Rune Perth astrological interpretation. Scandinavian rune perth

Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:
The ways of Perth are mysterious and inscrutable. Deeply hidden inner transforming forces are at work here.
Some integrity is implied, but may be hidden under a disguise, be unrecognizable or be a mystery.
The paths of the runes Perth, Perth (Perdhro, Perth) are inscrutable - the deep-hidden forces of internal transformations have an effect. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically represents the flight of a mountain eagle, a flight to the transcendental skies, a flight abstracted from everything secondary, which raises you above everyday life, to expand the limits of perception. Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) Pertro, its main meaning expresses the intensity of the experienced aspect of initiation.

The rune is directly related to the deep layers of your being, to the foundations of the fundamental principles of your Destiny. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically conveys, in some sense, the experience of death. If it seems necessary, allow everything to go, absolutely everything that, in your opinion, seems to be secondary now, without accepting objections. The old roads are coming to an end - you simply will not be able to repeat the once passed. You must gather together all your inner strengths, concentrating on the experience of your own life. That is, on what is now necessary for one's own improvement. You should recognize a series of obstacles and barriers as a cycle of trials that you are going through at the moment. Each of these obstacles, each humiliation individually becomes a test of your character.

When your inner being is in the process of changing and transforming at a deep level, patience, persistence and perseverance are needed. The power of Perth (Pertro) is a process of steady transformation of the energy potential, which for many centuries has been inherited by you from your ancestors and is deeply hidden at the deepest levels of the subconscious. It is the strength, the strength of the Perdhro,Perth rune meaning, that provides your individuality, ensuring that you are forever destined to remain yourself, no matter how many lives you have to live. The rune is distinguished by a distinctly female character. The rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) is associated by interpreters with Frigg, the goddess of Fate, knowledge and power, companion and wife of Odin.
It means something hidden, secret or a gate to hidden new dimensions.


Population growth by years ()
1854 4001
1859 6293
1870 8220
1881 9955
1891 16 694
1901 67 431
1911 116 181
1921 170 213
1933 230 340
1947 302 968
1954 395 049
1961 475 398
1966 559 298
1971 703 199
1976 805 747
1981 898 918
1986 994 472
1991 1 143 249
1996 1 244 320
2001 1 339 993
2006 1 445 079
2008 1 546 617
2011 1 832 114

Population not born in Australia
Country of birth Numbers (2006)
Great Britain Great Britain 168 483
New Zealand New Zealand 33 751
Malaysia Malaysia 18 939
Italy Italy 18 701
South Africa South Africa 18 683
India India 14 007
Singapore Singapore 11 199
Vietnam Vietnam 10 081
Ireland Ireland 7706
PRC PRC 7681
Germany Germany 7617
Netherlands Netherlands 7570
Indonesia Indonesia 7392
USA USA 5524

Perth is the fourth largest city in Australia. In the early 1980s, he overtook Adelaide in this indicator. According to the 2011 census, there were 1,832,114 people in the city.

One dot represents 100 people born in the UK (dark blue), China (red), Italy (light green), Malaysia (dark green), South Africa (brown), Singapore (pink) and Vietnam (yellow), (according to 2006 census)

Ethnic composition

In 2006, the largest ethnic groups in the city were: English (534,555 or 28.6%), Australians (479,174 or 25.6%), Irish (115,384 or 6.2%), Scots (113,846 or 6 .1%), Italians (84,331 or 4.5%) and Chinese (53,390 or 2.9%). Also, 3101 aborigines (0.2%) lived in the city.

Perth is distinguished by a large number of English people in the population. According to the 2006 census, there were 142,424 residents born in the UK, while in Sydney there were 145,261, and the total population of Perth was only 35% of Sydney's total.

The ethnic composition of the city changed in the middle of the last century, when a large number of immigrants from Europe arrived in the city. Since it was the first Australian city on the route of ships from Europe, Perth saw an influx of Italians, Greeks, Dutch, Germans, Croats, Bosnians, Serbs, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians, Ukrainians, Macedonians, Turks and other ethnic groups.

Rune Perth symbol meaning

The designations of the rune Perth (Perth, Pertro) can be very different. This symbol refers to those three signs that did not have an exact interpretation and translation.

It was ambiguous even when real experts in the field of divination lived using ancient Germanic symbols.

The meaning of this image is Perth or Pertro - mystery, riddle, help, answer.

Its meaning and its secret is that it does not have an unambiguous definition, like other symbols that only guide, suggest an answer, but do not state anything.

Of course, if such a sign falls out, its meaning must be correctly used and interpreted.

Geographic location and climate of Perth

The city of Perth is located in southwest australia between the lower Darling Range and the Indian Ocean. The outskirts of Perth are on the Swan River.

Specifically, the city of Perth, which cannot be said about the main part of the state of Western Australia, is located in the mediterranean temperate zone.

There is not much precipitation here., however, is enough for the greens to bloom riotously.

Depends temperature and weather Perth is mostly from where the wind blows. The air either brings dryness and heat from the continent, or moisture and coolness from the ocean.

Summer in Perth is hot. Sometimes the thermometer column shows a mark of +40 ° C. It lasts from December to March, and February is the hottest month of the year.

Winter in Perth it is cool enough, but the temperature does not fall below 0 ° C, and if it does, then such weather is considered abnormal.

Worth knowing! Perth experiences seasonal to moderate rainfall. A sea breeze called the Fremantle Doctor also blows frequently in the summer from the southwest. The temperature during this period drops below +30 °C.

Perth's climate is a traditional example of a Mediterranean climate. Here sunny and warm, and precipitation is moderate.


  1. 1 2 (English) . (March 30, 2016). Retrieved March 31, 2016. March 31, 2016.
  2. . Australian Bureau of Statistics (30 March 2010). February 4, 2012.
  3. (1970) Perth - a city of light Perth, W.A. Brian Williams Productions for the Government of WA, 1970 (Video recording) The social and recreational life of Perth. Begins with a ‘mock-up’ of the lights of Perth as seen by astronaut John Glenn in February 1962
  4. Sandra Bowler. . Published in ‘Human settlement’, in D. Denoon (ed) The Cambridge History of the Pacific Islanders. pp.41–50. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. University of Western Australia. Retrieved April 27, 2011. February 16, 2012.
  5. Major, Richard Henry . Project Gutenberg of Australia(1859). Retrieved February 26, 2008. February 16, 2012.
  6. Collier Encyclopedia. Australia. Story
  7. Linacre, Edward.. - London: Routledge, 1997. - P. 379. - ISBN 0-415-12519-7.
  8. 1 2 3 . Australian Bureau of Meteorology (January 2, 2009). Retrieved August 5, 2009. February 16, 2012.
  9. . Bureau of Meteorology. Retrieved July 30, 2009. February 16, 2012.
  10. . Australian Bureau of Meteorology (June 2005). Retrieved August 5, 2009. February 16, 2012.
  11. (unavailable link-). BBC. Retrieved June 14, 2010. May 22, 2005.
  12. (PDF). Indian Ocean Climate Initiative (2000). Retrieved August 5, 2009. February 16, 2012.
  13. (November 2010). Retrieved November 26, 2010.
  14. Western Australian Climate Services Center (Bureau of Meterology).(January 2010). Retrieved November 26, 2010.
  15. (PDF). Department of Indigenous Affairs (unavailable link-)(May 11, 2006). August 25, 2006.
  16. (English) . Sister Cities of Houston. Retrieved April 22, 2011. February 16, 2012.

The use of the Rune Perth in magic

Magical meaning: the realization of hidden possibilities. Helps to overcome the past, to force out difficult memories. Facilitates the transition to a new level of consciousness, "initiation" (student) to the next degree (master). In practical terms, it can interrupt the usual course of life for some time, turning it into a game in which, however, winning and losing are equally likely. Sometimes it helps a woman to “find herself”, to realize herself as a woman and mother.

As a rune of magical initiation, the rune Perth pushes and facilitates the process of a qualitative change in consciousness (inner initiation) - at any level. In certain situations, it can act like the Hagalaz rune, breaking off the closed chain of thoughts and the events they bring to life. The use of the Perth rune for magical purposes can lead to an act of mental death - a rupture of causal and emotional ties between a person's past and future. In some situations, this can be beneficial, in others it will lead to the weighting of personal karma, the “tightening” of its knots and the aggravation of the situations caused by it.

Therefore, this rune must be used with reasonable care.


The city is located in the southwest of the continent between the Indian Ocean and the lower coastal escarpment known as the Darling Range. The CBD and the outskirts of the city are located on the Swan River. The nearest city of a million people to Perth is Adelaide in South Australia, 2,104 kilometers (1,307 miles) away. Perth is geographically closer to East Timor and Jakarta than to Sydney and Melbourne.

Business center of the city

The downtown area of ​​the city is bounded by the Swan River to the south and east, Kings Park to the west, and the railway line to the north. Australia's Christmas Island is located 2,360 kilometers northwest of Perth.

Panorama of the city. View from Kings Park


Perth experiences moderate and seasonal rainfall. Summers are mostly hot and dry, lasting from December to March. February is the hottest month. In turn, winter is quite wet and cool. Such weather makes Perth a classic example of a Mediterranean climate. Summers are not entirely rainless, with occasional short thunderstorms. The highest temperature of 46.2°C was recorded on February 23, 1991. Often on summer afternoons, a sea breeze, also known as the Fremantle Doctor, blows in from the southwest, replacing the hot northeasterly winds. On such days, temperatures drop below 30 degrees a few hours after the change in wind. Perth is a very sunny city for a Mediterranean climate with 2,800 to 3,000 hours of sunshine a year.

Winters are relatively cool and wet. The highest amount of precipitation falls between May and September. The lowest temperature of -0.7°C was recorded on June 17, 2006.

Although most of the rain falls in winter, the record was recorded on February 9, 1992, when 120.6 mm of rain fell. Rain patterns in Perth and southern western Australia changed dramatically in the mid-1970s. There has been a significant decrease in winter precipitation and an increase in the number of thunderstorms in the summer months.

Climate of Perth
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 45,8 46,2 42,4 37,6 34,3 28,1 26,3 27,8 32,7 37,3 40,3 44,2 46,2
Average maximum, °C 30,5 31,3 29,5 25,5 22,4 19,3 18,4 18,8 20,1 22,8 26,2 28,7 24,5
Average temperature, °C 24,2 24,7 23,0 19,5 16,6 13,9 13,1 13,4 14,8 17,0 20,2 22,4 18,6
Average minimum, °C 17,8 18,0 16,4 13,5 10,7 8,5 7,8 8,0 9,5 11,2 14,1 16,1 12,6
Absolute minimum, °C 8,9 8,7 6,3 4,1 1,3 −0,7 0,0 1,3 1,0 2,2 5,0 7,9 −0,7
Precipitation rate, mm 16,5 9,1 19,8 38,8 89,5 134,7 153,1 128,2 89,2 43,1 22,1 6,4 745,7
Water temperature, °C 23 23 22 22 20 20 19 19 19 19 21 21 21
Source: Bureau of Meteorology,

Spiritual Aspect

It is very important to understand that the Perth rune is a "spiritual" rune, that is, it is associated exclusively with the spiritual aspects of your personality. With what lies at the root of everything that happens to you

Therefore, when it appears in the alignment, it is better not to perform any active actions in the outside world, but to concentrate entirely on your soul. With the rune of Perth, you need to maintain both external and internal peace. It is necessary to behave as if every minute we are in the temple, no matter what we do, wherever we go - we are in the sacred space, therefore, we should behave accordingly.


For gourmets, Perth has a wide range of pizzerias, bistros and restaurants, which are characterized by a wide variety of gastronomic traditions - from Australian to American, Japanese, Thai and Mexican. Most establishments for every budget and taste are concentrated in the area Northbridge. There are also numerous pubs and bars.

Among traditional dishes, it is recommended to try fragrant grilled steaks and, of course, seafood, for which there are hundreds of recipes. In general, Perth is famous for its excellent lobsters, which are exported to the USA and Europe.

The valley of the local Swan River has long established itself as the oldest wine region in Australia. Therefore, almost any institution in Perth has the opportunity to try this fragrant and invigorating drink. Lovers of authentic Italian cuisine can head to the nearby borough of Fremantle, where thousands of immigrants from Italy immigrated in the 1950s and 1960s.

Description of the meaning of the rune

Rune Sign perto symbolizes the mother's womb of the Earth. The substance from which all forms of life originate. This is a sign of birth, a new, future creation in our world. Just as the earth stores fossils in itself, mountains store precious minerals, so a mother stores her still-born child in herself. inner child Pertho lives in each of us, regardless of age, it is a part of the mosaic of our true being, hidden in the subconscious, where we are all explorers of the world, where the joy of life overwhelms us, when everyone is fully aware of their true destiny.

Rune Peorth gives the power to transform and translate into reality the life potential that is stored in our genes and passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. This power is hidden in the very depths of our subconscious world, so one who seeks to know and truly express himself in the outside world must plunge into his inner world of cause and effect relationships. External images are like a mirror, they arise from ourselves, respectively, the one who knows himself will be able to manage the world as efficiently as possible.

Peorth symbol is also a rune of identity, since a person is born in the image and likeness of his kind (ancestors), at a deep level we are all irresistible from each other. On the other hand, having gone through various stages of transformation, the rune pertra contributes to the individual and harmonious development of the personality. So, for example, minerals can take various forms (under the influence of temperature, alloys, etc.), acquire new qualities, but their inner essence will always remain unchanged. Rune Pertra helps to realize the multidimensionality of the universe, since the description of the world does not end with an objective or subjective perception of reality. The rune Pertra is associated with the goddess of fertility and the wife of Odin -.

Rune Perdhro can help you:

  • Realize and accept your destiny as a living Challenge;
  • Feel the joy of being "here and now" without losing contact with the physical body;
  • To identify and erase from the subconscious mind "blood clots" that interfere with the development of personality;
  • Remember children's cheerfulness, get rid of stereotyped thinking.


Perth is a major port on the west coast of Australia. Railway junction. International Airport. Refinery. Shipbuilding. Enterprises of the chemical, textile and food industries. Large cement plant.


Perth has two airports.

In 1968, a railway line from the city of Kalgoorlie was laid to the city. Currently, this line, owned by the Indian Pacific road, is electrified in the Perth area, gauge is used.

The road system consists of 3 freeways and 9 highways, all roads are free.

Public transport includes trains, buses and ferries. Within the city there are six lines, including 200 bus and 70 railway stations:

  • Fremantle-Perth
  • Butler-Perth
  • Perth-Midland
  • Perth-Armadal
  • Perth-Thornlie
  • Perth - Mandurah.

Love and relationships

Direct position

In this regard, the rune can be interpreted as the fact that the partner, who is being guessed at, is destined for the questioner by fate itself. But in general, the energy of Perth is not directly related to the love sphere, and therefore it is more optimal to interpret it with other runes (if, of course, this is possible and appropriate).

In combination with Uruz, the rune Perth indicates good sexual compatibility. And if Uruz fell upside down, then this indicates that with a high sexual desire, such a couple is unlikely to have many points of spiritual compatibility.

If a woman is guessing, then the combination of Perth and Kenaz is very successful. These two runes predict that a woman will have many new signs of attention for her, including purely material gifts - jewelry, flowers, and so on.

Together with Teyvaz, the rune of Perth should be taken as a hint that the partner most likely has another object of sympathy. At the same time, Teivaz in a direct position says that this sympathy will remain a secret for everyone, because he will not have real attempts to get closer to the object of attraction from the partner. Teyvaz, in an inverted position, indicates a likely betrayal. However, this betrayal, too, probably will not become public, since those relationships will turn out to be fleeting.

inverted position

Such a rune suggests: a person has a secret, the disclosure of which can lead to very sad consequences for him. However, the situation may be more prosaic and relate to the emergence of disagreements between partners. Moreover, in combination with the Isa rune, these disagreements can lead to a complete cooling of one partner to another. But if the Vunyo rune fell out with an inverted Perth, then this suggests that the current misunderstanding, most likely, can be successfully resolved. In combination with Kenaz, such a hand suggests: the initiative for reconciliation should come from a man.

Rune of the day reversed

This is a completely different situation. You should not count on success, no matter what you decide to do on this day. We have to deal with old debts. A meeting with former enemies or ill-wishers is likely. We need to closely monitor the situation. Whoever appears on the horizon is an important person for you. Action must be taken on the basis of events

But it is important to remember about love for people, positive thinking. For example, you met a gossip who previously ruined your life, listen and show compassion for her problems.

She didn't just show up. This person is pushing for the "expiation of sin" that prevents you from moving on the path to happiness.

The use of the Perth rune in artefacts and magical practices

Most often, the Perth rune is used in various practices aimed at restoring energy forces, since the energy of the rune is able to balance the energies of the human body.

The rune often serves as the basis for various amulets aimed at attracting good luck, especially in the field of various financial transactions.

The rune can help a businessman in concluding mutually beneficial deals and contracts. An amulet with the rune of Perth, made of silver, is able to protect its wearer from the evil eye and damage.

In addition, practicing magicians also show interest in amulets with this rune, since wearing them helps to develop magical abilities and comprehend secret knowledge. The wearing of amulets with this rune also helps those who wish to bring their consciousness to a qualitatively new level and reveal the abilities that lie in the depths of the unconscious.

The rune can also help in breaking unnecessary ties with the past, but for this purpose it must be used with extreme caution, since there is a great risk of harm. Usually this ritual is performed using a runic formula in combination with Perth and Isa

This formula is called the Seal of Hel. It is possible to use the Perth rune for the purposes of searching for missing things. A combination of Perth and Vunyo is usually used here.

If you want to make some secret information public, a combination of Perth and Kenaz can help you. If you are confused in your thoughts, then it is recommended to apply the Perth rune with oil on the Ajna area. It will help you regain control of your thoughts.

This rune is also used in healing.

So, the combination of Perth and Berkana will help with wound healing, and the combination of Berkana → Perth → Inguz helps in the treatment of female infertility. Anyone who wants to look beautiful without visiting a beauty salon can advise the formula of Yera and Perth.

To protect against unwanted pregnancy, the formula Kenaz → Perth → Isa will help.

For those who have long dreamed of passionate sex, we advise you to put the runic formula Eyvaz → Perth → Eyvaz on the bed. But in love practices, it is extremely undesirable to use this rune, since unbridled passion and the peculiarities of the work of the rune can lead to sudden pregnancy.

It is especially recommended to wear amulets with the rune of Perth for women who dream of finding themselves and revealing their feminine attractiveness to the fullest. Also, the rune Perth can help those who want to bring diversity into their lives and are not afraid of sudden and constant changes.

The interpretation of the rune Perth during divination


The rune Perth has a meaning, interpretation and description: secret, intimate, esoteric, magic. The lost will be found. Answering questions, the situation will become clearer. Honor, profit, help from friends.

Surprises, unforeseen phenomena, victories and discoveries. Secrets are revealed. A new, non-standard approach to problem solving. A call to clarify hidden motives, to resolve some riddles.

If a person is gambling, the rune embodies the game with Fortune. In this situation, everything must be put on the line. If a person is a fatalist - the arrival of the inevitable in its various forms.

Everything that is happening now, the whole process is hidden, mysterious, difficult to recognize. Be patient, perceive all its depth and subtleties. You cannot become a direct participant in this transformation, you can only be present near it.

You will achieve very great success, but it will not be easy at all. All regrets about the departed will burn. The renewal of the Spirit is the most important stake of this process. During the transition to higher life paths, higher powers will do everything for a person. He just has to be worthy of the gift of ascension.

Upside down

If the rune of Perth is inverted, the meaning is sectarianism, black magic, careless occult experiments, clouding of reason. At the first wrong step, there will be a collapse. Painful consequences for those who entered other people's gates, took other people's keys, spent other people's money.

You cannot identify the causal relationship of past events, you do not understand yourself and the situation that is happening around. Inverted rune Perth meaning in love: treason, there is a gap between partners. Adventurism and excessive haste, but before that you will not be able to get what is intended for you, fate is closed.

Today the time has come when humanity likes to talk about nirvana or samadhi, as well as the Absolute. There are individuals who are convinced that they have a vertical channel to the Absolute. In fact, it is difficult to imagine what a catastrophe will follow for those who touch such Forces. Praise the heavens that do not hear our dialogues about such things. If we imagine for a second that the Absolute touched the speaker, nothing would be left of the person, only ashes.

If, nevertheless, the rune of Perth is inverted, the attention of the Absolute was attracted. You can even feel great, like brushwood, which was honored to be burned before anyone else.

Often we suffer, thinking that someone needs our suffering. In fact, suffering arises from pollution. If you have a clogged sewer, you do not suffer, right? Do not argue whether it needs to be repaired and cleaned, but call the master. When such a traffic jam occurs in the soul, we are looking for a hidden meaning. But everything is simple, you just need to understand that you can easily get rid of garbage by doing mental work.

In divination for the future

  1. The position is direct: get a win, find out the hidden, from the side of luck you will find help. Fate will decide the outcome for the patient or healer. A direct rune of Perth in a relationship may indicate that a child will be conceived in a married couple. If you involve magic and esotericism in business, get success.
  2. Rune Perth inverted: it will be possible to get rid of the past in all its manifestations. Gaining the opportunity to live here and now, without looking back at the past.

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  1. In the upright position, the Perth rune is also a game. If you can trust the situation, are endowed with courage and good luck, you will win. But if you are preoccupied with something, trying to be smart or plan what is happening, you are doomed to failure.
  2. The situation is reversed: at the moment, your fate can be created by any of your actions. Be careful! Almost every desire of yours can create a chain of causes and effects, which you will need to unravel in the future.
  1. The position is direct: do not miss the chance, rely on luck!
  2. The position is reversed: weigh every step, deed, pronounce words with meaning, talk. Right now, the foundation of your future is being laid.

From the depths of your soul, advice will surely come, in an unusual form. Calmly observe what is happening under the rune Perth.

The meaning of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark

Rune Algiz
Rune Ansuz
rune berkana
rune dagaz
Rune Evaz
Rune Eyvaz
Rune Fehu
Rune Gebo
Rune Hagalaz
rune inguz
Rune Isa
Rune Hyera
Rune Kano
Rune Laguz
Rune Mannaz
Rune Nauthiz
Rune odal
Rune Perth
Rune Raido
Rune Soul
Rune Teyvaz
Rune Turisaz
Rune Uruz

Business climate

Perth's rapid economic growth began with the development of the mining industry. In the mid-60s, large gold deposits were discovered here, after which there was an economic leap, which now provides excellent conditions for doing business. By the end of the 20th century, Perth became a confident leader among Australian cities in terms of the number of successful business people and millionaires, which creates a fertile ground for cooperation and partnership. At the moment, the city is developing dynamically, so any cash investments in industry and opening your own business provide a stable and high income. In addition, salaries in this state are the highest in all of Australia, and the average annual income of residents exceeds the national average.

Basic meaning

Direct position

Perth is all secret, unknown, hidden. This is something that a person does not yet know, but which at a certain moment will certainly become known to him. In a practical sense, Perth symbolizes new information, as well as a found object that was considered lost forever.

In a certain context, this rune means a predisposition to the occult, magical or mediumistic abilities, well-developed intuition. But it is not only a matter of stating this fact. And in the fact that circumstances may soon require their practical application.

In combination with Gebo, the rune Perth should be interpreted as a monetary gift. But is the giver sincere? Is he as selfless as he wants to appear? You can understand this by other runes of the layout.

When paired with Perth, some non-uniquely positive rune falls out, for example, Nautiz, this indicates that a person will face an incomprehensible problem for him, which he will be able to overcome, but for this it will be necessary to use not generally accepted, but new, special, non-traditional means and methods. For example, it may be a disease that traditional medicine cannot “cope with”, and it will be necessary to get rid of it with acupuncture, therapeutic massages, etc. It is possible that for this you will need to turn to some magical practices.

inverted position

In an inverted position, Perth means that circumstances are changing, and the development of something will not go at all as it was intended and planned. Moreover, the reason for this is still hidden and unknown.

Other interpretations of the inverted rune Perth: unpleasant surprises, disappointment in a friend, inept attempts to penetrate the world of the occult. So, there are three quite different aspects at once. The first can mean anything, including problems related to personal life. The second aspect, most likely, has to do with money matters, that is, it means that the questioner, for example, cannot get back the money borrowed from the person in whose decency he was sure (this situation is especially indicative when paired with Raido). And even if this succeeds, then it will not be possible to get rid of the unpleasant “sediment” on the soul. The third aspect suggests that the person decided to “play” with magic, that is, instead of thoroughly studying occult terminology, how to understand the essence of phenomena and processes, he showed impatience and hastily moved on to practice. As a result, he ended up in areas that are fraught with serious problems for him. In particular, this is how the inverted Perth - Hagalaz pair should be interpreted in the layout.



Before the arrival of Europeans, this territory was inhabited by Noungars. (English) Russian for 40,000 years, which has been proven by excavations in the Swan River area. The Aborigines occupied the southwestern corner of Western Australia and lived off hunting and gathering. When Europeans first met the natives here, they called this land Burlu. Several tribes living on the banks of the Swan River formed the Whadjuk (English) Russian. The Whadjuk, along with other tribes, made up the southwestern socio-linguistic bloc, also known as the Noongars ( People).

First sightings by Europeans

The first Europeans in the region were men from the command of the Dutch captain Willem de Vlaminck on January 10, 1697. Subsequent observations by Europeans confirmed de Vlaminck's conclusions that the land was inhospitable and unsuitable for the agriculture that would be necessary in the event of a settlement.

Swan River Colony

"Foundation of Perth". Artist George Pitt Morison, 1929

The first recorded appearance of Europeans at the mouth of the Swan River dates from July 19, 1619, by the crew of Frederick de Houtman, however, due to bad weather conditions, the landing was not made. In the future, the territory was repeatedly visited by European sailors, but the settlements founded were not permanent.

Swan River Colony was founded in 1829 by Captain James Sterling. One of the first buildings, the Round House, has survived to this day and is now located on the territory of the city of Fremantle. By 1832, the population of the colony reached 1.5 thousand settlers, and it was given the official name "Western Australia" in honor of the colony of the same name, founded in 1826 in the Albany region. However, the title swan river for a long time it was used to designate the entire territory. Later, Western Australia was expanded to the east and north of the Australian continent, becoming the second largest in the world. Today, the state occupies about a third of the country.

Joining a federation

The use of the perth rune in magical rituals

The runic symbol perth is usually used in magic to restore physical strength and mental balance. Perth identifies the balance of all forces and spheres of human life, which must be maintained. The rune calls for doing all things on time in order to exclude the possibility of making responsible decisions at the most inopportune moment.

Most often, runic symbols are used to make talismans for good luck. So, the perth rune is used as a talisman in important events related to the financial sector. Perth will help a person make a good deal or successfully sign a contract. All money invested under the auspices of this rune will pay off three times. That is why Perth can be trusted with her finances, without any doubt, the direction prompted by her will always turn out to be correct.

When runes are used by a person with magical powers, their use is necessary for protection and recuperation. Runes inscribed on a talisman stone help restore strength better than images on a wooden block.

The amulet with the image of the rune must be worn on the body, only then the person will receive the full power of the rune, and will be under its protection. And the amulet with the image of a rune, made of precious metal, will protect against the most terrible conspiracies and evil eye.


For several decades, Perth has been one of the most popular cities in Australia, where a huge number of tourists and travelers go every year. Thanks to this, in the city, along with luxury hotels, there are many inexpensive hostels, hotels and pensions. Most of these establishments are concentrated in the area Northbridge. This, for example, Underground Backpackers hostels and Hay Street Backpackers as well as hotels Billabong Backpackers Resort and The New Esplanade Hotel. In them you can always find an inexpensive and quite comfortable room costing from $ 30 per day.

Luxury hotels are located directly in the city center, of which it is worth highlighting Duxton Hotel Perth and Hyatt Regency Hotel Perth that amaze with their luxury and perfect service. However, their prices are above average.

Rune Peorth

Rune Perth

Name: Rune Peorth Element: Water Correlation with the Major Arcana Tarot: Priestess, Moon Stone: Agate, onyx Plant: Linden, yarrow In this Spring, the Lord of the Scandinavian Pantheon Odin left his eye as a sacrifice for the right to drink water from it, which, according to legends bestows great wisdom.

Rune Perth is the fourteenth runic symbol of the Elder Futhark.

If you look at the runic table, then the rune Perth is in the same column as the runes Kenaz and Inguz. With a symbolic reading of this column, the famous law of spiritual alchemy is formed:

Fire (Kenaz) renews (Perth) nature (Inguz).

This formula has been used by many occult organizations, including Freemasons, in various magical initiations.

In Latin, this formula sounds like this:

Igne Nature Renovatur Integra" (I.N.R.I.)

There are different versions about the true meaning of this phrase. Some researchers see in it the purification of the human soul with the help of Divine Light and Goodness.

Others believe that here we are talking about the fact that a person himself renews and builds the world around him, being the only creator of reality. In essence, both of these interpretations have their own rational grain, so it is worth considering both opinions.

Christian sources interpret this abbreviation as "Jesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm", which means "Jesus Christ, King of the Jews." It was this inscription that Pontius Pilate, the procurator of the Roman province of Judea, ordered to knock out over the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Further, if you look at the runic line, then in front of the rune Perth is the rune Eyvaz, which symbolizes the test that Odin passed before he found the runes, hanging on the pillar of the World Tree for seven days. After the end of this test, Odin was given runes as a reward, but he did not have the wisdom to read them correctly. This is what caused him to turn to the Source of Mimir, which, in its essence, is a symbol of the collective unconscious humanity, which contains the experience and knowledge of all generations of people who once lived on Earth.

The rune Perth is followed by the rune Algiz, which is one of the symbolic images of Life and Death (the upright and inverted position of the rune). On the whole, this line can then be read as "Unraveling the mysteries of Life and Death", that is, unraveling the secret of Being. Here it is worth noting that the symbolic description of the Universe can be made up of three runes Hyera→Perth→Eyvaz, that is, Time→Space→Pillar of the Universe, which exists due to a clear balance of Space and Time.

Rune Perth represents the innate talents and knowledge that we have inherited from our ancestors.

It is worth adding that in translation from Norwegian, the name of the Peorth rune is translated as “hidden”.

Also, there is some difference in the spelling of the name of the rune. Some researchers write it as the Peorth rune, while others write it as the Peortho rune - then the name will be read as the Perth rune. Also, the Perth rune is an image of the female womb as a source of human life, so one of the practical areas of using the rune will be childbirth.

Unfortunately, any person is mortal, but it is this fact that makes us think about the meaning of our earthly existence. It is Death that frees the soul from the fetters of the physical body that constrain it. In general, the Perth rune acts as a symbol not so much of physical death as an image of the death of some ideas of a person and replacing them with completely different, updated and fresh ones.

Interpretation in the layout of health


Reports possible problems with internal organs

Particular attention should be paid to the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs. The combination with Laguz informs women about gynecological diseases

Perhaps we are talking about problems of a reproductive nature, for example, the likelihood of a miscarriage.

A pregnant woman should undergo additional examinations: there may be problems with the development of the fetus or a missed infectious disease. The combination with Turisaz predicts surgery on the abdominal organs. The age of the person does not matter.

The presence of Perth in the layout of a healthy person indicates a hidden disease. Do not blindly trust the good health and the absence of complaints: a full examination will not hurt. So do all professional athletes and workers in dangerous professions. Make it a rule for yourself to undergo a medical examination 2 times a year. It is advisable to visit all relevant specialists: dentist, therapist, surgeon. And women should not miss visits to the gynecologist.


Tells about secrets related to health. Perhaps relatives are hiding the truth or the doctors made a mistake with the diagnosis. The presence of positive runes softens the prognosis: the diagnosis will not be confirmed, or a milder form of the disease will be found. Do not rush the doctor to conclusions: give him time to think about the results of the study. The combination with Berkana or Laguz speaks of female infertility. The presence of Turisaz signals male infertility.

Magic Application Perth

Together with other runes, Perth takes part in divination. The sign helps to highlight various problems and helps to interpret questions about love, career, situations, general questions about fate and the future.

Perth alone is used as a tattoo. The symbol is beautiful and complex, it symbolizes such concepts:

  • secret;
  • memory of generations;
  • hidden;
  • opportunities;
  • new life;
  • liberation from the past;
  • development;
  • self-knowledge.

Another way to magically use Perth is inscription. The symbol is depicted on household items and jewelry, in order to bring benefits to life or with some specific task.

In order to more accurately formulate a thought and convey needs to the Universe, there are special runic formulas, many of them include, and this secret is a rune.

The interpretation of the rune Perth

Each rune has its own meaning and interpretation. And, as a rule, an inverted rune is characterized by a different value from a straight rune. The same applies to the runes of Perth.

Remember that if you get this symbol, then it's time to take the time to introspection and rely on intuition. For a few minutes after divination, sit in silence, focusing on the interpretation.

Most likely, your intuition will tell you which of the interpretations applies to your case. If the symbol seems completely inappropriate and it is difficult to associate it with something, then it's time to put it off for a few days, taking care of yourself.

Sometimes the rune Perth also says that you devote too little time to self-development and it's time to take care of yourself. Try to develop mentally and spiritually within a few days, and perhaps the decision will come to you by itself.

Its interpretations are very different and often opposite. Only concentration and introspection will help you find out what your magical assistants want to tell you.

The meaning of the rune Perth

Perth - one of the most "mystical" runes, is interpreted as a symbol of initiation. This sign is filled with strong energy, it resembles a hot fire. But what kindled the flame, inner reality or outer circumstances? Thoughts and passions are closely connected with the activation of Perth.

Let's return to the image of the Phoenix. The legendary bird dies, fully feeling death. She does not know that she will rise again. The death of the mythical creature is necessary, albeit very dramatic. A reference to this beautiful and cruel legend helps to understand the true essence of the Perth rune a little more fully. The rebirth of one's own "I", deep internal changes are sometimes possible only through the "death" of the former "soul". The most intimate, personal dies, and this is the real end of everything. A person perceives this path tragically, but is this step “final”?

Perth is a miracle in which a subsequent resurrection is possible. A new life means the acquisition of new qualities and the departure of everything unnecessary, superficial. A person is renewed, looks inside himself with clear eyes and understands that the “soul”, the innermost personality is alive and ready to manifest itself with unprecedented power. What is gone is no longer useful. What's gone is just ashes. This is the metaphorical description of the rune Perth.

Direct position

The key concept of Perth in the upright position is search. This interpretation is most clearly revealed during divination, when it is necessary to ask for advice or find out something about the future. Perth can tell quite accurately about the situation. Almost always, this rune indicates hidden meanings and secrets. Even your own personality can appear in a new light.

Do not be surprised. You have coexisted with your inner self for so long that it seems harmless and completely familiar, but you just have to peer into your thoughts and you will open the way to self-knowledge.

Your unconscious is struggling to make its way to the conscious self. The appearance of Perth indicates: look around. Everything that your true, hidden personality "touches" is now changing.

Now your task is to find a point of contact with the Unknowable. The path to wholeness is important. Perhaps only by connecting the unconscious and the conscious one can find oneself as a harmonious, healthy person. This road is very difficult, it can be painful and even dangerous. Sometimes we are not who we thought we were. inevitable

surprise, delight, and even disappointment. But it is self-love and acceptance that allows you to make friends with yourself. This is the essence of the initiation of Perth.

Perth insists - your search must be active. The unconscious can influence your inner world, and through it, the external event world in a completely undesirable way, and you will not be able to “agree” with yourself, because you will not know where wrong ideas, anxieties and irritation come from. Without the search for "you" you will be doomed to painfully repeat the same mistakes.

When you decide to contact your inner world, to recognize your identity, you will be rewarded with true initiation, renewal or new life.

Love and relationships

The appearance of a rune in a layout means the presence of some secret. The person you are guessing at may open up from an unexpected, frightening side. Perhaps you are keeping a secret? Listen to your inner voice, allow yourself to love your own world. No intrigues and gossip will hurt you if you dominate your own "I".

In case you are going through a painful relationship and want to know what will happen, whether it is worth saving, remember the Phoenix. It is terrible and painful to burn, terribly sweep away all the past, but how beautiful and bright the world is after the resurrection of the soul.

Work and career

Perth is something hidden. In the case that you are engaged in, “pitfalls” may appear. Don't be afraid to listen to your own heart and mind. Perhaps it is worth changing the environment, position, area of ​​​​responsibility or work in general? Remember, Perth promises you a new life and bright horizons if you dare to know your soul, recognize your true desires and sweep away all the gilding and dust away.

The deep meaning of the rune Perth

Symbolically, the rune Perto is the state of a person, of a bad (inappropriate) quality. In a certain role, the actor is allowed or receives some limited opportunities. Therefore, in order for qualitatively new opportunities to become available, the actor must change the role. After a certain period of time, one should begin to perform completely different, previously inaccessible acts. As a result, the figure finds himself in a new role and a certain status.

When a person feels the approach of his own death, he becomes alert in a sense. When a person meets death, a strange joy appears in his soul, as if he touches an incredible secret, completely unlike life. People rarely think about such a function of death as liberation.

The literal and figurative meaning of death means the acceptance of real values, the awakening and good spirits. If during life a person did not think about it, relied on life, he will never try to fix something. If he is visited by the thought that there is very little left of his life a year or a month, he immediately begins to live more seriously. Sometimes death plays strange games with people. There are known facts when great people after death had a serious impact on society.

The disconnection of creative principles from the vain body, its various complexities and principles, begins to take place. And the man becomes a myth. And death is nothing but a meeting with the inexplicable and unusual, incomprehensible, after dissolution with something familiar for a long time (heavenly experience).

No matter how strange it may sound, but when a person remembers his death, because no one is eternal, he begins to live in full force. The greatest horror seizes people when they begin to feel with all their being that physical death is not so terrible, much more terrible, when our ideas begin to die, our hopes, so carefully cherished by us, everything that we so vividly believed in.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

How and where should runic formulas be applied for them to work?

Hello. I have a problem, delicate, but not about it now. On the Internet, I found a runic formula that can help ...

Do the phases of the moon affect the work of the runes?

Hello. I study runic magic, but not divination, but the creation of formulas and staves (runograms). Please let me know if it affects...

Is it always necessary to activate runes with blood?

Hello. I would like to learn runic magic and have already bought my set of runes. But I'm afraid of the need to "revive" the runes with blood ....

It comes to the realization that everything did not work out as it began. A year passes, and now another “I” looks at the world with different eyes, and the person who was before is already dead. That other "I" did not just give up something. The structure of the psyche has been completely changed. The whole complex of ideas about the world and about its essence has become different.

That is why esotericism or the occult is permeated with persistent reminders of one of the most important roles of death in human life. People become initiated when they understand that death is always there, it follows you relentlessly. And, of course, death has its rights. At any moment, she can take her own, any illusions, any events, from each person.

We don't have any right to have dialogues with death, like insects can't argue with bulldozers. It is impossible to understand the laws of death and the logic of its actions. And so it can please or upset a person. Unpredictability and unknowability are its main qualities. And the more enlightened a person becomes, the easier it is for him to accept the fact of dying. Immediately some parts separately, and later all of myself.

What we do may look wrong, boxy, shabby, or ugly. But at the moment when the understanding comes that death can get rid of imperfection, we gain a modicum of freedom.

Rune Meanings Perth

All Germanic scripts have a relationship with Latin letters and Russian sounds. So, the rune Perth resembles the letter "R", which in Russian is pronounced like "P". Sometimes it is called Perto.

The interpretation of the rune Perth largely depends on its position, however, in different divination, this sign has its own meanings. In general terms, the symbol means the desire to know oneself and one's inner world, or rather, one's soul.

Most runic symbols, including this one, are upright and inverted. If this sign appeared in the fortune-telling scenario, the person is moving in the right direction to the desired result. If obstacles appear on the path of life, they change the path, make adjustments to bring it on track.

The value of the Perth rune in the upright position is always positive. It is a symbol of the spiritual component of a person and speaks of his connection with the inner "I". Sometimes, when divining, a sign indicates that superpowers are hidden in a person or that he has good intuition

Usually, people do not even know about their talents, so after revealing them, it is important to comprehensively develop your personality, purify your soul in order to unlock your potential faster.

The meaning of the rune in love and relationships

If a direct rune of Perth falls during fortune-telling for love, this is a good sign.

The meaning of the rune Perth in love in the upright position is considered from two positions. On the one hand, the runic symbol predicts a favorable love relationship with a loved one. But on the other hand, he says that in order to maintain good relations, one of the partners must take the initiative into his own hands, decide on fundamental changes, and make concessions. According to the rune, any relationship must be dynamic, constantly evolving, and have a result. If there is stagnation in a love relationship, you need to direct them in a new direction.

An inverted rune of Perth in a relationship indicates problems: the presence of conflicts in a couple, misunderstanding, lack of spiritual connection, etc. The appearance of this sign in the layouts predicts a serious conversation with a loved one. It may also indicate that one of the partners is unhappy with the relationship and wants to leave.

With a detailed interpretation of the meanings of the runes, it is noted that a person may have childhood fears, injuries, problems that prevent him from building a full-fledged and serious love relationship. Also, sometimes she marks a colossal change in a couple that will bring complete idyll and happiness to the relationship if both partners take them seriously.

The meaning of the rune Perth in divination for love

Meaning by situation

This runic symbol is able to change its meaning relative to the situation in which the fortuneteller is located. If he is tormented by doubts about the need to continue a love relationship, a love relationship will be strong and durable. The fallen Perth sign indicates that the partners are ideally suited to each other, so their family life will be happy and prosperous.

Sometimes the meaning of this rune should be interpreted by combining the runes of Perth with other signs, such as Kenaz, Teyvaz, Uruz and Vunyo. The combination with the sign of Kenaz portends new acquaintances and pleasant unexpected meetings, if a woman is guessing

Teyvaz and Perth in a direct position call for caution in a new relationship, and in an inverted position they indicate a betrayal of a partner. The combination with the runic symbol Uruz speaks of the complete sexual compatibility of lovers

If Vunyo falls out with this symbol, we should expect a truce with a loved one.

The meaning of the inverted rune

If the direct rune is positive and is used in good magic, then the inverted rune of Perth carries a negative and is often a tool of black magicians.

The ancient peoples associated a direct symbol with the appearance of everything that exists on the planet. The inverted sign destroys the link between a person and the source of vital energy, therefore it is used to send damage to people, invite disasters, misfortunes, destroy the usual life of people, push them to commit stupid and bad deeds.

The meaning of the inverted rune Perth during divination:

  • the person is selfish;
  • he is characterized by cruelty and self-will;
  • he is not able to create and create something new and pure, but he is able to destroy the beautiful;
  • the person is confused, confused.

Also, the inverted position of the symbol in the layouts says that a person has an enemy who hides among loved ones and tries to harm in various ways. Often a woman turns out to be an enemy: a close friend, a good friend, a wife or a lover who, due to life's troubles, is ready to spoil the lives of others.

Reversed Rune Perth

The use of the rune Perth in Magic

Since the symbolic field of the rune is closely associated with the occult, the world of the unknown and death, magicians often use it to obtain hidden information from the afterlife. Perth is also used in magical rituals when a specialist needs to transfer his consciousness to another level, plunge into the past or see the future.

What is the amulet with the rune Perth suitable for?

An amulet with Perth is indispensable for those who are engaged in various kinds of magical practices. It allows a person to go through a magical initiation, to be reborn in a new quality for himself, to see what is hidden, will enhance occult abilities and understanding of the hidden processes taking place in the Universe. It is also good to use such an amulet for psychics-search engines.

Use in magic

Our stone (as the name of the rune is translated) is famous for the fact that with its help students reach unprecedented heights in development. Of course, only the rune "Perth" is not enough. It requires a lot of effort and effort. But the magic symbol itself contributes to the disclosure of abilities. It is (with skillful use) the key to the gates to the world of higher powers. For novice magicians, meditation on "Perth" was a must. In ancient times, with the help of such a simple test, capable young people were identified.

Interacting with the rune "Perth" is difficult. Not everyone is able to feel the subtlest connection that arises through its mediation with the higher "I". But if you caught it, then it will stay with you forever! Our rune opens the world of magic, allows you to master the abilities inherent from birth, to understand and realize their power. In love spells, it is not recommended to use it without proper experience. The fact is that "Perth" transforms energy, removes low vibrations. If there is aggression in the soul of a magician, one will have to experience the full force of retribution for such a sin. That is, before the fulfillment of a desire, it will be necessary to go through a series of karmic lessons, which usually stretch for years.

Before you receive the love of the one on whom you become, you will intensively, against your will, purify the aura. Events will begin to develop as if nothing good in life can already happen. Troubles will follow troubles, and illnesses will follow misfortunes. And it’s not a fact that as a result of all the ups and downs, the person of interest will turn out to be the one whom the higher forces have identified as partners for you.

It is much more effective to meditate on "Perth". This will strengthen your intuition, and with its help solve the problem you are facing. Good luck!

Reversed Rune Meaning

When an inverted pert appears in the layout, its meaning is interpreted in a negative direction. The runic symbol warns:

  • About future risks and accidents that will cause irreparable harm to human health or property.
  • About the presence of any secret that threatens the further peaceful existence of man. It is impossible to unravel this mystery, as well as to live with it.
  • Often, the inverted pert symbol warns that serious conflicts are coming in a love relationship.
  • Relationships will come to a standstill, they are destined to survive a severe crisis. And the outcome of all conflicts depends only on the fortuneteller. Therefore, it is important to treat with understanding all the problems that have arisen in the family and try to solve them peacefully.
  • About the appearance of serious troubles in various areas of life, which can radically change the life of a fortuneteller in a negative direction.

Experienced interpreters claim that this runic symbol falls upside down to those people who have dark secret knowledge and use it to the detriment of their offenders. It is the duty of every interpreter to warn such a person that all the evil done will certainly return back threefold.

Sometimes a rune indicates to a person the need to be persistent in order to survive all the upcoming attacks of society and the pressure of human prejudice.

Sometimes the runic symbol "Perth" asks the questioner to gain strength of mind and steadfastly endure the pressure of human prejudice

Love and relationships

In divination for relationships, the appearance of an inverted runic symbol pert means the presence of secrets. A loved one hides a secret from a fortuneteller, which will lead to ambiguous consequences. Such secrets do not lead to anything good, and often such relationships are doomed to failure.

The presence of a neighboring rune of isa warns of the onset of a period of cold relations. Either the beloved has cooled off towards the fortuneteller forever, or the cold is temporary.

If a wunjo rune fell nearby, then all the secrets will be revealed and the fortune-tellers will bring the traitor to clean water. All misunderstandings will be resolved during the conversation, relations will stabilize.

The combination with kenaz softens the negative inverted position of perth. If a fortuneteller is a woman, then she needs to stop taking the initiative in her own hands and trust her man. If a woman obeys the advice of the runes, then the situation will be resolved safely for everyone.

Question and situation

When perth appears in situational divination on the runes, a period begins for a person full of obstacles and all sorts of obstacles that must be overcome.

For a worker in any field, there comes a time of full return. All previously completed projects will be returned for rework, all previously invested efforts are wasted. It is necessary to give yourself completely to the work, redo all low-quality tasks, and draw conclusions about further work.

The appearance of this runic symbol in the layout warns people associated with financial transactions about possible risks. Those who work at the box office need to be careful when counting money. And for those who work in a bank, check payment documents several times before sending them.

This rune in an inverted position can indicate the instability of the situation in large financial or monopoly companies. For such companies, a period of stagnation sets in, despite the fact that their profits are stable and amount to millions.

If pert falls together with yer, then the reasons for the violation of the company's stability are clear. Yer clearly points out the problems of a legal nature. Top management needs to take a responsible approach to solving even the simplest issues, to calculate all possible ways of retreat in case of problems with the law

Particular attention should be paid to minority shareholders, as their interests always suffer.

Mysterious and magical rune perth The Elder Futhark has long commanded respect among the Scandinavians. It symbolizes new life: rebirth from the ashes. This is a transition to a higher level of spiritual development. Perth improves the personal characteristics of a person, helps to comprehend the magical secrets of nature, to penetrate into the deep secrets of the world order.

The symbol is associated with cardinal changes in fate - your whole life may collapse, but you will still remain the winner. A lot of new opportunities will open up before you to realize your inner potential.

The Higher Powers are giving you a unique chance to show what you are capable of. Throw all the past back and forget about it. Live in the present moment and do not forget about the future, full of happiness and success.

General meaning and description of the rune Perth

Existing titles: Perth, perto, Pertho, Peord or Peorth.

Reversed position

In divination, an inverted Perth means that events will begin to change at the speed of light, and all plans and ideas will collapse. You will not be able to unravel the cause of such circumstances until the last.

The alignment that has fallen out predicts that surprises await you. And they will be unpleasant: health problems, problems in work or in personal matters.

Another interpretation: an unsuccessful attempt to engage in the occult. A person may not calculate his strength and without normal preparation he will want to plunge into the world of magic. As a result, serious problems arise concerning mental reality.

Meaning in love and relationships

On its own, the rune cannot specifically answer love questions, therefore, adjacent symbols should be considered:

  • Union with hints at your ideal sexual compatibility. When Uruz falls out in the opposite position, it means that apart from the bed, nothing binds you. Spiritual intimacy is out of the question.
  • If a woman got a couple Perth -, this testifies to her popularity among members of the opposite sex. And in the near future she expects a lot of expensive gifts.
  • In combination with Teyvaz the symbol tells you to be careful. It is likely that your partner has another object of sympathy.

I wonder what the rune Pertho means in an inverted position? In this case, rune magic warns that your secret (which you do not want to share with your loved one) may be the reason for parting.

Together with Isoy the symbol says that your feelings will cool. And it gives hope that by mutual efforts you can come to a compromise.

Application in magic

In magical circles they know that the rune of the ancient Scandinavians helps to realize hidden talents. It relieves from heavy thoughts, from unpleasant memories. Supports during the transition to a higher level of spiritual development.

At first, it may seem that Perto stops the flow of time, slowing it down. This is to say goodbye to the past and prepare for the future.

For a woman, the sign has a special meaning: it helps to find maternal happiness.

Use the rune with great care, as in some cases it can harm karma.

Magicians use it to break the emotional attachment between the past and the future. If you do this ritual incorrectly, you can significantly aggravate the current situation.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

Scandinavian runes of the Elder Futhark



Perth is the fourteenth character in the runic Scandinavian alphabet. The symbol was read as the letter "p", was widely used in writing, in particular, in poems. Translation is a treasure trove of memory. There are variants of the name of the rune - Pertr or Petra. The symbol of this sign is the Phoenix bird, which can burn in fire and be reborn to life again.

The sign was used as early as the second century AD. Perth is present on ancient writings carved into bone and carved into stone. In modern times, the symbol is widely used in occult practices and is endowed with a deep mystical meaning.

The meaning of the rune Perth

Perth - one of the most "mystical" runes, is interpreted as a symbol of initiation. This sign is filled with strong energy, it resembles a hot fire. But what kindled the flame, inner reality or outer circumstances? Thoughts and passions are closely connected with the activation of Perth.

Let's return to the image of the Phoenix. The legendary bird dies, fully feeling death. She does not know that she will rise again. The death of the mythical creature is necessary, albeit very dramatic. A reference to this beautiful and cruel legend helps to understand the true essence of the Perth rune a little more fully. The rebirth of one's own "I", deep internal changes are sometimes possible only through the "death" of the former "soul". The most intimate, personal dies, and this is the real end of everything. A person perceives this path tragically, but is this step “final”?

Perth is a miracle in which a subsequent resurrection is possible. A new life means the acquisition of new qualities and the departure of everything unnecessary, superficial. A person is renewed, looks inside himself with clear eyes and understands that the “soul”, the innermost personality is alive and ready to manifest itself with unprecedented power. What is gone is no longer useful. What's gone is just ashes. This is the metaphorical description of the rune Perth.

Direct position

The key concept of Perth in the upright position is search. This interpretation is most clearly revealed during divination, when it is necessary to ask for advice or find out something about the future. Perth can tell quite accurately about the situation. Almost always, this rune indicates hidden meanings and secrets. Even your own personality can appear in a new light.

Do not be surprised. You have coexisted with your inner self for so long that it seems harmless and completely familiar, but you just have to peer into your thoughts and you will open the way to self-knowledge.

Your unconscious is struggling to make its way to the conscious self. The appearance of Perth indicates: look around. Everything that your true, hidden personality "touches" is now changing.

Now your task is to find a point of contact with the Unknowable. The path to wholeness is important. Perhaps only by connecting the unconscious and the conscious one can find oneself as a harmonious, healthy person. This road is very difficult, it can be painful and even dangerous. Sometimes we are not who we thought we were. inevitable

surprise, delight, and even disappointment. But it is self-love and acceptance that allows you to make friends with yourself. This is the essence of the initiation of Perth.

Perth insists - your search must be active. The unconscious can influence your inner world, and through it, the external event world in a completely undesirable way, and you will not be able to “agree” with yourself, because you will not know where wrong ideas, anxieties and irritation come from. Without the search for "you" you will be doomed to painfully repeat the same mistakes.

When you decide to contact your inner world, to recognize your identity, you will be rewarded with true initiation, renewal or new life.

Love and relationships

The appearance of a rune in a layout means the presence of some secret. The person you are guessing at may open up from an unexpected, frightening side. Perhaps you are keeping a secret? Listen to your inner voice, allow yourself to love your own world. No intrigues and gossip will hurt you if you dominate your own "I".

In case you are going through a painful relationship and want to know what will happen, whether it is worth saving, remember the Phoenix. It is terrible and painful to burn, terribly sweep away all the past, but how beautiful and bright the world is after the resurrection of the soul.

Work and career

Perth is something hidden. In the case that you are engaged in, “pitfalls” may appear. Don't be afraid to listen to your own heart and mind. Perhaps it is worth changing the environment, position, area of ​​​​responsibility or work in general? Remember, Perth promises you a new life and bright horizons if you dare to know your soul, recognize your true desires and sweep away all the gilding and dust away.

The meaning of the inverted rune Perth

The key concept of the Perth rune in an inverted position is the death of the past. The appearance of this sign is interpreted unambiguously - timelessness, stagnation has come. If you do not feel like this, then soon such a situation will come and the runes warn you in advance.

"Between heaven and earth" - this is how you can describe your feelings and everything that happens. The past is dead, everything is left behind, and the future has not yet come and what it will be is unknown. You are anxious, anxiously awaiting tomorrow. You seem to be lost in time.

What was left behind, the past, was familiar and familiar. You understood all the events and the connections between them, the old way of thinking was comfortable for you. Do not regret the past, even if yesterday seems beautiful, but its laws no longer work and it is no longer possible to live “as before”. He who keeps looking back cannot go forward because he does not see the road. Hit the pedal and your brakes squeal. The car will not take you forward. It works differently.

When you see Perth upside down in a layout, understand that there is no turning back. This is not some kind of ban or tragic fate, this is the best thing that has happened to you lately. A new life requires new thoughts, and even if you have no idea how to live on, you can act, take the first steps.

Forbid yourself nostalgia, so you can only earn depression. Think about the result. Set goals. Live right now and right here.

Love and relationships

Most likely, it seems to you that everything has stopped and it will be impossible to live on. Do not despair, do not try to dial a number, write a message. You are no longer there. The person you loved has disappeared. It won't be anymore. Try to get rid of the feeling of sadness.

Thank the past for what happened to you, remember the joyful events, take a breath - and forget about everything. In the morning, go to the window, open it, take a deep breath of fresh air and promise yourself to look only ahead.

Work and career

Stagnation in business, uncertainty - yes, this is a situation under the auspices of Perth. Keep in mind that endless thoughts about the past, the future, and your destiny will not help you. No evil fate hangs over you, just calm down and try to understand that everything is in order. Life gives you a respite, and the calm will not last forever. Yes, you are weighed down by the weight of uncertainty, but soon the future and a new way of thinking will be born. Do not rush time, but do not interfere with this good timelessness. Everything is formed.

Survive this stage of life without unnecessary throwing and searching. Tighten up, this is not forbidden, try to act, but do not get irritated and do not torment yourself. Do not scold yourself for idleness or the inability to decide on a place in life, do not build a false slander on yourself. Do not blame for the traits you will soon discover.

Be like Buddhist monks: contemplate. Observe the passage of time, fix new qualities of your personality. Imagine that you are an impartial researcher. The goal of your search is the Unknowable. What is important now is not your logic and conscious "I", thoughts, but the world of intuition, insight and dreams. Trust your inner world, soon a fresh wind will blow and fill your sails.

Magic Application Perth

Together with other runes, Perth takes part in divination. The sign helps to highlight various problems and helps to interpret questions about love, career, situations, general questions about fate and the future.

Perth alone is used as a tattoo. The symbol is beautiful and complex, it symbolizes such concepts:

  • secret;
  • memory of generations;
  • hidden;
  • opportunities;
  • new life;
  • liberation from the past;
  • development;
  • self-knowledge.

Another way to magically use Perth is inscription. The symbol is depicted on household items and jewelry, in order to bring benefits to life or with some specific task.

In order to more accurately formulate a thought and convey needs to the Universe, there are special runic formulas, many of them include, and this secret is a rune.

Formulas with the rune Perth

  1. Kenaz - Perth - Ingvaz - the general formula for healing;
  2. Perth - Ingvaz - Berkano - healing of wounds, treatment of cuts, healing of sutures after operations;
  3. Berkano - Perth - Ingvaz - treatment of female infertility;
  4. Teyvaz - Perth - Ingvaz - treatment of male infertility;
  5. Hyeres - Perth - rejuvenation, restoration of the true beauty of a person;
  6. Kenaz - Perth - Nautiz - a love spell of passion for gaining physical love;
  7. Kenaz - Perth - Mannaz - rebirth, finding oneself, self-realization;
  8. Eyvaz - Perth - quick help to the body, healing, resuscitation;
  9. Laguz - Yer - Laguz - healing of the kidneys;
  10. Eyvaz - Perth - Eyvaz - used in the manufacture of a love amulet. An object with a runic formula is placed on the couch. The result is a night of love.

Magic formulas are widely used to create protective and love amulets, for talismans that help overcome difficulties and gain good luck, as well as for other purposes. Runes are drawn or carved on natural materials. Then the talisman is carried with them or placed in a special place. For example, love formulas for carnal passion are activated in bed. Protective amulets are worn. Without fully understanding the meaning of the rune or formula, the characters do not draw. Handle such sacred objects with care.

The rune Perth is the 14th letter in the Germanic runic. It is found only in the older futarkh. You will find the interpretation and photo of the rune on our website.

Main characteristics of “Perth”

General information about the rune
Name: Perth
Meaning: Mystery, stone, bowl
Action: Transition to a new qualitative state
Element: Water
Bird: Phoenix
Deity: Frigg is the wife of Odin, the Goddess of fate, power and knowledge among the Scandinavian tribes. Among the Celts, it was personified with the Goddess of the earth - Perth.
Character: Energy
Essence: Reversible
  • the fetus becomes a child;
  • the boy turns into a man;
  • a student, after graduating from an institute, becomes a specialist;
  • the bride becomes a wife;
  • a person gains faith;
  • the one who is awake falls asleep and dreams;
  • the caterpillar turns into a butterfly;
  • the flower reproduces after pollination;
  • dough in the oven becomes bread;
  • the clay becomes a vessel in the hands of the potter;
  • the tree becomes firewood;
  • a dying star turns into a black hole.


The rune is an inverted and modified letter "P". For Perth, draw a vertical line. Then, from the top point, draw a short line at an angle of 45 degrees to the right down. Next, mirror the line to it so that the result is a right angle. Mirror the upper corner, draw a similar one from the bottom point of the vertical.

In the image of Perth, a connection is found with a vessel or bag turned on its side. It is believed that the secret abilities and capabilities of people are hidden in the vessel.


Each person from birth has certain character traits and roles. In the process of growing up, people change, they strive to acquire new knowledge and qualities that can lead them to a happier and more joyful life. Sometimes, in order to reach a new level of life, surpassing the previous one in quality, one has to make deep internal changes.

The desire of a person to reach a new level is a stimulus to action Perth. As a result, people get a new quality of life, often associated with an increase in social status and their role.

Rune meaning

Perth is a symbol of magical initiation. She personifies rebirth after death in a new qualitative state. The rune is associated with the Phoenix bird.

Nothing returns the sobriety of the mind like a premonition of one's own death. On the one hand, this fact gives joy from touching the mystery of the other world.

On the other hand, it gives freedom and awareness of the true values ​​of being. Perhaps in the face of death, a person will return to his destiny and begin to live as he dreamed.

Perth allows you to reflect on true fears. She makes it clear that the most terrible death is not physical, but spiritual. Sometimes it is too hard to realize that former values ​​and ideas about life have dispelled and everything that was dear has turned to dust.

The moment when a person realizes that death is an integral part of his life is considered the highest degree of wisdom and magical enlightenment. The death of the old principles of morality, the destruction of one's own myths, the loss of connection with loved ones are inextricably linked with the development of man.

Important! In order to create something new, you have to abandon the old. The transition to a higher standard of living is impossible without the symbolic death of the former self. To be reborn, one must die.

Perth is the strongest of all, other symbols express the connection of the world of people with the Higher powers. The rune allows you to touch secret knowledge, achieve enlightenment and receive information directly from egregor.

The meaning of the rune in the usual position

Direct Perth indicates a strengthening of a person’s connection with his own Self. It helps to develop intuition and learn to listen to the inner voice.

A person who is able to recognize the signs of Perth and interact with the power of the rune better understands the events taking place around. He learns to subtly interact with the situation and get what he wants without much difficulty. He manages to avoid mistakes.

Sometimes direct Perth says that a person needs to get rid of negativity and thoughts that torment him. There is no bad experience. Everything that happens to a person is given to him for development and accumulation of life experience.

A feature of the rune is its magical meaning. Perth symbolizes the secret struggle of man with his destiny through development and self-knowledge.

The meaning of the inverted rune

An inverted Perth testifies to the death of the past. In order to move forward, a person will have to abandon the old methods, knowledge, practices.

People have to face a difficult situation, when they are waiting for complete uncertainty. They will have to make an important decision about how to live their lives.
A person must learn to live in the present, not forgetting about the dream, but also enjoying the moments of happiness. Do not torment yourself with regrets and live in the past.

Advice! Your fate is in your hands. The future depends on your specific actions and decisions.

Meaning in divination

Direct position

Perth is a sign of change. The rune says that something new will happen to a person, which he does not yet know about. We need to take a step towards the future.
Sometimes a rune means help from outside. A person may be faced with a difficult situation, to cope with which he will be helped.

Important! Remember that a person is never given trials that he cannot cope with.

A couple with Gebo predicts a monetary reward. Nautiz portends a difficult situation in which a person can win only by applying new knowledge and unconventional methods.

Reversed position

Inverted Perth does not advise placing high hopes on the near future. Perhaps your plans will collapse, and events will begin to develop in a way that you did not expect.

The rune says that your current situation is directly related to the decisions made earlier and the actions taken.

Often Perth symbolizes the past. It personifies a certain life experience and the influence of past factors on the present. The rune calls in any incomprehensible situation to try to find an answer in past events. Perhaps the causes of deep problems lie in early childhood. Until you solve them, you will not move further.

Significance in magic

Perth will help you discover hidden opportunities and dormant talents. By meditating on the rune, you can develop intuition, better know your Self. You will be able to touch the sacred knowledge open only to the elect.

The rune helps people find themselves, understand their purpose, open up in life. Perth will help women to learn the mystery of motherhood and realize themselves as a mother.

Attention! Perth has strong magical properties. Use the rune with caution, otherwise it will lead to weighting of karma.

The rune is used to attract success in business and improve financial viability. Married couples use Perth to strengthen the union and conceive a child. The talisman will help strengthen the spirit and get rid of mental anguish. Those who have lost will find what they have lost, and the seeker will receive knowledge.

The meaning of the Slavs

The Slavs do not have an exact analogue of Perth. The rune Rock has a similar meaning in the Slavic runic alphabet. It takes 13th place and is translated as fate, fate, mystery.

The rune says that what should happen will definitely come true. No one, neither people, nor the Gods are able to influence the path prepared for us.

Career Divination Value

Direct position

Perth brings good luck in business and victory in competitions. You have a chance to make your dreams come true. Act boldly and do not turn off the chosen path.
The rune makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. It's time to act and gain new experience.

Perth symbolizes a stage of change. Change always leads to a better life. You can not be afraid and refuse to change. If you have been preparing a certain project for a long time, the fallout of Perth indicates that the time to act has come.

The rune promises success in activities related to the search for the missing. She portends good progress in the legal field, in detective cases. It will help develop psychic skills and strengthen communication with the other world.

A pair with Fehu or Hagalaz means easy money, a reward. Raido indicates activities associated with frequent travel and business trips.

Reversed position

The reverse position promises failure and collapse. You should beware of active steps and wait for the moment. This will not only save you from losses, but also preserve your strength and clarity of mind.
Sometimes an inverted rune speaks of deceit, intrigues and intrigues. Perhaps you will encounter betrayal of loved ones or colleagues.

Perth indicates difficulties in work. Programmers, businessmen, realtors are at risk. A couple with Yer promises problems with the law.

Meaning when divining for love

Direct position

Rune Perth promises happiness, joy, finding inner harmony. You are waiting for the strengthening of the union, engagement and wedding.

Married couples can prepare for the addition to the family. To doubting couples in love, the rune gives confidence in the right choice.

Neighborhood with Uruz speaks of the full compatibility of partners. Kenaz portends signs of attention and unexpected gifts. Teyvaz may indicate a partner's infidelity.

Reversed position

Reverse Perth can symbolize the presence of secrets. Perhaps your soulmate has a hidden life or interests that he does not share with you. The presence of secrets can cause quarrels and conflicts.

A couple with Isa speaks of serious disagreements and a cooling of relations. Vunyo points to an early reconciliation and overcoming conflicts. Kenaz suggests that the first step should be taken by a man.

Combination with other runes

- indicates the futility of your efforts.
- indicates that you have psychic abilities. You have the gift of clairvoyance. You can safely trust the inner voice.
- speaks of a well-developed intuition. You manage to see what is happening around and predict events.
- symbolizes excessive boasting of one's luck. Moderate importance and remember that success is not eternal.
- warns against enemies and competitors. Perhaps your current position in society is unstable and precarious.
- warns of a difficult period in life. You will encounter obstacles and restrictions in action. Learn patience and humility.
- calls to moderate your desires and be content with what you have. Learn to appreciate the benefits achieved.
- Calls for help from relatives or experienced people. Maybe they can help you get through the trouble.
- symbolizes unjustified hopes, unfulfilled promises, empty words. Try to finish what you started and fulfill your obligations to yourself and people.
Eyvaz- portends a fatal outcome. Accept what is happening, because you cannot influence the course of events.
- warns against financial or property losses.
Soulou- promises problems and obstacles. Perhaps you are surrounded by envious people and ill-wishers. Stick to your principles and don't give up on ideas.
speaks of the blessing of the gods. Higher powers will help you achieve what you want. Feel free to move forward.
- promises problems, troubles in business. Your plans will be disrupted.
Evaz- symbolizes the gifts of fate and the opportunity to improve life. Do not miss your chance.
- portends the acquisition of oneself, enlightenment, the development of the mind and intuition.
Laguz- speaks of success in love. Your personal life will improve and bring long-awaited happiness.
Inguz- indicates that you have hidden resources that you can rely on in difficult life periods.
Dagaz- promises changes in health, personal well-being. Perhaps you will lose excess weight and gain success in nutrition.
- symbolizes difficult times associated with minor troubles, litigation.

  • Do not miss your chance! Trust your luck!
  • Be careful about your actions, for they shape the future.
  • Treat Perth like a game. Trust the rune and the situation completely. That's the only way you can win.
  • Trust your intuition.
  • Believe in fate.
  • Remember that everything secret will become clear.

Rune Perth will help you gain self-confidence and know your Self. You will be able to better understand your destiny and learn to live a full and happy life.

The meaning of the rune Perth (Pertr or Petra) is traditionally reduced to the image of a bowl, or, as K. Meadows believes, a bag, in particular, a shamanic bag for runes. This is the image of a stone as a foundation, and a stone that stands at a crossroads and explains which road will lead to what. The meaning of Perth is also connected with the image of an eternal fighter, a wanderer seeking the truth.

  • The meaning of the rune Perth: cup, revelation of secrets, enlightenment, lot
  • Rune transliteration: ETC)
  • Icelandic rune name: Perþ, sometimes Plastur
  • Old Norse version: Peru
  • Norwegian, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon name: Pertra (possible variants of Peordh and Perthro)
  • The name of the rune Perth among the Celts: Pailt
  • The name is known to the Goths: Pairthra

The meaning of the Perth rune is often associated with a secret and its inevitable disclosure, it is an image of some kind of transcendental and at the same time - transcendental truth. Here you can draw an analogy with one of the basic alchemical principles - as above, so below.

The meaning of the rune Perth in the upright position

The Direct Rune of Perth indicates successful changes, less often - regular, more often - unpredictable (although in essence we are talking about the same phenomena). Something will become known, something important. This may be the disclosure of internal potential or help from friends, winning the lottery or profit, a worthy reward for the effort invested.

Rune Perth in a relationship always indicates strong feelings, it may well not be love, but an all-consuming passion, or all together. In any case, this is a bright flame, which does not have to go out as quickly as it suddenly flared up. In love, the rune Perth, which has taken a direct position, may indicate the return of a person important to you. But this is not at all necessarily a lover, it is quite possible - a friend or relative with whom you have not communicated for a long time, although you are quite close.

In spiritual terms, the meaning of the Perth rune in a direct position indicates a sudden breakthrough in your ego field, perhaps you managed to finally surpass yourself, rise above what did not allow you to develop. Again - often we are talking about an unexpected breakthrough, which, however, does not cancel long-term preparation and work on oneself, in fact being its direct consequence.

If fortune-telling occurs on a specific person, then the Perth rune (photo of the charter mark and direct position - above) speaks of developed intuition and unique esoteric abilities. One way or another, the meaning of the Perth rune in the upright position always has a powerful positive connotation, you will find what you have lost - an ideal partner, a spiritual path, your dream job, or just a long-lost trinket that is very important to you.

The meaning of the Perth rune in the upright position gives an unambiguous interpretation - this is a time of change, but you need to keep your cool to use the situation to the maximum. This does not mean that you can not succumb to bright and sudden emotions, on the contrary - it is possible and necessary, the main thing - do not forget why this is all. And yet - let go of the past, the time has come.

Runa Perth in a relationship advises listening to intuition, trusting yourself and others. However, the saying "trust, but verify" will be very useful here. It is very important not to be surprised not only by external changes, but also by those metamorphoses that will take place inside you. This is natural, moreover, predictable.

The meaning of the rune Perth in an inverted position

The meaning of the Perth rune in an inverted position indicates the same disclosure of the secret, some changes, but in a completely different way. This is disappointment, pain from the past, which has not yet left you and does not want to leave, this is a failure in any manifestation - from betrayal by a friend to financial fraud of your employees.

An inverted rune of Perth in a relationship can indicate several situations. It may be a lack of passion, too little feeling, which is easily overshadowed by distance or petty problems. It can be an outright deception, a lie in any form. This may be the scrapping of your ideal, when you see a partner for what he really is, and you do not like it. The inverted rune of Perth in love bears a strong destructive imprint, but does not stipulate the final.

Inverted Perth (photo above) indicates the need to literally rethink everything around, and it’s worth starting with yourself. Because even the betrayal of loved ones is directly or indirectly related to your actions. You probably lost your footing, abandoning one (on your own or forcedly) in favor of another, a new one, which so far remains the future without becoming the present. And perhaps it is not going to become such? Ask yourself the main question - what is the truth? For you?..

Live here and now, there is no other option. The meaning of the Perth rune in an inverted position often concerns the past, which must be got rid of. Once and for all. Do not rush what is happening, do not forcefully change the world around you, calm down.

There is a time for everything and the inverted rune Perth will help you understand this. This is by no means the end, but the completion of one of the many turns, in other words - the road continues there, around a sharp turn, you just need to slow down and smoothly enter it. Reversed Perth advises you not to forget that your destiny is in your hands. And so it has always been.

The use of the rune Perth in rituals

Outside of the divinatory aspect, the meaning of the Perth rune allows it to be used to search for what is lost. And it can be anything - from a talisman for finding your destiny to immanent meditation that allows you to find a specific object.

Rune Perth is often used in rituals to heal and restore health (also associated with the image of finding the lost). This rune helps to achieve well-being, it does not give good luck, but it can help in enlightenment, understanding something hidden (intentionally or spontaneously).

The use of the rune Perth in runescripts

In runic records, the use of the Perth rune is extensive, for example - it is often combined with Soulu in order to achieve a speedy recovery, or to understand the true cause of the ailment. This combination, supplemented with the Dagaz rune, will allow you to get a powerful healing runescript, and it can heal not only the body.

Combining the rune Perth with Ansuz, you can strengthen your esoteric abilities, dive deeper into meditation, but then, just in case, it is better to supplement the runescript with the Kenaz rune, which will not let you get lost, or the Raido rune, which will help you find the right path to the goal of your spiritual quest. By the way, in combination with Raido, Perth can become an excellent travel amulet.

Together with Olgiz, Perth acquires powerful protective functions, which, for working with a dwelling, can be supplemented with the Odal rune, or the Inguz rune when working with a person. The value of the Perth rune can hardly be overestimated, it is a strong, favorable and in many ways universal image that is really in demand in many life situations.

Interpretation of the rune Perth in the context of the shamanic tradition

The statutory mark of the rune Perth really looks like a bag with strings, which was already mentioned above. Here it is important to catch the image - before asking the runes, the shaman takes them out of the bag, performing a kind of ritual of turning to the sacred, to the power that contains all the answers, but this power is meaningless outside of human perception.

Often shamans drew a parallel between the meaning of the Perth rune and the mother's womb, from which a new person is born. That is why Perth is traditionally considered a feminine, soft, in a certain sense - a passive rune. In this sense, Perth is also associated with the world of stones and minerals. This is the earth's firmament, mountains and fjords, this is the foundation that holds us and allows us to push off in our search.

The meaning of the Perth rune is closely connected with the subconscious, because the rune itself is inextricably linked with the image of the heritage, the knowledge that past generations have left us. This is a space-time universe that has always been, is and will not go anywhere, even if we are blind and deaf to see and hear it. Even if we are dumb to answer him.

K. Meadows compares the Perth rune with iron, which can be melted and given any shape - chain mail or spears, spoons for food or a propeller, but iron still remains iron, its original properties do not disappear anywhere, they are only supplemented, changing in that number on a purely chemical level.

The meaning of the Perth rune is also closely related to the “layeredness” of reality, with the understanding of this structure and its correct perception. In the sense that understanding is meaningless in itself if it is not used in any way. Knowledge is power only when it finds its application. Also, the knowledge of runes in itself does not make a person a shaman, it does not elevate him and does not give him anything. But when the runes are applied, when they come to life in the hands of a person, to help others, including helping them understand themselves, then the person becomes a runic shaman.

Runa Perth teaches us to distinguish between the reality that is the same for everyone, and the reality that each of us creates for ourselves and sometimes (in fact, very rarely) lets loved ones, truly loved ones into it. This is pure creativity, without boundaries, stereotypes and conventions.

  • Perth Rune Potential: disclosure of a secret (potential), unexpected, but always only a manifestation of a cause-and-effect pattern
  • Basic esoteric qualities: strength and reliability as a basis, identification and interconnection, intuitive understanding and disclosure of oneself and the world around
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: helps you understand who you really are and accept yourself; applies to any other object (not just a person)
  • Rune Summon Perth: do not be afraid of change, prepare for it, and in your travels never forget where you started

The meaning of the rune Perth in a direct or inverted position always prepares us for something. This rune helps to find, find, but in no case stop there, but continue moving - with new strength and new knowledge. It gives impetus to ideas, helps to embody them and teaches to see the essence of things.