How are teachers certified? New year - new teacher certification: pros and cons New form of teacher certification in the year

To improve the quality of teachers' work, various adjustments are made annually to the process of their mandatory certification. The process of checking the professionalism of teachers is carried out in the form of KIMs, using as a basis an objective assessment at the federal level.

Basic information

Several years ago, the President of Russia approved the formation of a special teacher growth system, the main task of which is to assess the level of professionalism of the designated employees using special developments of the Ministry of Education. To find out on what principle the certification of teaching staff is planned for 2018-2019, you should initially condemn the main provisions of this process.

  1. Content – ​​the effectiveness of a teacher’s work is assessed on the basis of specially prepared material presented in the form of a KIM. In this form, not only knowledge of the subject is assessed, but also the psychological and pedagogical methodology of presenting it to students.
  2. The new testing model provides incentives for teachers to improve the quality of their own work and its effectiveness.
  3. Changes provide an opportunity for an ordinary teacher who has just graduated from a pedagogical university to acquire the highest category. To do this, it is enough to demonstrate your own professional skills and the result of mastery before the commission. The teacher’s salary directly depends on the assigned category.

The reason for the above modernization is the solution to the issue of young teachers. Their salaries are already not very remarkable, and while their colleagues can count on more substantial payment for their own labor, those who really want and can work well are forced to settle for a meager salary. Therefore, all young teachers are already applying en masse for early certification.

Existing shortcomings of the certification system

At the moment in Russia there are two types of certification of representatives of the pedagogical sphere.

  1. For assignment of a qualification category.
  2. Compliance with the position held.

The main disadvantage of such certification is its “opacity”. It turns out that regions of the country approach the issue of advanced training in their own way. The procedure itself is considered mandatory, not its content. The problem lies in the fact that there are no uniform requirements for certification.

  1. The assignment of a qualification category is carried out through an assessment of the teacher’s work - his “portfolio” is studied. But there are simply no exact EFOM and qualification criteria.
  2. The current rules of the Ministry of Education do not allow a young teacher who has just received a diploma to expect to receive the highest qualification category. According to the rules, you will initially have to earn the first category, after which you can apply for the highest, but not earlier than two years after the last certification.
  3. Creating a “portfolio” – an attestation document – ​​takes a teacher a lot of time and effort, which he should spend on teaching schoolchildren. As a result, most of the teacher's working time is spent for other purposes.
  4. If a teacher has already successfully completed the certification, he loses all desire to continue his education and acquires new professional competencies due to insufficient motivation. The problem is the lack of prospects for job growth.

Certification for suitability for the position held in 2019

Teachers should pay special attention to the new certification model, which does not change the very procedure for obtaining a “credit” for compliance with the position held. As before, this process will be guided by existing standards and regulations. The transition period of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the new certification rules is set until January 1, 2020.

At the moment, politicians are considering the possible exclusion of some items previously used in the procedure from teacher evaluation standards.

The announced type of certification is carried out on the basis of an assessment of pedagogical qualities, skills and results of the duties performed, specified in the employment contract. The part regarding the job responsibilities of the teacher is guided by the relevant EKS.

Thanks to the modernization of the teacher certification process, it will be possible to reduce the distance between those who have sufficient experience and aspiring professionals. This does not mean at all that someone is trying to belittle the merits of the older generation teachers. It’s simple why can’t young personnel earn more if their professional qualities allow it.

In the new certification model, confirmation of a teacher’s qualifications should be carried out on the basis of an objective, independent assessment, using the EFOM certification form.

The content of the test itself will also change. Control materials should be divided into 3 main blocks:

  • pedagogical subject;
  • the level of knowledge of the science being taught;
  • communication skills.

In the above areas, the professional assessment of representatives of the general education sector will be expanded in the future.

It is very important to remember that the assessment of the knowledge of students studying according to the methodology of the teacher being tested should not be carried out based on peak results, but in the dynamics of “what I knew and what I learned.”

Risks of the new model

It turns out that not everything new is good. Is it worth using this statement on the current topic? Let's figure it out.

  1. It is not yet clear who exactly and by what criteria should check a teacher’s essay to assess his horizons. Perhaps in the future it will be replaced with CMMs.
  2. Analysis of a teacher’s lesson to determine its psychological characteristics:
  • additional financial costs are required;
  • It is not possible to obtain permission to photograph students from all parents.
  1. A teacher's professional suitability can be challenged in court.

According to the majority of current teachers, this type

testing their knowledge is considered not entirely appropriate, because first of all, their qualifications are confirmed by a diploma.

What to do if the teacher was unable to pass the certification? No one is going to fire anyone, since this is not the main goal. True, you will have to come to terms with further retraining: training, advanced training courses.

Growth prospects

To date, existing certification models do not in any way affect the professional growth of teachers. Thanks to the new model, you can count on building a teaching career in different directions.

NSSD proposes that the government use 3 job classifications for such purposes.

  1. Teacher. Completed training, has knowledge of the subject and can freely plan and teach lessons.
  2. Senior teacher. A teacher with the first category, who has mastered innovative technologies, works with students with disabilities and is able to independently develop a curriculum.
  3. Lead teacher. A teacher with the highest category, possessing all the competencies of the previous level and acting as an integrator.

The senior teacher can do some mentoring without taking up too much of his time. By the way, each of the presented gradations has its own branch.

In conclusion, we can only add that the development of a new certification system for Russian teachers will continue until 2020. Testing of innovations should take place in several regions of the country. Points and all other, more detailed information on the noted topic will be found out shortly before the official entry into force of the modernizations.

Why is certification of teaching staff necessary for 2017-2018? Every employee of an educational institution knows its rules and regulations. First of all, this task has its own goals, thanks to which it is possible to determine not only the level of knowledge of the teacher, but also his professional suitability for working in a team of students.

Important Features

In order to take part in the event, the researcher is required to submit an application in the appropriate form to his supervisor with a request to reassess his abilities in relation to the position held.

In response to this document, confirmation must be received that the specialist has the right to undergo certification. Only after this, on the appointed day, the teacher is invited for recertification.


There are a number of patterns that suggest re-evaluating the experience of teachers. Let's look at them in order:

  1. All interested participants in the educational sphere, regardless of age category, have the right to take part in certification.
  2. Teachers not only of higher educational institutions, but also of secondary schools and kindergartens can evaluate their capabilities and experience, as well as improve their qualifications.
  3. You can only obtain one category at a time when upgrading your qualifications.
  4. If a teacher has not worked for 1 year in an educational institution or has been absent due to illness for at least four months, he does not have the right to improve his qualifications.
  5. Voluntary certification is carried out only once every two years, and mandatory certification is carried out every 5 years.

Pay attention! All assessment participants must be as prepared as possible for the assessment. The commission requires 100% completion of each student in his subject. In addition, knowledge of an additional discipline (even partial) is welcome. Due to this, you can get additional points.

After the teacher has completed all the recertification measures and received an increase in his own qualifications, he has the right to contact his superiors with a statement that he wants a salary increase for his position. A teacher’s salary can be raised exactly as much as the degree of increase deserves.

Additional provisions

It is noted that persons on maternity leave or pregnant teachers do not undergo recertification. Such participants are eligible to have their skills recertified after returning to work for at least two years.

To conduct an assessment on a voluntary basis, you can sign up in advance for a strictly designated time. If a teacher independently wants to test his personal professional suitability, no one can dissuade him from such an undertaking, much less prevent him from taking part in the knowledge testing procedure.

Teacher certification in 2018: a new model

A prerequisite for working in the field of education is timely certification. In other words, teachers, university professors, preschool teachers cannot build a career if they do not timely complete special courses, the purpose of which is to expand existing knowledge and improve their qualifications.

More details

Teachers know for sure that every five years they must undergo a recertification procedure. This is necessary, first of all, in order not to lose existing skills, but to develop only forward. Overall, the event is quite significant. However, like everything, it changes every year and is supplemented with some new data.

About the procedure

Before going to the procedure, it is worth finding out where exactly it is taking place. This can be done by reading the special provisions.

1. To successfully pass the commission, it is necessary not only to demonstrate existing knowledge, but also to show resourcefulness, the ability to react in one or another unforeseen situation, which can often arise within the walls of a school or university, and at the same time have nothing to do with knowledge.

2. If a teacher shows himself on the positive side, he has the right to hope that his superiors may offer him a promotion. A significant incentive, but it is not available to everyone.

But one thing is for sure - without passing the certification you cannot count on a promotion. In some cases, if a teacher refuses to demonstrate competence, he may be asked to leave the workplace. In any case, controversial situations cannot be avoided - that’s for sure.

Basic information

So, the basic information regarding the certification of teachers, lecturers, and any educational workers will be reduced to the following:

1. Mandatory certification will affect employees in the educational sector. The frequency of the procedure is once every five years. In this case, they are exempt from certification in the following cases:

Teachers going on maternity leave (for them certification will be required after returning to work);

Qualified teachers;

Newcomers who have recently entered the field of education;

A teacher who recently returned from sick leave.

However, it is important to take into account the wishes of the teachers themselves. If they fall into at least one category, but want to undergo verification, no one will forbid them to do so.

It is worth saying that voluntary certification is not prohibited, and is only encouraged. In order to take part in it, you should submit documents to management in advance.

Teachers without or with only one qualification can achieve promotion to one rank. And more is possible provided that qualifications are obtained two years before the start of certification, no later.

Latest changes during certification

Starting in 2018, it is planned to introduce a new teacher certification model. The main goal of the changes is to weed out weak teachers and leave only strong ones, while improving their qualifications.

One thing that greatly worries the organizers is overestimation, which is often found in provincial towns. As a result, it turns out that the points scored during the Unified State Exam do not correspond to the grades that the student had throughout all years of study.

It is quite possible that this should be associated with the insufficient knowledge of the teacher himself.

The new form of teacher testing is being developed with the participation of teachers themselves, and therefore there is a possibility that it will be able to provide objective indicators.

In general, the test will include not only the level of knowledge. It will also definitely include:

Checking teachers’ reactions to a particular psychological situation;

Testing teaching skills.

And only in case of successful results in all respects, the teacher will be considered competent.

It is also known that teachers will be tested every four years, although previously there was information that this should be done more often, at least once every 2-3 years.

Currently being tested by teachers, its new scheme is at the approval stage, but has already received a lot of negative feedback from teachers.

They are outraged by several points, including: the need to write an essay that will demonstrate the development of their horizons, psychological tests.

If an employee does not pass certification in 2018, he will be sent for retraining. However, education workers still have time to effectively prepare for upcoming inspections..

A teacher is not just a person who conducts lessons and gives grades. This is, first of all, a mentor, friend, educator who not only develops the child’s mental abilities, but also reveals his pupil as a person.

Very often in the media we can hear that the level of education in our country is an order of magnitude lower than it was in Soviet times. Since then, a whole generation of teachers and the education system itself have changed. So why is the quality of knowledge slowly falling down, and what to do about it?

In 2018, certification of teachers will take place in two stages, where teachers will be able to prove their professional suitability and show whether they are suitable for their position. Let's take a closer look at what teacher certification is and who will take it?

Certification of education workers is a form of testing teachers for compliance with the position held and the requirements for a modern teacher. During the test, the quality of performance of teaching functions and the professional level of the teacher are determined.

Recertification must be done every 5 years. After successful completion of the procedure, the teacher may be assigned a qualification category.

Who conducts the certification

To carry out the procedure, a special certification commission is created, which includes the chairman of the commission, a deputy, members of the commission and a secretary. The commission is composed primarily of employees of the organization in which the tested teacher is employed, as well as employees of the education committee.

Who does not need to undergo certification in 2018

Certification of teachers is divided into two categories: mandatory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification applies to teaching staff who have already participated in this procedure. The following are exempt from this procedure:

  • teachers who have worked in the field of education for less than 2 years;
  • qualified teachers;
  • a teacher who was absent from work for more than 4 months due to illness;
  • pregnant women;
  • employees on maternity leave.

It is worth noting that employees on maternity leave will be able to undergo certification 2 years after reinstatement to this position. Teachers who were unable to pass certification due to illness have the right to undergo the procedure one year after returning to work. If a teacher expresses a desire to undergo testing, the commission admits him to certification immediately.

Voluntary certification is carried out by persons who, of their own free will, want to improve the level of their qualification category

How to get certified

Mandatory certification of education workers in 2018 will be carried out under the strict control of the certification commission. Until this year, the teacher himself wrote an application, which was considered by the head of the institution. Now the main responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the educational organization itself.

To do this, the teacher needs to prepare the following documents:

  1. Statement from the teacher with his personal signature.
  2. A copy of a diploma of higher pedagogical education or a retraining diploma in the taught profile.
  3. A copy of a document confirming the presence of previously assigned categories.
  4. A copy of the results of the previous certification, if this test is repeated.
  5. A copy of your marriage certificate, if your last name has recently been changed.
  6. Characteristics of a teaching worker, written by superiors, which clearly shows the level of professionalism of the teacher.
  7. An information card reflecting the results of a teacher’s professional activities for a specific period.

Starting from 2018, teachers will be presented with more stringent requirements, which means that not all those certified will be able to pass the test. Teachers will not be fired, as this is not the purpose of the certification. Teachers will be sent to various advanced training courses and master classes.

A modern school needs valuable personnel, so the level of knowledge will increase not through changing teaching staff, but through training existing teachers. The duration of the certification process lasts no longer than 60 days

More information about the application to the certification commission

Please note that the application for certification can be either printed or handwritten. This document must provide information about the professional activities of the teacher. To write an application, the teacher must fill out the following information.

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case.
  2. Position indicating the subject, discipline and direction.
  3. Place of work, municipal area.
  4. Indication of the desired qualification category.
  5. Membership in a trade union organization.
  6. List of copies of available documents.
  7. Mobile, home and office phone, email.

Also in the application you can indicate your teaching experience, the university where the certified person studied, and mention awards and titles (if any).

Already this year it was said that now pedagogical certification will take place once every 4 years. Rosobrnadzor insists that teachers be inspected every 2-3 years according to the following criteria:

  • level of knowledge in the subject being taught;
  • psychological characteristics of the teacher;
  • testing skills in teaching.

But many teachers consider this type of verification incorrect, because their qualifications are confirmed by a higher education diploma received at a university.

Sooner or later, every teacher must go through the procedure of testing their ability to work in this field. But you should not treat certification as a punishment or an exam, which is what many teachers mistakenly do. Let this test be a source for every teacher to discover new knowledge, teaching abilities and improve their level of skill.

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Everything flows, everything changes... But, as practice shows, not all changes adopted by the Government lead to the better, although the first opinion is sometimes wrong. After the latest changes in teacher certification, which will be introduced in 2019, messages and comments from dissatisfied teachers have appeared on forums and websites. What is planned to change and why educational workers consider themselves insulted, we will look further.

The basis of the teacher growth system adopted by the president is the assessment of the level of professionalism of the noted employees using some of the developments of the Ministry of Education.

New requirements in establishing the category of Russian teachers:

  1. Content – ​​the result of the teacher’s work is assessed on the basis of material prepared in advance and presented in the form of a KIM. In this form, knowledge of the subject, mental and pedagogical methods of presenting it to students are assessed.
  2. The use of a new test model is necessary to stimulate teachers to improve the quality of their work and its effectiveness.
  3. Changes are necessary to provide the opportunity for a simple teacher who has recently received a teaching diploma to acquire the highest category. To do this, you need to demonstrate your professional skills and the result of mastery before the commission. The teacher's salary depends on the assigned category.

The reasons for this modernization are the solution to the issue of young teachers. Their wages are meager, and while their colleagues receive more substantial compensation for their work, those who want to work are forced to receive the minimum wage. Therefore, at the moment, many young teachers are applying for early certification.

Disadvantages of the system

At the moment, teachers in Russia are offered 2 certification options:

  • assignment of a qualification category;
  • suitability for the position.

The main disadvantage of the proposed options is the lack of “transparency,” since each region of the Russian Federation approaches the system of advanced training differently. But the general point in this matter is compliance with the order of the procedure. Experts attribute the problem to the lack of uniform requirements for certification:

  1. The qualification category is assigned through an assessment of the teacher’s work - the commission examines his “portfolio”. However, there are no exact EFOM and qualification criteria.
  2. The current rules of the Ministry of Education do not allow a young teacher to count on receiving the highest qualification category. According to the rules, the first category is first protected, then the highest. But this is possible 2 years after the last certification.
  3. “Portfolio” is a certification document that requires effort to create. The teacher spends his time for this.
  4. After certification, teachers often lose the desire to continue their education, since motivation is zero. This decision is associated with the lack of prospects for job growth.

What will happen to teachers who do not pass certification in 2019?

Since the certification of teachers in 2019 will become stricter and it is possible that not everyone will be able to pass it, a natural question arises about what will happen to those. According to Anzor Murzaev, teachers will not be fired or punished, since the goals of the changes are completely different - the formation of highly qualified teaching staff with a high level of knowledge. The more a teacher knows, the more knowledge he will be able to pass on to his students.

Teachers who fail to pass certification will be sent for advanced training. Such an approach will make it possible to get rid of weak employees in the educational sector, but not through dismissal, but through training. Rosobrnadzor emphasized that teachers have nothing to fear, and new changes will take the education sector to a new level.

Who conducts the certification

To certify teaching staff, a certification commission is assembled, which is independently formed by the educational organization.

The commission must include the chairman and deputy chairman of the certification commission, as well as the secretary and members of the commission. If there is an elected body of the corresponding trade union organization, the commission also includes a representative of this body.

In other words, the certification commission is formed from employees of the educational organization where the certified teacher works and representatives of collegial governing bodies provided for by the charter of the institution.

Who does not need to undergo certification in 2019

It is worth noting that there are two types of certification of teaching staff:

  1. Mandatory certification to confirm compliance with the position held;
  2. Voluntary certification at the request of the teacher to establish the first or highest category of qualifications.

The following employees of an educational institution are not subject to certification in order to confirm their legal capacity to hold a particular position:

  • with assigned qualification categories;
  • holding a position in the organization where the certification is carried out from 2015 and later;
  • pregnant women;

  • those on maternity leave;
  • those on maternity leave to care for young children until they reach the age of three;
  • staying on sick leave for more than four months in a row.

How to get certified

Passing certification as a teacher is a responsible and very labor-intensive task. If previously only an application was required from the teacher, now responsibility for the registration process for certification has fallen entirely on the shoulders of the educational organization in which the certified person works.

Documents for certification:

  • application signed by a teacher;
  • if the teacher has previously passed certifications, a copy of the results of these certifications is needed;
  • a copy of a diploma of higher pedagogical education or secondary vocational education;
  • if a qualification category was previously obtained, a copy of the relevant document certified by the head of the educational organization is required;
  • if necessary, you need a copy of documents confirming the change of surname;
  • a reference (detailed) from the place of work or a covering letter that allows you to confirm the level of competence of the teacher and his professional activities;
  • information card with the results of professional activities for the inter-certification period.

Those teachers who want to undergo voluntary certification for advanced training must, in addition to the documents outlined above, also provide electronic media (two copies) with two videos of classes during the inter-certification period.

Additional proposals for new type certification

Due to the obvious lack of continuation of the “career ladder” for teachers, it is planned to introduce additional stimulants in addition to assigning categories. Sometimes, after receiving the highest category, many teachers lose motivation for further self-education and improvement of teaching skills.

At the same time, the introduction of certification innovations allows young teachers to receive at least something “similar” to a salary, and not some indecent minimum. Once again, it turned out to be a kind of double-edged sword - they did good for young teachers, but otherwise it will get a little worse.

To avoid further passivity of teachers, there is a discussion of implementation together with categories and other gradations of teacher qualifications. There are 3 steps:

  1. Teacher.
  2. Senior teacher.
  3. Lead teacher.

This structure is still being developed, but it is already clear that, among other things, such a gradation will have a connection with the standard scheme for assigning categories. That is, a novice teacher cannot become a leader due to lack of experience, so by the time he receives it, the teacher’s knowledge will allow him to receive a category. More detailed explanations will become known after the final development of the structure, expected in 2020.

Teacher certification in 2019 will not yet take on a completely new form, but will already be closer to what the Ministry of Education intended. Caring for the needs of young teachers, together with attempts to solve their material well-being, has also led to an increase in professionalism. Now final year students and young teachers who have already started working know that their salaries will depend on their competencies in the near future, because now there is no need to wait 5 years before certification for at least the second category.