Rewrite the exam. Rules for retaking the exam

The Unified State Exam is a relatively new exam system in Russia. It is designed in such a way that you can find out the results only a week or two after the exam. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the result of the Unified State Exam in 2018, questions about whether you can retake it or not must be resolved quickly.

For those who think they can write better, there is good news. The government has provided reserve days for retaking the exam. You are given 2 attempts to test your knowledge. The first in summer, the second in autumn.

Many of those who retake the exam do so because they are unable to obtain a high school diploma. This happens when a student scores 2 points in one or more subjects. Therefore, it is important to know the following information:

  1. You cannot retake the Unified State Exam in two subjects at once. This opportunity will be provided only next year.
  2. Graduates from previous years are not allowed to retake the exam.
  3. If you do not have enough points for the exam, you can choose to retake the Unified State Exam next year in 2019, or for the previous year in 2018.

These rules apply throughout the Russian Federation without exception.

Subjects to be retaken

It is important for students to know that they can retake the Unified State Exam in 2018 if they are not satisfied with the results in the main subjects. They assigned Russian language and mathematics. The second item in this case requires closer attention.

If both levels were chosen for the exam: specialized and basic, and the score is low on only one of them, then retake will be denied.

The commission reasons as follows: if one of the exams is passed satisfactorily, then the other does not need correction. Core specialties are not suitable for retake. You will be able to earn points for them next year.

The validity period of the Unified State Exam is 4 years, so if you need to take several exams for admission to a university, you can only retake some. In this case, satisfactory results can be left unchanged.

Good reasons to retake

If you are not satisfied with the result of the 2018 Unified State Exam, you can retake it. But whether the reason for retaking is valid or not is decided by the examination committee. In practice for many years, the following reasons for retaking are considered significant:

  • elective surgery;
  • disease;
  • deterioration in health during the exam;
  • accident;
  • death of a relative;
  • an emergency at the site of the Unified State Examination.

For each situation, documentary evidence from special services is required. Documents from ambulances, police and firefighters are taken into account.

Additionally, irregularities in the examination procedure may be discovered. For example, there were not enough forms. In the event of poor organization on the part of the educational institution or other responsible persons, the student must write a statement of appeal directly at the point of conduct. It is not recommended to leave the educational institution until the inspection commission arrives.

When the authorized persons review the application, if the decision is positive, the student will be invited to retake the test on a reserve day. On the same days, those who missed the exam for a valid reason will be allowed to retake it.

Whether it makes sense to retake the Unified State Exam if you are not satisfied with the result in 2018, everyone decides for themselves. But this is acceptable when the exam grade is unsatisfactory. For graduates of the current year, if the minimum number of points is not obtained, a retake will also be open. In the event that there is simply a shortfall to the required level, a retake will be denied.

For example, a university requires a minimum of 240 points, and a budget requires 280 points. The applicant scored 279 and will only be able to retake the exam next year. Because the minimum number of points for admission has been achieved, and a shortcoming on the part of the student is his own mistake.

Inadmissibility to exams

You can retake the Unified State Exam in 2018 if you are not satisfied with the result, but not all students are allowed to retake it. For some, the right to retake the exam will be revoked, as the following violations on the part of the student may be committed:

  • using a mobile phone during the Unified State Exam;
  • copying from a cheat sheet;
  • failure to appear at the appointed time for the examination without a valid reason.

These rules are so strict that even if a school graduate becomes a student and enters a university, the Unified State Exam results will not be counted. As a result, he will be expelled from a higher education institution due to the fact that he entered with false documents.

The detection of these violations occurs either immediately during the exam, or later, when the commission reviews materials from CCTV cameras.

Documents and deadlines

To re-examine, you will need to notify the examination committee. After applying, the potential student will be given a special application form. The completed and correctly executed document will be sent to authorized persons involved in the organization of examinations.

The application must contain information about the reasons that prevented the timely passing of the Unified State Exam. Additionally, you must attach a document confirming that the student has the right to retry the exam. After all the formalities, the applicant receives information about the dates and locations of the exam.

It is also necessary to provide the original certificate or diploma, which is important for graduates of previous years. You need to contact the place of registration if the school has not done this for the student.

All necessary data can be obtained on the website of the city Department of Education. The second option would be to call the Rosobrnadzor hotline for questions related to the Unified State Exam 8-495-984-89-19. It works throughout Russia, regardless of the student’s region of residence.

Prospects for scoring

The number of points required to enter a university and obtain a certificate has a large gap. This is important to consider, since entering a university is a personal choice for everyone. In addition, there are alternatives to education after school:

  • technical College;
  • college;
  • correspondence department of the university.

In them, the Unified State Exam score is an order of magnitude lower than in full-time study at the university. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances of admission immediately before passing the school certification.

The lack of a school certificate is a serious shortcoming. A modern employer may be loyal to an applicant without any marks, but the lack of a certificate can evoke thoughts of a turbulent and even criminal period of adolescence. Therefore, it is unreasonable to destroy a diploma issued at school in order to retake the Unified State Exam in the future. All data about school students is recorded directly by the educational institution and the Ministry of Education. Therefore, deliberately losing your diploma and Unified State Exam results and trying to restore them with better results is not a good idea.

It is important to take into account that with 1 retake, the student has time to get into the competitive wave of the university. If the retake was the second one and took place in September, then the right to admission this year will be lost, but these exams will be counted next spring.

You shouldn’t start this post with the banal words that failing an exam is not the end of the world (and further in the text). We will try to support you and clearly break down this serious problem, especially since, as we know, there are no hopeless situations.

Yes, very low scores, when you did not cross the threshold for obtaining a certificate or did not reach the minimum threshold for admission to a university (and this is not the same thing), is a severe disappointment that can deprive a person of the opportunity to constructively for some time think. Failure at the Unified State Exam can also have a very strong impact on self-esteem and instill in the soul a lack of confidence in one’s abilities and strengths. We advise you not to give in to these emotions, because everything can really be fixed; by the way, under certain conditions, this can be done even this year and successfully enter the university without postponing everything until next year. So, let’s deal in order with all possible situations of failure on the Unified State Exam.

You have not passed the minimum score threshold for admission to the university

Let's start with this option. There is a lot of information on the Internet for those who did not receive a certificate at the Graduation Ceremony, but unfortunately, there are not very many sensible articles for those who received a certificate but did not overcome the minimum threshold designated for admission to universities. We will try to correct the situation and tell you everything in more detail. To begin with, let us remind you what the minimum threshold of Unified State Exam scores for admission to a university was announced in 2018.

Minimum scores for admission to universities in 2018

Unfortunately, the situation is almost a dead end, but the main word in this sentence is “almost”! Yes, any university does not have the right to enroll an applicant who has not passed the minimum score threshold. Even for a fee. And for the correspondence department, by the way, too. But you have a certificate for the 11th grade, with it you can easily enter any college without entrance exams. By the way, there are colleges at universities, this is a good option for two-stage education - from college you immediately go to university. After 11th grade, the college program will be shorter than that of 9th grade graduates. Young men will be given a deferment from the army at a technical school or college as easily as at any university.

You may not have known, but starting from January 1, 2017, colleges and technical schools now offer deferment for the entire period of study (previously there were age restrictions of up to 20 years). This is great news, you will agree.

If you don’t want to go to college, then you can try your luck and take the Unified State Exam in a year. In Europe, this is called a gap year; such a free year for reflection is taken abroad not only by notorious “failing students”, but also by quite successful graduates, in order to decide during this period what they want to do, because it is no secret that at the age of 17 few people can to know exactly what his true calling is. The boys, however, will spend this year in the army; the girls are luckier. Think about how much you can do this year for your self-development: first of all, of course, you will need to improve your knowledge and prepare for the Unified State Exam for the second time, and you can also go to work, learn a foreign language, and travel.

You have not passed the minimum threshold of points in compulsory subjects (Russian language, basic or specialized mathematics)

In 2018, the minimum score threshold for obtaining a certificate is limited to only two subjects - Russian language and mathematics. In the Russian language one had to score at least 24 points, in basic mathematics - no lower than a C, in specialized mathematics - at least 27 points. The results of all other specialized Unified State Examinations do not in any way affect the receipt of a certificate (as well as the assignment of grades in it). That is why all these exams can be retaken only after a year, and mathematics and the Russian language make it possible to rewrite them in July and September (by the way, sometimes you can even rewrite them twice). Let's consider all possible situations when problems arise with obtaining a certificate for grade 11, one by one, so that there is no confusion.

You scored less than 24 points in the Russian language

If you have not passed the threshold of 24 points in the Russian language, but passed mathematics successfully, then you have 2 attempts to improve the result. Firstly, you can rewrite the Unified State Examination in Russian within the reserve period.

Reserve period of the Unified State Exam 2018

Unified State Exam dateItemUnified State Exam test deadlines
June 22 (Friday) Geography, computer science No later than June 30 (Saturday)
June 25 (Monday) Mathematics (basic and specialized levels) No later than July 3 (Tuesday)
June 26 (Tuesday) Russian language No later than July 4th (Wednesday)
June 27 (Wednesday) Chemistry, biology, history, foreign language (written) No later than July 5 (Thursday)
June 28 (Thursday) Literature, physics, social studies No later than July 6 (Friday)
June 29 (Friday) Foreign language (oral) No later than July 7 (Saturday)
July 2 (Monday) In all subjects No later than July 10 (Tuesday)

If during the first attempt to rewrite the Unified State Exam in Russian there was a misfire, then you will be able to take advantage of the second (and last this year) opportunity to improve the result in September, that is, during the additional period of the state exam.

Additional period of the Unified State Exam 2018

September 15th(Saturday) – reserve days of the additional period, when Russian language and mathematics can be written by those who could not attend (for good reason) September 4 and 7 for the retake.

Conclusion: The Unified State Exam in Russian can be rewritten in 2018 on June 26 (or July 2) and September 4. When will the results of the Unified State Exam retake be known? The inspection time is approximately 10 days everywhere.

You did not pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics

The main confusion is usually with this point, since the division of the compulsory exam in mathematics occurred only three years ago, and not everyone knows under what conditions graduates are allowed to retake the Unified State Exam in mathematics.

Did you take only the basics or just the profile?

If you took only one of the proposed exams and did not score the minimum points (received a “2” for the basic exam or less than 27 points for the profile), then you will have the opportunity to rewrite twice. All dates are indicated above, where we told how you can rewrite the Unified State Exam in Russian. The calendar matches completely.

Conclusion: The Unified State Exam in mathematics (base and profile) can be rewritten in 2018 on June 25 (or July 2) and September 7.

By the way, when retaking the Unified State Examination in mathematics, you have the right to choose the level of the exam, that is, it absolutely does not matter what type of Unified State Examination in mathematics you took during the main period; on the eve of the retake, you can choose any level of the exam (basic or specialized).

You passed two exams: the Unified State Exam in mathematics at a basic level and the specialized Unified State Exam

If you took both levels of the Unified State Examination in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then you are not allowed to retake the Unified State Examination in mathematics this year, that is, you will receive a positive result. It is unlikely that you will fail to pass the basics, but overcome the threshold of scores in specialized mathematics. This rule applies, of course, to those who passed the basics, but “failed” the profile. In this case, you will be able to rewrite the profile Unified State Examination in mathematics only in a year. In this situation, your path to technical universities in the current academic year is closed, because they most likely will not take into account the results of the basic exam in mathematics - the level of knowledge is not the same.

If you took both levels of the Unified State Examination in mathematics and received unsatisfactory results in two exams, then you have the right to retake the Unified State Examination in mathematics once, independently choosing basic-level mathematics or specialized-level mathematics.

We are ready to help you prepare for retaking the Unified State Exam. We have the largest network of branches throughout the country. Our teachers will diagnose your knowledge gaps and draw up an intensive training plan in the required time frame before retaking the test.

When are certificates issued after successfully retaking the Unified State Exam?

If you successfully pass the Unified State Exam again, you have every right to receive a certificate for grade 11. According to the law, after you successfully pass the state final certification, an educational institution must expel you as a graduate. 10 days after the date of publication of the administrative act on expulsion, you must be issued a certificate of secondary general education. Check with your school for details. By the way, in September, many colleges and universities announce additional enrollment for full-time budget places. The conscription of graduates into the army will begin after October 1. So you can still have time to become the owner of the coveted student card.

The Unified State Exam is a serious test, and your immediate future depends on the results. Unfortunately, no one is immune from failure, even if you have been diligently preparing for the exam for a whole year. You relaxed a little, as luck would have it, you couldn’t remember something, and now instead of the desired 75-80 points you get much less.

If you are not satisfied with the USE result, you can retake the USE, but there are a number of conditions.

1. You failed to score a C in Russian or basic mathematics.

In this case, you can write the Unified State Exam again on reserve days in the summer. If you are given an unsatisfactory grade again, the next attempt will be given in the fall. Of course, you will no longer be able to enter a university, but you will be able to apply to a technical school or college. In total, you have two attempts.

2. You received bad marks in both the Russian language and mathematics, a subject of your choice.

Unfortunately, in this case, you will be able to retake the Unified State Exam only after a year. The same applies to additional items. There is nothing to worry about, prepare better and be sure to pass everything.

3. You take both basic and advanced mathematics, and received a low grade on the first exam.

Here you need to keep in mind that the grade for basic mathematics determines the grade for the specialized one. Did you write the basic one in 3 or 4? This means that you won’t be given a grade higher than a three or four in specialized mathematics. Did you write it as a D? Consequently, you simply will not be allowed to take the major, since basic mathematics is considered a relatively simple exam.

When else can you retake the Unified State Exam on reserve days?

  • If you started writing an exam, but did not finish the work due to poor health, this must be confirmed by a doctor;
  • Failure to appear for an exam for a valid reason, such as illness. You need to submit the appropriate certificate to the Unified State Examination Commission. For each case, the members of the commission make a separate decision.
  • If technical or organizational problems arose - the electricity was turned off, there were not enough forms, etc.;
  • If the organizers and observers committed violations in the conduct of the exam, then its results will not be counted.

You do not have the right to retake this year if you were removed from the exam due to gross violations of the rules for taking the Unified State Exam, for example, your phone or cheat sheet was found on you. So, think carefully, is it worth the risk?

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam to improve the result?

Yes, but only next year, when you become a “graduate of previous years.” This status gives you the following rights:

  • improve your results in a specific subject if you did not have enough points to enter your chosen university last year;
  • You can donate any items in any quantity;
  • you can change your profile, for example, if you spent a year studying as an economist, but it became clear that your vocation is veterinary medicine.

The exam can be taken early or on the main days established by the schedule. You are given only one attempt. When submitting documents to the university admissions committee, you can indicate the result that you consider to be the best, that is, the results can be from different certificates.

Is it worth filing an appeal?

It makes sense to file an appeal only if the points received are not enough for admission to the chosen university, you are confident in your knowledge and believe that the work was assessed biasedly. Please note that you can challenge the grade only for the written part, that is, that fragment of the examination paper that was checked by the Unified State Examination expert. An appeal can be filed at the Unified State Examination headquarters.

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam as a student?

Yes, you can if you decide to enroll in another university. To retake, you need to take the original school certificate from the dean's office against signature.

There are a number of situations when you can retake the Unified State Exam. Moreover, we are not talking about retaking the next year, but about trying again within the framework of the current entrance campaign.

Who is allowed to retake the Unified State Exam (in the same year, again):

Graduates of this year who did not receive a passing grade in mathematics or Russian language (mandatory exams for all schoolchildren to complete 11 grades);

Applicants who, due to illness or other valid circumstances that can be documented, were unable to pass the exam;

Those who participated in writing a single test, but will not be able to complete the work due to illness or other emergency situations that can be documented;

If the test result of a particular student was canceled by the State Examination Commission, the federal examination commission. In such a situation, the student has the right to appeal and qualify to retake the exam.

Important! Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam if you are not satisfied with the 2015 result? This year you can only take mathematics or Russian. These are two mandatory types of tests. Retakes take place within the time limits established by law in the period from September to October.

Who will not be allowed to retake

Of course, there are also a number of cases when a student cannot be allowed to take the Unified State Exam. First of all, if a person simply did not appear for the exam without a good reason, confirmed by documents.

Also, students who were suspended from writing the test by the State Examination Committee, which noticed or discovered facts of violation of the test, are not allowed to retake the test.

Retake in subsequent years

It is quite reasonable to ask whether it is possible to retake the Unified State Exam if you are not satisfied with the result next year. If the results simply do not suit the person, but they pass, then it will be possible to take even Russian or mathematics next year.

Anyone can retake the exam next year in any subject. Then you can correct the grades received last year. But, as can be seen from the rules, this can only be done in a year, already in the next introductory campaign.

Important! If graduates of last year (or any year other than the current year) plan to take part in the Unified State Examination, this must be declared. An application to participate in the Unified State Exam is being written, and this must be done before the first day of spring.

Frequently asked questions about the Unified State Exam

The result is passable, but I don’t like it

In compulsory subjects, only Russian and mathematics can be retaken this year. But this is only if the results do not reach the officially established results. If you are simply not satisfied with the result, then you cannot retake even the compulsory subjects this year.

Important! Without a satisfactory result in the Russian language and mathematics as a result of the Unified State Exam, a student will not be able to receive a certificate of completion of school. You will have to retake the exam in the fall, and if even then the result is unsatisfactory, you will have to retake the exam next year.

Sometimes it happens that students feel that their work has been graded incorrectly. Then, within two working days from the date of publication of the results, you can file an appeal. If the number of points scored is not satisfactory, but is passing, then you can retake the exam only next year. Even Russian and mathematics, which are compulsory subjects.

About cheat sheets

A cheat sheet is an official reason for removing a student from the exam. When deleting, a corresponding act is drawn up. Only the state examination commission will be able to make a decision and grant permission to retake the exam.

If fraud is detected

When a test cheating situation is discovered involving teachers, it becomes much more serious. The teacher will definitely be fired, but whether the student’s test results will be accepted will be decided on an individual basis.

Did you win the appeal?

We were able to find statistical data only for 2009. Then, based on the results of all tests, 52 thousand appeals were filed, only 16 thousand appeals during the consideration were satisfied.

These are the current basic answers to the question of whether it is possible to retake the Unified State Exam if you are not satisfied with the result. To avoid retakes, it is best to prepare for the tests in advance and pass them with the highest scores. Good luck, you will succeed!

Passing the Unified State Exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows them to obtain a document on education, and for others, it is an opportunity for successful admission to the desired university in the country. But sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments to a person’s life. Thus, in 2017, 3.4% of all Unified State Exam participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. Many more failed to achieve the scores required to gain admission to highly ranked universities. What to do if you fail the Unified State Examination and is a second attempt possible?

Items that can be retaken

Now, applicants can take the Unified State Exam again in any chosen subject that is required for admission to a university, but they will be able to retake the exam in only one discipline to improve their score. But to improve the result, the Ministry of Education gives applicants two more attempts, as during the “regular” state final certification.

The innovation is due to the realities of life: only 3.4% of graduates fail to score the required number of points for a certificate of secondary education, and 57% of eleventh-graders are dissatisfied with their results in specialized disciplines.

In 2018, you will be able to retake one of the Unified State Exam subjects that you failed the first time twice:

1 retake – in the summer on reserve days indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar;

2nd retake – in September 2018.

Thus, having increased the score to the desired one on the 1st attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter on a budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom the question of obtaining an education document remains open. Although, many universities that have a shortage of applicants for budget places sometimes conduct additional admissions in the autumn months.

The validity period of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year based on the exam results already in hand.

Who is allowed to retake

The main conditions included in the re-examination are the following:

  • a valid reason for the graduate’s failure to appear for the exam at the strictly established time;
  • if he cannot complete the examination test due to a particularly important reason;
  • The results of the Unified State Examination were rejected by the commission.

What is not grounds for re-doing:

  • absence without a good reason;
  • at the time of the examination, facts that contradicted the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam were suppressed.

When students did not come to the Unified State Exam in additional subjects on their main dates due to health reasons, and can confirm this with officially issued documents, then in this case it is allowed to retake the compulsory and main disciplines in the year of graduation.

Such a chance as retaking the Unified State Exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will not work if:

The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).

The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after viewing an archived video).

An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.

In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum established level for the subject.

In case of missing an exam without a good reason (overslept, forgot, stood in a traffic jam...)

Documents for retaking the exam

In order to retake the exams, you must promptly contact the examination committee of the institution that registers for testing. The secretariat of the commission issues an application form to applicants, which is completed and then sent to the authorized organizers of the examination tests.

The application indicates the reason why the graduate was unable to pass the test during the main period, and, if necessary, attaches a document confirming the applicant’s right to take the test again. Subsequently, the graduate receives information about the dates of retaking the exams and appears at the Unified State Examination on the appointed date.

You can find all the questions and answers to them on this topic on the official website