Pumps for hot water supply. How to choose a pump for hot water supply How to choose a pump for hot water recirculation

Grundfos Up pump- perfect circulation pump for those who cannot or do not want to completely entrust the heating, cooling or air conditioning system to automation. These models are no less compact and easy to use than Alpha 2, but are more suitable for heating and air conditioning systems. If you are looking for a suitable pump for your underfloor heating system, it makes sense to choose the Alpha 2 and Alpha 2L range. There is too much air in the pumped liquid, which means that the automatically controlled device will be better able to perform its tasks.

And for those who simply want the heating system to warm up the whole house well, so that the pressure in the hot water supply system increases, so that even the pipes of the heated towel rail in the bathroom are scalding, the ideal solution would be to purchase a circulation pump Grundfos Up.

By the way, the model Grundfos Up 15 14 Excellent for use in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The device continues to operate at both low and high temperatures up to +110 degrees. However, to avoid scale, it is not recommended to heat the water in the system above +65.

Models with a body made of cast iron, stainless steel or bronze are available for sale on the website. A separate advantage of the series Grundfos Up, is that the radial bearings and the pump shaft are made of ceramic, and therefore are absolutely not subject to corrosion. If you are looking for a durable, inexpensive, but high-quality device for your heating or cooling system, Grundfos Up will suit you perfectly.


  • UP 15-14 B PM, UP 20-14 BX PM without timer and thermostat for constant water circulation. The permanent magnet rotor ensures high energy efficiency of the pump. Energy savings up to 80%.
  • UP 15-14 BA PM, UP 20-14 BXA PM with function AUTO ADAPT , which registers the water consumption mode and turns on the pump only during those hours when it is necessary. Thanks to the permanent magnet rotor and the function AUTO ADAPT ensures high energy efficiency of the pump. Energy savings up to 96%.
  • UP 15-14 BUT, UP 20-14 BXUT with a timer and thermostat turn on at a time convenient for you and maintain the set temperature. Equipped with a standard asynchronous electric motor.


Models UP BA PM and BXA PM operate in three modes:

  • AUTO mode ADAPT;
  • temperature regime;
  • constant mode (pump runs 100% of the time).


UP BA PM and BXA PM pumps have AUTO function ADAPT, which regulates the operation of the pump, turning it on and off, in accordance with the users’ water consumption schedule. The pump thus provides maximum convenience and energy savings at the same time.

Energy Saving

AUTO function ADAPT automatically adjusts the number of pump operating hours based on the hot water consumption schedule in a given system.

To use the AUTO function ADAPT it is necessary to install a temperature sensor in the supply pipe at a distance of 20 to 50 cm from the base of the boiler outlet pipe. This sensor and a temperature sensor installed in the pump are used to detect the opening of a hot water tap. The moments when hot water opens are recorded and used to calculate the consumption schedule.

AUTO function ADAPT carries out automatic control of turning on/off the pump in accordance with this schedule. The pump will only run when needed.

“Calendar” for recording hot water consumption

UP PM pump with AUTO ADAPT contains a “calendar” for recording hot water consumption. Based on the “calendar” data, the pump calculates the moment when the DHW circulation starts.

The registration “calendar” records information about hot water consumption during the week

Circulation pumps can be of two types:

  • with a wet rotor engine;
  • with a dry rotor engine.

If the engine belongs to the first option, then its parts are wetted with a certain liquid during operation, which eliminates the need for regular maintenance. If the devices have a dry motor, then there is a need for regular cleaning and lubrication of its spare parts. At the same time, this engine has the advantage that its working parts wear out less often.

As a rule, the devices are very economical and therefore beneficial to use. You can switch them just using a conveniently located button located on the terminal box. Circulation pumps are good for floor heating systems and for quickly heating rooms if there is an urgent need to increase the air temperature. Among other things, it is worth noting that the designers worked hard on the external design, making this thing not only functional, but also spectacular.

The price of circulation pumps usually depends on the manufacturer, but now you can purchase this product at a favorable price. You can buy such a device in Moscow in our online store, where managers are ready to offer you the most profitable options.

To ensure comfort and coziness indoors, it is impossible to do without hot water, and this applies not only to residential buildings, but to enterprises, offices and other institutions. For circulation, a special system with a device is used that performs its task at the highest level.

We are talking about a pump that is available on the market in a wide range. Its job is to circulate liquid in a closed circle.


This unit allows you to quickly get hot water from the tap; without it, everything would happen much slower. As for costs, they do not exceed the cost of a conventional boiler from well-known manufacturers.

Before purchasing equipment, you should study its features, main technical and operational characteristics, and analyze the advantages in order to make the right choice. A DHW circulation pump is a device that moves water in a pipeline. In addition, the device is designed to increase the pressure in the main system to a certain level.

Such units are installed in multi-storey buildings in order to receive liquid from the tap at the same temperature. But it should be noted that the pump is also required to maintain pressure if it has to be disassembled during peak times. If several taps are open at the same time, it is necessary to maintain the same pressure and temperature everywhere. A distinctive feature of the pump is its small size, so installing it is quite simple, and you can handle this task yourself without outside help. The recirculation unit does not consume a lot of electricity, so it can be called economically beneficial. The equipment is manufactured in accordance with all necessary standards.


The recirculator works on the same principle as the pumps used in heating systems. The main purpose of the installation is to stabilize and increase the pressure of the water supply, which is not enough. A closed equipment system consists of the following elements:

  • storage capacity;
  • control and shut-off valves;
  • pumping device;
  • circuits that connect to water points.

The container is filled with hot water. The temperature range can reach +100 degrees. The pump must create the required pressure, thereby forcing a certain volume of liquid to circulate constantly. As soon as the consumer opens the tap, he receives hot water, which is supplied under pressure. This allows you to use the bath and shower.

As for the cost, it all depends on the model and manufacturer, prices start from 100–115 euros and above.

Glandless rotor pump

There is a wide selection of models of such equipment on the market. Many devices have an electric motor. All moving elements of the mechanism are completely in the aquatic environment. This “wet” design has a number of advantages, such as:

  • There is virtually no need for maintenance;
  • equipment operates without unnecessary noise;
  • consumes little electricity.

The water unit consists of a sleeve, a motor stator, a pump housing, which has two mounting holes, bearings and an impeller with blades. The parts are made of stainless steel and therefore do not corrode. A wet rotor has a number of features, the first of which is low efficiency. It is important to note that the liquid must be clean without additional impurities, so filters will need to be installed. This device does not tolerate dry running. It must be constantly in an aquatic environment, then the pumping effect is maintained.

Dry rotor device

Such equipment requires the use of conventional oil lubrication to reduce friction in the bearings. The engine chamber is separated from the liquid by a seal on the shaft. As for the case, it is cooled by air. The features of the unit include its large size and weight. This provides more power, which is why such a device is often used in industrial applications. The efficiency is high and it makes noise, so the unit is almost never used in individual homes. You can install such a device anywhere, which makes the task easier.

Control method

Maintaining the circulation of hot liquid at all times is acceptable, although this is not always economically justified. Many will agree that there is not always a need for such water, so there is no need for the pump to work non-stop. If the pipes are routed correctly and thermal insulation is installed, the liquid will not immediately cool down. As far as monetary costs are concerned, this will not affect them since recirculation pumps are inexpensive to maintain.

The control method can be by timer, that is, schedule, and by temperature sensors.

How to choose?

To choose the right pump for domestic hot water, you need to understand the parameters and characteristics, as well as listen to the recommendations of specialists who will help you make a profitable purchase.

The main indicators include the power of the unit. This characteristic indicates the amount of electricity that will be consumed by the device. At the same time, power also affects the performance of the device, which means the amount of water moved through the pipeline in a certain period of time. The operation of the device is influenced by various factors.

It is worth paying attention to the height and length of the pipeline, you should take into account the hydraulic resistance, as well as additional systems connected to the site. An important aspect is the pressure of hot water supplied from the tap and even its quantity.

You cannot purchase a unit whose performance exceeds the required value. In this case, excess energy consumption will occur. Models should be considered only from trusted and well-established manufacturers.

It is important to study reviews, find out customer opinions, and compare characteristics. If you need a pump to install it in a bathhouse, you do not need to take a powerful unit, since it will not be used constantly. It is enough to pay attention to compact devices with a wet rotor; of course, it all depends on the water tank, which must be filled.

An important point is the ambient temperature where the equipment will be installed. Make sure that the pump is not exposed to freezing, otherwise its operation will be adversely affected.

The power is determined by the diameter of the pipeline. The larger it is, the stronger the device will be. If you plan to use hot water seasonally, then you should not explore such options.

Household appliances are in greatest demand and are optimally suited for use at home. They have special sensors to save water and energy, a timer, thermostat and auto settings are installed. Please note that a dry rotor pump is equipped with a fan for cooling, which produces additional noise.

The mini-device is suitable for a small apartment where a large amount of hot water is not required. It is capable of pumping liquid and feeding it into the system without any problems.

Before you start looking for pumping equipment, you need to correctly calculate the device parameters. Only after this can you decide on a purchase and invest wisely. Such data includes the workload of the water supply system, as well as sufficient flow strength. An important point is to take into account the number of taps that can be turned on simultaneously. It is necessary to create the same pressure of the circulation pump so that the pressure remains constant everywhere.

If we talk about the average water consumption at one point, it is about one hundred and eighty liters per hour. If a house or apartment has two bathrooms and a kitchen where taps are located, the best choice would be to install a device with a throughput capacity of at least 0.7 cubic meters per hour. We must not forget about the hydraulic resistance of the overall system. Pressure and pressure are affected by the length and height of the pipeline, so these indicators also need to be clarified. A water column of 0.6 meters uses 10 linear meters of contour. The manufacturer always adds technical documentation to each model and type of pumping equipment, so it is worth studying all the indicators and descriptions.

Thanks to such calculations, it is possible to obtain the average heat consumption of hot liquid through a circulation pump, which will help you quickly make a choice and facilitate the purchase. Of course, an industrial-type device is suitable for pumping water at a large enterprise, but slightly different models are suitable for a home.

Today, calculations can be made online thanks to electronic calculators, where the corresponding indicators are entered, which speeds up the solution of the problem. If a pump is selected for an apartment building or a cottage with a large area, such calculations are carried out only by qualified specialists from design and installation organizations, since they are responsible for the performance of the entire system.

To correctly install the pump in a hot water supply system, you must first study the instructions in detail and strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, building codes are important and must be heeded.

To complete the installation you will need to complete the following steps:

  • the installation location of the circulation device is selected. The module must be installed on the return line, which will prevent air from entering, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the functionality of the entire system;
  • a check valve must be installed between the pump and the storage tank;
  • shut-off valves are installed before and after the station, their number depends on needs;
  • A UPS is used for connection. As soon as the power is turned off, it will ensure that the device operates in autonomous mode. The duration of its operation ranges from several hours to a day.

An autonomous hot water supply (DHW) system often uses a circulation pump. If the heat source is a boiler, and a significant portion of hot water accumulates in the boiler, then the pump constantly pumps water from the storage tank to the heat exchanger and back. If we mean a recirculation pump for hot water, then it eliminates the greatest disappointment of autonomous hot water systems - it makes it so that when you open the tap you don’t have to wait long for the hot water to reach the consumer through the pipes.

Principle of operation

A recirculation pump is not at all necessary, but it significantly increases comfort and even the quality of hot water. Its main task is to pump water through a pipeline in a closed loop from the boiler to the intake points and back. For this purpose, devices with low productivity, low noise and low power consumption are specially developed. The main requirement for pumps is resistance to high temperatures, stable operation provided that the water is heated to 65°C.

Taken together, recirculation pumps for hot water are still different from pumps for heating. The latter are designed for temperatures up to 90°C and with significantly higher productivity. Interchangeability is irrelevant in this case. If desired, the heating pump can be used in DHW recirculation, but the pump cannot be used the other way around.

A circulation pump is especially in demand in houses with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, where the boiler is located in a separate room or basement, and there are several water intake points located throughout the house. You will have to wait a long time for cold water to drain from the pipes, which significantly increases consumption. If the water in the boiler heats up to 65-80°C, then almost all pathogenic bacteria die, but in the pipes where the water cools, they are able to actively multiply.

Regular pumping of water through pipes eliminates these problems in the bud. However, due to heat loss in the pipes, the load on the boiler or water heater increases, so the installation of a recirculation pump has a lesser impact on savings and is primarily responsible for the comfort of residents.

To use a recirculation pump, the DHW distribution throughout the house must be carried out in the form of a closed circuit connected to the boiler. All water intake points are already connected from it. If you take water from the top of the boiler, then this will be considered the beginning of the circuit, then the pump is installed at the second entrance to the boiler, located in the lower part of the storage tank at the same level as the entrance to the cold tap water supply.

The circulation pump must be installed together with a check valve, which will prevent the reverse flow of water in the circuit, because in this case only cold water will flow through the pipes, tied to the bottom of the boiler and the inlet water supply.


The list of main characteristics of circulation pumps:

  • productivity, m3/hour (liter/min);
  • pressure created, meters or Pa;
  • power consumption, W;
  • control method (by timer or temperature sensor).

The recirculation pump requires little power and performance. It is necessary to pump water only in tubes with a small internal volume, and at low speed. A device with a capacity of only 0.2-0.6 cubic meters per hour is sufficient to constantly maintain the water temperature in pipes up to 40-50 meters long.

Pump consumption is also low and ranges from 5 to 20 W. This is enough for stable operation and completion of the assigned task.

It is more important to select the correct pressure generated by the pump. More often, in a house or, especially, an apartment, the wiring is carried out one floor at a time, then a pressure equivalent to 0.5-0.8 meters of water column is sufficient. However, if it is necessary to ensure trouble-free circulation of water in a house with several floors, then the pump must cope with the rise of water to a given height, and with a margin. Pump performance directly depends on the actual installed load.


Centrifugal pumps are used to circulate water. The main elements in them are the shell housing, the impeller and the engine. Water is supplied to the center of the impeller. The engine spins it, and under the influence of centripetal force, water moves with pressure along the outer edge of the shell to the outlet pipe.

For a recirculation pump, the advantages are noiselessness and small dimensions. Therefore, small pumps are used mainly with a wet rotor type. The rotor is the internal moving part of the engine, mounted on the same shaft as the impeller. Under the influence of an alternating magnetic field from the stator coil, the rotor acquires rotational motion.

The wet rotor is completely immersed in the pumped medium. Water acts as a heat sink and at the same time as a lubricant for the support bearings. The presence of water around the moving parts of the engine reduces noise and vibration during pump operation.

Control method

It is quite acceptable to constantly maintain the circulation of hot water in the pipes, but this is uneconomical and unjustified. Hot water is not used constantly. At night, while all the residents are sleeping, it is useless to keep the water in the pipes hot, the same applies to the time when everyone is at work or school.

If the pipes are laid out correctly, then thermal insulation is required, so that once hot water gets into the pipes, it does not cool down instantly. Therefore, there is no need to constantly pump water from the boiler into the pipes and back; periodic operation of the pump is sufficient, which reduces the load on it and the hot water system as a whole. There is no need to talk about saving electricity, since the consumption of the recirculation pump is low.

Two main control methods are used:

  • according to temperature sensor readings;
  • according to a timer (schedule).

Both options are in demand, although they differ significantly in their operating principles.

By temperature sensor

Grundfos UP 15-14 BT 80

In this case, the pump control unit relies on the readings of a temperature sensor immersed in water inside the circuit pipes. The pump resumes operation as soon as the water has cooled to a certain threshold temperature. This approach significantly reduces the load on the equipment and constantly keeps the water in the pipes heated. In addition, the safety of the hot water supply increases. Having set a sufficiently high response threshold, water is pumped more often through the boiler, where it is additionally heated and disinfected.

By timer

Grundfos UP 15-14 BU

The control unit alternately turns the pump on and off based on the time delays set in the settings. Knowing exactly the parameters of the hot water system, the length of the pipes and their internal volume, thermal insulation and average heat loss, you can select the optimal time during which the water will not have time to cool down. The pump is turned on by a timer signal and pumps all the water. In this case, the duration of operation is also calculated based on the volume of pipes and pump performance.

Another advantage of the timer is the ability to schedule the operation of the recirculation pump for a day or even a week. It is in this case that downtime when hot water is not used is taken into account.

Installation diagrams

Depending on the number of connection points and the length of the pipes, the method of connecting the circulation pump and pipe routing is selected:

  • serial connection with one circuit;
  • parallel connection with the collector.

In the first case, all water intake points are connected in series and in one circuit. This is beneficial if you can easily combine the bathrooms and kitchen with one water pipe without unnecessary material costs and a fairly short route. There is only one feature that concerns the pressure pump rather than the circulation pump. If several water intake points are open at the same time, the pressure in each of them will be divided equally. Alternatively, this can be solved by installing a gearbox on each tap and choosing a more powerful pump.

Parallel connection solves the problem with pressure and water distribution using a manifold group and compact placement of gearboxes. In this case, recirculation pumps must be installed in each individual circuit or one more efficient pump must be selected for all groups at once. Such wiring is necessary if there are several bathrooms in the house, spaced far from each other and from the kitchen, or when, with a serial connection, the total length of the route becomes too long.

For DHW it acts as one of the important components of the system. Without this equipment, it will not be possible to achieve pressure and circulation of water in the distribution. Therefore, before purchasing this unit, it is necessary to take into account the nuances that affect its performance and purpose.

Description in terms of design features

By comparing several models of circulation pumps, you can understand that, first of all, they differ from each other in the type of rotor. Based on this criterion, the described equipment can be classified into devices with:

  • wet rotor;
  • dry rotor.

In the first option, the supporting part, which assumes the presence of an impeller, is placed in the pumped medium. In this case, the hot coolant acts as a lubricant and coolant. Glandless rotor pumps make almost no noise during operation and are characterized by a long service life. They are cheap and require no maintenance. This indicates that such a circulation pump for domestic hot water can be installed and forgotten about.

However, such units also have disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the low efficiency, it ranges from 40 to 45%. Among other things, the positioning of the pump is limited, because it can only be installed horizontally. Therefore, this equipment is purchased by those people who want to equip a heating and water supply system in a small house. After all, this unit is not capable of great achievements.

Description of the dry rotor pump

A circulation pump for hot water supply can also have a dry rotor, in which the power unit is separated from the pumped medium. The rotor remains dry during operation, which leads to problems with cooling and lubrication. The problem can be solved by periodic inspection, as well as by using a fan.

Dry pumps are more expensive in the long run, both at the acquisition and maintenance stages. But these efforts will be rewarded with more impressive productivity, which reaches 70%. Therefore, a similar circulation pump for domestic hot water can be purchased for installation in municipal and industrial systems.

Main performance characteristics

The main task of the described equipment is to maintain the speed of water flow through the distribution. Therefore, the main criteria that influence the choice of pump are:

  • pressure value;
  • consumption;
  • heat dissipation

The pressure parameters are determined by the height of the water column; the pressure and temperature at the return will depend on this. As for the flow rate, it is determined by the formula as the quotient of the power and the temperature difference in the treatment and the pressure pipe. Heat transfer is determined by the area of ​​the heated room and heat losses.

Description of the Wilo-Star-Z pump

When choosing a circulation pump for domestic hot water, you can pay attention to the model mentioned above. It is a unit with a wet rotor, which can be used to maintain pressure in water supply and heating networks. This model has mechanical shut-off valves and electronic filling.

As for the first component, it assumes the presence of a ball valve at the outlet and a check valve. The electronic component is:

  • display;
  • thermostat;
  • timer.

This pump option can be used in conventional systems and high-tech networks that are built into the smart home system. for hot water supply it has a thermal disinfection recognition system, which is used when working with drinking water.

Characteristics of VortexBW 152

This equipment is manufactured in Germany, which means it is of high quality. The model is characterized by high performance and maintainability. The device can be disassembled quite simply, and the unit itself does not need to be dismantled. Without removing it from the pipe, the pump can be descaled. It operates completely silently and differs from its analogues in its modest size, so it is often used in everyday life.

Description of the pump ESPA RA1-S

This circulation pump for hot water systems is another representative of equipment with a wet-type rotor. It can be used for air conditioning and ventilation systems. The main difference from analogues is the possibility of vertical installation. The equipment can be used in cold water and hot water supply systems. The device is capable of pumping heated flammable liquid, the temperature of which reaches 120°C. In everyday life, the device has proven itself positively, it is productive and economical.

Technical characteristics of Grundfos UP

The DHW circulation pump UP is equipment with a heat-insulating casing, the flow part of which is isolated from the stator by a shell. The engine has a wet rotor, which ensures almost silent operation. If necessary, the equipment can be disassembled without removing the housing from the pipeline. The unit does not require maintenance.

This Grundfos DHW circulation pump can operate at one of three speeds, its electrical power is 25 W, and its operating pressure is 10 bar. The temperature of the pumped medium can vary from 2 to 95°C. The recommended set is 0.93 m, while the connection is carried out with the following parameters Rp 1/2. The recommended flow is equivalent to 0.38 m 3 /h. The installation length is 80 m, the maximum pressure is 1.4 bar. The device weighs 2.6 kg, and the water protection class corresponds to IP42.

Main features and advantages of Grundfos UP pumps

Before purchasing UP, you should consider their distinctive features from their analogues, they are as follows:

  • spherical rotor;
  • low noise level;
  • protection against lime deposits;
  • long service life.

Consumers also choose these devices for the reason that their operation is accompanied by insignificant electricity consumption. High-quality materials are used in the manufacturing process, and any home craftsman can install the device.

After installing such a pump, you will be able to get hot water as soon as you open the tap. The presence of a spherical rotor almost eliminates blocking of the impeller by lime deposits and impurities. The plug connector is reliable and simple, thanks to which connection to the electrical network is greatly simplified, as is operation.

Pumped media and operating limitations for Grundfos circulation pumps

Before purchasing a circulation pump, it is important to consider the media being pumped. When it comes to Grundfos UP models, they are capable of working with aggressive, non-viscous, clean liquids that do not contain solid particles or fibers. Such equipment can work with water that has previously been softened. There are certain operational limitations, which are expressed in the maximum possible kinematic viscosity of water, it is 1 mm 2 / s, which is true for a temperature of 20 ° C.


Before choosing a circulation pump, you need to take into account the expected pressure of water flowing from the tap. The maximum permissible value of this parameter is 4.5 bar, while the minimum is not regulated.

You also need to take into account the number that can be open at the same time. If you create a pressure of 5 bar in the pipeline, then when one tap is opened, the pressure will be higher than the permissible value, and the stream will damage the plumbing equipment.