, which is not characteristic of him by nature.

An exemplary family man began to behave cheekily on the street, pestering strangers. A man with his wife gives gifts to other women, openly flirts and cares for them. He now does not respect his own wife, behaves insultingly, which was not observed before him at all.

This is a stereotypical behavior that says that a person lives under the influence of magical powers. If a fool was brought on him, then in order to remove the conspiracy and get rid of the magic that takes away the strength of a person instantly, you will have to turn to specialists in magical matters.

How can you understand that a mess has been sent:

  • Many actions of the victim are inexplicable and unnatural.
  • The current worldview was not typical for him before.
  • The character changed drastically and drastically.
  • The victim cannot clearly explain his behavior and thoughts.

From this it becomes clear that energy pressure is exerted on a specific person from the outside. He does not understand what drives him, who could inspire the necessary thoughts in him, why he commits illogical acts. A person swears that he will not repeat what is happening, but after a while he does it again and again.

Where and how are they used?

Absolutely in all areas of life, a strong trouble is used: when solving love issues, financial problems, in business or in household chores. It is safest to use troubles in the love sphere. This is not so traumatic for a person as after exposure to love spells.

Mischief in the love sphere is safer, it is not reflected as traumatically as after exposure to love spells

But if it is wrong to make a magical effect, then you will have to turn to magicians for help and remove the plot and get rid of magic instantly in order to help him. The type of such magic is easily canceled, unlike love spells. And there are practically no side effects after inducing trouble, they do not negatively affect beauty and vitality.

Love confusing influences

How to recognize in a timely manner that an unfavorable magical influence was brought to the beloved man? A person under the influence of confusion falls into deep thought, his thoughts are confused, he cannot normally concentrate on solving certain issues, he is too absent-minded, and often answers inappropriately.

No matter what character a person had before this period, when he is exposed to troubles, he becomes lethargic, constantly tired, nothing in life is cute for him anymore, boredom is his second nature.

When a person is exposed to troubles, he becomes lethargic, constantly tired, nothing in his life is cute anymore, boredom is his second nature

This type of magic binds the victim, his personal qualities and character remain unchanged. But if you inspire the right thoughts, then this gives a chance, even with wild passion, to consider in time the object's selfishness, tyranny towards others, intolerance or manic addictions. In family life, no one needs this.

If a fool for love is pointed at a man, characteristic signs can be read in his eyes.

  • The look is wandering, empty, expressing nothing concretely.
  • A person shows apathy literally to everything around.
  • There is a manifestation of conformity.
  • The object has practically lost its own "I".
  • There is no attraction to public interests, hobbies.
  • When the character changes, initiative is lost, the person will fully agree with the words and actions of the customer.
  • Shows complete passivity.

Before bringing confusion to a specific person, think about how you will communicate with such a “vegetable” man in the future. Will such a magical effect bring joy to both? It seems that - no.

If a person strongly desires to build relationships with the help of magic, increase his attractiveness and find love, then it is wiser to use troubles. With their help, it becomes possible to get to know the desired object, its behavior with other people, what it is in a relationship.

If a person strongly desires to build relationships with the help of magic, increase his attractiveness and find love, then it is wiser to use troubles

After the love spell, there is no way to do this.

For the ceremony, you need to sit in front of the mirror at midnight and braid the braid, saying:

There is a trouble that affects the beauty of a person, and another is able to properly influence an ill-wisher or enemy. For this, simple rites are used, during which magical influence is carried out on the mind of the enemy. This will completely disarm him.

It is difficult to send a fool to the enemy; this requires the utmost care and serious preparation for magical actions. Before a complex ceremony, one should endure at least a three-day fast and visit the church. Meditation carried out far from the metropolis will also be useful.

It is difficult to send a mess on the enemy, for this you should endure at least a three-day fast and visit the church

To carry out the ritual action, you will need to get any black berries. At lunch, rinse the berries and cook jelly with them. While it boils, the words of the spell are pronounced over the pan:

When the jelly is cooked, cool 1/3 of the brew and drink. The same part is drunk when the sun sets, the rest at midnight. From this minute, count exactly nine days, after which the ritual is repeated again. If necessary, next time you can bring a haze after 40 days. You need to calculate the days from midnight, when the last portion of jelly was drunk.

To confuse enemy thoughts, confusion is induced with the help of conspiracy words. The actions in this rite are almost the same as in the previous version. True, additional paraphernalia is not required here, since jelly is replaced by water consecrated in the church. Before the conspiracy, say: “Save and save: both the Father and the Son. Amen, ”the conspiracy itself is read further:

To confuse enemy thoughts, confusion is induced with the help of conspiracy words

The charmed water is drunk in the manner described above.

Another way for which you need to go around your house three times, reading:

You need to pronounce the words three times, moving your lips a little audibly.

In business and trade

Here, gossips are used for personal gain. A person can magically influence anything or anyone. It affects the beauty of a person, a product, buyers or “decoy” - a certain object that acts on the principle of a magnet:

Mischief in the field of business and trade is used for personal gain

“Back to front, everything is the opposite, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.”

In some cases, the victim makes a purchase, and then cannot explain to himself the purpose of this purchase. At home, he clearly understands that a waste of money has been committed. Such influence is often used by realtors, car dealers or other expensive goods. All of them use magical services.

The troubles for all occasions are usually short-lived. For a long period of time the rituals are often repeated.