Increase in pay for military personnel of the Russian Federation c. What salaries are paid to military doctors, pilots and contract soldiers: not by patriotism alone

It is no secret that the Russian economy is currently experiencing certain difficulties, so the issue of monetary allowance is becoming relevant for different segments of society. This is especially true for the military. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

What does a military salary consist of?

First of all, this is the salary. It consists of a position, as well as a title. If a person did his job well, he can receive a bonus, the amount of which reaches 25% of the salary. Of course, there are also military personnel who receive more. There is also a hazard surcharge. Its size ranges from 10-40%.

Summarizing all this, it can be noted that the average salary of an employee in this category is approximately 50 thousand rubles per month. This is significantly higher than similar indicators in most areas. Despite this, the profession itself is associated with numerous stresses and all kinds of hardships. Therefore, a clear question arises: should we expect indexation in 2017?

What will happen this year?

First of all, it should be clarified that in 2017 the budget will be in deficit. Because of this, many categories of citizens will remain without wage increases. But this does not apply to military personnel. According to the Central Bank, inflation in 2017 will be 5%. Accordingly, indexation for military personnel will be 5.5%. In other words, the increase will cover the rise in prices, and the current standard of living will be maintained.

Should we expect additional premiums?

In 2012, Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the salary of all categories of public sector employees should increase annually. Until 2014, everything went according to plan, but the crisis made its own adjustments. Today the budget amounts to several percent of GDP. Because of this, military personnel will have to be content solely with indexing. The situation is complicated by the fact that the decree on increasing wages expires in 2018. There was only one goal - to increase salaries by 1.5 times compared to 2018. It is still difficult to say whether the plan will be implemented.

Will there be layoffs?

This issue is especially troubling for military personnel. The budget needs to be adjusted by reducing the number of employees. But military personnel should not worry about this. The fact is that the army speaks about the prestige of a particular state. Representatives from the Ministry of Defense stated that layoffs could only affect management personnel, whose responsibilities would be transferred to subordinates. Optimization will definitely not exceed 5% of all personnel.

At the same time, it is planned to recruit more personnel by reducing the management team. Their working conditions will improve. Therefore, ordinary military personnel who do not consider themselves to be in the highest category should definitely not worry.

What conclusions can be drawn from all this?

Today, many people watch the latest news, hoping for a gradual increase in their monetary allowance. The military personnel are waiting for improvements in their living conditions, food, and social situation. And the Government will try to meet their expectations, since Russia is a military power. They also take care of those who have retired. Additional indexation is expected for those who have already completed their service due to reaching retirement age. So the military will remain a financially secure category of citizens.

The government introduced a bill to the State Duma that would suspend the indexation of pay for military personnel in 2019.

This news will affect more than 10% of families in the Russian Federation.

What awaits the military and are there any other payments provided in return for the indexation of allowances?

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Legislative regulation

Since 2011, the salaries of military personnel have been formed on the basis of Federal Law 306 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them,” which establishes the salary amount and all possible allowances.

All additional payments depend on rank and length of service. They are paid monthly, added to the basic salary. The bonus part is formed by special conditions or the secrecy of the position.

A serviceman may receive additional payments for knowledge of a foreign language and physical training. Bonuses can be received for having a diploma of higher education, impeccable completion of military service, and the absence of emergency situations.

The size of wages is influenced by participation in hostilities and achievements in military service.

In addition, the law provides for the payment of bonuses for conscientious service of no more than three salaries per year. Military personnel can receive financial assistance once a year.

Every year the Government indexed the salaries of military personnel. The amount of indexation was approved upon adoption of the budget. Since 2013, the increase has been frozen; every year it is indicated that this is a temporary freeze, but next year the military will not have to wait for an increase in allowance.

Is indexation planned for 2019?

In 2019, from October 1, the salaries of military personnel will be indexed. When making calculations, it is planned to use the figure of 4.3%. Planned increase by 4.00% will also be held from 10/01/2020.

Increases in other cash payments for military personnel

Starting from October 1, 2019, the country will have new salaries for military personnel, the dimensions of which are given in the tables:





(from 10/01/2019)

Military ranks

until 01.10.2019

Salaries by military rank

from 01.10.2019

Private, sailor 5 200 5424
Corporal, senior sailor 5720 5966
Junior sergeant, sergeant major of the second class 6240 6509
Sergeant, petty officer first class 6 760 7051
Senior Sergeant, Chief Petty Officer 7280 7594
Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer 7800 8136
Ensign, midshipman 8320 8678
Senior warrant officer, senior midshipman 8840 9221
Ensign 9880 10305
Lieutenant 10400 10848
Senior Lieutenant 10920 11390
Captain, Lieutenant Commander 11440 11932
Major, captain 3rd rank 11960 12475
Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank 12480 13017
Colonel, captain 1st rank 13520 14102
Major General, Rear Admiral 20800 21695
Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral 22880 23864
Colonel General, Admiral 26000 27119
General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet 28080 29288
Marshal of the Russian Federation 31200 32542

Official salaries of military personnel in 2019

Table of new salaries for the military position that will be effective from October 10, 2019.




(from 10/1/2019)

Tariff categories for regular military positions Name of typical (non-standard) military positions Salaries for military positions (rubles) until 10/01/2019. Salaries for military positions (rubles) from 10/01/2019.
1 2 3 4.
Military positions to be filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, petty officers, warrant officers and midshipmen performing military service under contract
1 Primary military positions of soldiers and sailors: shooter, camouflage, road worker 10 400 10848
2 Machine gunner, sniper 11 440 11932
3 Senior sapper, senior grenade launcher 12 480 11932
4 Tank commander, head of the race track, head of the pass office 13 520 14102
5 Squad leader in a motorized rifle (tank) platoon 15 600 16271
6 Paramedic, head of the training ground 16 640 17356
7 Deputy Platoon Leader 17 680 18441
8 Translator, assistant to the duty officer at the command post 18200 18983
9 Foreman (battalion, division, company, battery), senior technician 18720 18983
Military positions to be filled by officers
10 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) platoon 20800 18983
11 Engineer in the management of a motorized rifle (tank) battalion 21320 22237
12 Deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) company 21840 22780
13 Senior officer in the management of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment 22360 23322
14 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) company, anti-aircraft missile battery 22880 23864
15 Officer in the department of motorized rifle (tank) corps 23400 24407
16 Deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) battalion 23920 24949
17 Head of Intelligence in the Directorate of a Motorized Rifle (Tank) Brigade 24440 25491
18 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) battalion, missile (artillery) battalion 24960 26034
19 Officer in the Combined Arms Army Directorate 25480 26576
20 Officer in the directorate of the joint strategic command of the military district, deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment 26000 27118
21 Senior officer in the combined arms army department 26520 27661
22 Senior officer in the directorate of the joint strategic command of the military district, deputy chief of staff of a motorized rifle (tank) division 27040 28203
23 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment, officer in the directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense 27560 28746
24 Head of the department in the department of the joint strategic command of the military district 28080 29288
25 Deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) brigade, deputy head of a department in the combined arms army department 28600 29830
26 Senior officer in the directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense, deputy head of the department in the directorate of the joint strategic command of the military district, commander of a ship (destroyer, frigate) 29120 30373
27 Senior Inspector-Navigator in the Air Force and Air Defense Command Directorate 29640 30915
28 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) brigade, head of a department in the combined arms army directorate, head of a group in a directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense 30160 31457
29 Head of department in the department of the joint strategic command of the military district, deputy commander of a motorized rifle (tank) division 30680 32000
30 Deputy head of a department in the directorate (department of the main directorate, department) of the Ministry of Defense, head of the arsenal (1st category) 31200 32542
31 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) division 31720 33084
32 Commander of a surface ships brigade 32240 33627
33 Head of a department in the main directorate, department of the Ministry of Defense, deputy head of a department in the directorate of the joint strategic command of the military district 32760 34169
34 Commander of an aviation base (1st category), deputy head of a direction at the main directorate of the Ministry of Defense 33280 34712
35 Commander of a motorized rifle (tank) corps; Head of Directorate in the Directorate of the Joint Strategic Command of the Military District, Commander of a Division of Surface Ships 33800 35254
36 Deputy head of the educational and methodological center of the military educational and scientific center 34320 35796
37 Deputy Commander of the Combined Arms Army; Head of Department at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense 34840 36339
38 Deputy Head of the Main Directorate, Department of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Head of the Cosmodrome 35360 36881
39 Commander of a squadron of ships 35880 37423
40 First Deputy Commander of the Combined Arms Army 36400 37966
41 Deputy Commander of the Military District for Logistics 36920 38508
42 Head of the Main Directorate, Department of the Ministry of Defense, Head of the Cosmodrome 37440 39050
43 Deputy Head of the Military Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense 37960 39593
44 Commander of a combined arms army, deputy head of the main directorate, head (director) of a department of the Ministry of Defense 38480 40135
45 Head of the military training and scientific center, first deputy commander of the military district 39000 40677
46 Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces 39520 41220
47 Commander of the military district, commander of the branch of the Armed Forces, head of the main department, head (director) of the department of the Ministry of Defense 41600 43389
48 Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces 43680 45559
49 Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 45760 47728
50 First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 46800 48813

The state is in dire need of a strong army. For this reason, today we are actively recruiting contract soldiers. They are capable of successfully replacing conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract employees as possible, it is planned to increase the salaries of military personnel this and next year.

Amount of cash benefit

The salary of military personnel in the Russian Federation is determined by the Law of November 7, 2011. It includes a monthly salary and additional payments.

The amount of the cash benefit is as follows:

  1. Land service - 20.0 thousand/30 days.
  2. Navy - 22.0 thousand/30 days.
  3. Air Force - 20.0 thousand/30 days.
  4. Service on nuclear submarines - 50.0 thousand/30 days.

If a soldier receives a rank, the amount increases. The average salary of a sergeant and sergeant increases to 30.0 thousand/30 days. A lieutenant receives up to 40.0 thousand/30 days.

Salaries of soldiers and sergeants

The system of bonuses and allowances is quite complex. Without knowing the base salary of contract servicemen, it is impossible to clarify the size of their salary. The table shows the salaries of privates, sergeants and foremen - military personnel who do not have a higher education.

Gunner's salary

A rifleman means a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the sign.

Squad commander salary

A squad leader is understood to be a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of a squad commander, who is a 2nd class sergeant and has 5 to 10 years of service, looks like this:

Deputy platoon commander salary

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant 1st class with 10 to 15 years of service. The sign shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is understood to be a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The sign shows how much he earns.

How much a sergeant major, a master with 20-25 years of service, earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires higher education. With bonuses, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them, the salary of military personnel with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Battalion commander - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Command division - 30.5 thousand rubles.
  12. Deputy com. housing - 31.0 thousand rubles.

Undoubtedly, defending the Motherland is the calling and sacred duty of every citizen of the country. However, patriotism alone will not satisfy you and you will not feed your family. But the security of the country depends on the work of the military. Our leadership understands this, so it is trying to provide Russian military personnel as best as possible.

In recent years, there have been significant changes in the salaries of military personnel, which has made this profession even more attractive in the eyes of future specialists. In our article we will talk about how much military doctors, pilots and contract employees receive.

The Russian Federation owns the largest number of weapons of local and mass destruction; of course, such an abundance of installations and equipment also requires proper maintenance. Thus, at least a third of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces, part of which is spent on the development of new weapons, and part on salaries for military personnel.

The total salary of a military personnel consists of:

  1. Standard salary.
  2. Additional payments due to family characteristics (large families, presence of a person with special needs).
  3. Awards.

The size of these three types of income is influenced by factors such as:

  • Length of service (work experience; in harsh conditions, for example, beyond the polar pole, length of service can be increased, for example, a year of service will count as two years of service).
  • Merits (heroic deeds).
  • Period of service (pay is higher when serving abroad or in a “hot spot”).
  • Military ranks.
  • Military position.

There are also bonuses associated with such merits as knowledge of several languages, excellent physical fitness, higher education, and making the right decision in a difficult situation.

Salary of a military contractor

Service in the armed forces, through the conclusion of a contract between a serviceman and the Ministry of Defense, is becoming increasingly large, and may soon completely replace military service. In other words, a contract soldier is a voluntary member of the troops who offers his conscientious activities for a fixed payment.

A person who is 18 years old but not older than 30 can enter into a contract.

The salary of a contract worker is regulated by two laws:

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2011 N 992(dated 08/06/2015) the law is called “establishing the salary of a military serviceman under a contract.”
2. Federal Law dated November 7, 2011 N 306-FZ dated April 6, 2015“about the military personnel’s DD and provision of payments.”

Thus, the salary of a contract worker is set in accordance with these two laws, which stipulate the salary and various allowances for length of service, military rank, etc.

DD (monetary allowance) of military personnel under contract today is as follows:

  • Ground forces - no less 20,000 rub. per month.
  • Navy - no less RUB 22,000. per month.
  • Air Force - no less 20,000 rub. per month.
  • Navy (on nuclear submarines) - no less 50,000 rub. per month.

Upon receipt of the title, the amount of payments increases for:

  • Sergeant and sergeant major - at least 30,000 rubles. per month.
  • Lieutenant - at least 40,000 rubles. per month.

There are also special incentive payments for conscientious service.

In addition, there are military benefits:

  1. Providing a service apartment, and if it was not provided or the serviceman refused it, the state will pay 50% of the rented housing.
  2. Additional payments for moving to a new duty station.
  3. Paid vacation 30 days, He increases with great service.

What is the salary of the Russian military police?

The military police, created primarily to protect the rights of military personnel, are not known for high salaries. In some regions it is slightly lower than a regular (civilian) police officer.

During 2016, the minimum payment was 19,000 rubles and rose to the mark at 24,000 rubles.

Starting from 2017, the salary is 23,000 rubles. Also, the military police are credited with all allowances due to military personnel of the Russian Federation.

Military pilot salary

Material support for pilots is at a very high level, pilots have priority when receiving real estate, in addition to all allowances and salaries, salaries are paid annually for emotional overload, danger and harmfulness.

The salary of a military pilot in peacetime, without experience, is not less than 100,000 rubles, and the ceiling is about 200,000 rubles. The retirement age is lower, and the pension itself is 2 times higher than the Russian average.

How much does a military doctor earn?

The salaries of military doctors leave much to be desired. And despite the fact that doctors are highly respected in the army, this respect does not affect their pay.

Of course, as in any position, the salary depends on the place of service, length of service and qualifications, but as for remuneration, it is the same as that of an ordinary contract soldier. Approximately 25,000 rub. per month.

Considering that a person with a higher education is allowed to work, and the working conditions are quite tense, this is not such a good payment. A good point is the fact that modern medical equipment is installed at any military facility.

How much do they pay in a private military company in Russia?

Private military company or PMC This is not a new phenomenon for Russia. Salary for service in the homeland will be no less than 100,000 rubles, They are mainly engaged in transporting valuable cargo from different companies or protecting tankers with minerals and minerals from pirates and bandits (for comparison, a flight attendant of any Potemkin company earns the same amount).

Really high payments will be made when serving abroad in hazardous areas, there the employee will receive at least 200,000 rubles per month, even taking into account the fact that he has no experience, etc. the Russian government hired many such military companies to carry out military tasks in Syria, where their payment is 300,000 rubles, that for Russia this is a very high mark.

When a serviceman is injured, the customer pays a so-called penalty, its amount depends on the severity of the injury. If the mercenary is killed, his family receives 5 million rubles.

When they raise military salaries, wage indexation

Salary indexation occurs annually, in addition by 2017, the government promised to provide an increase in salaries for the military in Russia at least 2 times This project especially concerns medical personnel and those serving under contract.

In 2017, the government promises to raise the salaries of all public sector employees, including military personnel. Politicians believe that an increase in monetary allowance (abbreviated as DD) is simply necessary in the conditions of rapidly rising prices. But should the military and their families expect increases in salaries and pensions? Perhaps the only way to increase the incomes of military personnel in the near future is indexation of the DD. It is with this that we will begin our analysis of such an important but sensitive topic.

Indexation of military salaries in 2017

Indexation of DD will smooth out the impact and ensure an acceptable standard of living for military personnel and their relatives. But military salaries have not been indexed for four years now. Each time the government calls their “freezing” a temporary measure to combat financial difficulties. The 2016 bill to abolish indexation was criticized by some deputies, but was approved by the majority. Supporters of the resolution remind that the salary of military personnel already exceeds the income of the average Russian.

In addition, military personnel receive special types of material support, such as housing and food. Refusal to index their salaries will allow the state treasury to save up to 90 billion rubles. Therefore, one can only guess whether military salaries will increase in 2017. The size of the expected indexation is also unknown. It is unlikely that the DD will be raised by 12% - the inflation rate in 2016. But an increase in payments by 5-6% looks more plausible.

It is not yet known whether military salaries will be indexed in 2017

In 2016, the salary was approximately 30 thousand rubles. An employee's salary depends on his grade and category, working conditions, the riskiness of the tasks he performs and a dozen other factors. The military receives a salary from the federal budget and cannot rely on the support of regional authorities, like civil servants.

The situation with pensions for retired military personnel is more optimistic. In 2016, payments undergo two indexations. The first took place in February, but payments increased only by 4% instead of the promised 7.5%, i.e. for 1.5-5 thousand rubles. In mid-October, retirees are expecting a new increase. The payment and size of pensions directly depend on the economic situation in the state.

Low military incomes are a problem not only for their recipients, but for the entire country. Material reward compels people to serve conscientiously, and generous pensions attract capable young people to the army. Experts are confident that the average size of the DD needs to be raised by at least 20 thousand, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous for the safety of Russians.