Government bodies. Conflicts with neighboring countries

Territory claimed by the Russian state Capital Ufa, Omsk
Religion orthodoxy Currency unit Siberian ruble Form of government republic, dictatorship Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Government Viktor Nikolaevich Pepelyaev Largest cities Omsk
Vladivostok Currency Siberian ruble Supreme ruler November 18, 1918 - February 7, 1920 Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak Story September 23 (October 6) Ufa Directory January 4 (17) Decay
Russian history
Eastern Slavs, Russes
Kievan Rus (-XII century)
Specific Russia (XII-XVI centuries)
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Act on the formation of the All-Russian supreme power

The delegations present at the meeting from Komuch (Samara), (Omsk), the Provisional Regional Government of the Urals (Yekaterinburg), the military governments of the Cossack troops (Astrakhan, Yenisei, Irkutsk, Orenburg, Semirechensk, Siberian, Ural), governments of a number of national-state formations (Kyrgyz the government of Alash-Orda, the Bashkir government, the government of autonomous Turkestan, the national administration of Muslims of the Turko-Tatars of inner Russia and Siberia, the Provisional Estonian government), several all-Russian political parties formed the Provisional All-Russian government (the so-called "Ufa directory"), which was headed by N. D Avksentiev. It was established that the Provisional All-Russian Government "until the convocation of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly is the only bearer of supreme power throughout the entire space of the Russian state." The act provided for "the transfer to the Provisional All-Russian Government, as soon as it requires it", "all the functions of the supreme power, temporarily sent, in view of the conditions created, by the regional governments." Thus, the sovereignty of regional entities was canceled, which was replaced by "broad autonomy of the regions", the limits of which completely depended on the "wisdom of the Provisional All-Russian Government".

The All-Russian government was charged with facilitating the convocation of the Constituent Assembly and in the future to unconditionally submit to it "as the only supreme power in the country."

The foundations of the national-state structure of Russia were to be based on federal principles: “the organization of a liberated Russia on the basis of recognizing broad autonomy for its individual regions, due to both geographical and economic and ethnic characteristics, assuming the final establishment of a state organization on a federal basis by a sovereign Constituent Assembly ..., recognition of the rights to cultural and national self-determination for national minorities that do not occupy a separate territory.

With regard to the army, the Act spoke of the need to "recreate a strong, combat-ready, unified Russian army, placed outside the influence of political parties" and, at the same time, about "the inadmissibility of political organizations of military personnel and the elimination of the army from politics."

The following were named as urgent tasks for restoring the state unity and independence of Russia:

1. The struggle for the liberation of Russia from Soviet power;
2. Reunification of the torn away, fallen away and scattered regions of Russia;
3. Non-recognition of the Brest and all other treaties of an international nature, concluded both on behalf of Russia and its individual parts after the February Revolution, by any authority other than the Russian Provisional Government, and the restoration of the actual force of treaty relations with the consenting powers
4. Continuation of the war against the German coalition.

Centralization of management

Admiral Kolchak was recognized as the supreme ruler by all the commanders-in-chief of the white armies both in the south and west of Russia, and in Siberia and the Far East; at the turn of May-June 1919, Generals A. I. Denikin, E. K. Miller, N. N. Yudenich voluntarily submitted to A. V. Kolchak and officially recognized his Supreme Command over all armies in Russia. The Supreme Commander at the same time confirmed the powers of the commanders in chief. By order of the supreme ruler, Miller and Yudenich received the status of governor-general.

From that moment on, the VSYUR, the North-Western Army, the Northern Army and the Eastern Front operated on the position of the fronts of this unified army.

Coat of arms

In January - April 1919 in Omsk, on the initiative of the Society of Artists and Fine Arts Lovers of the Steppe Territory, competitions were held to create a new text for the national anthem and a new state emblem. It was announced that, according to the terms of the competition, the state emblem, “keeping the image of a double-headed eagle, should be arranged in more artistic forms, in the basics of the Old Russian style, and should correspond to the modern understanding of decorativeness”, and “instead of the removed emblems of the tsarist era (crown, scepter and powers) the coat of arms should be decorated with emblems characteristic of the new resurgent statehood.

During the competition, 210 versions of the text of the anthem and 97 projects of the state emblem were proposed. The most likely contender for victory was the project created by the artist from Kazan, G. A. Ilyin, - a two-headed eagle, over which a cross with the motto “Conquer this! ". The regional coats of arms of the Russian Empire were removed from the wings of the eagle, but the Moscow coat of arms with George the Victorious was left, the crowns also disappeared, but the orb remained, and the scepter replaced the sword. Although none of the submitted projects of the coat of arms was finally approved by the jury, the project of G. A. Ilyin was often found on stationery seals, on the pages of the Siberian press and was used on banknotes.

On May 9, 1919, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Russian government, the symbols of the Supreme Ruler were approved - a flag and a braided pennant with a double-headed eagle, but without signs of "royal" power.

State awards

Simultaneously with competitions for a new anthem and coat of arms, a competition was held for new state orders - "Revival of Russia" and "Liberation of Siberia". The presented projects of the Order of the "Renaissance of Russia" did not receive the approval of the jury. Only the project of the Order of the Liberation of Siberia was approved, the author of which was the same G. A. Ilyin.

The main reason for the lack of competition results was considered to be the “ideological untimeliness” of such events. As writer Sergei Auslender, a member of the jury, recalled, the main content of the vast majority of projects was the idea of ​​"Russia on the march", which, of course, did not correspond to the task set - to create sovereign symbols of the renewed Russian state. The jury also expressed doubts about the lack of monarchist symbols in the submitted projects, which was contrary to the principle of "non-prejudice" declared by the white authorities.

State-political structure

The state consisted of 3 disparate parts, only the Omsk and Arkhangelsk governments were able to unite their territories for some time.

The laws that were adopted in Omsk became mandatory in all territories of the Russian State.

The Omsk government provided financial assistance to the South. Miller's northern government - to deal with the lack of bread - made purchases in Siberia.

The structure of state administration bodies consisted of temporary bodies of state power. These authorities were limited to a period of action for a period of wartime and the restoration of full order in the country.

Government bodies

Foreign policy

In foreign policy, Kolchak steadfastly adhered to the orientation towards Russia's former allies in the First World War. As the Supreme Ruler and successor of the pre-October governments of Russia (tsarist and Provisional), in a declaration dated November 21, 1918, he recognized their external debts and other contractual obligations (by the end of 1917, Russia's external debt exceeded 12 billion rubles).

The main representative of the white governments abroad was the former tsarist foreign minister, an experienced diplomat S. D. Sazonov, who was in Paris. All Russian embassies abroad, remaining from the pre-October period, were subordinate to him, retaining their apparatus, property and functions.

The State of Russia was de jure internationally recognized by only one state, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. At the end of June 1919, Chargé d'Affaires of the Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs J. Milanković arrived in Omsk. V. N. Shtrandman was approved as envoy in Belgrade.

In the declaration of the Kolchak government of December 7, 1918, regarding the end of the world war, the hope was expressed for Russia's participation in the Versailles Peace Conference. The Kolchak government created a special commission at its Foreign Ministry to prepare for a peace conference in the hope that Russia would be represented at Versailles as a great country that had suffered huge losses and held a second front for three years, without which the final victory of the allies would have been impossible. Russia was assured of this, in particular, by the head of the French military mission, General M. Janin, speaking upon his arrival in Vladivostok in November 1918. It was assumed that if before the convening of the conference there was no government of the new Russia legally recognized by the allies, then its interests would be represented by one of the diplomats of the old Russia in agreement with the White governments. However, soon the position of the allies on this issue changed. The decisive argument was the absence of a legally recognized government for all of Russia.

As a result, the conference made a decision: to postpone consideration of the question of Russia, its international status and borders until the end of the Civil War in it, when a single government will be established throughout its internal territory, after which to convene a special international conference on all related issues.

In January 1919, US President W. Wilson and British Prime Minister D. Lloyd George took the initiative to convene on the Princes' Islands (in the Sea of ​​Marmara, near Istanbul) a special international conference on the Russian question, to which representatives of both opposing sides were invited - and Bolsheviks and whites. The Soviet government responded to this proposal. Among the whites, however, the Allied proposal to negotiate with the Bolsheviks caused a wave of indignation. Both Kolchak and Denikin refused to send their representatives to the Princes' Islands.

Military establishment

At first, the unification of the Siberian and People's armies did not lead to success: the new command was unable to properly use the available opportunities, and parts of the People's Army, left to themselves, continued the retreat, which began in September. On October 3, 1918, Syzran was left, on October 8 - Samara.

In early October, General Boldyrev reorganized the command of the armed forces of the East of Russia, distributing all the troops subordinate to him into three fronts: Western, Southwestern and Siberian. The Western Front included all Russian and Czechoslovak troops operating against the Soviet troops of the Eastern Front north of the line Nikolaevsk - Buzuluk - Sterlitamak - Verkhneuralsk - Kustanai - Pavlodar. The commander of the Czechoslovak Corps, Major General Ya. Syrovy, was appointed commander-in-chief of the Western Front, General M.K. The front included Russian, Bashkir and Czechoslovak military formations in the Urals and the Volga region: two divisions of the Czechoslovak Corps and the Yekaterinburg group (commander - R. Gaida), Kama group (commander - Lieutenant General S. N. Lupov), Samara group (all groups - with the rights of armies), (commander - colonel (later major general) S. N. Voitsekhovsky); Kama combat river flotilla (commander - Rear Admiral M. I. Smirnov). The Ural and Orenburg Cossack troops, as well as regular units operating south of the indicated line in the Saratov and Tashkent directions, formed the South-Western Front, led by the ataman of the Orenburg Cossack army, Lieutenant General A. I. Dutov. All anti-Bolshevik troops operating in Siberia became part of the Siberian Front, whose commander-in-chief was Major General P. P. Ivanov-Rinov, commander of the Siberian Army.

In view of the transformation of the military ministry of the Provisional Siberian Government into the military and naval ministry of the Provisional All-Russian Government, on November 2, 1918, P.P. Ivanov-Rinov was relieved of his post as its manager, but retained the post of commander of the Siberian army.

The reorganization of the management of the anti-Bolshevik armed forces of the East of Russia was completed by Admiral A. V. Kolchak, who declared himself the Supreme Commander. On December 18, 1918, he ordered the abolition of the corps districts of the Siberian Army and the formation of military districts instead:

By the same order, Kolchak approved the Orenburg military district, formed by order of the military circle of the Orenburg Cossack army, with headquarters in Orenburg (Orenburg province without Chelyabinsk district and Turgai region).

In the autumn and winter of 1918, the situation at the front favored Kolchak's plans to unite the diverse anti-Bolshevik forces. On November 29, the Yekaterinburg group of the Siberian Army, having launched a decisive offensive, completely defeated the 3rd Army of the Red Army that opposed it, took Kungur (December 21) and Perm (December 24), where they captured huge trophies.

After the establishment in December 1918 of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander Admiral Kolchak, the Siberian Army was disbanded.

On December 24, a new Siberian Army was formed from the Yekaterinburg Group of Forces (as part of the 1st Central Siberian Corps, the 3rd Steppe Siberian Corps, the Votkinsk Division and the Krasnoufimskaya Brigade), the temporary command of which was entrusted to General R. Gaide. To form the army headquarters, it was proposed to use the headquarters of the former Siberian army, which should be relocated from Omsk to Yekaterinburg as soon as possible. Vreed Chief of Staff of the Siberian Army was appointed Chief of Staff of the Yekaterinburg Group, General B. P. Bogoslovsky.

From parts of the Samara and Kama Group of Forces, the 3rd and 6th Ural Corps, the Western Army was formed, led by the commander of the 3rd Ural Corps, General M. V. Khanzhin; General S. A. Shchepikhin, Chief of Staff of the Samara Group, was appointed chief of staff of the army. On the basis of the troops of the Southwestern Front, the Orenburg separate army was formed under the command of General A. I. Dutov. The troops of the Siberian Front were reorganized into the 2nd Steppe Siberian Separate Corps of General V.V. Brzhezovsky, which operated in the Semirechensk direction.


In January - February 1919, the reorganized Siberian Army repulsed the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops on Perm.

In early March, the Siberian and Western armies went on the offensive.

The Siberian army, advancing on Vyatka and Kazan, took Sarapul, Votkinsk and Izhevsk in April and reached the approaches to Kazan. Western army occupied

Now there are four potential superpowers on the planet: Russia, China, the European Union and the United States. At the same time, Russia and China are on the rise, while the European Union and the United States, on the contrary, are teetering on the brink of a severe crisis.

Let's look at the main forces of our world in more detail. If you want to make additions and clarifications to the article, do it right on Rukspert:

World powers are the strongest geopolitical countries that are able to exert a significant influence on the politics of the whole world or individual large regions.


A superpower is a state with colossal geopolitical and military superiority over most other states. The term originated in 1944. According to official Western historiography, superpowers emerged as a result of World War II - and there were only three of them: the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Britain lost India and Pakistan in 1947, Myanmar and Sri Lanka in 1948, and Malaysia in 1957. The Pax Britannica project collapsed completely. In fact, Britain lost its superpower status in 1957 (although economic neo-colonialism continues to flourish). A similar view of the term "superpower" was largely shared both in the USSR and in most other countries of the world. (link).

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the United States remained for some time the only superpower - the term "hyperpower" was even coined to describe this state. However, over the next two decades, the United States partly lost its political weight, partly was pushed aside by a rapidly growing China, a resurgent Russia, and other candidates for superpower status (primarily the European Union).

However, opinions are often expressed that the phenomenon of “superpower” is generally a thing of the past, and in the modern relatively open and increasingly economically and culturally interconnected world, there are no more real superpowers of the 20th century model. Therefore, it seems most correct to consider the strongest countries of our time as only potential superpowers, since there is no general consensus on the current composition of superpowers.

Quite often, the term "superpower" is applied to historical eras before 1944, which in some cases may not be without meaning. However, generally speaking, the assumptions about who are considered superpowers before the Second World War and who are considered superpowers in our time are always quite controversial.

great country

A great power is a country that is able to exert a significant influence on the politics of the whole world or most of its large regions, but is weaker than a superpower, and in order to achieve its goals, it is usually forced to enter into an alliance with other great and regional powers.

The term "great power" appeared in the era after the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1833). Joining the club of great powers was determined by the fact of successful participation in the colonial redistribution of the world and the redrawing of the borders of Europe - in key wars and at diplomatic congresses. Initially, at the end of the Vienna Congress of 1815, the list of great powers included Russia, France, Prussia, Great Britain and the Austrian Empire. (link) From then until today, with the possible exception of the first decade after the 1917 revolution, Russia has been great powers.

At the moment, the great powers in fact include China, Russia and the United States - they are also potential superpowers and poles of power in today's world. In addition, France and Great Britain are usually referred to as great powers in our time, as they have retained a relatively capable navy and have a significant influence on the affairs of many of their former colonies around the world. However, the relatively low population of these countries does not allow them to claim more serious leadership. One of the most common criteria for great power status in the modern world is permanent participation in the UN Security Council and possession of the right of veto. The permanent members of the UN Security Council are the United Kingdom, China, Russia, the United States and France.

Also, a characteristic feature of the great powers is that if only one great power is included in any union, then the union itself in the eyes of the rest of the world actually becomes a tool for spreading most of its influence.

It should be noted that even before the “official” era of the great powers, there were global maritime colonial empires and simply regional empires on the planet that rarely develop into continental ones. Therefore, for the situation of the end of the 15th - the end of the 18th centuries, it is not unreasonable to apply the term "great power" to Spain, Portugal and Holland (all of them actually lost this status in the era of the Napoleonic wars or somewhat earlier), as well as to France and Great Britain. Of the historical continental powers, the Mongol Empire in the 13th century and the Russian Empire in the 18th century are closest to great power status.

regional power

A regional power is a country that has a comparative advantage over most other countries in a certain macro-region of the world, but is not strong enough to be able to significantly influence politics in other macro-regions of the world.

Signs of great powers

It is quite easy to find out at what level of sovereignty a particular country “pulls” by the following signs.

A great power is characterized by:
* Global ambitions.

* Strong enough to support such ambitions before the whole world, that is, numerous, well-equipped and trained, the army and navy. Availability of effective means to destroy aircraft carriers.
* Ocean fleet and other means of applying its power anywhere in the world.
* Nuclear weapons and their means of delivery to intercontinental (more than 8,000 km) distances, as well as nuclear submarines.
* Independent access to space and own means of space communications, reconnaissance and navigation.
* Appropriate information security tools (own global information channels, etc.).

Usually the result of the above is a permanent membership in the UN Security Council and leadership in large regional alliances. At the moment, all these parameters are achievable only with a population of approximately 60 million citizens or subjects, and only the presence of more than 100 million people allows these parameters to be realized so fully that one can speak of the country as a potential superpower.

A regional power is characterized by:
* Regional ambitions.
* Stable internal political and, which is usually interconnected, the financial situation within the country.
* Strong enough to support such ambitions in front of the neighbors army and navy.
* Nuclear weapons in limited quantities to limit interference by the great powers in local affairs.
* Appropriate information security tools (own regional information channels, etc.).
At the moment, all these parameters are simultaneously achievable only with a population of approximately 20 million citizens or subjects. Often they are leaders of small regional unions.

Potential superpowers

European Union

If this supranational entity becomes more like a single state, then in the future it may become a clear potential superpower due to its high technological level, high population and the influence of its individual members in the world. However, this is unlikely to happen in its current composition: largely due to the position of Great Britain, which is much more connected with the United States on key security issues than with the EU countries, and also because of the great ambitions of other members of the union (in particular, Poland) who are reluctant to reduce sovereignty.

Mainland China has an impressive stockpile of nuclear warheads (several hundred) and delivery vehicles. The population is 1,349 million inhabitants. Every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is Chinese. It has its own civilizational project, which it proclaims as "socialism with Chinese characteristics." It also has and implements a global civilizational project - the theory of a harmonious world. Since the 20th century, it has been under the unlimited control of the Communist Party. It claims leadership in the entire Pacific region, and also has serious plans for the Arctic and part of the Antarctic. Actively deploys BeiDou, its own satellite navigation system, in orbit. The Chinese army ranks third in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world. Several times he fought in the Himalayas with India, each time he defeated India.

the Russian Federation

Russia today has a large nuclear arsenal, including the promising Topol-M and Yars RS-24 mobile systems. The population of the Russian Federation is 143 million people. Unlike most countries that are ordinary nation-states, Russia claims to be an alternative civilization and has an alternative concept of globalization.

The meaning and goal of Putin's modern Russian project is to achieve absolute sovereignty, abandon Eurocentrism and move to Eurasianism, establish power in a significant part of Eurasia, invest heavily in the development and settlement of their subarctic territories, Central Asia and the Far East and turn from a nation state and union nations into a civilizational formation that is able to defend its interests anywhere on the planet, be it Antarctica or the Arctic, and ultimately offer the world an alternative development path (crisis-free) and its own concept of globalization (Russian).

In the 20th century, Russia gained tremendous experience in building systems of global political, economic and military confrontation. Through the efforts of the USSR and Russia, the world-famous satellite navigation system, GLONASS, has been created and deployed, the chips of which are already equipped with many modern computers and telephones running all operating systems. The Russian army deservedly ranks second in strength in the world.

It is the leader of the unions: the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Customs Union, the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

At the moment, the United States has a large nuclear arsenal, including the world's most advanced and fastest missiles LGM-30G Minuteman-III (speed reaches 24,000 km / h), ultra-precise missiles Trident II D5 and high-tech MX (LGM-118A) Peacekeeper. The population of the United States is 320 million people (3rd place on the planet). The realization of the military and political ambitions of the United States is now carried out anywhere in the world. The United States has the most popular satellite navigation system in the world - GPS. In recent decades, the US Army has rightfully ranked first in the rankings of the strongest armies in the world. The United States leads in the field of hypersonic technology and proclaims the idea of ​​a lightning-fast nuclear-free global strike.

Leader of alliances: Organization of American States, NATO.

Great powers

Great Britain

The UK has nuclear weapons (but only sea-based). The population of the kingdom is 63 million subjects. It is the bearer of its own concept of globalization (Western) and one of the sources of the spread of Western values. He does not have a personal satellite navigation system, but only participates in the creation of the pan-European Galileo system. Does not launch spacecraft. The army of the United Kingdom ranks fifth in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world, but does not have independence. Military operations are carried out only as part of NATO.

He is the leader of the Commonwealth of Nations (until 1946 - the British Commonwealth of Nations).

The French Republic has a huge nuclear arsenal by European standards. French nuclear physicists are worth their weight in gold all over the world today. The population of the republic is 65 million citizens. He is a classic bearer of Western democratic values, actively opens and promotes centers for the study of French in many states, but does not have global ambitions and, to a certain extent, is subordinate to the United States of America. Takes a sluggish part in the development of the European global satellite navigation system Galileo. It has a strong army (6th in the ranking) and the French Foreign Legion, joining which entitles any foreigner to become a French citizen after a certain number of years of service and receive an apartment.

Potential Great Powers


The fifth largest state in the world by area and population. The population of more than 200 million people continues to grow, the country has large reserves of natural resources and is an "agricultural power" (Brazil exports not only coffee, but also soybeans, sugar, meat and many other products). Brazil, the largest country and largest economy in Latin America, claims leadership in the region (at least in South America), which is somewhat hampered by the fact that Brazilians speak Portuguese, while most other Latin Americans speak Spanish. The country has its own space program and spaceports, as well as its own production of airliners. However, it does not have a significant military-industrial complex, let alone nuclear weapons. The ocean fleet is mainly represented by old ships bought from other fleets, and the army is nothing outstanding for such a populated and large country.

Brazil has virtually no "great power" experience (although it was the Empire of Brazil for a time). On the other hand, the image of Brazil in the rest of the world is quite positive due to its vibrant culture and achievements in football, the most popular sport in the world (the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics will be held in Brazil). In addition, Brazil demonstrates to the world a fairly successful model of a nation in which representatives of different races coexist relatively peacefully. At the same time, high crime, poverty and social stratification remain serious problems in the country.

It is a member of the South American organizations Mercosur and the Union of South American Nations, and is also one of the BRICS countries. Brazil's economic and political ambitions are most often associated with membership in the latter organization.


The de facto leader of the European Union. Lacking nuclear weapons and a powerful navy, as well as being under the noticeable influence of the United States, nevertheless, it spends significant funds on the army. Actively intervenes in European politics.

India has nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The population of India is 1,220 million people. It does not lay claim to the Indian Ocean and the Arctic (unlike China), does not have global ambitions and tries to stay away from wars, chaos and revolutions, including those in the Middle East. It does not plan to develop a global satellite navigation system, but is currently developing a regional one - IRNSS. The system will only cover India itself. The Indian Army is ranked 4th in the ranking, which is impressive. Has a polar station in Antarctica.

Iran does not currently possess nuclear weapons. In 2013, he even abandoned such plans. The population of Iran is 79 million inhabitants. It is the main distributor of two global projects at once - the Shiite arc and the Islamic-theocratic project. Unlike most Islamic states, where the head is either the monarch or the president, in Iran the head is the imam. In 1989, Iran's supreme leader, Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, approached Gorbachev with a proposal to rebuild the USSR and build an Islamic state there. Iran does not plan to develop its analogue of GLONASS. It has a strong army (16th in the ranking) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).


Pakistan has a large number of nuclear warheads. The means of delivery are missiles and aircraft. It has long been developing strategic missile submarines. Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is recognized as the fastest growing in the world. The population is 190 million citizens. Pakistan is going to increase the area of ​​its territory at the expense of Kashmir, but does not plan to participate in global projects such as the World Caliphate. It uses its rockets to launch satellites, has its own space program, but is unable to develop a global analogue of GLONASS. Has a polar station in Antarctica. It has a one and a half million army (12th place in the ranking). He spends unbearable money on the army and the military-industrial complex, despite the fact that the population eats mangoes and wheat.

The country, which is heavily influenced by the United States, has territorial disputes with almost all of its neighbors, as well as a developed military-industrial complex, a powerful army and navy. It does not establish its zones of influence in the region, apparently, only for the reason that it is firmly divided among even more powerful powers. The population is 127 million people. Japan has a polar station in Antarctica.

Regional powers

It has nuclear weapons, although it does not officially recognize this. The population is 8 million citizens. Located in the Middle East, surrounded by hostile states. Contrary to the opinions of conspiracy theorists, paranoids and kitchen nationalists, does not have global ambitions to implement the global reptilian Zionist conspiracy (ZOG). Has no plans to create a global satellite navigation system. Has a strong and well-trained army with great combat experience (13th in the ranking).

A not very rich South European state, which nevertheless claims a significant role in the affairs of Latin America and northwestern Africa. It reinforces its ambitions with the presence of universal landing ships in the fleet.

South European state with a powerful military-industrial complex. Since its inception, it has shown significant ambitions in the Mediterranean region. Along with France and Great Britain, she took an active part in the war in Libya.

Canada is a raw materials appendage of the United States of America that does not possess nuclear weapons. The British Queen now has some power in Canada. The population of Canada is 34 million people. Canada is a member of NATO and has neither global nor regional ambitions. Uses GPS and has no plans to develop its own satellite navigation system. Despite this, the Canadian army is among the twenty most powerful armies in the world (19th place).

North Korea is the poorest state on this list. Possesses nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles, capable of destroying several neighboring cities. However, the United States is not seriously threatened, since intercontinental ballistic missiles have not yet been created in the country. The population is 24 million people. Most of them are military. It incomprehensibly combines red revolutionary communism and succession to the throne. It has its own Korean ideology - Juche, but, despite this, the DPRK is deprived of global ambitions, satellite technology is in its infancy. It has an army of medium combat capability (29th in the world).

The Republic of Korea

Despite significant dependence on the United States, the country is trying to pursue its own political course, in particular, deeply cooperating with Russia, where, for example, scientific divisions of Samsung have already been created and are successfully operating. It has a serious industrial and scientific base, including in defense technologies. It is actually the world leader in civil shipbuilding and has its own spaceport. Serious regional influence is hindered only by the proximity of equally or more powerful countries.

It can reach a qualitatively higher level in the event of the reunification of North and South Korea into one country.

Saudi Arabia

The kingdom claiming leadership in the region is not only rich enough, but also has a defense budget comparable in size to that of the great powers. He is the leader of the organization "Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf", which includes the military alliance "Shield of the Peninsula". Does not possess nuclear weapons, but is an energy power. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the leader of the entire Islamic world of the planet, the keeper of the two main Muslim shrines. Arms Syrian militants, promotes the Wahhabi form of Islam abroad, including Russian regions. KSA took an active part in the destruction of secular Islamic regimes in the region.

The kingdom financed the terrorists of Chechnya and still finances terror against the Russian Federation. He is making efforts to spread his civilizational project based on Wahhabism around the world. Strives to build a Caliphate. Successfully competes with the hostile Shiite Iran. Has strong tanks. Gradually develops its science and high technologies.

The country does not hide its claims to dominance in the Middle East and the Balkans, as well as in the Islamic and, above all, the Turkic-speaking world. It has a powerful army with a small military-industrial complex. Controls the strategic Black Sea straits. Actively intervenes in international conflicts in the Caucasus and Syria.

A neutral state with a fairly powerful military-industrial complex producing fighter jets and submarines. Quite actively interferes in international politics in Europe and the Arctic. He is the leader of the Northern Council.

It is one of the centers of distribution of the modern Western ideology of tolerance.

Republic of South Africa

The state that abandoned the nuclear program as a result of a de facto local revolution under international pressure, nevertheless, remains a clear regional leader. In fact, the only African country creates its own military equipment. It is the leader of the South African Customs Union.

Applicants for the status of regional powers

In some cases, countries that are weak but rich or highly motivated by some idea are trying to influence politics in the region and the world. There have been examples in history when they were quite successful (Venice), but at present, the success of such countries is always supported by someone looming behind them. Otherwise, their attempts to puff out their cheeks remain fruitless. It should also include countries currently in a position that does not allow them to realize their potential.

With Russia, of course, is associated with immensity. The aspirations of almost all Russian rulers focused on the formation of Russia as an empire.

“Russia is a country that has a great influence on the past, present and future of the entire planet. This is one of the richest countries in the world, which contains the most important strategic resources: a large and educated population, advanced technologies and large mineral deposits, a vast territory with untouched ecosystem resources. It remains only to learn how to use these virtues effectively, preserve them and increase them.“
Encyclopedia for children. History of Russia 20th century.

Feeling messianic

Russia has always been convinced that it plays some important role among other peoples, that it has some great destiny.
In the Middle Ages, Russia perceived itself as the "shield" of Europe - protecting it from Asian invaders, which marked the beginning of the Russian tendency towards messianism.

“We can be said to be, in a certain way, an exceptional people. We belong to the number of those nations that, as it were, are not part of humanity, but exist only in order to give the world some important lesson. But who can say how many troubles we will experience before our destiny is fulfilled?
P.Ya.Chaadaev, Russian philosopher of the 19th century

Russia at the beginning of the 21st century - the contradictions of Russia

Since ancient times, Russians have been looking for answers to the “eternal Russian questions”: what is Russia and what kind of Russia do we need?

Already an outstanding Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev determined that Russia is contradictory, antonymous.

messianism - and backwardness

Russia is destined for something great, plays an extraordinary role among other nations, sometimes even considers itself the center of the world. Dostoevsky, according to Berdyaev, is not only a Russian person, this is the “all-man” and the spirit of Russia, this is the “universal spirit”
On the other hand, Russia has always lagged behind Europe, is in fact on the outskirts, somewhere far from everyone, and therefore forms “its own world”, perhaps quite independent.

Absence of the state - and red tape

The state has always come somehow from the outside, according to the Russians, the state is “they”, not “we”. Russia is a very anarchic country.
On the other hand, in reality, the free play of creative forces is virtually impossible, the personality of a person is suppressed.

Patriotism - and borrowing

The tendency to borrow from, imitate, and be inspired by other cultures.
On the other hand, to defend our own, to preserve our specificity, to maintain a sense of national pride.

Wealth and poverty

The narrow top of society, the city of Moscow, is rich, but the majority of the population of Russia are poor people; many regions are poor.

The presence of cutting-edge technology - and the lack of basic amenities

(Example: The city of Severodvinsk produced nuclear submarines, but people there lived in terrible slums and received only food stamps instead of a salary.)

Geopolitical position of the Russian Federation in the modern world, foreign policy

The collapse of the empire

During the 20th century Russia first expanded, and then lost its influence on many states of Europe and Asia (including Czechoslovakia).
With the collapse of the USSR, Russia experienced a major crisis. The country has lost many territories and geopolitical influence, and many analysts argue that this is only the first stage in the collapse of the empire. There are also forecasts that Russia will break up into several separate regions - now it is a country that includes areas that are very different from each other.
Citizens of the USSR considered their country the center of the world. At the end of the Cold War, it turned out that Russia, on the contrary, is a completely exhausted country, which in many areas lags behind its rivals. Faith collapsed that the Soviet people - the builder of a new, better society.
However, the dream of "Great Russia" has not lost its appeal to this day; the myth of the “country between three oceans” also lives on (although the dream of the revival of the New Great Russia, according to some Russian scientists, poses a threat: “Another lost generation is the final loss of face in the eyes of the world. Russia has exhausted the limit for experiments of this kind”) .

Modern Russia does not want to give up international influence, an important place in global politics, Russian politicians constantly argue that Russia should remain among the powers that make decisions on the organization of the world order.

Relations with neighboring states

In foreign policy, the Russian Federation distinguishes between countries of the near abroad (neighbors and former republics of the USSR) and countries of the far abroad.
The main platform that connected the former republics of the USSR was the organization CIS .

The CIS was originally formed by Belarus, Russia and Ukraine on December 8, 1991. The international organization included most of the former republics of the USSR, which declared their desire to maintain cooperation, especially in the economic, humanitarian, cultural fields (as V.V. Putin put it, the CIS was created for "civilized divorce").
One of the main unifying factors is low prices for gas and oil supplied by Russia to CIS partners.
In the middle of the first decade of the 21st century. The Commonwealth is going through a serious crisis, it is turning more into a "commonwealth". The member countries are “rushing” from under the political influence of Moscow, demonstrating a desire for the West (the “orange revolution” in Ukraine, the “rose revolution” in Georgia, the “tulip revolution” in Kyrgyzstan, Moldova).
The Russian Federation in response switches to market prices for gas.

Conflicts with neighboring countries

In 2005 - 2006 relations between the Russian Federation and some neighboring countries have escalated, which is considered to be a failure of Russian diplomacy: the gas crisis in Ukraine, the conflict with Georgia caused by the detention of Russian servicemen by Georgian special services on suspicion of espionage, which led to harsh retaliatory sanctions from Russia.

Annexation of Crimea 2014

The annexation of Crimea is explained by the Russian authorities as the inclusion in the Russian Federation of most of the territory of the Crimean peninsula (transferred to Ukraine in 1956) on the basis of the non-acceptance of the “forceful” change of Ukrainian power by the predominant Russian population of Crimea. The action took place in the presence of "groups of armed people", only later recognized soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

March 16 was held referendum on the status of Crimea, on the basis of the results of which the independent Republic of Crimea was unilaterally proclaimed, signing an agreement with Russia on joining the Russian Federation. Russia's actions in Crimea will not be accepted either Crimean Tatars, the indigenous population of the Crimea.

The geopolitical situation caused a sharp collapse of the Crimean companies and the budget, a decrease in the standard of living of the population, the cessation of deliveries of Electric Energy from the Ukrainian side, etc.

Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict since 2014

The change of power in Ukraine that occurred after the uprising "Euromaidan" in January-February 2014, provoked protests supported by Russia in the South-East of Ukraine. In April 2014, hostilities began between the armed forces of Ukraine and the military groups of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk republics and "volunteer" paramilitary groups.

Western states accused the Russian Federation of intervention in the conflict(the use of regular troops in the fighting on the side of the rebels, the supply of weapons, financial support). The Russian leadership has consistently denied accusations of participation in hostilities and arms supplies, stating that Russia is not a party to the confrontation. However, on March 1, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted an appeal to the Federation Council "on the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine." Wounded and dead Russian soldiers are returning from Ukraine.

The conflict is an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe. Thousands of Russians and Ukrainians, civilians, volunteers, military personnel died. 2.3 million refugees left the region. The most tragic event is the death of the passengers of the Boeing flight MH17, shot down in July 2014 over the conflict zone. There is a complete lack of law and order, violence, and infrastructure has been destroyed.

Goes information war, running propaganda from both sides. Trolls post ratings or misleading information on social media.

The conflict caused a wide international resonance and a significant range of diplomatic instruments was introduced (condemning resolutions, sanctions, banning certain Russian figures from entering the European Union and vice versa). European politicians have repeatedly tried to take measures for a ceasefire ("Minsk agreements" - the second took place in Minsk in February 2015.

The consequence of the war is, of course, the deterioration of the international geopolitical position of the Russian Federation. The conflict brought about a split not only in states, but also in families, personal and professional contacts, and road connections.

Claims of the West to the Russian Federation

The West (the European Union and the USA) reproach the Russian Federation mainly on the following points:

  • an attempt to annul the right of the former republics of the USSR to democratization and liberation from the geopolitical influence of the Russian Federation
  • war in Chechnya
  • support for pro-Russian separatist regions in the former Soviet republics (South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia, Transnistria in Moldova), Russian intervention in internal Georgian conflicts
  • the adoption of some non-democratic measures in the country (restriction of the free activities of non-governmental organizations, churches, the media)
  • use of oil and gas supplies as a tool of extortion, providing Russia with political influence in the world
  • cooperation with Iran in the field of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
  • support for the totalitarian regime in Belarus

The attitude of the West towards the Russian Federation sometimes captures the psychology of a besieged country, the myth that Russia remains alone in the whole world, “naked among wolves”.

Russia and the European Union

The Russian Federation and the European Union cannot agree with each other on the basis of mutual relations. The EU is unable to establish joint priorities of all EU member states in relation to the Russian Federation.

EU je aktér zvyklý na kompromisně vyjednaná řešení multikulturálního rázu. Rusko je klasický moderní stát, pro nějž jsou zásadními hodnotami suverenita a prosazování úzce vymezených národních zájmů.
Podceňování Ruska Unií a Unie Ruskem. Rusko se mezi obchodními partnery EU pohybuje až kolem 5. místa. Rusko, cenící si své vojenské moci jako posledního atributu supervelmocenského postavení, považuje EU za vojenského trpaslíka.

Petr Kratochvil: Česká republika a Rusko: how dál po rozšíření EU?

Russia's claims to the EU concern:

  • underestimation of Russia as an equal partner
  • unsettled issues of transportation of goods and passengers between the main territory of Russia and the Kaliningrad region
  • infringement of the rights of Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia and Estonia
  • attempts by the EU to resist the preservation of Russia's foreign policy influence in the post-Soviet space

Membership of the Russian Federation in international organizations

RF is a member of:

  • United Nations (United Nations)
  • OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)
  • Council of Europe
  • CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
  • CBSS (Council of the Baltic Sea States) is an economic organization
  • BSEC (Black Sea Economic Cooperation) - economic organization

RF is not a member of:

  • NATO (Russia has signed an agreement on military-economic cooperation and security issues with NATO.)
  • OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Russia cooperates with OPEC.)
  • WTO (Russia wants to join the WTO.)
  • G 8 ("Big Eight") - a club of industrialized countries of the world - Russia was excluded in 2014 after the withdrawal of Crimea and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis

Economy of Russia

Modern Russia is a developed industrial-agrarian country.
In the UN ranking of living standards, the Russian Federation has been in 65-75th place for several years in a row and tops the list of countries with an “average standard of living”.

The poor in Russia

25% of Russians are recognized as beggars.
Poor people in Russia are most often able-bodied residents of villages and small towns. There is a very high proportion of people living below the official poverty line among workers in education, culture and healthcare.

The development of the economy throughout the 20th century.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century. Russia was almost entirely an agrarian country. Then it became a country of giant enterprises. Russian economy during the 20th century. was subject to many experiments - from five-year plans and industrialization under Stalin to perestroika under Gorbachev and a sharp transition to the principles of a market economy under Yeltsin.

Reforms of the 90s 20th century

In the course of the reforms begun in the 1990s, a market economy was established, and the national economy of Russia became diversified; allowing different forms of ownership, organization and management. Reforms of the second half of the 90s. - this is mainly the introduction of a free exchange rate of the ruble against the US dollar, price liberalization, privatization.
On January 1, 1998, the denomination of money took place - 1000 rubles turned into one ruble. In the autumn of the same year, a new wave of economic crisis came.

Regional economy

The main economic zone of the Russian Federation corresponds to the main zone of settlement. It differs, firstly, by latitudinal zoning (raw materials are mined in the north, but very little) and, secondly, by Euro-Asian asymmetry (70% of the country's economic potential is concentrated in Europe).
The standard of living of the population, the amount of the subsistence minimum, the cost of products and services, as well as unemployment in each region are different.

The economic situation of the Russian Federation in the 21st century

Structure of the economy

The structure of the Russian economy is dominated by heavy industry, especially metallurgy, chemistry, engineering and energy. Russia is extremely rich in forest resources.
10 nuclear power plants have been built in Russia.
Main agricultural crops: cereals, sugar beets, sunflowers, potatoes, flax. Meat and dairy and meat and wool animal husbandry occupies over 60% of the gross agricultural output.

Three levels of technological excellence

Industries in which Russia has significant achievements:

    space program

Technological direction in which Russia has world-class developments:

    metallic (light, super-light alloys based on aluminium, magnesium and titanium alloys) and non-metallic materials (rubber, plastics)

    welding hardening technology

    chemical technologies

    composite ceramics


50% of all foreign exchange resources entering the country are provided by the export of oil and gas.

Major gas producing companies: Gazprom (the largest corporation in Russia, the world leader in this industry; the state owns 50% plus 1 share of Gazprom), Lukoil, Sibneft.


Russia has a high degree of dependence on the supply of grain, sugar, tea, coffee, meat, oil, medicines and consumer goods. Machinery and equipment are imported. In 2005, Russia's main trading partners among non-CIS countries were Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy.

V.V. Putin's reforms - the first years of his reign

VV Putin struggled with the phenomena of the shadow economy and is trying to modernize the country. He simplified the payment of taxes, introduced free purchase and sale of land, reduced the number of ministries and officials. The largest enterprises (Gazprom) are in the hands of the state. The economy has grown by all indicators (for example, the number of mobile phone owners has increased 30 times in the first four years of Putin's rule), and new factories with foreign investment are springing up all over Russia. The Russian Federation wanted to achieve acceptance into the WTO. The economic standard of living of the people has undoubtedly risen.

World economic crisis of 2008 in Russia

The outbreak of the global economic crisis has not bypassed Russia.

Manifestations of the crisis:

  • collapse in the Russian stock market
  • ruble devaluation
  • decline in industrial production GDP, incomes of the population
  • rising unemployment.

The government's anti-crisis measures required significant spending. In May 2009, Russia's GDP fell by 11% compared to the same month last year. Exports for this month fell by 45% compared to May 2008. In March 2010, a World Bank report noted that the losses to the Russian economy were less than expected at the start of the crisis.

Crisis of 2015

Reasons for the crisis:

  • falling oil prices
  • economic sanctions against Russia (caused by the geopolitical situation, Russia-Ukraine conflict)
  • annexation of Crimea

Consequences of the crisis

The ruble has sharply lost its value., fell in price by more than 60%. Although the authorities claim that the sanctions have passed without a trace, the population can buy much less food with rubles. There was a massive outflow of capital from Russia.


Economic indicators 2007

  • GDP per capita: $9075
  • GDP growth: 8.1% (compared to the previous year)
  • Official inflation: 11.9%
  • Unemployment: 6.6%

Economic indicators 2015

  • GDP per capita: $25,636
  • GDP growth: - 4.1% (compared to the previous year)
  • Official inflation: 15.7%
  • Unemployment: 5.5%

Russia's achievements

Russia has a huge and traditional scientific and technical base. At present, spending on science is being reduced - academicians receive a salary much lower than "an ordinary clerk in a company with foreign participation."

World famous Russian scientists

D. I. Mendeleev (1834-1907)

Mendeleev is a world famous chemist who created the periodic table of chemical elements.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)

Tsiolkovsky is considered the founder of modern astronautics. In his theoretical writings, he laid the foundations for the theory of rockets and liquid-propellant rocket engines.

Nobel Laureates

Nobel Prize Winners in Medicine and Physiology

I. P. Pavlov (1849-1936)

Pavlov received the award for his work in the field of digestion - conditioned reflexes.

I. I. Mechnikov (1845-1916)

Mechnikov was one of the founders of evolutionary embryology. The Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of the first cell of the immune system.

Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

A. D. Sakharov (in 1975)

Sakharov is an academician, one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb, a defender of rights and freedoms. He advocated an end to nuclear testing. He was exiled into exile, from where he was released and invited back to Moscow by Gorbachev.

M. S. Gorbachev (in 1990)

The first and last president of the USSR, with whom the elimination of missiles is associated, the end of the Cold War.

In chemistry, Russians have 2 Nobel Prizes, in physics - 4 (the invention of the laser), in economics - 3, in literature - 5.


Russian athletes, as a rule, achieve success in such disciplines as figure skating, hockey, gymnastics, chess (world champions Anatoly Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik). In the Russian Federation, there is a well-thought-out system for training athletes from an early age.

Summer Olympic Games in Moscow 1980

The Olympics took place during the division of the world into the socialist East and the capitalist West. The games were boycotted by 64 countries, including the USA, Canada, Japan, Moscow became a showcase for socialist successes, and a conditionally ideal, but artificial world was created within the framework of the games.

Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2014

XXII Winter Olympic Games, an international sporting event held from 7 to 23 February 2014 in the Russian city of Sochi. Talismans: white bear, leopard, hare. Maria Sharapova carried the Olympic flag to the stadium. After that, several more eminent Russian athletes carried the torch, and Irina Rodnina and Vladislav Tretyak lit the fire in the arena.

Today, in all countries of the world, such a state as Russia is known. For most Europeans, until recently, Russia was associated with the bear Mashka, Russian vodka and earflaps. Today, Russia is known as a rising power, strong and confident, with its own independent leader. Therefore, today Russia is associated with Putin, who clearly defined the priorities of the Russian state throughout the world. After the election of a new president, in my opinion, Putin remained the leader, and the newly elected it is very difficult to achieve the same success as the previous one.
The situation in which Russia found itself at the beginning of the 21st century is most often characterized by economists, political scientists and other specialists involved in the formation of public opinion as a time of extremes, polar opinions, death sentences, saving recipes.
Entire generations of futurists from politics and economics, heading centers, institutions, foundations, well-off enough to publish regular newspapers and full-color analytical journals, rushed to look for the “Russian way”.
Some suggest accepting the results of the Cold War, burying what binds us to the great past, accepting the model of the Western way of life and, finally, proceeding to the third world, recognizing our capitulation.
Others seek salvation in the choice of a new "strategic partner" - that "friend" who will rush to save and raise the "humiliated and trampled country" from its knees. As such a partner, someone new is chosen annually, rises to the shield and is exposed to the amusement of the world community.
Still others sincerely believe that only the awareness of oneself as a “great Eurasian power” can solve the problems that the country is facing.
The fourth ones propose to isolate themselves from the outside world, to develop on the basis of the idea of ​​self-sufficiency, developing the thesis about the cold climate and the inferiority of our territory.
The listed positions, oddly enough, are very similar to each other: they have nothing to do with reality.
Life is a composition so complex and multidimensional that it cannot be described only by graphs, theoretically calculated tables and polling percentages...
Russia has enemies.
They call it the "evil empire", "black hole", "a country without past and future", "eternal loser". It is useful to get to know your country through foreign news releases and publications in the foreign press ...
It cannot be said that no one cared about Russia throughout history. A lot of scenarios, doctrines, plans have been written and implemented. One enumeration what is worth: “Monroe Doctrine”, “Barbarossa Plan”, “Dulles Plan”, “Kissinger-Brzezinski Concept”… Speaking openly about hatred for Russia at the same time strengthens the political positions of the state. When they talk about dislike for the state, they talk about fear of this state.
They began to talk about Russia as a Great Power not just, but immediately. They began to speak since the time of Peter the Great, who cut through the “window to Europe” and adopted elements of culture, education and military art from the countries of Europe. Subsequently, a whole trend will appear that has captured the majority of enlightened minds discussing the need for these changes and borrowing culture from other countries. But it should be recognized that Russia has its own fleet, its own firm foreign policy and the status of a world power. His followers in the person of Catherine II, Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II, Alexander III, to one degree or another, sought to maintain this status with reforms, foreign policy and the desire to maintain peace. Probably not everything was so rosy and successful for each of the rulers.
Under the reign of Nicholas II, we, again, cannot talk about the complete decline of the statehood of Russia, and the loss of the status of a Great Power. During this period, production, education, and science are actively developing. And, in essence, at a faster pace than the first 20 years after the revolution!
Education of the USSR. Today, more and more people talk about the USSR as a negative factor in relation to Russia. Like, the "Iron Curtain", people did not know what Europe is.
A is not it was it that bad? Or is it a political ploy?
It is not for us to judge that time and those political measures, but we should draw conclusions and take it into account so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.
But it was during the times of the USSR that Russia became a great space power, a powerful military power, with a high scientific and educational level, original formed culture.
The collapse of the USSR. Perestroika.
Every historical moment has its positive and negative qualities. Perestroika has too many negative and negative qualities that affected the development of Russia, her identity, its culture, its development, the attitude of other countries towards the once Great State.
Ill-considered, unplanned actions for many years did not make it possible to get out with dignity to the international arena. Then it was proclaimed that Russia was freed from the shackles of the Communist Party and now it is certainly a Great Power, which it should be. But, as I understand it, a Great Power is, among other things:

  • high cultural values ​​of society;
  • high level of education;
  • support for sports and high sports achievements;
  • competent social policy.
    It was during this period of time that none of the signs were noted. Russia was swallowed up by greedy politicians, officials, bureaucracy, banal mass theft, in the end. And the presence of a leader who evoked in everyone only a bitter contemptuous grin (B.N. Yeltsin).
    The turning point for Russia was the arrival of a new energetic leader - V.V. Putin. With new attitudes and views on the structure of the state in which he lives, his relatives and friends. With the understanding that Russia needs fundamental changes, but which cannot be implemented overnight.
    Putin's team was not dissolved after the election of a new president and did not abandon its goal.
    What is, according to the Russians, a great power?
    According to the results of mass surveys, there are three main features:
    high standard of living of citizens - 43%;
    developed economy - 40.3%;
    powerful army (39%).

Abstract on the topic

Is Russia a Great Power?

Essence of Great Power

A great power rests on three "pillars" - on a united nation, on the native faith, on the native language. Remove one of these components and soon you will see the death of even a very strong state. (Sergey Fetisov)

In the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus F.A. and Efron I.A. the term great power is reflected as follows: "Great Powers, a term adopted to designate the most powerful states playing a leading role in the international arena."

A great power is a country that has a huge impact on the regional or world system. Its status cannot be determined solely by such economic indicators as gross domestic product, purchasing power parity or GDP per capita. Even when a country suffers from poverty or isolation, its natural power, due to its territory, population and culture, still energizes the outside world.

In view of the nature of the politics of the great powers, it seems appropriate to outline a number of principles. First, these powers deserve to be treated with respect, because they cannot be ignored - their every move affects the international order. Secondly, in relations with them, one should not overstep the bounds: one should not try to destroy the internal order of these countries, hope that they will fall apart, and also one should not try to drive them into a corner, since this will inevitably lead to chaos or violence, as well as suffering. all parties involved. And finally, they must be encouraged to honor their commitments in the international arena - in the world village, where interconnections are growing stronger every day, the great powers have even more responsibility.

Since the Congress of Vienna, five European states have been called great powers: Austria (later Austria-Hungary), Great Britain, Prussia (later Germany), Russia and France. These countries, predominantly through mutual agreements, led the political life of Europe.

Since 1870, Italy has become one of the great powers. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States of America and Japan began to be ranked among the extra-European great powers.

After the Second World War, the permanent members of the UN Security Council began to be considered great powers: the USSR, the USA, Great Britain, France and China. These same powers gained additional influence through the possession of nuclear weapons. The Charter of the United Nations places the primary responsibility for the maintenance of peace and global security on the great powers. Today, the need for a reform of the UN Security Council is being actively discussed. Germany, Japan, India, Brazil and South Africa are seen as the most likely candidates for permanent membership in the enlarged Security Council.

The formation of the Russian state

Today, in all countries of the world, such a state as Russia is known. For most Europeans, until recently, Russia was associated with the bear Mashka, Russian vodka and earflaps. Today, Russia is known as a rising power, strong and confident, with its own leader. Therefore, today Russia is associated with Putin, who clearly defined the priorities of the Russian state throughout the world. After the election of a new president, in my opinion, it is unlikely that Putin's name will be quickly forgotten, and it will be very difficult for the newly elected leader to achieve the same success as the previous one.

The situation in which Russia found itself at the beginning of the 21st century is most often characterized by economists, political scientists and other specialists involved in the formation of public opinion as a time of extremes, polar opinions, death sentences, saving recipes.

Entire generations of futurists from politics and economics, heading centers, institutions, foundations, well-off enough to publish regular newspapers and full-color analytical journals, rushed to look for the "Russian way".

Some suggest accepting the results of the Cold War, burying what binds us to the great past, accepting the model of the Western way of life and, finally, proceeding to the third world, recognizing our capitulation.

Others seek salvation in the choice of a new "strategic partner" - that "friend" who will rush to save and raise "a humiliated and trampled country" from its knees. As such a partner, someone new is chosen annually, rises to the shield and is exposed to the amusement of the world community.

Still others sincerely believe that only the awareness of oneself as a "great Eurasian power" is capable of solving the problems that the country is facing.

The fourth ones propose to isolate themselves from the outside world, to develop on the basis of the idea of ​​self-sufficiency, developing the thesis about the cold climate and the inferiority of our territory.

The listed positions, oddly enough, are very similar to each other: they have nothing to do with reality.

Life is a composition so complex and multidimensional that it cannot be described only by graphs, theoretically calculated tables and polling percentages...

Russia has enemies.

They call it an "evil empire", a "black hole", "a country without a past and a future", "an eternal loser". It is useful to get to know your country through foreign news releases and publications in the foreign press ...

It cannot be said that no one cared about Russia throughout history. A lot of scenarios, doctrines, plans have been written and implemented. One enumeration of what is worth: "Monroe Doctrine", "Barbarossa Plan", "Dulles Plan", "Kissinger-Brzezinski Concept" ... Speaking openly about hatred of Russia at the same time strengthens the political positions of the state. When they talk about dislike for the state, they talk about fear of this state.

They began to talk about Russia as a Great Power not just, but immediately. They began to speak since the time of Peter the Great, who opened a "window to Europe" and adopted elements of culture, education and military art from the countries of Europe. Subsequently, a whole trend will appear that has captured the majority of enlightened minds discussing the need for these changes and borrowing culture from other countries. But it should be recognized that Russia has its own fleet, its own firm foreign policy and the status of a world power. His followers in the person of Catherine II, Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II, Alexander III, to one degree or another, sought to maintain this status with reforms, foreign policy and the desire to maintain peace. Probably not everything was so rosy and successful for each of the rulers.

Under the reign of Nicholas II, we, again, cannot talk about the complete decline of the statehood of Russia, and the loss of the status of a Great Power. During this period, production, education, and science are actively developing. And, in essence, at a faster pace than the first 20 years after the revolution!

Education of the USSR. Today, more and more people talk about the USSR as a negative factor in relation to Russia. Like, "Iron Curtain", people did not know what Europe is.

Was it really that bad? Or is it a political ploy?

It is not for us, young people, to judge that time and those political measures, but we should draw conclusions and take it into account so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

But it was during the times of the USSR that Russia became a great space power, a powerful military power, with a high scientific and educational level, and an original, formed culture.

The collapse of the USSR. Perestroika.

Every historical moment has its positive and negative qualities. Perestroika has too many negative and negative qualities that have affected the development of Russia, its identity, its culture, its development, and the attitude of other countries towards the once Great State.

Ill-considered, unplanned actions for many years did not make it possible to adequately enter the international arena. Then it was proclaimed that Russia was freed from the shackles of the Communist Party and now it is certainly a Great Power, which it should be. But, as I understand it, the Great Power is:

high cultural values ​​of society;

high level of education;

support for sports and high sports achievements;

competent social policy.

It was during this period of time that none of the signs were noted. Russia was swallowed up by greedy politicians, bureaucracy, bureaucracy, theft in the end. And the presence of a leader who evoked only a bitter contemptuous grin (B.N. Yeltsin).

The turning point for Russia was the arrival of a new energetic leader - V.V. Putin. With new attitudes and views on the structure of the state in which he lives, his relatives and friends. With the understanding that Russia needs fundamental changes, but which cannot be implemented overnight.

And today D.A. Medvedev is considered to be this leader, but Putin’s team was not disbanded and did not abandon its goal.

What is, according to the Russians, a great power?

There are three main features:

high standard of living of citizens - 43%;

developed economy – 40.3%;

Table 1

Respondents' opinion about the signs of a great power (as a percentage of the total number of respondents who answered the question, it was possible to choose several answers)

Sample average Altai region Republic of Bashkortostan Volgograd region Vologodskaya Oblast Kaliningrad region Kaluga region Primorsky Krai
Population 13.5 10.6 10.5 15.8 6.1 27.5 9.7 14.0
Territory size 19.5 17.5 12.8 18.9 11.2 23.1 27.4 25.8
Powerful army 38.8 39.7 28.2 42.1 34.6 45.8 35.5 45.3
Developed economy 40.3 43.3 48.2 41.8 37.4 32.4 39.5 39.8
High standard of living of citizens 43.2 43.8 41.0 47.4 54.2 36.5 30.5 48.3
Rich natural resources 22.2 23.3 22.8 19.9 19.3 15.7 26.6 27.5
Strong centralized authority 13.8 12.2 14.6 14.3 22.1 14.7 7.6 11.3
Broad democratic rights and freedoms 10.9 12.9 7.9 12.8 12.2 12.6 7.4 10.5
Glorious heroic past 15.3 18.0 16.9 14.5 13.0 14.9 18.2 11.5
Cultural traditions, advanced science 17.3 24.3 17.9 15.3 23.2 12.9 12.9 14.8
Respect from other states 22.7 26.3 22.8 21.4 20.6 21.6 21.8 24.0
Answered the question, man. 2740 395 390 392 393 389 380 400

Moreover, residents of all regions are in solidarity in assessing the primacy of these features. It should be noted that only Kaliningraders put the power of the army in the first place (46%). In all other regions, the first place is given to either a high standard of living of citizens (Vologda Oblast - 54%, Primorsky Krai - 48%, Volgograd Oblast 47%, Altai Krai - 44%), or a developed economy (Bashkortostan - 48%, Kaluga Oblast - 39.5 %).