Story. Descendants of St.


Saint Peter of Murom

Davyd Yurievich(d. June 25, 1228) - Prince of Murom (1205-1228), son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom, grandson of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the first Grand Duke of Ryazan.

He ascended the princely throne after the death of his elder brother Vladimir. The Laurentian Chronicle reports this event in 1205, however, under the same year it reports the campaign of the South Russian princes against the Polovtsians, the capture of Rurik Rostislavich by Roman Galitsky and the beginning of the reign of Rostislav Rurikovich in Kiev - events that took place in 1203-1204.

According to the life of St. Prince Peter (Davyd) took the princely throne after the death of his elder brother Prince Paul (possibly the baptismal name of Vladimir).

From 1205 to 1228 Prince Peter stayed at the princely residence. Prince Peter took monastic vows here and died.

On the site of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Murom there was, where supposedly St. Peter received the miraculous Agrikov sword to defeat the wizard, and where the holy princess Fevronia subsequently took monastic vows. In 1998, a memorial cross was erected on the site of the cell of the holy Murom princess Fevronia in the unpreserved Holy Cross Monastery.

“He had a brother named Prince Peter. One day he called him to him and told him the words of the serpent that he had spoken to his wife. Prince Peter, having heard from his brother that the serpent named his namesake as the culprit of his death, began to think, without doubt and courageously, how to kill the serpent. But only one thing confused him: he knew nothing about Agric’s sword.

In the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, a youth appears to Prince Peter and shows Agrikov a sword lying in a crevice in the altar wall. Peter had the habit of walking around churches in solitude. There was a church of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross outside the city in a convent. And Peter came there alone to pray. And then a youth appeared to him, saying: “Prince, do you want me to show you Agrikov’s sword?” The prince, trying to fulfill his desire, said: “Yes, I will see!” Where is he?" The boy said: “Follow me.” And he showed him in the altar wall between the ceramides a hole in which the sword lay.

Prince Peter shows the sword to his brother and bows to his daughter-in-law. The noble Prince Peter, taking the sword, came and told his brother about it. And from that day on he began to look for an opportunity to kill the snake. Every day he went to his brother and his daughter-in-law to bow..."

During his reign, he was focused on the politics of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, acted on the side of the Grand Duke of Vladimir, and then his son, in all significant campaigns and battles of that time.

So, in 1207, Davyd Yuryevich came to the aid of Vsevolod Yuryevich during his campaign against the Ryazan land near Pronsk. Prince Pronsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich fled to Chernigov to his father-in-law Vsevolod Chermny. Residents, led by Izyaslav - Mikhail Vsevolodovich's cousin - defended the city for six weeks, expecting help from Ryazan, but experienced acute shortages of food and water. After an unsuccessful attempt to unblock the Ryazan strike, the city surrendered to the mercy of the winner. Izyaslav was released in peace, and instead of him, Vsevolod gave Pronsk to his brother Oleg Vladimirovich, who was among the besiegers.
However, the next year, 1208, having learned about the self-will, Vsevolod took Pronsk from Oleg Vladimirovich and gave the city to Davyd Yuryevich of Murom. In the same year, Oleg and his brothers kicked Davyd out of Pronsk and gave him to Mikhail.

In 1213, Prince Davyd took part in the campaign of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich against Rostov; in 1216, the Murom squad took part in the Battle of Lipitsa as part of the combined forces of Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Suzdal and some other fiefs on the side of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich against the united army of Novgorod , Pskov, Smolensk, Toropets, Rostov.
In 1220, Davyd sent his son Svyatoslav with an army to participate in a joint campaign with the Vladimir people against the Volga Bulgarians.

The country residence of Prince David was located in the Boris and Gleb Monastery, founded by the holy Prince Gleb.
According to legend, in 1228, Evdokia, the daughter of the Murom prince David Georgievich and his wife Euphrosyne, known as princes Peter and Fevronia, took monastic vows.

“Dimitrievskaya Sloboda, near the Oka River, is located 120 versts from the provincial city of Vladimir and 5 from. In the old days, this settlement was inhabited by “Yamskaya hunters” and was called the Yamskaya Glyadyacha settlement. A local legend is associated with the name “Glydyachaya Sloboda”. Once upon a time, the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia were expelled by the Murom people; The exiles set off down the river and, having reached the place where the settlement now stands, looked back at the abandoned city.”
/Historical and statistical description of churches and parishes of the Vladimir diocese. 1896/

On February 14, the Catholic world celebrates St. Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day. In Rus', in the Orthodox world, they consider the Day of Love July 8(new style) - the day of remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronya.
In Moscow, the Central Archive houses a priceless book from the 16th century. “Great Menya Chetii”, or “Collection of Lives”. There are the following lines: “On the 25th day of the month of June. The story of the life of the holy wonderworkers of Murom, the blessed and reverend Prince Peter, named David in monasticism, and his wife, the worthy Fevronya, named Euphrosyne in monasticism. With preface and praise."
This is the story of this extraordinary love.

Anika sat down on the bench:
This is the story of this extraordinary love.
It was dark in the princely bedchamber. The windows in the wards are covered from the bright spring sun. In the red corner, lamps burned quietly near the icon case with icons of the Mother of God and Christ. Yes, an inconspicuous monk in black was barely audible reading psalms.

Anika... Anika,” Peter, the young prince of Murom, called from his bed in a weak voice. The door creaked, and the faithful servant, the hefty man Anika, bowed his head under the lintel, immediately entered and froze.
“I’m tired, Anika,” the prince spoke quietly. - Tell me, why am I being punished like this? Are all these scabs and ulcers all over your body from snake venom? Incurable for so many years. In that battle, I not only saved my brother from the snake, but also our Murom. Or maybe he saved all of Orthodox Rus' from an evil reptile.
Anika sat down on the bench:
- Prince, I think I’ve found you some more doctors. There is a village called Laskavo in Ryazan land. The old people say maybe they will cure your illness there.
Peter rose from the pillows. He looked with hope:
- So why are you delaying? Pack your carts! Let's go!

On the second day of the journey, splashing the spring puddles with their hooves, the prince's horses finally stopped in a poor village, at the last, old hut. The gates were open. Anika quickly entered the room. And he froze in surprise. A gray hare, already in spring fur, was jumping around the room. And at the loom sat a girl with a brown braid down to her waist.
“Tell me, girl,” Anika bowed, “where are your mother and father?”
Without raising her head from her work, she humbly replied:
- Parents went to the neighbors to cry on loan. And the brother looks between his legs into the eyes of death.
Anika looked at the jumping hare and hesitated. I felt sorry for myself for the beautiful but poor fool. And she suddenly looked up at him with a clear gaze and said:
- How unreasonable you are. Didn't knock. Found me in simplicity and untidy. And the parents of the neighbors are mourning the deceased. When death comes for them, the neighbors will cry. This is crying on loan. And my brother is a tree climber, he works in the forest. It takes honey from a tall tree. Looking through the legs into the eyes of death. And my name is Fevronya. And I am the servant of the Murom prince Peter. The snake sprayed him with poison. He was completely exhausted from severe ulcers. If you cure it, it promises many gifts.
The girl stood up, lowering her eyes:
- I don’t need gifts. I only see one thing: he will be healthy if I become his wife. But no, I can’t heal. God won’t give you strength,” and stroked the hare that was jumping nearby on its hind legs.
Here Anika was completely taken aback. I remembered the sign: a hare in a hut - for a wedding. He ran to his young prince. Taking him from the cart into his arms, sick and light, he still could not hide the strange details. Peter laughed irritably. Is it conceivable for a prince to marry the daughter of some tree-dweller? Even a healer. But in the hut, looking at the humble beauty Fevronya, he still remained bashfully silent. And she, looking only at Anika, said:
- First of all, they took us to heat the bathhouse. And steam your master there thoroughly. And then rub it with this. But leave one scab on your shoulder. - And, scooping sour kvass from a barrel, she handed the ladle to Anika.

In the bathhouse, after a hot wash, Anika rubbed the prince with sour cream from head to toe. And - lo and behold! - while the steamed Peter was resting on the bench, the ulcers on his body dried up and fell off. And the skin became white and clean.
Needless to say, with what joy the prince set off on his way back, what strength he felt in his whole body, how easily he ran up the steps to his mansion! He rushed to his elder brother Pavel with the good news. But suddenly, not even reaching the middle of the room, he fell to the floor from terrible pain. In front of everyone, purulent ulcers began to again cover his face, hands, and body.
At night, by the light of lamps and candles, he told his brother the details of the meeting. “The sin is on you. She healed you, but you became proud and left by deception,” Pavel whispered to him in his hearts. - Remember the words of the apostle: “Everyone who exalts himself will be humiliated. And he who humbles himself will be exalted." I beg you, go to this Fevronya. Repent before her and God. Woo. Maybe he will forgive. And maybe you will be healed. You need repentance, not her and not God.”
Peter listened in silence, bowing his fair-haired head. Approaching the icons, he crossed himself. And he ordered Anika to send matchmakers to Fevronya in Laskavo in order to get engaged to her in the Solotchinsky monastery in the summer on Peter’s Day. The humble girl was not offended, she only said: “Bow to the master, but let him not prepare the carriages, but the sleigh.” Anika again mentally laughed at the strange girl. However, on June 29, such snow began to fall in the morning, such flakes fell from the sky that the roads were covered with snow. And the sleigh prepared by Peter came in handy.

Standing in the church before the altar next to the bride, the prince was no longer ashamed of his chosen one. In Murom, Prince Pavel joyfully met the young people at the prince's chambers to the sound of bells, holding an icon of the Mother of God. The servants lined up in rows, jubilant. “Advice and love to you,” they shouted at the feast.
However, not everyone liked the young princess. Every now and then we began to hear slander from portly boyar wives, bright local dandies - the first beauties of Murom. “Is this the princess? Just a quiet girl. There is no nonsense. And thin. And pale. And let alone pearls, he won’t wear a copper ring.” But Peter didn’t seem to hear. As they say, there is no need for treasure when the husband and wife get along well. And Fevronya herself gradually, gently built harmony in the new family.
The grief came unexpectedly. Elder brother Pavel died. And Peter officially became the Prince of Murom. And Fevronya is a princess. The chronicle especially notes Peter's honest and just rule. Not according to birth and wealth, but “according to God’s deeds,” he celebrated and welcomed both the boyars and servants. He regularly conducted both foreign and commercial affairs. And often not without the wise advice of his beloved wife. Evil gossip spread. From the mansion to the chambers, from the houses to the huts. Like, the princess doesn’t like well-born people. The boyars don’t like them because they are blacks themselves. That is why the prince began to oppress the boyars. Either by humiliation or extortion. One day, at a drunken men's feast, at a princely meal, they began to cunningly blaspheme the princess. Especially the fat boyar Danila.
- And why did you, Peter, young prince, humiliate your throne like that? Or did you not find a high-born bride? We are glad to serve you, but our wives, the boyars, cannot bow to the village women.
And the frail Timofey Tarasyev also emerged from behind the boyars’ brocade backs:
- And that’s true, prince. When your princess has a meal with our wives, there is no shame. He collects crumbs from the table into his palm. Really hungry.
The boyars at the table laughed loudly and unanimously. The prince's face flushed.
“Honestly, I can swear,” Tarasyev crossed himself finely. - Ask whoever you want.
- Come on, Anika, let's go get the princess. Tell me, the prince calls for a meal.
The boyars watched with bated breath as Fevronya, at the order of the prince, sat down next to him and ate. As according to village custom, without hiding, she collected bread crumbs in her palm. And then Peter, annoyed, sharply grabbed her hand. He unclenched his fingers. She looked meekly into his eyes with understanding. On her palm, as everyone sitting saw, lay not crumbs at all, but fragrant lumps of church incense...
Well, Peter laughed at the boyars, who one after another rushed out of the chambers. And he never tested his wife again. However, the even more embittered boyars did not calm down. And at the boyar duma they threateningly decided: “If you, prince, want to be an autocrat, take another princess. But neither we nor our wives will submit to this. Let him take from the treasury as much as he wants and leave the city of Murom.”
And the prince trembled. And I was confused. Bowed his head:
- Go, unkind ones. Ask the princess yourself. As she says, so it will be.
Oh, how happy the boyars were! Soon the walkers were sent to the princely mansions. And they appeared before the princess. “The whole city, Madame Fevronya, demands that you give us the one we ask. Take as much wealth as you need and leave!”
She stood calmly in front of them, impudent, well-fed, drunk.
- So be it. But you also promise to give me whatever I ask.
“Whatever you say, take it without arguing,” the boyars rejoiced.
“And I will say,” the voice sounded firmer, “that I only need my husband, Peter.”
The prince who was nearby listened to all this through the open door.
“Well,” the arrogant guests looked at each other and were not at a loss. - Take it. We are at another party, we’ll choose this one better. Luckily there are some.
And then the prince could not stand it. Got up. Has entered. With anger he looked at the red, sweaty faces of the boyars. Met with the loving eyes of his wife. He approached and gently hugged her shoulders. He quickly led me away from the evil court.
Meanwhile, on the river bank, the boyars' servants were hastily preparing two plows for sailing, intending to finally escort the Ryazan know-it-all, the dark girl Fevronya, out of the Murom lands. And at the same time, forever expel Prince Peter, strict and long inconvenient for them.
The night's fresh wind flaps the sails above Fevronya's head. Chilled, standing at the side, she listens to the creaking of rowlocks and pine masts on the plows, the quiet splashing of the Oka water, the rowers talking. Where are they going? Which lands will accept the exiles? What life (or death?) awaits them in the unknown distance?
We landed on some shore for the night. While Anika and her servants were setting up tents and unloading ships, the prince sat down on a stone at a distance. And he thought bitterly. It was about something. It's time to throw yourself into the water. The wife walked up with a light gait. She gently wrapped her arms around her husband's neck. “Don’t grieve, prince. Despair is also a sin. God is merciful. We won’t be lost... Or don’t you believe it?” She picked him up from the cold stone. She led me to the fire, in which the fire was already crackling and dancing between two stakes driven into the ground for hanging a cauldron of water. “Will you believe in the mercy of God if in the morning these pegs become trees again?” The prince cheered up and laughed quietly: “Oh my goodness, are you making things up?” The next morning they woke up from surprised screams. The cook, Anika and servants crowded around the ashes from yesterday's fire. On its sides stretched two slender trees rustling with green foliage. “You see,” Fevronya gently touched her husband’s shoulder. - I told you, God is merciful. And he gives it to everyone according to their faith.”
Meanwhile, the boyars in Murom did not share power. They began to stalk, slander, insidiously, mercilessly kill each other. In addition, the city, which until recently was beautiful and carved, was attacked by fire without pity. Huge flashes of fire, as if in the hands of archangels, flew across the roofs of boyar houses and marketplaces. For everyone and everywhere the question seemed to sound: “Where did you put the legitimate prince Peter and the princess? If you don’t return them to the throne, everyone and everything will be consigned to fire and sword. And your houses, and your families, and your livestock...”
And horror seized the city. There was a numbness. Less than three days had passed when, on the distant bank of the Oka, people appeared in front of the prince’s tent, shaking and humiliated, in singed clothes. Among them are Timofey Tarasyev and the potbellied boyar Danila. They fell prostrate into the grass with pitiful, sooty faces. They cried: “Forgive us, merciful one... Come back. Deliver me from sin." The prince raised Tarasyev from the ground. “Go in peace. Ask my princess. As she says, so it will be.” Fevronya came out of her tent. She listened without malice. “Go to your prince. If he wants to return, then I will be with him. The Lord gave us two abilities. Remember and forget. Forget evil. And remember the good.”
When the plows of Peter and Fevronya, gliding along the surface of the Oka, returned to their native Murom, the whole city poured out to meet them on the green banks to the sound of bells.
And the years stretched and floated by. In princely and everyday affairs. In fasting and prayer. Meek Fevronya continued to “work many miracles.” She was like love itself. She constantly treated and healed people. She took care of the sick and orphans. She built charity houses. She stood up for widows. Helped poor monasteries. Sometimes I loved to weave, as I once did in my youth. And Peter, in the clear light of her kind soul, had changed greatly over the years. Historians consider the time of his reign to be calm and prosperous.
However, old age crept up on these happy spouses. Both in the temple and in their upper room near the icon case, they increasingly asked God for happiness - to give them the opportunity to die on the same day. They also wrote a will - not to separate their bodies even after death. For this purpose, by order of the prince, two coffins with a thin partition were hewn out in one stone.
One day the prince called the old princess to him and, sitting her down next to him, quietly took her thin hand. “Tell me, my beloved, if I accept the monastic rank, will you also go to the monastery?” After a pause, the wife bowed low to her husband: “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I was just waiting for your decision so I could get away from the world. To live closer to God. Among our worldly worries, rumors, and temptations, it is impossible to achieve holiness and perfection.” The prince continued her thought: “As John Chrysostom said, this is the same difference as between a quiet pier and a sea forever shaken by the wind.”
Murom residents did not understand this decision. They wondered how it was possible to exchange princely glory, wealth, and honor for monasticism. After all, you can pray to God in the world too. But Peter and Fevronya were firm. And they accepted monasticism at the same time. He was named David in the Spassky Monastery. She is in the Assumption Monastery - Euphrosyne.
It’s a pity that it is not known from the chronicles what spiritual deeds the couple accomplished in the monastery, in the solitude of their meager cells. However, it is not without reason that it is said: if in the world people fight demons like lambs, then monks fight them “like tigers.” They lived like this for several years, without seeing each other, only knowing and feeling the beating of their loving heart. But one warm July day, when Blessed Euphrosyne was in a narrow cell embroidering the face of the Mother of God on a veil for the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, there was a knock on the door, and an alarmed young monk quickly entered. “Sister, I have been sent from your brother in Christ David. He ordered it to be conveyed that the time had come for his death. But he's waiting for you. To go to God together.” The old woman paused for a minute: “I can’t go with him right away. Let him wait. Once I finish it, I’ll go to him right away.”
In his cell, dressed all in black, with a cross on his chest, the gray-haired, thinner prince listened with difficulty to the messenger. Gasping, he whispered: “Hurry to my beloved sister. Let him come to say goodbye. I’m already leaving this life.” The monk hastily ran in to Fevronya: “Sister. Don't hesitate. Prince Peter ends. He begs for forgiveness." “Beg him, brother, to be patient, to wait for me for a little minute. There’s only one stezitsa left to finish.”
The monk ran all the way. And he found the prince barely alive. “Tell my Fevronya,” whispered the dying man, “that’s it, I’m leaving.” There’s no point in waiting.” The poor envoy ran to Fevronya crying: “Your prince Peter has died in peace. He has gone to eternal rest." The princess turned pale as snow. She stood up and, looking up at the Mother of God, crossed herself three times. Quietly, as if saying goodbye, she ran her hand over the unfinished sewing. She stuck a needle in and, wrapping a thread around it, began to quietly go to God...

And the angels carried the holy souls of Peter and Fevronya into the bottomless sky. There, where was the One who gave them great and pure love for each other. This happened, as they say in the Menaions, in the summer of 1228 from the birth of Christ. On the 25th day of June.
After the funeral service, the Murom boyars neglected the wills of the deceased. Remembering that monks cannot be buried together, they decided to bury Prince Peter in the city near the cathedral church. And Fevronya’s coffin was placed in a country convent until the morning. However, the next morning the priests and parishioners stood in silent horror over the empty coffins in both churches. No one knew where the bodies of the newly deceased went. But the very frightened guard of the Church of the Mother of God, who soon came running, fell at the bishop’s feet and apologized for falling asleep at night and not seeing who it was who had secretly carried the prince and princess into the common coffin. They really, as they wanted during life, lay in one stone coffin, covered with Fevronya’s unfinished bedspread.
The boyars unanimously decided that these were faithful servants at night and secretly carried out the will of their masters. Again, having separated the bodies, they took them to different churches, and closed the locks and bolts until the morning. The guards did not sleep a wink in the night. And again, no one noticed how the bodies of the holy elders again ended up in one coffin.
So they buried them together. But ever since then they began to notice: whoever came to the holy relics with prayer received healing, harmony and love in the family. So it would be good for us to pray to the holy lovers who lived long, happily and died on the same day.

The lives of the righteous, which is supplemented by the available chronicle information, indicate that the death of the saints Prince David (Peter) and Princess Fevronia (Euphrosyne) followed on the same day and hour during Easter Week, which fell in April 1228
The chronicles supplement this fact with information that a few days before this, their youngest son, Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, died (who, presumably, was also buried in the princely tomb).
The death of the holy Murom prince David with his wife and son fell during the ministry in Murom of Bishop Euphrosynus I (Svyatogorets) of Murom and Ryazan (1225-1239), who probably tonsured them into monasticism, giving the princess the same monastic name as his, and also, presumably, performed the church burial of the princely couple.

Scribe book of Bartenev 1636/37. reports: “In the city, the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary has three tops with a porch, a stone porch, (...) in the chapel of the Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul lie the Murom miracle workers - the blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, covered with black cloth, and above the shrine - their an image with an act... The building is a cathedral church of blessed memory of the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Rus'..."
As follows from this description, the relics of the Murom wonderworkers Peter and Fevronia rested in the Peter and Paul chapel (built in the right apse).

Reliquary of Murom Saints Peter and Fevronia in. 1890s

Photographs of a massive cypress shrine made for the relics in 1797 have been preserved. Wooden Church of Peter and Fevronia stood next to the temple. In con. XVIII century it was dismantled to make way for the construction of a three-tier bell tower. Her pride was the bell weighing 1049 tons, about which they said: “The big bell from hell will ring out the soul.” At the bell tower there was a warm Spassky Church and a chapel built in 1814 in honor of the Murom Icon of the Mother of God.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Murom

Until 1921, the relics rested in the city Nativity Cathedral (dismantled in 1939-1940). The cathedral was looted, some of the ancient icons and utensils were transferred to the local history museum, the relics of the saints were transported to the local museum in 1921, from where they were returned to the Holy Trinity Monastery in 1992.

Now the shrine with the relics of the saints is in the cathedral.

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Murom

Reliquary with the relics of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Monument "Union of Love - Wise Marriage". Sculptor Nikolai Shcherbakov. City of Murom.

The monument to Peter and Fevronia was erected in Murom on July 7, 2012 on Peasant Square, between the Holy Trinity Convent and the Annunciation Monastery.

The bas-relief of Peter and Fevronia was installed at the western monastery wall of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Murom and was installed on July 8, 2008.

The All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the Year of the Family.
This holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of deputies of the State Duma. The initiative to celebrate Family Day is supported by all traditional religious organizations in Russia - after all, the idea of ​​celebrating Family Day, love and fidelity has no denominational boundaries. Every religion has examples of family fidelity and love.

The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among residents of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, are buried, whose memory is celebrated on July 8.
Their lives embody the traits that traditional Russian religions have always associated with the ideal of marriage, namely: piety, mutual love and fidelity, performing acts of mercy and caring for the various needs of their fellow citizens.
The new family holiday already has a medal, which will be awarded on July 8, and a very gentle symbol - a daisy. This warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it is so easy for him to walk - having come out of the church calendar, he is ready to knock on every door. For Family Day
Sergey Olkhovoy

Family - a burden or wings?
Are there chains around your neck or flight?
The opportunity to make a fairy tale come true
In my opinion, the Family gives.

You can only build for your beloved,
I want to create for my dear one.
Give yourself to her freely,
And that makes you happy!

I shrug off all the troubles
And I scatter the crows,
I give her my victories,
Guardian angel for her!

Let her children be more important to her,
It’s clear - the future is in them,
The father in the family is responsible for everything,
And the joy is divided into two.

She surrounds you with care
She will cover everyone with her wing.
We call her mom
We write and sing poems to her.

Family is the cell of the Universe,
His little brick!
You fulfill your calling
For the glory of your Family!

Prayers to the Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Murom Wonderworkers
First prayer

O great saints of God and wonderful miracle workers, blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, representatives and guardians of the city of Murom, and about all of us, zealous prayer books for the Lord! We come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: bring your holy prayers to the Lord God for us sinners and ask us from His goodness for all that is good for our souls and bodies: rightful faith, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, success in good deeds, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, prosperity of the air, health to souls and bodies and eternal salvation. Intercede with the Heavenly King: may His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow cry out to Him day and night, hear the pained cry and may our belly be delivered from destruction. Ask the Church of Saints and the entire Russian Empire for peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all Russian cities from all evil, and overshadow all the faithful people who come to you and worship you with the power of your auspicious prayers, and fulfill all their requests for good. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers offered to you with tenderness, but be worthy of us as intercessors to the Lord in your dreams and make us worthy, through your holy help, to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; Let us glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God, forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

O saints of God, blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up for us sinners (names), your holy prayers to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and bodies: faith right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, success in good deeds. And petition the Heavenly King for a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers, but awaken in your dreams to intercede with the Lord, and with your help make us worthy to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever.

Icon "Saints Peter and Fevronya"

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He ascended the princely throne after the death of his elder brother. Chronicles report that in / year Prince Vladimir Yuryevich of Murom died, and his brother Prince David (Peter) Yuryevich remained on the throne: “In the summer of 6711... That same summer, Prince Volodimer Gurgevich of Murom died ". In the Resurrection Chronicle: “In the summer of 6712... and his brother Prince David Yuryevich remained on Murom.” According to his life, St. Prince Peter (David) took the princely throne after the death of his elder brother Prince Paul (who was probably called Vladimir before baptism). During his reign, he was focused on the politics of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, acted on the side of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich (Georgievich), and then his son Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich, in all significant campaigns and battles of that time. So, in the city Davyd Yuryevich came to the aid of Vsevolod Vsevolod Yuryevich (Georgievich) during his next campaign against the Ryazan land (“In the summer of 6715... And then the ambassador... and Murom after David... The great prince came hundred near the city of Pronsk... commanded to clash with weapons day and night near the hail and set up the regiments along the gates... To David and Muromtsi the third gate"). Prince Pronsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich fled to Chernigov to his father-in-law Vsevolod Chermny. The residents, led by Izyaslav, Mikhail Vsevolodovich’s cousin, defended the city for six weeks, expecting help from Ryazan, but experiencing an acute shortage of food and water, not receiving help from Ryazan, surrendered to the mercy of the winner. Izyaslav was released in peace, and instead of him Vsevolod gave Pronsk to Oleg Vladimirovich, who was among the besiegers. However, the next year, having learned about self-will, Vsevolod took Pronsk from Oleg Vladimirovich and imprisoned Davyd Yuryevich Muromsky there. In the same year, Oleg with his brothers and Mikhail Vsevolodovich kicked Davyd out of Pronsk and gave him to Mikhail. In the city, Prince Davyd took part in the campaign of Grand Duke Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich against Rostov ("In the summer of 6721... Kostyantin's army began to plot against his brothers again, George was caught by his brothers... and David of Murom went to Rostov") . In the year, the Murom squad took part in the Battle of Lipitsa as part of the combined forces of Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Brody, Murom, Suzdal and some other destinies, on the side of Grand Duke Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich against the united army of Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Toropets, Rostov ("In summer 6724 ... And the poltsi strong Velmi Velmi Muromtsi and Brodnitsi and Gorodchane and all the strength of the Suzdal land ... Yaroslav a hundred with his regiments with the Muromsky. ..").


Spouse: Princess Fevronia (St. Euphrosyne) (? - 25.6.1228)

  • Evdokia Davydovna is the wife of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich.
  • Yuri Davydovich Muromsky (d.)
  • Svyatoslav Davydovich Murovsky (d.)

Death and canonization

Shortly before his death, David Yuryevich and his wife accepted the monastic rank with the names David and Euphrosyne. The lives of the righteous, which is supplemented by the available chronicle information, testify that the death of the saints Prince David (Peter) and Princess Fevronia occurred on the same day and hour during Easter Week, which fell in April 1228. The chronicles supplement this fact by the fact that a few days before this, their youngest son, Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, died (who, presumably, was also buried in the princely tomb): “In the summer of 6736. The son of Davydov died in the Murom month of April, a holy idle week. The same week, Davyd of Murom himself died in Cherntsikh and in Skim.” The death of the holy Murom prince with his wife and son fell during the service in Murom of Bishop Euphrosynus I (Svyatogorets) of Murom and Ryazan (1225-1239), who probably tonsured them into monasticism, giving the princess the same monastic name as his, and also, Presumably, he performed the church burial of the princely couple. The holy prince and his wife were canonized at a church council in 1547. The day of veneration of saints is June 25 (July 8). The indication in the chronicles that the death of the holy Prince Davyd (Peter) and Princess Fevronia (Euphrosyne) and their burial fell on Bright Week (April) 1228 raises the question of the discrepancy between the time of death and the date of veneration by the Russian Orthodox Church. Church liturgical practice knows two cases commemoration of saints - on the day of their death and on the day of the transfer of their holy relics. In this regard, it can be assumed that the date June 25 (July 8) is associated with the transfer of the relics of the holy prince and princess from the dilapidated Boris and Gleb Cathedral to the newly built Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, which already existed in the 15th century (renovated in the 16th century) on Voevodskaya grief, where the relics were kept until Soviet times.

Currently, the shrine with the relics of the holy prince and princess is in the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Convent (Murom).


  • Project Chronos. Genealogical tables. Rurikovichs. Murom princes
  • Saints Peter and Fevronia - patrons of the family: “Intercessors of the City of Murom”
  • Russian line. Library of periodicals. Vsevolod Yurievich Big Nest

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Death and canonization
  • 3 Family
  • Notes


Davyd Yurievich(? - June 25, 1228) - Prince of Murom (1205 -1228), son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom, grandson of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the first Grand Duke of Ryazan. It is generally accepted that it is this prince and his wife who are canonized and revered by the Orthodox Church as Saints Peter and Fevronia.

1. Biography

He ascended the princely throne after the death of his elder brother Vladimir. The Laurentian Chronicle reports this event in 1205, however, under the same year it reports the campaign of the South Russian princes against the Polovtsians, the capture of Rurik Rostislavich by Roman Galitsky and the beginning of the reign of Rostislav Rurikovich in Kiev - events that took place in 1203-1204. According to the life of St. Prince Peter (David), he took the princely throne after the death of his elder brother Prince Paul (possibly the baptismal name of Vladimir).

During his reign, he was focused on the politics of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, acted on the side of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich the Big Nest, and then his son Yuri, in all significant campaigns and battles of that time. So, in 1207, Davyd Yuryevich came to the aid of Vsevolod Yuryevich during his campaign against the Ryazan land near Pronsk. Prince Pronsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich fled to Chernigov to his father-in-law Vsevolod Chermny. Residents, led by Izyaslav - Mikhail Vsevolodovich's cousin - defended the city for six weeks, expecting help from Ryazan, but experienced acute shortages of food and water. After an unsuccessful attempt to unblock the Ryazan strike, the city surrendered to the mercy of the winner. Izyaslav was released in peace, and instead of him, Vsevolod gave Pronsk to his brother Oleg Vladimirovich, who was among the besiegers. However, the next year, 1208, having learned about the self-will, Vsevolod took Pronsk from Oleg Vladimirovich and gave the city to Davyd Yuryevich Muromsky. In the same year, Oleg and his brothers kicked Davyd out of Pronsk and gave him to Mikhail.

In 1213, Prince Davyd took part in the campaign of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich against Rostov; in 1216, the Murom squad took part in the Battle of Lipitsa as part of the combined forces of Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Suzdal and some other fiefs on the side of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich against the united army of Novgorod, Pskov , Smolensk, Toropets, Rostov. In 1220, Davyd sent his son Svyatoslav with an army to participate in a joint campaign with the Vladimir people against the Volga Bulgarians.

2. Death and canonization

Shortly before his death, Prince David Yuryevich and his wife accepted the monastic rank with the names David and Euphrosyne. The lives of the righteous, which is supplemented by the available chronicle information, indicate that the death of the saints Prince David (Peter) and Princess Fevronia (Euphrosyne) followed on the same day and hour during Easter Week, which fell in April 1228. The chronicles supplement this fact with information that a few days before this, their youngest son, Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, died (who, presumably, was also buried in the princely tomb). The death of the holy Murom prince David with his wife and son fell during the service in Murom of Bishop Euphrosynus I (Svyatogorets) of Murom and Ryazan (1225-1239), who probably tonsured them into monasticism, giving the princess the same monastic name as his, and also , presumably, performed the church burial of the princely couple.

After the destruction of the Mother of God Cathedral in the city of Murom in the 1930s, the shrine with the relics of the holy prince and princess was moved to the city museum. Now it is located in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery - perhaps exactly in the place where they were originally buried in 1228.

3. Family

Spouse: Princess Fevronia ( tonsure of St. Euphrosyne) (? - 1228)


  • Evdokia is the wife of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich.
  • Yuri Davydovich Muromsky (died 1237)
  • Svyatoslav Davydovich Muromsky (d. 1228) - participant in the campaign against the Volga Bulgarians in 1220.


  2. Laurentian Chronicle -
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/13/11 20:19:22
Similar abstracts: Vladimir Yuryevich (Prince of Murom),

(monastically Peter) - St. Prince of Murom, the youngest of the sons of Yuri Vladimirovich. Time of birth unknown; died in 1228. Being subject to the Vladimir-Suzdal prince, Vsevolod III the Big Nest, David, on his orders, went twice against the Ryazan princes (1186 and 1187), and participated in the family celebrations of the Suzdal prince. In 1204, after the death of his brother Vladimir, he received the reign of Murom, but still remaining subject to Vsevolod III, went with him against the Ryazan princes in 1207 and even against his will occupied Pronsk, handed over to him by Vsevolod III, who, however , ordered the departure of the latter, returned this city to the Ryazan princes, sent, at the request of the Suzdal prince, his troops to Rostov in 1213 and to the Kama Bulgarians in 1220. The relics of David rest hidden in the Murom Annunciation Cathedral. His memory, according to the resolution of the Moscow Council of 1547, is celebrated on June 25. Had from his marriage with St. Fevronia (monastically Euphrosyne) son of Svyatoslav - Yuri, who inherited the Murom table, and daughter Evdokia.

A. Ekzemplyarsky: “Great and appanage princes of northern Rus' in the Tatar period, from 1238 to 1505.” (St. Petersburg, 1891) and M. Khmyrov: “Alphabetical reference list of appanage Russian princes” (St. Petersburg, 1871).

V. R-v.

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"David Yurievich, Prince of Murom" in books

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Prince of Vladimir Mikhail Yuryevich between 1145–1153 -1176 Son of Yuri Dolgoruky and a relative of the Byzantine emperor. After the death of his father in 1157, he was left without an inheritance. Around 1162, Andrei Bogolyubsky removed him from the Suzdal land. In the 1160s he was in Pereyaslavl South with his brother

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Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod III Yurievich the Big Nest 1154–1212 Son of Yuri Dolgoruky and a relative of the Byzantine emperor. Born on October 19, 1154. In 1162, Vsevolod with his mother and older brothers was expelled by Andrei Bogolyubsky from the Vladimir-Suzdal land,

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Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Yuryevich Shemyaka?-1453

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75. DMITRY YURIEVICH (Georgievich), nicknamed Shemyaka, Prince of Galicia

author Khmyrov Mikhail Dmitrievich

75. DMITRY YURIEVICH (Georgievich), nicknamed Shemyaka, Prince of Galicia, son of Yuri Dmitrievich, Prince of Zvenigorod and Galicia (see 194), from his marriage to Anastasia Yuryevna, Princess of Smolensk. Born in Zvenigorod around 1403; having quarreled with Grand Duke Vasily III (see 44),

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142. MIKHALKO (MIKHAIL) I YURIEVICH, Grand Duke of Vladimir-Suzdal son of Yuri I Vladimirovich Dolgoruky, Grand Duke of Kyiv, from his first or second marriage, is not known. There is no information about the year and place of his birth; removed from the land of Suzdal by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky,

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Prince Vsevolod III Yurievich and his successors

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Prince Vsevolod III Yuryevich and his successors In the second half of the 12th century, a new order was established in Rus', in which the former importance of appanage princes began to fall, and the Grand Duke strived for autocracy. He is trying to destroy the independence of appanage princes

Since 1054, after the death of Yaroslav the Wise, the Russian land came into the possession of his three sons: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod. By agreement with Constantinople, two new metropolises arise in Rus' - Chernigov and Pereyaslavl. The capital city of Yaroslav Svyatoslavich was Chernigov.
Under 1054, the chronicles contain news that Murom was subordinated to this Chernigov prince. Most likely, the establishment of Christianity on the Murom land should be attributed to the years of reign Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (1054 - 1076). The enormous wealth of Svyatoslav and the founding of the Chernigov metropolitanate undoubtedly should have contributed to the secular and ecclesiastical “organization” of the territory of his entire huge principality. Apparently, even then the Spassky Monastery was founded in Murom - one of the first in North-Eastern Rus', mentioned in the chronicle under 1095 - 1096.
In 1073, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich of Chernigov captured Kyiv, and Izyaslav fled to Poland.
1073 - 1076 Svyatoslav Yaroslavich of Chernigov - Grand Duke of Kiev .

David Svyatoslavich

David (Davyd) Svyatoslavich is the middle of the five sons of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.

Svyatoslav Yaroslavich with his family. Miniature from Izbornik 1073. One of the four eldest sons is David.

Prince Pereyaslavsky: 1073 - 1076 .

In 1073, after his father’s reign in Kyiv, he received Pereyaslavl, but after his father’s death in 1076 he was forced to leave with the other Svyatoslavichs to one of the distant fiefdoms of the Chernigov princes - Mur.

Prince of Murom: 1076 – 1093

In 1006, Vladimir Svyatoslavich concluded an agreement with the Volga Bulgars, giving them the right to “trade without fear” in the city of Murom.
Unrestrained by the firm princely power, the Murom residents began to commit robbery along the Oka and Volga rivers. To the beginning XI century Murom had already become an important trading point in North-Eastern Rus' and conducted trade relations with the Volga Bulgarians. The high-water Oka gave the Bulgarians the opportunity to arrive in Murom with a whole caravan of ships: local fur goods, honey and wax were exchanged in Murom for products of the East - silk fabrics, beads, beads and various metal products. In addition to the Bulgarians, trading people from Kyiv and Chernigov came here. It was these merchants who were robbed by the Murom residents.
The offended Bulgarians complained to Oleg and Yaroslav Svyatoslavich, but, not receiving satisfaction, they themselves took up arms.
In 1088 - attack of the Volga Bulgarians. “In the summer of 6596... In the same summer the Bulgarians took Murom” /PVL. - P.88/
In 1088 Murom was burned.
Excavations in the 1980s yielded interesting results. on the Kremlin mountain. Buildings and structures of the pre-Mongol and later periods were discovered, along with traces of large fires, the first of which was apparently associated with the burning of the city in 1088, and the second, later, with the fire of 1239.

Prince of Smolensk: 1093 - 1095
In 1093, after the death of Vsevolod Yaroslavich of Kyiv, the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatopolk Izyaslavich brought Vladimir Monomakh out of Smolensk, and gave Smolensk to David.

Prince of Novgorod: 1094 - 1095
In 1094, due to the war between Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh with the brother of Davyd Svyatoslavich, Prince of Chernigov Oleg Svyatoslavich, he was sent from Smolensk to Novgorod, and Mstislav Vladimirovich from Novgorod to Rostov. Smolensk went to another son of Monomakh - Izyaslav Vladimirovich. In Novgorod, Davyd was met with hostility and expelled a year later.

Prince of Smolensk: 1096 - 1097
In 1096 he captured Smolensk and expelled Izyaslav Vladimirovich from there, who was forced to leave for Kursk. He also wanted to keep Novgorod for himself, but in the absence of Davyd, the Novgorodians imprisoned Mstislav Vladimirovich, and they told Davyd: “Don’t come to us.” The Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Monomakh invited the Svyatoslavichs to Kiev for negotiations, having received a refusal, they went to Smolensk against Davyd in war, but on the way they met Davyd’s ambassadors and made peace with him, agreeing to exchange Smolensk for Novgorod, apparently on the condition that Murom would take Izyaslav. His brother, the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich, not wanting to put up with the loss of Murom, continued to fight Monomakh with Davydov’s regiments and moved to Smolensk and agreed with Davyd to return to the previous position. Davyd was unsuccessful and again arrived in Novgorod, from where he himself was expelled by the Novgorodians, but Oleg managed to capture Murom. Moreover, Izyaslav died in battle for him.

Prince of Chernigov: 1097 - 1123
In 1097 he took part in the Lyubech Congress of Princes, where the princes proclaimed: “Let everyone maintain his fatherland.” By decision of the congress, Chernigov was approved for him.
Immediately after the Lyubech Congress, Davyd Igorevich of Volyn and Svyatopolk Izyaslavich of Kiev captured and blinded the Terebovl prince Vasilko Rostislavich. Vladimir Monomakh sent for the Svyatoslavichs and they came to Vladimir with the Chernigov troops. In 1098, together with Vladimir Monomakh and his brother Oleg Svyatoslavich, he came to Kiev demanding an explanation for the blinding of the Terebovl prince Vasilko Rostislavich at Svyatopolk. The princes were already going to fight with Svyatopolk, but the Kiev embassy persuaded them to make peace. Svyatopolk justified himself by saying that Davyd Igorevich slandered Vasilko and was the instigator of the blinding. Vladimir and the Svyatoslavichs obliged Svyatopolk to seize Davyd Igorevich or expel him from his reign. Thus, they forced him to go to war against the culprit - his ally Davyd Igorevich.

In 1099, Davyd Svyatoslavich sent his son Svyatoslav to help Svyatopolk, who, after the war with Davyd Igorevich, decided to take the principality from the Rostislavichs. The Rostislavichs won the battle on the border of their possessions. The son of Davyd Svyatoslavich suffered another defeat from Davyd Igorevich, who made peace with the Rostislavichs. Having made peace, Svyatoslav returned to his father. In the army that Svyatopolk led against Vasilko and his brother Volodar Rostislavich in 1099, there was David’s son, Svyatoslav Svyatosha.

In 1100, Davyd Svyatoslavich participated in the Vitichevsky congress (in Uvetichi), where the princes gathered for the trial of Davyd Igorevich, Davyd lost Vladimir-Volynsky, and in return received Dorogobuzh, Buzhsk, Dubno and Chartorysk, and from Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich one hundred hryvnia silver to Davyd Igorevich as compensation for Vladimir-Volynsky.
Military campaign in 1101 in alliance with Volodar Rostislavich against the Poles.
In 1101, Monomakh and Davyd were going to go against the Polovtsians, but the Polovtsian ambassadors persuaded the Russian princes to make peace.
In 1103 he took part in the defeat of the Polovtsians at Suten (a place beyond the Dnieper rapids, near Khortitsa).
In 1107, in a victorious battle with the Cumans on the Khorol River. After the war of 1107, Vladimir Monomakh, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich came together with the Polovtsian khans and took their daughters to marry their sons.
In 1110, together with Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh, Davyd again went against the Polovtsians, but due to severe cold and massive death of horses, the princes returned, reaching Voin.
In 1111, with the same princes, he went to the Steppe and on March 24 participated in the battle on the Degea channel, and on March 27 on the Salnitsa River, when a brilliant victory was won. Russian regiments took the Polovtsian cities of Sharukan and Sugrov, and the Polovtsians suffered a terrible defeat and ceased to threaten Rus' for a long time.
In 1113, after the death of Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, the people of Kiev did not want to see Davyd Svyatoslavich as their prince.
In 1115 he took part in the campaign of Yaropolk Vladimirovich against Drutsk against the Prince of Minsk Gleb Vseslavich. Together with Yaropolk Vladimirovich, they took Drutsk by storm. Gleb, besieged in Minsk by Vladimir Monomakh, surrendered.
In 1116, Vladimir Monomakh and Davyd Svyatoslavich sent their sons to the Don against the Polovtsians, they took three Polovtsian cities and a lot of booty.
In 1118 he went with Vladimir Monomakh and Volodar and Vasilko Rostislavich against the Vladimir-Volyn prince Yaroslav Svyatopolchich. After a two-month siege, Yaroslav surrendered and was left to reign in Vladimir. The allies forced Yaroslav to abandon his intention.