Knowledge base for the game Sparta: Wars of Empires. Bugs, secrets and cheats for the game Sparta: War of Empires How to get rid of the game Sparta

Greetings to you fans of the game Sparta: War of Empires!

A rather simple calculator has been developed especially for you, with the help of which you can count units on attacking targets in the game Sparta: War of Empires.

  1. Information about the calculator. A drop-down section that will contain links to manuals or supplements.
  2. Tabs with the result of the calculator calculation and the units for which the calculation will be made.
  3. Section of the so-called mass strike, which will only subtract the destroyed soldiers of Xerxes.
  4. Entry fields for Xerxes' troops.

Let's get started.

Let's do the calculations for the level 53 target, which is called the Persian convoy.

There are not so many troops in my policy, but let's hope that this number will be enough.

As you noticed, my base is the Spartan Elite, of which there are 390 units, and the Horse Agema, of which there are only 83 units.

I will send 10 units of the Spartan elite to a level 53 target in the game Sparta: War of Empires

The Spartan elite have reached their target and we see what we have destroyed

3 - Asvarats, 3 - Deilemits, 1 - Persian Archer and 50 - Immortals.

Let's open the Spartan Elite tab and enter this data.

Please note that I checked the box “When entering values, check the box”, it is needed so that the troops that you destroyed in this strike are deducted.

We dealt with the troops that we destroyed, it remains to enter the data of Xerxes’ troops that were on the target. Namely 124 – Aswarats, 99 – Deylemites, 51 – Persian archers and 1863 – Immortals, which we will enter into the fields of entry of Xerxes’ troops.

And all we have to do is click on the count button to see the result.

As a result, we know what to break through our level 53 target in the game Sparta: War of Empires

We need to send 366 units, the Spartan elite.

Now send 10 units of Horse Agema and calculate the result.

I think everyone felt the difference that to break through this target you need to send 70 units of Horse Agemia or 320 units of Spartan Elite.

To show you how a mass strike works, I will send various small things to the target.

In the mass strike section we enter the number of Xerxes units that we destroyed.

And we already get the result with all our strikes.

We are sending 47 units of Horse Agemia.

And we see that the target is completely cleared and it will not be difficult to penetrate it. In some cases, by sending the troop values ​​using the calculator, the target will be penetrated. This happens due to rounding. If you want to break through the target, then send 10 units more; if not, then send 10 units less.

If you attack the Persian positions with enough troops to win, then get more experience than usual. In addition, if you lose some troops, you will receive compensation.

Don't forget about agreements, they are necessary for recruiting new troops, upgrading existing ones and getting other useful things.

Even if you don’t have time to play, try to get into the game. If you are in the game for 5 days in a row, then get bonus coins.

At the very beginning of the game do not rush to attack other players. The fact is that at the beginning, as in most other real-time strategy games, you are protected by a server until you reach a certain level. This is done so that beginners are not “overrun” by more experienced players. So, if you, being under the protection of the “Gods of Olympus,” attack someone, then the same player can take revenge on you and the protection in this case will not work.

If you randomly start constructing or upgrading a building, then you have a chance to cancel this action, within 50 seconds from the start of issuing such a command. If you manage to cancel construction or renovation at the specified time, you will return 80% of the cost.

When attacking another player, you should choose the attacking army, even if you outnumber the enemy. Because you are likely to lose the battle.

First of all it is necessary to build and improve buildings that provide resources as much as possible. This way, you will not feel the need for one resource or another. In addition, resources, as well as other useful things, can be received as rewards for successfully completing tasks.

One of the most important resources is grain. This resource is necessary for recruiting troops. Therefore, monitor the condition of the fields and do not forget to build and improve them.

Resources also need to be stored somewhere, so don't forget to build barns and warehouses.

You can increase the production of bronze and wood by building the Altar of Hermes. This structure is purchased for coins and can be destroyed as a result of an enemy raid. Restoration is free, but takes a certain amount of time. The statue increases the production of bronze and wood by 25%.

There are other statues that increase resource production. Hephaestus statue increases bronze production, and statue of Pan- tree.

Try to improve your level. This is primarily necessary for your protection. It is more dangerous to attack a player with a higher level, although, in fact, his army may be clearly weaker. The same goes for the walls around your building. By and large, they simply scare away uninvited guests.

Buy craftsmen whenever possible. Masters are special workers who increase the speed of development of your policy several times. Thus, you will develop several (up to four) times faster than your opponents and without using premium currency.

Before mindlessly attacking a player, it is prudent to conduct reconnaissance first. Send scouts on a mission, upon their return you will find out the number and types of troops in the enemy Polis, as well as information on the resources they have. Agree that this is many times more useful, since you are aware of the enemy’s combat capability, as well as whether he has any resources at all. Everything may have been stolen before you.

In order to be able to hire scouts you need to build Stables, and also sign an agreement with Delphi.

If your Policy is attacked, you can punish the offender. In addition to moral satisfaction, this opportunity also has useful functions. The fact is that the enemy army needs time to return to its Polis. Therefore, if you gather more fast warriors into your squad, you can overtake the enemy army and come to his Polis. There you can safely and practically without any problems return the loot, and also grab extra as compensation. But there is also no need to spontaneously run to “retaliate”; if the enemy is not a fool, then he will not leave his policy without protection, so it is necessary to do reconnaissance, and only then go for revenge.

Build towers. Don't underestimate the defensive capabilities of towers. The cost of their construction is not cheap, but they are restored quite quickly, and they can be restored an infinite number of times. Towers are very useful for protecting your city from enemy raids, so try to leave some space to build them.

Protect your resources. Resources placed in the Acropolis cannot be stolen during a raid. The amount of resources that enemies can steal from your city depends on the amount of unprotected resources and the enemy's carrying capacity. Therefore, when upgrading warehouses and granaries, do not forget to upgrade the Acropolis.

In addition to the resources in Acropolis it is possible - even moreover, it is necessary! — hide yours offensive troops. Since in a possible assault on your city, they are likely to die. Therefore, we keep the defensive ones outside, they are very effective for defense, and we hide the attacking units and take them out when we need to raid the next victim.

Balance your army. As you understood from the previous advice, the army is divided into attacking and defensive. Purely attacking troops are practically useless in defending your city. Defensive, on the other hand, are good at defending, but clumsy for attacking purposes. Poem try to stick to the middle when forming your army and use certain types of troops for those purposes in which they are strong.

Raid weak cities. Since money and other resources cannot be stolen from the Acropolis, cities with a low level are an ideal victim. The fact is that at a low level, the Acropolis is still poorly pumped, and therefore a rather small amount of resources will be hidden in it. This means that in one raid you can get some pretty good loot. True, you should not raid first-level cities. Firstly, they are under the protection of the Olympian Gods, and secondly, there is practically nothing to steal there. Let warehouses and granaries be built and then you can make a raid.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is Protection of the Gods?

Players who have just started playing Sparta Warriors of the Empire have little understanding of the game and game mechanics. For some time, protection from attacks from other players is introduced for them. During this time, the beginner will get used to the game and improve a little in order to be able to fight off attacks.

Protection of the Gods ensures the player's safety for three days, as well as until he reaches level 30. Therefore, during this time it is recommended to develop as much as possible. Also, if a player begins to show aggression towards other players, the protection will be removed.

Is it possible to start the game over again by deleting the old policy?

No. There is no option to delete the policy and start the game over again. But don’t be discouraged, even if you messed up at the beginning, you can always fix it.

Completion of the task is not counted, although all conditions have been met

First, check the terms of the assignment again and make sure that you have completed exactly what was required of you, for example, or whether you have improved the agreement. Perhaps you confused it with another one that is very similar in name.

If everything is correct, update the game (refresh the page in the browser) using the F5 or Ctrl+R keys.

If this does not help, then contact support.

What are coins and how to get them

Coins are the premium currency in the game Sparta: War of Empires, which are purchased for real money. For them you can speed up the construction or improvement of buildings, buy resources, troops or defensive buildings with them.

Is it possible to gift coins to another player?

No. There is no such possibility. Or rather, you can top up another player’s account

Why are command buildings needed?

This type of building is responsible for managing the city. If you have them, you can sign Agreements, improve the parameters of warriors, enter into alliances with other players, trade, and also fight. At the beginning of the game, some team buildings will already be built, and some will have to be built independently.

Why are decorative buildings necessary?

Decorative buildings not only decorate your city, but also increase the protection indicators of the Policy.

Resource buildings produce fewer resources than indicated

The fact is that the extracted resources must be transferred to storage independently. In automatic mode, only half of the extracted resources goes to storage facilities, while the rest remains in the buildings extracted resources. Therefore, do not forget to click on buildings and pick up products

What parameters do troops have?

Each warrior has a number of parameters, you can find them out by clicking on the warrior’s image in the troop training window:

Attack- the amount of damage that the selected combat unit causes.

Protection- Value of defense points.

Price- cost of resources for hiring and training

Load capacity- the amount of resources that a combat unit can carry during a raid on enemy positions.

Speed- unit movement speed

Time production- time required to produce a combat unit

Grain consumption- how much grain the selected combat unit consumes.

What type of Hero troops are these and how to get them?

Heroes are a special type of troops; they are more versatile; they can be used both in defense and in attack. They are also capable of carrying away a much larger amount of resources upon a successful raid, and also do not consume grain.

These warriors can be obtained through social interaction between you and your friends. In the Hall of Fame, you can call a chosen friend to serve in the army of Heroes, and the call is absolutely free. You are allowed to summon no more than three soldiers per day, but if you build an Altar, the number of hero-friends available for recruitment increases. In addition, friends can take the initiative and join your army on their own.

How to interact with other players?

While on the map, select someone else's policy. After this, a menu will appear with suggested actions: robbery, sending reinforcements or resources, capture and others.

While inside your city, you can use the panel at the bottom of the screen. People with whom you are friends are displayed there, regardless of your relationship to each other (whether you are at war or allies)

What is a capture and how does it differ from a simple raid?

To besiege an enemy means to place your army in his polis without his consent. By capturing a city you receive a large number of rating points. In addition, the captured city is visually painted in your colors. If you capture three Polis, you can increase the production of wood and bronze by 25%.

The siege of other people's policies allows you to express your superiority over other players and feel like a great invader of foreign lands.

But remember that a captured city does not stop its activities. The population will still go to work, extract resources and train the army.

After a successful raid, my troops return empty-handed

Each player has a robbery limit; up to 10 robbery attempts are allowed per day. After using up this reserve, you can carry out raids, but you will not receive profit from the raids.

How to use reinforcements?

You can help your friend by sending a detachment of your troops to him. At the same time, their maintenance still falls on your shoulders, that is, the grain will be confiscated from you, and not from your friend. These troops are uncontrollable, but can be returned to sender.

In response to this, a friend can also send his troops to help you. This can be useful when you need to repel an enemy attack or when a friend is not in the game and his base is attacked.

The task is not counted.

To begin with, carefully re-read the task and check that you are doing exactly what is required and have not confused anything. For example, you improve exactly the Agreement that is indicated in the task, and not the neighboring one with a similar name. If your error is not present, refresh the game (using the F5 or Ctrl + R keys) - and the task should be counted.

Is it possible to delete a policy? How to start playing again?

Delete policy from the map or start the game again. But don't worry: there are no hopeless situations in the game. You can always catch up and overtake your opponents, even if you made a mistake at the beginning of the journey.

stopped giving instructions on what to do?

The caravan has disappeared.

Open Port, tab “ Caravans“. In the “Validity period” filter, select “Outdated offers” and delete them - the caravans will appear.

2. Exploration/occupation/robbery.

Why can't I attack a player?

Warriors who have only recently started playing are protected by a newcomer. This protection will disappear if they become aggressive and attack other players. Also rookie defense is removed when three days have passed since the start of the game.

I take out 0 resources when looting.

Each player has only 10 robbery attempts per day. If you reach the limit, you can continue to send units, but they will no longer carry resources. New attempts robbery added every 2.5 hours.

I do not add a rating for robberies.

Why didn’t they give me a reward at Goal?

Not every Goal contains a reward. Whether you get trophies or not depends on your luck and the random factor. But the more Targets you attack or defend, the higher the likelihood of receiving troops and/or resources as a reward.

Why are Protective Installations needed?

In the battle I lost my entire army, although the army was larger!

Army divided into attacking and defensive. This division affects the outcome of the battle much more than the size of the army. If you were attacked by an enemy, and there was only an attacking army in the polis, the soldiers will not be able to protect you and will die. Remember: an attacking army is for attacks, a defensive army is for defense. If you mix up army types, you will waste your units.

Who pays for the troops to be reinforced?

Yours troops consume only your credits, wherever they are.

I've already used 10 robbery attempts...

You will receive one robbery every 2.5 hours.

I attacked the objective, killed all enemy units, but lost.

When you attack someone else's policy, the report displays only those units that your warriors killed. That is, you cannot claim that you killed everyone who was in the polis, relying on this report of the battle. To know exactly the size of the army at the site, send reconnaissance there before attacking!

I attacked a free Colony, but there were troops there!

If in free colony send defensive troops without sending attacking ones, the colony will still appear as free. Most likely you are faced with exactly this situation. Members of large Alliances often do this in order to earn experience and force other players to lose troops. Send reconnaissance even to free colonies, and then just go out with an attacking army!

Is it possible to find out about the impending reconnaissance?

When the policy has been scouted, you will see a report on this from the Strategist. Scouts move secretly, you cannot see them on the way.

How to protect yourself from other people's spies?

The more your spies protect the policy, the greater your chances of protecting yourself from strangers.

What is a Defense Bonus?

The defense bonus is an indicator by which the defense of all troops defending your policy increases. To increase the defense bonus, build Defensive and Decorative buildings.

Where can I see the characteristics of warriors?

All information about the characteristics of warriors can be viewed upon purchase by clicking “Details” above each of them.

When are siege points awarded?

Points are awarded immediately, but they may take a minute or two to appear.

Is it possible to cancel the attack?

Yes. Within 50 seconds after the unit starts moving, you can cancel your action.

Can I speed up troop production?

Acceleration affects one line of construction, the one that is currently being built and near which there is an acceleration button.

I can't summon a friend to the army of Heroes.

A friend cannot join my army of Heroes.

Most likely, a friend has already joined your troops. Each friend can click on the Hall of Fame in your policy and join your army. If a friend becomes a Hero and fights for you, he will not be able to join the army again. If the Hero dies in battle, this opportunity will appear again.

3. Coins.

Why are Coins needed?

Coins– a special gaming resource that opens up many opportunities for players. For Coins you can:
a) speed up the construction of buildings, improvement or training of troops;
b) speed up the production of resources;
c) buy resources, terms of agreements and troops on the Market;
d) buy Legendary troops;
e) buy a new type for your policy;
f) decorate the policy with special protective installations.
You can buy Coins from the Bank by topping up your application account. The button is located on the top panel.
In addition, you can get Coins:
1)Completing game tasks.
2)Getting new levels.
3) By attending the game five days in a row under the Loyalty Program.

Is it possible to transfer Coins to someone?

Transfer Coins a friend or another warrior is not allowed into his policy.

Coins for Feat or visiting the game were not added.

Coins for visiting the game are given not every day, but once every five days, if you logged into the game daily. For Feats, coins are awarded when the conditions are met, and not when you read the notification. That is, if you trained a certain number of troops, Coins will be added at the moment of training the 100th, 1000th, and so on soldier, and it doesn’t matter whether you were in the game at that moment or not. When you enter the game, you will see a notification. In the meantime, the Coins will be in your account for a long time. If you are absolutely sure that an error occurred in the game, write to support.

4. Construction.

Is it possible to change the name of my Policy?

On the top panel, between the “Mail” and “Full Screen Mode” buttons, the current name of your policy is displayed (for example, Policy No. 70). Left-click on this text, enter the new policy name and save the changes.

How can I expand my policy?

How to edit your policy?

Click on the ‘Edit’ button on the right side of the screen. All buildings can be moved and rotated. Only Decorative buildings can be deleted. Defensive buildings can be upgraded to the next level.

Can a construction or improvement be canceled?

Yes. Within 50 seconds after the start of construction, improvements can be canceled. 80 percent of the resources that you paid for the canceled action will be returned to your account.

I purchased a new type of policy, but it is not displayed.

If you bought a new type of policy, but the old one is displayed on the map, go to the Market and click “Install” next to your purchase. Refresh the page and the appearance of the policy on the map will change to the desired one.

I want to expand my policy, but I have walls.

The parties to the policy will deduct by the amount of the extension. The number of wall sections purchased will not change. But as the square becomes larger, unprotected places will appear in the fortifications. By purchasing new parts, the gaps can be closed.

5. Why does the game go out of full screen mode?

Unfortunately, typing will cause the game to exit full screen. There is no way to fix this.

6. Creation of the Alliance.

You can join an alliance from level 5, and create your own from level 10. Go to the “My Alliance” tab in the Embassy, ​​create an emblem, enter a name and deposit the required amount in Coins. Easier than taking a hoe from a helot!
To become a Militiaman - an ordinary warrior of an alliance - send an application to the Head on the “Alliances” tab of the Embassy or accept an invitation. If you are brave and experienced, then very soon you will go from Phalangist to Patriarch and Viceroy, taking your rightful place among the leaders of the alliance!

7. What should I do if I was offended by another player?

The game is full of emotional moments - and it is very important to distinguish between tense situations and offensive ones. Even regular robberies or takeovers are not offensive actions, because they are part of the gameplay. Build a powerful army and attack back! If you have been offended in private messages, use the Black List: you can add other players there and you will no longer receive messages from them. If the enemy continues to harass you (for example, creates fake accounts and writes messages from them or insults you in other ways), file a complaint with the support service and describe the situation in as much detail as possible, providing evidence.

Who among us has not dreamed of being in ancient Greece, gathering our own army and setting off on a long campaign to conquer new lands for the benefit of our own people and state. Now we have this possible with the new game Sparta: War of EmpiresIn contact with, that’s what we’ll talk about today, and we’ll also tell and show where to download cheats for this game and what bugs it has...

Sparta: War of Empiresgame features

From the first minutes of being in the game Sparta: War of Empires one cannot help but notice all the diversity and beauty of the game world, in the details worked out by the application developers. The first thing that catches the eyes of players is the high-quality graphics, with many subtle and neat graphic elements, illustrations and animations, the developers have done a great job.

But, the most important and important thing in any game, as it should be, is the plot, and it is in the game Sparta: War of Empires just amazingly addictive. From the first minutes of the game, the player is asked to develop the city, prepare farms, forges, factories and other buildings that will give you the opportunity to conduct active combat operations. After a little time spent developing your own city and army, the game throws the user into a test battle with computer robots, and only then offers to go to war with real players.

Forges, villages, fields, barracks, houses of military glory and other buildings will draw you into the construction bustle of the day. The player needs to build a huge number of important and advanced buildings that allow him to replenish stocks of one or another resource. You will need to become not only a talented commander, but also a good political and economic leader, capable of leading your country not only on the path of military conquest, but also development.

Bugs, secrets and cheats for the game Sparta: War of Empires

Just like any other application In contact with, currently in open testing, application in Sparta: War of Empires has many bugs and errors that make it quite easy and simple to get the game elements we need at the right time for us. In our game there are not so many such things, there are only three of them - money, resources, buildings. So, what are these cheats:
Cheat for money:
This cheat is in the game Sparta: War of Empires will completely protect you from financial difficulties during the game, since the cheat makes it possible to set the amount of game currency in the game that is necessary. All you have to do is enjoy the game itself!
Cheat for resources:
Cheat program for resources in the game Sparta: War of Empires In contact with allows the player to get a fabulous amount of food, iron and other vital products that he may need in the war and development of the city. Having learned all the secrets of the application, you will be able to get coins completely free of charge without spending your vote on them. There will be so much wood, bronze and grain that you will forget to think about them.
Cheat for instant construction:
This cheat will allow you to instantly build buildings and troops and not waste precious coins.

Are you still wondering whether it’s worth downloading cheats for Sparta VKontakte? Why think when others are already using them to their full potential and getting great results, and maybe some of them are already ready to destroy your city and army?

"No centaurs!" - the first thing we decided when we started working on the strategy. Find out how to make a game based on historical events and not go too far with realism in this article.

The main question that arises when creating a game based on historical events is: how authentic should it be? Where is the line between “this is interesting” and “too boring”? The answers to these questions can vary dramatically depending on the genre, target audience, and developer capabilities. Using Plarium's Sparta: War of Empires as an example, I'll talk about our experience creating a game with historical elements, which was included in the list of the best new games on Facebook this year.

Concept and setting

The idea to create a game set in Antiquity was not accidental: market research helps us understand and predict the interests of the target audience even before these interests arise.

Our company employs many people who are passionate about ancient history and mythology. As it turned out, the art director of Plarium had been thinking about the idea of ​​creating a game about ancient wars since the release of the first Total War, the creative director was rereading Herodotus’ “Muses” before going to bed, and in the studio several dozen masters in the field of historical sciences successfully disguised themselves as testers and artists. Therefore, the proposal to create a game in such a setting was met with enthusiasm by everyone.

It was necessary to decide on the period and heroes - and here everything turned out to be somewhat more complicated. Someone wanted a game about Greece, someone voted for Rome, and some ran around the office in red capes shouting “Only Sparta!” In such a situation, A\B testing can be used to avoid disagreement. Three focus groups of players on Facebook helped us determine that users were most interested in the story of the confrontation between the inhabitants of Sparta and the troops of the Persian king Xerxes.

We say “Antiquity” - we remember mythology. In today's predominance of stories about the relationship between people and gods, we wanted to create a game that is closer to historical realities. Therefore, a ton of relevant literature was brought to the office, and everyone began to study.


For strategies in which the player controls armies, it is very important to make the warriors bright and memorable. But the weapons and armor used during the confrontation between the Spartans and the army of Xerxes cannot be called spectacular or diverse. That is why we had to look for a way to cover a larger time period and introduce types of troops into the game that simply could not physically exist in Sparta at that time.

This problem was solved by transforming the familiar technology tree into a map of ancient Greek city-states and other cities of the ancient world - the player must enter into agreements with them. Each agreement gives access to a new type of troops - Cretan archers, Macedonian horsemen, Thracian mercenaries, etc. We decided to take a conventional time period in order to cover as many possible military cultures as possible that would be of interest to the audience.

To create a map indicating all the policies with which agreements can be concluded, we processed a large amount of historical materials with descriptions of symbolism, life, characteristic weapons and buildings. There are no random details on the icons, each element is carefully thought out: a hammer with an image of a lily symbolizes Hephaestia, a sickle and mint - Eleusis, a helmet in the form of a lion's head - Pella.
Before we started creating the warriors, we collected a lot of references from various sources - from classical literature and books on reconstruction to amateur strategy mods.

For each type of unit, a detailed description was created - information about weapons, clothing, a description of combat techniques and the most famous battles with their participation. Presenting this content in the form of texts would be too boring, so we used a new format: the history of the units is revealed in a series of stylized videos.

Character concepts were developed primarily as showpieces - in some cases, historicality took a back seat.

Nevertheless, the artists tried to create reliable models (as far as the surviving data on armor and weapons of that period allowed), and paid special attention to details. The unit's description indicates where it comes from, but this can also be determined by its appearance: the owl and olive on the Hoplite's shield directly indicate its Athenian origin, the Gladiator is, of course, from Capua, and the Archer with the image of a bull on a linen shell sailed with Krita.
Despite the recognizable image of a Spartan that has developed over the past couple of years, there are no naked torsos in the game Sparta: War of Empires. The only thing that could not be abandoned were the red cloaks.

Most of the units have authentic names - Cataphract, Triarius, Thureophorus, Sarissophorus. Some were nevertheless localized due to their cacophony and difficulty in perception. Thus, the Spartan Lohagos turned into the Warrior of Ares, Hypaspist - into the Champion, and Promachos from Sparta - into the Spartan Elite. This simplification was made only for Russian-speaking users: according to research, Russian-speaking players have a negative attitude towards authentic troop names. In other languages ​​(6 in total) we left Greek names.

Striving for realism and entertainment at the same time, we made many compromises. Due to some features of the game mechanics, the fleet was completely abandoned, although naval battles played a big role in those days. In the final version, the entire line of units looks vibrant, with weapons and armor mostly matching their historical counterparts, right down to the buckles and lacing on the sandals.

With characters, it's important to strike a balance between authenticity and player expectations. The artists, working with historical consultants, tried to achieve from the appearance of the warriors the effect not of “this is how it was,” but rather of “this is how it could have been.”

Player policy and background

When developing the design of the polis (the city that belongs to the player), we wanted to make it realistic and three-dimensional. Resource buildings were moved outside the conventional city wall: farms were located in the Fields, sawmills in the Groves. Instead of a market square, a Port appeared, where all merchant ships arrive. Greek cities usually had a stepped structure: the houses of the nobility and strategically important buildings were always located on a hill. Therefore, the Military Council, where you can view basic information about the policy, is located above other buildings, which creates a three-dimensional effect.

The player’s policy contains all the buildings familiar to the ancient Greeks, including the Oracle, Academy, and Agora. Remembering where the devil hides, the artists studied a lot of materials about the life, flora and fauna of Greece. Both in the policy and on the global map, the player will not find a single plant that does not correspond to the region and era.
The divine pantheon is represented by many altars, temples and statues. Most of the sculptures are made of white marble - this is familiar to a player who does not have deep knowledge of Greek art. Yes, in ancient times statues were painted, but the natural dyes were quickly washed off by rain and faded in the sun. So the white statues in the player’s policy are not an anachronism: they simply haven’t been painted for a long time.

In social games, where the user most often interacts with the interface, the style and convenience of the UI are of great importance. Elements such as flags, columns, Greek letters and patterns were used in the design of windows and icons.

When starting to develop a game based on historical events, you need to be clearly aware of your capabilities and maintain a balance between historicity and fun. Despite the huge number of books read, lectures listened to and kylikis broken, the game displays approximately 10% of all the knowledge we have acquired. This is what made the strategy “Sparta: War of Empires” interesting for both ordinary players and history buffs.