Mushroom pie with potatoes. Pie with potatoes and mushrooms - a forest fairy tale! The best recipes for delicious pies with potatoes and mushrooms for all occasions

Today I will share with you a recipe for pies in the oven from yeast dough, which is prepared with the addition of sour cream. The fermented milk product makes pastries more tender, pies come out fluffy and soft. The dough is pleasant to work with, easy to roll out, rises well when baking. From it you can sculpt not only pies with potatoes and mushrooms, but also with other fillings, suitable: stewed cabbage, boiled eggs with green onions, liver, etc.

What mushrooms to use?

As a filling for pies, we will use mashed potatoes with fried mushrooms - not only champignons, but also any other mushrooms that can be found in the refrigerator will do. You can bake pies with potatoes and boletus, boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus or oyster mushrooms. In each case, the taste will be different, with forest mushrooms - it will turn out more fragrant. No fresh mushrooms? Take ice cream, salted or pickled.

Filling options

Method one- from boiled potatoes and fried mushrooms. For the filling, potatoes need to be boiled and mashed into a puree, and then mixed with mushrooms overcooked with onions (see the recipe with the photo below). To this filling, if desired, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of grated hard cheese, chopped dill or boiled eggs, diced. They need to be mixed into the hot filling so that they are evenly distributed.

Second option- make stuffing for fried potato pies with mushrooms. To do this, the tubers need to be peeled and cut into small cubes with an edge of 0.5 cm, then fry in a pan in vegetable oil until fully cooked, preferably under a lid, then the potatoes will turn out juicier, not so dry. Separately, you need to fry the mushrooms with onions, and then mix with fried potatoes, salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can add a couple of tablespoons of chopped green onions to the filling.

Total cooking time: 3 hours
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Yield: 20 pieces


for the test

  • yeast - 20 g pressed or 6 g dry
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • wheat flour - 450 g (about 3 cups)
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • milk - 75 g

For filling

  • potatoes - 400 g
  • mushrooms - 300 g
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • butter - 30 g
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • egg - for greasing the pies

Note. All foods must be at room temperature.


    We breed yeast in milk, heated to 30-35 degrees, and let it stand for 10-15 minutes so that they “wake up”. If you use dry yeast, then foam may form on the surface, they will swell. You will not visually see the reactions of pressed yeast (there is no feed for growth), they just have to stand and warm up to the temperature of the milk.

    In parallel, in a deep bowl with a mixer, beat: sugar, salt and egg (large, CO category). Add sour cream and a spoonful of vegetable oil, mix everything well.

    We combine the whipped mixture with diluted yeast. Add the sifted flour and knead the dough. Flour can take a different amount, 400-450 grams, which is about 3 cups. But do not "hammer" the dough too much with flour, it should turn out soft and not hammered, almost not stick to your hands.

    We cover the pie dough with cling film and put the bowl in heat (I put it in a warm oven - this is better, the temperature is within 35 degrees). After about an hour, the dough will rise and double in size. We crush it and leave it for the 2nd approach.

    In the meantime, we are preparing the filling. Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. We drain all the water (the less moisture remains, the better, so try to drain everything to a drop) and knead into a puree with the addition of butter.

    Mushrooms and onion cut into cubes. Saute the onion in vegetable oil, that is, fry it until soft. You don’t need to fry it too much, as soon as it becomes transparent, immediately add the mushrooms (I used frozen champignons, you don’t need to defrost first!). Of course, if possible, it is better to use the gifts of the forest - unlike greenhouse champignons, they have a pronounced “mushroom spirit”, the pies will turn out much tastier! If you cook with wild mushrooms, then pour a little water into the pan when frying, then they will not burn, but rather they will reach readiness, steam and fully reveal their wonderful aroma.

    We continue to fry the mushrooms with onions without a lid until golden brown, stirring regularly. At the very end, salt and pepper to taste.

    Combine fried mushrooms and potatoes in a saucepan and mix. The filling is ready! She needs to cool down, but not completely, a slightly warm potato is more plastic, it does not gather into lumps and behaves better in the filling. Therefore, I always cover the pan with a lid so that the filling remains barely warm.

    Meanwhile, our dough has already risen a second time. We form a sausage out of it and cut into pieces-washers, the weight is about 40 grams. Roll out each into a cake. Put the filling in the center, pinch the edges tightly and turn over.

    We spread the products seam down on a baking sheet lined with parchment (do not lubricate). There should be some distance between them so that they do not stick together. Be sure to put it on proofing - for 15-20 minutes in a warm place, so that the pies rise, I put it on the open door of the oven while it heats up.

    Lubricate the spaced pies on top with a loose egg, carefully, with a soft brush, so as not to upset the dough. You can sprinkle black sesame seeds on top if you like. And send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

    Pies are baked in the oven quickly, about 20 minutes. Once browned, you can remove from the pan.

These wonderful oven pies with mushrooms and potatoes turned out to be soft and fluffy. They are delicious both hot and cold. Output - 20 pieces. Bon Appetit!

It's always delicious. And it's not just the skill of the chef. Just such pies, sweet and savory, are prepared with love and care for loved ones. But even among them there are real favorites. Of course, one of them is a pie with mushrooms and potatoes. The dough can be very different: puff, yeast or unleavened. But the filling is always a win-win combination of potatoes and mushrooms. The result is something tasty and satisfying. And what is the aroma of such a cake!

Bulk pie with potatoes and mushrooms

It’s even hard to imagine a simpler and more accessible process for making such a pie. Especially if you know how amazingly tasty it turns out. It takes very little to make it. For the test, you will need 3/4 cups of sour cream, mayonnaise and flour, 2-3 eggs and a bag of baking powder. And for the filling - 300 grams of any mushrooms, ideally forest ones, 4-5 medium potatoes and 3 onions, butter and ghee, spices and salt.

So how do you make this mushroom and potato pie? First you need to make the dough. To do this, beat the eggs with a whisk - 3 small or 2 large. Then mix with mayonnaise and sour cream in turn. Add sifted flour and baking powder. Knead a liquid, flowing dough. That is why the pie is called bulk. Leave for 15 minutes to ripen.

At this time, cut the mushrooms into thin plates and chop the onion. Fry everything together in melted butter until all the juice has evaporated. Cool down completely. Peel potatoes and cut into slices. Now you can start assembling the pie. Lubricate the form with oil and pour 2-3 tablespoons of dough. Arrange potato slices tightly, sprinkling with salt and spices to taste. Drizzle with melted butter. Put the fried mushrooms on top and pour the remaining dough. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Arrange on a plate like an upside down pie.

Layer cake with mushrooms and potatoes

Puff pastry is no less popular. But if earlier the preparation of such a pie was a troublesome business, today, having a supply of ready-made dough in the freezer, it can be classified as quick and simple. You just need to get it in advance so that you can work with it. In total, 500 grams of such a test will be needed.

In the meantime, you need to prepare the filling. Fry 300-400 grams of mushrooms (even frozen ones can be used) with one finely chopped onion until tender. Cool down. Cut potatoes, about 250-300 grams, into thin slices, and another onion into half rings. On a baking sheet, spread one layer of dough with your hands, spread potato slices on top, sprinkle with salt and spices to taste. Put the fried mushrooms and onions in the next layer. Arrange small pieces of butter and finely chopped dill on top. Cover with another layer of dough, close the edges well and make holes with a fork in several places. This is necessary for the release of the resulting steam. Cook a pie with mushrooms and potatoes at 220 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Pie with mushrooms and potatoes from unleavened dough

Such unleavened sour cream pies are very similar to yeast pies, but they are much easier to prepare. No need to wait for the dough to rise, and a great result is almost guaranteed. But, perhaps, the main advantage of an unleavened dough pie is that it can be served both with tea and as a snack.

And the first thing to prepare is, of course, the dough. In a cup, beat 3 eggs into foam, add 150 grams of soft margarine. Mix everything well and add a glass of sour cream, a pinch of salt, 5 grams of soda and 3 cups of flour. Use your hands to knead a soft and elastic dough (as for a yeast cake). Leave for 30-40 minutes. It is worth noting that a pie with mushrooms and potatoes from unleavened dough will turn out tastier if you make the dough the night before and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. It is very convenient when you are expecting guests for dinner.

For the filling, fry 250 grams of mushrooms and half of the onion in oil until tender. Separately, boil 300-400 grams of potatoes and mash them into a puree. Combine both fillings, add pepper and salt to taste and mix well. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts and roll into small round cakes. Put the resulting filling on two of them, cover with the other two and pinch the edges well. Brush with egg for extra strength. Bake the resulting pies at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Yeast cake with mushrooms and potatoes

Many housewives avoid working with yeast dough to the last, considering its preparation too laborious. However, there are many simple recipes. And this is one of them, despite the fact that you need to make dough.

In 100 ml of warm milk (the temperature should be 30-40 degrees), dilute 10 grams of dry or 20 grams of pressed yeast and 5 grams of sugar. Cover with a clean towel and leave for 15 minutes until a "cap" appears. This will mean that the dough has come up. Lightly beat the egg with a pinch of salt, add 20 ml of vegetable oil and mix. It remains to add the yeast that came up, mix with a spoon and put 250 grams of flour. The result should be a soft and non-sticky dough. Cover with cling film in any cup and leave for 30 minutes. Can be placed in a bowl of warm water. During this time, the dough should rise and increase in volume.

Meanwhile, prepare the ingredients for the filling. Cut the onion into strips, 300 grams of mushrooms and 400 grams of raw potatoes - into plates. Grate 150 grams of cheese on a coarse grater. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and put in a mold. Its diameter should be at least 26 cm. Lubricate with sour cream and lay mushrooms, onions and potatoes in layers. Salt a little and grease with sour cream again (only about 50-70 ml). Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to choose the best?

How to choose the best mushroom pie among them? The recipe itself will never convey the taste and aroma. Perhaps you should cook each of them and decide which one you like better. Or maybe just choose the one for which there is everything you need in the kitchen.

Boil potatoes in their skins until tender, 20 minutes.

Cut cold butter into small cubes, put in a bowl, combine with sour cream. In the same bowl, sift flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt. Knead elastic dough.

Transfer the dough to the table and knead for 10 minutes. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Wash mushrooms, dill and green onions. Cut the mushrooms into 4 parts, chop the green onion and dill. Heat the oil in a frying pan and stir-fry the mushrooms, 8 minutes. Add green onions and cook for 2 more minutes. Drain potatoes, let cool, peel and cut into cubes. Combine with dill, fried mushrooms and onions, salt and pepper to taste.

Divide the dough into 2 unequal parts. On a floured table, roll out the bulk into a thin layer, put in a greased form.

Put the filling on the dough, add the butter cut into pieces. Roll out the second part of the dough thinly, cover the pie with it and pinch the edges. Brush the surface with a lightly beaten egg. Make a hole in the middle of the pie. Place the pie in a preheated oven at 190°C and bake for 25-30 minutes.

Cooking instructions

3 hours Print

    1. Cooking the dough: I cooked the dough in a bread machine, but observing these proportions, you can do just fine without it. The order of putting the ingredients in the bread machine is slightly different from manual kneading.
    The sequence of ingredients: do everything according to the calculation, as indicated in the recipe. First, pour water into the tank for kneading the dough, then put the butter, pour the sifted flour, salt, sugar and yeast. Set the mode to "Basic" and wait for readiness. Crib How to prepare yeast

    2. Preparation of the filling for the pie: our filling consists of two components - mushrooms and potatoes.
    We prepare the potatoes: first, wash and clean them under running water, boil the potatoes in salted water until tender. We make mashed potatoes of medium density with the addition of butter. And let it cool down.
    Crib How to make mashed potatoes

    3. Preparation of mushrooms: Wash and clean the mushrooms from contamination, cut into slices. Finely chop the onion and put it in a heated pan with butter. With constant stirring, we see that when the onion has become transparent, we immediately spread the mushrooms. Salt and pepper to taste. Bring to readiness: until all the liquid has evaporated.

    4. When all the ingredients are ready, we proceed to the formation of the pie: It happens that the dough still sticks to your hands, for this we add a little more flour and knead by hand. Next, we roll out a layer of dough with a thickness of about 2 cm of the diameter you need (I have a heat-resistant dish with a diameter of 31 cm). Please see in the photo how the filling is laid out.

    5. Approximately mark the center of the pie with a saucer of small diameter, make light notches with a knife to visually navigate, and put the mushrooms in a semicircle in this center. We retreat a little and put mashed potatoes around the mushrooms. If desired, you can mix all the stuffing. Then we make the same layer of dough but 1.5 - 2 cm more than the previous one. We also determine the center using a small saucer. And we make through notches in the form of a lattice. Further on this layer we make 7 cuts from each edge to the border of the center, this is necessary so that when we cover the cake, there are no wrinkles.
    Gently cover the pie with the second layer and straighten all the cuts.

    6. When the appearance satisfies you, we decorate with decorative elements from the dough, which remains superfluous. Brush with egg.
    Crib How to check egg quality

The combination of potatoes and mushrooms is a win-win, especially in a pie filling.

The bread is delicious and very flavorful.

And if the mushrooms are forest, then it turns out not a pie, but a fairy tale!

Although, rarely does anyone refuse a piece with champignons.

Pie with potatoes and mushrooms - general principles of cooking

Mushrooms are never laid raw. If champignons or oyster mushrooms are used, then they must be fried in a pan for at least 10 minutes. Forest mushrooms must be boiled. Then you can use it like this, but it is better to fry. You can also use pickled or salted mushrooms in the filling.

Potatoes are used raw, boiled or fried. But since it comes to readiness in a pie poorly and takes a long time, raw crowbars can be welded in boiling water for safety. A few minutes is enough.

What kind of dough are pies made from?




Liquid with soda or ripper.

Pies form open and closed. They can be round, square, oval. If pastries are made from batter (jellied), then silicone molds can be used. They come in different shapes and sizes, allowing you to get beautiful pastries with a fancy look.

Yeast pie with potatoes and mushrooms

The peculiarity of this pie with potatoes and mushrooms is not only yeast dough. The filling turns out to be insanely fragrant, as it is prepared from fried products. The most delicious pie is obtained with mushrooms, but you can also take champignons, in which case they will have to be cut.


200 ml of milk;

1 spoon of oil;

0.4 kg flour;

Spoonful of sugar;

8 grams of yeast.

What you need for the filling:

350 grams of mushrooms;

200 grams of potatoes;

2 onions;

Butter, preferably butter;

Any spices;

One yolk.


1. Knead the dough. In a warm liquid, we dilute sugar with yeast, leave for a quarter of an hour. Then add all the other ingredients and mix. Cover with a towel on top and leave warm for 1.5 hours.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, rinse from starch, then fry until golden brown. At the end, put the chopped onions, lightly fry.

3. In another pan, fry pre-boiled mushrooms. If mushrooms are used, then simply cut into pieces, then put in the pan raw.

4. We combine all the ingredients of the filling, salt and pepper, you can pour a little dill.

5. Divide the dough into two parts, make round donuts. We transfer one into a greased mold or simply on a baking sheet.

6. Lay out all the stuffing.

7. Cover with a second donut. We twist the edges. You can leave a piece of dough and make decorations on the cake.

8. Leave the cake warm for about twenty minutes so that it rises a little, then grease with yolk and bake at 190 ° C.

Pie with potatoes and mushrooms from puff pastry

This cake simply cannot fail, as we will make it from purchased puff pastry. And to cook the filling is within the power of any hostess.


500 grams of dough;

2 boiled potatoes;

400 grams of champignons;

1 onion;

Salt and pepper;

1 spoon of sesame;

Egg raw or just yolk.


1. We wash the mushrooms, dry them, chop them into strips. Fry in oil until almost done. We put chopped onion to them, fry further.

2. We simply cut the boiled potatoes into cubes and send them to the mushrooms. Fill the filling with spices, cool.

3. Pour a spoonful of water into the egg. If only the yolk is used, then two can be added. Then just stir with a fork.

4. Take the dough. If it is frozen, then we get it in advance.

5. Lay out on the table. Most often, the layer is rectangular and in order not to trim, the cake will be of the same shape. We cut the layer into two parts. Rough and rounded edges can be cut off and used for decoration.

6. Spread the filling on one layer and cover with a second layer. Lubricate the contact points with an egg and pinch tightly.

7. Be sure to make several holes on top, you can make decorative cuts.

8. Brush with remaining egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds (optional) and bake until done at 200°C.

Open yeast pie with potatoes and salted mushrooms

For this pie with potatoes and mushrooms, salted milk mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms are suitable. But in the absence of forest friends, you can also use ordinary pickled champignons. We prepare yeast dough.


100 grams of milk;

10 grams of yeast;

230-260 grams of flour;

3 tablespoons of oil;

300 grams of mushrooms;

400 grams of potatoes;

5 spoons of sour cream;

2 onions;

140 grams of cheese;


1. Combine milk with yeast, put a tablespoon of sugar without a slide and half a teaspoon of salt. We introduce a couple of tablespoons of oil, flour. Knead the dough until smooth. We roll up the bun, transfer it to a bowl, cover with a napkin and leave for 2 hours.

2. Cut the onion, rub it with your hands to make it softer. Add chopped mushrooms.

3. Peel the potatoes and chop them into very thin slices. Dip in boiling water and boil for two minutes. We take out in a colander, cool.

4. Combine all the ingredients of the filling, add sour cream, pepper and mix. If the mushrooms are not very salty or just pickled, then salt.

5. Roll out the dough with a very thin layer, no more than 0.5 cm. We transfer to a greased baking sheet, when laying we put the edges on the sides.

6. Lubricate with the remaining spoonful of butter and spread the sour cream filling. Can be laid out in layers, carefully alternating products. But when mixed, it tastes better.

7. Fall asleep with grated cheese and into the oven! We bake at 180 ° C until a beautiful crust on the surface, this is about 35 minutes.

Quick pie with potatoes and mushrooms from kefir dough

A wonderful recipe for a quick and simple pie with potatoes and mushrooms, which can be baked both in the oven and in a slow cooker.


0.25 l of kefir;

5 potatoes;

1 glass of flour;

½ tsp soda;

The same amount of salt;

1 onion;

A little oil;

250 grams of mushrooms;


1. Fry diced potatoes in one pan. In the other, fry the mushrooms. Add onion to any pan. Then we cool everything, mix, sprinkle with spices, salt. You can throw greens.

2. Beat eggs with salt, stir soda in kefir, combine, add flour and the dough is ready!

3. Pour half of the dough into the mold, stuffing on top, and then the rest of the dough.

4. We send for 40 minutes to bake, set 180-190 degrees, but look at our oven. In a slow cooker, bake on the appropriate program for about an hour.

Jellied pie with potatoes and mushrooms "Changeling"

Another version of the jellied pie, the dough for which is kneaded on sour cream with mayonnaise. For him, it is better to use a detachable form, since the finished baking will need to be turned over.


0.2 kg of sour cream;

3 tablespoons of oil;

100 grams of flour;

4 potatoes;

A bunch of green onions;

200 grams of mushrooms;


1. Combine sour cream with mayonnaise, add eggs, salt, mix well. We introduce flour with baking powder and leave the dough for a quarter of an hour.

2. Peel the potatoes and boil for 15 minutes, cut, as well as do not need to exceed the time.

3. Fry the mushrooms in a pan and mix with green onions, season with salt and pepper.

4. Cut the boiled potatoes into circles. Thickness 3-4 mm.

5. We generously grease the form and lay out the potatoes beautifully, overlapping a little. We have all the pieces in one layer. You can salt.

6. We spread the mushrooms, pour the dough and into the oven! Bake until tender, about 40 minutes at 180.

7. We take out, let the cake cool slightly so that the heat subsides. Then cover with a flat dish and turn over. Delete the form.

Crumbly pie with potatoes and mushrooms (from shortcrust pastry)

According to the recipe, butter is used in the dough for this pie with potatoes and mushrooms, but you can safely replace it with margarine. It will not be worse.


flour 2 cups;

1 tsp ripper;

4 spoons of good sour cream;

130 grams of butter;

A pinch of fine salt.


5 potatoes;

200 grams of mushrooms;

Onions and spices.


1. Grind the butter with flour to crumbs. Salt, put the ripper, sour cream and knead the bun, put it in the refrigerator for the duration of cooking.

2. Cut potatoes into cubes and boil for 4 minutes in boiling water, pour into a colander.

3. Fry the mushrooms with onions, cool everything and combine it together. We put any spices.

4. We take out the chilled dough, roll out 2 cakes. We make an ordinary closed pie.

5. From above with a knife we ​​make several cuts.

6. Lubricate with a beaten egg and bake until the dough is ready, about half an hour.

Ossetian pie with potatoes and mushrooms

The recipe for another very satisfying and fragrant pie. The stuffing is mashed potatoes, you can cook it in advance. Yeast dough.


300 grams of flour;

7 grams of yeast;

1/3 tsp salt;

Spoonful of sugar;

50 grams of oil;

120 grams of milk.

For stuffing:

250 grams of mashed potatoes;

150 grams of mushrooms;

2 onions;

150 grams of cheese;

Greens, a little oil and spices.


1. Knead the yeast dough. We breed yeast with sugar in warm milk, add everything else, knead and send to stand in the heat until the first, but good rise.

2. Fry the onion in oil, add the chopped mushrooms and fry until almost cooked.

3. Mix mashed potatoes with mushroom filling, add grated cheese, herbs, put any spices.

4. Roll out the dough into a large cake, put the filling, raise the edges and collect together. You should get a bun with stuffing.

5. Put it on a greased baking sheet with the seam down, flatten it with your hands into a cake up to 2 centimeters thick. Make a small hole in the center.

6. Lubricate with an egg and bake until a beautiful golden brown.

Yeast dough pies must be kept warm before baking, at least a quarter of an hour. During this time, they will rise, the dough will even out. Finished products will be more magnificent, the cake itself will not crack on the sides with a sharp rise into the oven.

The steeper and stiffer the pie dough, the harder it is to rise and the longer it takes. Sticky and weak dough is more capricious in work, but baking from it turns out to be more magnificent, lighter, and does not get stale for a long time. Clogged with flour and steep dough after cooking most often turns out to be tough.

Do not clog the mushroom filling with a lot of spices. After all, the main ingredient itself is fragrant, tasty and wonderfully ennobles pastries.

Pies are placed only in a well-heated oven. Therefore, you need to take care of the inclusion in advance and immediately set the desired temperature. If put in an insufficiently heated oven, the dough will become much drier, not so airy and soft.