Why do Jews as a whole hate Stalin? Translation of "for the most part" in Chinese

footuh - 03 December 2008, 11:43:56
Well, let's return to our sheep - if we follow Orwell's logic, - why is current Oceania so strong? The answer is quite simple - because she able keep Eurasia and Eastasia fragmented.

So, the main task of Oceania today is to prevent either Eurasia or Eastasia from uniting. And the global task of those, accordingly, is to create full-fledged blocks.
The path of uniting Russia with China does not solve this problem in any way; in a global sense, we have “grenades of the wrong system” with them. For greatness, we need technological power, an advanced industrial base, and not Chinese “blast furnaces in every yard.”

We need to train our staff - " German production quality“, and not “made in China.” By and large, in industrial terms, we can already “make it in China” ourselves. There is no cultural and civilizational sense for Russia to unite with SUCH an industry.

And the Chinese, with their mentality, need not the resources themselves (which in Russia, for example, are difficult to extract), but the culture of their processing (and this despite the fact that they already process them in a way we never dreamed of). They are not interested in raw materials per se, but and high conversion of existing raw materials- in Japanese style.
And they are also interested in society industrializing, and not having constant peasant revolts, and so that yesterday’s man, coming out of the rice bed, stands at the machine and plows on it until his retirement/death in the Japanese style, and does not look for a better life - migrating between the city and village.
They need samurai so that the PLA ceases to be a laughing stock in military terms. They need to cultivate in their people this something that allowed the Japanese, on plywood corn trucks of the “Zero” type, to race the Americans on their all-metal, almost “flying fortresses.”

That is, the Chinese - in terms of civilization - have no need for an alliance with Russia. What we can offer them, they already have. (From their Chinese point of view!) Now, if they could help them - with the same Taiwan/Formosa, the unification of Korea - and already through Korea - a throw at Japan... Another thing.

However, if we have somewhere in the General Staff plans to help the Chinese in their capture of Japan, such a General Staff must immediately be brought to justice, because in a geopolitical sense - the alliance of China with Japan is for us - and not only for us (in in general, no one will find it enough!).

In short, we need China, and China needs us, in order to “move a little” the “Oceans” out of the zone of our geopolitical blocs. Further, everyone will be on their own, and even - they will teach some kind of mischief to a former comrade.

That's why logic of Russia's actions It’s simple - let us into the EU, into the WTO, into PACE, if something happens, we’re ready to join NATO.
The meaning of these actions - on the sly - no matter how, is to achieve an informal unification with Western European industry and then the whole world will see Orwell's "Eurasia" in all its formidable glory.

If anything, right here outside our door is a huge kid with a baseball bat (we still won’t give it to him) and the words “China” on his T-shirt. He is our friend. Honestly. Honestly, honestly... So we gave him the islands and are making him a “frying pan”.

The logic of China's actions even simpler. He doesn't have a normal army. His PLA is a laughing stock. Therefore, they chose a very Chinese path - financial pressure. Like, guys, you already owe us a trillion. Like, isn’t it time to amicably remove your bases in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan? Well, so as not to create excessive pressure on the budget. In response, if we remove the bases, the same Japanese will eat you with porridge! China, - “Well, to hell with it - let them eat it, we will be slightly digested in their stomachs and they themselves will become Chinese - how many times in history has this already happened. We are not afraid.”

Now the situation through the eyes of Oceania- wherever you throw it, - one wedge.
Or in the end, Wild Ivan with a German Schmeisser, and Evil Michel with a Russian rocket are sitting under our doors. And what will they do to us for “perestroika”, and Hamburg and Dresden - I don’t know.
Or - a Chinese man, stoned with the ideas of bushido, with a samurai sword (remember “Kill Bill”), or a Japanese man with a Chinese caudle behind his back. Why do they give us “opium wars” or remind us of Hiroshima - again - I don’t know. But something needs to be done because there is a crisis.

So, until very recently, it seemed to everyone that either Ivan and Liao would agree on something (hardly), or Liao would still be allowed into Japan in one way or another (we look at the situation around Taiwan, the history with the reactor in Yongbyon, and a picture with American bases in Japan in general).

The picture was supported by a continuous stream of films now going on - “The Emperor and His Assassin”, “Hero” and others “Remembering the Fathers” and “Letters from Iwo Jima”. Even "The Last Samurai" is from that same opera. Accordingly, the picture was completed - missile defense in the third region, Saakashvili and the endless Maidan. And also tea with polonium, “shouldn’t you change the constitution” and other Swedish jokes about mines in the Baltic.

However, in the very last weeks, the tone of everything unexpectedly changed and this is connected not only and not so much with the elections in America. This is due to the wild outcry (election results) in Japan and the hard “no” from old Europe to the MAP, the activities of the ECB, etc.
We found ourselves in a slightly different reality, and in this reality it turned out that the western part of Eurasia is ready to merge into a single Orwellian Eurasia,” and eastern Eastasia does not want to be friends with the main Eastasia - under any circumstances.

People are, for the most part, pragmatic. People from Oceania are doubly pragmatic.
If parts of Eurasia decide to merge, it is more expensive to resist this merger, even if it happens at the cost of a dozen broken Polish/Ukrainian or Serbian/Albanian heads. The process has begun. In Eastasia, on the contrary, the process has reached a dead end. Well, “finish off the fallen dog.”

I think that now at various levels there is a fair amount of commotion on the topic - how and on what conditions Oceania is leaving Eurasia and how Eurasia will support Oceania for this so that it does not screw up in the process - accidentally.
At the same time - on the main raw material routes from China to China - funny surprises begin. Namely, China/Japan will be thrown the most harshly as a result of the Ocean Crisis. Because - it’s not scary to throw them now. Because now they are not ready to merge and roll out common features to yesterday’s hegemon.

“This is the explanation for the “Europeans”.

At some point in history, the Chinese realized that there were only twenty-four hours in a day. At this significant moment, they apparently decided to consciously abandon activities that only waste precious time. Can you remember at least one of your acquaintances who, sooner or later, would not complain about how tired she was of endless cooking, cleaning, ironing... So the weekend spent cleaning out the apartment did not make anyone happier (with rare exceptions)? Our son has been living with the Chinese for two years now (he has his own room), so I have, as they say, first-hand information. This is a young married couple. Both work. So the housewife regularly sweeps, washes the floors, and every Saturday she also vacuums and does laundry. But it never even occurs to her to peel off the sticky soot on the hood, dig up layers of dust on the cabinet, crawl with a rag under the refrigerator, etc. What's the point of this?! Why waste time and effort ironing clothes and linen that will become wrinkled in five minutes? If only they were clean.

But the wall around the stove doesn’t have to be clean at all - they don’t eat on it and don’t dress themselves on it. Yes, this is not dirt at all - it’s just drops of oil that splash when frying! Even if you spend the whole day peeling them off, in a week the same thing will happen. So why suffer?!
With this attitude, the Chinese always have time to go to the hairdresser, regularly get manicures, pedicures, and massages; visit museums and exhibitions; have dinner with friends, play table tennis, badminton, mahjong, traditional Chinese checkers; dance in the park, take a walk with the grandchildren, warm up on exercise equipment in the yard and much, much more. In addition, it is mandatory not just to visit your parents, but to take them for a walk in the park or take them out of town (in good weather, there are old people of any age everywhere (on crutches, in wheelchairs... it doesn’t matter) with their family.

The very first stain on a freshly washed stove or a scratch from a chair on the parquet floor upsets and upsets any of our exemplary housewives, unlike a Chinese housewife who simply does not notice such nonsense, because it’s not clean walls, but a walk in the park, contemplation of a blooming magnolia, a sit-down with a cup of tea with friends, kite flying, calligraphy lessons, dancing, singing, etc., etc. This is what pleases and brings peace of mind and tranquility.
As for apartments, we are no longer surprised that the Chinese rent out the premises as they are, i.e. It is not accepted to make at least cosmetic repairs in order to rent it out at a higher price. The degree of “destruction” naturally affects the price, but not significantly. In turn, the residents will not deliberately spoil or dirty anything, but they also do not intend to take care of, care for (cover, polish, etc.), they will simply use and live for their own pleasure - walk in shoes, kill well-fed mosquitoes with a slipper ceiling, eating ice cream on a leather sofa; Do not forbid your child to draw on the walls or touch the curtains with dirty hands. Thus, you need to understand that neither the owner nor the residents care about everything that remains in the apartment. Everything is inexpensive and you can always buy new. But if the apartment is new, with awesome furniture and appliances, then the Chinese simply won’t rent it out. “But how?” you ask, “This is such a waste of income!” But decide, - either you want to receive income from tenants, then you give them the apartment with all its contents to be torn to pieces, or you take care of your treasures and don’t show them to anyone A close friend of ours, a Chinese woman, has two apartments lying idle, and when we ask her why she doesn’t rent them out, she replies, “Where will I put my things?”
A separate topic is behavior at the table. To explain better, I’ll try to write as if from the perspective of a Chinese woman:
« Hi friend! So I got to Europe itself. The hotel is very good - expensive. Before eating in a restaurant, everyone specially changes their clothes. But can you imagine my surprise when these well-dressed people, having ordered salads, ribs, olives and fish for dinner, began to eat it all and put the bones directly into clean dishes! You won’t believe it, but instead of throwing them on the floor, or at least on the table, where garbage actually belonged, they built mountains of scraps right on their plates and put clean food there too! When these gnawed bones were also flooded with sauces and mayonnaise from the salad, it was simply scary to look at the table! In addition, after wiping their mouths with a napkin, they did not throw it to the side, but laid it next to it and then carried it around with the same napkin several times with greasy stains and traces of lipstick on your face. So they ate and talked all evening surrounded by all this garbage, instead of throwing everything unnecessary under the table, where it would not bother anyone or catch the eye, and the waitress could then calmly sweep it all up and mop the floor. Instead, the poor thing had to go through everything with her hands, separating cutlery from used napkins and leftover food. Is this really the norm or did I just come across such a contingent?»

Be prepared for happy gifts of fate. And believe that anything is possible!

Right people live by the rules, and wrong people rule them and determine what is right.

There are people with souls as deep as the ocean, in whom you want to plunge. And there are people, like puddles, that you have to go around so as not to get dirty.

When you are lonely, it does not mean that you are weak. It means you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve.

Strong and weak, how are they distinguished?
I think it's probably like this:
The strong conquer their vices,
The weak serve them faithfully!

People were created to be loved, and things were created to be used. The world is in chaos because everything is the other way around!

It is much more useful if a reliable and cheerful partner covers your back, rather than a strong and experienced partner. The strong and wise can always be distracted by a more important task than guarding someone's back.

Many people are afraid to say what they want. And that's why they don't get it.

It is not the strongest or the smartest who survive, but the one who best adapts to change.

Jewish writers have already spoken openly so many times about how much they hate Stalin that there is reason for everyone to think: "FOR WHAT?"

And this despite the fact that the Russian people for the most part, on the contrary, strongly respect the leader of the USSR Joseph Vissarionovich and consider him literally their Savior with a capital S?

Personally, I long ago found the answer to this question: “why do Jews hate Stalin so fiercely?” It is contained in the words of Vladimir Putin, which the President of Russia said at a meeting with rabbis at the Museum of Tolerance in 2013: "The first Soviet government consisted of 80-85% Jews."

Such concentration Jews in the first Soviet government is clear evidence of the historical fact that the guiding force of the revolution, later called “Russian” by historians, were for the most part Jews.

In this regard, it is reasonable to now ask the question: who was leader these Jews who en masse became part of the first Soviet government? After all, no collective movement forward towards any goal can do without leader.

The answer lies, as they say, on the surface: the leader of these Jews, who en masse became part of the first Soviet government, was the main founder and organizer of the Red Army - Leiba Davidovich Bronstein(Trotsky).

Trotsky speaks to the soldiers of the Red Army. 1918

In fact, Trotsky was one of the main leaders of the October Revolution.

Let's take one more step in understanding our history, let's ask ourselves: what goals were pursued by the October Revolution and Trotsky personally, if it is known (!) that he received huge sums of money for the creation of the Red Army from Jewish bankers? For example, from Jacob Schiff.

Could Jewish bankers invest money in the “Russian revolution” without the hope of getting a big profit from it?

Of course not, they couldn’t! The Jews, as the entire history of mankind testifies, never do anything without benefit for themselves!

Therefore, the October Revolution of 1917 was prepared by Jews, financed by Jews and carried out by their proteges exclusively in their interests. It is also clear that the slogans about “universal freedom, equality and brotherhood” that they proclaimed then were nothing more than their “sheep’s clothing” with which they then covered their real goals.

What about Stalin?

And Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) in the period from 1924 to 1929 was engaged, to put it bluntly, in seizing control. While still studying at the Tiflis seminary to become an Orthodox priest, he learned the main rule of the political struggle of the Jews for world domination: “if some hostile movement or community cannot be destroyed, we must lead it!” So Stalin did everything possible and impossible to one day become the head of the Soviet state and the leader of all Jews, of whom there were more than 5 million in Russia at that time. His goal is now clear - Stalin sought to subjugate them to his will and direct their violent energy into a creative direction for the benefit of all residents of Russia.

Under the leadership of Trotsky-Bronstein, many thousands of Jews, and perhaps all more than five million Jews, dreamed of building the so-called "Jewish kingdom", in which the role of slaves was assigned, of course, to the Russians. The Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky spoke about these plans of the Jews back in 1877, 40 years before the October Revolution.

“...The Jewish revolution must begin with atheism, since the Jews need to overthrow that faith, that religion, from which came the moral foundations that made Russia both holy and great!” “Godless anarchism is close: our children will see it... The International ordered that the Jewish revolution begin in Russia... It is beginning, because we have no reliable resistance against it - neither in government nor in society. The revolt will begin with atheism and the robbery of all wealth, they will begin to corrupt religion, destroy temples and turn them into barracks, into stalls, they will flood the world with blood and then they themselves will get scared. The Jews will destroy Russia and become the leaders of anarchy. Jew and his kahal are a conspiracy against the Russians. A terrible, colossal, spontaneous revolution is foreseen, which will shake all the kingdoms of the world with a change in the face of this world. But this will require a hundred million heads. The whole world will be flooded with rivers of blood.” Source. (Dostoevsky F. M. Diary of a Writer. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2010. - 880 p.)

Blood then really flowed like a river. Basically it was Russian blood.

During the years of the Civil War of 1918-1922, under the leadership of the Soviet government, which in reality was Jewish by 80-85%, was stabbed to death, burned, drowned, shot, hanged according to the most conservative estimates - 6 million Russian people.

When Stalin took over control of the country, taking all the reins of power from Leiba Bronstein-Trotsky, he first of all refused to carry out his plan - "turn Russia into firewood for the fire of the world revolution", and openly announced it.

World revolution was needed exclusively Jews who are still raving about the idea "New World Order".

Stalin did not care about their dreams and began to build on the ruins of the Russian Empire the world's first state of workers and peasants, guided by the plan for building socialism in a single country, which drew in his works V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin.

That is why the former seminarian Stalin, after Lenin died in 1924, did not come up with anything better how to make him icon for atheists, which, at his instigation, they literally began pray all communists and Komsomol members not only in the USSR, but also in all countries where the ideas of communism were picked up. As for Leiba Bronstein-Trotsky, he was first expelled from the USSR, this happened in 1929, and then in Mexico in 1940, on the orders of the same Stalin, he was destroyed as an “enemy of the people.”

These photographs are eloquent evidence that, at the instigation of Stalin, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin became a communist for all icon.

Lenin even today replaces God for the communists.

Why did Stalin take this step of turning Lenin into an icon?

And why, having the education of an Orthodox priest, did Stalin keep the Russian Orthodox Church literally in a “black body”?

The secret of Stalin’s attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church (and to religion in general) is explained by the story given below.

Joseph Stalin through the eyes of the writer Maxim Gorky


The beginning of the 20th century was marked for Russia by two powerful anti-Russian uprisings. Both were over-participated by “non-indigenous” people. They, “fiery revolutionaries,” called Russia “this country” and the Russians “this people.” In their world plans, they assigned Russia the role of a log destined to burn in the stove of the “permanent revolution.” There are still people alive who have not forgotten either the “Red Terror”, or decossackization, or the fight against “Russian fascism”. And for how many years did the vast Russian province freeze in horror when it heard: “The Latvians are coming!” These “iron shooters” did not understand a word of Russian and only knew how to pull the trigger of a Mauser .

Stalin stopped this destructive lawlessness. Moreover, he brought down the sword of fair retribution on the heads of the executioners. The authors of the genocide of the Russian people received what they deserved.

An unsurpassed worker in the highest government position, Stalin created the state that generations of utopians dreamed of: with free education and treatment, with extraordinary social protection for the working person.

In the USSR the law prevailed: “A thief must sit, and a traitor must hang!” Thanks to the titanic efforts of Stalin, our Soviet civilization appeared on the planet.

Writer Nikolai Kuzmin dedicated his documentary and artistic narrative “Retribution. Part I. The last flight of the Petrel"

So, Nikolai Kuzmin’s story: "Joseph Stalin through the eyes of the writer Maxim Gorky".

Having become the unofficial People's Commissar of Soviet culture, Gorky often received the Leader in his mansion at the Nikitsky Gate. At first, Joseph Vissarionovich came with friends from the Politburo, then he began to come alone. He liked calm, leisurely conversations by the fireplace. The two interlocutors spoke as if on equal terms - without the slightest fear of uttering a word out of place. Neither one nor the other needed to be told anything about poverty: both knew the bitter bread of hardship, they were born with it, they grew up with it. Stalin was attracted by Gorky's support for his daring plans to transform the village. There has never been anything like it is now in the USSR. Previously, they were proud of the fact that they fed Europe with bread, while their own volosts and districts were dying of hunger. The individual peasant had to poke his nose into the benefits of collective labor (as he once did into the usefulness of potatoes). The collective farm youth for the first time learned the taste of sports, took a fancy to the reading room, and amateur club performances began to sing throughout the villages. Alexey Maksimovich believed that with his own eyes he would see the collective farm elderly sitting on the rubble with books in their hands.

Disadvantages of collectivization? Unfortunately, it was not possible to do without this. The extraordinary nature of the changes being undertaken was evident; there was also bungling, the zealous zeal of ordinary fools. The authorities acted cruelly in such cases, discouraging the hunt forever. (Conscious sabotage was not yet spoken about in full voice, but the figure of a state fool, endowed with power, was already rising to his full height. A fool, and even with a party card - it’s scary to imagine what he is capable of doing!)

Staring thoughtfully at the fireplace fire, Joseph Vissarionovich then admitted that the rural population would have to become the country’s only colony - the industrialization program would be carried out exclusively at the expense of state farms and collective farms. There is absolutely nowhere for the Soviet government to get money (you can’t get into debt abroad!). There is only one reserve - internal: tighten your belts.

“It’s not a sin to sacrifice democracy for the sake of this,” Gorky supported.

Democracy... This word made Stalin fidget in his chair. He took a pipe from his pocket and knocked it into the fireplace. As he filled his pipe with tobacco, he raised his eyebrows as usual.

Democracy... Progressive public... Demos... Power and the will of the people... The played record of demagogues!

In the Bible, a solid and ancient book, this buzzword is used three times. Yes, they talked about democracy even then, in biblical times. Who does not know about the fate of the faithful Lot and his daughters? These unfortunates tried to escape from the angry crowd with stakes and clubs. So the Holy Scripture calls precisely this wild crowd “democracy” (the will of the people). What about the fate of Jesus Christ? When Pontius Pilate stepped onto the balcony of the palace, he announced to the assembled crowd that he did not find any guilt on the detainee. In response, the crowd roared: “Crucify him, crucify him!” And Pilate had no choice but to wash his hands. The will of the people! For the third time, democracy is mentioned again in connection with the fate of Christ. As he was being led to execution and he was carrying his cross, a crowd of Jewish mobs threw stones at him, poked him with splinters, pulled him by the hair and spat in his face. The Holy Scripture also calls this arbitrariness of the crowd democracy.

The word itself is non-Russian - democracy . He was dragged from the West by our not very educated intelligentsia. Russia has always stood for conciliarity. Conciliarity means obligatory attention to the opinions of others. This is a reasonable approach to any problem, taking into account the real and possible. And democracy... If you look at it, it is a dictatorship not of the majority, but of the minority. And to be honest, this is nothing more than a dictatorship of scum. God forbid we have such a democracy!

Moscow was whispering and making noise about the demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Joseph Vissarionovich, discussing this topic, once again amazed Gorky with the depth of his mind and breadth of knowledge.

Vladimir the Saint, having converted to Christianity and throwing Perun into the Dnieper, changed the history of our people. Together with paganism, perhaps the most significant period of the Russians has sunk into the past. For some reason, scientists believe that the beginning of Russian statehood began with the Varangian prince Rurik. But this is just our yesterday!

Proof? At least the ancient document known as the “Charter of Alexander the Great”. It contains information about the kingdom of the brothers Rus and Sloven, whose territory extended from the Adriatic Sea to the Arctic Ocean.

What do we know about that period? Yes, in essence, nothing! Dark failure. Our knowledge begins with the exploits of Prince Svyatoslav, who crushed the Khazar Khaganate. And if you delve deeper into the chronicles, it will be revealed that the Russian power existed long before the mighty Rome!

Stalin viewed Christianity imposed on the Russians from the point of view of the then historical situation. This was the ideology of the new state formation. In the name of Christ, this ideology united the tribes, which were constantly at war with one another and did not recognize the power of the Kyiv prince. And the interests of survival surrounded by strong enemies urgently required unity and the strong hand of the Leader, i.e. autocracy.

The new ideology also gave birth to great literature. “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” for the first time rejected the idea of ​​personal salvation, and exclusively of general, conciliar salvation. A hundred years later, Daniil Zatochnik condemned the division between rich and poor and expressed a desire to strengthen the highest power through culture, education...

The significance of Christianity for the Russian people is undeniable. The example of the Savior, who accepted death on the cross, gave rise to the concept of heroism, i.e. self-sacrifice for the common good. “Give your life for your friend!” Hence the inflexibility of the Russians in the most severe trials. It is not for nothing that our enemies are convinced that it is not enough to kill a Russian, he must also be knocked down.

Unfortunately, over the past centuries, Christianity has completely degenerated. And not only Catholicism, but also Orthodoxy. The Church completely and completely went over to the side of the rich and thereby betrayed the covenants of the Savior. This betrayal destroyed the authority of the church in the eyes of the people. It is enough to read the angry sermons of our Russian prophet Archpriest Avvakum. Subservience to the authorities forced believers to see the priest as an ordinary official in a cassock - in addition to the police officer or police officer. That is why the church suffered the fate of autocracy. After all, it was not Jews who threw crosses from churches; it was baptized people who climbed onto the domes.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is pitiful as a monument of history and architecture. If only it had not risen in the very center of the capital! Now the Land of Soviets has acquired a completely new Faith, a new Religion - Marxism-Leninism. And in the center of Moscow there should be a majestic temple of the new Faith: the grandiose Palace of the Soviets.

“What’s truly a pity,” admitted Joseph Vissarionovich, “is the Garden Ring. The squirrels were jumping there. I overlooked...

“We, Bolsheviks,” reasoned Stalin, pacing in front of the fireplace, “we must not forget that the Russian tsars did one great thing - they put together a huge state from Warsaw to Kamchatka. And we inherited this state. So what - squander? Sell? Starting a gamble? They say it’s enough for our lifetime. No, this policy is harmful. Mean one, I would say!

Gorky recalled the Portsmouth Peace: they gave up both the Kuril Islands and half of Sakhalin.

Joseph Vissarionovich winced:

- The king was useless. He sat down in the wrong place. He should have given up the throne in a year... in a year... Yes, he could have reigned for five years and that would be enough! It would have worked out better for him, and for...

Without finishing, he waved his hand.

“But look at the aristocracy. This is a whole class of managers. The people are selected, prepared. The main thing is with a sense of ownership. The owner of the country. And this is very important!

- And Prince Kurbsky? - Gorky recalled.

“There’s a black sheep in a family,” Stalin waved it off. - Both Kurbsky and the traitor boyars under False Dmitry. It's like that. But still! This class felt that the country rested on its shoulders. This is what I call a sense of ownership... When will these grow here? So that they would not be afraid of the king, or God, or the devil. Let's get down to business - head on to the chopping block! There are none yet. So they look into the mouth. Even evil takes. Sometimes you deliberately tell him: “black” and he, like a parrot: “yes, yes, dear Comrade Stalin, black.”

— It seems to me that Sergo Ordzhonikidze...

— I’m not talking about Sergo. Artem, Kirov, Kuibyshev... But not enough, not enough. Oh, how little! If you say so, they will do it. If you don’t say so, everything will remain that way. What is this? Habit of the master? Necessity of a shepherd? What if something happens to the shepherd?

It was on this evening that Joseph Vissarionovich developed before the writer his dream of a clan of leaders, of selecting the best, the very best, a kind of party order of sword-bearers who would not be afraid of responsibility and could shoulder the leadership of a huge country.

In such rare moments of revelation, Alexey Maksimovich anxiously felt the depressing loneliness of this great man...

Alexey Maksimovich believed that the Leader, like a failed priest, not only knew very well, but also read the Book of Books - the Bible. He often cited biblical examples in conversation... To the writer’s surprise, Stalin strongly protested about the veneration of the Book of Books.

This is just the history of the Jewish people. But only! All material is centered around Palestine. But remember - what is Palestine? The then outback. Where is the history of China? And India? Japan, finally. Or take, for example, a country like Tibet. Or Korea... After hesitation, he said: it was not for nothing that Emperor Nicholas I forbade publishing the Bible in full, with the Old Testament at its head. Even then, after the Decembrist uprising, he realized that there was a hidden intent in the all-out emphasis on the Bible. In other words, he understood the harmful influence of Zionism.

Gorky reminded Stalin of Peter the Great, who first ordered the bells to be transferred to cannons, and then completely abolished such an important institution as the patriarchate, i.e. put the church in frunt, turning it into an ordinary department.

Pointing the receiver at his interlocutor like a pistol, Joseph Vissarionovich suddenly asked: “Do you see a place now for a priest in the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant or Magnitka?” And in the Red Army? And on the collective farm? I don’t know, maybe there’s something wrong with my vision, but I don’t see!.. Well, perhaps somewhere in a hospital, among the dying... I don’t know, I don’t know...

At the end of the 20s of the twentieth century, Stalin, as is known, waged a stubborn struggle for commanding heights. The fanatical Grigory Zinoviev lost his place at the head of Leningrad, and managed to send the eloquent Leiba Trotsky abroad. The atmosphere in the party gradually cleared. In industry, the supporters of the General Secretary were still Ordzhonikidze and Kuibyshev. Voroshilov became People's Commissar of Defense. In ideology, the importance of the returning Gorky grew day by day. Lubyanka remained a sore spot. After the sudden death of Dzerzhinsky, the department of internal affairs was headed by Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, a sick and variously depraved person. Taking advantage of his helplessness, Herschel Yagoda slowly took power at Lubyanka.

Stalin always attached paramount importance to ideology. "In the beginning was the Word..." Stalin read everything (or almost everything) that was published in thick magazines, knew the theatrical repertoire well, and new Soviet cinematography was released only after his approval - the Secretary General watched all the films.

Stalin's portrait in the center of Stavropol caused a scandal

Human rights activists are demanding that those who hung a banner depicting the leader of the peoples be punished in Stavropol. Assistant Commissioner for Human Rights Vladimir Poluboyarenko sent an application to the Stavropol prosecutor's office. He believes that people who hung a portrait of Stalin on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory are disgracing the great holiday. The opinions of residents, at least on social networks, were diametrically divided.

“How much aggression and anger this caused...”

A banner with a portrait of Stalin in the uniform of a generalissimo and the inscription “We remember, we are proud!” appeared on Wednesday. It was installed on Lenin Street, opposite the city children's library. It is curious that the portrait of the leader was erected next to the house of Galina Tuz, a famous Stavropol writer and journalist, who the day before at one of the regional radio stations heatedly condemned the role of Stalin in military history.

“I testify for all those killed, tortured, dead, and they say: “We are against!” Against Stalin, and he did not win. The multinational Soviet people won and paid an incommensurable price. The Balkars, Chechens, Jews, Russians, Ukrainians and many others won! But not him. He destroyed the army before the war. I planted the best people. Where did they call Rokossovsky to lead?!” Galina Tuz said on the radio.

Her opponent was the regional Duma deputy from United Russia Nikolai Novopashin, who shortly before this proposed placing banners with the image of Joseph Stalin in Stavropol. True, he soon abandoned this idea, because, as he himself explained on his Facebook page, “I saw how much aggression and anger this topic caused.”

It soon became clear who exactly mounted the billboard - activists of the regional branch of the National Liberation Movement (NLM), which established the Anti-Maidan coalition in early February. The appearance of a portrait of Stalin in the center of Stavropol caused a heated discussion on social networks and a flurry of publications in the press. Moreover, as has happened many times before, the attitude towards the leader’s personality divided the city’s residents into two irreconcilable camps...

The very next morning, Thursday, the billboard with a portrait of Stalin from Mira Street disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. However, his short stay did not leave human rights activists indifferent. Assistant Commissioner for Human Rights in the region Vladimir Poluboyarenko sent two appeals - addressed to the mayor of Stavropol Georgy Kolyagin and the city prosecutor Sergei Stepanov. Poluboyarenko writes that the appearance of posters with Stalin’s face is offensive to him personally and to the descendants of all victims of Stalin’s repressions. He himself is a representative of the ancient Cossack family of the Chernousovs (Chernousov), which was almost completely destroyed in the late thirties. “Hanging an image of Stalin is a planned political provocation, the purpose of which is to darken a holiday sacred to our Fatherland, to deeply offend the feelings of veterans, members of their families and the families of repressed people,” writes Vladimir Poluboyarenko in his appeal... .

“The Jews are seething, if the people rebel, the preponderance of forces will be on the side of the Stalinists!”

Philologists from the Sakharov Center held a scientific seminar in Moscow, where they examined the question “Stalin’s aberration: why the RUSSIANS cannot cope with the legacy of the tyrant”.

The seminar participants bitterly stated that, theoretically, over time Stalinists should have disappeared completely, but they, on the contrary, have multiplied in incredible quantities.

Students studying the Russian phenomenon Jewish Jews They just can’t understand that everything in life is interconnected: the STALINISTS “proliferated” because social PERVERTS: pederasts of various stripes, pedophiles, masters of “degenerate art,” corrupt judges, prostituting politicians and other moral monsters.

“A lot of 20-30 year old Stalinists have appeared”,” said Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, writer Gasan Huseynov. They provided statistics. It turned out that only 11% of the Russian population is against the return of Stalinism! Of the remaining 89%, half are looking forward to this with delight, and the other half don’t care.

The numerical superiority of Stalin's supporters over his opponents is four times! - philologists of the Sakharov Center summed up.

According to the seminar participants, this should prompt the Russian leadership to take urgent measures! The first thing that the liberalizers of Russian consciousness decided was to legislatively prohibit mentioning in vain the party name of the leader - “Stalin”, and, if necessary, using his Georgian surname - “Dzhugashvili”. The word “STEEL” personifies strength, power, purity, which is why the sound of the word “Stalin” is so pleasant to the Russian ear.

It is characteristic that this study of the Russian phenomenon took place within the framework of a seminar from the series “Language in the Field of Social Interaction.” One depressing conclusion follows from this: certain forces are conducting a consistent study of “language codes” for the possibility of reprogramming the consciousness of the Russian population.

The composition of the event participants is indicative. Among those who were going to reformat the Russian brain by changing language codes were exclusively representatives of the “biblical people”:

- Mikhail Gorbanevsky, Doctor of Philology, Prof., Chairman of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in Documentary and Information Disputes (GLEDIS) - based on the findings of which court cases are conducted, incl. under Article 282;

- Denis Dragunsky, political scientist;

- Irina Levontina, Ph.D., Art. scientific employee of the Institute of Russian Language named after. Vinogradov RAS;

- Marek Radziwon, Doctor of History, Director of the Polish Cultural Center in Moscow;

- Evgeniy Steiner, professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. .

Jewish writers have already spoken openly so many times about how much they hate Stalin that there is reason for everyone to think: "FOR WHAT?"

And this despite the fact that the Russian people for the most part, on the contrary, strongly respect the leader of the USSR Joseph Vissarionovich and consider him literally their Savior with a capital S?

Personally, I long ago found the answer to this question: “why do Jews hate Stalin so fiercely?” It is contained in the words of Vladimir Putin, which the President of Russia said at a meeting with rabbis at the Museum of Tolerance in 2013: "The first Soviet government consisted of 80-85% Jews."

Such concentration Jews in the first Soviet government is clear evidence of the historical fact that the guiding force of the revolution, later called “Russian” by historians, were for the most part Jews.

In this regard, it is reasonable to now ask the question: who was leader these Jews who en masse became part of the first Soviet government? After all, no collective movement forward towards any goal can do without leader.

The answer lies, as they say, on the surface: the leader of these Jews, who en masse became part of the first Soviet government, was the main founder and organizer of the Red Army - Leiba Davidovich Bronstein(Trotsky).

Trotsky speaks to the soldiers of the Red Army. 1918

In fact, Trotsky was one of the main leaders of the October Revolution.

Let's take one more step in understanding our history, let's ask ourselves: what goals were pursued by the October Revolution and Trotsky personally, if it is known (!) that he received huge sums of money for the creation of the Red Army from Jewish bankers? For example, from Jacob Schiff.

Could Jewish bankers invest money in the “Russian revolution” without the hope of getting a big profit from it?

Of course not, they couldn’t! The Jews, as the entire history of mankind testifies, never do anything without benefit for themselves!

Therefore, the October Revolution of 1917 was prepared by Jews, financed by Jews and carried out by their proteges exclusively in their interests. It is also clear that the slogans about “universal freedom, equality and brotherhood” that they proclaimed then were nothing more than their “sheep’s clothing” with which they then covered their real goals.

What about Stalin?

And Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) in the period from 1924 to 1929 was engaged, to put it bluntly, in seizing control. While still studying at the Tiflis seminary to become an Orthodox priest, he learned the main rule of the political struggle of the Jews for world domination: “if some hostile movement or community cannot be destroyed, we must lead it!” So Stalin did everything possible and impossible to one day become the head of the Soviet state and the leader of all Jews, of whom there were more than 5 million in Russia at that time. His goal is now clear - Stalin sought to subjugate them to his will and direct their violent energy into a creative direction for the benefit of all residents of Russia.

Under the leadership of Trotsky-Bronstein, many thousands of Jews, and perhaps all more than five million Jews, dreamed of building the so-called "Jewish kingdom", in which the role of slaves was assigned, of course, to the Russians. The Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky spoke about these plans of the Jews back in 1877, 40 years before the October Revolution.

“...The Jewish revolution must begin with atheism, since the Jews need to overthrow that faith, that religion, from which came the moral foundations that made Russia both holy and great!” “Godless anarchism is close: our children will see it... The International ordered that the Jewish revolution begin in Russia... It is beginning, because we have no reliable resistance against it - neither in government nor in society. The revolt will begin with atheism and the robbery of all wealth, they will begin to corrupt religion, destroy temples and turn them into barracks, into stalls, they will flood the world with blood and then they themselves will get scared. The Jews will destroy Russia and become the leaders of anarchy. Jew and his kahal are a conspiracy against the Russians. A terrible, colossal, spontaneous revolution is foreseen, which will shake all the kingdoms of the world with a change in the face of this world. But this will require a hundred million heads. The whole world will be flooded with rivers of blood.” Source. (Dostoevsky F. M. Diary of a Writer. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2010. - 880 p.)

Blood then really flowed like a river. Basically it was Russian blood.

During the years of the Civil War of 1918-1922, under the leadership of the Soviet government, which in reality was Jewish by 80-85%, was stabbed to death, burned, drowned, shot, hanged according to the most conservative estimates - 6 million Russian people.

When Stalin intercepted control of the country, taking all the reins of power from Leiba Bronstein-Trotsky, he first of all refused to carry out his plan - "turn Russia into firewood for the fire of the world revolution", and openly announced it.

World revolution was needed exclusively Jews who are still raving about the idea "New World Order".

Stalin did not care about their dreams and began to build on the ruins of the Russian Empire the world's first state of workers and peasants, guided by the plan for building socialism in a single country, which drew in his works V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin.

That is why the former seminarian Stalin, after Lenin died in 1924, did not come up with anything better how to make him icon for atheists, which, at his instigation, they literally began pray all communists and Komsomol members not only in the USSR, but also in all countries where the ideas of communism were picked up. As for Leiba Bronstein-Trotsky, he was first expelled from the USSR, this happened in 1929, and then in Mexico in 1940, on the orders of the same Stalin, he was destroyed as an “enemy of the people.”

These photographs are eloquent evidence that, at the instigation of Stalin, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin became a communist for all icon.

Lenin even today replaces God for the communists.

Why did Stalin take this step of turning Lenin into an icon?

And why, having the education of an Orthodox priest, did Stalin keep the Russian Orthodox Church literally in a “black body”?

The secret of Stalin’s attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church (and to religion in general) is explained by the story given below.

Joseph Stalin through the eyes of the writer Maxim Gorky


The beginning of the 20th century was marked for Russia by two powerful anti-Russian uprisings. Both were over-participated by “non-indigenous” people. They, “fiery revolutionaries,” called Russia “this country” and the Russians “this people.” In their world plans, they assigned Russia the role of a log destined to burn in the stove of the “permanent revolution.” There are still people alive who have not forgotten either the “Red Terror”, or decossackization, or the fight against “Russian fascism”. And for how many years did the vast Russian province freeze in horror when it heard: “The Latvians are coming!” These “iron shooters” did not understand a word of Russian and only knew how to pull the trigger of a Mauser .

Stalin stopped this destructive lawlessness. Moreover, he brought down the sword of fair retribution on the heads of the executioners. The authors of the genocide of the Russian people received what they deserved.

An unsurpassed worker in the highest government position, Stalin created the state that generations of utopians dreamed of: with free education and treatment, with extraordinary social protection for the working person.

In the USSR the law prevailed: “A thief must sit, and a traitor must hang!” Thanks to the titanic efforts of Stalin, our Soviet civilization appeared on the planet.

Writer Nikolai Kuzmin dedicated his documentary and artistic narrative “Retribution. Part I. The last flight of the Petrel"

So, Nikolai Kuzmin’s story: "Joseph Stalin through the eyes of the writer Maxim Gorky".

Having become the unofficial People's Commissar of Soviet culture, Gorky often received the Leader in his mansion at the Nikitsky Gate. At first, Joseph Vissarionovich came with friends from the Politburo, then he began to come alone. He liked calm, leisurely conversations by the fireplace. The two interlocutors spoke as if on equal terms - without the slightest fear of uttering a word out of place. Neither one nor the other needed to be told anything about poverty: both knew the bitter bread of hardship, they were born with it, they grew up with it. Stalin was attracted by Gorky's support for his daring plans to transform the village. There has never been anything like it is now in the USSR. Previously, they were proud of the fact that they fed Europe with bread, while their own volosts and districts were dying of hunger. The individual peasant had to poke his nose into the benefits of collective labor (as he once did into the usefulness of potatoes). The collective farm youth for the first time learned the taste of sports, took a fancy to the reading room, and amateur club performances began to sing throughout the villages. Alexey Maksimovich believed that with his own eyes he would see the collective farm elderly sitting on the rubble with books in their hands.

Disadvantages of collectivization? Unfortunately, it was not possible to do without this. The extraordinary nature of the changes being undertaken was evident; there was also bungling, the zealous zeal of ordinary fools. The authorities acted cruelly in such cases, discouraging the hunt forever. (Conscious sabotage was not yet spoken about in full voice, but the figure of a state fool, endowed with power, was already rising to his full height. A fool, and even with a party card - it’s scary to imagine what he is capable of doing!)

Staring thoughtfully at the fireplace fire, Joseph Vissarionovich then admitted that the rural population would have to become the country's only colony - the industrialization program would be carried out exclusively at the expense of state farms and collective farms. There is absolutely nowhere for the Soviet government to get money (you can’t get into debt abroad!). There is only one reserve - internal: tighten your belts.

It’s not a sin to sacrifice democracy for the sake of this,” Gorky supported.

Democracy... This word made Stalin fidget in his chair. He took a pipe from his pocket and knocked it into the fireplace. As he filled his pipe with tobacco, he raised his eyebrows as usual.

Democracy... Progressive public... Demos... Power and the will of the people... The played record of demagogues!

In the Bible, a solid and ancient book, this buzzword is used three times. Yes, they talked about democracy even then, in biblical times. Who does not know about the fate of the faithful Lot and his daughters? These unfortunates tried to escape from the angry crowd with stakes and clubs. So the Holy Scripture calls precisely this wild crowd “democracy” (the will of the people). What about the fate of Jesus Christ? When Pontius Pilate stepped onto the balcony of the palace, he announced to the assembled crowd that he did not find any guilt on the detainee. In response, the crowd roared: “Crucify him, crucify him!” And Pilate had no choice but to wash his hands. The will of the people! For the third time, democracy is mentioned again in connection with the fate of Christ. As he was being led to execution and he was carrying his cross, a crowd of Jewish mobs threw stones at him, poked him with splinters, pulled him by the hair and spat in his face. The Holy Scripture also calls this arbitrariness of the crowd democracy.

The word itself is non-Russian - democracy . He was dragged from the West by our not very educated intelligentsia. Russia has always stood for conciliarity. Conciliarity is obligatory attention to the opinions of others. This is a reasonable approach to any problem, taking into account the real and possible. And democracy... If you look at it, it is a dictatorship not of the majority, but of the minority. And to be honest, this is nothing more than a dictatorship of scum. God forbid we have such a democracy!

Moscow was whispering and making noise about the demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Joseph Vissarionovich, discussing this topic, once again amazed Gorky with the depth of his mind and breadth of knowledge.

Vladimir the Saint, having converted to Christianity and throwing Perun into the Dnieper, changed the history of our people. Together with paganism, perhaps the most significant period of the Russians has sunk into the past. For some reason, scientists believe that the beginning of Russian statehood began with the Varangian prince Rurik. But this is just our yesterday!

Proof? At least the ancient document known as the “Charter of Alexander the Great”. It contains information about the kingdom of the brothers Rus and Sloven, whose territory extended from the Adriatic Sea to the Arctic Ocean.

What do we know about that period? Yes, in essence, nothing! Dark failure. Our knowledge begins with the exploits of Prince Svyatoslav, who crushed the Khazar Khaganate. And if you delve deeper into the chronicles, it will be revealed that the Russian power existed long before the mighty Rome!

Stalin viewed Christianity imposed on the Russians from the point of view of the then historical situation. This was the ideology of the new state formation. In the name of Christ, this ideology united the tribes, which were constantly at war with one another and did not recognize the power of the Kyiv prince. And the interests of survival surrounded by strong enemies urgently required unity and the strong hand of the Leader, i.e. autocracy.

The new ideology also gave birth to great literature. “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” for the first time rejected the idea of ​​personal salvation, and exclusively of general, conciliar salvation. A hundred years later, Daniil Zatochnik condemned the division between rich and poor and expressed a desire to strengthen the highest power through culture, education...

The significance of Christianity for the Russian people is undeniable. The example of the Savior, who accepted death on the cross, gave rise to the concept of heroism, i.e. self-sacrifice for the common good. “Give your life for your friend!” Hence the inflexibility of the Russians in the most severe trials. It is not for nothing that our enemies are convinced that it is not enough to kill a Russian, he must also be knocked down.

Unfortunately, over the past centuries, Christianity has completely degenerated. And not only Catholicism, but also Orthodoxy. The Church completely and completely went over to the side of the rich and thereby betrayed the covenants of the Savior. This betrayal destroyed the authority of the church in the eyes of the people. It is enough to read the angry sermons of our Russian prophet Archpriest Avvakum. Subservience to the authorities forced believers to see the priest as an ordinary official in a cassock - in addition to the police officer or police officer. That is why the church suffered the fate of autocracy. After all, it was not Jews who threw crosses from churches; it was baptized people who climbed onto the domes.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is pitiful as a monument of history and architecture. If only it had not risen in the very center of the capital! Now the Land of Soviets has acquired a completely new Faith, a new Religion - Marxism-Leninism. And in the center of Moscow there should be a majestic temple of the new Faith: the grandiose Palace of the Soviets.

The Palace of the Soviets is the largest unrealized project of Soviet Moscow in the 1930s-1940s. This complex was intended to house an administrative building, a place for sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and a multifunctional hall for mass events. Source: http://zanostroy.ru/news/2013/05/3095.html

What’s truly a pity, admitted Joseph Vissarionovich, is the Garden Ring. The squirrels were jumping there. I overlooked...

We Bolsheviks,” reasoned Stalin, pacing in front of the fireplace, “we must not forget that the Russian tsars did one great thing - they put together a huge state from Warsaw to Kamchatka. And we inherited this state. So what - squander? Sell? Starting a gamble? They say it’s enough for our lifetime. No, this policy is harmful. Mean one, I would say!

Gorky recalled the Portsmouth Peace: they gave up both the Kuril Islands and half of Sakhalin.

Joseph Vissarionovich winced:

The king was useless. He sat down in the wrong place. He should have given up the throne in a year... in a year... Yes, he could have reigned for five years and that would be enough! It would have worked out better for him, and for...

Without finishing, he waved his hand.

But look at the aristocracy. This is a whole class of managers. The people are selected, prepared. The main thing is with a sense of ownership. The owner of the country. And this is very important!

And Prince Kurbsky? - Gorky recalled.

“There’s a black sheep in a family,” Stalin waved it off. - Both Kurbsky and the traitor boyars under False Dmitry. It's like that. But still! This class felt that the country rested on its shoulders. This is what I call a sense of ownership... When will these grow here? So that they would not be afraid of the king, or God, or the devil. Let's get down to business - head on to the chopping block! There are none yet. So they look into the mouth. Even evil takes. Sometimes you deliberately tell him: “black” and he, like a parrot: “yes, yes, dear Comrade Stalin, black.”

It seems to me that Sergo Ordzhonikidze...

I'm not talking about Sergo. Artem, Kirov, Kuibyshev... But not enough, not enough. Oh, how little! If you say so, they will do it. If you don’t say so, everything will remain that way. What is this? Habit of the master? Necessity of a shepherd? What if something happens to the shepherd?

It was on this evening that Joseph Vissarionovich developed before the writer his dream of a clan of leaders, of selecting the best, the very best, a kind of party order of sword-bearers who would not be afraid of responsibility and could shoulder the leadership of a huge country.

In such rare moments of revelation, Alexey Maksimovich anxiously felt the depressing loneliness of this great man...

Alexey Maksimovich believed that the Leader, like a failed priest, not only knew very well, but also read the Book of Books - the Bible. He often cited biblical examples in conversation... To the writer’s surprise, Stalin strongly protested about the veneration of the Book of Books.

- This is just the history of the Jewish people. But only! All material is centered around Palestine. But remember - what is Palestine? The then outback. Where is the history of China? And India? Japan, finally. Or take, for example, a country like Tibet. Or Korea... After hesitation, he said: it was not for nothing that Emperor Nicholas I forbade publishing the Bible in full, with the Old Testament at its head. Even then, after the Decembrist uprising, he realized that there was a hidden intent in the all-out emphasis on the Bible. In other words, he understood the harmful influence of Zionism.

Gorky reminded Stalin of Peter the Great, who first ordered the bells to be transferred to cannons, and then completely abolished such an important institution as the patriarchate, i.e. put the church in frunt, turning it into an ordinary department.

Pointing the receiver at his interlocutor like a pistol, Joseph Vissarionovich suddenly asked: “Do you see a place for a priest today in the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station or Magnitka?” And in the Red Army? And on the collective farm? I don’t know, maybe there’s something wrong with my eyesight, but I don’t see!.. Well, perhaps somewhere in a hospital, among the dying... I don’t know, I don’t know...

At the end of the 20s of the twentieth century, Stalin, as is known, waged a stubborn struggle for commanding heights. The fanatical Grigory Zinoviev lost his place at the head of Leningrad, and managed to send the eloquent Leiba Trotsky abroad. The atmosphere in the party gradually cleared. In industry, the supporters of the General Secretary were still Ordzhonikidze and Kuibyshev. Voroshilov became People's Commissar of Defense. In ideology, the importance of the returning Gorky grew day by day. Lubyanka remained a sore spot. After the sudden death of Dzerzhinsky, the department of internal affairs was headed by Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, a sick and variously depraved person. Taking advantage of his helplessness, Herschel Yagoda slowly took power at Lubyanka.

Stalin always attached paramount importance to ideology. "In the beginning was the Word..." Stalin read everything (or almost everything) that was published in thick magazines, knew the theatrical repertoire well, and new Soviet cinematography was released only after his approval - the General Secretary watched all the films.

Stalin's portrait in the center of Stavropol caused a scandal

Human rights activists are demanding that those who hung a banner depicting the leader of the peoples be punished in Stavropol. Assistant Commissioner for Human Rights Vladimir Poluboyarenko sent an application to the Stavropol prosecutor's office. He believes that people who hung a portrait of Stalin on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory are disgracing the great holiday. The opinions of residents, at least on social networks, were diametrically divided.

“How much aggression and anger this caused...”

A banner with a portrait of Stalin in the uniform of a generalissimo and the inscription “We remember, we are proud!” appeared on Wednesday. It was installed on Lenin Street, opposite the city children's library. It is curious that the portrait of the leader was erected next to the house of Galina Tuz, a famous Stavropol writer and journalist, who the day before at one of the regional radio stations heatedly condemned the role of Stalin in military history.

“I testify for all those killed, tortured, dead, and they say: “We are against!” Against Stalin, and he did not win. The multinational Soviet people won and paid an incommensurable price. The Balkars, Chechens, Jews, Russians, Ukrainians and many others won! But not him. He destroyed the army before the war. I planted the best people. Where did they call Rokossovsky to lead?!” Galina Tuz said on the radio.

Her opponent was the regional Duma deputy from United Russia Nikolai Novopashin, who shortly before this proposed placing banners with the image of Joseph Stalin in Stavropol. True, he soon abandoned this idea, because, as he himself explained on his Facebook page, “I saw how much aggression and anger this topic caused.”

It soon became clear who exactly mounted the billboard - activists of the regional branch of the National Liberation Movement (NLM), which established the Anti-Maidan coalition in early February. The appearance of a portrait of Stalin in the center of Stavropol caused a heated discussion on social networks and a flurry of publications in the press. Moreover, as has happened many times before, the attitude towards the leader’s personality divided the city’s residents into two irreconcilable camps...

The very next morning, Thursday, the billboard with a portrait of Stalin from Mira Street disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. However, his short stay did not leave human rights activists indifferent. Assistant Commissioner for Human Rights in the region Vladimir Poluboyarenko sent two appeals - addressed to the mayor of Stavropol Georgy Kolyagin and the city prosecutor Sergei Stepanov. Poluboyarenko writes that the appearance of posters with Stalin’s face is offensive to him personally and to the descendants of all victims of Stalin’s repressions. He himself is a representative of the ancient Cossack family of the Chernousovs (Chernousov), which was almost completely destroyed in the late thirties. “Hanging an image of Stalin is a planned political provocation, the purpose of which is to darken a holiday sacred to our Fatherland, to deeply offend the feelings of veterans, members of their families and the families of repressed people,” writes Vladimir Poluboyarenko in his appeal... .

“The Jews are seething, if the people rebel, the preponderance of forces will be on the side of the Stalinists!”

Philologists from the Sakharov Center held a scientific seminar in Moscow, where they examined the question “Stalin’s aberration: why the RUSSIANS cannot cope with the legacy of the tyrant” .

The seminar participants bitterly stated that, theoretically, over time Stalinists should have disappeared completely, but they, on the contrary, have multiplied in incredible quantities.

Students studying the Russian phenomenon Jewish Jews They just can’t understand that everything in life is interconnected: the STALINISTS “proliferated” because social PERVERTS: pederasts of various stripes, pedophiles, masters of “degenerate art,” corrupt judges, prostituting politicians and other moral monsters.

“A lot of 20-30 year old Stalinists have appeared”,” said Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, writer Gasan Huseynov. They provided statistics. It turned out that only 11% of the Russian population is against the return of Stalinism! Of the remaining 89%, half are looking forward to this with delight, and the other half don’t care.

The numerical superiority of Stalin's supporters over his opponents is four times! - philologists of the Sakharov Center summed up.

According to the seminar participants, this should prompt the Russian leadership to take urgent measures! The first thing that the liberalizers of Russian consciousness decided was to legislatively prohibit mentioning in vain the party name of the leader - “Stalin”, and, if necessary, using his Georgian surname - “Dzhugashvili”. The word “STEEL” personifies strength, power, purity, which is why the sound of the word “Stalin” is so pleasant to the Russian ear.

It is characteristic that this study of the Russian phenomenon took place within the framework of a seminar from the series “Language in the Field of Social Interaction.” One depressing conclusion follows from this: certain forces are conducting a consistent study of “language codes” for the possibility of reprogramming the consciousness of the Russian population.

The composition of the event participants is indicative. Among those who were going to reformat the Russian brain by changing language codes were exclusively representatives of the “biblical people”:

- Mikhail Gorbanevsky, Doctor of Philology, Prof., Chairman of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in Documentary and Information Disputes (GLEDIS) - based on the findings of which court cases are conducted, incl. under Article 282;

- Denis Dragunsky, political scientist;

- Irina Levontina, Ph.D., Art. scientific employee of the Institute of Russian Language named after. Vinogradov RAS;

- Marek Radziwon, Doctor of History, Director of the Polish Cultural Center in Moscow;

- Evgeniy Steiner, professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. .