Stepa chops firewood (grade 6) (School essays). Essay on the topic: Stepa chops firewood Presentation - Preparation for an essay based on plot pictures "Stepa chops firewood"

Styopa chops firewood

Do you know our Styopa? He's a scary braggart.

Yesterday I chopped all the wood in half an hour, - said Styopa once.

When did you learn? we ask.

And I can do it for a long time, - he replies.

Then show me, and we'll see how you do it.

We went into the yard. Styopa took the ax and the largest block of wood, swung it and thrust the ax into its very middle. But I can't get it out.

Oh, you, Styopa, you don't know how - don't take it! - laughing
- Now I will split, you will see! - Stepan shouts.

However, the ax got stuck firmly. Styopa took and pulled the ax towards himself. The ax escaped from his hands - and straight into the jaw! Correctly they say: "He who boasts, he will fall off the mountain."

Since then, Styopa stopped bragging about his skills, and we never reminded him of his embarrassment.

Do you know our Styopa? (Asks., Nevokl., Simple, two-part., Gram, base - you don't know, rastr.)

Do you know our Styopa? He's a scary braggart.

Yesterday I chopped all the wood in half an hour, ”Styopa said once.
- When did you learn? we ask.
“I’ve been able to do it for a long time,” he replies.
- Then show me, and we'll see how you do it ...

Styopka was not taken aback and decided to show his friends what he was capable of. After all, as the saying goes, whoever is not afraid of work, is arguing with him. Styopa, of course, did not know how to chop wood at all, but since he was a terrible braggart, he could not help but do this. Otherwise, his friends will laugh at him, call him a coward or a deceiver.

With clumsy hands Styopka took an ax, which seemed too heavy to him. Previously, looking at his father from the side, the boy thought that chopping wood was an extraordinary business. But now, having tested it on himself, he realized that this requires considerable experience, skill and dexterity. All these thoughts rushed through the boy's head in an instant. Then Styopka put the log in front of him, which he intended to split. The boy made a lot of efforts to pick up this ax, but it seems too much effort: the ax suddenly fell sharply towards the boy and hit him with its back. All this happened so quickly that Styopka lost consciousness for a second. But Stepkin's friends immediately caught themselves and rushed to help a friend. Fortunately, the boy quickly regained consciousness. True, the consequences of his excessive boasting will remain in Stepka's memory in the form of a huge bump!

So, Stepkina's self-confidence ultimately let him down, his friends, of course, did not take offense at him, and even more so they laugh at the boy. Sometimes you have to admit your mistakes, otherwise you can find yourself in an extremely awkward position! Popular wisdom says: whoever boasts will fall off the mountain.

Essay on the topic: Styopa chops firewood

Styopa chops firewood

Do you know our Styopa? He's a scary braggart.

“Yesterday I chopped all the wood in half an hour,” Styopa said once.

- When did you learn? We ask.

“I’ve been able to do it for a long time,” he replies.

- Then show, and we'll see how you do it.

Styopa boldly walked over to the woodpile, took a huge, heavy block lying next to it. We looked at Styopa doubtfully:

- Stepan, take a smaller lump!

But Styopa did not listen to anyone. He swung from all over

Force an ax and hacked into the very center of the block. As you might expect, the ax got stuck - neither here nor there.

Styopa was pushing, pushing, trying to pull the ax out of the tree. It would be better if he didn’t do it! The ax suddenly jumped out of the block and the next second an unpleasant sound was heard: the butt of the ax broke Stepa's lip!

Styopa walked for a long time with a plaster on his lip. It can be seen that the people say the truth: "It is easy to boast, it is easy to fall down."


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Continue with the next story:
Do you know our Styopa? He's a scary braggart.
“Yesterday I chopped all the wood in half an hour,” Styopa said once.
- When did you learn? we ask.
“I’ve been able to do it for a long time,” he replies.
- Then show me, and we'll see how you do it ...

Composition Stepa firewood splits grade 6

- ... Or maybe you can teach us? It will come in handy in life.
- Well, let's go to my yard, I'll show you everything, how much I stabbed.
We followed Stepan to his house. On the way, he told us a lot more about how he then laid the firewood neatly in a woodpile.

At the entrance, right next to the gate of the Stepkino yard, sat his furry dog ​​named Trizor. He began to bark at us with his deaf, drawn-out bass and Styopa immediately ran to drag him to the enclosure.
- Quiet, quiet! Ugh! These are yours! - shouted at the dog Styopa.
Trizor did not stop, barking at us, but still obediently followed the owner. After the dog was securely locked in the cage, Stepan said:
- Now you can go. Let's go to the backyard, you will see everything there.
- Let's go to. Can't the dog escape?
- No, my grandfather made a reliable aviary, solid, he just taught me how to chop wood.
In the backyard, under a canopy, we saw ready-made firewood piled up to the very top, and nearby there were not chopped chops. Stepan competently took an ax, put a small chock on the log, took aim with an ax at the crack on the end of the log and drove the point of the ax into it. Then he turned over and banged the butt on the log, after which the log split in half. We stood surprised by what we saw. None of us believed that the braggart Styopa really can do something. Meanwhile, Stepan split the second, third log.
- Well done! We thought that you, as usual, were bragging about, and you are so dashing to chop everything down, ”one of us shouted enthusiastically.
- I told you - my grandfather taught.

Option 2

My name is Kolya. I am a student of 6 "B" grade. Now we, together with my best friend Styopa, are going to his house. Styopka studies in the same rural school as me, only in a parallel class. He enjoys an unenviable reputation as a terrible braggart. Because of this, people in his class do not want to be friends with him. I never wanted to believe it until he came to my class. He began to talk loudly about what kind of helper he is in his family and how much and cleverly he chops wood. My class started teasing him and I felt sorry for him. But I did not succumb to this feeling and made Styopa leave.

After class I met him and for the first time called him a wild braggart who deserves a laugh. He, not in the least offended, began to assure me otherwise. In the end, we argued that he would not even split a single small log.

Finally we came to his house. There was no one there. Styopa, without even changing his clothes, ran after the ax. And so, finding him, he ran out with him into the yard to the log, swung and with an awkwardly weak movement plunged the sharp blade into the log. Trying to lift the tree, he pulled out the ax with a sharp movement and he hit him in the teeth with his blunt end. Seeing this, I was so afraid for my boastful friend, and immediately ran up to him. Fortunately, his teeth were still intact. Steep burst into tears on my shoulder.

After this incident, he never bragged again, and yet he really learned to chop wood. Stepka will never forget how he felt the power of the Russian proverb - "To brag is not to smear the wheels!"

6th grade. Russian language

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Presentation - Preparation for an essay based on plot pictures "Stepa chops firewood"

Text of this presentation

Municipal educational institution Lugovskaya secondary school of the Kineshemsky municipal district of the Ivanovo region Lesson in the development of speech in the 6th grade

The place of the lesson in the educational process: the third lesson in the "Verb" section (after repeating what was learned on this topic in grade 5).

To develop universal educational actions (UUD): - personal (realize creative potential, achieve positive labor results); - regulatory (to participate in goal-setting, learn to plan your activities, evaluate the correctness of your choice, carry out introspection), - cognitive (understanding the relationship between form and content, analysis of linguistic situations); - communicative (participation in various types of communication). Techniques and methods. Dictionary work (lexical, spelling. Etymological), text editing, work with a dictionary, work with a textbook, the use of computer technology.

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed down to us by our predecessors. I.S.Turgenev

Br ... clearly ridge ... (?) H ... rban p..leno blocking other ... va ailment ... st

FIREWOOD - wood felled for fuel in chumps, in chopping blocks or in logs, and small firewoods with brushwood. (Firewood has risen in price now. There is not enough firewood.) V. And Dal. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language
FIREWOOD. Sawed and usually chopped into logs trees for fuel. (Birch firewood. Dry firewood. Bundle of firewood. Chop firewood.

1. If a block of wood (a block of wood, a block of wood, a block of wood - a short block of a log, poles) is divided into logs - then chop it. 2. By the way, they prick, not prick (at least injections, at least firewood) (vb. 1 conjugate.). 3. As a rule, firewood is chopped with a special tool - a cleaver. 4. Other operations with wood are usually carried out with an ax - chopping. (They cut trees for firewood and other household needs)

An ax is a tool, usually with a metal blade, rigidly attached to a handle, usually a wooden one. There is a type of ax called a Teslo in which the blade is turned perpendicular to the handle.

Hatchet Blade Butt Wedge Slotting Toe Beard

A cleaver is a type of ax designed for chopping wood. The cleaver has a dull blade that does not cut the log, but splits it (hence the name of the tool).

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass

Let's sum up and evaluate our work. Continue the sentences. - In the lesson, I repeated ... - I learned that ... - I encountered difficulties when ... - I easily coped with the task ... - I was interested when ... - I evaluate my work ... - I evaluate the work of the class ... - Will it be useful to you in life knowledge gained today in the lesson?

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