The widow of Alexander Tikhanovich told how she was experiencing a bereavement. Poplavskaya distributes things of the deceased Tikhanovich Yadviga Poplavskaya a month after her husband’s death

“Robins heard a voice”, “Zavirukha myatse zavirukha”, “Happy accident” - the songs of the famous Belarusian duet Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich are known and loved, it seems, in all countries of the former USSR. Every year this musical family performed at the Slavic Bazaar art festival in Vitebsk. But in 2017, Tikhanovich passed away. And today, on the stage of the Summer Amphitheater, Poplavskaya takes part in concerts with her daughter Anastasia. On Alexander Tikhanovich’s birthday, when he would have turned 66 years old, a website correspondent met with his widow and heir.

“They often say about me: “This is the daughter of Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich!” Anastasia smiles. “But this does not offend me, I take it as a given. I also perform, although it is not entirely correct to compare us - they had a creative duet, Their work arose at a completely different time."


“Dad’s departure became a difficult test for our entire family,” continues Nastya. “But with God’s help we are learning to cope with it, both in life and on stage. By the way, my mother did not think of leaving her when she was left alone. After all, for "For her, this is not just an occupation, but a way of life, she could not do it without the stage. Her parents, with the help of their profession, have always served people, and my mother knows that she must continue to do this."

True, immediately after the death of her husband, Yadwiga Poplavskaya faced a serious blow. Composer Eduard Hanok forbade her to use the music of five of his songs (“Robins heard a voice,” “I live with my grandmother,” “Zavirukha,” “Happy Accident,” “You’re a noise, you’re a bully”), demanding, as they wrote, 25 one thousand dollars. The already modestly living family did not have that kind of money immediately after Tikhanovich’s funeral.

Today, thank God, all litigation, proceedings and accusations are in the past. “There are no more questions regarding the rights to perform these songs on stage,” explained Anastasia Tikhanovich. “And we didn’t pay anyone any money. The issue was resolved by a third party.”

Alexander Tikhanovich left behind many costumes and musical instruments. They could become exhibits in a memorial apartment or a museum of the history of musical culture. “But we haven’t discussed this yet,” admits Nastya. “It’s just that dad was a very modest person, he didn’t like the hype around his name, he didn’t expect praise. Therefore, perpetuating him in material terms does not quite correlate with his essence. But the street in his native Minsk "Maybe we could name him after him. Although it is more important to me that he continues to live in the memory and hearts of people."

And Yadviga Poplavskaya, in a conversation with a correspondent for the site, admitted that although her husband is worthy of a museum, the family is not seriously thinking about it yet. “I gave Sasha’s guitar to my nephew as a souvenir,” explained the artist. “And fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev took one of my husband’s many beautiful suits into his collection.”

Relatives and friends did not advertise that Alexander Grigoryevich seriously ill with cancer and recently had to go to the hospital often. On her page on the social network, the daughter of a musician, pop singer Anastasia Tikhanovich, wrote: “Daddy, my greatest example of courage, kindness, hope, faith and love. What a difficult two weeks we have had, my dear... You are my hero. Not a single complaint, not a single murmur, not a single question like “why do I need all this?” Only a smile through an oxygen mask and in rare moments when you could breathe without it, only one thing: “Thank God for everything!” Glory to God for sending you to be my Dad, and me, as you called me, to be your daughter...”

Initially, VIA "Verasy" was a women's group, but later they decided to make it mixed. Alexander Tikhanovich came to the team because he fell in love with a beautiful, slender, talented Jadwiga Poplavskaya, one of the founders of the ensemble. The team led by the composer Vasily Rainchik, listeners fell in love with melodic songs at the intersection of pop and folk. “Sasha Tikhanovich, of course, was handsome,” recalls the Honored Artist of Belarus Nadezhda Mikulich, member of the first composition of the Verasy ensemble. - When he first arrived, I was fascinated, I even fell in love and confessed it to him. And he, in love with Yadya, said: “You know, Nadya, I have a twin brother, so I’d better introduce you to him.” It was Tikhanovich who introduced me to my future husband Boris Bely. We became friends, became very good friends, I could tell Sasha any secrets. By the way, it was Sasha Tikhanovich who lent my Borya a crimple jacket for his wedding, in which he later got married. We laughed afterwards that the secret of our strong families was in this lucky jacket. Sasha was an incredibly kind and sympathetic person. There was enough for everyone. It seems to me that if strangers turned to him for help, he would not refuse anyone. And he was very attentive: he always congratulated us on all the holidays. Even at Epiphany, in the last days of his life, when he was already in the hospital, he sent me an SMS with poems..."

Was on the edge of the abyss

They often tried to extract the secret of family happiness from Alexander Tikhanovich and Yadviga Poplavskaya. The head of the family answered simply: “I am lucky to have Yadya next to me. She's my complete opposite. This is both a minus and a plus. But overall we ended up with something harmonious.” Eyewitnesses tell how in Soviet times Yadya cooked soup in the sink for her beloved husband and fried chops on irons...

In an interview with AiF several years ago, Alexander Tikhanovich spoke about the willpower of his beloved wife: “In the most difficult moments, Yadya always supported me. My wife and daughter showed angelic patience, especially when I began to abuse alcohol and not only... I was on the edge of the abyss - I almost died. God saved..."

The last thing he wanted was to be pitied, and therefore he hid the truth about his health until the last moment. Even when he was already speaking with difficulty, he pretended that nothing was happening. In recent months it was incredibly difficult for him, his voice became treacherously raspy and broke into a whisper.

Everything is fine, I have a slight cold - no big deal, honestly! - Alexander Grigorievich always answered any questions from Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists with pleasure.

The fact that he had changed was noticeable by many beacons. And this is not only severe thinness, which was the first thing people paid attention to. Rather, other moments were indicative. Dashing and emotionally cocky in life, in recent years the artist has become extremely tolerant, soft, and sentimental. It seemed that the years of living with his beloved, incredibly sensual Yadya had changed him. Now you understand - not only this, but also a possible premonition of departure...

Thank you, dear, for still remembering about me! - every time, as if saying goodbye, he said at the end of the conversation. And every time he was asked about his life and work, the first thing he remembered was Yadya. He did not hide the fact that with his unrestrained youth he caused her a lot of pain and suffering. And every time she understood everything, endured, forgave. In recent years, it was as if he had decided to return the advance that life had given him many years ago in the form of a serene, loving and infinitely devoted wife. After 35 years of marriage, the couple got married in church, and during a recent interview with the Belarusian Komsomolskaya Pravda, Alexander Tikhanovich shared the secret of a strong marriage and unexpectedly confessed his love to his wife.

The main component of a strong marriage is to remain silent at the right moment, especially in quarrels. And don’t look for the main thing in the family, it’s better to put your ego in one place by an effort of will,” Alexander Tikhanovich frankly advised, explaining that it is necessary to get married. - We didn’t understand this for a long time and got married only 35 years after the registry office... Yadya never suppressed my freedom in my life. I had a turbulent youth, I could come at night and drink. Thank God, everything is in the past, and I really appreciate what Yadya did for me. I love you darling. Thanks for all!

This is my first state award of Belarus - the most important and most valuable,” admitted Alexander Tikhanovich. - In my opinion, this is a common award between us and Yadya, she deserves it even more: she is a ruby, and I am a cut one. Why ruby? Because this year we had a ruby ​​wedding (the couple celebrated their 40th anniversary of marriage on November 3. - Ed.), and in fact, my wife is a real diamond. I appreciate her for her love, wisdom, patience and talent. Because she is a wonderful woman, wife and mother...

10 facts from the biography of Alexander Tikhanovich:

I decided to connect my life with music, having discovered while studying at the Suvorov School that brass band musicians were released from lessons for rehearsals.

During the rehearsal, he was also released from the army: in those years, Valentin Badyarov’s team “Minsk” was created at the Philharmonic, where Valery Daineko and Vasily Rainchik worked with Alexander Tikhanovich.

He approached the unapproachable Jadwiga Poplavskaya for several years through her friends.

On the first date, which he arranged opposite the Philharmonic, he took Jadwiga to the cinema to watch the French film “A Man and a Woman.”

We kissed for the first time on tour in Lida: after the concert, we walked around the city, and then sat on the windowsill of a hotel room - admiring the views of the park and the crimson sunset.

He refused to work in the prestigious team of People’s Artist Viktor Vuyachich - he really wanted to get into “Verasy” because “Yadya worked there...”

At the registry office, Yadviga Konstantinovna could not say the cherished “yes!” for a long time. Tikhanovich was upset at first and was about to leave, but when he heard the agreement, he picked up his wife with joy and spun her around.

The wedding was held in the restaurant "Tourist", in a rich way: the celebration for 40 guests cost 160 rubles.

He sent his grandson to school in absentia - when Vanya went to 1st grade, his grandfather was on tour in Donetsk, but the day before he attended a prayer service dedicated to the beginning of the school year.

In the fall, Alexander Tikhanovich was awarded his first award in Belarus - the Order of Francis Skaryna.

The weekend started with sad news. The daughter of the famous musician Tikhanovich announced the death of her 64-year-old father on Facebook. They say that Alexander passed away after a serious illness.

"KP" in memory of the wonderful artist publishes Tikhanovich's last interview.

The famous family-creative duo of ex-soloists of the no less famous VIA "Verasy" Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich have long been known and loved not only in their native Belarus, but also far beyond its borders. “Robin”, “Zavirukha, blizzard-zavirukha”, “I live with my grandmother”, “What a happy occasion”, “Gypsy”... These and other golden hits of artists are still heard by not just one generation of music lovers, but new ones young groups and soloists gladly take them into their repertoire in new arrangements or make their own cover versions.

When we met Tikhanovich, the musician and his wife were celebrating their “ruby wedding” - 40 years of marriage. Alexander told KP about his beloved woman and not only in his last interview.

- Sasha, do you remember the story of how you met your wife?

Initially we worked in different groups of the Belarusian Philharmonic.

I played bass guitar in a group led by Valentin Badyarov, a former artist of the Piekha ensemble. At the same time, a women's quartet called "Verasy" was created. And when our group was disbanded, saying that we played “music that was alien to the people and society” (we played something similar to jazz-rock - “as possible” at that time!), a merger of these two groups took place. This is how Jadwiga and I found ourselves “in the same harness” - though only creatively for now. I knew before that she worked at Verasy, I liked her even then, I had my eye on her and approached her through her friends: I got to know everyone and quietly sneaked up on her.

Soloists of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Verasy" Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich (right) during a performance. Photo by Oleg Buldakov /ITAR-TASS/

After three years of dating, I finally got her to agree to marry me. After concerts or on tour, we would gather as a group in a restaurant and sit next to each other. At first she was wary of me, but then she got used to it. And one day I suggested: “Let's get married!” But there was an interesting situation at the registry office. When we were traditionally asked: “Do you agree...” I answered: “Yes, of course, I agree.” And when they asked her the same question, Yadya was silent for a long time. I already thought that I should just leave there. But then she said “yes,” and from the registry office I carried her in my arms for the first time in my life.

And this was 40 years ago... You know, there is such an anecdote: during the next wedding anniversary, guests ask the spouses: “You’ve been living together for so many years, have you really never thought about getting a divorce?” The husband replies: “Divorce did not happen. Murder did happen.”

I really didn’t have such thoughts. We are often asked: how is it possible for you to be together everywhere for 40 years - at work, on the road, in the studio, at home - because it’s very difficult? You know, if two people love, it’s not difficult. Although there are different situations, I have my own recipe for this case: when one partner, as they say, “boils the kettle,” the second should simply remain silent at that moment so that the conflict does not develop. Evil always begets evil!

- Which of you was more likely to remain silent and give in to the other?

Not me, unfortunately. Because Yadviga is smarter than me. She was silent no longer. And she gave in more often.

- Have you ever been asked to perform at your daughter Anastasia’s school holidays?

No, they did it perfectly themselves. The teachers knew us; some of the teachers and I studied together at the conservatory. Then at the institute, Nastya graduated with honors from the Faculty of Art History, works on stage - both herself and with us, and is also involved in production work. After her first appearance on stage, the newspapers wrote: “Finally, nature has rested on her parents!” And then she met our family friend Dima and married him, giving birth to our grandson Vanya. They are interested in each other. Despite the age difference, I hope that this is the option when two people found each other and will be happy for the rest of their lives. They got married, and not for the sake of fashion, as recently. Dima is a believer, Nastya is a believer. And the fact that they are believers is very important.

- And how did they meet?

At our house. Dima is my friend, a pulmonologist, a very interesting person. So he went into the profession that he eventually entered a theological seminary, because he believes: you cannot treat people without God. Yadya and I are happy that Nastya found a common language with him. He is older, but... But Vanka is there!


Lev Leshchenko - about Alexander Tikhanovich and “Veras”: We will listen to their “Robin” for a long time

Lev Valeryanovich, sad news from Minsk - Alexander Tikhanovich is no longer with us... How do you assess this loss?

The death of Sasha is, of course, a sad event for all of us... Because it was one of the brightest duets of our Soviet song space. Well, it was a wonderful duet

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Alexander Tikhanovich died. The People's Artist of Belarus was 64 years old.

At the end of January, People's Artist of Belarus Alexander Tikhanovich, a member of the Verasy ensemble, died. The man was only 64 years old. The sad news was reported by the musician’s daughter Anastasia. Alexander Grigorievich died from idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis, a rare autoimmune lung disease. Those close to him hoped for a miracle until the very end and did everything possible to ease his suffering.

Recently, the widow of music star Yadviga Poplavskaya and her daughter Anastasia Tikhanovich gave a frank interview to the “Simple Questions” program on the RTR-Belarus channel. The women told presenter Yegor Khrustalev about the thoughts and feelings of the deceased artist.

According to Yadviga Konstantinovna, she was touched by the large number of people who came to say the last word to her husband. At the moment, the singer is immersed in her work - she continues to work on new songs.

“The two of us didn’t even expect that so many people would come to us to say goodbye to him and support me... People simply demand that I continue. And I cannot let down those people who are waiting for this. And I understand that Sasha also doesn’t want there to be any kind of stop. What I do to calm my heart is work in the studio,” said Poplavskaya.

According to the woman, she believes that her husband is still with her. The departure of a loved one was a great shock for Yadviga Konstantinovna. The singer admitted that she did not have time to tell her husband much.

Tikhanovich's daughter revealed the truth about his fatal illness

“Today I don’t have the feeling that Sasha is not around. So he left somewhere, and this happened so often that I got used to the fact that I was alone and waiting for him. We laughed somehow, I told him: “Oh, Sashka, I think you and I only meet on stage. It is in songs that we tell each other about the feelings that we have inside.” But in real life, we didn’t even have time to talk to him, we just didn’t have time to talk. We never lived for each other,” the singer shared.

// Photo: Frame from the program “Morning. Good mood studio" STV channel

During a conversation with the host of the program, Poplavskaya noted that after the death of her loved one, she found a touching poem in his papers that shocked her.

“When Sasha passed away, probably about a month later... There were bags, folders, he often wrote something down, I didn’t infiltrate, it was his. (...) And then I think: “Well, it’s necessary anyway, it’s necessary.” And you know what I found... Apparently, it was an outburst of what was inside him,” the singer said.

Yadviga Konstantinovna noted that her husband mentioned her in his work. Then she read it aloud. Tikhanovich's poem contained the following lines:

How many years have I lived?
Hanging out like a prodigal son
And I didn't see you
Although you were nearby, Lord.
How grateful I am to you for your guardianship,
For such a wife who brought me back
And she opened her eyes to see another world.

Remembering her husband, the artist could not contain her emotions. Tears welled up in Poplavskaya’s eyes.

“After all, in fact, I lived for him to rise... And he did it. And in this regard, he can really be a shining example for others... Yes, he was broken and did not understand how it was possible to do this to people in his time. That’s why he broke down, and others took advantage of this,” added Yadviga Konstantinovna.