Fighting in Syria at 10.10. The United States is ready to strike Syria if the fighting near Damascus does not stop

The operational situation in Syria is more or less stable. In Deir ez-Zor, government forces are conducting a successful offensive. In Idlib, the Turkish military is setting up monitoring points. In the east of Hama, the Syrian army liberated the Al-Azib region, and in the north of the province the group “ Hayat Tahrir al-Sham"finishes off the remaining forces" Islamic State" In the east of the country, the Iraqi military recaptured the Syrian border crossing of Rabia from the Kurds. " Syrian Democratic Forces“The liberation of Raqqa was announced for the second time, but as it turned out, it was somewhat premature. Fighting is still ongoing in the city. You can find out more detailed information about the events taking place in Syria from our daily report.

  • Deir ez-Zor Province:

Units of the 4th Mechanized Division, 17th Reserve Division and 5th Army Corps yesterday began an operation to clear the city of Deir ez-Zor from Islamic State gangs. The Syrian military attacked ISIS positions in the Al-Rusafa and Al-Aqal areas, intending to cut off the jihadists from the Euphrates River. In addition, the advance of security forces along Port Said Street was noted. (). For now Sun SAR control about 75% of the territory of the administrative center.

During the battle, government troops, with the support Russian Aerospace Forces , liberated the areas of Al-Hasarat, Al-Kanamat and Al-Matar. The result of the first day of this operation was the reduction by a third of the territory controlled by terrorists in the provincial capital.

In turn, the main forces of the Syrian army liberated the entire area on the western bank of the Euphrates River from the city of Deir ez-Zor to Al-Mayadeen yesterday. At the same time, the divisions Tiger Forces» the villages of Muhassan, Bo Lil, Bo Omar and Al-Abd were cleared of IS militants. These settlements were previously bypassed by the Syrian armed forces during the attack on Al-Mayadeen.

However, the Tigers did not stop at the achieved results. After 12 hours of fighting, the small town of Jaanena was liberated. This became possible thanks to taking control of the settlement. Al-Husseiniya, which served as a kind of springboard for the Syrian military.

Video: Footage of the battles for the settlement. Husseiniya

Video: Footage from the liberated village of Husseiniya

There is information that government troops crossed the Euphrates at Al-Mayadeen and occupied a village located near the Al-Omar field.

Meanwhile, the successes of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Deir ez-Zor are much more modest. Over the past 24 hours, SDF units managed to liberate only the village from terrorists. Safira Takhtania.

  • Idlib Province:

After the Turkish army invaded Idlib UN sent the first batch of humanitarian aid to the residents of this province. The convoy has now crossed the Bab al-Hawa border checkpoint and moved deeper into the region.

Statements by the Turkish leadership about the start of the fight against al-Nusra terrorists are only declarative. In fact, units of the Turkish Armed Forces did not even engage in clashes with the militants of the Hait Tahrir al-Sham group (formerly Jenbhat al-Nusra"). On the contrary, the jihadists surrendered the Taftanaz air base to the Turkish military without firing a single shot. ().

  • Hama Province:

In the east of Hama, government troops have finally cleared the area near the city of Salamiyah from individual Islamic State gangs. During this operation, the Al-Azib area was completely liberated.

Video: Syrian troops liberate Al-Azib area in Hama

Meanwhile, in the north of the region, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants are completing the defeat of the group ISIS, which broke through here from the remains of the “Akerbat Cauldron”. The jihadists, massively using armored vehicles, expelled the ISIS from the village of Sarkha and captured the height of Rasm Tine.

Video: Al-Nusra militants suppress an ISIS group with fire in the north of Hama

  • Homs Province:

The Iraqi army, conducting an operation against the Kurdish Peshmerga, yesterday took control of the Syrian border checkpoint of Rabia, adjacent to the province of Nineveh. Kurdish militia units surrendered this strategic facility without a fight.

The Syrian army has not yet launched an operation to liberate the city of Qaryatein from IS militants. The command of the SAR Armed Forces continues to accumulate forces in this area, limiting itself to airstrikes and artillery shelling.

One such Syrian air raid killed an ISIS commander in central Syria. Bassam Al Dakhil , who had previously developed and led the operation to capture Karyathein.

  • Damascus Province:

Eastern Ghouta

Government troops yesterday again carried out massive shelling of the eastern suburbs of Damascus occupied by jihadists. Units of the 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard and the 40th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division fired over 40 large-caliber rockets at rebel positions in Jobar and Ain Tarm.

While the rebels abandoned their strongholds to escape the shelling, the army occupied part of their positions in Jobar.

In turn, the militants of the group “ Failak ar-Rahman"attacked the army in Ain Tarm. As a result, the security forces lost the Shilka self-propelled gun and a mine clearing vehicle.

Video: Militants knock out Shilka self-propelled guns of the Syrian Armed Forces in Ain Tarma

Video: Jihadists damage a mine clearance vehicle trying to pull out a damaged Shilka

  • Raqqa Province:

"Syrian Democratic Forces" ( SDF), announcing yesterday the liberation of Raqqa once again “got into a puddle.” Over 90% of the city is indeed controlled by the Kurds, but in some neighborhoods there are about a hundred foreign fighters who have been refused permission to evacuate. ().

Despite the fact that the last pockets of resistance in the area of ​​​​the central hospital and stadium in Raqqa have been suppressed, clashes still continue in the city. Meanwhile, SDF fighters refuse to storm the remaining ISIS strongholds.

Video: Footage of the latest battles in Raqqa.

Video: SDF fighters celebrate liberation of Raqqa

Video: Military situation in Syria and Iraq – 10/17/2017 (Russian translation)

Review of the combat map and operational summary of Syria for yesterday.

Dear readers! In order not to miss the next review of military operations, join us on social networks.

March 13, Minsk / Corr. BELTA/. The United States is ready to strike Syria if the UN fails to achieve a ceasefire in the Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus. This was stated by US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley at a meeting of the Security Council, TASS reports. Shortly before this, the American delegation circulated a draft resolution demanding an end to military operations in Damascus and its suburbs.

Nikki Haley recalled that in April 2017, the United States attacked an airbase of Syrian government forces, from which, according to Western countries, planes took off for a chemical attack on the city of Khan Sheikhoun. She expressed support for UN efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the population of Syria, as well as the political process under the auspices of the world organization in Geneva, but at the same time issued a warning to countries that seek to “impose their will through chemical attacks and inhumane suffering.” “The United States remains ready to act if necessary. This is not the path we prefer, but it is the path we have demonstrated we will choose. We are ready to choose him again,” the American permanent representative emphasized.

In turn, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Valery Gerasimov, said that the Russian Ministry of Defense is ready to take retaliatory measures against a possible US missile attack on Damascus if there is a threat to the Russian military. “In Damascus, Russian military advisers, representatives of the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties and military police are present in the institutions and facilities of the Syrian Ministry of Defense. In the event of a threat to the lives of our military personnel, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will take retaliatory measures against both missiles and the launch vehicles that will use them,” said Valery Gerasimov. According to him, “measures to further normalize the situation around the Syrian capital continue.”

As Reuters previously reported, the United States submitted a new draft resolution to the UN Security Council on March 12, which contains a demand to introduce a truce for a period of 30 days in Damascus and its suburb of Eastern Ghouta. The draft document asks UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to urgently develop proposals for monitoring compliance with the proposed truce. According to Nikki Haley, the adoption of this document is necessary because the resolution establishing a 30-day humanitarian pause, approved by the Security Council on February 24, did not achieve its goal. “We have prepared a new draft resolution on establishing a ceasefire, which will not leave any loopholes. It is simple, straightforward and mandatory. The resolution will take effect immediately upon adoption,” Nikki Haley said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said today at a regular briefing that members of the international community must maintain solidarity in resolving the crisis in Syria against the backdrop of Washington's new initiative. “Last month, the UN Security Council (SC) already approved resolution 2401 on providing humanitarian support to Syria. The document was adopted unanimously, which indicates the unified position of the international community and the attention it pays to the situation in this country. We hope that the UN Security Council will continue to maintain solidarity on this issue,” the diplomat noted.

Military expert: thanks to the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Syrian army has perked up

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke about the role of the Aerospace Forces in the capture of the last stronghold of ISIS in Syria. Speaking on Sputnik radio, military expert Viktor Litovkin noted that there is no doubt that the operation to free the terrorists is being successfully completed.
The Aerospace Forces showed their skill in the capture of Abu Kemal by the Syrian army, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at the military collegium of Russia and Belarus.

The commander of the Russian group in Syria, Colonel General Sergei Surovikin, reported to the minister about the liberation of the city.

“Currently, work is underway to clear mines from Deir ez-Zor and Mayadin. Today we started demining and clearing Abu Kemal - this is the last major stronghold and center where a fairly large group of terrorists was concentrated,” Shoigu noted.

According to him, some of the militants were destroyed, the rest crossed the Euphrates and are moving north.

“The VKS showed all their skills, and most importantly, in difficult weather conditions they completed all the tasks that were assigned to them,” Shoigu emphasized.

Over the past two months, government forces have made significant progress in liberating the country from terrorists. At the beginning of September, they broke through the three-year blockade of Deir ez-Zor, and in mid-October they took control of another important ISIS stronghold - the city of Mayadin. On November 3, the Syrian army completely liberated Deir ez-Zor.

Speaking on Sputnik radio, military expert, retired colonel Viktor Litovkin noted that there is no doubt that the operation to liberate Syria from IS* is being successfully completed.

“Not only the military leadership, but also our sworn partners have no doubt that our aerospace forces are effective. Because thanks to Russia, the Syrian army perked up, and over these two years liberated almost the entire territory of Syria from IS*. Those territories that are controlled by the Americans, by the way, illegally, have not been liberated; and Turkish troops who control Kurdish territories. And the rest of the territory has been almost completely liberated by Syrian government forces with the unconditional support of the Russian Aerospace Forces. If it were not for the high-precision strikes of our aviation, the participation of our advisers in the ranks of the Syrian army, who helped develop and carry out operations against ISIS*, then, of course, the Syrian army would not have had such successes. Now it is driving out the remnants of terrorists from its territory. Of course, there are “sleeping” cells of ISIS* on the territory of Syria, and there will be a stubborn fight against them. But there is no doubt that the operation to liberate Syria from IS* is being completed successfully. Everyone admitted this. The Syrian opposition is negotiating because they have nothing left to catch,” said Viktor Litovkin.

*Terrorist organization banned in Russia

Shoigu reported on the movement of terrorists in Syria


IS threatens massacres in Deir ez-Zor, internecine fighting among Islamists in Aleppo

ISIS is threatening to carry out massacres on Kati Island in Deir ez-Zor province. The internecine struggle of radicals in Aleppo is gaining momentum. Kurds detained civilians for supporting the legitimate government of Iraq in Nineveh, reports a military source of the Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and allied forces: carried out airstrikes on Islamist positions in the southern part Aleppo; suspended the offensive on Huweijat Kati to the north Deir ez-Zor.

"Islamic State": threatens massacres of civilians on Kati Island Deir ez-Zor.

Syrian Free Army** (SSA): is recruiting new fighters in the northern part Hams.

Tahrir Al-Sham: Opposed to Nur Ad-Din Az-Zinki in the west of the province Aleppo; occupied the settlement of Al-Ibizma in the western part Aleppo.

Kurds: continue to develop an offensive on the left bank of the Euphrates in Deir ez-Zor; detained several civilians for supporting the Iraqi government in the province Nineveh. / Federal News Agency

Damascus Province

The opposition news portal Omawi News Agency claims that government units are shelling the positions of militants from the Failak Ar-Rahman and Tahrir Al-Sham militias on the outskirts of the Jobar district in Eastern Ghouta. Another source on Twitter controlled by the armed opposition (AEJKhalil) reports artillery strikes by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) near the Ain Tarma neighborhood. However, this information has not been officially confirmed.

Aleppo Province

In the western part of the province, armed clashes continued between former allies - the Harakat Nur Ad-Din Az-Zinki and Jabhat Al-Nusra groups 1. According to the Al Masdar News agency, militants of the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham coalition controlled by Al-Nusra launched mortar and rocket launcher attacks on the fortified areas of Nur Ad-Din Az-Zinki. In addition, during the latest battles, the settlement of Al-Ibizma came under the control of Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham 1. There have been no reports of radical casualties yet. Let us recall that tension in the ranks of the armed opposition arose after the defeat of the Islamists in the battle for the city of Aleppo.

The local population demonstrated in the city of Al-Atarib, demanding an end to the internecine fighting, since as a result of constant firefights between militants, civilians are primarily suffering. This was reported by the information portal Syrian Revolution News Network.

Meanwhile, in the south of the region, the confrontation between government forces on the one hand and the Islamist detachments Tahrir Al-Sham and Faylaq Al-Sham on the other continues. According to the Twitter channel (Alraqeemn), the Syrian Air Force carried out airstrikes on radical strongholds in the villages of Ramla, Siyala and Miezila, as well as in the Al Has heights. No information about losses from the militants has yet been received.

Deir ez-Zor Province

The day before, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), under the cover of the Russian Aerospace Forces, resumed its offensive in the northeast of the island of Kati. Let us remind you that part of Huweijat Kati has already been liberated. The Islamic State 1 terrorists were forced to retreat to the outskirts of the island. According to a military source of the Al Masdar News news agency, about 80 percent of the territories of Huweijat Kati are under the control of the SAR army. However, at the moment, the SAA’s offensive has paused, since ISIS 1 radicals are holding a large number of civilians hostage, whom ISIS intend to use as human shields. As AMN reports, in order not to harm civilians, the SAR troops were forced to negotiate with the militants of the terrorist group. According to information from the Twitter channel (oabozayd), Islamists are not letting people out of the occupied territories and are threatening massacres.

Meanwhile, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue to advance along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in an attempt to seize more oil fields under ISIS control 1 . The Kurds intend to occupy the Al-Khishma field south of the Al-Omar deposits. Let us recall that the Kurdish units and, in particular, those contributing to their promotion Washington interested in capturing economically advantageous areas of Deir ez-Zor.

Idlib Province

According to the Syrian Revolution News Network, Turkish border guards shot and killed three people trying to cross the Syrian-Turkish border near the village of Darkush. According to preliminary data, the violators were militants of the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham terrorist alliance, who tried to quietly enter Turkish territory to carry out illegal activities. At the moment, the details of what happened are being clarified.

Hama Province

According to the opposition news agency Smart News Agency, the anti-government organization Jaysh Al Izza, which is part of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), announced the recruitment of young people aged 17 to 27 years old to undergo training at an Islamist training camp in northern Hama. The population living in these territories fears that militants will begin to forcibly recruit residents to participate in hostilities against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).


Al Masdar News reports that four civilians were detained by members of the Kurdish Asayish police in the city of Teleskof, located in the province Nineveh. Residents were arrested for supporting the legitimate Iraqi government on social media, local activists said. After several hours of interrogation, two detainees were temporarily released from custody. Let us recall that the escalation of the conflict between autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan and Baghdad occurred after the referendum on independence of Kurdistan on September 25.

1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Syrian Permanent Mission to the UN spoke about US assistance to IS militants

The US-led coalition in Syria ensured the withdrawal of IS militants (banned in Russia) from Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor during operations to liberate populated areas, the Syrian Permanent Mission to the UN reported. A corresponding letter was sent to the Secretary General of the organization and the Chairman of the Security Council.

“This whole spectacle with the liberation of the city of Ar-Raqqa was staged after the aviation of the criminal coalition carried out a bloody massacre in it, which claimed thousands of lives, and wiped out this city itself from the face of the earth. Against the backdrop of these events, the coalition and associated formations ensured the safe departure of ISIS terrorists from Ar-Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor, most of whom were foreign fighters,” says the letter from Chargé d’Affaires Munzer Munzer.

According to him, the coalition helped the militants redeploy “to attack units of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies in the province of Deir ez-Zor.”

In this regard, Munzer noted that the coalition’s statements about plans to restore Raqqa were made in order to “cover up the traces of this heinous crime.”

At the end of October, the Syrian Democratic Forces announced the complete liberation of Raqqa from IS militants with the support of a US-led coalition. The liberation operation has been going on since June. Last week, a Syrian military source told RIA Novosti that the country’s army had completely liberated Deir ez-Zor from IS*.

US calls for new ceasefire zones in Syria

The United States views the creation of ceasefire zones in Syria as a way to advance the implementation of the Geneva process, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said.

“If we get new ceasefire zones, it will bring us closer to the implementation of the Geneva process,” she said at a briefing.

According to her, the United States “considers the Geneva process to be the right way” to resolve the Syrian crisis.

The Ministry of Defense spoke about the results of the work of Russian sappers in Syria

Russian sappers in Syria checked more than 140 hectares in a week, neutralized more than 1.7 thousand explosive objects, such data is presented in the infographics published by the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, the official publication of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“More than 140 hectares have been checked. More than 1.7 thousand explosive objects have been neutralized,” the statement says.

In addition, over the past week, Russian drones have carried out more than 100 sorties and discovered 146 militant targets. Also during this time, 20 military engineers were trained for the Syrian army.

As usual, messages begin to arrive that, to put it mildly, do not fit well with the official lies from Syria. Today, two photographs of PMC fighters have been published: Nizhny Novgorod resident Krizhanovsky and Belarusian Yaroshevich, who died in Idlib, and Yaroshevich knows exactly the date of death - September 19. Krizhanovsky presumably died there and at the same time.

On September 19, there was an attack on the Russian military police and just in Idlib, which had to be rescued by a certain Russian special forces, which, according to official information, lost three people wounded. Propaganda described this feat very vividly:
“...According to Rudsky, “a release group was formed,” which included units of special operations forces, military police, and Syrian special forces. The detachment that came to the rescue was led by the deputy head of the Russian center for the reconciliation of warring parties, Hero of Russia, Major General Viktor Shulyak. In addition In addition, the actions of the special forces detachment were constantly supported by two Su-25 attack aircraft, striking at the militants’ manpower and armored vehicles from extremely low altitudes.
“As a result, the encirclement ring was broken, and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation entered the area where government troops were located without losses,” the military leader reported.

During the operation, three Russian servicemen from special operations forces who broke through the encirclement were injured. All participants in this unique operation are nominated for state awards..."
In reality, apparently, they abandoned what was at hand - mercenaries from PMCs. And not without losses. In addition, there was recently information about the funeral in Dagestan of a military policeman who died around the same days in Syria, but without indicating the place of death.

Most likely, all these fragmentary messages are connected with each other, as well as with the lies of propaganda. It is difficult to say whether this situation is secret, since it was reported publicly. And if not, then we could honestly talk about both the battle and the losses. In the end, they are not some bandits, but their own soldiers.

PS. In November, as one can understand, it will be necessary to wait for reports of losses, which are not currently available, from Deir ez-Zor, Sukhna, Qaryatein, Mayadin and other places from the south. Well, it’s not easy in the north, so they’ll go from there too.

The names of the pilots of the crashed Su-24 killed in Syria have been revealed

The Russian SU-24 bomber that crashed in Syria was controlled by two pilots from the Kaliningrad region - pilot Yuri Medvedkov and navigator Yuri Kopylov.

The pilots did not have time to eject. According to the preliminary version, the cause of the aircraft crash was a technical malfunction.

Yuri Kopylov

Strikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces in the province of Deir ez-Zor

A compilation of airstrikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces in the western regions of Deir ez-Zor province.

In the Deir ez-Zor area, the SAA, having failed to push through the militants’ defenses on the island of Sakhur, advanced to the other side of the Euphrates, carrying out wider coverage of the city’s quarters remaining under the control of the militants. Obviously, the Syrian command is trying to complete the encirclement of the city and then gradually clear it.
The operational gut stretching in the direction of Mayadin led to the fact that the shock units were drawn into battles on the outskirts of Mayadin, from where the militants were in no hurry to leave. At the same time, the threat to the key city of the Caliphate in the east of the country has already forced militants to transfer forces to Mayadin and Abu Kemal to organize resistance, which reduces the ability of the “blacks” to put pressure on the Palmyra-Sukhna-Deir ez-Zor highway.
Clashes with militants are still ongoing in the Sukhna area. Al-Qaryatein is also still pro-ISIS.

Russia and Syria will be connected by a direct shipping line, - Rogozin

Russia and Syria will be connected by a direct shipping line.

This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin at the 10th meeting of the permanent Russian-Syrian commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation.

“A parallel direct shipping line is being formed between Russian and Syrian ports,” said the Deputy Prime Minister. “Currently, transportation of this kind of cargo (agricultural - editor’s note) is carried out through Oboronlogistics, which is interested in expanding the services provided,” TASS quotes Rogozin.

“We now recognize that the time for economic recovery is coming and we expect that Russian business will take an active part in this process,” he added.

Rogozin said that Russian-Syrian trade turnover over the seven months of this year increased by 42% and amounted to $192.8 million.

Su-24 crashed in Khmeimim

Su-24 crashed in Syria

The Russian Su-24 front-line bomber crashed during takeoff from the Khmeimim airfield in Syria, the Ministry of Defense reported.
The crew did not have time to eject and died. The plane skidded off the runway and collapsed. There is no destruction on earth. According to preliminary data, the cause of the incident could have been a technical malfunction of the machine.

Peace to the ashes of the dead.

The Rooks have arrived: the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Army repulsed the ISIS offensive, opening the strategic highway Es-Sukhneh - Deir ez-Zor (VIDEO)

The ISIS offensive between the Sukhneh - Deir ez-Zor (M-7) highway was completely repulsed by pro-government forces.

Relying on airstrikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Lebanese Hezbollah managed to regain previously lost territories in Eastern Homs after a series of attacks on ISIS positions in the oil-rich desert region.

Video shows Syrian troops advancing along the M-7 highway, much of which has been reopened. This comes after the SAA regained control of the Sukhne area, an important government stronghold in Central Syria recently recaptured from ISIS.

Now, during the military campaign, the Syrian Arab Army hopes to completely expel the ISIS fighters from Homs province, as a result of which the militants will be forced to flee to the eastern part of the country.

*Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

US intelligence agencies and al-Qaeda militants hold rallies against the Turkish invasion of Idlib

Syrian journalist Riyad Farid Hijab continues to tell readers of Russian Spring about the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic.

In a country that, due to American intervention, is experiencing the horrors of war, no person in his right mind would ever rally for US interests.

About a week ago, my neighbor Fahed decided to visit me early in the morning. After the traditional cup of strong coffee, he moved on to the main topic of his morning visit.

“I was offered to earn $20 for a trip to the small town of Sarmad, in the province of Idlib. It will be necessary to hold a rally against the NATO invasion. The only thing that worries me is the choice of the city - it will soon be very restless there. And the person who offered the money is said to be connected with Jabhat al-Nusra* (Syrian Al-Qaeda)*,” Fahed began his monologue.

I hastily interrupted my interlocutor, saying that I had never taken part in such events, and that a trip to the border with Turkey to visit the militants was not at all interesting to me.

The conversation was already beginning to be forgotten, but last night a breathless Fahed rushed into my room and asked me to give him a couple of minutes.

“This is the most anecdotal trip of my life. As I expected, the event was organized by militants. But in Sarmad himself they were on the sidelines. Everything was led by fair-haired people, commanding in a mixture of English and bad Arabic, who surprised everyone gathered by declaring that we needed to rally against Turkish intervention.

Then I got the impression that they were making some kind of movie. There was no protest action as such - we were simply filmed on cameras and video cameras. During the “rally,” I heard a lot of English swearing, and al-Nusra commanders hastily began to change into dirty jeans and torn sneakers and joined our ranks of “protesters.” Also, several bags of candy appeared from somewhere, which local children ran into, finding themselves in the very epicenter of events,” my neighbor essentially blurted out instead of greeting.

Well, it’s not surprising that other than a couple of obviously fabricated posts on social networks, I have not yet seen a single message about this circus organized by American militants near the Syrian-Turkish border. Only in statements by international organizations, photographs with sparkling comments from British human rights activists (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights - editor's note) will probably soon appear, and, knowing the representatives of the United States, they will not disdain to use these fabricated materials in reports at a UN meeting .

It is characteristic that in addition to the militants who carry out all the orders of their masters from overseas for dollars, there were only about 10 ordinary Syrians at the rally who fell for the bait of 20 dollars. Moreover, they were lured there by deception, because in a country that, due to American intervention, is experiencing the horrors of war, not a single person in his right mind would ever rally for the interests of the United States.

And who, if not my people, is well aware of the thesis that terrorism appears precisely where external interference aimed at undermining statehood is obvious. And besides your native Syria, here you can remember Libya, Yemen, Egypt, and in your neighboring Ukraine, don’t understand what’s going on... After all, the fascists who settled there are not much different from the militants who bring horror to Syrian cities.

The al-Tanf military base has been reinforced by American, Norwegian and Jordanian trainers to form militant groups opposing Assad.

The international coalition, illegally located on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, is increasing its efforts to train armed forces. In the interests of creating a “New Syrian Army”, strong points are currently being equipped, and abandoned positions are being hastily restored. We are talking about the vicinity of the al-Tanf military base (At-Tanf) in southern Syria.

The so-called deconflict zone with a radius of 55 kilometers has recently caused a lot of noise in the media space. Under the guise of training detachments to fight Islamist groups, the terrorists themselves improved their military skills under the strict guidance of foreign instructors - since the spring of this year, Western intelligence services have settled here, heavy equipment, weapons, and the Himars MLRS have been stationed here.

Militants continue to practice shooting with American rifles and other weapons to this day.

The Russian Ministry of Defense recently made a corresponding statement, once again accusing the American authorities of duplicity and complicity in terrorist activities.

At the same time, the very fact of the military presence of foreign troops on Syrian soil is not legitimate; Damascus did not give permission to send foreign troops. And the successes of the international coalition against terrorism look doubtful against the backdrop of increasingly frequent aerial bombings causing casualties among the local population.

Washington is constantly trying to strengthen its existing bases in Syria, updating and increasing its military presence in the region. Despite statements by the American side about their readiness to leave the military bridgehead of Al-Tanf, radical militants are now being trained by hundreds of instructors who arrived from the United States, Jordan and Norway.

Up to 200 militants from the opposition group Revolutionary Guard are involved in fire and tactical training every day. Other members of the Usud al-Sharqiya (Eastern Lions), Ahmad Abdu and other groups that arrived in the deconflict zone are hastily restoring abandoned positions near the Rukban refugee camp.

The tent city with a population of 60,000 is important for American curators who are hatching a project to create a “New Syrian Army” to overthrow the Assad regime.

It is assumed that the residents of Rukban are both relatives of members of the Syrian opposition who arrived in Al-Tanf for training, and civilians who found themselves hostage in the armed conflict.

The difficult living conditions in the tent camp put most of the young inhabitants before an even more difficult choice: to experience the consequences of a humanitarian catastrophe or join the ranks of a new unit, succumbing to the persuasion of American instructors.

According to media reports, as well as militants who managed to escape American tutelage, foreign personnel are openly selling weapons to terrorists and recruiting volunteers for militant groups.

In this case, we should soon expect the appearance of a factory of suicide bombers or so-called suicide bombers in Al-Tanf, which will put the American masters on a par with international terrorists.

11th of March. Damascus. In the Eastern Ghouta region of Damascus province, the army achieved new successes, liberating several settlements from Jabhat Al-Nusra and armed groups associated with it.

In recent hours, fighting has been concentrated in areas around Misraba and Mdeira. Their release is necessary to completely cut off the lines of communication and supply between terrorists in the south and north of Eastern Ghouta.

The Syrian army is successfully liberating street after street in the village of Misraba, the militants are suffering heavy losses, are constantly retreating and are close to a state of complete panic.

Good progress is also being observed on the Aftris plantations, where the gangs also suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment.

At the same time, military personnel continue to ensure the security of humanitarian corridors for the exit of civilians blocked by terrorists.

Deir ez-Zor. During the clearing of territories in the settlement of As-Sayal near the city of Mukhasan and the villages of Hasrat Al-Sweya and Al-Hara between the cities of Al-Bukamal and Mayadin in the east of Deir ez-Zor province, large terrorist warehouses with a large amount of firearms and ammunition were found , military equipment, technical devices and missile launchers.

Warehouses were installed in underground storage facilities near residential buildings.

Aleppo. Turkish regime forces and their terrorist mercenaries continue to violate UN Security Council Resolution 2401 by shelling populated areas in the Afrin region with all types of weapons.

Today, according to a SANA correspondent, one civilian was killed and another was injured. Great destruction was caused to houses and infrastructure in the villages of Al-Mastawrada and Tarmisha.

The total number of civilian deaths as a result of Turkish aggression exceeded 222 people, most of whom were women and children. The number of wounded reached at least 700 people. These figures do not take into account the victims of those residents of the Afrin region whose bodies remain under the rubble.

In the course of the ongoing aggression, the civilian population is forced to leave their homes and move to the center of the region, which is in dire need of food and medicine, being on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe, the correspondent emphasized.

In addition, Turkish regime forces used heavy artillery to fire at populated areas in the Maabatli area, causing extensive material damage.

Several militants emerged from Eastern Ghouta in the area of ​​the Al-Wafideen camp

Yesterday evening, several armed men left Eastern Ghouta through the humanitarian corridor in the area of ​​the Al-Wafideen refugee camp in Damascus province.

According to a SANA correspondent, a bus was waiting for the militants to take them out of the area.

The day before, in the village of Hammuriya, local residents held a protest rally, calling for the exit of the militants and the arrival of the Syrian army. A few days earlier, the national flag of Syria was raised over Saqba and Hammuriya.

Terrorists continue to prevent civilians from leaving Eastern Ghouta through the safe corridors in the Al-Wafideen camp and from Jisrin towards Mlekha, firing shells and explosive bullets at the roads, as well as detaining those who want to leave the areas under their control, SANA reports.