Aisha is the daughter of Abu Bakr. The most beautiful love story - Prophet Muhammad and Aisha

She was one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). From her words, many authentic hadiths were transmitted, which Muslims use to this day.

For her disposition, mind and noble qualities, she was awarded the title of "ummul-mu`minin" ("mother of the faithful") and was one of the seven greatest Muslim scientists of that era. Her name is Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.).

Aisha's childhood

The girl was born in 612 (according to another version in 614 or 615) according to Miladi in the family of the closest associate of the Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.) - (r.a.) and Umm Ruman. Aisha received a good upbringing and religious education. Since childhood, she was interested in Islam and constantly asked her father many questions.

At the age of six years (according to another version - eight years old), she was betrothed to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), and she became His wife at the age of 9. After that, the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) took up her upbringing, which explains Aisha's achievements in education and in matters of worship.

This marriage took place by the command of Allah. After the death of his first wife - (r.a.) and nikah with Sauda (r.a.), the final messenger of God (s.g.v.) had a dream. The angel Jabrail appeared before him and gave him a silk cloth. Unfolding it, He saw the face of Aisha. Having woken up, the Prophet (s.g.v.) realized that this dream is a sign from the Creator. In the end, he decided to tie the knot with Aisha.

About this dream, Muhammad (pbuh) told the young wife the following: “I saw you in a dream for three nights. Jabrail brought you in a silk cloth and said: "She is your wife." I opened your face, and there you are! And I said: “If this dream is from the Almighty, then let him continue it” (Muslim cites the hadith).

Mother of the Faithful

After the death of Khadija, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) mourned his first wife for a very long time. She was his support and support in the early years of the prophetic mission, which were the most difficult. Khadija never doubted the truth of her husband's words and always remained faithful to him. The Prophet (pbuh) loved his wife very much and appreciated her devotion. That is why the death of Khadija was a real blow for the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) from which he could not recover for a long time.

After marrying Aisha, Muhammad (s.g.v.) regained harmony and peace. She became a real support and support, so she became his beloved wife. But at the same time, he never forgot his first wife and remembered her until his death. Aisha was well aware of this. In one of the hadiths, her words are transmitted: “I was not so jealous of the Messenger of Allah as for Khadija, whom I did not find” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Knowing what a strong love is between the head of the family and Aisha, other wives gave their days to the beloved wife of Muhammad (s.g.v.).

Virtues of Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.)

Being one of the closest associates of the Grace of the Worlds (LGV), she had many virtues. Its significance in the history of Islam is evidenced even by the fact that Allah in His Book justified Aisha after she was slandered.

In the sixth year after the Hijra, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) took his young wife on one of his trips. When the caravan stopped to rest, she withdrew for a while. Upon returning, Aisha realized that she had lost her jewelry and decided to find it. After that, when she came back, she did not find anyone. Aisha decided to wait in the hope that they would come back for her. And so it happened.

But in the encirclement there were people who decided to seize the moment and slander her. Gossip began to circulate throughout Medina that Aisha allegedly retired from the caravan not alone and committed a sin. These rumors had a negative impact on her relationship with her father - Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.) and even with her husband.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) in such a difficult situation told his wife that if she committed a sin, then she should repent, and if she was slandered, then the Almighty will certainly send an excuse. Aisha sincerely believed and asked the Lord of the worlds to justify her before the Prophet (S.G.V.), but she could not even think that the Almighty would send down a whole verse:

"Those who slandered the mother of the faithful Aisha are a group of yourselves..." (24:11)

She was acquitted, and, thus, once again her good breeding and good disposition was proved.

Her dignity is also indicated by the fact that she was the most beloved woman for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). One day he was asked whom he loves the most. To which the answer followed: “Of women, I love Aisha the most, and of men, her father” (hadith cited by Bukhari).

In addition, many revelations that were sent down to Muhammad (peace be upon him) both day and night reached him in the house of Aisha. There is his statement on this subject: “Indeed, revelations were never sent to me when I was at the house of any of the wives, with the exception of Aisha” (Bukhari, Muslim).

The superiority of Aisha over her fellow tribesmen is also indicated by the following saying of the Prophet of Islam (S.G.V.): “Aisha has superiority over other women, as sarid surpasses other dishes” (Bukhari, Muslim).

P Rome reading Islam . Global : Sarid is a dish whose main ingredients are meat and bread. Favorite food of the Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.). It is believed that the authorthis culinary excellence wasHashim - great-grandfatherMuhammad(s.g.v.) and the founder of the Hashemites.

The dignity of the heroine of this article is also evidenced by the fact that the Prophet was with her in the last days of his life. The mother of the faithful, recalling the day of her husband's death, said: "On my day, the Almighty took him to Himself, when the head of the Prophet lay on my chest" (Bukhari). The final messenger of God (LGV) was buried in the place where He passed into the other world, namely in the house of Aisha.

The contribution of the mother of the faithful to the development of Islam

Aisha bint Abu Bakr played an invaluable role in the formation and strengthening of the Muslim Ummah. Firstly, she is one of the companions who transmitted the largest number of hadiths. This is due to the fact that the Prophet (peace be upon him) spent a lot of time with her, and therefore she was a witness to many of his sayings and life situations. She was also, i.e. knew his text by heart.

In addition, in situations where some of the companions did not understand certain hadiths, they turned to Aisha for their clarification. She made corrections in the interpretation of such rivyats if she noticed any inaccuracies.

In the era of the righteous caliphate, she assisted the rulers of the young Muslim state and took part in important decisions.

Finally, Aisha became the clearest example of a wife who sincerely loves and supports her husband. Many Muslim women today want to be like her, who never parted with her husband and tried her best to please him.

Aisha's death

She outlived her husband Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by 46 years. Aisha participated in the internal affairs of the Ummah and provided support righteous caliphs and other Sahaba, giving instructions to all who needed them. At the age of 66, Aisha passed into another world. After herself, she left a huge spiritual legacy that Muslims still use to this day.

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, reported:

- When planning to go on a trip, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to cast lots among his wives and take with him the one on whom the choice fell. (Before) one of his campaigns, after sending down (ayat about the need to wear) covered (by women), he (also) cast lots among us. The choice fell on me, and I rode with him in a palanquin (specially made for women, mounted on the back of a camel), in which I was lowered to the ground. We set off, and at the end of this campaign, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was returning and we stopped near Medina, he announced at night that we should set out. After this order was given, I went outside the (camped) troops, having satisfied my need, I returned back (to the camp. There) I touched (with my hand) my chest and suddenly (found that) my onyx necklace was torn ( and disappeared). Then I went back and began to look for him, which delayed me. Meanwhile, those who accompanied me (people) approached my palanquin, lifted it and loaded it onto the back of the camel on which I was riding, considering that I was inside, (since) in those days women were light and thin and ate little. At that time, I was a very young girl (under 15 years old), and the people who lifted the palanquin (on the camel) did not (feel the difference) in weight. They chased him off and set off, and I found my necklace after the army had already left, and when I returned to the camp, there was no one there. Deciding that (people) would discover my absence and come back for me, I headed towards the place where I had been before. As I sat (there), my eyes began to droop and I fell asleep; as for Safwan bin al-Mu'attal as-Sulami (later al-Zakwani), he moved behind (the rest of the soldiers) and reached the place where I was in the morning. He saw a sleeping person and came up to me, and he had to see me until (the revelation of the ayat about the need to wear) a veil. Hearing him say the words “Verily, we (belong) to Allah, and verily, to Him (we) shall return”(“Cow”, 156), I woke up, and he lowered his camel to her knees and stepped on her front foot. When I mounted, he led the camel, (and we did not stop) until we reached the army, which stopped for a midday rest. And then the one (who was destined) to perish (committing a grave sin. slandering her) died, and the main slanderer was ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul. After that, we returned to Medina, where I was ill for a whole month, and people began to spread the fabrications of slanderers. And it seemed to me that (something happened because of which) the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was no longer as kind to me as he used to be when I was sick, because during this illness of mine he only came, greeted (those present) and asked: “How is the (health) of this (girl)?” “I didn’t know anything about it until I recovered. And after some time, Umm Mistah and I went to al-Manasi' (a place in Medina), where we went out of great need only at night until latrines were arranged near our houses. The Arabs (who set off for this) into the desert (or: those who went away from their homes) did the same before. So, Umm Mistah bint Abu Rukhm (left the house) and I went (there. On the road Umm Mistah), who was wearing a (long) cloak, stumbled and exclaimed: “May you perish, Mistah!” I said: “You speak bad words! (How can) you scold a man who participated in the (battle of) Badr?!” (To this) she said, "Didn't you hear what they were saying?" - after which she told me about what (about me) the slanderers said, and (because of this) I felt even worse. When I returned home, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to me, who uttered the words of greeting and asked: “How is the (health) of this (girl)?” - I said: “Let me (go) to my parents”, because I wanted to get confirmation (of everything I learned) from them. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, allowed me (to do this), and then I came to them and asked my mother: “What are people talking about?” She said: “O daughter, do not attach much importance to this matter! By Allah, it is very rare that a beautiful woman who is loved by a husband who has other wives does not say a lot (everything)! I exclaimed: “Glory be to Allah! So people are really talking about it?!” - and after that she cried all night without closing her eyes.

(The narrator of this hadeeth) said:

(‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said):

- I cried all day and (all night and) could not sleep, and in the morning my parents came to me, in total I cried for two nights and one day, and it began to seem to me that my liver would burst from crying. When they were sitting with me, and I was crying, a woman from among the Ansar asked permission to enter me, whom I allowed (to let in). Sitting down, she began to cry with me, and at that time the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) unexpectedly entered, who sat down, but he did not sit down with me since they began to (spread lies) about me. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, having not received any revelation regarding my case for a whole month, uttered words of testimony and said: “O ‘Aisha, such and such came to me about you. If you are innocent, Allah will soon justify you, but if you have sinned in something, ask Allah for forgiveness and bring your repentance to Him, for, truly, if a slave admits his sin and then repents, then Allah will accept his repentance! After the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said this, I stopped crying; no more tears fell from my eyes and I said to my father: “Answer the Messenger of Allah for me, may Allah bless him and welcome!” He said: “By Allah, I do not know what to say to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!” Then I said to my mother: “Answer for me the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on what he said!” - (but she too) said: “By Allah, I don’t know what to say to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!” I was a young girl then and knew only a little of the Koran. I said (to those present): “By Allah, I know that you have heard enough of what people say, it has sunk into your soul, and you considered (their words) the truth. And if I tell you that I am innocent, and Allah knows that I am really innocent, you will not believe me; but if I confess to you (that I have done) this, and Allah knows that in fact I am innocent, then you will believe me! I swear by Allah, I cannot find a (suitable) example for you and myself, except (the words of) father Yusuf, who said: “(It is best for me to show) patience, and (only) to Allah (should) seek help from what do you say!” (“Yusuf”, 18) “And then I moved (to the other side) of my bed, keeping the hope that Allah will justify me, however, I swear by Allah, I (never) thought that regarding me a revelation will be sent down, for I considered myself too insignificant for this deed of mine to be mentioned in the Qur'an. However, I hoped that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, would see a dream in which Allah would justify me. And by Allah, (the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not get up from his seat, and none of the members of my family left the house, and Allah had already sent down a revelation to him. He fell into the state into which he usually fell (when revelations were sent to him, and drops) of sweat, like pearls, fell from him like hail (despite the fact that it was a cold) winter day. And when (the revelation) to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, ended, he smiled, and his first words were the words: “O ‘Aisha, give thanks to Allah, for Allah has justified you!” My mother told me: “Come to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace!” - but I objected (to her): “No, by Allah, I will not approach him and will not thank anyone but Allah!” (In the verses that) Allah Almighty sent down (it was said): “Indeed, those who erected abominable lies (are) a group of you…”(“Light”, 11 - 26) And after Allah sent down (ayat), who justified me, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, who helped Mistah bin Usas, for he was related to him, said : “By Allah, after what Mistah said about ‘Aisha, I will never give him anything again!” - and then Allah Almighty sent down (another ayat, in which it was said): “And let those who occupy a high position and have wealth among you do not swear that they will stop helping relatives, the poor and those who migrated in the way of Allah, and let them forgive and forgive. Don't you want Allah to forgive you? Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful!” (“Light”, 22) (Hearing these words,) Abu Bakr said: “Yes, by Allah, of course I want Allah to forgive me!” - after which he again began to help Mistakh, as it was before.

(‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, also) said:

- In addition, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, also asked Zainab bint Jahsh (his other wife) about me, saying: “O Zaynab, what do you know, what did you see?” - (to which) she answered: “O Messenger of Allah, I (do not say what I did not) saw and did not hear. By Allah, I know only good things about her!” She competed with me (trying to win the love of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but Allah protected her with the help of piety.

This hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhari 2661, 4750, Muslim 2770.

The most beautiful story love - prophet Muhammad and Aisha
Don't be lazy, read to the end❤

Aisha's family

The Messenger of Allah called her in different ways: Aish, al-Muaffaqa, which means "Lucky", Humayra, (i.e. "Blush"), Shukaira ("White") and Umm Abdallah.
Aisha's father: Abu Bakr Abdallah ibn Abi Kuhafa Usman ibn Amir ibn Amr ibn Kab ibn Luay al-Kurashi, at-Taimi, nicknamed as-Siddiq, the first companion, a friend of Muhammad from childhood, later his governor.

Her mother: Umm Ruman bint Amir ibn Uwaymir al-Kinaniyya, a majestic companion.

In the home of these noble parents, Aisha opened her eyes to the world, quenched her thirst from the source of their good character and absorbed their high moral qualities. In the house, in which the sun of Islam looked first and filled it with the light of faith and purity. Her father was from the first Muslims, and her mother was a devoted woman who converted to Islam before the birth of Aisha. The following statement of the Messenger of Allah is known: “Whoever is glad to see a woman from big-eyed houris with black eyes, let him look at Umm Ruman.” Aisha had a sister, Asma, who was called the “owner of two belts,” and a brother, Abd ar-Rahman.

The marriage of the Messenger of Allah to Aisha bint Abi Bakr

The Prophet often visited the family of his friend Abu Bakr. Aisha grew before his eyes, delighting him with her liveliness and ingenuity.

Having lost Khadija, Muhammad could not find a place for himself. Everyone saw how hard it was for the Messenger of Allah, but no one dared to talk to him about a new marriage, knowing what place Khadija occupied in his life. And Khawla bint Hakim, the wife of Usman ibn Mazun, came to the Messenger of Allah and started a conversation:

Oh Messenger of Allah... Why don't you get married?

If you want - on a girl, if you want - on a woman ...

Which of the virgins, and which of those who had a husband?

As for the virgin, it is the daughter of your dearest friend: Aisha bint Abi Bakr. As for the other, this is Sawda bint Zama, she believed in you and followed you ...

Pick them up for me...

Khawla said: “I came to Umm Ruman and exclaimed:

What happiness has Allah bestowed on you!

Umm Ruman asked:

What is it?

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wants to marry Aisha...

Wait, Abu Bakr is about to come...

When he arrived, I told him the news, to which he asked:

Can you marry your brother's daughter?

The Messenger of Allah said: “I am his brother, and he is my brother, his daughter is worthy to become my wife.”

Khawla continued her story:

Abu Bakr got up from his seat. Umm Ruman said to her husband:

Al-Mutim ibn Adi wooed Aisha for his son…”

The situation was delicate: Abu Bakr did not want to refuse Muhammad, but his daughter was betrothed to someone else. Abu Bakr is known for his loyalty to this word, not without reason he is as-Siddiq. But like any father, he, of course, wanted to marry his daughter to the Messenger of Allah. Abu Bakr thought about it and decided to go to al-Mutim and sort things out on the spot.

Arriving, Abu Bakr turned to him with a question:

Well, what can you say about |my| girls?!

Al-Mutim asked what his wife thought about this.

She approached Abu Bakr and said:

It is likely that if we take this daughter of yours for our son, she will lead him out of our faith and into the religion that you follow.

What do you say? asked as-Siddiq al-Mutima.

The same thing you heard.

Abu Bakr got up with relief: the promise was no longer valid. Returning home, he asked Khawla to call the Messenger of Allah to them ... ".

I must say, among the Arabs, girls mature early. Therefore, it is not surprising that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married her at the age of six, but did not know her until she was nine years old. The reason for his marriage was not passion or profit, but following the order of the Almighty. As it is said in the legend, in a dream he was shown a portrait of Aisha on a silk cloth, and prophesied: "This is your wife."

So Aisha became the wife of Muhammad. Let's give her the floor. “The Messenger of Allah married me when I was six years old. Then he waited two years, and when we arrived in Medina, we settled in the house of Bani al-Harith ibn al-Khazraj ... I was nine years old. “The Messenger of Allah came to our house, and the men and women of the Ansar gathered around him. My mother came for me and I was on the swing. She lowered me |to the ground|, combed my hair and washed my face. Then, leading me by the hand, she led me to the door and, after waiting for me to catch my breath, she led me |into the house|. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was sitting on the bed… she made me sit on his lap. And she said: "This is your family, may Allah bless you in your household, and bless them in you." No ram or any other type of livestock was slaughtered. But Sad ibn Ubad al-Ansari, may Allah be pleased with him, sent some kind of dish and a qadh of milk. Ansar Muslim women greeted her: “We wish you happiness and good!” Ibn Ishaq said that Aisha's premarital gift was four hundred dirhams.

Abu Omar said that the Messenger of Allah made a marriage contract with Aisha in the month of Shawwal and knew her in Medina also in Shawwal "of the tenth year of the prophethood, three years before the Hijra."

After that, the young bride settled in the house of Muhammad next to the "Mosque of the Prophet." This room was made of unbaked bricks and palm branches, a mattress filled with palm fibers replaced the bed, only a mat separated it from the ground. Here Aisha lived for about fifty years. The decoration of the house remained unchanged with the exception of three graves in which the prophet, Abu Bakr and Omar were buried.
Abu Hatim reported that the Messenger of Allah said to Aisha: "You are my wife in this and the next life."

Love and tenderness

In fact, nothing has changed in Aisha's usual life: she still played with her friends - the daughters of the Ansar. And Muhammad left the room so as not to embarrass the girls and not interfere with them. Nothing has changed, except for the love and tenderness that has always enveloped her from now on. The husband was certainly caring and attentive. The Messenger of Allah condescendingly treated the desires of the young wife. So, it is known that from behind his shoulder she watched how the Sudanese played in the mosque with spears, and he covered her so that no one could see. After a while, he told her that enough was enough. She asked him to prolong the spectacle. Muhammad agreed. Three times they competed in running: once Aisha overtook him, and when she recovered, she fell behind him, and Muhammad said to her: “This is for you for that time.”

Once Muhammad told his young wife a long story about Umm Zar and her husband and concluded:

I was to you like Abu Zar to Umm Zar...

No, Messenger of Allah, you are better than Abu Dhar.

The "blonde" often asked the prophet about his love for her:

O Messenger of Allah, what is your love for me?

And he answered:

Like a rope knot (i.e., strong, and no one can untie it).

And another time, wanting to ascertain the constancy of his feelings for her, she asked:

O Messenger of Allah, what is the condition of the knot?

He always replied:


Why were these questions needed, because every woman knows without verbal assurances whether she is really loved. Perhaps this is the coquetry in Eve's daughters. Maybe a form of love flirting. Probably all together. The main thing is that this game suited both of us, and the rest does not concern us ...

Virtues of Aisha

Concerning Aisha's modesty, the following story is given. She often came to the burial place of her husband and father. When Omar ibn al-Khattab was buried here, visiting them, she wrapped herself even more tightly in clothes, although Omar had died long ago.

Aisha was generous, generous, unpretentious. She courageously endured hunger and poverty, because the days dragged on, and the fire in her house was not lit, i.e. bread was not baked, and no other food was prepared, and only a certain amount of water and dates were dispensed in the house of the prophet.

For those who did not understand, we repeat: there was nothing to eat in the house. Thank God, many of us have not experienced this. And in our days (and maybe not only in ours) a different wife, whose husband earns little, or does not earn at all, will she be affectionate, or at least keep silent ?! Muhammad's wives were patient and humble. Perhaps this is his great merit. They loved him, despite the hardships and lack of outfits. Surely he was worth it.

She was selfless in her generosity. I remembered those who need it, and I forgot myself. Somehow, fortune turned to Aisha, and they gave her one hundred thousand dirhams, and she was fasting that day. She divided the entire amount and distributed it to the poor. Her freedwoman asked:

Couldn't you buy meat] at least [ for one dirham, to break the fast with them?

Aisha replied:

If you had reminded me, I would have done just that.

Once Aisha asked Muhammad, may Allah bless him and welcome, which of his wives will go to paradise. He replied, "As for you, you are one of them." Ahmad in Musnad cites the following saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from the words of Aisha: “I saw Aisha in paradise | as | I see the whiteness of her palms, and this facilitated my death."

It is reported from the words of Aisha that she asked the Messenger of Allah to give her kunya. He replied that she could be called by the name of "her" son, i.e. Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr.

Mrs. Aisha attached great importance to gaining knowledge. She memorized the sayings and actions of the Messenger of Allah. In the doctrine of Islam and eloquence, she reached the point that men recognized her superiority and dutifully listened to what she taught them. She was a source of hadith, law and sunnah, she read the Koran perfectly, and few of the companions of the prophet knew this art.

The mother of believers, Aisha, was well brought up and did not express her feelings in any way. Once the Messenger of Allah confessed to her:

I know when you're happy with me and when you're angry.

- How do you know?

If you are pleased, you say: “No, by the Lord of Muhammad,” and when you are angry with me: “No, by the Lord of Ibrahim.”

Yes, Messenger of Allah, when I get angry, I try not to say your name.

Aisha bint Abi Bakr had innumerable virtues, including exceptional abstinence. Here is how her nephew Urva ibn al-Zubayr tells about it: “I saw how she divides seventy thousand, and she herself wears a shirt with a patched pocket. She often fasted, loved to perform Umrah and Hajj. Once she asked the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: "O Messenger of Allah, is jihad prescribed for women?" Only to her alone did the archangel Jibril convey salaam. The Prophet himself once said about her like this: “The advantage of Aisha over other women is like the advantage of sarid (a) over other food.” Muhammad asked Umm Salamah not to offend him "with regard to Aisha, because, indeed, revelations are sent down to me only when I am in bed with her, and not with any other wife of you."

Regarding her education, the associates spoke as follows: “If you collect | and weigh | knowledge of Aisha | and compare them | with the knowledge of all women, then Aisha’s knowledge would have been more worthy, ”and they also said:“ When a hadith was not clear to us, we asked Aisha about it, and always found an explanation from her, for example, about inheritance. According to the words of the Messenger of Allah, Aisha transmitted two thousand two hundred and ten hadiths, of which one hundred and seventy-four were agreed, i.e. simultaneously given in the collections of Bukhari and Muslim. Companions of the prophet, i.e. people who knew him closely enough and who communicated with him most closely, called this wife of his "The favorite of the Messenger of Allah."

Once a person spoke unfavorably about Aisha in the presence of Ammar ibn Yasir, to which he said: “Away, vile, yapping | dog]! How dare you insult the beloved of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Yusuf al-Qardawi calls her a student of the school of prophecy: she firmly learned that the present life is the future, and this one is transient and deceptive. Therefore, troubles and problems cannot obscure the firmament of a true believer. And the one whom Allah has chosen as the mother of the believers, must be an example of God-fearing, piety and contentment with what is.

Aisha knew how to ask questions. Agree: to ask a question in such a way as to get the desired answer is an art. One day she said:

Tell me, if you dismounted in the valley, and saw gnawed trees and one untouched tree, in which of them will you leave your camel to graze?

Muhammad replied:

Where cattle did not graze.

Thus, she reminded him that he did not marry a virgin other than her.

The "mother of the believers" Aisha bint Abi Bakr had ten virtues that none of the wives of the prophet possessed. Let's give her the right to speak about it herself:

The Prophet did not marry another virgin besides me;

Allah, Great and Glorious is He, sent down my justification from heaven;

Jibril from heaven showed the Messenger of Allah my portrait on a silk cut and said: “Marry her, verily, she is your wife”;

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and I performed a full ablution (ghusl) from one vessel;

He prayed, and I lay before him;

Revelations were sent down to him when he was with me;

Jibril gave me "salaam" and I am the wife of the prophet in paradise;

The Almighty God took the soul of the prophet when his head rested on my lap;

He died on the night that belonged to me;

He is buried in my house.

A slander on the mother of believers Aisha,
daughter of the most truthful

One of the most important and most difficult milestones in the fate of Aisha was the slander incident. This disgusting slander, erected on the mother of believers. It was the sixth year of the Hijra. The Prophet, as usual, going on a journey, cast lots among his wives. With him went the one on whom the lot fell. This time it turned out that Aisha bint Abi Bakr would go with him. The Muslims learned that the Banu al-Mustaliq tribe was going to attack them, and decided to go out to meet them.

On the way back to Medina, the army stopped to rest. Night has come. Aisha retired out of necessity. On her way to her family, she discovered that the necklace was missing and returned to look for it. Having safely found the necklace, she went to the place where the caravan had recently been, but did not see anyone. Everybody left. Her palanquin was also not in place: it was taken away, thinking that the mother of the believers, Aisha, was inside. Muslim women at that time were light, as they ate little. Therefore, no one noticed that Aisha was not there. What did she do? Wrapping herself in the veil, she remained where she stood, confident that as soon as her absence was discovered, they would come back for her. Safwan ibn al-Muattal walked behind everyone, looking for something that fell out along the way. As he passed, he noticed something black in the distance. Seeing Aisha sitting on the ground, may Allah be pleased with her, Safwan said:

Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him is our return! Over and over again he repeated these words, fearing to casually speak to the wife of the Messenger of Allah. Without saying a word, he put the camel on her knees. Aisha sat on the camel, taking the animal by the reins, Safwan led him. At noon their little procession reached the host.

The Messenger of Allah, finding his "Blonde" alive and unharmed, calmed down. After listening, he did not reproach her with a word.

However, Ibn Salul (and he was an enemy of the Messenger of Allah) used this chance to defame Aisha, and in her person all the other members of the family of the prophet and Muhammad himself, saying:

No, she did not escape from him, and he did not escape from her - meaning Safwan and Aisha, in order to thereby shake the authority of the Messenger of Allah. Undoubtedly, the honor of the wife is the honor of the husband.

As soon as she arrived in Medina, Aisha fell ill. As the days passed, people discussed with their tongues the words of the gossipers. Aisha didn't suspect a thing. But she seemed to sense that something was wrong. Muhammad's attitude towards her changed: if earlier, as a rule, he was friendly with her

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Aisha bint Abu Bakr

(d. at 56/676)
one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, mother of the faithful, daughter of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. She was born around 612 in Mecca. Became a Muslim from an early age. Her marriage to the Prophet Muhammad took place in Mecca in 620. This happened after his marriage to Sauda bint Zama. But she moved to her husband's house after 2 years. At that time she was 9 or 10 years old. At the same time, there are also other historical reports about the age of Aisha at the time of her marriage to the Prophet Muhammad. Ibn Hisham and some other historians have information that Aisha was among the first people to accept Islam, which means that at the time of marriage she was 15 years old. In addition, some historians and researchers cite evidence that before the prophet, Jubair ibn Mutim was engaged to her, and she was about 17 years old. Historical chronicles also contain information about Aisha's sister Asma, who died at the age of 100, in 73 AH. This means that she was 27 years old at the time of Hijra. At the same time, it is known that Aisha was 10 years younger than Asma. And this, in turn, means that by the time of her marriage to the Prophet Muhammad she was 17 years old. This marriage further cemented the friendship between Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, who held great influence and honor in the early Muslim community. The Prophet loved Aisha very much and called her Humeira. After the Hijra, she was a participant in many battles in which she assisted the wounded Muslim fighters. A significant event in the life of Aisha was the story of the hypocrites slandering her when, during a campaign against the Banu Mustalik tribe, for objective reasons, she fell behind the caravan and returned to the location of the Muslim troops with Safwan, who accidentally met her and escorted her back. This was the reason for the spread of unkind rumors about her. She was worried about the slander erected against her and, returning to Medina, she fell ill. For a whole month, Aisha stayed at her father's house. Finally, the Prophet Muhammad received a revelation from God about Aisha's innocence, and she was fully justified (Quran, 24: 1-10). The Prophet Muhammad spent the last days of his life in Aisha's house and died in her arms. A significant event in her life, many years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, was the battle of Jamal (Camel), in which she became involved in a civil conflict with Caliph Ali. This conflict occurred due to circumstances beyond their control. After Ali won this battle, he sent her to Medina with honors. Aisha also respected Ali. After his murder, she mourned him. Aisha was a capable and literate woman with a good memory. In the last years of her life, she was engaged in issuing fatwas on various problems Islamic law regarding the conditions of women. Her knowledge helped to solve many problematic issues among Muslims. Aisha is even considered one of the founders of Islamic law. She was also distinguished by many virtuous qualities of character, nobility, piety, piety. About 2200 hadiths are known in her transmission. Aisha died in Medina during the reign of Caliph Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan.

(Source: "Islamic Encyclopedic Dictionary" A. Alizade, Ansar, 2007)

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