What can you wear under fallout 4 armor. Raider Power Armor

For its work, it requires micronuclear batteries (Fusion Core) and is constantly in it, the hero will not be able to. To explore the area, you still have to get out of the suit.

To get into the suit, you need to turn the valve on the back, the armor will open and after the Hero gets in, it will be sealed automatically. On November 15, 16 and 22, 23, new locations were added.

Items such as helmet, arms, legs, torso, shoulders can be repaired and replaced. Moreover, they can be changed, which will make the armor more powerful. It can also be dyed. Found components for repairs and modifications weigh a lot, so you can not carry it with you, but you can store it in a warehouse at the headquarters of operations in the Sanctuary (Sanctuary).

Some gamers noticed during early streams that the locals will also use your Power Armor if it is "idle".

Raider Power Armor

The simplest armor in the game. It is worn by the Raiders themselves, so being in their habitats, you can collect parts of the armor from their corpses. However, if there is no desire to fight, parts of the armor are also in the static version, but here is the zone with increased radiation. The Raider Power Armor variant is located at Dunwich Drillers. In the canyon there will be a boss in such armor and it will be possible to remove it from his corpse.

The second option is located in the south of the map in the Cave. There's a lot of radiation here. It is more convenient to go through it (the cave) and go out to the lake. Then turn your back to the lake and enter the cave, literally going forward a little, on the left there will be more Power Armor of the Raiders.

Power armor T-45

This is the first piece of armor you'll encounter on your adventure, but the set won't be complete. In terms of protection, it is much better than the Raider. Location: Head east from Vault 111 and reach the Robotics Disposal Ground. Here you will find several batteries and "Fat Man", that is, "tactical hand-held nuclear grenade launcher."

In the southeast of this place, on the way to the USAF Satellite Station Olivia (USAF Satellite Station Olivia), among the wreckage there is the Power Armor itself.

Also, part of the T-45 armor can be found underwater, at the crash site of the rotorcraft in Covenant Lake. Where to find: Head from Vault 111 southeast to the Red Rocket (where the Dog companion is located). In the north of the lake and there are debris.

More parts of the T-45 armor (torso and helmet) can be found if you move southeast from the lake and reach the Irish Pride Industries shipyard. Another vertibird has crashed here, and armor pieces will be among its wreckage.

Power armor T-51

If the level of your Hero is between 10-15, then at almost any point you will find only T-45 instead of T-51. Unfortunately, Power Armor has some binding to the level. It is better to start looking for the T-51 from level 15 to be sure not to get caught by the T-45.

The armor is good and until the middle of the game you will not be able to find the best. The next most powerful will already be the Brotherhood of Steel Armor.

This armor can be found in the south of Vault 111. Get to Fort Hagan in the east and find the green van of the Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates Trailer Park. There are many ghouls waiting for you here.

Then hack the terminal, take the key from the safe and open the trailer. Power armor will be inside.

Another version of the T-51 Power Armor is located at the South Boston Military Checkpoint, behind bars. the terminal has an average lock level.

Third location: On the shore, near the Old North Church. Find a platform with a crashed vertiboat, a few tanks and among them there will be armor in a cage. To access, you will have to hack a terminal with an average lock level.

Power armor T-60

There are several ways to get T-60 Power Armor. For example, join the Brotherhood of Steel. Then there are two ways: either complete quests and prove that the Hero is worthy of promotion, as a result of which he will receive Armor, or go to ACT II in the development of the plot and then a high rank in the Brotherhood will be given to the Hero automatically and access to the Armor will still be . They will also have a merchant and so on.

If there is no desire to join the Brotherhood, then your path lies in the Garage of Atomic Cats to the local saleswoman Rowdy, who sells T-60 parts and even coloring. But no one prevents the hero, with the proper skill, from stealing parts of the armor from the Garage, or killing everyone and just taking everything that is there. There are many ways.

Power Armor X-01

X-01 - armor is rare and difficult to obtain, and even more expensive to repair and modify it. But on the other hand, it is the most powerful in the game and is intended by developers for high-level Heroes. It is not recommended to start mining too early - it is not guaranteed that there will again be no armor at these points low level(T-60/51/45). Focus on levels 28-30. In fact, this armor is available after completing the story. Save before visiting points.

The first option is located in the southwest of the map in the Abandoned Shack. Go inside and go down to the basement. There are many Synths here, but if the Hero has good relations with the Institute, then there will be no hostility from them. The armor is at the very bottom right under the stairs.

Another option is the Customs Tower. From it strictly to the west is big house 35. Enter it and on the elevator, which will be on the left side, go up to the roof. Here, two huge robots will roll out from two sides. Kill them and activate the buttons located in the rooms where the robots came from. As a result, the door in the center will open and there will be no armor behind. Get there before level 35, the armor will be different.

Any game has secrets and unique things that are hard to get to and even harder to get. Fallout 4 is no exception and offers its fans to get legendary armor.

Legendary armor in Fallout 4

The vastness of Fallout 4 is unpredictable in terms of its secrets and various possibilities. For example, did you know that rare equipment can be obtained in this virtual space? No, we are not talking about the epic properties of the equipment, but about one unique and interesting item. Legendary armor in Fallout 4 only exists in singular. And it has a truly unique property - it absorbs the damage that you take when jumping from a great height. Yes, it is this legendary power armor in Fallout 4 that will allow you to jump over bumps and jump from slopes without thinking about height and thereby surprise your enemies. But first, you should find the legendary power armor in Fallout 4.

Location of epic equipment

The legendary properties of armor in Fallout 4 are not limited to just one item. There are a lot of them and sometimes they just affect the main characteristics of your character and his skills. It is worth noting right away that there is a list of IDs for the legendary armor properties in Fallout 4, but there is no ID for the legendary armor in Fallout 4 that we are looking for. Therefore, in order to find the legendary parts of power armor in Fallout 4, you need to go to a place called MassFusion and find the main laboratory of scientists there.

It is tall and has a lot of space inside, although there are no stairs to these floors. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance power armor with a jetpack and a high level of lockpicking skill, as a tightly locked chest awaits you at the top. But before you get to it, it will take a long time. At first, you need to jump from ledge to ledge, trying to climb as high as possible, and once they run out, you need to prepare for the hype, as you will need to climb a smooth corner. Take off, crash into a corner and don't forget to press forward all the time. So you can linger and with the help of a jetpack get to the highest room, where the very armor is located.

The only instance of happiness

Unfortunately, this unit of legendary equipment is presented in the game in one form. You will not be able to find any more such egregious legendary things. Rare types of armor will also come across, but they will only affect your skills. Otherwise, they will not arouse interest, so you should not be upset and rejoice at what you have. Perhaps with the advent of new additions, new types of this equipment will appear in the game.

power armor- it at its core, an exoskeleton, on which strong armor was stuck, forming a kind of knightly armor, only in a modern version, just such armor can be found or bought in the vastness of Fallout 4. power armor uses for the work of all its elements, including the exoskeleton, nuclear blocks.

For convenience, we suggest you use summary :

The exoskeleton is the central part of the power armor, it can be mounted various elements, collecting a single armor from disparate parts.

Description of Power Armor in Fallout 4

As mentioned above, the central part of the Power armor in Fallout 4 is the exoskeleton, already attached to it individual elements armor, turning the exoskeleton into a modern knightly armor, a soldier dressed in such a skeleton looks like a walking tank from the side.

Power armor comes from the nuclear block, when the energy in it starts to run out, many of the armor's functions are turned off, such as acceleration.

This armor is made up of 6 constituent parts such as: 2 legs, 2 arms, a helmet and a body. Armor elements can be put from different modifications, thereby sometimes getting a completely bizarre armor. Also Power armor can be painted in different colors. In what kind of armor your character will walk around the territory of the Commonwealth, it depends only on your imagination.

When main character climbs into the Power Armor, it immediately catches the eye that the display game world changes a little, as if we are looking through a helmet put on our heads. The screen displays indicators related to power armor, the most important is an indicator showing how much more energy is in the nuclear unit and a set of power armor is also schematically indicated, each element indicates the state of this part of the armor, they are not eternal and when damaged, the indicator will begin to turn from green to red, indicating the general condition of the power armor. If the elements of the armor are not repaired or changed for a long time, they will completely wear out and disappear.

Power armor in Fallout 4 protects the main character from falling if you step into a radioactive puddle or lake, power armor will take over, and also in such armor, the time spent under water is significantly increased.

Types and parameters of Power armor

In the world of Fallot 4, you can find 5 types of Power armor and basically one type of each of them, except for X-01, this armor has 2 cool modifications and raider armor - it does not have an improved modification. We list the main types of Power armor in Fallout 4 with their characteristics:

  1. Raider Power Armor - this armor is the simplest of those that can be found in the world of Falluot 4, the basic characteristics of the elements of this armor are as follows:
  2. Power armor T-45 - the initial armor of a normal assembly, we do not take into account the armor of the raiders, since there is armor made on the knee, from improvised materials. The power armor of the T-45 is slightly lighter than that of the raiders, and with the same resistance to damage and radiation, the T-45 has more resistance to energy damage, more durability, higher price and the armor itself is lighter. The basic characteristics of the T-45 armor elements are as follows:
  3. Power armor T-51- you can already fight in such armor, the basic characteristics of the T-51 armor elements are as follows:
  4. Power armor T-60 - the first serious armor, in order to possess it, you need level 21, it has serious basic characteristics:
  5. Power Armor X-01 - this is the pinnacle of Commonwealth military engineering, this armor has 2 more modifications that have more the best performance, but the characteristics of the X-01 are as follows:

Where can I find Power Armor?

Just starting the game, the main character almost immediately receives Power Armor by completing the quest for the Minutemen. But besides this way of Power Armor, in Fallout 4 you can often just find it, go to yourselves through the destroyed world and bam behind the bush, there is Power Armor.

But do not think that you will immediately be able to find the coolest set of armor, unfortunately, the level of power armor that can be found on the territory of the Commonwealth directly depends on the level of the main character. To understand what you can count on, we offer you a list of armor depending on the level of the character:

Name Character Level
T-45 1
T-45b 11
T-51 14
T-51b 18
T-60 21
T-60b 25
X-01 28
X-01 Mk II 32
X-01 Mk.III 36

In order to find out all the places where Power Armor can be found, read “Fallout 4 guide: Where to find power armor?”.

Unique elements of Power Armor

Walking around the territory of the Commonwealth, looking into the most secluded corners and actively interacting with merchants, you can find several unique elements for power armor, it is known for certain that, for example, for the T-51 and T-45 armor, you can find a unique chest plate. Its uniqueness lies in the ability to restore action points under the influence of radiation. If you are interested in such an element of armor, then go to the laboratory called "Cambridge Polymer".

Completing quests for the Brotherhood of Steel often leads to their sale or the issuance of unique elements of Power Armor as a reward, for example, you can get unique parts from the T-60s, this is a seer's helmet and chest plate.

You can also find Tessa's unique fist, which is super durable.

  • Treat your Power Armor with care, do not leave it anywhere, you will be surprised, but it can be “stealed”;
  • Power armor T-60, can only be obtained on the airship of the Brotherhood of Steel and only if the main character joins them;
  • If the armor does not have a helmet, you will still be able to see the interface as if you were wearing a helmet;
  • The map available in Pip-Boy only shows the location of the last wearable set;
  • Companions of the main character can also be dressed in Power armor, for this, being in the orders menu, look at the armor and press the action button. An interesting fact is that the nuclear blocks of satellites have an infinite charge, but the armor elements wear out;
  • If you have destroyed power armor, look at its wreckage, regardless of the model being destroyed, the wreckage looks like a T-60;
  • Painting in a single style gives bonuses;
  • Equipment bonuses do not work while wearing power armor;
  • Using cheat codes for Fallout 4, you can get the T-60 Power Armor, the color of which will be called “Elder of the Brotherhood”. This Power Armor is one of the brotherhood quests cut from the final release.

Known bugs

  • The backpack, which is attached to power armor, sometimes flies by itself, and does not react to the main character in any way;
  • If you attach a jetpack to X-01 Power Armor or T-60, you can notice a jamb associated with the operation of the jetpack, sometimes the animation of the jetpack operation (streams of fire from nozzles) spontaneously appears, at moments when this should not happen.

If we talk about what is the best Power armor in Fallout 4, then there is no doubt - this is the X-01. Developed with the help of US Army specialists, it bypasses pre-war counterparts in all respects and provides the best protection.

Its advantage is ultra-light, but at the same time very durable materials and reinforced seams with ceramic inserts. Let's take a closer look at the parameters of the best armor in Fallout 4.

Standard performance, no upgrade

  • Damage Protection - 220;
  • Protection against energy damage - 140;
  • Radiation protection - 150.
  • Damage Protection - 220;
  • Protection against energy damage - 210;
  • Radiation protection - 300.


  • Damage Protection - 170;
  • Protection against energy damage - 110;
  • Radiation protection - 150.

Total weight:

  • 92 kg.

Total price:

  • 1220 coins.

Best Power Armor in Fallout 4

About paint and material modifications

The armor does not have any special improvements - everything that is available in these sections for it is also available for other types of Power armor.

How to get a?

After reaching level 28, it is possible to find one of the armor elements on one of the frames in locations that the player has not visited before. There is also a small possibility that Rowdy from .

The helmet can be fished out of a merchant on the Prydwen using a fat man or other methods.

There are also several almost fully equipped options that can be found by watching the video attached to the article.

If you do not want to bother, then use the console - open it through the "~" key and enter player.additem [number indicating the amount].

Armor IDs:

  • Helmet - 00154AC5;
  • Torso - 00154AC8;
  • Left hand - 00154AC3;
  • Right hand - 00154AC4;
  • Left leg - 00154AC6;
  • Right leg - 00154AC7.


The best Fallout 4 Power Armor bears a strong resemblance to the New Vegas Leftovers and the upgraded armor from the second part of the game. Apparently, it is the same Enclave armor, or one of its early prototypes. Only she has a mention of the organization in the form of the prefix "X" in the name.

The helmet has lights placed in the eyes, while the rest of the game has them on the forehead.

Sometimes when using a jetpack, the fire remains, but nothing is consumed - this bug can be fixed by reusing the backpack.