Technological map of the lesson on the topic noun. Technological map of the Russian language lesson. Topic: What is a noun? Motivation for learning activities


Lebedeva Olga Nikolaevna

3rd grade

Subject: Russian language

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Lesson topic: Noun and its role in speech.

Date: 01/15/2014

Lesson type: a lesson in explaining new material (a lesson in the formation of initial subject skills and learning tools, mastering new subject skills).

The purpose of the lesson: creating conditions for students to gain new knowledge on the topic.

By the nature of educational and cognitive activity: problematic - search engines.

According to the method of organizing and carrying out cognitive activity: verbal, visual, practical.

According to the degree of pedagogical management on the part of the teacher: methods of indirect management of educational and cognitive activities of students using information sources.

Technologies used in the lesson: problem-dialogical, ICT, differentiated, health-saving, gaming.

Planned results:

Subject: introduce a noun as a part of speech - observe the meaning of nouns, be able to classify nouns, learn to find signs of nouns, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, in independent work.


Personal UUD: to form the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards learning; establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive; evaluate the assimilated content of educational material (based on personal values); determine common rules of behavior for everyone; determine the rules for working in pairs and groups; establish a connection between the purpose of an activity and its result.

Regulatory UUD: determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson; formulate educational objectives; learn to plan your activities in class; express your guess based on the educational material; distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one; exercise self-control; together with the teacher and classmates, evaluate their activities in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD: navigate in a textbook, notebook; find answers to questions in the text, illustrations, using your life experience; develop the ability to independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal; construct a speech utterance orally; put forward a hypothesis; compare and classify words; establish cause-and-effect relationships; make a generalization; search and highlight the necessary information; model information; be able to determine the level of mastery of educational material.

Communication UUD: listen and understand the speech of others; develop the ability to negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities; take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation; be able to express oneself with sufficient completeness and accuracy

thoughts; master the dialogical form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

Lesson Resources:

1. Laptop, projector, interactive whiteboard, PROClass knowledge quality control and monitoring system software;

2. Presentation for the lesson.

3. Cards for differentiated work.

4. Textbook “Russian Language”, V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky, part 2, Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2013.

5. Methodological manual for teachers “Russian language”, Moscow “VAKO”, 2013.

During the classes

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activity

Formed UUD

I.Organizational moment.

The purpose of the stage: to create conditions for students to consciously enter the space of activity in the lesson.


Checking readiness for the lesson.

The bell rang, let's start our lesson. We are calm, kind and welcoming. We are all healthy. Take a deep breath and exhale. Breathe in the freshness of a winter day and the warmth of the sun's rays. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other.

Greetings from the teachers. Organize your workplace, check the availability of necessary educational supplies

Metasubject (UUD)


Exercise self-control;



- be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

Master the dialogical form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process, show attention;

II. Updating knowledge

The purpose of the stage: to repeat the students’ knowledge and skills necessary to introduce a new topic. Updating the learned methods of action, developing mental operations.

1. Calligraphy.

What letter is missing in the words?

Can we check the unstressed vowel "o" in these words? What are these words called?

Write the capital and lowercase letters Oo. Write down vocabulary words with a missing letter.

2. Training “Resettlement”.

Divide the words into 3 groups according to certain common characteristics. Look, beautiful, tree, star, whistles, blue, sun, parrot, strong.

On what basis did you divide the words?

What words belonged to the first group?

What part of speech do these words belong to? - What questions do these words answer?

What words did you classify in the second group?

What part of speech do these words belong to?

What questions do the words of the second group answer?

What words did you classify in the third group?

What part of speech do these words belong to? -What questions do nouns answer?

2. Difficulties in individual activities.


Look at the blackboard. Did everyone write down the nouns correctly?

Why did you make mistakes?

Write down the nouns in your notebook.

Letter "o".

No. Dictionary words.

Write down the number, great job. The letter Oo is written. Write down vocabulary words: garden, hammer, dog, peas, skates, nut, soldier, vegetables.

Parts of speech.

Look, it whistles.

Verbs. What to do? What is he doing?

Beautiful, blue, strong.

Adjectives. Which? Which? Which?

Tree, sea, sun, meadow.

Nouns Who? What?


We couldn’t ask the correct question, we forgot the rule, we mixed up the questions.

Write down nouns in a notebook.

Metasubject (UDD)


Find answers to questions using information;


Exercise self-control;

Master the ability to forecast;

Express your guess based on the educational material;


- listen and understand the teacher’s speech;

Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;


- evaluate the assimilated content of educational material (based on personal values);

III. Statement of the problem.

The purpose of the stage: organizing communicative interaction for the perception of new material.

Listen to the poem and if you finish it correctly, you will be able to formulate the topic of the lesson.

"Things, people and flowers,

Rhinoceroses and cats,

Jeans, T-shirts and boots,

They are called OBJECTS.

Fur coats, hats and umbrellas,

Nails, nuts and bolts,

Villages, cities, planets -

These are also all OBJECTS.

AH, what all the words


They are called…….

Topic of our lesson:


"The noun and its role in speech."

Metasubject (UDD)


- determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Under the guidance of the teacher, plan your activities in the lesson;


activities in the lesson; educational:

Navigate your knowledge system (define the boundaries of knowledge/ignorance);


Express your guess;


- express your thoughts accurately and completely;


establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive (why?).

IV. Design and recording of new knowledge.

The purpose of the stage: to teach to distinguish nouns from other parts of speech.

What do we already know about a noun?

Each word has its own job. Some call the attributes of objects, others - the actions of objects, others - objects. A noun is something that exists. But do only objects denote nouns?

Let's play with word groups. Which one of you is ready to play? (game “Say it in one word.”)

So, what else can nouns mean?

Well done!

Read the text.

It’s a wonderful winter day... A light fluffy one is falling.... The trees are dressed in white... A frightened man ran by... A bright red fur coat is visible in the distance...

Is everything clear in the text?


What needs to be done to make sentences make sense?

Let's choose the words together.

Copy the text by inserting the missing words.

What questions do the inserted nouns answer in sentences 1, 2, 4? Which part of the sentence are the nouns that answer the question who? or what?

What word was inserted into sentence 3?

What word was inserted into sentence 5?

What question does it answer?

These are nouns, but in sentences they will be secondary members of the sentence.

Nouns answer the questions who? What?

Nouns designate an object.

Nouns can be proper and common, animate and inanimate.



Natural phenomena.



Write down the words in a notebook.

Children's answers.


Missing words and sentences do not make sense. -Insert appropriate words.

Write down the resulting text in a notebook. Check in pairs.


Fur coats.




Metasubject (UUD)


Listen and understand the speech of others; develop the ability to negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities;

Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;


Develop the ability to independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal;

Construct a speech utterance orally;

Put forward a hypothesis;

Compare and classify words;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Make a generalization;

Search and highlight the necessary information;

Model information;


- express your guess based on the educational material; - distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;

Exercise self-control; together with the teacher and classmates, evaluate their activities in the lesson.

V. Physical education minute.

I name nouns. If it answers the question who?, then clap your hands, if what? - you jump.

Elephant, notebook, cat, picture, sun, girl, rain, dolphin, table, teacher, snow, frost, dog.

- Well done!

Children perform mobile physical education.

VI. Primary consolidation of new material.

The purpose of the stage: to consolidate knowledge and ability to find and distinguish nouns.

Write down the nouns.

Examination .

Prove that these are nouns.

Well done!

Now you and I will work in groups. From these syllables in 2 minutes you will need to make as many words as possible, but these words must only be nouns. The group that composes the most words wins.

Well done! All groups coped with the task perfectly!

Write it down in a notebook.

Words answer the questions who? What? Designate objects.

Work in groups.

A representative from each group reads out the words.

Writing words in a notebook under dictation.

Metasubject (UDD)


Work according to the proposed plan;

Put forward your hypotheses based on educational material;

Distinguish correctly completed tasks from incorrect ones;

Exercise self-control;


Find your bearings in the textbook;

Navigate your knowledge system (define the boundaries of knowledge/ignorance);

Be able to find and highlight the necessary information;

Be able to compare, naming the criterion for comparison;


- listen and understand the speech of others;

- be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

Master the dialogical form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.


Determine common rules of behavior for everyone;

Determine the rules for working in pairs;

- evaluate the content being learned (based on personal values).

VII. Independent work with checking against the standard.

The purpose of the stage: to organize differentiated work with subsequent verification.

There are cards in front of you, choose the one on which you can complete the tasks. Underline those nouns that will correspond to the meanings. Red - high level, blue - medium level, green - low level.

Red card:

Human qualities are kindness, beauty, politeness, speed, goodwill, cowardice, height.

Geographical names: sea, Moscow, mountain, Russia, city, Volga, plain, Baikal.

Blue card:

Grain crops - flax, wheat, cotton, barley, wool, rye, cornflowers, oats.

Professions: weightlifter, driver, cook, football player, teacher, salesman, hockey player, student, doctor.

Green card:

Toys: barbell, ball, briefcase, pen, doll, pyramid, skates, cubes, spinning top.

Furniture - sofa, carpet, table, computer, wardrobe, bed, TV, chair.

Let's check your work .

They work on individual cards.

Metasubject (UDD)


Distinguish correctly completed tasks from incorrect ones;

Exercise self-control;


- analyze educational material;


- listen and understand the speech of others; the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

VIII. Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

The purpose of the stage: to record new content in the lesson. Organize reflection and self-evaluation by students of their own educational activities.

Knowledge quality control and monitoring system PROClass.

What were your difficulties? What do I need to do?

Grades are given.

Self-assessment of activity.

It was interesting to me…

It was difficult for me...

I learned…

Metasubject (UDD)


Exercise self-control;

Evaluate activities in the lesson together with the teacher and classmates;

Identify and recognize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned.

Summing up the lesson.

Purpose: to summarize the work in the lesson.

What topic were you working on?

Which task did you like?

Where will we use the knowledge gained?

We all did a good job today!

We worked on the topic: “The noun and its role in speech”

Children's answers.


- establish a connection between the purpose of an activity and its result.


- be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.


At home, guys, you will need to compose and write down 7 words that answer the question who? So what?


Analyze educational material;


Listen and understand the speech of others.

Deputy Director for HR__________________________________________/Podosinina N.A./

U rock of the Russian language 5 class " Noun"


    systematize previously learned about the noun;

    deepen the concept of the role of nouns in speech;

    repeat spellings associated with spelling nouns;

    determine the syntactic role of nouns in a sentence

    promote the development of self-control and self-assessment of students’ educational activities;

    promote the development of attention, observation, the ability to synthesize information and draw conclusions;

    promote the formation of a conscious awareness of learning the Russian language.

Lesson type : lesson on updating knowledge and skills, repeating previously learned about the noun

Methods and forms of training: observation of language; heuristic method; individual, group, frontal.

Educational Resources: http:|// www. net; http:|// www. zavuch. info; http:|// www. intergu. ru; http:|// www. festival.1 September. ru. html

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector.

Visual and demonstrative material: photographs with views of the town, cards with tasks, explanatory and spelling dictionaries, a dictionary of synonyms.

Basic concepts: general grammatical meaning, morphological features, syntactic role

Technological map of the lesson:

Lesson stage,


Teacher activities

Student activities

Universal learning activities of the student

I. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities

Guys, today we will go on a journey through an amazing, fabulous country. "Noun". Purchase tickets for the tour bus by answering the question. To do this, you need to name the parts of speech of the words in the poem written on the board:

Sea. Sun.

Sand. Breeze.

Flight of seagulls.

Game of waves.

Swimming. Fun.

Laughter. Peace.

For the correct answer, everyone receives a smiley face.

Well done! Right! Our fairy-tale country is called “Noun”.

They listen to the teacher and participate in dialogue with him.

They answer questions out loud and complement each other. They try to correct mistakes and justify their choice of answer.

L : , meaning formation; P :modeling, building a logical chain of reasoning; R :, volitional self-regulation; K: educational

collaboration with teacher and peers

II. Updating knowledge. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson

Write down the topic of our lesson: “Noun”.

Who can help me explain the purpose of our lesson? (Remember everything we know about the noun).

All the tasks that you complete will help you do your homework: write a miniature essay on the topic: “A noun is an amazing part of speech” or complete a task on a card, showing knowledge on this topic. Everyone has a choice

Write down the topic of the lesson in notebooks. Students try to remember everything they know about a noun as a part of speech.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Fix the difficulty that has arisen (forgot the declension of the noun). Repeat and pronounce

according to the reference diagram.

P: problem formulation; R: goal setting; TO: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the rules and conditions of communication, prioritizing many general problems over specific ones, the ability to compare different points of view before making decisions and choices

I II.Creative practical activity

1 station “Hidden Word”

-Why are nouns needed?

First task: find out the noun word by its meaning and explain to which group of names of objects it can be attributed

1) Blue color, bluish color (there is the sky, near the water, maybe under the eyes), explain the spelling.

2) A fish whose name in the Slavic language is translated as “scare”, “fear” (and its teeth are scary and sharp - they are even on the tongue and palate)

3) Synonym for the word selflessness

4) This word means “connection of notes, group of records”

5) translated from Indo-European the word means “vital force of the race”

6) a military unit consisting initially of one hundred people.

7) Synonym for “work, occupation”

8) Part of the day from sunset to sunrise

What dictionaries helped me prepare this assignment?

What “hidden” word did you get?

What does it have to do with a noun?

This means that we can say about the noun in the words of Anatoly Shibaev:

The name is given to everything:
Both the beast and the object,
There are a lot of things around,
And there are no nameless ones!

These words will be the epigraph to our lesson

2 station "Number"

Put singular nouns. in plural:

Book, edge, window, field, friend, master, desk, student, lion.

Place plural nouns. in units:

Boys, girls, trees, clouds, songs, forests, chairs.

What endings do plural nouns have?

What suffixes are used to form some plural nouns?

Which feature can be difficult to determine in plural nouns? number?

3 station "Number"

Group work. Trying to formulate an answer (Give names to various objects)

They name different answer options and correct the wrong ones by working with dictionaries. Explain the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root. The answers are written on the board and the crossword puzzle is solved.

They are called dictionaries.

define the word "essence"

They are trying to answer (Essence is the main thing, objective. The noun names everything that exists in the world, that surrounds a person, that he sees, hears, feels).

They work in pairs: having completed the task independently, they exchange notebooks and check each other.

Formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view. They draw conclusions.

P: , synthesis, modeling, selection of bases and criteria for comparison, classification, construction of a logical chain of reasoning, formulation of a task, selection of the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions; R : , ; TO : educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to establish and maintain a relationship with an interlocutor, proactively conduct a dialogue, quickly respond to the interlocutor’s remarks

3 station "Rod"

Guess the riddles and determine the gender:

The reeds do not make noise in the river,

Doesn't make noise under the floor...(mouse-f.r.).

It's so quiet at this hour!

You can only hear: “Sleep... (baby)

A round, not a ball,

Yellow, not turnip. (moon-f.r.)

4 station "Declination"

Work on exercise 96 in the textbook. Let's look at the table.

Write out 5 nouns from A. Fet’s poem “This morning, my joy...”.

1st declension

2nd declension

3rd declension

5th station "Padezh"

Work on exercise 99 in the textbook. Let's look at the table.

Perform exercise 100.

Station 6 "Spelling"

The teacher reads riddles. Guessing (poyeah, gra h that h)

Let's read spelling number 8 on page 47.

Let's do exercise 98

Collective oral work.

They draw conclusions, listen to the answers of their comrades, and complement them.

2 students work at the board for assessment. All students complete the exercise in their notebooks, monitoring their work at the board.

Students guess riddles and write them on the board. Together with the teacher, they formulate a conclusion about the spelling of ь after the sibilants at the end of the word.

The guys do the exercise one by one on the board and in their notebooks, receiving a smiley face.

P: summing up a concept, deriving consequences, the ability to structure knowledge, mastering the method of verification: R: ; TO: the ability to correctly and consciously construct a statement, argue one’s opinion and position in communication

IY. Consolidation.

Reflection of activity.

Station 7 “Morphological analysis of a noun”

Task: perform a morphological analysis of the words: speech, table, desk

Summing up the work.

Organizes the fixation of new knowledge in the memory of students, educational activities by students, students’ assessment of their activities in the lesson, recording difficulties as a direction for work in the next lessons.

Who did we visit today?

Have we been able to prove that a noun is an amazing part of speech?

What new things did you learn during the lesson?

Are you satisfied with your work?

Self-assessment of knowledge:

Green - I understand, I can answer all questions

Yellow - having difficulty

Red - I understand, but I can’t answer on my own

Well done! Green light - the path to knowledge is open

They highlight the main thing and establish cause-and-effect relationships between individual linguistic phenomena.

Record the results

K. carry out joint activities, the ability to correctly and consciously construct a statement, argue their opinion and position in communication

U rock of the Russian language 5 class " Noun" (lesson on updating knowledge and skills, lesson on repetition).

Target: generalize and systematize knowledge about a noun as a part of speech (be able to determine the general grammatical meaning, morphological features, syntactic role; role in speech);


    improve morphological analysis skills; repeat spellings associated with spelling nouns;

    promote the development of self-control and self-assessment of students’ educational activities; promote the development of attention, observation, the ability to synthesize information and draw conclusions; development of speech skills necessary to participate in dialogue;

    promote the formation of a conscious awareness of learning the Russian language.

Lesson type : lesson on updating knowledge and skills.

UMK: L.M. Rybchenkova, O.M. Alexandrova, O.V. Zagorovskaya.

Equipment: crossword puzzle “Hidden Word”, photographs with views of the town, cards with tasks, explanatory, spelling dictionaries, dictionary of synonyms.

Technological lesson map

Lesson stage,




Universal learning activities of the student

I. Organizational part

Hello guys! Stand up nicely, smile at each other and check whether your workplace is ready for the lesson: there must be a textbook, a workbook, a dictionary, and a diary under them on the tables.

Students check their workstations and smile at each other in greeting. An atmosphere of goodwill and creative activity is created.

II. Conversation with the class.

Since ancient times there has been a country called Rech. It is divided into parts, each of which has its own name. What are these parts?

Who rules this country?

Why was she given this right?

Reveals the level of knowledge and identifies typical deficiencies. If necessary, corrects work for the lesson.

They answer questions out loud and complement each other. They try to correct mistakes and justify their choice of answer.

L : , meaning formation; P :modeling, building a logical chain of reasoning; R :, volitional self-regulation; K: educational

collaboration with teacher and peers

III. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson

In the most ancient part of this country there live nouns. We will go to visit nouns. Write down the topic of our lesson: “The noun is an amazing part of speech.”

Who can help me explain the purpose of our lesson? (Remember everything we know about the noun to prove that it is an amazing part of speech).

All the tasks that you complete will help you do your homework: write a miniature essay on the topic: “What surprised me about the noun?” or complete a task on a card, showing knowledge on a given topic. Everyone has a choice

Write down the topic of the lesson in notebooks. Students try to remember everything they know about a noun as a part of speech.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Fix the difficulty that has arisen (forgot the declension of the noun). Repeat and pronounce

according to the reference diagram.

P: problem formulation; R: goal setting; TO: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the rules and conditions of communication, prioritizing many general problems over specific ones, the ability to compare different points of view before making decisions and choices

IV. Game "Hidden Word"

Why are nouns needed?

First task: find out the noun word by its meaning and explain to which group of names of objects it can be attributed

1) Blue color, bluish color (there is the sky, near the water, maybe under the eyes), explain the spelling.

2) A fish whose name in the Slavic language is translated as “scare”, “fear” (and its teeth are scary and sharp - they are even on the tongue and palate)

3) Synonym for the word selflessness

4) This word means “connection of notes, group of records”

5) translated from Indo-European the word means “vital force of the race”

6) a military unit consisting initially of one hundred people.

7) Synonym for “work, occupation”

8) Part of the day from sunset to sunrise

What dictionaries helped me prepare this assignment?

What “hidden” word did you get?

What does it have to do with a noun?

Trying to formulate an answer (Give names to various objects)

They name different answer options and correct the wrong ones by working with dictionaries. Explain the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root. The answers are written on the board and the crossword puzzle is solved.

They are called dictionaries.

define the word "essence"

They are trying to answer (Essence is the main thing, objective. The noun names everything that exists in the world, that surrounds a person, that he sees, hears, feels).

P: , synthesis, modeling, selection of bases and criteria for comparison, classification, construction of a logical chain of reasoning, formulation of a task, selection of the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions; R : , ; TO

V. Homework check: protection of drawings (mini-projects)

We must know the person we are going to visit by sight. As homework, you were asked to imagine a noun and draw it portrait . Who did it?

Provides a sample on the basis of which you need to design your project.

This means that we can say about the noun in the words of Anatoly Shibaev:

The name is given to everything:
Both the beast and the object,
There are a lot of things around,
And there are no nameless ones!

These words will be the epigraph to our lesson

Based on the sample, they defend their drawing projects. They identify the best works and give reasons for their answers.

P: , synthesis, summing up a concept, deriving consequences, modeling, using sign-symbolic means, independently creating ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature. R: , ; TO : the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the rules and conditions of communication, the particular priority of many general problems over specific ones, the ability to compare different points of view before making decisions and choices, argumentation of one’s opinion and position in communication

VI Determining the role of nouns in speech

Organizes work to identify the role of nouns in speech.

A poem is given:

Sea. Sun.

Sand. Breeze.

The seagull is flying.

The wave is playing.

Swimming. Fun.

Laughter. Peace.

Write down the nouns.Why are they necessary in this poem?

Personification is common in fiction. Did it appear in our poem? For what, what is its role?

Which of the nouns you wrote down can be excluded and on what basis?

What else helps distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns?

Choose a method , on which the learning task will be based. They formulate all the pros and cons and say it out loud.

Write down nouns in notebooks.

They give answers and try to exclude nouns based on various characteristics.

Correct answer: seagull – animate

ETC: ; TO:

VII. “Prove” technique: how to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns?

Organizes work on the board and in notebooks.

Four students (working at the board, determine whether the nouns snowman, doll, dead man, corpse are animate or inanimate.

Tell me, according to the system of endings, snowman and doll are animate nouns, but these are toys, as if they were not living objects? (We remember that the child perceives the doll and the snowman as living beings. They play with the doll, dress it, feed it, teach it to speak.

And remember the scary stories that you like to tell each other (folklore collectors call them horror stories). Who crawls out of their graves in them and scares passersby? (Dead people are perceived as animate beings, but you will never say corpses.).

The rest of the students are in their notebooks. (Check the endings in the nominative, genitive and accusative cases, we find out that all nouns are animate, except for the word “corpse”.)

Choose a method , on which it will be based educational task. Formulate all the pros and cons and say it out loud

R: (in the form of comparing a method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard) (making necessary additions and adjustments to the method of action in case of discrepancies between the standard, the actual action and its product).

Assessment (selecting and highlighting by students what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, especially the quality and level of assimilation). TO: the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the conditions of communication

IX. Creative work: compiling a collective essay. Determining the syntactic role of nouns

Group work.

Nouns help you find the right institutions, shops, choose a book, and write the address correctly. What are these nouns? What other nouns are there? What's the difference between them? - Here are several photographs with views of our village. Let's sign them. When making sentences, do not forget to use proper names. (Each group works with their own photographs.)

What proper names did you use? For what?

Our collective essay has an introduction, a main part, but no conclusion.

Let's come up with an ending together. We emphasize nouns as members of a sentence.

Let's conclude: what part of the sentence can a noun be?

Select tasks, independently perform tasks of their choice. After 10 minutes, the work is checked against the standards. Students themselves evaluate the results of their work

The essay is written in notebooks, nouns are underlined as members of the sentence. Conclusions are drawn.

P: summing up a concept, deriving consequences, the ability to structure knowledge, mastering the method of verification: R: ; TO: the ability to correctly and consciously construct a statement, argue one’s opinion and position in communication

X. Game "Fourth wheel"

Organizes the recording of new knowledge in the memory of students, educational activities by students, evaluation by students of their activities in the lesson, recording of difficulties as a direction for work in the next lessons.

Explain by what morphological features the nouns are combined and what can be excluded?

a) Oh courage..., oh courage..., oh fearlessness..., oh cowardice... .

General: these are feminine nouns, 3rd declension, prepositional case.

The topic is human qualities. Exclude - cowardice is an antonym, all the rest are synonyms.

b) Smart, hard worker, smart guy, infectious.

General: nouns of the general gender.

Eliminate: the word “infection” characterizes a negative quality of a person. (BUT: 200 years ago this word meant “charm, charm”). What dictionary helped me find out about this? (Etymological)

c) Oslo, coffee, kangaroo, pony.

General: unchangeable masculine nouns. Delete: coffee - the modern dictionary allows the word coffee to be used as a neuter noun.

d) Songs, scissors, horses, storms.

General: everything is plural.

Delete: scissors – used only in the plural; horses is an animate noun.

d) Rook..., stove..., night..., daughter... .

General: nouns with a sibilant at the end.

Delete: rook – noun of the 2nd declension, masculine; oven – can be a noun or a verb.

- For what purpose did we complete this task?

Record the resultsits activities in accordance with the set goals, evaluate their and; TO : educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to establish and maintain a relationship with an interlocutor, proactively conduct a dialogue, quickly respond to the interlocutor’s remarks

XI. Generalization of knowledge

(morphological analysis)

People have documents. Even objects have a passport telling where and when they were made and how to handle them. Nouns are residents of the country Speech, and each resident of this country has their own document - morphological analysis.

Analysis of the word “Village” (Sentence taken from a collective essay).

Morphological analysis of a noun based on a passport.

I, ____________, is a noun, as I denote ___________ and answer the question _________________.

1. My initial form: ____________________.

2. My morphological characteristics:

a) constants: according to the category I am a noun - _______________, ______________ (animate-inanimate), ____________ (gender), ______________ (declension);

b) non-constant: I stand in the form ______________ (number), ______________ (case).

3. I work in the neighboring state of Syntax.

Today I play the role of_____________________

P: summing up a concept, deriving consequences, the ability to structure knowledge, mastering the method of verification: R: ; TO: the ability to correctly and consciously construct a statement, argue one’s opinion and position in communication

XII.Reflection and homework

Organizes the fixation of new knowledge in the memory of students, educational activities by students, students’ assessment of their activities in the lesson, recording difficulties as a direction for work in the next lessons.

Who did we visit today?

Have we been able to prove that a noun is an amazing part of speech? activities of comrades.

P : methods and conditions of action, and assessment of the process and results of activity; L: self-assessment based on the criterion of success, adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities; TO: expressing your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, formulating and arguing your opinion and position in communication, using criteria to substantiate your judgment. R: assessment (selecting and highlighting by students what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, especially the quality and level of assimilation).

Spelling warm-up

On the cards are words with different spellings, and on the back there is a test word)

On your desks, take a pink card ( on the cards are words of different parts of speech)

Moving around the class, communicating with each other, you need to create groups.

You choose the construction principle yourself.

What unites these groups? (verb, noun, adj. – parts of speech)

What part of speech are we studying?

Lesson topic: Noun (Slide 1)

The purpose of the lesson:

Summarize and systematize knowledge on the topic “Noun”.

Lev Vasilievich Uspensky, Russian writer (addressing the portrait )(Slide 2) spoke about this part of speech like this: ““A noun is the bread of the tongue”

– Now, please, think about why L. Uspensky argued so?


Just as it is impossible to imagine our life without bread, it is impossible to imagine the Russian language without nouns... A noun, like bread, gives food to all words

And now we will try to make sure that the words of L. Uspensky are true

Based on reference words (words that were on the cards) and the painting “Winter” ( Slide 3) Let's write a miniature essay on the topic “Winter in the Forest.”

And so that you can imagine yourself in a winter forest, I will turn on the music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” January

The signal for the end of work will be the end of the music.

Introduce us to your creative work

Let's imagine that all nouns have disappeared from the text. Such a text will be completely incoherent, since the sentences establish connections and relationships between objects.

The glory of Uspensky will be the epigraph of our lesson

“A noun is the bread of the tongue.” (Slide 4)

Let's remember what we know about the noun.

On screen: (Slide 5)

Complete the sentences:

A noun is __________, which means _________________ and answers the questions _______?,________?_.

There are animate and ____________, personal and ________________.

Nouns have ________ declensions ________. Varies according to __________, ___________ and _________.

The sentences are _____________ and __________________________________________.

A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object, event, natural phenomenon and answers the questions who, what? There are animate and inanimate, proper and common nouns. Nouns have 3 declensions. Varies according to numbers and cases. In a sentence there are main and minor members

– You remembered everything you knew about the noun.

4 . Let's determine the slope. noun-Participants No. 2 distribute 1 piece of paper. You need to pick one word from the 1st class, Table No. 1, 2,

Table No. 3,4 – words of the 2nd declension

Table No. 5 - words 3 skl

Say this word out loud to your team members and write it down on one piece of paper.

Place it on the center of the table, word side up.

Once a word is spoken by one student, other students should not repeat it.

We repeat this until we have used all the leaves.

– Words of the 1st declension will be read to us by table No...., student No.... Explain why these words are included in the 1st declension?

– Words of the 2nd declension will be read to us by table No. ..., student No. ... Explain why these words ended up in the 2nd declension?

- The words of the 3rd declension will be read to us by table No. ..., student No. ... Explain why these words ended up in the 3rd declension?

On your desks, take a blue card ( on the cards are words with unstressed case endings of nouns, and on the reverse side is the correct spelling of the word with an explanation)

At my signal, stand up, push your chairs back and start moving to the music. When the music stops, find a couple from another table and discuss the spelling of the word.

3 Working with a proposal

Write down sentences independently from dictation )

There are fluffy caps of snow on the birch trees.

Task: find nouns, indicate case)

– How to determine the case of a noun?

To determine the case of a noun, you need to:

1) find the word to which the noun refers and pose a question from it;

2) determine the case based on the question and preposition.

In front of you on a piece of paper is a test in the Russian language “Noun”.

On the back of the piece of paper is the friend's name, look who you have an appointment with at... o'clock. Get up from your seats and, having met with your partner for ... hours, discuss your task, and at the end thank you for your work.

Did your answers agree with your friend?

Check with sample ( Slide 6)

Russian language test “Noun”.

1.Choose a noun:

a) excellent;

b) writes;

c) I;

d) reliability.

2. In what case is the noun the subject of the sentence:

a) dative;

b) prepositional;

c) creative;

d) nominative.

3. Indicate the phrase in which the noun has the ending


a) got it from the river...;

b) a gift for grandmothers...;

c) rested in the village...;

d) moored to the pier... .

Let's summarize the lesson.

Count how many points you have scored and evaluate your work depending on the number of points scored.

Stand up, pull up your chairs, and go to the center of the class. We see signs on the walls. What is written? (proverbs) Let's read the proverbs.

I write not with a pen, but with my mind.

Study and work lead to victories.

He makes a lot of noise who does little.

A mind is good, but two is better

Approach the proverb that characterizes your work in the classroom.

Look how we worked together, but what part of the speech captivated us? NOUN

I hope you convinced of the truth of the words L .Uspensky, who were our epigraph?


Technological lesson map

Item________ Russian language ___________________________

Class___________ 2 _____________________________________

Lesson topic______ Noun _________________________________

Lesson type_______ discovery of new knowledge ________________________________

Target: Introduce students to a noun as a part of speech.


1) introduce the concept of “noun”;

    show the differences between animate and inanimate nouns;

    determine thematic groups, which may include animate and inanimate nouns;

    enrich children's speech with words - names of instruments;

    propaedeutic introduction to the role of pronouns in speech (without introducing the term).

Planned results:

Subject: Students will learn to recognize nouns, distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

Personal: be able to conduct self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.

Metasubject: be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; evaluate the correctness of the action in the lesson; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made; express your assumption (Regulatory UUD).

Be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them (Communicative UUD).

Be able to navigate your knowledge system; distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher; gain new knowledge; find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experiences and information received in class (Cognitive UUD).

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Planned results


I. Org. moment. Emotional mood for the lesson.

The bell rang and fell silent
The lesson begins.
You sat down quietly at your desks,
Everyone looked at me.
Wish you success with your eyes
And forward, for new knowledge!

Greetings from the teachers.

Getting ready for the lesson.

II. Orff graphic just a minute

Read the word, insert the missing letter, explain the spelling.

D. rev.ya, m.l.daya, tr.ka, sq.rtsy, adj.teli, beautiful, zaz.l.nela, gr.chi.

Make up a sentence using these words.

Pronouncing the missing letters make a proposal.

Identify and explain spelling.

Be able to navigate your knowledge system (Cognitive UUD).

III. Creating a problematic situation.

Today we will begin to learn a new part of speech- noun. But I think you already know a lot about this part of the speech. We just used to call the words of this part of speech differently. How? Think and answer after completing the tasks.

Complete the task. Answer the teacher's questions.

To express your assumption (Regulatory UUD).

Distinguishing new from already known with the help of a teacher (Cognitive UUD).

IV. Formulating the topic of the lesson and setting the educational task.

What questions are answered?

Do we know what this part of speech is called?

- What problem did you have?

- What goal will we set for ourselves today in class?

It turns out that in the Russian language there are words that can be used to name each part of speech. Groups of words that answer the questions WHO? WHAT? and denote everything that can be seen, heard, touched, felt, etc. - they call something that exists.

What would you call this part of speech?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

- So, what tasks will we set for ourselves?

Answer questions.

(Find out what this part of speech is called and learn to identify it among other parts of speech)

Name the topic and objectives of the lesson.


Formulate tasks.

1. Recognize nouns by meaning and question

2. Distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns

Be able to define and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher, pronounce the sequence of actions in a lesson (Regulatory UUD).

Be able to express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).

V. Discovery of new knowledge.

Words from the text must be written out in initial form so that they answer the question exactly Who? or What?

Introduction of the term “noun” when reading Samovarov’s message (p. 77).

Write out words from the text that answer the questions Who? And What?(Ex. 93)

Read the rule.

Distinguish words that answer questions Who? And What?

D gain new knowledge (Cognitive UUD).

VI. Physical exercise.

Our pens

We raise our hands up,

And then we release them.

And then we'll unwrap them

And we’ll quickly press you to us.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

Do a warm-up.

VII. Primary consolidation. Work in groups.

Asking questions: Can you guess my riddle now? What did we call this group of words before? What will we call it now? What nouns are called animate? and inanimate?

Working in groups, find inanimate (exercise 94) and animate (exercise 95) nouns.

Determine which thematic group these words belong to.

Particular attention should be paid to the names of the instruments: Are these things familiar to you? Do you know how to use them?

Work on teacher issues.

Do the exercises. In the groups we find animate and inanimate nouns.

Thematic groups are determined (names of tools, animals).


animate and inanimate nouns

Listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them (Communicative UUD).

VIII. Consolidation. Independent work.

Working with the text “Starling” according to the assignments in the textbook (exercise 96).

Shows the difference in the meaning of nouns and pronouns: a noun precisely names an object, but a pronoun can replace other words and does not itself designate an object: when we speak starling, we definitely call the bird. Who is this He? Boy? Pencil? House? Starling? Why then is the word needed in speech? He?

Perform the exercise independently. 96, read the text.

Observing the role of the pronoun (“little word”) He.

(So ​​that you can avoid repeating the same noun, but replace it with the word He.)

The role of pronouns in speech

To make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made (Regulatory UUD).

(Cognitive UUD).

IX. Lesson summary


Let's return to the purpose of the lesson. What was your goal?

Let's return to the written words.

Trees, grass, starlings, rooks.

What part of speech are the words that we wrote down at the beginning of the lesson?

What is a noun?

What types of nouns are there?

What tasks did you enjoy doing?

Who would you praise for their work in class today?

Take the envelopes, I have prepared a leaf, a flower and an apple for you.

If you think that you have worked well and have mastered the lesson material, then take a fruit - a red ripe apple - this means you have worked fruitfully;

If you think you need more work on this topic and you had difficulty completing assignments in class, take a flower.

If the tasks were difficult for you and the topic of the lesson seemed difficult, then take a piece of paper.

(In rows, students go to the board and put the selected picture on the tree)

Look at the tree, ... (we still have leaves, which means that in the next lessons we will continue to work on this topic; on our tree we see only fruits and flowers - this means we have learned the lesson material)

Thank you for the lesson.

(Find out what the part of speech is called and learn to identify it among other parts of speech)

Summarize the topic of the lesson.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Evaluate their knowledge.

Recognize nouns among other parts of speech.

o evaluate the correctness of performing actions in the lesson (Regulatory UUD).

Be able to conduct self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities (Personal UUD).

Find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experiences, and information received in class. (Cognitive UUD).


Write down three words from the dictionary that answer the question Who? or What?; ex. 144 from RT.