Alpha Laval equipment. About Alfa-Laval

Alfa Laval company owns more than 2,500 patents, has representation in 95 countries, 42 factories, 20 research centers. More than 18,000 employees have been developing and producing high-quality Alfa Laval products for over 130 years. Each year, spending enormous amounts of money on development and implementation, Alfa Laval launches more than 35 new products onto the market.

Alfa Laval's main tasks– increasing the efficiency of production processes and reducing energy consumption. The company's products provide heating, cooling, separation (separation) and transportation of various liquids.

Alfa Laval equipment is a leader in various industries
  • Heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning
  • Mechanical engineering, metalworking and metallurgy
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Oil refineries
  • Food and Beverage Manufacturing
  • Chemical substances
  • Pulp and paper industry
  • And many others.

Alfa Laval is one of the first foreign companies to open its own production in Russia, in 1992 in Korolev, Moscow region, on the basis of the Bolshevsky Machine-Building Plant. And in 1996, the commercial division and the plant merged under one name - Alfa Laval Potok OJSC. The first heat exchanger was produced in 1995, the ten thousandth in 2001, and the seventy thousandth in 2012.

Alfa Laval in Russia

At the Alfa Laval Potok plant in Korolev, air and gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series are produced and assembled AQ, M, T, T.S. And TL, working in many industries and heating and cooling systems, stamp plates and produce rubber seals from various types of rubber, the composition of which is developed in the Swedish research laboratories of Alfa Laval. The overall localization of production reaches 95%. The manufactured products are used not only in Russia, but are exported to various countries around the world.

Among the leading companies in Sweden today there are not many veterans left who once created the glory of the Swedish industry. One of them, without a doubt, is the international industrial concern Alfa Laval.

Today Alfa Laval- one of the largest international industrial groups, which includes more than 110 marketing companies and representative offices in 95 countries. The company's production potential consists of 40 factories and dozens of auxiliary production facilities. Scientific developments are carried out in 20 research centers. More than 10,000 employees around the world with their work create the very basis on which Alfa Laval's weight, authority, experience and global recognition rest.

Alfa Laval- one of the oldest foreign companies on the Russian market, its representative office in St. Petersburg opened back in 1905.

OJSC Alfa Laval Potok represents the interests of the Alfa Laval concern in Russia, ensuring the production of certain types of products, as well as the sale of the entire range of equipment manufactured at the concern's enterprises around the world: plate heat exchangers, separators, condensers, desalination plants, decanters, filtration equipment, shut-off and control valves for flow-conducting equipment. In addition, the company provides a full range of services for maintenance, equipment repair and personnel training.

If the bathhouse has a high-quality stove, then a boiler is not required to heat the liquid that will flow into the washing room. For this you can use an Alfa Laval heat exchanger. Its main function is to heat the incoming liquid and transfer it to the hanging tank. That is why, while the “heart” of the bathhouse is burning, the water in the next room will remain hot. After the bathhouse stops heating, the water is drained. This is precisely the rationality of this idea.

Heat exchanger specifications

If you are interested in the manufacturer Alfa Laval, you can select a heat exchanger from this supplier. How exactly will be described below. Sauna stoves equipped with a heat exchanger are structures in which there is a space where cold water flows. After its temperature rises, it begins to move through the pipes and moves towards the hanging tank or radiators. At the same time, the role of the heat exchanger of a sauna stove is not only to heat the liquid for the shower, but also the remote tanks located in the rest room or dressing room.


If you are interested in the Alfa Laval heat exchanger, then you should take into account that there are two options for this design. Thus, the heat exchanger can be internal or external. In the first case, the device is a coil that runs along the bottom or is built into the side of the furnace chamber. The coil is also called a jacket, which completely covers the firebox. If we are talking about an external heat exchanger, it is a chimney module, or rather a pipe, which is surrounded by a sealed container.

Key Features

The Alfa Laval heat exchanger, whatever its type, is filled with a liquid, which can be water or antifreeze. The communicating container is responsible for supplying liquid to the heat exchanger. The container is a hanging tank or a water heating battery. For connection, as a rule, two fittings are used, one of them is located at the bottom, while the other is at the top. The principle of operation of the heat exchanger is extremely simple, everything happens due to the circulation of heated water or by connecting a pump that must be powered by electricity.

Alfa Laval brazed heat exchangers are available in a wide range. Experts recommend choosing open systems for heating the coolant in the bath, and the process will not be accompanied by pressure. It is also important that the most effective system for heating liquid in a bathhouse is one whose total length of pipes does not exceed 3 meters. As practice shows, this will be enough to place the tank directly behind the wall of the steam room. It is important to pay attention to the thickness of the pipe; it is better if it is less than an inch, otherwise there will be significant resistance to the movement of water, and a sauna stove with a heat exchanger, without a pump, will not have the ability to distill water. If you have looked at the Alfa Laval heat exchanger and decided to make such a unit yourself, then you should follow the advice of experienced craftsmen. They recommend making this design using old radiators, which is true if suitable materials are not at hand. You can use car radiators or those borrowed from the heating system. They will need to be combined, which will increase the heat exchange area. During the work, the use of adapters will be required.

Calculation of heat exchanger area

Experts emphasize that heat exchanger size calculations are usually the same. For example, heating a traditional room will require about 5 kW; this is exactly the amount of energy a stove with a heat exchanger should produce. As for one square meter of heat exchanger area, this will be approximately 9 kW during combustion. Undoubtedly, much will depend on the location of the boiler with the stove, as well as the intensity of fuel combustion. However, the boiler power after completion of the combustion process will drop by 10 times. That is why it is necessary to calculate the surface area of ​​the heat exchanger with some margin; this is the only way you will be able to create a system that will be able to maintain a comfortable temperature in all rooms of the bathhouse complex with a two-time or one-time firebox. When considering an Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger, you should take into account that the shape of the boiler and furnace can be very different. However, the most popular are those made of stainless steel pipes, but those made of two channels are becoming more and more common.

Characteristics of the heat exchanger of the Alfa Laval M3 model

If you paid attention to the Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger, then before purchasing it is worth considering the technical characteristics in more detail. If we are talking about the above-mentioned model, it will be 3.9 cubic meters. The plates of this heat exchanger option have a surface area of ​​0.08 square meters. As for the maximum heat exchange area, it is equivalent to 3.9 square meters. The described model is small in size and very convenient to use, it is also quite compact in design, it includes a frame that can withstand a maximum pressure of 16 bar. Among other things, the device is equipped with a plate. This model acts as a standard version of a collapsible plate heat exchanger, which consists of several plates. Frames are located on both sides. During the production process, the plates are given a corrugated surface, which allows for high-quality heat supply by transferring liquid that is in countercurrent to each other. To prevent water from flowing into one another or leaking out of the structure, the latter has a number of seals and gaskets that are designed to protect the internal contents from exposure to the external environment.

Positive features of the Alfa Laval M3

Alfa Laval heat exchangers, the characteristics of which will be useful for you to read before visiting the store, are a high-quality product that allows heating equipment to operate efficiently. The unit of this series is also called a water water heater because of the functions it performs. If we consider in more detail the technical characteristics of a heat exchanger of this kind, we can highlight some dimensions. Namely, the height of the unit, which is 480 millimeters, the width (180 millimeters) and the maximum temperature, which is 180 degrees. Liquid consumption is 4 kilograms per second.

The Alfa Laval heat exchanger, the technical characteristics of which will be of interest to every consumer, is presented in a single-pass design; the design does not have a supporting heel, which is also called legs. This model must be supplemented with the necessary equipment - a passport and operating instructions. Documents will be required so that users have an understanding of the features of the equipment and are able to cope with problems that arise during operation. After all, the buyer will certainly have to maintain, perform preventive maintenance, and clean the system, which will help the device operate efficiently. After the Alfa Laval heat exchangers have been calculated, you can go to the store. This is the only way you can create a system that will have a high efficiency.


It is advisable to purchase the heat exchanger model recommended by the manufacturer. This will ensure that the design is suitable for a specific installation, and you will not encounter any malfunctions during operation.

"Alfa Laval" (Alfa Laval) is one of the oldest foreign companies on the Russian market, its representative office in St. Petersburg opened back in 1905.

ALFA LAVAL in Russia

"Alfa Laval" is one of the first foreign companies to start their own production in Russia. It was founded in 1992 on the basis of the Bolshevsky Machine-Building Plant (Korolev, Moscow region), which specialized in the production of pasteurization and cooling units.

The total investment in the reconstruction of the plant amounted to more than $20 million. In 1996, the commercial division and the plant merged under one name - Alfa Laval Potok OJSC.

The basis of the plant's production program is plate heat exchangers of various capacities, which are produced using Alfa Laval technology for many industries and heat supply systems for municipal utilities.

OJSC Alfa Laval Potok represents the interests of the Alfa Lava concern in Russia, ensuring the production of certain types of products, as well as the sale of the entire range of equipment manufactured at the concern's enterprises around the world: plate heat exchangers, separators, condensers, desalination plants, decanters, filtration equipment, shut-off and control valves for flow-conducting equipment. In addition, the company provides a full range of services for maintenance, equipment repair and personnel training.

The core of Alfa Laval Potok's production program is the M and TS series gasketed plate heat exchangers, which are used in many industrial sectors and municipal heating systems. We produced the first heat exchanger in 1995, the ten-thousandth in 2001, and the twenty-thousandth in 2004. That is, over the last three years the production volume has doubled. The plant also produces rubber seals - important components of heat exchangers. We produce 160 thousand seals per year from various types of rubber, the composition of which is developed in the Swedish research laboratories of Alfa Laval. JSC Alfa Laval Potok is certified for compliance with the requirements of the international quality system ISO 9001-2000. All equipment has Gosstandart certificates of conformity.

About ALFA LAVAL concern

The international industrial concern Alfa Laval is the world's largest manufacturer of equipment and technologies that help optimize production processes and dramatically increase their output.

By working closely with its partners in nearly 100 countries, Alfa Laval helps them remain leaders in their industries.

Alfa Laval has a wide range of heat exchangers and can offer the customer the optimal solution, tailored to their specific requirements. Alfa Laval welded plate heat exchangers are capable of operating at extremely high pressures. Low-maintenance semi-welded and compact brazed heat exchangers are widely used for heating and cooling. Shell and tube heat exchangers as evaporators and condensers are the best for refrigeration systems.

One of the leaders in the global market for the production and development of new types of heat exchange equipment for various purposes is a Swedish company Alpha Laval Lund AB. Founded back in 1883, it still operates successfully today.

Alfa Laval heat exchangers of 2 types have gained the greatest popularity in the markets: Alfa Laval collapsible and soldered heat exchanger. Each of these types has certain advantages that make their use in one case or another more rational.

The main activity of the company is devices that provide separation, heating, cooling, transportation of various liquid substances, including chemical reagents, petroleum products, medicines and food liquids, bulk mixtures - these are heat exchangers. This is a large international company that has a number of patents for unique PHE designs used in heat exchange equipment of plates, frames, gaskets, has know-how in the field of technological solutions and in its activities uses only high quality materials, which ensures a decent level of final products, its long service life and reliability.

Today, the need for such devices is quite wide and they are used in many countries of the world in the field of centralized water supply, which includes the supply of hot water, as well as in air conditioning and the creation of ventilation systems for buildings and structures. Steam or water acts as a heating medium.

Alfa Laval heat exchangers - the main advantages

  • PHE uses plates with a thickness of 0.5 mm and they are made by one-pass pressing. Thanks to this production method and the special profile of the flow channels, rigidity and strength of the structure, a significant service life, efficient heat transfer and reliability are achieved;
  • The number of possible leaks is minimized due to the precise placement of the plates, which is ensured by the special frame design. This allows for repeated disassembly and assembly, as well as changing its area by removing or adding additional plates;
  • The possibility of repeated cycles of disassembling and assembling PHE is achieved by using seamless gaskets, the fixation of which is not based on the use of adhesives. In addition, the gasket profile is a patented technical solution, since it is responsible for the tightness of the working space and, due to this, the long service life of the gasket.

Heat exchanger - is a unit in which heat transfer processes take place from a high-temperature working environment to the final heat consumer - a cold environment with the assistance of corrugated plates sandwiched between two powerful panels that hold them together. In some cases, this may not be a collapsible heat exchanger with an area of ​​0.2 square meters, in others - collapsible units, the performance characteristics of which can be increased if desired.

Device servicing

From us you can also order maintenance of equipment purchased from us, or equipment already installed at your enterprise, central heating point or industrial substation. The list of services we offer includes the following:

  • Washing, repair, maintenance
  • Replacing plates and gaskets in heat exchangers, increasing power
  • Delivery and installation, preventive maintenance.

Gaskets and plates

At Teplya Kompaniya you can also purchase a full set of spare parts for heat exchangers and various other equipment. Any supplied heat exchanger, as well as spare parts (plates or seals) are of high quality. The status of an official partner allows us to guarantee 100% that the heat exchanger meets all the declared characteristics. Spare parts, in turn, are also official.

  • Alfa Laval heat exchanger gaskets
  • Alfa Laval seals for heat exchanger
  • Spare new Alfa Laval plates
  • Alfa Laval cleaning agents, rinses and reagents for all heat exchangers

Register your heat exchangers and receive an additional discount on service and spare parts!

Benefits of registering Alfa Laval:

  • Discount on the purchase of Alfa Laval PHE components for heating and air conditioning
  • Additional year warranty on all heat exchangers
  • Service from an authorized service partner in the region
  • Supply of original components for the heat exchanger
  • Service Schedule
  • Equipment maintenance instructions
  • Restore passport data and check the heat exchanger online.

Spiral devices - main advantages

Spiral ones are most often used when processing liquids containing solid particles, sediments of various compositions, as well as sludges, suspensions and viscous liquids. Small devices can also be successfully used in wastewater treatment.
A modern spiral-type heat exchanger is that their design resembles a clock spring, which consists of two metal sheets twisted to form channels. In this case, the liquids that pass through these channels do not mix, but at the same time, high quality heat transfer and the most suitable parameters for flows that differ in viscosity, composition and intensity are ensured. Since the channels have a concentric design, they do not require much space for installation, which significantly saves useful space that can be used for production purposes.

Heat exchanger - operating principle

Collapsible washing station