Coordination of building objects. Coordination of building a house

When buying a long-awaited piece of land with the intention of building their own home, a person should be familiar with the rules and regulations that govern such work. He also needs to understand most of the procedures and activities that precede or accompany construction. The property owner must understand what architects and builders are talking about in order to make the right decisions, control their work and get the home of their dreams as a result.

Planning and design

Faced with the need for buildings, many understand that in this matter it is impossible to do without a specialist who knows how the development and documentation takes place, its coordination, correction and approval.

Even the simplest one-story house must be built in compliance with the norms adopted at the legislative level. In addition, modern housing is subject to many requirements regarding comfort, convenience, style and prestige. Working documentation and project documentation, developed at a professional level, make it possible to build beautiful and functional houses, equipped with high-quality heating systems, provided with water and sufficient electricity.

However, first of all, cooperation with specialists at all stages of construction makes the objects safe and durable.

What you should know about "ideal" projects

Design documentation is not only a plan of how the house looks. This is a combination of requirements for residential buildings with the wishes of the owner (text and graphic materials). The development of project documentation requires a huge amount of theoretical knowledge and practical experience from the specialist who deals with it. Failure to comply with the proportions of the premises, an error or omission regarding the location of electrical wires, gas pipes or a water supply system can turn a future home into an uncomfortable or even life-threatening structure.

That's why architects and builders are so ironic about dreamy clients who want the perfect home. Of course, the owner's opinion about how rooms, doors, windows and openings should be located is important for them, but expanding the nursery, moving walls or an additional window may be contrary to the rules. The architect knows better about the possibility and expediency of using new engineering systems, about the permissible load on the floors, how the pressure on the foundation should be distributed, and about other similar nuances.

What is custom design

The development of project documentation for the construction of atypical or non-standard residential buildings is considered one of the most optimal ways to build comfortable housing. Do not think that individual design is too expensive a service. Most often, it is thanks to this approach that owners get the opportunity to save on basic and decorative building materials, as well as on the performance of many types of work.

Individual design documentation drawn up together with the architect is the possibility of laying certain materials (favorable in terms of price, delivery or installation), miscalculating their interchangeability and rationality of use. However, if a person is independently engaged in the development or alteration of the project, he risks making mistakes. For example, if the material is chosen incorrectly, a phenomenon such as “cold bridge” can occur, resulting in increased operating costs when heating a finished house.

residential buildings

First of all, the owner of the land should check its intended purpose. The possibility of development must be documented by the village or district council.

Having this document in hand, as well as a state certificate (confirmation of the right to dispose of the land), it is necessary to take out its size and area “in nature”. Only then can design documentation be developed. This is a sequence of several steps. The first of these is a sketch, which should contain three main components:

  1. Landing a house on the site. This is done in such a way that one can form an opinion about the most important factors: the location of the cardinal points and panoramic views, the presence and nature of buildings on neighboring lands, the direction of the prevailing wind types, the availability and quality of access roads, the possibility of placing auxiliary structures in the future (garages, parking lots, baths, wells).
  2. Image of the interior layout of the building. What matters here is the number of people who will live in the house, their age and way of life. Based on these data, the architect plans the required number of floors and the size of the main functional areas (living room, kitchen-dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, wardrobes). In addition, balconies, terraces and verandas are indicated here, if any. This procedure contains requirements for project documentation.
  3. The type of design of the facade of the building (materials that will be used for exterior decoration, as well as the type of roof).

What do you need to get a building permit?

After the preliminary drawing is ready, its visualization is carried out and the design task is drawn up, the owner of the site receives the following drawings:

Often, such project documentation is a sufficient amount of information for issuing a construction passport. Submission of this package to the state authorities becomes one of the most important and most difficult stages of building a house. Coordination of project documentation and receipt of the relevant document is the basis for the development of a working draft.

The importance of this type of work should not be underestimated, as detailed discussion and rational planning make it possible to create a truly comfortable,

What is working documentation and project documentation

Working documents (texts, drawings, specifications) are based on the decisions set out in the project. Decree No. 87 "Composition of design documentation" does not prohibit the parallel development of both

Starting a detailed design, specialists usually deal with the following issues:

In fact, the project documentation (GOST 21) differs from the working draft in a smaller number of technical details and nuances.

The value of savings for the construction and future operation of the building

A correctly and competently drawn up working draft can significantly reduce the cost of the owner of the facility for the purchase of materials and payment for construction work. In addition, the number of residues is reduced: boards, tiles, bricks and other items purchased “with a margin” do not accumulate.

Also, this document will help to avoid unnecessary costs for electricity and other resources in the future. Of course, in order to achieve really tangible savings, you need to follow the rules of installation and installation of materials.

Structure of project documentation

In general terms, the sections of the working draft are listed in the relevant document: Decree No. 87. The Decree (composition of project documentation) provides for more than ten sections. These include:

  1. A diagram of how the site will be built.
  2. architectural solutions.
  3. A system of constructive and space-planning solutions.
  4. Systems of heating, ventilation, water supply, electrical supply, ventilation and others.
  5. A plan for how construction work will be organized.
  6. Measures for the demolition or dismantling of the object (if we are talking about redevelopment or reconstruction).
  7. A list of actions to be taken to protect the environment.
  8. List of fire safety measures.
  9. Solving the issue of movement of people with limited mobility (disabled people, pensioners).
  10. An estimate for the construction of each object and other documents.

The resolution on project documentation serves as a guide for experts who analyze and verify the papers provided to them. This event is mandatory, for which they turn to public or private specialists. By and large, they are engaged in reconciliation of the developed projects with the current standards and technical regulations.

Private and state examination of project documentation are considered equally legitimate. Projects approved by a specialist must be accepted by Stroynadzor.

Where does the approval of project documentation begin and how does it work?

The beginning of cooperation between the owner of the site and the developer (contractor) is the conclusion of an agreement listing all the rights and obligations of the parties.

The contract document includes two parts: legal and technical.

The first is the text itself and briefly describes the essence of the relationship between the parties. It includes:

  • Introductory part.
  • Description of the subject matter of the contract.
  • Planned stages of construction.
  • Indication of the cost of services and works.
  • Specific terms for the implementation of construction and repair activities.
  • The list of rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement, as well as an indication of their responsibility.
  • The terms under which payment will be made.
  • List of force majeure circumstances.

In addition to the text part, the contract must necessarily include design estimates, otherwise it may be invalidated. The technical section describes which building codes will be applied when building a house, as well as the type and scope of the work itself.

When the customer and the contractor have come to a common denominator, and the project has been developed, it is given to experts and specialists for study.

The sequence of actions in the documentation of construction

The very first and most important stage of approval is the submission of the developed project (more precisely, its architectural and planning part) to the local urban planning authority. If the chief architect signs the documents and approves the appearance of the future building, then we can assume that this part of the project has been agreed upon.

Then each following section of the project documentation is submitted to the appropriate authorities:

  • Placement of external networks.
  • Environmental section (when planning the construction of an industrial facility).
  • Section of project documentation on road traffic (in the case when it comes to a motor vehicle object).

When the stage of approvals is completed and all permits are received, the project is sent for a comprehensive examination. This is the name of the state examination of project documentation. Here they check compliance with all norms and requirements: fire, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, as well as those related to labor protection and energy saving. The decision is made by representatives of several instances:

In the event that the construction is financed by budgetary funds, the examination also includes a thorough check of the estimated, base cost. When it is approved, this figure appears in tenders and contract agreements.

If the funds belong to a private person, the customer may refuse to examine the estimate.

Negotiation specifics

In the process of agreeing on a project, the customer or contractor turns to experts for a positive opinion that would confirm the legality and safety of the future construction. Often between designers and specialists there is a misunderstanding due to different views on the current legislation. In this case, to clarify, it is necessary to involve the developers of regulatory documents.

This is the procedure for issuing a building permit. The owner of real estate must go through the same path to carry out its reconstruction, restoration or overhaul.

There is an opinion among home owners that it is almost easier to legitimize the work actually performed (construction or redevelopment) than to obtain approval in the usual way. In practice, this leads to protracted procedures, litigation, fines or, in extreme cases, demolition of the illegal structure.

Today, there are a large number of specialized firms that play the role of intermediaries between customers (owners of land and buildings) and government authorities. As a rule, contacting such specialists can significantly reduce the time for collecting and submitting documents, and also increases the chances of their successful approval. This is due to the fact that professionals are always up to date with the latest news, they know which laws have been repealed or changed, and how one or another rule can be circumvented.

Order service!

We have more than 10 years of experience in coordinating pre-project and project documentation in Moscow and the Moscow region. RFI consult lawyers thoroughly know the legal framework, the peculiarities of paperwork, the sequence of obtaining permits. More than a hundred clients have already taken advantage of our help. All of them received a building permit in less than 3 months after the approval of the project documentation.

We are chosen because:

  • The experience of our lawyers allows us to resolve issues with project approval in Moscow and the Moscow Region in a short time. We control every stage, promptly respond to any comments and achieve a building permit faster than our competitors.
  • We work without the participation of the client. You do not have to spend time going through the authorities, preparing documents, controlling the timing of issuing approvals.
  • We work transparently and are always in touch to answer your questions. Development and approval of pre-project and project documentation is a complex and lengthy process, and we always keep the client informed of the progress.
  • The cost of project coordination services starts from 100 thousand rubles. Taking into account our experience, the number of successful projects, the qualifications of lawyers, our offer is one of the best in Moscow.

Preparation and approval of project documentation: main stages

The main goal of the pre-project stage is to assess the possibility of carrying out work, search for threats and problems in the implementation of the project, and determine its cost. If necessary, our lawyers also determine the investment attractiveness of the object. It is necessary to study the territory of future construction, collect and prepare initial permits, analyze the possibilities of engineering and technical support.

After the project is ready, the procedure for its approval begins. Documents must be approved by all authorities related to construction. The main purpose of inspections is to establish compliance of documents with technical specifications, state standards, building rules, conclusions of control and supervision bodies, etc.

For each project, the list of authorities with which it is required to coordinate the project documentation will be different. For projects we have worked on in the past, we have received permission for:

  • heads of the municipality;
  • Rostechnadzor;
  • MOESK;
  • chief architect;
  • Ministry of Culture;
  • Department of civil defense and emergency situations of Moscow;
  • Department of the Environment;
  • Research Institute "General Plan";
  • Rosaviatsia;
  • UGIBDD of Moscow and Rosavtodor;
  • social security authorities;
  • owners of adjacent land plots;
  • organizations responsible for commissioning communication networks.

The procedure for approval of project documentation in Moscow

Prices and terms for approval of project documentation

The cost of our services in coordinating the construction project is from 100 thousand rubles. You will find out the exact price at the first consultation with our specialist after analyzing the documents. We sign an official contract, which spells out the exact list and cost of work.

The minimum time for approval of the construction project is 1 month. However, if the project is complex and requires coordination with a large list of authorities, the work can take up to six months. We promptly respond to the requirements of regulatory organizations, agree on changes to the project, so long delays are excluded.

Contact RFI consult - and save your company's resources, time and effort. Our lawyers will make sure that the construction project is error-free and will receive permits as soon as possible.

From the point of view of the variety of forms and the number of participants, construction is unlikely to be compared with any other type of industrial activity. The process of creating a single object (for example, a tunnel, a bridge, a high-rise building) can involve thousands of organizations performing a variety of types of work - from engineering and geodetic surveys to painting walls. It is not surprising that construction activity in Moscow, as well as in Russia as a whole, is associated with obtaining all kinds of documentation, from licensing to permits for putting an object into operation. What steps precede obtaining a building permit in the capital? Is it obligatory to inform citizens about town-planning plans?

According to Art. 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, as well as their overhaul, if during its implementation the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of such facilities are affected, are carried out on the basis of a building permit.

The procedure for preparing and collecting documents required to obtain a permit for the construction, reconstruction of an urban planning facility, the Government of Moscow - in accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated July 9, 2003 N 50 "On the procedure for preparing and obtaining permits for the construction, reconstruction of urban planning facilities in the city Moscow" (hereinafter - the Law of the City of Moscow N 50) and in executing it - specified in its resolutions of September 28, 2004 N 671-PP "On ensuring the implementation of the law of the city of Moscow of July 9, 2003 N 50 "On the procedure for preparing and obtaining permits for the construction, reconstruction of town-planning objects in the city of Moscow" and of January 25, 2005 N 43-PP "On the procedure for considering applications for the placement of town-planning objects in the city of Moscow".

According to the specified regulatory legal acts, in order to obtain such documents as a building permit, an order for earthworks and an order for construction and installation works, a legal entity must first perform a number of preparatory actions. Let's name them and consider the most important of them.

1. Collection of initial data for design(obtaining a cadastral certificate, geo-subjects, conducting engineering-geological and environmental surveys).

2. Preparation of technical specifications for design.

3. Preparation of pre-project proposals.

4. Obtaining interim approvals of pre-project proposals.

5. Obtaining a conclusion on the compliance of the construction (reconstruction) object with urban planning standards.

6. Obtaining an act of permitted use of the land plot. The most important link in the chain of actions prior to obtaining a construction permit is the execution of an act of permitted use of a land plot (hereinafter also referred to as ARI).

According to Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Law of Moscow N 50 design documentation for construction, reconstruction (hereinafter referred to as project documentation) is developed in accordance with the requirements of: an act of permitted use of the territory; town-planning and construction norms and rules; assignment approved by the developer (customer), including the initial data and design conditions submitted by the authorized supervisory authorities, executive authorities, operating organizations, as well as the relevant local government.

According to the Procedure for preparing an act of permitted use of a site of the territory of an urban planning object (land plot) for construction, reconstruction, the ARI is an obligatory part of the decision on the construction, reconstruction of an urban planning object and is approved as part of this decision.

The development, execution and issuance of ARI is carried out by the body of architecture and urban planning of Moscow (Moskomarchitectura) in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 28, 2004 N 671-PP.

ARI is issued at the expense of the developer (customer), who expresses his intention to carry out the construction, reconstruction of the urban development facility in the prescribed manner.

The term for considering the application and making a decision by the commission of the Architectural Council of the Moscow Committee for Architecture on the possibility and procedure for preparing the ARI is up to one month.

7. Obtaining an order from the prefect (Decree of the Government of Moscow) on the approval of the act of permitted use. In accordance with Art. 13 of the Law of the City of Moscow N 50, a developer who has a land plot or a real estate object for reconstruction and intends to carry out construction or reconstruction must apply to the prefecture of the corresponding administrative district with a statement indicating data on the land plot belonging to him, another real estate object, as well as purpose and expected characteristics of the town-planning object. The prefecture on the basis of the approved plan for the location of construction, reconstruction and the conclusion of the body of architecture and urban planning of Moscow on the compliance of the declared construction, reconstruction with urban planning requirements within forty-five days informs the developer in writing about the results of consideration of his application.

If the declared construction (reconstruction) does not contradict the approved plan for the placement of construction, reconstruction and urban planning requirements, the next stage begins:

a) the body of architecture and urban planning of Moscow draws up an act of permitted use of a site on the territory of an urban development facility on the basis of existing urban planning documentation or a newly developed urban planning justification for construction, reconstruction;
b) the prefecture of the administrative district prepares, approves, submits for approval a decision on construction, reconstruction.

8. Conclusion of an investment contract with the Government of Moscow. According to part 3 of Art. 13 of the Law of the City of Moscow N 50, a developer who intends to carry out construction, reconstruction and purchase for these purposes a land plot, another property that is the property of the city of Moscow, may take part in the tender for the acquisition of the right to a land plot, another property for construction, reconstruction.

The procedure for holding competitions and auctions for the selection of investors for the implementation of investment projects is established by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 27, 2004 N 255-PP.

These tenders are organized by the authorized executive authorities of Moscow in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of Moscow, plans for the location of construction, reconstruction, decisions on construction, reconstruction. The tender documentation provided to a potential developer must include: an act of permitted use of a site of the territory of an urban development object, a draft agreement (contract) between the developer and the authorized executive body of Moscow, containing mutual obligations of the parties regarding the fulfillment of the requirements and conditions for the permitted use of a site of the territory of an urban development object . The protocol with the results of the competition is the basis for the winner of the competition to receive documents certifying his right to a land plot, a real estate object intended for reconstruction.

The winning bidder signs an investment contract or a long-term land lease agreement together with a person authorized by the Moscow City Government.

Further relations between the executive authorities and the winner of the competition are determined by the terms of the contract and the relevant administrative document of the Government of Moscow on the reconstruction or construction of the facility, specifying the conditions for the implementation of the investment project.

In cases established by law, a developer may purchase a land plot or other real estate object owned by the city of Moscow for construction or reconstruction without holding a tender.

9. Drawing up and coordination of the assignment for design. According to the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow of April 11, 2000 N 378-RM "On the Regulations on the unified procedure for pre-design and design preparation of construction in Moscow", the design task is a mandatory part of the initial documentation approved by the customer and determining the nature and scope of the architectural and urban planning activities at the facility. This document includes the whole complex of the main requirements of the customer and the conditions of the initial permit documentation.

10. Obtaining technical conditions for connection to external engineering networks. Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks, as well as the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks on the basis of clause 10 of Art. 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83 "On approval of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks and the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks".

11. Preparation of project documentation(ensuring the development of the project and control over this process).

12. Obtaining a certificate of approval of the architectural and urban planning solution. In accordance with the mentioned Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated April 11, 2000 N 378-RM, the architectural and urban planning solution (architectural design) of the object is subject to coordination and approval by the Moscow Architecture Committee.

Consideration of architectural and urban planning decisions is carried out in accordance with the regulations for the work of the Architectural Council of the Moscow Committee for Architecture, approved by the order of the Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow dated October 28, 1996 N 1033-RP "On the Architectural Council of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow".

The architectural and town-planning decision is considered by the Moscow Committee for Architecture within one month.

Approval of the architectural and urban planning solution is formalized by the appropriate certificate of the established form (see Appendix 12 to the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated April 11, 2000 N378-RM), which reflects the fundamental urban planning and volume-spatial solution, the location and dimensions of the object, its design and artistic registration. On the title page of the volume of project materials, on the drawings of the general plan and facades of the object, the stamp of the Office for the Preparation of Approval of Projects of the Moscow Architecture Committee is affixed.

The certificate of approval of the architectural and urban planning solution is subject to registration with the Urban Planning Cadastre Service of Moscow.

13. Obtaining a color passport. In accordance with the order of the Moscow Architecture Committee of September 7, 2000 N 98, design organizations, customers, developers, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation, when submitting an architectural and urban planning solution to an object to the Moscow Architecture Committee, must include in its composition materials on a coloristic solution.

Registration of the passport "Coloristic solution, materials and technology of work" is carried out for new construction objects in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.

14. Coordination of project documentation. According to the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated April 11, 2000 N 378-RM, pre-project and project documentation is subject to approval by authorized organizations in the manner prescribed by legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

Coordination of project documentation is carried out by the customer.

In special cases (depending on the features of the space-planning indicators of objects, their historical and cultural significance, location in territories with special urban planning regulations) at the request of the Moscow Architecture Committee and Moscow State Expertise, as well as the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow (during the state environmental expertise) additional approvals of pre-project and design documentation may be carried out with organizations authorized by the current legal acts of Moscow to exercise control over compliance with the relevant norms and rules. Other organizations authorized to exercise the functions of supervision and control carry out review and approval, preparation of conclusions of pre-project and project documentation within their competence without prior agreement with other organizations.

Two weeks are given for approval of pre-project documentation (preparation of conclusions) by control, supervision and operating organizations.

15. Obtaining the conclusion of the Moscow State Expertise. According to the order of the Mayor of Moscow of April 11, 2000 N 378-RM, construction projects, working projects (approved part), territory development projects (regardless of the sources of financing of work and the form of ownership of the customer) are subject to state examination in accordance with the procedure established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow and the Regulations on the unified procedure for pre-project and design preparation of construction in the city of Moscow, approved by this order of the mayor of Moscow.

State expertise of design documentation related to facilities in Moscow is carried out by Moscow State Expertise at the request of the customer.

16. Obtaining a permit for construction, reconstruction. Project documentation is subject to mandatory state non-departmental expertise.

According to Article 18 of the Law of the City of Moscow N 50, in order to obtain a permit for construction, reconstruction, the developer (customer) must submit the following documents to the executive body authorized by the Government of Moscow:

a) an application in the form established by the Government of Moscow;
b) documents certifying the right to use a land plot, other real estate;
c) a document confirming the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement (contract) on construction, reconstruction, to be completed before obtaining a building permit;
d) approved, duly registered project documentation, the conclusion of the state examination body regarding the project documentation.

The body of architecture and urban planning of Moscow within a period of up to twenty days considers the submitted documents and draws up, registers and issues a building permit to the developer (customer) or sends to the applicant in writing a refusal to issue a building permit, reconstruction indicating the reason for the refusal, returns to the developer ( customer) all the documentation submitted by him.

17. Obtaining a warrant for earthworks. A permit for construction, reconstruction is the basis for issuing an order (orders) to the contractor (contractor) for the performance of preparatory, excavation and construction works provided for by the construction organization project approved in the established manner. These warrants are issued by the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow in the field of administrative and technical supervision.

18. Issuance of permits and warrants for construction and installation works. In addition to a building permit, in order to perform construction work, it is also necessary to obtain a permit for construction and installation work.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Model Regulations on the procedure for issuing permits for construction and installation works (approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated June 3, 1992 N 131), such a permit is issued to the customer based on the decision of the territorial executive authorities on the construction of this object.

Permits for the performance of construction and installation works are divided into two types: for the performance of all construction works and for the performance of certain types of such work (preparatory work, earthworks, laying communications, foundations, etc.).

When transferring the right to build an object to another investor, changing the organizational and legal form of the customer organization, the specified permit is subject to re-registration.

On the basis of the project documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure, the following documents are issued by specially authorized organizations:

  • the Inspectorate of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision of Moscow (IGASN, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 28, 2005 N 1064-PP, was transformed into the Committee of State Construction Supervision of Moscow) issues a permit for construction and installation works;
  • The association of administrative and technical inspections of the Government of Moscow (OATI) issues an order for preparatory, excavation and construction work.

According to Art. 7 of the Law of the City of Moscow N 50, it is necessary to familiarize citizens with urban development plans for a specific territory, develop working documentation, and comply with some other formalities. The procedure for informing citizens about the implementation of urban planning projects is regulated by the Law of Moscow dated June 25, 1997 N 28-51 "On protecting the rights of citizens in the implementation of urban planning decisions in the city of Moscow", by order of the Mayor of Moscow dated January 22, 1998 N 54-RM " On the procedure for the participation of citizens in the discussion of urban planning plans, projects and decisions on issues related to the use of urban areas.

*1) Annex 2 to the above-mentioned Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 28, 2004 N 671-PP // SPS "Garant".

Journal "Legislation" N 5/2008, S.Yu. Labutin

Coordination and approval of project documentation is an important stage prior to obtaining permits for the construction and reconstruction of facilities. Without appropriate approvals, the construction or redevelopment of the facility will be considered illegal. That is why it is important to entrust this process to professionals.

Coordination of project documentation in construction is a long and multi-stage procedure that allows you to determine the compliance of design solutions with established technical requirements. All decisions on the future facility prepared by the designer are subject to approval, and it depends on the type of facility in which supervisory structures this stage is to be passed. In the last few years, the requirements for project documentation have been seriously tightened. Only competent specialists are able to provide all the necessary documents that require service, know the deadlines for their submission and constantly monitor changes in the legislative framework.

Company specialists are engaged in the development and approval of project documentation for residential, commercial and industrial facilities. We have considerable experience in coordinating various projects and are ready to help you at this stage. This will significantly reduce the time frame and avoid downtime in the workflow, which helps to reduce the costs of our customers.

We provide the following services for the coordination of design and estimate documentation:

  • General contract
  • Technical customer service
  • Obtaining initial permit documentation (IRD)
  • Intermediate approvals in the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning (KGA)
  • Intermediate approvals in the department of cultural heritage of the city of Moscow
  • Obtaining technical conditions for connection to engineering networks (TU)
  • Coordination of the project in the executive authorities
  • Coordination of the project in supplying organizations and conclusion of contracts for connection to networks
  • Passage of the state non-departmental examination of the project
  • Obtaining a building permit
  • Preparing the facility for commissioning
  • Commissioning and registration of ownership
  • Coordination of the gas supply of the facility (if necessary)
  • Coordination of redevelopment
  • Obtaining a permit for the reconstruction of a cultural heritage site
  • Preparation of tender documentation for bidding. Composition of tender documents.

Approval of project documentation for construction

The development and approval of project documentation for the construction of buildings or major repairs begins with the customer's contact with the design company. At this stage, the client and the technical director agree on the timing and cost of the planned work. Coordination and approval of project documentation can be implemented at any stage of the designer’s work, so you don’t have to worry if you didn’t immediately place an order for such a service.

We value the time of our customers, therefore we are ready to defend the interests of our customers in the competent authorities. We will help you to coordinate design solutions in:

  • Prefecture
  • City building department
  • Department of Natural Resources
  • Rospotrebnadzor
  • District architecture
  • and other regulatory agencies.

After the approval of the design and estimate documentation in the regulatory authorities, you can submit documentation for obtaining a permit for new construction or reconstruction of an existing facility to Mosgosstroynadzor. Our experts know the exact list of required documents and will help you get permission in a short time.

Having entrusted this procedure to the design organization of Moscow , you are guaranteed and on time to receive all permits, thereby protecting yourself from conflicts with supervisory services. Company – a reliable assistant in coordinating projects!

5 reasons to ask for help in carrying out approvals of project documentation to rather than doing it yourself:

  • The approval process lasts from 1 to 6 months. With a quick approval and receipt of a construction permit in the Moscow region, as well as other necessary documentation, you can avoid downtime in the workflow, which helps to reduce costs.
  • For objects of varying complexity, for projects of different composition and volume, the procedure for submitting documents and agreeing with authorities is different. We have serious experience in coordinating project documentation in Moscow and we know how to do it in the shortest possible time.
  • Regulations on registration and submission of documents are constantly tightened. We control this process and always have up-to-date information, which also helps to optimize the time and cost of approvals.
  • The choice of a design organization for approval of project documentation in construction guarantees the prompt introduction of the necessary adjustments, both in the text and in the graphic part of the project. A specialist who deals only with the coordination of documentation will not be able to do it on his own.
  • Our employees are specialists in design, possessing the necessary knowledge and qualifications for the development and approval of design estimates. Therefore, all decisions made and agreed with the customer on the project are well protected and defended before the experts and employees of the authorities.

Technical customer service

The functions of the technical customer are, first of all, in defending the interests of the investor in matters of design and construction, obtaining permits.

The work of a technical customer is not only in the executive functions, because the optimization of the timing and cost of the project depends on his technical awareness and qualifications. A competent technical customer saves not only time, but also material resources of the customer.

Depending on the size, purpose and complexity of the object, it is necessary to obtain a number of permits, approvals and conclusions. It is necessary to take into account the terms of consideration of applications, as well as the fact that violation of the simplest formalities in registration can lead to a reasoned refusal. Only a specialist with experience and qualifications, who knows the entire list of necessary authorities, understands regulatory documents, the procedure and process for submitting documentation, can carry out the necessary procedures promptly and without additional costs. This is the advantage of ordering the services of a technical customer.

In addition, the technical customer supervises the construction and works with the design organization on behalf of the investor, translating the customer's wishes for the designers in technical language, and vice versa, clearly conveying the ideas of the designers to the investor.

The participation of a technical customer begins with the development of technical specifications and ends with obtaining permission to put the constructed object into operation. The investor can entrust him with both the full support of the project and its individual stages.

Design company offers high-quality services of qualified specialists with many years of experience in project support. And the large technical base of our designers allows them to always get urgent advice and clarify a number of technical issues. Our company offers comprehensive project implementation services, including the development of all stages and sections of project documentation.

Collection and execution of initial permits (IRD)

Preparation and collection of initial permits is the initial stage of the construction project implementation, along with pre-project studies. The process is inevitable and often time consuming. A package of initial permits is collected by the technical customer and is required to obtain a building permit.

The list of initial permits at the initial stage varies depending on the specifics of the facility, but always includes:

  • Urban planning documentation, in particular, a land plot plan (GPZU);
  • Technical and economic indicators of the future facility (TEP);
  • Placement of the object on the ground;
  • Designation of the boundaries of the land;
  • Technical conditions for connection to life support networks.

Basic initial permits for design and new construction or major repairs are collected by the developer who manages the land or a trusted technical customer.

After receiving the basic initial permit documentation, passing the town planning council, the process of obtaining a number of decisions of the local administration on the design, hearings on the object, the technical customer initializes the design. The developed project documentation must necessarily pass a commercial or state examination.

Based on the results of passing the expert organization, a positive conclusion of the project examination is obtained. Further, it is necessary to coordinate the initial permitting and design documentation with local governments to issue a building permit - the final result.

Company is ready to help not only with the development of project documentation, but also with full support of the project, including the collection and preparation of initial permits. In addition, we can contribute to the prompt receipt of a conclusion of compliance of the constructed object with the designed one (AIA) and to achieve the earliest possible commissioning of the facility (obtain a permit).

Approval of project documentation and organization of expertise

The next stage after receiving the town-planning conclusion is the organization of the examination of project documentation. The main task of the design expertise is to assess the design documentation for compliance with the terms of technical regulations, environmental, sanitary and epidemiological requirements, industrial and fire safety, as well as the results of engineering surveys carried out at the construction site.

The state expertise of new construction projects is also taken to assess the object from the point of view of the protection of cultural heritage, if it is being built on a territory of historical value, an architectural monument or in any way affects it. Project documentation is checked especially carefully during the restoration or reconstruction of a cultural heritage site.

It should be noted that private residential buildings are less than three floors, and also, if the repair does not affect the change in the purpose of the building and the load-bearing structures, design expertise is not needed.

For prompt and trouble-free passage of state or non-state (commercial) examination of project documentation, it is necessary to entrust the organization of this process to specialists (in particular, to a technical customer).

Company has qualified, experienced employees who will not only be able to correctly collect, execute, submit documentation for consideration by experts, but also defend design solutions with high quality using weighty technical arguments.

Coordination of redevelopment

Redevelopment - dismantling (or erecting new) partitions or walls, affecting load-bearing structures, door, window openings, arranging openings in load-bearing walls, etc. Redevelopment also includes the reconstruction of water supply and sewerage: bathrooms, plumbing fixtures, the arrangement of new nodes. This includes the change of entrance groups, the arrangement of evacuation exits.

Redevelopment - any differences between the actual plan of the premises and those indicated in the plan for the technical inventory bureau. Even minor redevelopment of residential premises requires its mandatory approval.

Coordination of the redevelopment of non-residential premises and buildings takes place in several successive stages:

  • Carrying out pre-design developments for redevelopment;
  • Development of a project for the implementation of redevelopment works;
  • Coordination of the project of redevelopment of the premises with authorities;
  • Obtaining permission to redevelop the premises;
  • Putting the premises into operation;
  • Re-registration of property rights.

Coordination of the reconstruction and redevelopment in the authorities may take 1-2 months. It takes about 45 days to agree on the redevelopment of a residential building (consideration of documents by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate), but it will take about 1 more month for the state commission to sign the Act of Completing the Redevelopment of Premises in an Apartment Building.

It takes from 3 weeks to 1.5 months to issue a new package of documents at the BTI. Another month is required in order to reissue the certificate of state registration. registration of ownership of the premises in Rosreestr.

Coordination of redevelopment of premises in residential or non-residential buildings takes a long time. In this case, it is necessary to carry out measurements of the premises, design work.

Company " » provides comprehensive services: from measuring the premises to putting the facility into operation. We not only develop redevelopment projects, but also independently coordinate them in the authorities.

Company " » specializes in coordinating the redevelopment of capital structures, residential multi-apartment buildings and large non-residential premises. We do not specialize in single redevelopment of private apartments and rooms.

Obtaining a building permit

Company " » provides a full range of services for the preparation of all necessary documentation for obtaining a building permit in Moscow and the Moscow region

If you want to build or reconstruct an object in Moscow, we can perform a full cycle of necessary work, namely:

  1. Obtaining a GPZU in Moscomarchitecture
  2. Obtaining technical specifications for connection to MOEK, MOESK, Mosvodokanal, Mosvodostok, etc.
  3. Obtaining a Geobase in Mosgorgeotrest
  4. Development of project documentation and carrying out the necessary surveys
  5. Obtaining a positive conclusion on the passage of the examination of the project stage "Project" in Moscow State Expertise or non-governmental expert organizations
  6. Obtaining a positive decision in Mosgostroynadzor on issuing a permit for the construction or reconstruction of the facility
  7. Obtaining a positive permit in the OPS Mosgorgeotrest
  8. Coordination of the construction plan in the UGR Moskomarchitectura
  9. Obtaining an OATI warrant to start earthworks and install temporary fences
  10. Coordination of project documentation in Rospotrebnadzor (for a certain type of objects)
  11. Coordination of project documentation in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (for a certain type of objects)

Contact the specialists of our company to get a range of services for obtaining a building permit. We ourselves will coordinate the design and initial permit documentation in various instances and expert bodies, providing you with the finished result.

Obtaining a permit for the reconstruction of a cultural heritage site

Company , as a technical customer, provides a range of services for obtaining all necessary permits for the reconstruction of a cultural heritage site in Moscow and the Moscow region.

According to the law "On Cultural Heritage Objects", their owners are obliged to bear the cost of maintaining and maintaining the object in proper condition.

The owner is obliged to perform: repair, restoration, conservation, adaptation of the object for modern use, including research, survey, design and production work, architectural supervision of the work

If you are the owner of an identified, regional or federal cultural heritage site (or part thereof), and decide to reconstruct it and adapt it for modern use, our company will provide you with a range of services:

  1. Conducting a historical and cultural study of the object and its approval by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Cultural Heritage).
  2. Work on the removal of claims against the owner of a cultural heritage object from the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage for failure to comply on time with the instructions to carry out work to preserve the object, if such were received.
  3. Obtaining from the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage an assignment for the development of a Technical Conclusion (technical inspection) of a cultural heritage object.
  4. Development of the Project for the preservation of the facility, or the Project for emergency response.
  5. Conducting historical and cultural expertise of project documentation.
  6. Coordination of project documentation and expert opinion in the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage.
  7. Obtaining a building permit.
  8. Carrying out designer and technical supervision of the progress of work with the preparation of a report.
  9. Obtaining an act of acceptance of work on the preservation of a cultural heritage site.

Obtaining permission for the reconstruction of a cultural heritage site is difficult and time-consuming. In order not to waste time, nerves and money, entrust such procedures to a team of professionals , which has many years of experience in working with such objects. Only in this way can you accurately fulfill all the requirements prescribed by law and reconstruct a cultural heritage site.

Approval of documentation for the implementation of the technological connection of engineering networks (obtaining technical specifications)

Company has a successful experience in the development and approval of projects for technological connection (connection) of engineering networks to objects that are both private and state property.

The motto of our company is the maximum possible saving of the customer's money due to optimally adopted design solutions. When designing off-site networks, we use the least expensive solutions for laying communications and justify the correctness of these decisions to the coordinating organizations.

Working with us, you can get as soon as possible:

  1. Obtaining the Geobase and archival geology in MOSGORGEOTREST.
  2. Development of project documentation in accordance with the regulations and requirements of connecting companies.
  3. Submission of project documentation and support of the application to MOSVODOKANAL, MOESK, MOEK, MOSVODOSTOK MOSENERGO, RVS, REVS, MKS and others until a positive result is issued on the correctness of the project.
  4. Submission of project documentation and support of the application to the UGR of MOSCOW ARCHITECTURE.
  5. Submission of an application for approval of the master plan of engineering networks to the OPS Mosgorgeotrest.
  6. Submission and approval of the master plan in the District Administration.
  7. Coordination of the route of cable lines in the Cable Route Service.
  8. Possible other necessary approvals due to the specifics of the technical conditions (TS) issued to you.

Thanks to its experience in passing approvals for technological connection of various facilities, the company can provide its customers with the fastest possible receipt of positive answers from all necessary state authorities.

Knowledge of the regulations and requirements in the preparation of project documentation allows specialists minimize the return of projects for revision and thereby reduce the total time for connection and commissioning of the facility.

The design and estimate documentation includes a set of documents established in the regulatory order - design and working documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of real estate objects, developed on the basis of:

The conditions reflected in Initial permit documentation;
- Terms of Reference;
- rules and regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The Town Planning Code of Russia has established a mandatory development for the planned construction, reconstruction project documentation. Moreover, the rights of the developer (investor) must be registered on the site within the boundaries of which construction is carried out.
The set of project materials includes text documentation and a graphic part. The Decree of the Government of Russia established the completeness of the project documentation and its content. The text design materials should contain:
- information about the object under construction,
- a list of engineering solutions,
- explanatory note,
- links to the normative and technical documentation regulating the preparation of the project,
- design calculations, on the basis of which architectural decisions were made.
The drawings should reflect the adopted design decisions in the form of plans, diagrams and other documents displayed in graphical form.

At the approval stage, design documentation for construction is approved by authorized state organizations

At the approval stage, project documentation is approved by the authorized state organizations of Moscow, where a positive expert opinion is issued for it in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city.
Coordination of project documentation in Moscow carries out Technical customer.

Examination of project documentation

The result of engineering surveys and the project are subject to mandatory expertise. Since April 2012 examination of the result project documentation can be carried out both in the form of state and non-state expertise. Moreover, the conclusion of a non-state, should be taken on a par with the state expertise.
Subject of examination - compliance with:
- requirements of technical regulations;
- results of engineering surveys;
- requirements for the content of sections of such documents;
- sanitary standards;
- fire safety requirements;
- requirements for the protection of cultural heritage sites.
The result of the examination is a conclusion on compliance (non-compliance) with the above requirements.
The state expertise is carried out by the executive authority (subordinate state institution).
Non-state expertise can be carried out by legal entities that meet the requirements established in Article No. 50 of the Civil Code of Russia.

Sections of project documentation

Project documentation sections should include:
Explanatory note.
Scheme of the land plot.
A project developed by an architect and taking into account the economic, social, engineering, functional, fire safety, technical and other requirements for the object.
Space-planning solutions.
Information about engineering and technical support and engineering equipment, a list of technological solutions:
- power supply;
- water supply;
- water disposal;
- ventilation, heating, air conditioning, heating networks;
- communication networks;
- gas supply.
Demolition project (if necessary).
Construction project.
List of measures for environmental protection.
Measures to ensure fire safety.
Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities.
Measures to ensure compliance with the requirements for the energy equipment of buildings with metering devices.
Other documentation in cases stipulated by laws.