Thief: Passage. Thief Complete Walkthrough (2014) Thief 4 Walkthrough Dirty Secrets

General information:

Achievement difficulty: 7/10

Offline: 37/37 (1000 )

Online: 0/37 (0 )

Estimated time to get 1000: 25-30 hours

Minimum number of passes: 2

Missable Achievements: No (Chapter selection available)

Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes (See Travel Guide/Guide)

Non-Knockable/Glitchy Achievements: Not

Optional equipment: Not required


After 10 long years, Eidos Montreal has finally revived the classic stealth series Thief. The game takes place in a Victorian/Steampunk fantasy world in a city simply called "The City". You play as master thief Garret, who steals from the rich and tries to uncover the dark secrets of the City using various gadgets and stealth techniques. Gameplay is choice-based, so you can decide how you want to play each moment. In terms of achievements, you will unlock part of the secret achievements after completing 8 chapters of the game, as is usually the case. The game also has a lot of collectibles, challenges to spend a certain amount of gold, and achievements that require you to complete the game without killing and undetected. Follow the guide and guide below and you will be able to get all the achievements without any problems.

Story (Rogue/Thief difficulty):

I recommend going very slowly the first time. Set the game difficulty to low to get used to the controls, enemy AI behavior and level design. During this playthrough, you will get 9 of the 12 secret achievements after completing the Prologue and 8 story chapters. You should also focus on getting “” and the secret achievement “ Two Faced” in the very first chapter of the game. Also, you need to get FocusontheTasksatHand / Concentration on the essentials”, One step Ahead / One step ahead , hail of Glass / Glass rain and throughout the progression of the story. Also don't forget to pickpocket throughout the playthrough to achieve "". And finally, don't forget about loot, caches and side quests that will bring you 9 more achievements.

Miscellaneous/Additional Tasks:

There are several achievements that can be obtained during the first playthrough, on subsequent playthroughs, or after completing the game. After completing the story missions, you need to complete the "Thieves' Trials," for completing which, you will receive achievements Dark Archer / Dark Archer and . Next, you will need to find all the caches in the City for achievements. Hidden Agenda and “Finders Keepers / It was yours - it became ours”. Finally, complete all side quests for WorkingOvertime / Overtime” and . You will probably spend more than 15 hours to complete everything, which will unlock the achievement Predatory Drive / The quieter you go - the more you steal .

Second Playthrough (Special Difficulty):

The second full playthrough will be more tedious and stressful, as you will have to complete all the most difficult achievements related to stealth. First, the achievements you'll want to complete together: ”, “ , and . These achievements will require you to complete 3 chapters without taking any damage; do not kill anyone and do not stun; complete almost the entire game without using concentration. Along the way, you can also complete the achievement “ ChildoftheShadows". Remember that the special difficulty must be the equivalent of the Master difficulty, so for the passage you will receive the achievement in one Hard Times . Read more about the special difficulty settings in the corresponding section of the guide.

NOTE: The reason we recommend doing hard stealth achievements on the difficulty is because the modifiers we use in our strategy are not only the easiest, but also great for stealth. Although it may be easier for you to get the achievement A Moral Victory on easier difficulty, you still have to use the No Kills and Stuns modifier, since it costs quite a lot of points, and other equivalent modifiers make the game much more difficult. And don't forget that this will only add an extra pass on your way to 1000 .

Challenge Mode:

Challenge Mode is a fun little spin off from the main game, but still true to the thief's cause, which is robbery! In total, there are 2 maps in the challenge mode - the Northcrest Mansion and the House of Flowers. In addition, there are three game modes - "Time - Money", "Special Loot", "Time - Money (Limit)". In the Time is Money mode, you need as much loot as possible in 60 seconds to earn the maximum number of points. The “Special Loot” mode is similar to “Time is Money”, but with the only difference that a special item is available on the map, which can only be found using the hot / cold indicator. During “Time is Money (Limit)” there is an additional time limit. There is only one achievement in the game that can be obtained in the challenge mode - modestyDenied / Without false modesty”.


At this point, you may only have a few unfinished achievements left. If necessary, you can go to the open world to continue working on the achievement “ Sleight of Hand ". Also, if you're missing a few stashes or side quests, you can complete them in the City, or download previous chapters if needed. For Achievements Priceless / Priceless" and“What" s Yours is Mine / All yours is mine ” make sure you have collected all the collectibles. If you haven't unlocked the achievements yet , “Cache Dispenser / Shake your wallet” and ”, then now is the time. Also, if you missed the last 2 secret achievements, then ask the guide for help.

It is worth remembering that you can replay chapters by returning to the starting point in the open world. These starting points are usually marked with glowing gates or doors. But it is also worth remembering that these points are not indicated on the map, so you have to remember the places where they appear. After you decide to replay the chapter, then all your previous statistics and tests will be reset to zero. And this means that all "Thieves' Trials" in each chapter do not accumulate. The trophies that you have found so far will remain in your inventory, and will not be lost. Only statistics will be reset.


All in all, Thief will be an enjoyable project for any fan of the stealth genre. Although the game does not have a memorable story, the style and classic gameplay make the game just shine. The achievements proved to be quite long to complete and tedious, but they shouldn't cause any particular difficulty over a few playthroughs. Whether you're a fan of the series, a hardcore stealth player, or looking for something new, Thief will satisfy your needs to the fullest with its compelling and addictive game mechanics. Don't miss this game.

Obsessive Compulsive / Obsessive Compulsive


Steal all loot and all items in one chapter.

You can get this achievement already in the first chapter - Blockade. At this level, you have to collect 60 valuable items, which is quite small compared to the rest of the chapters.

You will find many different valuable items ranging from gold coins, bracelets, mirrors, wallets and more. Each item of value will emit a bright sheen, so be sure to carefully look around you throughout the first chapter.

This achievement will NOT unlock immediately after collecting the last item in the area. You will need to finish the chapter to the end. The last piece of loot is in the Jeweler's house, so before jumping through the window, press the button, select Progress > Statistics. If it says “All loot collected”, then you can jump out the window into the street.

Sleight of Hand


Complete 100 pickpockets in a single playthrough.

To pickpocket an NPC, you must sneak up on them from behind and pinch to steal the wallet hanging from their waist. Please note that not all NPCs can have their wallets stolen. I advise you to use concentration in order to determine from afar the guards who can be robbed.

This achievement is cumulative and you will most likely get it by the end of your first playthrough.

Quickly Pick a Lucky Lock


Unbelievably fast to open the lock.

Throughout the game, you will encounter locks that can be picked using Garret's tools. To get the achievement, you need to pick the lock in less than five seconds. There is a little trick that will allow you to easily get the achievement. You need to find the lock, do a quick save, then try to open it. It is worth noting that each spring is usually located approximately at the 3, 6 and 9 o'clock positions. After you remember the location of the springs, then reload the save and quickly pick the lock. If you do this fast enough, the achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Something to Prove / Yes, it means something!


Complete the game on Hard difficulty (700 points or more).

In fact, this achievement is not as scary as it might seem at first glance at the modifier. You can play on Master difficulty with some modifiers that will help you get some achievements related to the hidden passage. So you kill two birds with one stone. You can see more information below, but first the recommended settings:

  • Difficulty Master [ x 1 modifier]
  • No kills or stuns
  • Don't raise the alarm
  • Without concentration
  • Only silent stun
  • No scope
  • Only special arrows
  • Without food and poppy flowers
  • Without damage
  • Expensive Resources

Total = 725

Below you will find out why the choice fell on these modifiers.

Although this walkthrough will not be so easy, this method will allow you not to activate the Iron Man modifier, which disables manual saves and checkpoints. Without using this modifier, you can save at any time and if something doesn’t work out for you, you can always boot up and try again.

Dark Archer / Dark Archer


Complete 10 additional thief challenges.

Cm . “Legend in Leather”.

Legend in Leather


Complete 25 additional thief challenges.

For each mission, whether it be a story or a side mission, additional optional thief challenges are available in each. You can find out what additional tasks you need to complete in a particular mission by clicking on , selecting . Additional tasks are shown on the left side of the screen. Tasks can range from blowing out a certain number of candles to killing guards in the head, and as usual they are associated with a certain style of play. You need 25 of any of these quests to get the achievement. You can check the number of completed tasks in the same Statistics section, and click on or to go to the general statistics. The total number of tests performed will be indicated on the left.

Please note that if you want to replay a mission, your completed challenges will be reset, so it's not worth replaying the mission 2 or 3 times to complete all the objectives. If you still want to replay, then you can see images with all the starting points of chapters and additional tasks from clients.

Mint Condition / Ideal Condition


Complete 3 chapters in a row without taking damage.

I think that you will get this achievement naturally during the passage on the difficulty of Master or Special. In simple terms, just stay away from open skirmishes with opponents. Garrett does not have the ability to get out of such a situation unharmed, which means it is better to avoid conflicts. If for some reason you've taken damage, such as from a guard spotting you, you can always load the last checkpoint.

Focus on the Tasks at Hand


Use concentration to pickpocket and pick the lock.

Concentration allows you to easily detect collectibles, interaction objects, and also slows down time. To use the ability, simply click on . Before you get the achievement, you will need to spend 2 points of concentration to increase the Agility parameter of your ability. Concentration points become available after you visit the Beggar Queen shortly before the start of Chapter 2. You will be rewarded with 1 concentration point, and will also be given the opportunity to buy them with gold. You can immediately approach her and purchase the missing point to immediately improve the ability. Once you've upgraded the ability, you just need to pickpocket and pick the lock while concentrating and the achievement will unlock.

This is a cumulative achievement, you don't have to do both actions in one focus activation.

You can watch the video guide.

A Moral Victory


Complete the game without killing or stunning anyone.

Cm . “Something to Prove / What- thenYesmeans! ”.

One Step Ahead


Defuse 10 traps.

In order to disable the traps, you will first need to purchase wire cutters from the merchant. It can be found near Basso's store. The wire cutters will be available for purchase after Chapter 2. Traps are scattered throughout the City and are often found in chapter transitions and during the most important moments of chapters. The trap is a pressurized plate in front of the loot box.

If you click on this plate, an arrow will shoot you. If you are focusing, you will notice that the trap glows red instead of blue as usual. Usually near the trap, there is a source (power supply), by disabling which you can turn off the trap. Once you've found the power box, open it up and use the wire cutters to cut the wires and disarm the trap. Do this 10 times and the achievement will unlock.

Clear Headed 30

Reach the final chapter without using concentration.

Cm . “Something to Prove / What- thenYesmeans! ”.

Hard Times


Complete the game on Master difficulty.

Cm . “Something to Prove / What- thenYesmeans! ”.

Modesty Denied


Get an epic score of 5,000,000 points or more on the challenge map.

For this achievement, I recommend playing in the normal "Time is Money" mode on the House of Flowers map. In "Time is Money" you have to steal a lot of things as quickly as possible. As soon as you take the first valuable item, you will notice a 60 second timer counting down in the upper left corner. In addition, a chain of collected loot will be indicated above it, and a multiplier to the left. The goal of the game is to collect all the valuable loot on the level before the timer runs out. Each valuable item you pick up resets the timer and your multiplier goes up based on how much loot you collected. If the 60 second timer expires, a 45 second timer appears in the middle of the screen, after which the round ends. The multiplier will improve with each valuable item collected up to a 10x increase, but it can also decrease if you do not collect loot for a long time.

The House of Flowers card contains 175 valuable items, and you will need to complete a chain of at least 130 items to get exactly 5,000,000 points. While you collect items, your score will not be close to the intended goal, since it does not have a bonus chain added to it, which is calculated in the background, and if you have collected a fairly large chain, then the bonus will be huge. For example, during my playthrough, I had 2.5 million points indicated on the indicator, and when I finished collecting a chain that already consisted of 140 items, my bonus increased the total score to 6 million points. Below are some tips to help you through:

  • Guards' wallets are one of those items that are considered valuable, so be sure to loot the guards. As a rule, each of them has 2-3 wallets. If you're going to get rid of the guards, then clean him up first.
  • Don't be afraid to stun a few guards if you're having trouble getting any loot. You are penalized for each stun, but by a fairly small amount compared to the final result that you get. Stunning five guards will fine you 75,000 points.
  • You quickly increase the bonus chain if you steal each subsequent item within 10 seconds. If you see a place with several items and a guard is patrolling nearby, then wait until he moves away, and then quickly collect everything.
  • Pay attention to the mini-map, as there are places in the level that are difficult to see, but they are indicated on the mini-map. Like the room behind you as soon as you start, or the door at the far end of the room with two stone stairs that lead to a room with great loot.
  • If you are moving from one room to another and guards are patrolling them, then try to leave a couple of loot items nearby so that you can assess the situation, and if you sit for a very long time, then you can reset the counter painlessly and without revealing yourself. Even if the path is clear, this is very useful as you give yourself an extra 60 seconds head start to look in the next room.
Play carefully and try to make the passage easier. The main advantage is that the places where the items lie and the guards patrol are always the same. Practice clearing each new room until you master the level completely. After that, it will be easier for you to complete the entire level and get the coveted 5,000,000 points. Once you do this, the achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Child of the Shadows


Complete a chapter without disturbing anyone with your actions.

Cm . “Something to Prove / What- thenYesmeans! ”.

Hail of Glass


Break the bottle in the air with an arrow.

This achievement can be completed at any stage of the passage. The first place you want to try to get this achievement is near Clock Tower Plaza in the open world between chapters. If you can't find this location, it's in front of a store with a "Reynard's Coffeehouse" sign.

You'll find several glass bottles scattered around the street nearby. Take the bottle in your hands and throw it directly over you, and you will have a little time to shoot the bottle before it hits the ground.

Also, before throwing, make a quick save in case it doesn't work out. If it doesn't work, you can load the checkpoint and try again.

You can watch the video guide.

Health Hazard


Kill or stun 10 people using the environment.

There is a very easy way to get this achievement in Chapter 3 Dirty Secrets. Before you start, get some wire cutters. Now, as you progress through the chapter, you will be taken to the House of Flowers. When you go through the curtained opening, you will see a girl who will start moving forward as soon as you enter. Follow her, trying to avoid the guards, and when she gets to the opposite side of the room, she will walk through the doorway and start flirting with the guard.

Don't touch them and in a minute or two the guard will leave. Immediately to the left in the center of the room on the level just below is a large opium plant, which Garrett will comment on. Now go forward and you will see a locked door. Hack it. Once you get inside, look to your left and you will see a hole in the floor. Jump into the hole and find the back of the opium machine. As soon as you are near it, then find the power supply and turn off the trap with the wire cutters. Go back to the door that was broken open.

After passing through the doorway, rest against the partition in front of you next to the opium machine. Look below and you will see a lever on the machine. There may be several ladies near her, but don't worry about it. Jump over the partition and pull the lever. With this, you will fill the entire brothel with opium smoke and deafen everyone. The achievement will unlock.

Priceless / Priceless


Collect a collection of trophies.

Cm . “What's Yours is Mine / Everythingyour- my”.


Collect all trophy collections.

There are a total of 82 trophies in the game. Find them all and you will get the achievements.” Priceless / Priceless" and " What "s Yours is Mine / All yours is mine". You will receive one of the trophies in the story in the prologue and cannot be missed. The rest will be scattered throughout the main missions and across the open world.

NOTE: Finding all the trophies in the first chapter will also unlock the achievement “ Two Faced". In addition, by collecting all the trophies you will receive 30,000 gold coins.

To see how many trophies are in a given location, open the journal by clicking on , selecting "Player Progress" and then "Statistics". Here you can see how many loot and trophies you have found in this chapter, and how many there are in total.

The magazine has a "Trophies" section, which lists all the trophies and they are divided into categories. This makes it easier to find missing trophies. Also remember to buy enough arrows of all types before starting each mission. Some trophies can only be obtained using certain equipment.

Also at the end of each chapter, you can see statistics on collected items. If you missed something, then here you can immediately replay the chapter. You can also replay chapters through certain points in the open world.

  • Prologue - Fall (1 trophy; given by story, unmissable)
  • Chapter 2 - Ashes to Ashes (5 trophies)
  • Chapter 3 - Dirty Secrets (5 trophies)
  • Chapter 4 - A friend in need (6 trophies)
  • Chapter 5 - Forsaken (6 trophies)
  • Chapter 6 - Single (6 trophies)
  • Chapter 7 - Secret City (4 trophies)
  • Chapter 8 - New Dawn (2 trophies)
  • Open World - City (27 trophies; start all 25 quests from Basso to unlock all locations)
  • First order "Handmade” from Hector (3 trophies)
  • Second order"Silence is gold” from Hector (3 trophies)
  • Third Order"Broken heart” from Hector (2 trophies)
  • First order "Golden mean ” by Vittori (3 trophies)
  • Second order"Gourmet” by Vittori (3 trophies)
  • Third Order"Additional attraction ” by Vittori (2 trophies)
Happy Birthday / Happy birthday 15

16 years old - and that says it all.

It's a secret achievement, but it's very easy. Just go to the candle and press to extinguish it. Do this 16 times and you will unlock the achievement. This is a cumulative achievement, so you don't have to blow out 16 candles in one chapter.

Hidden Agenda


Discover 15 caches.

Cm . “Finders Keepers / It wasyour- becameour”.

Finders Keepers / It was yours, it's ours


Find all secrets.

Throughout the game, you can find 73 caches. Unfortunately, it is not possible to track the progress of this achievement in the game. The only sign that you have found a cache is the sound that starts playing when you find the cache. You can watch a video guide to all cache locations.

Cache Dispenser / Shake your wallet


Spend 40,000 gold.

Most of the gold you get is from loot quests, which will give you a total of 30,000 gold coins as a bonus for all the items you find. Combined with all the gold you've collected, you'll have just over 40,000 by the end of the playthrough.

If you don't want to spend money just for the achievement, then save and then spend the money in the store. Once you get the achievement, load your saves and you'll get your hard-earned money back.

Working Overtime / Overtime


Complete all additional orders in the City.

Side Orders are smaller quests than side quests that can be found in the City between chapters and the main storyline. In total, there are 6 additional orders in the game. Three from Vittori and three from Hector.

You will be able to meet Hector for the first time after Chapter 1 when you visit Basso in his shop. Take all the tasks from Basso, and one of them will be visiting Hector in his workshop. You will meet Vittori for the first time on the top floor of the tavern. Siren's Rest , which is located in the southern quarter of the City, not far from the docks. You will be taken to the southern quarter at the beginning of Chapter 3.

Below you can see the list and description of 6 additional orders:

  • Handmade (Hector ) - To complete this task, you need to sneak into the atelier and steal a mechanical arm.
  • Silence is gold ( Hector ) - To complete this task , you will need to steal another mechanical item - a voice box.
  • Broken heart ( Hector ) - In the last order from Hector, you need to steal a mechanical heart.
  • Golden mean (Vittori) – In this small task, you need to return the “skull” stolen from Vittori.
  • Gourmet (Vittori)- In this task, you have to return one of Vittori's valuable trophies, with the beautiful name "Oktokot".
  • Additional attraction (Vittori) – In this task, you need to release the love of Vittori from the post of the Guard, where she was detained on suspicion of prostitution.

After completing all the orders, the achievement will unlock. Remember that in each order there are trophies that affect the achievement.“What "s Yours is Mine / All yours is mine”.

Dastardly Deeds


Complete all of Basso's orders in the City.

You will meet Garrett's supporter named Basso for the first time after first exiting the Clocktower into town and reaching the first marker in Chapter 1. After talking to him in a cutscene, you will be able to visit him between missions and receive additional orders from him. Usually he has several of them, so take them all and they will be saved in your journal in the Orders tab.

Most orders from Basso require you to find and steal a valuable item from various people or places. Below is a list of Basso's orders. There are 25 of them in total.
  • Sick Willy: Steal the gold watch from Sick Willy.
  • beauty inside : Steal the hand mirror.
  • medical problems : Steal the medicine bottle.
  • Dangerous Fiction : Steal the thief's manuscript.
  • Shenanigans: Meet Ector in his workshop.
  • Attack of Madness: Steal the painting.
  • Lost Poet: Retrieve the Poet's last verse.
  • Steal the loot: Surround the dealer's shop.
  • Lady's Will: Steal Lady Christina's will.
  • Save Face: Steal the bust of Lord Alderley.
  • Cover the Cargo: Steal the Guardian's records.
  • Shark Bait: Rob Eddie Levak's shop.
  • Royal luxury: Bring back the Comfort necklace.
  • Hangman's Pen: Return Basso's pen.
  • Path to Wealth: Steal the paper of the White Sail.
  • Keep your eyes peeled: Steal the telescope.
  • Board move: Steal Basso's chess knight.
  • Matter of Life and Death: Steal Grandpa's ashes.
  • Rule of thumb: Steal Jeb's scissors.
  • Stonemarket Witch: Steal the Ceremonial Knife.
  • Point of No Return: Surround the shop at the Lame Gate.
  • General's Bling: Steal the Thief Catcher's Bauble.
  • Watch Your Step : Deactivate all traps.
  • Poor Defense: Surround Yel's stash.
  • Carnival: Meet Vittori in the Siren's Chamber.

All That Glitters


Steal 5 special trophies.

This achievement will come naturally by working on “ obsessiveCompulsive / Obsessive Compulsive". See the corresponding achievement for details.

Old Habits Die Hard


All caches in Moira found.

This achievement can be obtained during Chapter 5. You can watch the video guide.

Two Faced


Lightgrove's secret is revealed.

This achievement is related to Chapter 1. Once you reach the middle of the chapter, Garrett will want to go to the Jewelry Store nearby. When you enter the building, you will need to find two masquerade masks. The first mask is in the basement inside the safe behind the portrait. Safe combination 7-3-9. The second mask is in one of the locked display cases in the hall. Be careful, as there is an NPC in the basement who can call for security if he spots you. In addition, there is an NPC patrolling the hall. Knock them out first before stealing the masks. Once you get both masks, the achievement will unlock.

The Drop


Prologue completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Prologue – The Fall’.

Lockdown / Blockade


First chapter completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 1 – Blockade’.

Dust to Dust


Second chapter completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 2 – Ashes to Ashes’.

Dirty Secrets


The third chapter has been completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 3 – Dirty Secrets’.

A Friend in Need


Fourth chapter completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 4 – A Friend in Need’.

The Forsaken / Outcasts 5

Fifth chapter completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 5 - Outcasts’.

A Man Apart / Single


Chapter 6 completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 6 – Solo’.

The Hidden City


Chapter seven completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 7 – Hidden City’.

The Dawn's Light / New Dawn 15

Chapter eight completed.

Story achievement, not to be missed. Unlocked after completing ‘Mission 8 – A New Dawn’.

More Heist Less Speed


Complete the game in 15 hours or more.

You are more likely to get this achievement naturally if you take your time, complete all of the side bounties, and look for all the loot. You can see the total game time in the menu section "Player progress". If you are close to the end of the game, then you can just leave the game for a few hours and go about your business if you still have not received the achievement.

NOTE: If you completed the main story in less than 15 hours, then you can return to the city and finish everything you didn't manage to do, or just goof off to pass the time, and then replay Chapter 8 to unlock the achievement.

The article describes the storyline of the game Thief 4 in stealth mode, indicating the most unpleasant and key places, opens some codes for locks and gives a description of tactics for the main characters and leaders.

The game itself can be played in many different ways using different tactics. This passage is based on the active use of stealth and minimal use of brute force. Even during the game, I practically did not use the combat arsenal in the form of grits or arrows, so I'm almost a pacifist. The description contains a complete walkthrough of the story in phantom mode and difficulty - thief.

Walkthrough Thief 4 (2014)

The first episode is a simple training in the methods and techniques of "correct" theft. It will be necessary to search the room, then forward along the beam to the window. We go next to the cells and approach the picture, feel it, look for the button, the indicator at the bottom of the screen helps in this. We break the lock, pick up the trinket and leave the room through the window. On the right, you will need to pick up an item, then select it.

We shoot at the upper beam from the bow and climb the rope to the very top. We talk with the girl, then an easy run, do not disturb the guards and skip past. We rise to the stairs, then we move according to the index, we find the handle and we break it. We examine the room through the keyhole and only then you can clean it.

We go after the girl, stop next to the guard and rob him, take his purse and carefully make our way through the water. We select water arrows, shoot at the torch and again we go through the water. The next enemy will need to be stunned, then we silently make our way past the guard, throw the bottle at his back and rush through the archway on the right, and leave, climbing up the ledges.

Chapter 1 Blockade

We use the hook and climb up, bypass the guards, for which we need to jump away, onto the boxes. Then you need to take the arrows from the person, how, decide for yourself, you can stun or cheat, in general, the main thing is to achieve the goal. Then we go to the wall, from it you can inspect the area. We go down and bypass the street by lanes, quietly pass the guards and climb up the grate. Here it will be necessary to jump off, stun the witnesses, pick the lock and leave this place with a trophy in the form of a mask through the window above.

We jump, through the window we get out. Now you have to go down the street without alarming the guards, who, however, are not very vigilant, idlers, in a word. The main thing is not to fall into the field of view of the patrol. When we manage to pass the laughing soldiers, we carefully jump onto the pipe and leave the level.

We study the lair, improve, acquire new skills, select the necessary ammunition, then go upstairs, the next task awaits us. We go straight until there is a window on the way, we jump down to the ledge, we go further along it, we need to get into the tavern. We talk with the hatter, leave the room and already on the street we buy the necessary equipment and go further. The marker will lead us to the queen of thieves. Then again follow the pointer and so on until the task is completed.

Chapter 2 Ashes to Ashes

For the descent, we use the rope, we pass under the bridge, we find the stairs and go upstairs along it. We move along the left side so as not to disturb the sleeping guard, our goal is the door. Be careful: there is a dog on the right, you should not go there. Behind the bars, you will have to climb up, then go to the flower, and then acrobatic ascent along the ledges.

We penetrate the ventilation, beat the guard (we turn off or quietly go around), we go down. We get out, we need to go along the right ledge and quickly, the guards are still calm, and there is time to open the lock. Then we climb onto the hook and roll to the first guard, here you need to jump off. We examine the surroundings, carefully with glass under our feet.

After a successful opening of the lock, you need to proceed further and quieter. It is better to remove the light so that it is easy to bypass the guards. When the extreme guard is distracted, quickly go to the door and go inside. We quickly go down, we will see a guard on the left, there is a button next to him, you need to shoot a blunt arrow at it, after which you can safely move on. At the top right, you need to get the key, it will be possible to steal it when the person stops at the table. Everything is in our hands, we move on, quietly pass the guard, let him sleep, open the metal door and enter.

Inside we climb onto the platform, search the box, then climb onto the hook. We land next to the sentry and go forward, there will be a video. After watching, we climb up, pass the guards in jerks, we do them when the furnace is closed. We follow the baron through the glass, then into the ventilation and dive under the stairs, there is an entrance.

Below you will need to solve the puzzle in the castle, after which we take the ring and leave the room. On the right side of the street we go around the guards and dive into the lattice door. We are waiting for the start of the bypass of the guard, when one goes, we must manage to bypass both and climb into the hole, then along the ledges to the window.

After the fall, we hide in the closet and sit until the guards leave. You can still make some noise and, when they appear, jump out the window and already on the street go along the right side of the boxes. There will be an archer behind, you should not catch his eye. We enter the door and continue to the second floor.

We covertly pass to the carts, then on the right side and bypass the guards. To the right, near the chests, weapons are hidden.

In the next location, we head to the alley on the right and go to two guards who take money from the townspeople. They will need to go around the ledge and get through the window, but be careful, the guards can see the Thief, so you have to wait until they disperse.

We pick up what we need inside and go outside, there is also something to take here. Then down and follow the sign to the point. We go down again, go to the marked place, look around. To the left of the hatch we find a button. Be careful inside, there are many traps. We start by bypassing the plates, then we climb onto the box and use the button on the left wall, the trap works. When we consider the hatch, it will need to be opened with the button located at the back.

Behind the hatch, running around the maze awaits us, then a girl, and it will be necessary to collect three posters. Then you need to go to the image of your beloved and take the medallion outside the door. Ready. We head to the brothel, finding the way there is not difficult, use the box to climb onto the roof, and go along it. On the descent, you need to outwit the guards, and then activate the raised bridge with the lever located on the right on the beam.

Chapter 3 Dirty Secrets

We follow the baron, we try not to disturb the guards. The first post is weak in the knees, but it will not be easy to pass the second one. Carefully! On the left in the cage there will be a loud-mouthed bird, you should not disturb her. Bypassing the bird at the very end, it will be possible to get to the baron. We follow him to the door, then follow the sign up and, opening the doors along the way, we go to the brothel.

In the brothel, you will have to squat past the sleeping people to the stairs leading up. We don’t go up to the end, we need to find the ring in the ventilation and pick it up, then we go down to the guy at the end of the stairs. It is necessary to slip through before he pays attention and looks down somewhere. You need to move smoothly, a bird in a cage can ruin everything.

There will be a room ahead, it should be searched, then look behind the picture, there is a secret entrance. We get down, go to the column located on the floor, near the candles. The next thing to do is to find three symbols on the stone door. Here you will need to run around the level and center the camera on the symbols. Then we select a combination and use the key.

We go deeper, there at the door there will be traps that can be turned off by a button on the wall. At the bottom near the door we pick up the treasure, just as before. Symbols can be found in wall openings. Then we move back to the tunnel, not forgetting to press the button to disable traps on the wall on the right.

In the library we activate another vision, we find a false shelf, this is just the entrance we need. Nearby there is a similar entrance. We go down and come to the moving bridges, use the levers and move forward. If everything goes right, a demonstration of some comrade will be activated. When bridge No. 2 is installed, you need to go back and turn bridge No. 3, go down and, having passed along the nearby bridge, use bridge No. 3 again, then you will be able to climb higher and jump to bridge No. 2.

After jumping through the window, we get back into the room with a riddle, the solution method is the same as before. We get the book and together with it we crawl up the rope. On the way back, guards will come across, but the darkness will help to accurately pass everyone. You will have to wait until the last guard turns to the passage, and then you can jump on the boxes and then climb up the ropes. At home, we collect everything we need and again to the task. Let's go to the tavern, and then we'll have to wander around the city.

Chapter 4 A Friend in Need

Follow the signs to the mansion. One of the options for penetration is to scare the dogs, everyone will go to the center, and then you can go to the door. Inside, we go forward, throw the bottle, which distracts the guard and slips into the right room. There will be a housekeeper and a security guard, who will eventually look at the shelves, and you can go to the illuminated shelves and press the button in the center.

Inside, on the second floor, there will be drawings, then you need to rotate the tower below (the sample is outside the window). Then we grab the drawing and quickly run away, then along the rope and further into the ventilation.

We go through the ruins of the city, then we go down. Now up the stairs to get around the fire and press. There is no escape from the next fire, you just need to quickly pass this place. Next, you have to squat, then get higher, open the valve and you can go out. On the elevator we rise upward, we find the opponent.

We lower the safe with the lever and approach it. We press two buttons on the sides and the mechanism opens. Lock code 3.1.9, now watch the video and enjoy. And run again, now you just need to run back. We climb onto the grate and move to the panel on the left. We remove the light and quietly go to the safe, enter 0.1.8.

We select a prize, collect flowers and go into the light (something reminded me of this ...). We re-equip ourselves at home and continue on business, along the familiar route.

Chapter 5 Outcasts

We head to the shelter, climb over to the right at the gate. To open the central door, you need to hit the road to the basement door, on the right. Inside, you need to go up to the second floor, find the men's department there, turn the valve there and proceed further along the marker. Once in the room through the entrance to the ward, we take the key and go to the women's department. You just can’t enter, you should find a hole in one of the neighboring chambers, through which you will have to climb up.

Having searched inside, we go to the treatment room. And again the door does not give in, you need to apply energy. You can find it by the index, and, of course, turn it on. We return and press the button in the security room, the door to another room opens, which will have to be cleared. Here we take the item from the chair and activate the script. We leave the room through another door, and, bypassing the mentally ill, we go to the elevator.

At the bottom we go forward, if possible not colliding with monsters, since it is useless to fight with them, it’s easier not to rustle. We go to the pointer, jump over the fence and head to the ghouls at the entrance. Exceptionally carefully we pass them and go straight, enjoy the video, collect flowers, a fairy tale, in a word.

From the house we follow the sign.

Chapter 6

We head to the main entrance, go around the guards, following on the right side. To enter, you will need to distract the two blockheads guarding it. Then there will be three more comrades guarding the passage to the basement. We distract them with a bottle and jump over the railing.

You shouldn't rush inside the building, there are traps. The easiest way to get to the baron is to bypass the guards and get to the second or third floors. Having passed the corridor with traps, we get to the littered entrance, and on top there will be the baron's office, which, however, is locked. Further you will have to climb along the ventilation, the entrance to it is to the right of the door. In the place where there is a broken staircase and a dead elevator, we climb onto the illuminated gratings and further to the right, and then to the very top.

We leave the elevator, now to the left and past the guards, jumping along the ledges on the columns. Then we follow to the barricades and, having outwitted the enemy, we jump over the box. We move along the wall to the button at the very end, the exit is found.

To break the generator, it will be necessary to lower the lever, and then center the rotating parts on the crack and wait for the vibration. It will be necessary to increase the speed several times with the help of a valve, and so on, until it falls apart. Now we take a fragment and get out along the hanging grate.

We move along the sewers, beat off the rope holding the boat, and further to the other side. We rise and go through the burning city. We study the surroundings for ledges and blue bars so as not to suffocate.

We rearm in the lair and hit the road again. It's just impossible to go to the point, there are a lot of people. Here, either rush like a saiga, or carefully sneak behind your back.

Chapter 7 Secret City

We follow to the closed gates, they will have to be broken and get inside, past the vigilant guards.

On the right, you will need to squeeze past the sleeping guard, and the next one will need to be distracted with a bottle and climb over the gate. The bell must be struck to open the gate. Then it is better to hide around the corner on the right, otherwise the hero will be discovered.

Inside, you will have to go along the right side to the lever. We activate the lever, call the elevator, but be careful here: you need to wait until everyone moves away from the elevator. At the bottom we jump onto the wall with a grate and go along it to the right to the rope, along which we go down, the main thing is to bypass the trap in the tunnel. You will have to go down very carefully, the enemies are attentive, and they look through all the levels. Squeezing through the gap, you will again have to face the ghouls.

We go around the three on the left along the bridge or with the help of fashionable arrows with ropes. Then we raise the door and go in. To disarm the trap, it will be necessary to fasten the valve until the fire subsides. Then past two guards and dive into the gap. We move forward and eventually go to the castle, then to the right and up. We move along the ledge until the railing on our side ends.

We go down, go left and squeeze next to the bird quietly, otherwise it will squeal. Then it is worth stunning the guards, but the box will still fall. The place is difficult, if you manage to pass quietly, then you are lucky, and it is still possible. Further way up, use the places marked with highlights.

The fight will be difficult, you can, of course, refuse and stupidly go into the gate, but the bastard must be punished! It is best to kill the enemy with arrows and it is best to hit the head. The method is simple, first we extinguish the light with water arrows, then attack. During the fight, it is best to move around in a circle in one direction, it is best to be behind your back, then victory is in your pocket.

Chapter 8 Morning Dawn

Carefully we go through the catacombs, meetings with ghouls are possible. Near an incomprehensible type of construction, we jump down and dive into a hole in the wall. Then we overcome the cliff along the pipes located on the left. We jump down, here it will be necessary to bypass two guards, and we continue to go further. We go around the guard and enter. Inside we do not yawn, while the guys are talking, we will have to dive to the right. At the bottom, you will have to bargain with the character, and then climb over the box located on the right.

We pass the guard, moving along the right side, at the top, using an arrow with a rope, we climb onto the ship. Further down the rope and along the ledges we leave the tower. Then past the door. We go down, below it will be necessary to print a large group of enemies, this is not very easy, since sentries are everywhere. So we pull out one with noise, the routes of the other two will have to be remembered, and so we act.

Once at the bottom, we follow the street to the right or to the left, it all depends on whether you have an arrow with a rope for jumping on the right. On the left, you can pass two thugs and jump down to the ledge. We jump to the beam and silently fall behind the backs of two guards. The lock will have to be cracked precisely and in one run, without errors, otherwise everything will have to be redone from afar.

There will be a video inside, then we rush after the lady, which in the end will have to be bypassed from the back, for which we dive into the underground and go there. Then we go around the monsters, everything is simple here, they are blind and cannot see beyond a couple of meters.

After the cutscene, we go to the left, grab a fragment, then follow the top to the second fragment, and finally, we get the last one at the bottom, after which the girl discovers the character and strikes. And yet, after picking up the first fragment, phantoms will appear, they don’t need to catch their eye, since there’s no sense in fighting with them, it’s easier to be quiet and not rush. When the stone is collected, we carry it to the girl.

Here are the Happy End games Thief 4 (2014).

As we said before Thief (2014) reveals its maximum potential not at an easy or medium level of difficulty, and not even at the “master”. It is much more interesting to customize Thief for yourself and play on the Custom difficulty level. Concentration, special arrows, food, and poppy flowers are all for the weak. Whether it's when you can not inflict damage on your opponents, kill or stun someone. Particularly sophisticated users can turn on the Iron Man mode, where it is worth dying at least once, and the passage of the level will have to start over. In general, how to complicate your life, you choose - our walkthrough will help you complete the game to the end.


Garret, along with Erin, must get to the mansion of Baron Nordcrest, where there is a primal stone, for which someone is willing to pay a lot.

Advice: even the prologue in the game must be played with the utmost care. Pay attention to the situations that the main character will get into, and remember all the meanings of the buttons. This affects the speed of the game.

Fundamental rules: it is advisable to move only in a squat position so as not to make noise. Watch your step and slow down when you walk over broken glass, behind a guard, or past birds. Never make sudden movements if a dog or a crow is nearby - they will reveal your location. Always close the doors behind you - the guards pay attention to such a seemingly trifle. Never neglect the opportunity to turn off the light or snuff out the candle. This will help you hide even in the most unusual places. Keep track of the number of arrows in your arsenal so that at the most critical moment you do not have to reinvent the wheel. And finally, after going through the prologue, focus on accumulating money with which you can buy boring tools: at least wire cutters, a wrench and a razor.

Chapter 1 "Blockade"

A year has passed since the accident. Garrett has gained strength and is now ready to return home to the tower.

Chapter 2 "Ashes to Ashes"

Garrett receives a message from Bass, who has a task for our hero. All he had to do was remove the ring from the dead aristocrat's corpse.

Chapter 3 "Dirty Secrets"

The customer wished to personally meet Garrett. This time, a servant of the people named Orion instructs a thief to steal an ancient book from the library, which is located deep underground.

Advice: In the third chapter, the main difficulty lies in the last segment of the level, when you run along the roof and suddenly fall into the barn. As soon as you are in the room, head to the locker. After a few seconds, a soldier with a torch will enter and begin to inspect the room. After making a couple of circles, he will calm down and take a standard position. The problem is that it will be right in front of the exit. Therefore, you need to divert his attention. For example, try to put out his torch. Then he, along with his partner, will begin to rush around the yard, trying to find out who dared to put out his torch. At this point, you should sneak into a small opening on the right. Next, you need to divert the attention of a soldier who looms in the distance. To do this, put out the torch behind him, and then quickly move along the wall, go around the cart and jump into the window. All you have to do is go to the roof.

Chapter 4 "A Friend in Need"

While Garret was jumping across rooftops and exploring the underworld, Bass was caught by Thief Catcher and imprisoned. You have to save a friend and deliver him to a safe place.

After you get to the territory of the mansion, move on the right side. If you raise your head, you will see a ladder, which will be fixed by a certain mechanism. One bow shot at the mechanism will solve all your problems.

Having made your way upstairs, passing the wife of the architect and her maid, head to the other end of the building, where there is a room with a secret passage. The territory is patrolled by a soldier, a servant acts as an assistant. You first need to quietly enter the room and climb onto the closet. Then move to the other end of the room and throw the bottle at the place where you came from. As soon as the guard goes to the sound, you jump to the floor and quickly look for the right book, which will open the passage to the secret room.

Chapter 5 "The Outcasts"

Garrett and Baas travel to the island where Moira's orphanage is located to find information about Erin. Something tells Garret that she is not dead.

Don't forget to purchase wire cutters before Chapter 5, otherwise you won't be able to complete the mission at Moira's Asylum. The only difficulty that may arise during the passage of this chapter is when you have to slip past two monsters into the dungeon. There is only one option - run, run and run again.

Chapter 6 "Single"

Garret suspects that Baron Nordcrest has Erin hidden away. He goes to his mansion to find out.

Breaking into the mansion is a special adventure. There is only one way: at the very beginning, follow the guard. Wait for him to start going down the stairs and jump up. Ahead you will see two guards who, after a nice friendly conversation, will run to take up defensive positions. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to choose the moment when both guards will look not in your direction. Only then can you start climbing the stairs. It is very important to move slowly at first, as soon as the dog notices you, legs in hands - and forward. In the garden you will be met by 3 more guards. One bottle can distract their attention. Then jump over the railing and calmly pick the lock.

You should only have trouble at the end of Chapter 6, when you need to get past a group of aggressively-minded guards. It is necessary to act here slowly and very carefully. So, wait until the first guard goes around the corner, and only then open the door. Move to the left, stop at the turn. A second guard will appear in front of you. Take your time to reach the stairs, and then jump over the railing to the ledge. Wait for the guards to go to their corners and jump down. Seconds will decide here. Move silently - there are a lot of fragments. If you don't find anyone around the corner, run as fast as you can, first straight ahead and then to the left. In the next room, only one guard will be waiting for you. It is very important to slip past him and sneak into a small opening, which will also be on the left. After that, head to the far right corner. There you will find a brick that will open a secret door. After that, you'll be on your own.

Chapter 7 "Secret City"

It turned out that the baron was out of business. Orion is the one who is going to destroy the City and its inhabitants. It was he who managed to capture Erin and hide her in a secret city.

The most difficult thing in the seventh chapter is getting into the territory of the secret city. The difficulty lies in the fact that it will be quite difficult for you to get past a large group of guards who control almost all the moves and exits. However, not everything is so hopeless.

So, as soon as you get to the starting location of chapter 7, move straight all the time until you see a door in front of you. Hack it and move on. You will appear in the courtyard on the right side of the gate. Enter the house and silently move to the second exit. Carefully take the bottle from the table near the sleeping guard and move straight to the wall. As soon as the guard who makes the round is far from you, throw the bottle. Then the guard who is blocking your path will go to check what happened there. At this moment, climb up rather, dodge the arrows, and then jump into the opening. After that, ring the bell and run behind the boxes. As soon as the guards go to see who it was there who asked to open the gate, sneak past them and move to the right. There you will see a sleeping guard who is actually pretending. You have exactly one second to hide behind the next column. Nobody will find you there. When the second guard that makes the round moves to the other end of the corridor, do two quick dashes to the left, and then jump down. Wait for the civilian to move away from the torch and put it out. The guard who tried to find you will go to the elevator and look down for a long time. You need to move quickly and very quietly. There is nothing difficult in this. Then call the elevator. As soon as he arrives, jump into him and press the button.

Only the Thief Catcher will cause more difficulties, as it will shoot explosive arrows. As soon as the battle starts, head to the left side of the tower, where one of the two valves is located. As soon as you open one part of the mechanism, move to another valve. However, your path to it depends on which direction the Thief Catcher starts shooting. As soon as you turn the second valve, get ready for the boss to head towards you. Run away from him so that he does not notice you. As soon as you find yourself behind him, put out the light and calmly pick the lock. You have no right to make a mistake, otherwise you will have to jump all over the space again and hide from the Thief Catcher. When the door opens, go ahead. Your opponent will die under a pile of stones.

However, you can kill him. Then just shoot him in the head. How many arrows it will take is unknown. But the more you have, the better.

Chapter 8 "Morning Light"

Orion and Erin managed to escape to the ship, which is due to go to sea very soon. Garrett must catch the ship and save the girl.

In the eighth chapter, you can describe each step, in principle. Here, opponents are much smarter than their predecessors - you can expect anything from them. I personally saw how one level was passed in two or even three different ways just because in one case one guard was standing, in the other he walked along a certain route, and in the third he simply froze. Why this depends is unclear. So there is one option - watch our walkthrough carefully and save yourself a lot of time.

"Noise is the enemy of well-being"
- One of the doctors at Moira's Orphanage

In the prologue, we get to know Garrett and his abilities, so there is nothing particularly interesting here. In fact, this is one document, one collectible and a hidden safe. In addition, it is worth saying that if you go through the game with settings without stuns and kills, here you will have to make the first and only deviation from this rule in the entire game.

collectible- a necklace, you will find during the passage of the mission, in a house with crows. You won't be able to get past.

Document- he is also alone here, you will find in the house, where you will enter by competing with Eirin.

Interesting places
> First, it's a hidden safe, it's in the house with the raven on the first floor, after meeting with Eirin. There is a stone on the wall next to the stairs, if you click on it, the wall will move and you will see a safe.
> The picture under which the safe with the first collectible is located is real, then you will find several reproductions of it.
> Almost all the loading screens of the game (and possibly all) have Garrett, you just need to look for him.
> In the tavern, next to Domo Basso, and in some other locations, you can find stuffed lizard heads. These are the Burricks, monsters from the original Thief: The Dark Project. Not found in this game.

Chapter 1 - Jeweler's House

Chapter 2 - Foundry

Chapter 3 - House of Flowers

"Courtesan (Portrait of Lucrezia Borgia)" Bartolomeo Veneto

From the concubines of antiquity, the odalisques of the Ottoman nobles, and to the courtesans of the Renaissance, the theme of priestesses of love has always resonated in the hearts of the male half of gamers, apparently the developers of Thief could not get around it ... and we, in fact, do not mind, fortunately they did very worthy.
A beautiful, rich chapter to explore, but at times a bit long. Its content is 4 documents, 5 collectibles and many interesting places and characters.
Plus, you will have a unique opportunity to get one interesting Steam achievement, but more on that later.

First- brooch
The brooch can be found immediately after the start of the chapter, if you go a little straight, climb the pipe, bite the lock contacts and open the next door, where the brooch lies (it is on the box)
Second- Diamond ring
The ring lies on the second floor of the House of Flowers. On one of the two stairs there is a grate, along which, with the help of a claw, you can climb into a secret room above one of the rooms of the brothel (screen)
Third- golden figurine
Immediately after descending under the brothel, in a large round cave, on the right side of the passage you will see a closed door. Proceed to the end and use Eirin's medallion
Fourth- Masonic ring
In the library, if you go on the right side, on one of the shelves there is a secret lever in the form of books, click on it and a small room with an item will open.
Fifth- Book
Do not pass by - a plot item. There is nothing to add here, except perhaps three statues that stand around a pedestal with a Book, they can be turned towards you using secret levers in the form of books, just carefully inspect the shelves.

First-Fourth- are located on the second floor of the house of flowers, I indicated all of them on the screen. Try to find the cipher for the safe there yourself (I will write it at the end of the topic)

Other interesting things
> First of all, of course, Madame Xiao-Xiao, who, in fact, is not Madame at all. Her voice, figure, bristles (she can be seen in the final video) and the presence of men's clothing in her room give us reason to still consider her - him.
> In this chapter, you have the opportunity to get an achievement for 10 killed / stunned people. To do this, you must complete the small quest that you will receive in the room with the steam engine (I do not disclose details). The chapter will fail and you will have to start over, but you will still receive the achievement.
> When you find yourself under the House of Flowers, pay attention to 4 slits through which you can observe the peculiarities of the nightlife of the City.. of course, if you are over 18 years old))
> The flags that you will see in the underground city are, in fact, very similar to the flag of the Vatican city-state. And the third collection leaves no doubt what exactly the game designers had in mind when they made this location.
> The password to the safe in Madame Xiao-Xiao's room is 573

Chapter 4 - The Fall of the Bastille

The chapter contains 6 collectibles, 8 documents (I unfortunately only managed to find 6 of them) and several points of interest.
Write if you managed to find two missing documents, I don’t know where they can be.

First- ring
At the beginning of the Chapter, right after the video about the explosion in the tower. To your left is a beam, we shoot an arrow with a rope, we go down it, we find a ring under one of the benches.
Second- order
In a safe in the Architect's office on the first floor of his house. To find the safe (it is under the picture) you need to press the button on the table.
Third- picture
On the second floor in front of the door where the Architect barricaded himself. To get a picture you need a scalpel.
Fourth- ring
In the big room, in front of the elevator to the prison.
Fifth- memorial plaque
In the same room as the ring.
sixth- a bracelet
End of Chapter 4, at the end of the passage in the north, next to the generator (thanks to vsaR1SK for clarifying).

First- On the ground floor in the Architect's office, lies on the table
Second- On one of the shelves of his hideout upstairs
Third fourth- get automatically after the chase scene
Fifth-Sixth- near Bosso's camera, noted on the screen

Other interesting things
> The architect, if you were careful, you will remember from the last chapter, it was he who complained about his wife to one of the courtesans.
> You will also find the Architect's wife in the house. It's funny that she mentions that her husband smelled of opium, which we know he smokes at Madame Xiao-Xiao's.
> After the room with smoke, there is a moment when you will get over on the catwalk falling down. Please note that at the other end of this passage there will be one of the trinkets (not a collectible). If you want to get the achievement for collecting all the items in this mission, you will need to take it too. The problem is that when you try to cross to the other side, the bridge falls to the lower level. For the passage, nothing changes, but you will not be able to take this item. The solution is to sit down, turn on the concentration and move around until you reach this object. experienced [-TWR-]Tapirus terrestris.
> When you take the elevator up to the main safe, you will see another old friend - a mechanical man. Or rather, their whole shop. So, according to the Baron, and looks like an ideal society. Hello Orwell))
> Password to the safe with a stone Primali 319-left wheel, 018-right

Walkthrough Recommendations
I had a lot of unpleasant moments playing through some of the scenes in this chapter, so I decided to share my observations with those who play the game on the most realistic settings (no focus, kills, stuns, alarms, etc.).
First, you will run slowly, slower than the rest of the players, so when you escape from the chase - slide. The same is true for the asphyxiant team.
Secondly, despite the fact that you will have catastrophically little time to run through the room and unscrew the valve, it is possible to return to the room and pick up loot. To do this, stand in the opening of the door that you raise, catch your breath, and then again for a few seconds you can return to it.

Chapter 5 - Madhouse

"Here was the dream the Baron brought to life"
- Edwina Moira

Chapter 6 - The Baron's House

Chapter 7 - Hidden City

"Things more terrible than you are hidden in the darkness..."
- Queen of Beggars
Where is Eirin and what do they want to do with her? Why does Aldus Primal need and how is he, Primal, connected with the disease that turns people into monsters? Garrett has a lot of questions and very little time to find answers to them.
The penultimate chapter contains 4 collectibles, 6 documents (I, unfortunately, managed to find only 4 of them).

First- artifact
You will find it immediately after the fall of the elevator in the underground city, you will need to go down, find a suspension bridge and unscrew it down with a valve.
Second- a bracelet
You will find the bracelet in the inner catacombs, where several monsters will ply. To the left of the entrance you will see a beam, using an arrow, you will cross to the other side and there will be a bracelet behind the closed door.
Third- ring
In the lair of the Lightforged, in front of the tower itself. If you look up you will see a box on the ropes with a block, shoot at the blocks - the box will fall. Climb onto it and jump down to the rafters along the building. There will be a ring.
Fourth- ring
On the belt at the Catcher of Thieves, the finale of the Chapter.

Documentation- I noted everything on the screenshots. Unfortunately, two are missing. Find - write.

Other interesting things
>There are a lot of secret passages in this chapter, I counted 7. One in the yard, at the start of the chapter, two in the catacombs, two more on the rafters, when climbing out of the catacombs, and two in the lair of the Illuminated. Using them, you can not intersect with the guards at all.
>There is a safe next to the pit, the combination to it is 673. Pay attention to how this code is played in one of the documents, I think it's funny.
>In the Lair of the Lightforged there is a merchant, he is behind the ventilation shaft, right at the start of the location. I recommend buying water arrows from him.
>If you responsibly approached the collection of trophies, then after the battle with the Catcher of Thieves you will unlock the achievement for the first collected set. Congratulations, there are still a dozen left))

final battle
The inputs remain unchanged: we cannot stun the Thief Catcher, we cannot kill him, we cannot take any damage and we cannot catch his eye. And everything would be fine, if not for one of the collectible items that hangs on his belt, and without it, of course, we simply cannot leave.
Unfortunately (or fortunately after the 20th reboot), the Thief Catcher operates according to the underlying algorithm, so that by understanding it, we can deceive our antagonist. I will describe my version of the passage, if it does not suit you, I think you can choose your own. Good luck))

After the start, we pass the arrow into the wall to your right and move counterclockwise (to the right) to the first valve. We turn off the valve. If you see that the Thief Catcher starts to move in your direction - move away, then come back. 2-3 such repetitions and the valve is turned off. Then move further in a circle, counterclockwise, to the second valve. By this point, if you've been doing everything quickly, the Thief Catcher will begin to pour fire on the side where you'll be sitting. Cling to the column, wait for the end of the volley and extinguish the torch with a water arrow, which will burn next to the valve. Repeat the procedure with the first valve. As you unscrew, hide behind the column and put out the torch above the door that we opened with the second water arrow.
Then the most difficult thing is to steal the trophy. You must be behind him. you should not try to jerk to get close to the Catcher-Thieves, he cuts through it at once, but crawling will not work either, he is constantly spinning, so he will see you. My choice is a flash grenade. I blow it up behind his back, then I jerk closer, blow up another one, pull the bag (the trophy in the one in the middle), if I pulled the wrong one, I blow up another one, then step back a little, blow up the last one and jerk off into the shadows.
Then we simply, carefully get to the door and break the lock. Without upgrades, this can be quite a long process, but I was no longer bothered by the Thief Catcher.

Chapter 8 - Dots over i

Straight to the point, there are two collectibles in this chapter and... that's about it.
To be honest, I looked at it rather briefly, firstly, I wanted to quickly find out the denouement, and, secondly, frankly, I wanted to quickly get rid of the main storyline. So if you find something interesting - write in the comments.

First- brooch
It is located in a locked chest right at the start of the chapter. See screenshot.
Second- painting
The middle deck of the ship, before the final meeting. Right passage (from the stairs), screen.

On one of the English-language forums, some player wrote the following comment: "The most terrible ending I have ever seen." “He obviously didn’t see mass effect 3,” flashed through my head.
Yes, the ending is somewhat controversial.. Why did he open the book? Why didn't you throw the hook right away? Did Eirin survive? What happened to the city in the end?
... but, on the other hand, this is its advantage. Everyone will be able to think of the ending that will be closer to him and HIS Garrett.
As for me, in my world, Eirin remained alive, and the hook that Garrett found was her parting gift. Why didn't she stay with him? I think it's a tribute to the spirit of the game. Garrett is not the kind of character who should go into the setting sun with a girlfriend by the arm, in this he looks like another famous hero of the same studio - Adam Jensen.
Garrett is a thief, a loner and a restless soul, and that is how he will remain for me.

Ector's Quests

The mysterious mechanical man has been chasing us since the second chapter, and now, finally, we have the opportunity to figure out what the Mechanic Hector built, why he was replaced by the Watchmaker, and even later by the Architect. Why does the Baron need a workshop to create these creatures and what, in the end, happened to all this.
However, the game developers remained true to themselves and did not reveal the whole background of the story, however... after completing the line of quests for Ector, you will be able to reveal the secret of the mechanical man.

Passwords on a separate line

For convenience, I decided to put all the passwords to the safes in a separate section

Exercise 1
Basement of the jeweler's house - 739

Task 2
Safes in one of the rooms of the foundry - 314

Task 3
Safe in Madame Xiao-Xiao's apartment - 573

Task 4
Double safe at the end of the task, 319 left wheel, 018 - right

Task 5
Safe in one of the rooms - 731

Task 6
Safe in the Baron's House - 889
Safe in the Baron's House, after meeting with the Baron - 017

Task 7
Safe in the underground city - 673

Task 8

Basso's quest to steal a hand mirror - 824
Basso's quest to steal a chess piece - 776
Safe in one of the houses on Baron Avenue - 842

Ector's Quests
was not noticed

Vittori Quests
Task 2, safe - 812

DLC - Bank Heist
Code from the repository - 632

Thief series characters


"What is locked... can be opened...
What is hidden... can be found...
What is yours...
...can be mine. ”

- Garrett, Thief: Deadly Shadows Official Trailer

The protagonist of the Theif game series, a cynical master thief whose only desire is to quietly steal someone else's property, unwittingly finds himself drawn into a series of fateful events.
An orphan from birth, Garret spent his childhood on the streets of the City, surviving as a thief and pickpocket. Demonstrating an incredible degree of susceptibility to the craft, he was spotted by one of the agents of a secret organization designed to watch and maintain order in the City - The Keepers.
Garrett was trained in the art of disguise and stealth, but he soon realized that these skills were more profitable to use as a thief than an agent of a secret organization.

Garrett's primary motivators are self-preservation and self-interest. But while on the surface Garrett is callous, cynical and devoted only to himself, deep down he has strong feelings for several of his old friends.
Garret often displays professional honor as a thief and refuses to kill anyone on a mission, saying that he is a Thief, not an Assassin.

You will see a couple of warriors on the right. They chirp sweetly about something. To distract them, you need to use any bottle, throwing it in the opposite direction from the direction we need. Go straight down the corridor until you run into two people. One of them - a guard - is trying to open the door. True, he did not succeed for quite a long time. Either wait until he does it, or you can use the wrench to open the waste pipe, go down there and move along it. Dash your way past the yawning law enforcement officers you run into in the Thief playthrough.

Entering the House of Flowers

When you are near the main entrance to this very house, you will realize that two warriors standing guard are preventing you from going there. You must go around them in a safe arc. On the right, you can find a place where you can hook with your excellent claw. Climb up and move along the opened corridor until you hit the iron doors. Use the lever nearby to open the doors. Move forward where another switch is waiting. The doors inside are open and we can move on through the passage of Thief.

Brothel search

You, being inside, must search everything in the world to find the left jewels. Everything will come in handy. Including a secret door, which can also be attributed to jewelry. There's a nice lady standing there who thought she could brew some opium. Or a lot ... If you have already found the wire cutters, you can make your way to the closed door until you get into the back room. There you will find a hole in the floor. After going down there and reaching the tank, use the wire cutters to damage it and change the direction of all the shutters. This way you will put everyone in the house to sleep and be able to continue the passage of Thief.

First, look at the picture. No wonder they looked, a secret passage was opened to you, which few people know about in this house. Just go to the corridor, having the opportunity to spy on the clients of the brothel. They have interesting activities! Find the stick that should be inserted into the locket. True, first you have to find four signs. No wonder we looked through the cracks and watched the visitors. Three signs are drawn there, the fourth is right in the corridor.

When the signs are found, you can take the amulet to place the found symbols there. Line them up vertically, after which the amulet can be inserted into the podium. This will open the door behind you. The passage of Thief continues!

Explore ancient ruins

You will have to crawl through the rubble especially carefully, because there are a lot of traps. With the help of concentration, you can neutralize them all. Our path takes us down and down, into the depths of the house. As you pass the watermill, you will come across an abandoned bookstore.

Find a book in an abandoned library

Here again you have to tinker. Look at the shelves to find a secret passage. He will lead you to a room where you will find a painted man on the wall. Examine it and get a prize - add. skill point. Examine the second rack to find another passage. Watch another interesting video and move on through the passage of Thief.

Enter the central tower

You must get to the valves that can move the stairs in front of you. You will have to tinker to line everything up correctly. To get started, scroll the first lever so that the number I pops up under your feet. Then go down until you reach the second lever. The first one is more touching. Follow the third ladder in the same way without touching the lever. Just go and that's it. Jump down to the second ladder, turn it away from you. Then it is worth returning to the third ladder. We turn the third ladder towards us, after which we can jump onto the second ladder. Now you need to climb to the very top and jump to the tower.

Take the book of rituals

When you are in the tower, you will have to correctly position the medallion symbols, and then insert it into the podium. A cache will open, in which lies the coveted book from the passage of Thief.

Escape from the ancient ruins

Just climb up the rope that hangs above. On the flooring you can go to the second tower. There is another rope that you can climb down. Go straight and to the left to get right to the place located above a couple of warriors. Move quietly and silently so that you will not be heard when you pass over them. Now go to the mark on the map, moving up the spiral stairs. Don't let yourself be noticed.

You will have to get to the guard, who froze between the columns. Just quietly go around it in a circle, then climb onto the box and jump to the rope, which is located directly above the guard. It is strange that the guard does not hear this ... Climb up until you get to the boardwalk. Pick up speed and jump over to the wall, on which there is something to cling to. When you get to the very top, you will be right where the general of the guard is having fun. Under the bed is so interesting. Watch the video clip and move on, continuing the passage of Thief.