The most interesting facts about football and football players. A selection of articles about football from the newspaper Our Life Articles on the subject of sports football

Millions of people around the world play football, and the amount of audience that watches this sport on TV is staggering. Football is the most popular sport on the planet, the official birth date of which is December 8, 1863. Since then, hundreds of tournaments have been held, including 21 world championships - the most grandiose and popular event in the ball game. A lot of interesting things have happened in the history of soccer, and the site in this post will tell you about the most incredible facts about football and football players.

A selection of the most interesting facts about football

So let's go. Read to the end, you will not regret that you stumbled upon this post:

  • Famous Brazilian footballer Manuel Francisco dos Santos or simply Garrincha had congenital defects of the spine, and his left leg was 6 cm longer than his right. But, despite health difficulties, Garrincha became one of the most famous players in the history of football, and scored 5 goals in 3 World Cups.
  • Until 1913, goalkeepers wore uniforms of the same color as their field teammates.
  • located in Pyongyang, North Korea. The arena, which is called May Day, can accommodate 150,000 visitors at the same time. Also, this stadium is known for the execution of military generals suspected of betraying the state.
  • Soviet footballer Lev Yashin is the only goalkeeper in history to receive the Ballon d'Or award from France Football.
  • The oldest football club was founded in England in 1857. It is "Sheffield" (Sheffield Football Club) nicknamed "Club".
  • The most famous football field in Tokyo is the Adidas Park (Adidas Futsal Park). The field is located 130 feet above the ground at the top of the Tokyu Toyoko shopping center.
  • In 2007, FIFA tested goal tracking technology for the first time to see if the ball actually crossed the goal line completely.
  • According to the results of a medical study, it was determined that each professional football player receives an average of 1.5 injuries.
  • Football is the most profitable sport in the world.
  • In one match, a professional footballer runs an average of 9.65 km.
  • 80% of soccer balls are made in Pakistan.
  • In the first basketball game, the players used a soccer ball.
  • The fastest goal was scored by Russian Mikhail Osinov in 2.68 seconds.

  • In 1998, lightning killed an entire football team during a game. Interestingly, all the players of the other team remained unharmed.
  • In 1937, a football match was shown live on television for the first time.
  • Greenland cannot join FIFA because there is too little grass growing on the island.
  • On November 2, 2013, Bosnian goalkeeper Asmir Begovic scored the furthest goal in football history for Stoke City. (distance - 91.9 meters).
  • The most expensive transfer in the history of football took place in the summer of 2017, when Junior Neymar moved from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain. for €222 million.

  • The highest score of a football match was recorded in the Madagascar championship (Adema - Stade Olympique l'Emirne 149: 0).
  • Lee Todd received the fastest red card in the history of football (2 seconds from the start of the match).
  • Nooit opgeven altijd doorgaan, Aangenaam door vermaak en nuttig door ontspanning, Combinatie Breda is the longest football club name in all of the sport; the Dutch team is commonly referred to as NAC Breda.
  • Brazilian Arthur Friedenreich is considered the best scorer of all time with 1329 goals scored. The striker scored these goals in 26 years of his career.
  • Football officially originated in England, but as early as 2,000 years ago, a similar sport was played in China.
  • Argentine forward Lionel Messi scored 91 goals in the 2012 calendar year - an absolute record.

Interesting facts about the World Cups

Now let's focus exclusively on the World Cup, only the most important facts:

  • The FIFA World Cup is the most popular sporting event on the planet.
  • Brazilian superstar Pele. Considered the best football player of all time, he won his first World Cup victory with the national team at the age of 17. In total, Pele won 3 World Cup victories (1958,1962,1970).

  • The first World Cup in history was held in 1930 in Uruguay.
  • After the 1970 World Cup, which Brazil won, the London Sunday Times published the headline "How would you describe Pele? - GOD"
  • German striker Miroslav Klose holds the record for the number of goals scored in the World Cup (16 goals).
  • Argentinean Diego Armando Maradona scored a handball at the 1986 World Cup, which the judges counted. This goal was later called the "Hand of God".
  • At the 2006 World Cup, French midfielder Zinedine Zidane received a red card in the final match for headbutting an opponent in the chest.

  • To be present at the World Cup match is not a cheap pleasure. At the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the cost of tickets reached 1,100 US dollars.
  • The 2006 FIFA World Cup Final was watched by 1.1 billion people around the world. At that time it was 1/6 of the total population of the planet Earth.
  • An interesting football fact about the first World Cup. Due to the decision of the International Football Federation to hold the debut World Cup in Uruguay, and not in Europe, many states of the "Old World" such as Sweden, Hungary, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland decided not to take part in it. Only 4 countries from Europe went to Latin America and played at the 1930 World Cup in Uruguay: Romania, France, Belgium and Yugoslavia.
  • The second FIFA World Cup was held in Italy. Since the Italians refused to go to the first World Cup in South America, the current champion - Uruguay decided to take revenge on them by not coming to Italy.
  • The Brazilian national team is the most titled team in the history of the World Cup (5 wins - 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002).

  • One of the European teams has always taken part in the final match of the World Cup, except in the cases of the 1930s and 1950s.
  • India refused to take part in the 1950 FIFA World Cup because the national team was banned from playing barefoot.

The FIFA World Cup is held in Russia for the first time and opens on June 14 with the Russia-Saudi Arabia match. A sports competition of this magnitude is watched not only by football fans, but also by those who will not name a single member of the national team of their country. A sports journalist or his colleagues who want to keep up with the main event in Russia for the next month should share with the audience a sense of belonging, because sport is, first of all, emotions, not numbers on the scoreboard. Even if you don't have the opportunity to attend the actual match or get into the dressing room with the players, you can follow these tips for aspiring (or "temporary") sports journalists to grow and retain your audience:

1. Collect additional information

Before each match, find out more about the national team players, the strongest players, which clubs they play for, their coaches, high-profile matches with their participation, achievements and injuries over the past season. All the information collected will help to avoid a dry enumeration of the facts "first this happened, then this, then this ...".

2. Take notes while watching a match

When you watch a football match, it's very easy to get emotional, but if you want to write a good text, take notes. Write down not only serves, goals and penalties, but also everything that remains outside the final score: the reaction of players and fans, skirmishes between football players and coaches. If you have the opportunity to be present at the match, then a description of the atmosphere in the stadium will not be superfluous.

3. Key information should be at the beginning

The reader wants to immediately know the score, the players who scored the goals, and all the main consequences of this match, such as what stage the team went to and who will play the next game. However, it is easy to lose the reader's attention if the first paragraph consists only of numbers - distribute match statistics throughout the text so that the reader does not get the feeling that he is facing a faceless report.

4. Write in order of importance, not chronology.

If a football player scored a beautiful goal in overtime, don't leave this fact at the end of the article. Use an "inverted pyramid" narrative, in which the most important moments of the game appear in the text as early as possible. A good way to check if the audience will be interested in reading about the match is to imagine that you are telling your friends about it: it is unlikely that you will start with the words “in the second minute, the Russian national team player took a corner kick, and in the fifth…”.

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The main miracle is the ability to do good

Happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough of what he has. I am sure that Andrey Priymak, an entrepreneur from the village of Tsimlyansky, adheres to this philosophy of life. The money he earns from the sale of carpet products is enough not only for the needs of the family and the further development of the family business, but also to seriously support sports in his native village.

Being also the coach of two village football teams (adult and youth), the businessman has been taking care of them for a good ten years, supporting them financially. In total, these are 40 football players, for whom Andrei Aleksandrovich acquires sports uniforms, balls and other sports equipment, pays for participation in competitions at various levels, allocates funds for the maintenance of the football field (leveling the pitches, applying appropriate markings, planting lawn grass, buying lawn mowers).
- Do not feel sorry to part with blood? - I ask a provocative question to my interlocutor.
“Not at all,” he replies with a cheerful smile. - If I can help someone, then why should I do otherwise? With age, you especially understand that the real miracle in our life is the ability to do good, to help those who need it. I also help our veterans. Their gratitude, a sincere human "thank you" is the most important thing for me. As for our sport, it lives solely thanks to sponsorship and patronage. So we made it so that our football field is the best in the Shpakovsky district. I will continue to work in this direction. In the near future, it is planned to build locker rooms, stands, sheds over them. We will do everything necessary for the convenience and comfort of athletes and fans.
Andriy Pryimak is one of the entrepreneurs who are said to be socially oriented, socially responsible, i.e. a person who actively participates in the development of his native village and, in particular, its sports life. Children love and respect their coach - a man, although tough in character, but kind and fair. Therefore, once again, on the eve of the Entrepreneur's Day, nominating a candidate for the district for the award, the administration of the Tsimlyansky Village Council delegated Andrey Priymak.
At the celebrations on the occasion of the holiday, he was awarded a certificate of honor from the administration of the Shpakovsky municipal district, which noted the professionalism of the entrepreneur, conscientious work, active participation in the life of the municipality, personal initiative in the moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation.
"Our life" - the newspaper of the Shpakovsky district No. 43 (10694) June 19, 2012

Cup of the Holy Blessed Prince Dimitry Donskoy

On June 9, 2012, the Shpakovsky District Court Football Tournament, which has already become traditional, took place for the cup of the Holy Blessed Prince Dimitry Donskoy. The tournament was held on the basis of the stadium of the village of Verkhnerussky with the support of the head of the local village council and the Mikhailovsky deanery. The event was attended by amateur teams from several organizations. According to the results of the rivalry, the first place was taken by the team of the professional lyceum named after the Cossack General S. S. Nikolaev of the city of Mikhailovsk. "Silver" for the guys from the Orthodox youth movement "Soboryane". The team of the regional multidisciplinary college closed the top three. All winners and participants of the tournament received certificates of honor and letters of thanks, and the three leading teams received cups.
“A sound mind in a sound body” was the slogan of the contestants. Some of them have been participating in the tournament for the second year already and plan to participate more than once. The organizers of the event were the Stavropol regional public Orthodox youth movement "Soboryane", the MBU "Center for Youth Projects of the Shpakovsky District of the Stavropol Territory" and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of a Social, Cultural, Educational Character "Social Design". The socio-political newspaper Our Life became the information partner of the event.
"Our life" - the newspaper of the Shpakovsky district No. 42 (10693) June 15, 2012

Tournament "Leather Ball" Boys from secondary school No. 5 won the "bronze"

The children's football tournament "Leather Ball", which, by the way, will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in two years, is always popular with Russian boys. Shpakovsky boys also actively participate in the regular championship.
Traditionally, the tournament began in April. First, the first stage passed - matches among the children's teams of the Shpakovsky district.
The winners included three teams: schoolchildren from secondary school No. 5 (younger age group, 9-10 years old, coach P.P. Kukushkin), a team of 12-13-year-old boys from Dubovskaya secondary school No. 16 (middle age group, coach I. M. Yushkov),
teenage squad from secondary school No. 3 (senior age group, 14-15 years old, coach N. V. Goryainova). All these teams became, in addition, the winners of the zonal competitions.
But in the second stage of the tournament "Leather Ball" - the regional final - only the players from the junior and senior
age groups.
Regional final matches among teams of the younger age group were held on June 2 in Pyatigorsk. The third-graders and fourth-graders from Mikhailovsk performed successfully. In a stubborn struggle, they won bronze medals.
Forward Misha Zinchenko and midfielder Misha Volik were recognized as the best players in our team. And although the pupils of Pavel Pavlovich Kukushkin, a well-known trainer and physical education teacher in our region, did not win the right to compete in the third stage of the tournament - competitions among children's teams of the Southern and North Caucasian federal districts, nevertheless, third place is also a very good result. And our boys should be congratulated from the bottom of our hearts.
Unfortunately, participants of zonal competitions from the middle age group were left without medals. Dubovtsy beat their peers from Grachevsky and Trunovsky districts, but, having lost to rivals from Stavropol, they lost any hope of participating in the finals of regional competitions. I would like to wish students from secondary school No. 16 good luck and victory next year, if, of course, they manage to pass the qualifying round again.
Luck will not interfere with the young players from the older age group, as they only have to fight on the green lawn. In the meantime, they became the winners of the zonal competitions, "avenging" their countrymen from the middle age group and knocking out the same Grachevites, Trunovites and the team from Stavropol from further struggle.
The final of the regional competition among teams of the older age group will be held on June 15.
In which city the matches will be held, the regional sports committee has not yet decided.
"Our life" - the newspaper of the Shpakovsky district No. 41 (10692) June 8, 2012

"Victory Cup-2012"

Football players decided to celebrate the memorable anniversary with cup matches. The competitions were held on May 8 at the stadium of the Demino farm. By the way, they were held for the twelfth time at the initiative of the Demino village council administration.
Six teams took part in the competition, and the hosts of the championship and the village of Tatarka put up two teams each.
As a result of a stubborn struggle, the third place was taken by the Demino-92 team, which defeated rivals from Nizhnyaya Tatarka in the decisive match with a score of 1:0.
But the main trophy was contested by the Sengileevites and the first farm team. The match was dramatic. The main time ended in a draw - 0:0.
The penalty shoot-out also did not reveal the strongest: after breaking through the penalty kicks, the scoreboard still flaunted a draw, though now with a score of 3:3. I had to appoint an extra penalty, which put an end to the competition. This time, the Deminites were more successful. The final score of the match is 5:4.
"Our life" - the newspaper of the Shpakovsky district No. 34 (10685) May 15, 2012

football championship

The 2012 football championship started on April 21. This year, 12 teams compete for prizes. It is gratifying that after a short break, the football team of the village of Novomaryevskaya returned to the football field. The championship will be held in two rounds, the first one will end on June 30. Then, after almost a month's lull, the stands will once again resound with the chants of football fans, thus marking the beginning of the second round. Meetings are scheduled to be held on Saturdays. At 16:00, the participants of the youth championship enter the martial arts, at 17:30, matches with the participation of adult teams begin.
"Our life" - the newspaper of the Shpakovsky district No. 32 (10683) May 4, 2012

The most popular sport in the world - Football

Football is the most massive and popular sport in the world. It is a team game in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal with any part of the body, but the use of hands is prohibited, and do it more times than the opposing team, and do not allow goals into their own goal. Football requires strength, speed and skill.

Football rules:

There are 17 game rules that are the official rules. Each contains a list of guidelines and disclaimers. The rules apply at all levels of football, but some of them change for certain categories - women, juniors, people with disabilities. The rules are published in FIFA - this is the abbreviation of the International Football Federation. It is the international governing body in football.

The composition of the team is 11 players, substitute players are not taken into account. One of the players is the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is the only player who is allowed to play with his hands, but on condition that he does so only within the penalty area at his goal.

A match is a separate game consisting of 2 halves, each of 45 minutes. Between halves there is always a pause, lasting 15 minutes. At this time, all players rest. And at the end of the pause, according to the rules, they must exchange gates.

In the event that after 2 halves the teams score the same number of goals, then a draw is automatically fixed. Then there is extra time. The maximum extra time is two halves of fifteen minutes. Between extra and regular match time, both teams are given a break. If at the end of extra time the winner has not been revealed, it is determined by a penalty shoot-out. At the opponent's goal, 5 shots are made by different players from a distance of 11 meters.

Each player, in addition to working with the ball, is engaged in power and physical activity, keeps a diet....

A source:

15-02-2014, 13:12

Choosing a soccer ball

Each ball has three components: inner tube, lining and tire. If you understand the quality of these components, then you can easily get yourself a decent ball.

Nowadays, the tire is made exclusively from synthetic materials. Earlier balls were made of genuine leather. But genuine leather has one drawback - it absorbs moisture and, as a result, the ball acquired poor weight qualities, which greatly interfered with playing football normally. In most cases, polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane is now used. These materials are much better than genuine leather.

The top layer of the ball, which we see, consists of many cells. It is they who form the shell of the ball. In modern football tournaments, a ball is used, which consists of 32 cells, namely 12 pentagonal cells and 20 hexagonal cells. The connection of the cells can be different: glued, sewn, connected by heat treatment. The first ball in the history of this design was made in Denmark in 1950.

When you come to the store and choose your ball, the first thing you should pay attention to is the way the cells are stitched together. Quality balls have cells sewn with polyester threads. Such balls are usually sewn by hand, which affects their price. The first ball with thermally stitched cells appeared in 2004. This ball was produced by Adidas and was called Roterio. This ball became official at Euro 2004. Recently, more and more world championships are held with the help of thermally glued balls. You should also pay attention to the lining. The lining is located between the upper cells and the chamber. The pads serve to improve the rebound and bounce of the ball. Good balls have 3-4 layers of linings. The material of the camera is also important. Normally, good soccer balls are made from natural latex. It delivers excellent elasticity, rebound and softness to the ball. As for the valve on the chamber, the best valve is made of silicone. The silicone valve ensures safe penetration of the needle into the chamber and better stores air in the chamber. The material of the chamber is also of no small importance. They are made from natural latex. It gives excellent elasticity, rebound and softness to the ball. As for the valve on the chamber, the best valve is made of silicone. The silicone valve ensures that the needle enters the chamber safely and keeps the air in the chamber better. Good balls can be purchased from the official adidas online store in Russia and neighboring countries.

But even a good ball may not last very long if you don't take care of it. It is enough to follow a few simple rules: before pumping up the ball, you need to apply a few drops of oil. This is necessary in order not to damage the valve and prevent a further drop in ball pressure. You need to inflate the ball before the game to 0.7-1 atm., But after the game, the ball should be lowered a little so that the shell and the camera are safe.

Buy good balls, take care of them and you will always enjoy the game.

10-01-2014, 18:50

Naturalization of football players in the Ukrainian Premier League

Recently, the entire football community has been divided into two camps. One half of the fans and professionals are in favor of the naturalization of players to play in other national teams. The other half speaks sharply negatively about this event. Naturally, this situation did not bypass the Ukrainian Premier League.

To date, the Ukrainian national team already consists of two players with non-native origins. We are talking about Serb Marko Devic and Brazilian Edmar. In fact, the attitude of Ukrainian fans towards these two performers is also ambiguous. Although, in defense of the current situation, it can be said that during the performance of the anthem Devich not only puts his hand to his heart, but also sings along. Thus, one can speak with confidence about the motivation of this footballer.

As for Edmar, you can also talk for a long time. The fact is that the Brazilian has been living in Ukraine for more than ten years. Moreover. he is married to a Ukrainian. Many experts even joke that Edmar speaks Russian better than some other players of the national team. Most likely, if he knew the Ukrainian language, claims against his personality would generally be inappropriate.

Despite all the above characteristics, still the majority of fans do not quite support naturalization in their own Premier League. In this situation, we can not even talk about the national team, but about the limit on legionnaires. Everyone is well aware that some of the giants of the Ukrainian championship are experiencing an overabundance of players with foreign citizenship. The constant presence of four Ukrainians on the field does not suit some coaches. For example, the same Kharkiv Metalist in European competitions can enter the field without Ukrainians at all. In the internal championship, Edmar, Devic and Dishlenkovic act as home-grown performers. It is not worth talking about the latter at all, because this footballer a priori does not have the right to play for the national team of Ukraine.

Not so long ago, Oleg Vladimirovich Blokhin, who coached the national team at that time, said that he was not against naturalization, but he was against the fact that those people whom he could not use in his team received Ukrainian citizenship. It is possible that this idea may be the most rational. On the one hand, foreign players who want to get a place in the Ukrainian national team will be entitled to fulfill their needs. On the other hand, Ukrainian footballers will not sit out games behind the backs of those players who cannot help the main team of the country, but have the same passport. A striking example in this situation is just the Serb Dishlenkovic. In the event that the leaders of the Football Federation of Ukraine and Anatoly Konkov personally come to this idea, the situation with the microclimate in the Premier League may improve significantly.

1-10-2013, 16:12

FC "Sevastopol" 2-0 FC "Stal". Debriefing

In Sevastopol, the central match of the tour took place between the two favorites of the championship.

As the game showed, the teams differ in class, and quite noticeably. Of course, one could say that the Sevastopol players needed to rehabilitate themselves before the audience and coaches after an unsuccessful game in Chernivtsi. It can also be said that there was no reason for the Alchevsk players to give all their best after a series of major victories. However, no matter who said anything, the teams did not save their energy, and the game turned out just fine. She was able to please both spectators and football specialists.

According to the head coach of the guests, the Alchevsk players were going to survive the first half, making certain adjustments in the second… However, this is what all the teams that come to Sevastopol do. But somehow they didn't succeed. Although playing open football with Sevastopol residents is even worse. Therefore, coaches choose the lesser of two evils.

Sevastopol residents have already got used to the fact that counterattacks are rare when they play at their stadium, so they continued to master the practice of siege science. In addition, it should be noted that the conversation promised by the head coach after the game with Bukovina apparently took place and was not in vain - the Sevastopol players won almost all martial arts with a huge advantage. All players deserve high marks.

Duets Voronin - Tanchik and Mikolyunas - Karavaev now and then disturbed the defense of the guests. Komaritsky and his assistants had to work tirelessly. At the very beginning of the match, Tanchik screwed up a chic moment. Then a few shots from Lewandowski were saved by the goalkeeper and Alchevsk defenders. Komaritsky more than once pulled the ball out of the nines after the blows of Kuznetsov and Lewandowski, for which he broke the applause of the audience.

4-05-2013, 20:10

Bukovina 1–1 FC Sevastopol. Debriefing

The game with Bukovina turned out to be quite hot, as, in principle, the weather on this spring day. The teams had to deal with the unusual heat, the harsh and dense grass of the stadium and, of course, with each other.

Throughout almost the entire game, there was a certain stiffness in the actions of the two teams, despite the rather high speeds. After the game, the hosts' coach said that Bukovina had staff problems, so the team's game was unconvincing. The Sevastopol team also suffered from personnel rotations, but their main problem, according to the coach, was insufficient display on the field.

In the first half, the Chernivtsi team showed great focus on the opponent's goal. She acted, of course, quite straightforwardly, but thanks to the pressure and with the connivance of the referees, who were confused by the support of the Bukovina fans, she methodically pressed on the possessions of our Litovka. The hosts threatened for the most part from standard positions, but they clearly did not succeed with the result.

But for their diligence in stoppage time, the home team received an unexpected gift. The Sevastopol defenders seem to have neutralized the thrown out, but Novotryasov's strong blow sent the ball into the corner of the goal.

The second half was almost a mirror image of the first. The situation on the field was completely controlled by the Sevastopol team, many moments arose at the gates of the hosts, only the question of their implementation remained unresolved. Everything was resolved after the replacements. When Tkachev and Kuznetsov entered the field, the game became crazy sharp and...

27-04-2013, 10:39

The list of basic FIFA requirements for the key objects of the sports infrastructure of the host cities of the World Cup.

Stadium of the World Cup.

In accordance with the "Agreement on the organization and holding", the Russian Federation undertakes to provide FIFA with the highest quality stadiums (design and construction), equipped with the most modern technical means and meeting all FIFA requirements.

1.1.1. Stadium readiness dates:
Confederations Cup Stadium - May 1, 2016
World Cup Stadium - 1 May 2017

1.1.2. Stadium capacity.

Net capacity:
Group stage stadium, 1/8, 1/4 finals and match for 3rd place = 40,000 seats
Semi-final stadium = 60,000 seats
Opening and final match stadium = 80,000 seats

The total capacity of the stadiums is +10% to the net capacity as a result of the addition of a VIP stand, a media stand, etc.

1.1.3. Stadium location.

When designing the FIFA World Cup stadium, it is necessary to take into account such strategic factors as: the availability of sufficient space for the unhindered and safe movement of large masses of people around the stadium, the proximity of the stadium to key transport elements (roads, bridges, train stations, public transport routes, airports), hotels, centers of public and commercial life of the city.

1.1.4. Stadium area.

When designing a stadium, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the needs of the site on which it is located are not limited to the stadium itself. A mandatory temporary infrastructure is being built and operates around the World Cup stadium, which includes: a "hospitality zone" (banquet pavilions of FIFA and FIFA sponsors), a media center of the stadium, a "broadcaster zone", a volunteer center, an accreditation center, sponsors' commercial pavilions, parking lots ( for various target groups), helipad...


9-10-2012, 12:07

"Krymteplitsa" (Youth) - "Sevastopol". Overview

On the fourth day, FC Sevastopol scored four goals and a beautiful convincing victory. The fans of the Sevastopol team have been waiting for this victory for a long time. For the first time, the "greenhouses" were beaten with such a large score. The team of Oleg Kononov won its first, but such a convincing victory.

Hundreds of Sevastopol residents came to support the team on the road. And we must give them their due: with their unceasing support, the players played as if in their own stadium, achieving a well-deserved victory.

"Sevastopol" started without buildup. The players, wanting to rehabilitate themselves for the not very successful start of the championship, rushed forward, seizing the initiative and completely controlling the ball. But they managed to create the first chance from the category of assists only in the ninth minute, when Gvinianidze shot with his head. But the Krymteplitsa goalkeeper turned the ball into a corner in an incredible jump, which will be many in this match.

But Konstantin Makhnovsky had practically no work, since the long-range strikes of the “greenhouses” did not carry any threat. It seemed that Krymteplitsa leveled the game, but soon Sevastopol regained the initiative.

And scored. After the transfer of Artur Karnoza, Igor Dulyai flew into the penalty area and fired. The goalkeeper at this moment could not save his team, but the crossbar could. But only for a moment, as Sergey Tkachev quickly got his bearings and sent the ball into the goal.

Four minutes later, Sergei Voronin will give an assist to Kuznetsov, who will be able to get ahead of the goalkeeper Dityatiev on the line and put his foot - 2:0. Could still score and Karnoza, but quite a bit lacked accuracy.

With this score, they went on a break. The second half went about the same as the first: Sevastopol had the initiative, beat and scored. The hosts also had two opportunities to score. But nothing happened.

It should be noted Vladimir Tanchik's goal. "T-34" picked up the ball near the central circle, went to the penalty area with it and sent it under the Bazilevich goal post.

The final score was set in stoppage time. Alexander Karavaev scored the fourth goal in a beautiful jump.

Congratulations to the team of Oleg Kononov with the first victory.