"bamboo" frame with your own hands. Do-it-yourself bamboo fence Interior items are made from bamboo

Multi-colored ornaments and artistic forging on fences have long ceased to amaze not only professional designers, but even ordinary people. Such already somewhat boring decorations of barrier structures are now perceived as something boring. But if you want to please yourself with something new and surprise your neighbors, then you need to make a bamboo fence.

Of course, it makes no sense to use bamboo for the construction of barrier structures, but small decorative fences made of this material look very impressive.

Where can you put

  • As a decorative fencing of a pool or other body of water on the site.
  • For fencing the boundaries of the site and as an additional decoration of the fence.
  • For zoning the territory, the allocation of some separate areas.
  • It is possible to use a bamboo fence as a screen to close certain areas from prying eyes.

To give uniqueness to such a fence, it can be successfully combined with other types of materials (wood or brick).

Bamboo fences are built in three ways:

  1. Bamboo panels. Such fences are usually purchased ready-made, and installation is carried out according to the type of construction of sectional fences. Finished panels are installed on pre-prepared supports.
  2. flexible bamboo. This is also a kind of sectional version, only in this case thinner bamboo rods are used and the panels are supplied in rolls. Installation is also carried out on a pre-marked area with already dug in supports.
  3. Six fence. This is the simplest version of the bamboo fence. For construction, thick poles are used, which are attached to the legs. But only unlike a wooden fence, galvanized wire or rope is used for fastening (bundle).

Due to the flexibility and lightness of the material, bamboo fences can be easily dismantled and rearranged to a new location.

Installation instructions

To begin with, consider the option of an opaque fence (screen).

Getting started - the correct knitting of the frame

First you need to make the frame of the future fence. Having removed the necessary dimensions in advance, load-bearing supports are constructed from two thick stems. You can simply dig them into the ground, or with additional concreting. But still, this is more of a decorative structure, and it will be enough just to dig them in to the depth necessary for stability.

For additional stability, the supports of the future fence can be tied to neighboring structures (house or fence). Binding is best done with a transparent fishing line. In addition, pack plants will allow you to hide such fasteners.

For crossbars, halves of trunks are used. Attach them to the supports with the rounded side out.

For "assembly of the fence" you can use both thick stems and small bamboo rods. They are fastened with a synthetic cord. We attach one stem to the crossbars and tie tightly. In this way, you need to fix the bamboo pickets along the entire length.

If you use thinner stems, then you need to knit them in small bunches of 2-3 stems in one.

Vertical mount

You can use this version of the device. In this case, it will not be necessary to attach horizontal crossbars to tie a bamboo picket fence. Fastening is made in the trunks of supports cut in half, with additional fastening with a cord.

To give a more aesthetic appearance and attractiveness, the thick and thin ends of the stems must be alternated.

We knit knots correctly

The correct knitting of bamboo stalks will give the fence a more sophisticated look. Experts recommend tying complex knots on the reverse side. Thus, the front part will look more respectable.

For better fastening, vertical racks and crossbars can be tied with perforated tape, and closed with a wound cord on top.

transparent hedge

This is a lighter version of the bamboo fence. It is based on a span of hedges with vertical or horizontal knitting.

Having calculated the height and length of the span in advance, we connect the fence frame. For example, let's take 15 equal segments of stems for vertical bars and 30 for horizontal ones. We evenly lay out the stems on the ground in the form of a lattice, first fastening them with cable ties. Then, having aligned all the parts, we remove the clamps one by one and securely fasten them in the manner described above. Then the finished span is mounted in the right place.

How to cut a bamboo stem

In the process of building a bamboo fence, you may need to cut it. In order not to spoil the material, you need to know some of the features of bamboo, namely how to cut it correctly.

Before you start sawing the stem, pre-drill a hole in it for a jigsaw saw. This will help avoid breakage and cracking.

It is better to use a Forstner drill for drilling, its use will help to avoid delamination. If you set the jigsaw to a small stroke amplitude, then sawing will be better. To shorten the trunk, immerse the jigsaw while sawing slowly from the side at a low sawing amplitude.

To paint or not

Bamboo has an attractive natural color, and in principle, subsequent painting will not be very appropriate. Therefore, after the construction of the fence, it can simply be covered with a special sealant with a mold inhibitor.

There is a special method of natural coloring of bamboo - carbonization. According to this technology, the rods are treated with steam in furnaces, in connection with this, the starch in the composition begins to carbonize and acquire different colors. The stronger the heat, the darker the stem will be.


From this video you will learn what are the features of working with bamboo in the manufacture of a fence.

Build in your garden bamboo fence or fence in the style of a Japanese garden is not difficult at all. You will need some thick bamboo stalks, regular branches and a strong rope. It remains only to choose what you like: a solid screen, a light transparent partition or a small fence.

Deaf opaque partition - bamboo screen

First, build a frame with two uprights and half a bamboo trunk as a cross member. Insert stems of equal length into racks with grooves and clamp them between two trunks cut in half, fastening with a cord. Alternate thick and thin ends for uniformity.

We knit knots

Trunks sawn in half, between which transverse stems are tightly tied with ropes. Perform complex knots on the back of the fence according to the scheme.

The reverse side of the bamboo fence

Reliable fastening

Metal perforated tape will securely connect the uprights to the crossbar. The wound cord will then securely hide the metal tape and further secure the mount.

Garden "transparent" bamboo hedge

Bundles of three or five rods form hedge spans. The length and height of the span is determined depending on the length of the branches available: 12 segments of equal length are used for horizontal crossbars, 30 for vertical ones. Temporarily fasten the stems into bundles with cable ties, this will facilitate further work. Then fold the bundles on the ground into a lattice of the desired size and fix at the intersection points with clamps. Then, one by one, replace these temporary connections with skillful knots made according to the scheme.

Lightweight bamboo garden screen. An “airy” bamboo partition will separate a cozy corner for relaxing in the garden

Correct weaving

For fastening the stems crosswise, as well as the assembled elements to the racks, it is convenient to use a synthetic cord. A simple crochet hook will help you quickly and correctly thread the cord.

Bamboo trellis

A transparent partition can be made from bundles of thin twigs. For the crossbars, use the branched tops of the thick stems that usually go to waste. The horizontal bars are 5 beams of equal length, the vertical ones are 8.

A lightweight bamboo screen can be easily built on the terrace and even on the balcony

Bundles of five stems on the left and right are inserted into the drilled holes in the partition posts. Wrap them several times and tie them to the racks. Fix thin stems in bunches with clamps. An interesting decorative effect is created if the "locks" are located alternately on the left and right vertically one above the other. The middle collar will help secure the bundles on the horizontal bars.

In countries where bamboo grows, it is often used in the construction of fences, as this material is durable and inexpensive. For example, in Japan, where bamboo sale conducted almost everywhere and at a low price, bamboo is used to make neat sections from which the fence is assembled (sections are attached to pre-dug posts).

But in Russia, bamboo is a rare plant, and although in selling bamboo you can find it, its cost is quite high, so not everyone can afford a bamboo fence. Simple calculation: if you found in selling bamboo at a price of 100 rubles for a 4-meter trunk with a diameter of 3 cm, then a running meter of a fence with a height of 2 meters will cost about 1,700 rubles. Of course, not solid and low decorative bamboo fences will cost much less (2-4 times). Such fences will always find a place in landscape design, made in oriental style. In addition, bamboo trunks can be used as inserts in sections of a fence made of another material - they will add originality and unusual appearance to the fence. In any case, when choosing a material for a fence, try to find in selling bamboo- you may not need so many trunks and the total cost will suit you.

Bamboo Decor - Garden Pyramid

Pyramids in the garden are used as columnar supports for climbing plants and vines. Also this bamboo decor can be used in winter to protect seedlings and stunted trees from excessive snow pressure while protecting plants from frost.

Why bamboo? First, any bamboo decor quite beautiful and decorates the site. Secondly, bamboo is distinguished by high strength. Thirdly, bamboo is a lightweight material, it will not be difficult to transfer a pyramid from it. The design of the bamboo pyramid is foldable, so it is not only easy to carry, but also convenient, and it does not take up much space during storage.

Bamboo is a natural material that can be used to make furniture, supports and pergolas for climbing flowers. Workshops will teach you how to bend a bamboo stem into shape, how to grow this plant.

How to grow bamboo?

You can do this if you live in a region with a temperate climate and high humidity. If the latter indicator is not present, then it is necessary to water and spray the plants sufficiently.

One of the great qualities of bamboo is that it can grow in clay and sandy soils. Phyllostachys bamboo is considered the most winter-hardy. It can be grown from seed:
  1. First, they are cleaned and heated in the sun for an hour and a half. Now you need to place the seeds in a cotton rag and soak in water overnight.
  2. Now it is drained, the seeds are dried a little to flowability and planted in the prepared soil to a depth of 30 cm.
  3. You can take the soil for bamboo from the greenhouse, add small sawdust and ash here.
  4. Seedlings should appear 2 weeks after planting. But the germination of seeds is low, only a quarter of them will germinate.
  5. You can grow bamboo not through seeds, but from seedlings, which are often sold in stores.
  6. Bamboo does not tolerate stagnant water, so the soil must be drained. If you have clay soil in the area, then loosen it with coarse sand. Seedlings can be planted when the threat of spring frost has passed. Before planting, water the roots, dig holes, add water here and plant one copy of bamboo in each.
  7. Top with soil and compact it with your hands. Sprinkle the bed with peat, hay or leaves.

Bamboo loves regular watering, so do it frequently for the first month. Then you can water it a couple of times a week.

You can tell by the leaves if you are watering enough bamboo. If they curl, then the plants need to be watered urgently. And if the soil is waterlogged, then some leaves will turn yellow.

In spring and summer, these plants are fed with a fertilizer consisting of 2 parts of potassium, 3 phosphorus and 4 nitrogen. And in the fall you need to make top dressing, which includes:

  • four parts of potassium;
  • four parts of phosphorus;
  • two parts nitrogen.
These fertilizers are dissolved in water and watered plants under the root. Such top dressing will help them prepare for the coming winter. Insulate the bamboo roots by adding a 15 cm high mulch of leaves and pine bark here. If you live in a cool region, then cover the roots of the plant with geotextiles.

If you managed to grow bamboo in the country, then you can make crafts from it. To do this, cut the stems, hang them vertically and dry. If you bought bamboo or grew it, then you can make the right things.

How to turn a bamboo stem into crafts?

The simplest thing is to make supports for climbing plants.

To make these, take:
  • bamboo stalks - 6 pieces;
  • twine;
  • hammer;
  • stick;
  • centimeter tape;
  • wire.
This pyramid will have a hexagonal shape, so for each design you will need just as many sticks. They must be the same length. First you need to mark a circle on the ground and dig it up. Now divide this circle into 6 parts. In each markup, make a recess with a stick and a hammer.

Insert a bamboo pole into the holes. It is necessary to deepen them enough so that the structure is solid. From above, connect all these elements and tie them with wire. Now wrap twine around the bamboo pyramid so that climbing plants weave along it, and the structure is strong.

You can protect such a bed with an old hose, sticks or bamboo trimmings. A decorative fence made of the same material will look very good nearby.

To make it, you will need:
  • bamboo stems are thin and also thick to support pillars;
  • durable non-rotting rope;
  • drill with a round nozzle;
  • self-tapping screws.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. Make a marking of the territory to put the fence in the chosen place. Dig holes for large posts. If you have a bamboo stalk of insufficient thickness, then you can use a regular beam as support posts.
  2. Now in these large pillars you need to make round holes with a drill. The pillars should be at the same distance from each other, connect them from above and below with medium-thick bamboo stalks. To do this, you need to make holes in large pillars, insert slabs of medium diameter here. For better adhesion, secure the junction with glue.
  3. Next, you need, placing thin bamboo stems diagonally, to make an openwork wall out of them. To do this, drill round holes at the same distance in horizontal racks and insert thin stems here, first with an inclination to one side and then to the other. Secure them with a strong rope.
The bamboo stalk will also help decorate the barbecue area. See what torches you can craft with it. But follow the necessary fire safety measures to completely eliminate fire.

If you have leftover scraps of this material, you can make a birdhouse.

How to make a birdhouse out of bamboo?

To create such an important piece of street decor you will need:
  • bamboo stalks;
  • transparent glue;
  • drill with a round nozzle;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • roulette;
  • jigsaw or saw;
  • strong thread or tape;
  • screw-in metal mount.
Using a tape measure and a jigsaw, measure and cut pieces of the same length from the bamboo stem. Assemble these walls and attach them with glue. While it dries, make a roof from scraps of sticks, you also need to glue its elements.

So that the birds can sit in front of the entrance to their home, screw the perch using self-tapping screws, but it is better to glue it so that the bamboo does not split. Also, with the help of them, attach the dried roof to the walls.

Taking a drill with a round nozzle, cut a window in the house. At the top of the roof, attach metal fasteners to which you need to tie a strong tape. Tie the ends together and hang on a strong knot.

In the country or at home, a bamboo planter will look great. And you can also make it from leftover materials.

  1. The thickest bamboo stalk should be cut into 4 pieces. Place these racks vertically, after cutting four holes in each, two at the top and bottom, on the right and on the left.
  2. Now you need to insert a bamboo stalk pre-sawn into 8 parts into the holes, placing it vertically.
  3. The remaining stems, but of a smaller diameter, cut into segments of the same length. Glue them together and attach them to the vertical and horizontal posts in the same way.
  4. You can make the mount even more durable if you mark the middle of each stick and make a hole with a thin drill bit. It remains to string the bamboo stems on the wire using the holes made.
  5. You can plant ornamental cabbage and grass or other edible or non-edible plants in such a tub in the country.
After such work, trimmings will remain, of which you can make a stand for wine. To do this, you need to make the stand itself out of wood, then attach two front legs and a handle to it, which is attached with a rope rope.

You can serve bread on beautiful grills, put such elements as decoration. To do this, the bamboo stalk must be cut into 4 parts and connected into a square with a rope. Fill the bottom with flat slats, also using a rope as a fastener.

A wide stalk of bamboo can be sawn into pieces to make candlesticks out of it. Small candles are inserted into the top hole.

Using non-combustible fabric and bamboo, you can make lampshades for lamps at home. They are especially suitable for a dwelling that is completed.

Many more interesting things can be made from bamboo, these are various pieces of furniture, blinds, home decorations, as well as walls or showers. Sometimes curved elements are required, see how you can give the bamboo stems the desired shape.

How to bend bamboo stems?

Since bamboo contains cellulose, this material responds to water. Pour warm water into a tub or other large container. If the bamboo is lying on the surface, place a shield and weight on top so that the material used is well saturated. This will take quite a long time. Sometimes take the soaked stick out of the water and start bending it slowly. If you hear a crackle, it means that the bamboo is not yet malleable enough, put it back into the water.

In the meantime, you will prepare the support. To do this, draw a sketch of the future part on plywood and drive in nails to limit it.

When the bamboo stem is well saturated, place it in the prepared structure. It is necessary to leave the blank for 2-3 days, then get it and use it for its intended purpose.

Sometimes you want to create a smooth curve or a rounded edge. Here's what it takes. First, make V-shaped cuts on the trunk under the baffles of the bamboo stem. If you want to make a significant bend, then the incisions should be wide. If you only need to slightly bend the bamboo stick, then make narrow cuts.

Give it the desired shape, and connect the opposite sides of the saw cuts to each other, securing them with glue.

And here is how more experienced craftsmen give the desired shape to bamboo products, if you need to get a curved piece for furniture or other things. With the help of metal fittings, you need to break through the bamboo partitions.

To do this, insert the selected metal rod into the bamboo stem and, hitting it with a hammer, knock out the internal partitions of this material. First, they do this on one side, and then on the other side. You get a hollow tube in which you need to drill holes with a drill so that excess moisture leaves, evaporating.

Using a burner, heat the bamboo stalk by moving it along it from one end to the other. The surface should be warmer than 100 degrees. Then you will make the material more pliable, and at the same time give it a beautiful coffee shade. Take a damp cloth, wipe the bamboo stem and try to bend it.

Now fill the cavity with sand. He will strengthen the workpiece. Dig a hole 20 cm deep in dense soil, put one end of the bamboo here and start heating it again with a burner and then give it the desired shape.

To prevent the bamboo stalk from cracking, warm it up and bend it gradually. The slower you do it, the more chances for an excellent initial result.

When the workpiece has cooled, it can be used to make various items. Which one is discussed below.

Principles of working with bamboo

Before you make furniture, familiarize yourself with the basic principles of its manufacture:
  1. Bamboo stems are not connected with nails and screws. To do this, you need to use special brackets or connect the elements using holes cut into them. Hemp rope is also suitable, it is used to tie the pieces of furniture that need to be connected.
  2. To cut this exotic wood, use a hacksaw with fine-toothed blades. If you use a regular saw, then the stems can crumble.
  3. Make a few small holes in the bamboo trunks so they can ventilate and you will increase the life of the furniture. It is better to strengthen the cut with tape so that the edge is not damaged.

How to make a folding bamboo chair?

Now you can work with this exotic wood and make a folding chair.

To make it, you will need:
  • bamboo poles of different diameters;
  • drill;
  • round nozzle for a drill;
  • glue for wood;
First, you need to saw off 4 identical segments from the bamboo stem, then connect them into a square using staples and pre-made holes.

Use the holes and glue to fill this seat base with other sticks. Make the front and back of the chair by connecting the elements of each with cross bamboo canes. At the top, connect this front and back to each other, also making the back. Now you need to fix the seat so that the chair folds.

Using the above methods of bending bamboo parts, you can make such elements to create chairs with beautiful backs.

The canvas of the chair itself is filled with bamboo plates. To get them, you need to soak this exotic tree for a while in warm water, and then cut along the fibers. If you have a lot of such details, make blinds by connecting them with a strong rope.

You can paste over such elements of the wall, ceiling in a country house.

If you have a good flight of fancy and like to experiment, then you can make the basis for sloping walls from bamboo stalks, and fill these elements with plates from this exotic tree.

From such material you can make a hut in the country. From fragments of plates, make panels or decorations for the ceiling. They are glued here according to the "Christmas tree" principle or in another order.

If you love sunbathing, then try making a comfortable bed out of bamboo. Here you can not only sunbathe, but also sleep.

You will have a natural idyll and harmony if you turn a bamboo stem into a water tower. It is pleasant to lie on a warm day in the fresh air and listen to the sounds of flowing water.

You can tie pieces of sticks to a fishing line or rope, hang 2 metal weights below, which will make sounds if the breeze blows.

You can also make a pergola with a roof from bamboo.

Position the posts vertically by driving them into the ground and securing them there with cement. Connect the bamboo plates diagonally crosswise, tying the wire here. Tie these fragments to the poles. From above, you need to strengthen the structure with horizontal slabs. Separately make the roof and fix it firmly in place.

You can put such a pergola on the path to pass under it or place it on a flat area, and install a bamboo bed below. Then you will have a great opportunity to sometimes relax in the shade in nature.

If you recently bought a plot and have not yet acquired a shower, it's okay. Make the walls and roof for it all from the same natural material.

At the same time, even a shower rack can be made using a bamboo stalk, but of sufficient thickness.

Remove the internal partitions from it in the manner described earlier, and pass the hose here. Fix the shower on top, and attach the bamboo stem itself to strong wooden stands. Thus, you will solve the problem of hygiene and you can take water treatments on a hot day.

We invite everyone interested in this interesting idea to watch the video. The first will tell you what can be made from bamboo. These crafts are perfect for beginners.

The second video includes a tutorial showing you how to make a bamboo fence.

And 10 interesting facts about this exotic tree are waiting for you in the third video. See how it grows in its homeland.

Oriental-style interiors are gaining more and more fans around the world due to their natural beauty and exoticism. An integral part of such an interior are natural materials, including bamboo. Europeans appreciated its merits after they started trading with Asian countries, where bamboo furniture has been made by hand for many centuries in a row. Among Asian peoples, this is the same material at hand, used everywhere in construction and design, as oak or aspen wood is in our country.

Bamboo trunks are not attached to each other with screws and nails. For this, special brackets are used.

Product features

On sale you can find whole bamboo poles of different diameters, its halves (trunk cut vertically), pressed slabs.

The thickness of the plant varies from 0.5 to 20 cm. Bamboo is a hollow grass with an attractive texture that does not need additional decoration. The color of the furniture remains natural, preserving the beauty of the stem of the plant. Therefore, bamboo furniture is a real decoration of the interior.

Bamboo interior items are made by hand, so their cost is quite high. And the material in the form of hollow plant stems is affordable. Exotic stems can cost less than many common woods such as oak. It is beneficial to use them in your own production of a bed or table.

Bamboo furniture should not be placed near heating appliances. Most often, to protect against climatic influences, those located on the street need to be varnished.

The herbaceous inhabitant of Asian forests is distinguished not only by its unusual appearance, but also by the peculiarity of the installation of products from it. No matter what you need to do: a picture frame or bamboo furniture, you need to know the following rules:

  1. Bamboo trunks are not connected to each other with screws and nails. For this, special brackets are used. Another equally popular way to make furniture from bamboo is to tie the pieces with strong hemp rope knots.
  2. You need to cut bamboo poles with a hacksaw with fine teeth. If you use an ordinary saw for wood for these purposes, the logs will crumble.
  3. The structure is connected using holes drilled in thicker trunks. It is important to learn how to combine the elements of the plant at right angles.
  4. If exotic wood is heated, it will bend in the right direction. This makes it possible to make curved armrests, headboards and table legs. Do not overheat the tree: it can char. At a right or sharp angle, the pole cannot be bent: it will break.
  5. In the finished product, you need to drill holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm. This will allow the wood to breathe and increase its lifespan.
  6. It is better to wrap the log on the spot with tape. This will help to make a smooth edge and avoid damage to it.

Thick stems are used for supporting structures of furniture or for interior elements: partitions, columns and other things. Thinner stems and bamboo strips can be seen in additional elements of the structure. Wicker furniture or parts of it are made from bamboo rods. Plates of pressed plant stems retain its texture. They make countertops, the bottom of the bed, partitions in the closet.

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Interior items made of bamboo

Bamboo products can be placed throughout the house: they do not cause allergies, they do not emit harmful fumes, such as chipboard or MDF.

The principle of assembling bamboo parts into a single whole is the same. Only the size of the structure and the amount of material used differ. Bamboo furniture is very durable, despite the fact that the material is hollow. To work with logs, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill with round nozzles (crowns);
  • gas burner, if it is necessary to bend logs;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • drill;
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal staples;
  • hemp rope;
  • PVA glue or another for wood;
  • spray varnish.

To assemble, for example, a bamboo bed, you need to purchase an appropriate mattress. According to its size, the amount of material needed is calculated. The frame around the bed is made of massive bamboo poles. They are placed horizontally, stacked on top of each other and interconnected with metal staples, hemp rope or stems of a smaller diameter. For the bottom, a sheet of thick plywood or pressed bamboo is suitable.

A bamboo bed will be strong and durable. But before embarking on such an experiment, it is better to try your hand at simpler subjects. For example, make a table for tea drinking. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • bamboo trunks of different diameters;
  • woven napkin made of bamboo plates;
  • two wooden sticks 5 mm thick with a flat section and with a diameter of 7-8 mm - with a round one;
  • 4 sticks 10 cm long and 1 cm thick.

A table stand can be made from a large diameter stem by sawing it lengthwise into two equal parts. In two blanks of greater thickness, recesses are made into which logs of smaller thickness are inserted. It turns out a square or rectangular frame. All parts must be pre-sanded. Before assembly, the prepared parts with holes inside for wooden sticks, on which the tabletop (bamboo mat) will lie, and with recesses for the legs, must be covered with a layer of varnish.

The legs for the table are made from halves of a log, into which sticks are inserted, two in each. In order for the parts to better hold during the operation of the product, they are smeared with glue and then connected. The final step will be to adjust the legs so that the tabletop does not turn out to be tilted. Almost all handmade bamboo furniture is assembled using the technology described above.