Orthodox library. Orthodox Apps for Android Gadgets Christian Apps

The Orthodox calendar is a calendar for those who follow church holidays and fast.

What can be found in the application

The application offers calendars with Orthodox holidays in the old and new styles. Each of the months is displayed in its usual form - as on a wall calendar. Holidays and fasting days are marked with special colors. In addition, the program includes icons and prayers. Additional materials are also offered - each day of the year contains the thoughts of the bishop and publicist-preacher Theophan the Recluse.

How to use the calendar

The Orthodox Calendar application is distributed free of charge and has minimum requirements for the Android version.

For more convenient work with the calendar, it is recommended to use widgets. After you bring them to your desktop, you will no longer need to run the application every day. Widgets display the current date according to the new style (and also show what date it would be according to the old style of the calendar), talk about what holiday it is today and offer a new quote from St. Theophan the Recluse every day.


The Orthodox calendar requires a network connection, as some materials are downloaded from servers. However, if you do not launch the application itself, but use widgets exclusively, there is no urgent need for this, because icons and prayers to saints mentioned on a certain calendar day can only be viewed after entering the program workspace.

Briefly about the application

  • notifies about all Orthodox holidays and fasts;
  • displays the date according to the new/old calendar;
  • allows you to "bring" widgets in 2x2 and 2x4 formats to the desktop;
  • Requires a network connection for some features to work correctly;
  • daily displays new quotes from the thoughts of Theophan the Recluse;
  • works on all modern versions of the Android operating system;
  • has a simple and intuitive interface;
  • distributed completely free of charge and does not contain paid features.

Orthodox Smartphone Apps: An overview of 10 apps for those who want to keep up with the Orthodox world, even using a modern gadget.

Smartphone applications

1. Bible

Synodal translation and interpretation of the Bible - exists for both iPhones and for Android - is searched for on the request "Synodal translation".

2. Trebs to the temple and monastery

The sensational application that offers to send trebs to the Upper Pechersk Monastery via a mobile phone has more convenient functionality and a detailed description of what this or that service of the Russian Church is.

So the daily magpie simple is designated as "a daily prayerful commemoration for forty days at the Liturgy."

The application has built-in purchases - a fee for the requirements, the payment amount is deducted from the balance of the card linked to the App Store. Upon completion of the request, a notification will be sent.

The application is made soundly, as detailed and clear as possible. Disputes about the ethical side of the issue, of course, could not be avoided, but there are people who want to order an application and a prayer petition without leaving their homes.

3. Orthodox calendar

Orthodox calendar - a paid application fully pays for itself. The calendar contains readings for every day of the year, the thoughts of Theophan the Recluse, the calculation of Paschalia up to the year 2100.

The only thing that causes concern is the traditional huge font, which makes reading messages difficult, and not the most successful design, suggesting in some cases to consider dark blue letters on a dark blue background.

4. Bible Quiz 3D

The Bible Quiz puzzles the user with really interesting questions that require knowledge of the Bible.

Acting as one of the 4 missionary heroes in the game, you can, striking with your knowledge of the Scriptures, convert unbelievers to Christianity.

Unfortunately, the application itself does not know the correct answers to its questions, divides Christianity into “Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Judaism”, and also offers to strengthen the faith with the help of angelic tokens (of course, paid ones).

5. Cookbook of Orthodox fasts

The cookbook application, in addition to lean cuisine, offers users to get acquainted with recipes for delicious and healthy food from around the world and even the way to prepare tempting cocktails, but is almost the only one of its kind for iOS owners.

The developers have generously provided the application with in-app purchases: the hostess will have to pay $1 for each lean recipe.

The first recipe was distinguished by an abundance of rare ingredients and labor-intensive methods of preparation. Obviously, the selection is not done very well, but the App Store offers few alternatives.

Of the benefits - informative pages about the history of each post.

6. Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate

The electronic version was recently presented by the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy, the official publication of the Russian Orthodox Church.

You can purchase a standalone edition or an annual subscription within the app. The subscription renews automatically.

In general, the application is an electronic version of the magazine with the most thoughtful design and traditionally interesting content.

7. iBook about the Church

Believers can get acquainted with the guide to the Orthodox church in the application iBook about the Church.

In addition to free basic information, those who wish can delve into the basics of Orthodox culture with in-app purchases.

For an additional fee, you can see more than 300 illustrations of icons with descriptions and prayers for them, an interactive map with marked locations of temples and churches with photos and a brief history, as well as a universal calendar where you can see the dates of fasts, holidays and name days.

Unfortunately, judging by the map, the application is updated quite rarely, but it still has practical value, especially for neophytes.

For those with the questions “why put candles in front of the icons?” and “why do women cover their heads in the temple?” have long been familiar, one can refrain from iBooks about the Church.

8. Orthodox prayer book

The Orthodox prayer book, which contains more than 400 prayers, is available to iOS users for free.

The application includes the morning and evening prayer rule, prayers to the saints, prayers from divine services, akathists and canons to Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Guardian Angel and many other prayers, as well as videos of Divine services.

Thanks to the plausible sound of turning pages and the antique design, you can even forget for a second that all the prayers are in electronic form.

They are distributed, including, thematically "for all occasions."

Of the built-in purchases - only offers to make charitable donations, no pious angel tokens, unlike the quiz, are expected.

9. Icons

The program presents images of icons with descriptions, classified by iconography, centers and schools and chronology.

The database is periodically updated with new sections.

Unfortunately, users note that the application can only be downloaded out of respect for the holy images. Photographed in pirate-theater quality, icons often appear incomplete or take up too much screen space.

The icons themselves in the application are quite small and the application is also unlikely to be suitable for studying iconography.

Nevertheless, the project is developing and leaves hope for a brighter future.

The application was created by the Pravzhizn Charitable Foundation. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it simultaneously contains the Orthodox calendar, indicating fasts, holidays, days of memory of saints, as well as troparia, kontakions and canons of the day; a complete Orthodox prayer book, the Bible and the Memorial, in which the user can save the names of the people for whom he prays.

1. Bible
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mav.bible&hl=ru
Developer Artem Moroz
Synodal Russian translation of the Bible.
This appendix contains interpretations of the holy fathers: St. John Chrysostom, Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, St. Ephraim the Syrian.

2. holy gospel
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simplesoftwarestudio.evangelie&hl=ru
Developer Simple Software Studio
Holy Gospel in Russian and Church Slavonic.

3. Psalter
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simplesoftwarestudio.psaltyr&hl=ru
Developer Simple Software Studio
Psalter, full text in Church Slavonic, with accents, divided into kathisma.
The application contains all the psalms, prayers before reading the Psalter, and after reading the Psalter.
You can read the text in Russian script or Church Slavonic script (selected by the reader).
The application also includes "Reading the Psalter for the deceased."
The appendix also contains the Six Psalms, which is read at the beginning of Matins (Psalms 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142).
The application also contains the "Recitation of the 12 Psalms".

4. Prayer book
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simplesoftwarestudio.molitvoslov&hl=ru
Developer Simple Software Studio
Basic prayers can be read in Church Slavonic script
Prayer Book also includes Akkafists to the Twelve Feasts, to the Most Holy Theotokos, saints, selected psalms

5. Commemoration
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.alexsem.memor.activity&hl=ru
Developer Alexander Semeniuk
The application allows you to conveniently organize and view a personal commemoration book (a set of memorial notes "On health" and "On repose") of an Orthodox Christian.
The program is equipped with convenient editing tools that allow you to fill in the memorial even with a large number of names in a matter of minutes.
A commemoration book created in this way can be read daily when performing morning and evening prayer rules.

6. Lives of the saints for every day
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexey.test&hl=ru
Developer Sinful Slave of God

7. Teachings of the Optina Elders
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mav.optinskiestartsi&hl=ru
Developer Artem Moroz

8. Easter Red
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appmk.book.AOUTPFDEQBRCLFOEY&hl=ru
Developer Hayabusa
On Easter morning on April 18 (5), 1993, in Optina Hermitage, three of its inhabitants were killed by a Satanist: Hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov), monks Trofim (Tatarnikov) and Ferapont (Pushkarev). The monks Ferapont and Trofim rang on the bell tower, announcing Easter joy - they were the first to be killed, hieromonk Vasily went to the skete to confess those praying, but at the skete gates, hurrying to help the brothers, he was overtaken by the murderer ...
They lived glorifying God, and now God glorifies them...

9. Invisible battle (Reverend Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer)
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appmk.book.AOUTNFBGDASCFDTUG&hl=ru
Developer Hayabusa
This book teaches not about any sensual and visible warfare and not about enemies, obvious and bodily, but about mental and invisible warfare, which every Christian will accept from the hour he is baptized and makes a vow before God - to fight for Him, for the glory of His divine name even to death, and about incorporeal and implicit enemies, which are various passions and lusts of the flesh, and evil and misanthropic demons, day and night that do not cease to fight against us.

10. My life in Christ (quotes from the book of the Holy Righteous John of Kranstadt)
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mav.stioanncitates&hl=ru
Developer Artem Moroz

11. Unholy saints (Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov)
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.teoretik.books.AOUHKDVNYGZIISEHA&hl=ru
Developer theoretical

12. Soul after death
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lib.pravmir.ru.AOUUKDKUZYUOHTA&hl=ru
Developer Hayabusa
This book has a twofold purpose: firstly, from the point of view of the Orthodox Christian doctrine of the afterlife, to provide an explanation of the modern "post-mortem" experiences that have aroused such interest in some religious and scientific circles; secondly, to cite the main sources and texts containing the Orthodox teaching about the afterlife.
Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose)

13. Answers to the young. Andrey Kuraev.
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ifm.kuraev.molodym.AOUMJSVFKWRQLQVQ&hl=ru
Developer Institute of facility management
This book contains answers to those questions that have been heard at meetings with Orthodox youth. About books, movies, rock music, love. Of course, this is only a small part of them. A significant part of these questions and answers is published in the book "Church and Youth: Is Conflict Inevitable" (St. Petersburg, 2003). This collection can be considered as an addition to it.

14. Athos stories (Alexander Dvorkin)
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.teoretik.books.AOUIGEXHLYLCGKXAK&hl=ru
Developer theoretical
Alexander Dvorkin's book may seem unusual to those who know this author exclusively from anti-sectarian and church-historical writings.
The book is built as a collection of stories united by a common theme - the life of Athos monasticism.

15. Orthodox library
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=su.missionary.androidbook&hl=ru
Developer Missionary Department of the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

16. Radio online - PCRADIO
Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maxxt.pcradio&hl=ru
Developer PCRADIO
The uniqueness of the project is that all the radio stations on the list can be listened to at low Internet speeds while maintaining excellent quality. Listen to the radio broadcast of Orthodox radio stations (“Radio Glagol”, “Radonezh”, “Grad Petrov”, “Radio Mercy”, “Orthodox Radio”, “Radio Shore”, “Radio Annunciation”, “Radio Obraz”, “Radio Faith”, “ Resurrection”, “Radio Gospel”) wherever there is mobile Internet (at a speed of 24 kbps). Station streams are optimized for listening in "bad" Internet conditions.
A player that saves battery power and is controlled from a headset.
You will find radio stations in the section "Religion, Spiritual"

I will end this list for today.

I would like to add to the above that lovers of reading spiritual literature can download books of both the holy fathers and modern authors in electronic form for tablets and "readers" on the following sites:
1. "ABC of Faith"
Link http://azbyka.ru/otechnik/
True, not all the books presented can be downloaded for offline reading on this site.
2. "Orthodoxy and Peace"
Link http://lib.pravmir.ru/
3. Tradition.ru
Link http://predanie.ru/lib/

If the above information turned out to be useful for you, I ask you to pray for the health of the sick sinner Igor.

The Orthodox calendar is necessary for believers, even for those who have long revered religion, go to church and know many Christian holidays. It is important for observing multi-day and short-term fasts and honoring church events.

The Orthodox calendar is characterized by the variability of many dates, called transitional dates, which are not easy to remember.

Features of the church calendar for 2019

You can download the calendar of posts for 2019 on a smartphone with Android OS. The document contains a complete list of holidays and memorial days. The application is illustrated with icons, the lives of saints, kontakia and troparia are written in memory.

The program includes the full amount of information necessary for every believer, as well as Gospel readings and days of commemoration of the dead. Here you will find information about dry eating, oil-free meals and days of complete abstinence from food. Information about the fasts is collected on the basis of ancient monastic traditions.

The interface in the application is simple and intuitive - any information can be found in a couple of clicks. When you select the desired date of the month, information about the features of the marked day, which correspond to the canons of the Russian Church, will appear on the screen.

The Orthodox calendar for 2019 will help you keep abreast of any church events planned for the current year.
