I dreamed that a son was born. Why dream of giving birth to a boy in a dream? A guy dreams about the birth of a son

The birth of an heir, both in life and in dreams, is a great stress and happiness at the same time. Such dreams come not only to pregnant mothers or women who have given birth. Both young girls and men dream about the birth of a son. This dream has a special meaning for everyone who saw it.

What does it mean to give birth to a son in a dream?

Before looking for a suitable interpretation among the many presented in various dream books, it is worth recalling the details of the dreamed plot. Where did the action take place, who was nearby, what feelings did the dream evoke? If no negativity was felt, the baby was healthy - this is a good sign that promises pleasant changes in the future. When searching for the right meaning, it is worth remembering that seemingly insignificant details sometimes turn out to be very important.

Why do you dream of giving birth to a son? Many interpreters agree that this dream marks an improvement in the dreamer’s financial situation. In addition, the symbol of the birth of a boy in a dream is sometimes interpreted as the dreamer's reputation in real life. Depending on the circumstances of the dreamer, it may be cleansed or tarnished for the foreseeable future. Also, this dream plot can be associated with friendship.

General interpretations of dream books

  • Miller's Dream Book

The compiler of one of the most popular books of dream interpretation explained why do you dream about your son? like this: in real life, a person who dreams of the birth of a child will soon begin to climb the social ladder, and his well-being will gradually improve.

If a child was born sick or with abnormalities in a dream , then an unpleasant period will soon begin, full of quarrels and anger.

Why do you dream about the birth of an unwanted son? The dream book prophesies a waste of time, troubles, troubles and worries.

  • Freud's Dream Book

The psychologist was of the opinion that dreams about the birth of a son come to those dreamers who are confident in their partner and feel great next to him.

Often the night image in which I had to give birth to a son, dream book regarded as a sign of the dreamer’s high sexual activity.

  • Dream book of the 21st century

If in night vision dreamed of giving birth to an illegitimate son , then the dream speaks of negatively minded people from the dreamer’s environment who believe unpleasant rumors about the sleeper.

  • Universal dream book

Why dream that a born boy immediately began to walk and talk? This story contains a pleasant prediction, speaking of a quiet, cloudless period in life that will come very soon.

  • Big dream book

Why do you dream of giving birth to a son at home? The dream book promises a cozy atmosphere, prosperity and complete mutual understanding in the family.

If you dream about someone else giving birth to a boy , then night reading promises unexpected but pleasant news. If the dreamer in reality has unresolved problems, then this nightly plot promises the intervention of an influential comrade who will soon agree to help.

  • General predictions

If you dreamed of a difficult birth , then soon you need to be prepared for troubles and troubles.

Why do you dream about giving birth? Interpretations warn of difficulties that will be resolved, and the result will pay off all efforts.

Crying baby promises troubles and minor troubles, sick - problems in the family and at work, and healthy baby - for good.

When a woman dreamed of childbirth

Why does a woman dream about the birth of a son? There are several versions of the interpretation of this vision, depending on the chosen dream book.

If a woman dreamed of the birth of a son , this is a good sign. The universal dream book predicts warm relationships in the family, prosperity and well-being in the work sphere.

What does it mean to see a partner birth in which a son is born? Freud's dream book assures that this dream speaks of the dreamer's confidence in her partner.

Often the dream book explains why a little son dreams, but the birth of several heirs at once is very rare. Give birth to several boys in a dream - unprecedented success in all endeavors, financial well-being, respect from others and a strong family.

If a woman dreams of delivering someone else's birth , and a boy is born, then some interpreters promise a meeting with a person with whom she has not communicated for a long time.

If you dreamed that a pregnant woman had a son , then the 21st century dream book predicts an easy and quick birth for the dreamer.

If a pregnant woman who does not yet know for sure the sex of the baby , dreams of the birth of a son, many interpreters are inclined to believe that this is a prophetic dream.

Why does a girl dream about the birth of a son?

Miller believed that if a young girl dreamed that she gave birth to a son , then she may soon change her marital status.

The 21st century dream book says that the birth of a son, on the contrary, guarantees a long life free from family ties.

If a young girl dreamed of giving birth to a boy in water , then soon after passionate love you will have to marry a man in order to avoid gossip and tarnishing your reputation.

If a man dreams of the birth of an heir

Men also dream about the birth of a child. For them, it is also exciting and trembling to see the appearance of an heir, even in dreams. Often these night visions in men are associated with business experiences in reality.

If a man dreamed that his wife gave birth to a son , and he was present at the birth , then subconsciously he is ready for big changes in life and the fight for a better future.

Why does a man dream about the birth of a son? Some compilers of interpretation books believe that dreams about the birth of an heir occur before concluding major transactions.

Why does a man dream about the birth of twins? The dream books warn that the current important matter must be relegated to the background for now, otherwise the dreamer will be disappointed.

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMera"

    When birth son dreaming man, ancient interpretations assure that success in business, increased profits, and possibly a promotion awaits him. Details sleep.For example, if you dreamed what's yours son- unwanted, such a dream may be a sign that quarrels, disputes and squabbles will soon begin in the family. If you saw how they calmed a crying person son in dream, then most likely you will soon have an important meeting, on which your future will largely depend. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Deliver birth in dream, both for women and for men, a sign of cleansing and liberation from some oppressive burden. For what dreaming birth child for older women - if a mature woman in dream If she is about to give birth, it means that in reality she is at risk of a disease of the genitourinary system. Had a dream that I’m standing in my yard and I’m having contractions, saying that they should call an ambulance, but I understand that I’m giving birth. She squatted down and caught the boy covered in blood. I'm 27 years old, married, happy son, what could this mean? Read more

  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    But birth son Maybe dream about both the woman and man. And the dream in which man sees birth son, may “say” that he, on a subconscious level, is afraid and worried about his reputation, or does not trust his friends and colleagues. Usually during childbirth the child begins to cry, and in life this indicates that the child was born alive. But if in dream the child is crying, this means that the one who saw this dream, you will have to face problems, including health problems. Read more

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    The boy is son, heir and continuer of the family, so to see him birth means improving your affairs. But birth baby in dream an unmarried girl serves as a kind of warning to preserve her dignity and reputation. If such a signifier dream dreamed about it man, he will certainly overcome his fears and all kinds of concerns. Dreaming boy by dream book Menegi.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "elhow"

    Birth children in dream symbolizes the beginning of a new activity, successful achievements and hopes. However, it all depends on who exactly dreaming dream about the child and what gender the newborn is. Let's talk in more detail about why a woman and man dreaming birth boy.If the baby dreamed about it woman. If the newborn is a boy dreamed about it pregnant, this may be a sign of fate. After this sleep she should expect birth son.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming birth son in dream. A dream in which man learns about birth son, dream book interprets it as a subconscious fear for one’s reputation and distrust of business partners. For a married woman, such dream prophesies an easy and prosperous birth. Don't pay attention to this dream if you want to become pregnant or are already pregnant. In this case, dream O birth son only reflects your desire. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "womanadvice"

    Birth new life is a bright event, but what could it mean dream, in which dreamed birth son, we will tell you in this article and teach you how to correctly interpret such dreams depending on the details sleep.For what dreaming birth son? A dream in which you gave birth to a boy promises an improvement in your financial situation. Most likely, you will prove yourself at work or establish a business. If you gave birth son at home, which means happiness and prosperity will reign in the family. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Dreams With birth boy quite often dream not only women, but also men. By the way, if the dreamer has a pregnant wife, this again indicates the birth of son. But what if it’s like that? dream dreamed about it single man, he should take his health seriously. If the born in dream the boy is son dreamer (be it a woman or man) is a harbinger of positive news that concerns not only the owner himself sleep, but also his family and friends. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    See birth baby in dream. means the following: if a woman often dreaming what she gives birth to is the desire to have a child. If man dream dreams this kind of desire - the desire to change your world, your life. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth to a child, a boy or a girl, son or daughter, is dreams- preparation for childbirth. They dream almost always and to all expectant mothers, since all pregnant women worry and worry before childbirth. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Birth, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Birth in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it!Reply. Julia Dream Interpretation: Lena, what in dream you gave birth son probably means you don't have enough support men.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming give birth to son in dream. If a woman who is not expecting a child dreamed about it dream in which she gives birth son, then the dream will bring success in business. This one is especially good dream for business women. If birth son dreamed an unmarried girl, then dream predicts that in reality pleasant and joyful events await her. Birth son in dream also a favorable symbol for men. The dream foreshadows winning, profit and success in business. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Why birth son dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Why birth son?If dreaming what's yours son son in dream husband, and for men- resumption of some relationships and affairs or one’s own behavior and condition. If a woman doesn't have husband and children dream O son characterizes her love affair or her feelings and moods. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Analysis sleep Birth girls Boy Childbirth. Birth son in dream. Hello. I dreamed that I was born son, I was very happy about this. Birth twins in dream. I'm a doctor, divorced from husband, I live with my mother and son 16 years. Had a dream me today that I gave birth to twins, and in my grandmother’s apartment, which we sold more than 10 years ago. Mom helped. Son I was sitting at the table in the next room. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Congratulations on birth son dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Congratulations on birth son?If dreaming what's yours son died, expect a joyful event. Behavior son in dream means for a woman the attitude towards her husband, and for men- resumption of some relationships and affairs or one’s own behavior and condition. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Birth in dream. To me dreaming that I was born son. It seems this child is not from husband, and from the other men, whom I love very much. The boy is very handsome. But he grows up very quickly - a month after birth he already looks like a six-month-old baby, after half a year he looks like a 4-year-old child. birth baby in dream. To me dreamed as if I am giving birth to a child at home and subconsciously know who he is from. The birth was very easy and quick, I gave birth to what seemed like a girl. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Birth youngest sisters dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Birth youngest sisters?See in dream. Congratulations on birth son Pendant with a heart Pectoral silver cross Cleaning the HOUSE With a baby moving in the stomach Find an infant Three dead chickens Man ignores Clean the rusty TT pistol Swim with the bear. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep Death son (3) Dream Interpretation Death son. Scary dreams Death son Fishing Fish Rod. Birth son in dream. Hello.first dreamed about it deceased grandmother.. as if she had come to life.. packs her things and wants to return to her apartment (in her life, she lived with her father for the last couple of years, and her apartment was simply closed)... then, I can’t say.. what exactly for me dreamed, but I clearly understand that my son died..and here is the funeral..and I’m holding on..I’m not crying..I’m holding on steadfastly..yes, so are people. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I dreamed about it son(in real life he is 4 and a half) In dream he's trying to wake me up, he asked for something or something to eat or something else... I open my eyes and he's a big adult boy and very beautiful. birth son in dream. In dream My friend and I went to a cafe that I don’t like, but we didn’t stay there for long, then I found out that I was pregnant. then I went to my manager on Instagram and we talked about my pregnancy, and I was already 9 months pregnant. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Birth baby in dream. To me dreamed that I was giving birth and they brought me to the maternity hospital... For some reason it was dirty and somehow more like a military field hospital: everything was open, the beds were separated only by curtains on the sides, and you could see people giving birth and screaming everywhere... .Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Dead son in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Analysis sleep Alive among the dead. Bathing the deceased in dream. Hello! Exactly 5 days ago I buried my beloved man.Dream dreamed about it from Sun. on Mon. Had a dream that we are visiting mutual friends. My man said that we had about 2 hours and we got into the bathtubInterpretations sleep Birth son (2) Dream Interpretation Birth son. Dreams and dreams Childbirth child joy Birth son. Meeting with God Son in dream. I remember exactly that it was at the beginning of summer. During a difficult time for me, when the doctors ordered me to undergo three operations. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep birth boy (1) Dream Interpretation birth boy. Analysis sleep Birth boy Childbirth Sensation Sister. Birth baby in dream. Hello, help me explain dream, Please. To me dreamed that I gave birth to a girl. Don’t press down; they don’t open to their full width, and the plane doesn’t hit us, but it crashes on its own, because... touches its wing Next in dream me and son We find ourselves on the Alley. Son happy runs in front of me, I run after him happy too, we play catch-up. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dreams and dreams Birth son Heart Girl. Birth baby in dream. To me dreamed that I was giving birth and they brought me to the maternity hospital...Sweet dream Son Birth Dreams. Birth a child who grows up very quickly in dream. To me dreaming that I was born son. It seems this child is not from husband, and from the other men, whom I love very much. The boy is very handsome. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream children were born in dream. I dreamed about it today is amazing dream as if I was born son, but I did not see the birth itself and the child. I'm walking along a summer street, someone congratulates me on my birth third child. this is the second one son,weather.I think in dream a year ago I still have son appeared (In real life, I only have a daughter.). And I walk and think - it will be a little hard to babysit, although it seems like I’ll have to suffer with two right away.

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I'm talking to a man (in dream I think this is mine husband), but I don’t see who it is. Had a dream that I seemed to go back in time and saw birth my mother and that she had a twin brother with a physical and psychological developmental disorder, very ugly, so my grandmother (their mother) wanted to give him up, I didn’t let him, I started raising him, he was very scary, like a leper, but as he grew older became normal and grew up to be a handsome man, a girl appeared, but from me. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream dreamed about many years ago. to my son was about 2.5 years old, me several times, over a period of about 1-1.5 years dreamed that I see my boy lying at the bottom of some stream under very clear and easily flowing water. birth baby in dream. I am at home, walking on the street, and returning home again. After some time, my parents take me to the hospital and I give birth son.When we all returned home I gave son name Matvey. Mom was happy with the child, but dad was not very happy. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep birth son (2) Dream Interpretation birth son. Dreams and dreams Son Pregnancy Birth son.I dreamed about it the pregnant wife of a work colleague (in fact, she had recently given birth to a child) whom I saw in real life only once, who in dream all the time she showed me her pregnant belly, showed off it, talked about what a happy wife he was and smiled very sweetly and confidentially at me, tried to touch me, and I looked at her very gloomily and tried all the time.

This dream has several different meanings. Usually the dream book interprets the birth of a son as a favorable sign that promises joy, happiness and success in various matters and the successful completion of a new plan.

If you want to understand why you dream about the birth of a son, pay attention to the circumstances under which this happened, whether you yourself saw the birth or were told that he was born, and also whether there is a possibility of a boy being born in your own family.

It also matters whether he was beautiful, viable or not. This is what dreams of the birth of a son mean in various circumstances.

Just find out about the birth

Usually in such a dream there is nothing related to hospitals, maternity hospitals or pregnancy. A person simply knows that he has already given birth to a son, holds him in his arms or simply kisses or hugs him. What do such dreams mean?

The dream book writes that soon you will learn about the successful completion of some business. If a girl dreamed that her older sister gave birth to a son, what is this for? The dream book writes that such a baby born can mean a new business, a decision related to business life that will please the parents or, on the contrary, will lead to scandals in the family or troubles.

If a sister shows a boy to everyone, then the dream means that she will successfully complete some business-related idea, be it renovating an apartment, getting a driver’s license, or going to college. Giving birth to a boy in a dream means that a girl will be able to achieve what she wants or that she will soon have some business or troubles.

A girl almost always indicates the feminine principle and the emergence of feelings, for example, love, the acquisition of a dress, a beautiful, but not the most necessary thing.

The dream interpretation of the birth of a son means that you can find out about what has already happened or about an idea. For example, if you dreamed that a baby was born to your mother or grandmother, then soon this person will tell you important news or you will learn about a plan, some idea, or even a whim.

For example, a mother may, completely unexpectedly for everyone, go to study accounting courses, and a grandmother will take up network marketing. In any case, the decision may turn out to be quite troublesome and predicts all sorts of troubles for you or just ordinary inconveniences.

If you dreamed that a friend gave birth to a son, although she does not have a husband or just a man, then such a dream means that she will share her plans with you. A dream about the birth of a son for a man means that he will be able to express himself in some activity or business. Or that he will be able to achieve success or pass on his own knowledge and qualities to the younger generation.

If he dreamed of the birth of a son, then such a dream can actually predict the pregnancy of his wife or the birth of sons. Especially often a dream has such significance if you had it after meeting your future wife or almost immediately after the wedding.

What does a dream mean if a daughter dreamed that her mother had a son? The dream book writes that such a dream can predict troubles and surprises for you. Or that mom will be carried away by some idea and will actively bring it to life.

Sometimes the appearance of such dreams also means the mother’s imminent pregnancy if she is of childbearing age and is dating a man or is going to marry him.

Why does a girl dream if she had to give birth to a son, but at the same time she did not see or feel the process itself? This dream means that you will be able to bring some idea to life. For example, complete courses, get a license, or make repairs in your own apartment. Simply holding a baby in your arms and seeing him scream prevents you from resting - it's a sign of trouble.

There may be a breakdown in the apartment, troubles at work, or revision of some assignment, for example, a coursework, diploma or something else. If an unmarried friend gave birth to a son in a dream, what is this for? The dream book writes that such a dream can predict pregnancy. However, most often she dreams of news that is related to her activities.

At home or in the hospital. Childbirth feel or see

Very often they mean female diseases, difficulties and painful obstacles, as well as troubles in solving some business. If you give birth to a baby in a dream, and the process is very painful, then bringing some idea to life will be very difficult.

The birth of a daughter in a dream means experiences associated with love relationships and feelings, and if you dreamed of the birth of a son, expect difficulties in business, undertakings, and the implementation of plans. Sometimes a boy being born in a dream means psychological difficulties in bringing some activity or idea to life.

It may be difficult for you to overcome yourself to take a bold but necessary action. For example, telling someone the truth to their face, deciding to have an unpleasant conversation with a rival, or showing perseverance, will and patience in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself.

If a mother, sister or friend gives birth to a son in pain, what does this mean? The dream book writes that they too will face difficulties in business. Sometimes it can be risky and very dangerous. Why dream of safely giving birth to a son, handsome and healthy? Despite difficulties and obstacles, you will be able to achieve your goal.

Modern books write why a woman who is not yet ready to become a mother dreams of giving birth to a son: wait for news of success. For those who are suing, books predict winning a difficult and controversial case.

Sometimes the dream book interprets the birth of a son by a wife (in men’s dreams) either as a sign of her pregnancy, or to the fact that this woman will help you in some difficult matter. Sometimes a husband has such a dream so that he can fully realize himself in family life and be happy and proud of his wife.

A few words about the result of the action, that is, the birth of a child. The birth of a healthy, viable and strong son in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of success. If he was handsome, then the matter will turn out brilliant.

The birth of a sick or ugly child means that the result will disappoint you or you will soon have to start all over again.

The dream book writes that the matter will not bring you joy and satisfaction. A freak in a dream foreshadows grief, but a dead baby means that at the last moment the matter will fall through or you will become a victim of deception.

Sometimes such a dream means that, despite any efforts and efforts, the planned business will not work out.

Dream interpretation of the birth of a son

The birth of a baby is almost always happiness for parents. What interpretation will such a dream have? Why do you dream about the birth of a son?

I dreamed about the birth of a boy

A male child is the successor of the family, the bearer of the surname. As a symbol from a night's sleep, it is quite neutral. Therefore, the dream book advises considering additional details for the most accurate interpretation.

Give birth to a boy according to the dream book

I dreamed about the appearance of an heir

If you dreamed about the birth of an heir, it is a positive symbol; your financial situation will improve significantly, and some dreams will begin to come true. There is one clarification: you should not sit without making any effort.

Moreover, each dream book can give its own individual interpretation, which will be slightly different from the others.

Miller's Dream Book

Such a dream says that the social status of the sleeping person will go up, and at the same time the level of material security will increase.

For a girl who is not officially married, such a vision promises an early marriage proposal.

Miller also gives negative dream predictions about the birth of a child:

  • the baby was born sick, with physical injuries - the situation in the family will be tense, quarrels and scandals will arise literally out of nowhere;
  • the newborn was unwanted - you will be busy with empty chores, experience unreasonable fear, and minor troubles will appear in life.

Big dream book

The birth of a son promises you success in your career and business. This dream is especially favorable for a man.

If a baby is born right in your home, then there will be peace, tranquility, prosperity, and happiness in the family.

Watching the birth of someone else's child

Watching someone else give birth is unexpected and pleasant news; you will find an influential friend who can solve all your accumulated problems.

Universal dream book

The birth of a boy is a very good dream for a married woman. It means that your family will not only live in complete prosperity, but also love and respect each other. The state of affairs at work will also change for the better.

If after birth the baby immediately spoke and began to walk, then you will have a calm and favorable period in your life, with a complete absence of troubles.

Dream book of the 21st century

For a young girl, such a dream means that she will not be able to get married soon.

The pregnant woman promises an easy and quick birth.

If the baby is illegitimate, then the opinion of people around you about you is negative. In addition, it is constantly getting worse due to rumors and gossip that ill-wishers spread behind your back.

Interpretation of sleep from a psychological point of view

Sigmund Freud believed that such dreams only occur in women who have increased sexual activity. Also, a similar scenario can come to those representatives of the fairer sex who in reality feel sincere love, affection and care from their partner.

Particularly positive is a dream in which a woman sees a partner childbirth. This means that she completely trusts her husband and does not doubt for a minute that he will always help and protect her.

For a man, such a dream means that he is ready for decisive action, believes in himself, and knows that sooner or later he will achieve success. Such visions can visit men before important business negotiations or other serious events in life.

Why do pregnant women dream about giving birth to a boy?

Interpretation of sleep for pregnant women

When a woman becomes pregnant, she becomes more impressionable. Hormones play, dreams are colorful and realistic.

Some dream books believe that if a pregnant woman dreams of the birth of an heir, then her birth will proceed easily, the child will be born without complications and on time.

Others argue that pregnancy gives a woman the opportunity to predict the gender of her unborn baby. Therefore, the birth of a son in a dream will result in the appearance of an heir for you in real life.

Most people agree that the birth of a boy has the same interpretation for a pregnant woman, a young girl, and even a man.

Other interpretations of this dream

It is believed that if a young girl had a dream about how she gives birth to a boy in water, then she will soon experience a carnal relationship with a man, after which she will be forced to marry him.

To give birth yourself, to see that it is a boy - you will receive news from a person with whom you have long lost contact.

Sometimes women worry after dreams in which they gave birth to not just one boy, but several at once. Interpreters unanimously say that the more male children you give birth to, the better your future life will be.

Your mark:

Source: http://SonnikOnline.club/situatsii/k-chemu-snitsya-rozhdenie-syna.html

Why do you dream about birth | dream book sonan

Interpretation of sleep Birth in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

Birth in a dream– Seeing childbirth in a dream means the discovery of new qualities in oneself, the emergence of a new personality. Such dreams are usually seen by women who are working on themselves or undergoing sessions with a psychotherapist.

Seeing the birth of a boy in a dream is also a symbol of good news that concerns friends or your distant relatives. Such a dream also foreshadows the imminent emergence of new plans and ideas. All dreams associated with the birth of a child speak of upcoming joy.

For a pregnant girl, seeing the birth of a son in a dream means an easy birth, a successful pregnancy, and the care and tenderness of a loved one. For a pregnant girl, seeing the birth of a son in a dream means an easy birth, a successful pregnancy, and the care and tenderness of a loved one.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream may mean absolutely nothing; do not pay much attention to it. For a woman to dream of herself giving birth means to feel a passionate desire to have a child, as well as joy and good luck.

For a pregnant woman, the birth of a child- such a dream prophesies an easy birth.

For a woman, such dreams speak of upcoming joy and inheritance.

For a man to see the birth of a daughter or boy- this is the beginning of new successful plans. In his life, a person goes through several cycles of transformation, he changes his roles and responsibilities. All this requires time, effort and patience of a person.

For an unmarried girl, the birth of a girl in a dream- This is a symbol of promiscuity. For a single woman, such dreams indicate an impending breakup with her beloved. For those who want to have a child and cannot conceive, a dream about birth can predict the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

- this predicts strong surprise in the real world, distrust of you on the part of loved ones, they will want to test you or check the accuracy of your words.

If a man gives birth to a son in a dream- this predicts strong surprise in the real world, distrust of you on the part of loved ones, they will want to test you or check the accuracy of your words. If you dreamed about the birth of a child, then such a dream predicts that you need to be prepared for a significant improvement in circumstances in life and, perhaps, you really need to be prepared for the appearance of a child in your life. If you dreamed about yourself in the process of childbirth, then this is a harbinger that the plans that you are eager to implement will, unfortunately, give you a lot of trouble and worries. Therefore, be prepared for this. If you dreamed of the birth of a boy, it means that in the near future nothing will disturb your family happiness, and your life circumstances will improve significantly. If you dream about the birth of a boy, it means that your family happiness is not in any danger, and your life circumstances will improve.

If in a dream you see the birth of a girl child- this is a harbinger of serious changes in your life (this applies to any childbirth that you dream about). And maybe soon changes will happen in your life.

If in a dream your son was born dead, then in reality you will be faced with failures, all sorts of obstacles and the machinations of enemies. If in a dream your son was born dead, then in reality you will be faced with failures, all sorts of obstacles and the machinations of enemies.

If in a dream someone had a boy before the wedding- this is a sign that the dreamer needs to take care of his reputation as soon as possible.

He has treated it carelessly for too long, and now the time has come to restore it, otherwise there is no point in expecting success at work or sympathy in relationships with others.

If you saw the birth of a child in a dream, rest assured that good changes in life await you. If a woman who is expecting a child dreams that she is having a daughter, this is most likely what will happen. If a woman dreams of giving birth to a son, then in reality she will have to engage in a noble cause, an easy and interesting job.

If a woman dreams of giving birth to a son, then in reality she will have to engage in a noble cause, an easy and interesting job. If a married woman has a dream in which she gives birth to a child, then she should expect great joy in the near future. It is possible to receive an inheritance.

If a mother sees the birth of her daughter or boy in a dream, this speaks of the beginning of a new beginning, awareness of something. If a man dreamed that he was giving birth to a child, this speaks of his creative nature and the presence of new interesting ideas. Excellent prospects will open up before him if he listens to his intuition.

If you do not take decisive action, you may give up hope for well-being and an improved quality of life. If you do not take decisive action, you may give up hope for well-being and an improved quality of life.

If an unmarried girl sees the birth of a girl in a dream, this may mean that she will soon learn great news that will change her life. If a woman who is planning a child dreams of the birth of a boy, this may be a harbinger of the birth of a baby.

If the birth of a child was dreamed of by a young girl who is not yet married, then you need to treat your reputation with caution and care and take care of your dignity. the birth of a child in a dream may mean receiving good news or an unexpected inheritance.

If the birth of your son was successful, then in reality expect profitable endeavors, projects and business proposals. If the birth of your son was successful, then in reality expect profitable endeavors, projects and business proposals. If you dream that you are watching from the sidelines the birth of a girl, then this speaks of base passion.

If you dream that you are giving birth, then– this leads to criminal desires.

If a girl who is not yet married sees a dream about the birth of a child, then she should be more careful about her affairs and the purity of her own reputation.

A girl’s honor may be attacked; she should be resistant to temptation. If a married or pregnant woman saw a dream about the birth of a child, this foreshadows her a happy event, an easy birth.

If a woman gives birth to a girl in a dream- this means surprise, surprise.

If a person wants to move forward, he has to do it. At such turning points, a person may have dreams about death and childbirth. If a woman sees this dream, then it means that she is open to everything new, that she is waiting for her love, a new relationship.

If a man sees such a dream, then most likely he wants to open a new business that will allow him to become successful and bring profit, respect and authority. There is a possibility of promotion in real life, climbing the career ladder.

- this means that in real life you will become a rich, happy, confident, self-sufficient person. You need to be looked up to.

When a son is born in your dream- this means that in real life you will become a rich, happy, confident, self-sufficient person. You need to be looked up to. In addition, this dream suggests that the birth will be easy and safe.

Any birth- This is a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of new plans that lie ahead in the future life.

A loving family will bring you joy, grateful children and respectful colleagues will surround you. A young unmarried girl who dreams that she gave birth to a child should be more careful in her actions. Her behavior can be interpreted by others as promiscuity.

A man who sees a birth in a dream will soon have good prospects for development; new ideas and successful projects await him. For a man to see the birth of a child, if in reality his woman is expecting a child, then such a dream can warn that you will have a boy.

An unmarried girl who has a dream about the birth of a child should think about her behavior in society. Perhaps there are bad rumors about her, so you need to take care of your honor and reputation.

New plans, success in business, happiness at home and family well-being - this is not the entire list of events that may happen to you in the near future. For a single woman who is not married, the birth of a child portends separation from her loved one and the loss of her good name.

However, it is best to just calm down and wait for your child to appear, no matter what gender it is. One of the options for interpreting a dream about birth is the news of a real pregnancy.

The appearance of a daughter- this is joy, good news, pleasant worries.

The birth of a baby- this is a joyful event. This is the happiness that lies ahead. You have to change and review your old habits, this is not always easy and painless. May he be born healthy.

Celebrate the birth of a child- promises happiness and success.

Birth of a boy- also a symbol of the good news that you will soon receive and which will concern your friends or distant relatives. Such a dream also means that soon you will have new plans and ideas that you need to implement - they will bring you success. The birth of a boy, dreamed of by a woman planning a child, may signal that a long-awaited baby will soon appear in the family. Such a dream also promises an easy and safe birth for pregnant women. The birth of a baby in a dream may foreshadow the receipt of an unexpected inheritance or good news.

Birth of a child- This is also a harbinger of family happiness and prosperity.

The birth of a child in a dream usually indicates well-being and the upcoming appearance of children. The birth of a child in a dream foretells good luck in business and a positive attitude towards life's affairs. It is likely that you will indeed soon receive a wonderful addition to your family.

Birth of a son– There is a possibility of promotion in real life, climbing the career ladder.

Your dream about your birth promises positive changes in life, the best outcome of the enterprises you have started, renewal and purification of thoughts, revision of moral values ​​and life principles, fulfillment of hopes for a happy life. The way a woman behaves during childbirth in a dream means how she perceives her new birth.

Seeing your birth in a dream- to prosperity, success and happiness.

Seeing in detail how you give birth yourself means that in reality you will achieve your goal, no matter what the cost.

Source: http://astroson.com/sonnik-sonan/sonnik-tolkovanie-sna-roghdenie/

This dream has several different meanings. Usually the dream book interprets the birth of a son as a favorable sign that promises joy, happiness and success in various matters and the successful completion of a new plan.

If you want to understand why you dream about the birth of a son, pay attention to the circumstances under which this happened, whether you yourself saw the birth or were told that he was born, and also whether there is a possibility of a boy being born in your own family.

It also matters whether he was beautiful, viable or not. This is what dreams of the birth of a son mean in various circumstances.

Just find out about the birth

Usually in such a dream there is nothing related to hospitals, maternity hospitals or pregnancy. A person simply knows that he has already given birth to a son, holds him in his arms or simply kisses or hugs him. What do such dreams mean?

The dream book writes that soon you will learn about the successful completion of some business. If a girl dreamed that her older sister gave birth to a son, what is this for? The dream book writes that such a baby born can mean a new business, a decision related to business life that will please the parents or, on the contrary, will lead to scandals in the family or troubles.

If a sister shows a boy to everyone, then the dream means that she will successfully complete some business-related idea, be it renovating an apartment, getting a driver’s license, or going to college. Giving birth to a boy in a dream means that a girl will be able to achieve what she wants or that she will soon have some business or troubles.

A girl almost always indicates the feminine principle and the emergence of feelings, for example, love, the acquisition of a dress, a beautiful, but not the most necessary thing.

The dream interpretation of the birth of a son means that you can find out about what has already happened or about an idea. For example, if you dreamed that a baby was born to your mother or grandmother, then soon this person will tell you important news or you will learn about a plan, some idea, or even a whim.

For example, a mother may, completely unexpectedly for everyone, go to study accounting courses, and a grandmother will take up network marketing. In any case, the decision may turn out to be quite troublesome and predicts all sorts of troubles for you or just ordinary inconveniences.

If you dreamed that a friend gave birth to a son, although she does not have a husband or just a man, then such a dream means that she will share her plans with you. A dream about the birth of a son for a man means that he will be able to express himself in some activity or business. Or that he will be able to achieve success or pass on his own knowledge and qualities to the younger generation.

If he dreamed of the birth of a son, then such a dream can actually predict the pregnancy of his wife or the birth of sons. Especially often a dream has such significance if you had it after meeting your future wife or almost immediately after the wedding.

What does a dream mean if a daughter dreamed that her mother had a son? The dream book writes that such a dream can predict troubles and surprises for you. Or that mom will be carried away by some idea and will actively bring it to life.

Sometimes the appearance of such dreams also means the mother’s imminent pregnancy if she is of childbearing age and is dating a man or is going to marry him.

Why does a girl dream if she had to give birth to a son, but at the same time she did not see or feel the process itself? This dream means that you will be able to bring some idea to life. For example, complete courses, get a license, or make repairs in your own apartment. Simply holding a baby in your arms and seeing him scream prevents you from resting - it's a sign of trouble.

There may be a breakdown in the apartment, troubles at work, or revision of some assignment, for example, a coursework, diploma or something else. If an unmarried friend gave birth to a son in a dream, what is this for? The dream book writes that such a dream can predict pregnancy. However, most often she dreams of news that is related to her activities.

At home or in the hospital. Childbirth feel or see

Very often they mean female diseases, difficulties and painful obstacles, as well as troubles in solving some business. If you give birth to a baby in a dream, and the process is very painful, then bringing some idea to life will be very difficult.

The birth of a daughter in a dream means experiences associated with love relationships and feelings, and if you dreamed of the birth of a son, expect difficulties in business, undertakings, and the implementation of plans. Sometimes a boy being born in a dream means psychological difficulties in bringing some activity or idea to life.

It may be difficult for you to overcome yourself to take a bold but necessary action. For example, telling someone the truth to their face, deciding to have an unpleasant conversation with a rival, or showing perseverance, will and patience in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself.

If a mother, sister or friend gives birth to a son in pain, what does this mean? The dream book writes that they too will face difficulties in business. Sometimes it can be risky and very dangerous. Why dream of safely giving birth to a son, handsome and healthy? Despite difficulties and obstacles, you will be able to achieve your goal.

Modern books write why a woman who is not yet ready to become a mother dreams of giving birth to a son: wait for news of success. For those who are suing, books predict winning a difficult and controversial case.

Sometimes the dream book interprets the birth of a son by a wife (in men’s dreams) either as a sign of her pregnancy, or to the fact that this woman will help you in some difficult matter. Sometimes a husband has such a dream so that he can fully realize himself in family life and be happy and proud of his wife.

A few words about the result of the action, that is, the birth of a child. The birth of a healthy, viable and strong son in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of success. If he was handsome, then the matter will turn out brilliant.

The birth of a sick or ugly child means that the result will disappoint you or you will soon have to start all over again.

The dream book writes that the matter will not bring you joy and satisfaction. A freak in a dream foreshadows grief, but a dead baby means that at the last moment the matter will fall through or you will become a victim of deception.

Sometimes such a dream means that, despite any efforts and efforts, the planned business will not work out.

Source: http://TolkovaniyaSnov.ru/conditions/pregnancy/k-chemu-snitsya-rozhdenie-syna.html

Why dream of having a baby in a dream: good luck! positive and negative meaning of sleep

The birth of a child is an amazing event. Most people are delighted at the thought of the birth of a new life, a future unit of society, a future personality. Why dream of giving birth in a dream?

Giving birth to a child in a dream can be a real shock for most dreamers and make them think hard about the meaning of such a dream. Why do you dream of giving birth to a child in a dream? Let's find out!

Positive interpretation of a dream

To their delight, most dream books interpret this dream in a positive way.

Painlessly give birth to a child in a dream- a harbinger of stable material well-being.

Such a dream promises family well-being and good luck, as well as a long and happy life surrounded by loved ones.

A young girl has such a dream may portend changes in your personal life - a successful marriage and the embodiment of a dream into reality.

For a woman who is married but has no children, such a dream speaks of the most suitable time for the appearance of another family member.

The dreamer can be confident in her spouse and not be afraid of betrayal on his part.

The dream also promises her a quick and easy birth, the birth of a healthy and strong baby.

For a woman who already has children, the dream is the most joyful omen. Good news and joyful events await her.

Soon she will feel proud of her children. In the future, they will be able to create their own, friendly and strong families.

An easy birth in a dream portends quick relief from all problems and overcoming all obstacles.

If a pregnant woman dreams of childbirth, in fact, they will pass easily and without complications, and the child will be born completely healthy.

A large newborn baby in a dream is a harbinger of great luck that accompanies success in business.

Give birth to a boy in a dream- a very good sign for any dreamer. It portends quick material enrichment, success both in your personal life and in your professional career, meeting interesting people and a fun, carefree life.

Give birth to several children in a dream- also a very good sign. Such a dream promises financial well-being. Two children - double profit, three - triple, and so on.

Negative meanings of sleep

However, such a dream also has unpleasant interpretations. Why do you dream about having a baby?

If a young girl gives birth to a child in a dream, she should be wary of deception in everyday life.

Most likely, the young man wants to deceive her. He is trying to gain her confidence and take advantage of her frivolity and gullibility.

The dreamer should not commit any rash acts. It is much more important at this stage to maintain your reputation untarnished and not become a participant in a dirty and dubious adventure.

Give birth to a girl in a dream- not a very good sign. Such a dream portends financial difficulties for men, and failures in their personal lives for women.

The dream also warns that many enemies, envious people and gossips appeared around the dreamer or dreamer. It is important in this situation to exercise caution and not let anyone in on your plans.

The birth of a sick child in a dream is a harbinger of major failure, loss or loss. The dreamer herself will become the culprit of what happened, because of which bitterness and resentment will torment her doubly.

The dream also portends separation, difficult separation from a loved one. In this case, circumstances will be to blame, and you should not despair.

Fate will not test the dreamer forever and will soon allow her to meet this person.

To summarize, we can say that the birth of a child is a wonderful, joyful event in all respects.

His birth in a dream - with the exception of some details - is a very good sign. Having seen such a dream, one can quite rightly rejoice and enjoy the anticipation of joyful events. We recommend watching a video dream book with an interpretation of why you dream of having a child.

Why do you dream of giving birth in a dream and what does the dream portend for women and men?

In the world consciousness the birth of a child is the greatest miracle, extolled by all cultures. Motherhood and childhood have always been sacred, a symbol of procreation and life in general. Why do you dream of giving birth in a dream? The interpretation of dreams with this meaning is in most cases positive.

In short, giving birth in a dream is one of the most auspicious symbols; it brings incredible luck and all kinds of benefits.

Even if the baby is crying and is clearly not satisfied with something, the meaning of sleep remains positive.

For a girl

For a young unmarried girl giving birth to a child in a dream means success in business and study. If you have a trip ahead, it will certainly bring a lot of new positive impressions.

If any adventure is possible, the dreamer should not worry or doubt - everything will turn out just fine.

A newborn in a dream also promises good luck in love affairs, readiness for marriage and a successful marriage.

If the birth was not preceded by pregnancy, and the child appeared suddenly and painlessly, then the girl most likely will not notice any sudden changes for the better, but the meaning of the dream will still come true.

A sick baby in a dream says that the dreamer absolutely does not know how to indulge in joy and carefree relaxation; she is too nervous in vain.

For a pregnant girl such a dream doesn't have a bad meaning. Thus, the expectant mother experiences natural concern for the health of her child.

A married woman gives birth to a child in a dream means a desire to feel like a mother again.

If the dreamer really wants this, then it’s time to take this dream seriously, even if there are seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

And yet such a desire may not be felt; in this case, the dreamer wants some kind of femininity - gratuitous gifts, romantic dates, get-togethers with girlfriends, or just going to a beauty salon.

Very often one dreams of this, if the dreamer’s husband is unkind to her, there is a decline in sensuality in the relationship.

You shouldn’t blame your husband for everything - sometimes it’s enough to just push him, show him by example.

A sick and frail child symbolizes anxiety mothers for the health of their adult children.

Here is a video with a more detailed explanation of why you dream of giving birth in a dream.

For a man

Having a baby is not a typical dream for a young man, however, this also happens. It can be interpreted in two ways - as a metaphorical “nurturing” of an idea or as a readiness and strong desire to have children.

In the first case, the dream suggests that the plan can be brought to life and you can get an unexpectedly successful result, gain universal recognition and finally see your dream in action.

The dreamer should expect obstacles and minor setbacks along the way, but under no circumstances should he retreat.

If there are no grandiose plans, but there is a desire to have a child, then such a dream means that now is the time. The newborn baby will bring a lot of joy and will not create a burden.

However, if a young man is pressed from all sides by relatives demanding grandchildren, dreams of this kind should be treated with skepticism, since they are only a product of the dreamer’s thoughts and may not represent the desire to become a father.

If a married man unexpectedly “gave birth” in a dream- this portends a favorable outcome in the planned activities, be it work or leisure.

Lots of children- to a long, productive life, inexhaustible abundance and pride in your real offspring.

But you shouldn’t relax: according to some interpretations, you will have to put in a lot of effort to thrive.

For children

Why do you dream of giving birth to children in a dream? The younger generation may also have such a dream, which speaks of their maturity and desire to grow up.

It's not always good– perhaps the parents shift the responsibilities of raising brothers and sisters to the dreamer, which is why the child suffers.

For boys, giving birth to a baby in a dream is a symbol of excessive femininity and uncertainty about gender.

Alternative interpretations: giving birth in a dream - why do you dream?

The birth of a child is a sacred and frightening process. Both girls who have not had time to be in the role of a mother and those who have already experienced all the delights of female happiness await this day with trepidation.

When answering the question of why one dreams of having a child, interpreters most often talk about impending changes and victory over fears. This is very similar to reality. After all, after the birth of a baby, the lifestyle of all family members changes dramatically, so such a decoding is not surprising.

In order to correctly interpret what dreams of pregnancy and childbirth mean, you should remember the vision in great detail and refer to various dream books.

The birth of a child in Vanga’s dream book

According to the famous soothsayer, the birth of a baby in a dream is this is a sign symbolizing the release of a person’s internal energy. Which will entail global changes, as well as the end of protracted enmity and various family conflicts.

  • If the sleeper observes the process of childbirth in a dream, this is a warning about impending problems in reality. A childbirth that was successful for mother and child indicates that the dreamer’s troubles are practically unaffected.
  • Your own childbirth means a favorable period in life, when there is an opportunity to radically change everything that for some reason does not suit you. A dream in which the birth of a baby was difficult speaks of a difficult choice ahead. This step will have to be taken, but it is worth noting that the decision will be correct and will entail only positive consequences.

Interpretation by G. Miller

The psychologist is inclined to interpret the vision of the birth of a child as a positive sign. A dream in which the sleeper sees himself giving birth predicts pleasant changes in the near future and the resolution of all tormenting problems.

  • For a woman, such a vision can mean an early pregnancy or an easy birth if she is already pregnant. For young girls, a dream about childbirth advises them to be sensitive to their reputation and value it.
  • For a man, a dream in which he gives birth foreshadows the implementation of all plans in real life.

A vision in which a young man was present at the birth of his chosen one can be interpreted as a kind of reminder that you need to be more attentive and responsible towards your loved ones.

What S. Freud says about sleep during childbirth

Sigmund Freud believes that a dream with childbirth can be a harbinger of imminent conception. If the sleeper gives birth on his own, this means that in the future he will meet a person suitable for him. This can be either a life partner or a good friend.

  • A vision in which a loved one is nearby during childbirth confirms his reliability. If he is far away, there is a possibility that there are connections on the side.

Decoding in modern dream books

Modern interpreters, when explaining this dream, place special emphasis on the gender of the sleeper.

  • So, if a married woman dreams of giving birth, it means it’s time to think about adding to the family. This interpretation is correct for a dream where the dreamer herself is a woman in labor. If she sees how a child appears with someone else and does not take part in the process - this is a harbinger of despondency and melancholy. But a dream in which a woman helps a baby to be born will bring a lot of joy and good luck.
  • For a young girl, a vision of childbirth means that a complex conflict will arise soon, which will take a lot of mental strength.
  • If you dream of a man giving birth, it means that the sleeper overestimates his strength, believing that he will be able to complete the work he has begun. It is better to refuse to implement the plan.
  • Dreams in which a child is born with a known gender receive a separate interpretation. The size of the baby is also of particular importance.

A tiny baby indicates that the dreamer will have to work for a long time to implement his plans. A large child promises a quick and easy resolution of cases.

  • A dream in which a baby is stained with blood warns of a danger that will soon threaten loved ones. A stillborn baby indicates health problems.
  • Dreamed a newborn boy promises joy and prosperity to an adult woman, and an easy and quick birth for a pregnant woman. This dream tells a young girl that she should not plan to have children in the near future, because... life will be overly saturated with bright events. For a man, the birth of a boy promises wealth. A similar interpretation is given to a dream in which a child suddenly spoke after birth.
  • If you hear a newborn crying in a dream, this is a harbinger of troubles that will soon be resolved.

A dream in which a young girl gives birth to a girl speaks of her unworthy behavior. You should reconsider your moral standards, otherwise you may end up in unpleasant, sticky situations.

  • For a married adult woman, this dream portends an improvement in her financial situation..
  • For a man, the birth of a girl is a dream warning of possible bankruptcy. You should invest your money wisely.
  • Difficult childbirth suggests that the dreamer in reality wanted to do something not entirely honest or even illegal.
  • And here the birth of a beautiful baby with long hair promises no health problems.
  • A dream with childbirth, as a result of which several children are born at once, has a similar interpretation as visions with one child. But the power of meaning increases. So, it could be double luck or double your income if you dream of a couple of babies.

After returning from the amazing land of dreams, the question often arises: what did our subconscious want to say and what to warn us about by sending us this or that image? People have been trying to understand the meaning of dreams since time immemorial; striking examples of their exact interpretation are mentioned in history. And the famous story about how Joseph saved Egypt from starvation by correctly interpreting Pharaoh’s dream about seven well-fed and then seven skinny cows is known from the Old Testament. Life goes on as usual, the understanding of the information received during sleep changes. But one thing remains unchanged - the Universe continues to speak to a person through his night visions.

Dream Interpretation: giving birth to a son

Seeing a successful birth has always been considered a good sign. Because this process symbolizes making a profit, achieving what you want and rewarding your work. An important condition for the correct interpretation of a dream is its details. How and where the birth took place, what events in the dream history preceded this bright moment. Equally important are emotions, how the child looked and in what mood the awakening occurred.

To get a clearer picture, it is worth breaking the dream into its component segments. Then determine what each one might mean and then tie the picture together. Seeing a healthy boy in a dream means receiving good news. A sick child, on the contrary, can promise discord and unpleasant troubles. What else does the dream book say about this? To give birth to a son who immediately began to grow and talk, interprets the dream as very positive. This means that your efforts and work will not only be crowned with success, but will also create a good foundation for future profits. The vision speaks of happiness and prosperity that will accompany you.


Any dream book interprets giving birth to a son as a positive dream if the boy is healthy. You are happy and have made efforts to bring a child into the world, which means that in reality you will be rewarded for your hard work with happiness in family life, success in business and career, or you will receive good news that will change your life for the better.

Childbirth at home

A dream in which the birth of a healthy son took place at home is considered a very good sign. This means that good luck and prosperity have come to your home. For unmarried girls, such a dream promises a successful match for future marriage. If the birth you saw was a surprise, the process itself left no memories, there is a newborn, and you are confused, but at the same time pleasantly surprised, then in reality expect pleasant and unexpected news, an increase in salary, a promotion, a gift or a surprise.

Other visions

The birth of a boy, experienced in , promises her in reality an easy and quick birth. The dream book explains the dream of breastfeeding and a newborn son as receiving some kind of reward for one’s efforts. Now the fruit of your efforts will be increased many times over, but you will not rest on your laurels and will continue to develop what you started.

If you dreamed of the birth of a son, but then he is not there, and this does not bother you, then expect a pleasant, but fleeting meeting. A dream in which a boy was born sick, but you do not give up, seek help and save him, says that when in reality the time comes to face difficulties, but you will emerge victorious from this situation. For which, by the way, you will be rewarded with success in business and family life.

The dream may also be a warning about the machinations of enemies trying to prevent you from achieving what you want. But, thanks to the persistence and hard work that is inherent in you, they will not be able to do this, and justice will prevail. What does it mean if you see someone's son being born? The dream book interprets this vision as receiving good news from this person. It may also be a sign that financial gain awaits you from him.

Negative dream

What if you dreamed that a sick son was born? The dream book interprets this as follows: if effort was expended during childbirth, but the child was born unhealthy (or dead), it means that in reality your efforts will not be crowned with success. If an unsuccessful birth came as a surprise, but at the same time you do not feel disappointed, it means that minor quarrels, intrigues and squabbles will not particularly affect you. A dream where you give birth to an illegitimate baby, and at the same time you feel shame, warns of incorrect behavior that can cause condemnation from others.

What else does the dream book say about this? The interpreter regards giving birth to an ugly son or not seeing his face behind the veil and experiencing fear as trouble. All this can happen through your fault. It can also warn of wrong decisions, which can later lead to trouble.

What is he like, baby? Interpretation

A dream in which your own son appears to you can be interpreted differently by the dream book, depending on what the child looks like. If he is healthy, smiling and having fun, it means that in reality you will feel pride and joy for him, or you will receive good news related to your child. A little son crying in your dream warns of illness. She might be lying in wait for him. A dream in which the son is sick or is involved in bad events warns that troubles or health problems may await him.

A child (boy) asking for help or crying in a dream foretells failure in business. Therefore, you should pay attention to your surroundings; perhaps someone will betray your trust.

What other interpretations does the dream book give?

An adult son, dreamed of by those who do not yet have children, means success in business, career growth and increased wages, but only when he is healthy and looks good. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain and will not be crowned with success. Seeing your little son grown and healthy in a dream is very good. This may mean that all your plans are destined to come true. You will be proud of your child and yourself.

A dream in which you are having a conversation with your adult son suggests that you need his support and miss him. The nature of the conversation should also be taken into account when interpreting. If the conversation is pleasant, it means that it will soon come to life - you will meet your son. But if you are unhappy with him, then in reality you will feel dissatisfied and will not approve of his actions. A vision in which you walk hand in hand along the road with your son means a long happy life and a dignified old age.


Now you don’t need to flip through the dream book. Did you dream about your son? This is a vision that usually has a positive interpretation. Although, of course, when interpreting it is worth taking into account all the details.