Quotes about indifference, indifference. Quotes about indifference, statuses about indifference There will always be a friend for your indifference

A selection of quotes, aphorisms and statuses on indifference and indifference

One person's indifference can lead to the feeling that the whole world has turned its back on you.

The most terrible thing in all the horrors of our world is the indifference of people. We can cry for hours over a heartwarming movie, and then on the street pass by a person who has become ill.

Only from the moment when you become indifferent to the opinions of others does the path to freedom begin.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent. Oscar Wilde

When you realize that a person doesn’t care about you, doesn’t care about all your feelings, about the fact that you considered him part of your life, a kind of painful indifference to him appears.

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves. Faina Ranevskaya

Nobody appreciates your attention, everyone falls in love with your indifference.

Abuse of responsiveness gives rise to indifference.

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.

Anger, aggression, jealousy, rage, resentment - this only seems to be the limit of hatred. The limit of hatred is indifference.

Love always finds a way. Indifference always finds excuses.

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No one cared whether he lived or died, and he reciprocated everyone's feelings. (C. Palahniuk. “Fight Club”)

When we become indifferent to how the one we love sees us, it means we no longer love him.

I just wanted to say that if you ignore someone and don't call them, you can really hurt their feelings.

People live and do not see each other, they walk side by side, like cows in a herd; At best, they will drink the bottle together.

People now have no time for each other.

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All this nonsense that you hear on TV about expressing feelings is complete bullshit. Nobody really cares what you say.

Now only indifference remained in him, and this was worse than despair.

I know people in whose souls the universe is immeasurable, infinite. But no one cares about her, even kill her.

Our moral problem is man's indifference to himself. (E. Fromm)

The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. If you hate me, it means you care about me, and I still have a chance to make a man out of you.

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Even hatred is better than indifference.

It hurts less when you just don't care. ("Dr. House")

They say that death kills a person, but it is not death that kills. Boredom and indifference kill. (Iggy Paul)

Self-indifference is a glove into which the devil can easily slip his hand.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent. (Oscar Wilde)

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For love to be eternal, indifference must be mutual. (Don Aminado)

Relationships are not a static subject. Emotions change and flow into each other. A person to whom we have been indifferent for a long time suddenly becomes an object of adoration. In the same way, the love fervor of the first meetings may eventually give way to indifference. The problem for many girls is that they do not notice changes in time, remaining in the illusion that they are still passionately loved.

Let's try to figure out how to define indifference, its causes and possible ways to overcome it.

  1. He is not interested in your life. If stories about the day's activities and impressions do not arouse any interest in him, this may serve as a signal of indifference to you. If at the same time you notice signs of outright irritation, indifference has most likely entered an advanced stage. Men enjoy listening to stories about the lives of only their loved ones and those who inspire their sympathy.
  2. He doesn't miss you, for a long time apart, he does not call, does not write SMS or messages on social networks. If, when you meet again or during a phone call, he talks to you as if you had never been separated, he may not remember you, and this is a sign of indifference.
  3. He systematically prefers other things to communicate with you. Yes, from time to time he may choose to meet with friends or go to a bar - this is normal. But if he is always ready for any other event, and meeting you is the last option in the absence of others, you are definitely not in the first place in his life.
  4. He shows no desire to let you into his family circle. If your chosen one considers you as his future partner, he will probably want to introduce you to his loved ones. If he avoids such meetings, perhaps you are a temporary, passing phenomenon for him, and he does not consider you seriously.
  5. He doesn't look you in the eye. This sign should be viewed with caution; the person may look away due to shyness or embarrassment. But in other cases, not wanting to look a girl in the eyes means a lack of interest.
  6. Doesn't want to take photos together, doesn't show interest in your photos. If you send a photo of yourself and do not receive any emotional comments in response, most likely your image is not something important to him.
  7. He's not jealous at all. Jealousy means that a man perceives you as his woman and values ​​you. Jealousy can be considered the manifestation of any partial reaction to your communication with other attractive men. Even emphasized approval of such communication can be a sign of hidden jealousy. If your partner does not show jealousy at all, this means that he is indifferent to you, and he is not afraid to break up with you.
  8. Doesn't say "we". When talking on the phone with close friends or relatives, people in relationships tend to unconsciously say “we” instead of “I.” “We are going to the cinema” or “when we went to the sea.” If a young man speaks exclusively “I” in such cases, this indicates that he lacks the concept that he is in a relationship with you.

If you have already encountered half of the listed signs, you should be alarmed. If more than half, the indifferent attitude can be stated as a fact. In this case, it is worth understanding the reasons for such a relationship and, if the situation is irreparable, end such a relationship.


Let's consider the main possible reasons for a man's indifference to a woman:

  • Perhaps his thoughts are occupied with another girl. Even a passing crush can cause a man to focus on a new object of affection. In this case, he may lose interest in his former girlfriend.
  • Sometimes girls show excessive dependence on their lover. This is mistake. In this case, the man ceases to perceive the girl as his “prey” and loses interest in conquering her. In addition, excessive affection always causes a repulsive effect.
  • Indifference may appear as a result of too serious intentions on the part of the girl. Men are more inert regarding creating a family and lasting relationships; they take such decisions longer than girls. Too certain family prospects can be intimidating from the very beginning.
  • Many men are put off by girls' excessive emotionality, tendency to aggression, conflicts and hysterics. If your chosen one is not ready for such a temperamental, exhausting relationship, perhaps indifference will appear as a defensive reaction from unpleasant experiences.
  • Indifference can appear as a result of long-term monotonous relationships. The daily routine, lack of creativity and play in life contribute to the fact that feelings become dull and over time can completely cool down.
  • A state of lack of interest in girls can appear after a negative past experience. Even unsuccessful relationships twice in succession can lead a man to the conclusion that relationships are not for him at all. He may begin to act as if girls are not interested in him at all.
  • A man may be absorbed in other matters; serious matters or problems may temporarily push the girl into the background. As a rule, in everyday worries there is always a moment for the girl you love, but if things are truly urgent, this can temporarily occupy all the man’s attention.

What to do with indifference

Having dealt with the possible reasons, you need to try to determine the prospects for the development of relations. If indifference is unshakable by any effort, then most likely you are not suitable for each other. You should also find an even and calm attitude towards this person as soon as possible.

If the situation does not last long and is fixable, consider the following tips:

  1. If indifference is caused by factors not related to the girl, be it preoccupation with work or solving some urgent problems, you should leave the young man alone and give him time. It is advisable not to disturb him or pester him with questions. Once he completes his business, his attitude will be the same.
  2. Sometimes a serious conversation helps solve a problem. During a confidential conversation, you can find out whether the indifference is caused by you, current affairs, or the appearance of another girl.
  3. If indifference is a consequence of a girl's obsessive attitude, she should learn to distance herself a little. Even if you are crazy about your man, you shouldn't show it. Slight inaccessibility and maintaining some distance will add intrigue to the relationship, which will keep the partner’s attention.

“Lost in translation” in relationships between men and women

  • Women are characterized by great impulsiveness in the expression of emotions; their feelings are most often easily and unmistakably “read”. Often women expect the same from men. Therefore, without seeing violent emotional outbursts, girls can conclude that their lover is indifferent to them.
  • Individual characteristics should also not be discounted. Upbringing or phlegmatic character can affect the behavior of a young man in such a way that he will not show even strong sympathy.
  • For the male psyche, prolonged intense emotions are stressful. They don't last long, so the phase of passionate love soon gives way to a calmer attitude. And although it can also be love, a girl may recognize it as indifference.
  • Women and men solve problems differently. A feature of male psychology is that in problematic situations he needs to be alone, be silent, and think. Women's reluctance to communicate at these moments is often mistaken for an indifferent attitude.
  • The behavior of older men differs from the behavior of young men. Over time, men become more reserved and their emotions become increasingly difficult to “unravel.”

If, after analyzing the situation, eliminating possible distortions of female perception, you still come to the conclusion that the man is indifferent to you, this means that further attempts to change this, alas, are doomed. You need to come to terms with this.

Every person at least once in his life has experienced what an unrequited feeling is. Such a defeat can be a blow to self-esteem, but it will only make you stronger and wiser, and give you experience.

Good afternoon, dear ladies! It can sometimes be very difficult to understand a man, what he is really experiencing, whether he is interested and how he feels about your relationship. It's so easy to create a beautiful image. Today I would like to talk about how to understand that he is indifferent to you, that he has long cooled down and there is no interest in a relationship. I will talk about what depends on us and how we can influence a man, what we can do to maintain the interest of our loved one even after a while and not turn the relationship into everyday family squabbles.

There are no perfect relationships

A woman wants to meet a prince who will carry her in his arms, shower her with gifts and bestow his attention. A completely understandable desire. Of course, we want to have a beautiful, smart, interesting person nearby. Only few people understand that they don’t become princes. Princes are raised. I present to your attention Anetta Orlova’s book “ The man of your dreams. Find, attract, tame».

We often see ideal couples in which people seem to be made for each other, everything is good and wonderful for them. But this is just the surface. Every relationship has its own problems, it’s just that some people know how to negotiate and cope with difficulties, while others don’t.

It is much more difficult for a man to approach a woman with a problem. Therefore, your task is to sense any change in his mood. But you shouldn’t be too intrusive and immediately try to sort things out because of any little thing. Learn to be and.

Hint to your husband that he can come to you with any of his problems, if something doesn’t suit him, let him tell you directly about it. But you must promise both him and yourself that you will not react too violently to his words.

If he asks you for variety in bed, then don’t immediately swear and scream, blaming him. Remember, the marital bed should not be cold, because sex is often the cause of discord in the family.

If he says something about your cooking skills, again, don't overreact. Listen carefully to the complaint, ask what way out he sees from this situation, think for yourself what you can change and look for a compromise. This is the only way you can maintain a healthy relationship for many years.

Indifference test

You can lose interest in your partner at any stage of the relationship. You just started an affair or you have been married for fifteen years. Doesn't matter. Let's conduct a short test that will help us determine how critical everything is in your case.

I offer you seven questions that need to be answered “yes” or “no.” If you get more than four “no” answers, then you clearly have problems in your relationship.

  1. Do you have any common activities, hobbies or interests?
  2. Does your spouse share his plans with you?
  3. Does he often call or text you first?
  4. Is he trying to pleasantly surprise you?
  5. Does he listen to your opinion, does he respect your opinion?
  6. Does he involve you in his life?
  7. Does he often initiate meetings?

What was your result? If there are only a couple of negative answers, it’s okay, but you still need to take action. If more than half of the answers are “no,” then you should seriously think about the relationship.

A man wants to see diversity. Boredom is one of the most common reasons for divorce. When a husband constantly sees his wife in just a robe, she doesn’t say anything new or interesting, she’s completely bogged down in household chores and worries. Who might be interested in such a woman?

Yes, I agree, it’s not easy for a woman anyway. , yourself, children, husband. It can be difficult to break down into all aspects of your life. But you can always find a way out.

First, you must have something for your soul. What you will want to devote your free time to. Because you should not be available to a man 24/7. He must seek your attention. Even the husband with whom you have lived for eight years under the same roof. Change your behavior, get carried away with something.

A busy woman attracts attention.

Secondly, don’t be afraid to change your image. Today a blonde, tomorrow a brunette, a month later a redhead. Play with your appearance. This will benefit you too. A woman blossoms when changes occur in her life. Give yourself such a shake-up sometimes.

Third, don't let your relationship with a man become the only important thing in your life. Women love to give themselves entirely to a man. This causes boredom and one day leads a man to the point that he is no longer interested in this relationship.

I bring to your attention a wonderful article “”, in which you will find many useful tips for maintaining the interest of your beloved.

How does your loved one's indifference manifest itself? What do you do yourself to maintain his interest? How is your relationship developing?

Work on yourself. Love and appreciate yourself. Don't let a man take over your life completely.
Wish you all the best!

The most difficult thing in their relationship is his indifference. Her feelings are gradually fading away. And if he doesn't come to his senses, one day she won't even remember that she loved her.

We think that life ends after death. But there is a more terrible ending. This is death while living. Its beginning is indifference.

I want to take revenge. I want to leave unnoticed so that no one knows where. But I still hope that someone will be upset by my absence.

Do you want to hurt me? Then be indifferent to me. Let my love and devotion not touch you. You don't care what I feel. But know that I am gradually forgetting you.

Best status:
How hard it is to feel your indifference to me. Not caring is worse than any aggression.

Teach me your indifference. I want us to be close in everything.

How scary it is to discover that someone close to you suddenly becomes indifferent to you. When did it happen? It's been so long since you looked into close eyes. And suddenly I saw emptiness there.

When does love disappear? Probably when you become indifferent to how your lover feels.

By testing my feelings with your indifference, you risk losing me.

your indifference brings a smile to my face¦

Light indifference with a hint of disgust...

– Is there something between you? - Yes... my love and his indifference...

Even hatred is better than indifference...

There is no worse punishment than your indifference and indifference towards me... (c)

Self-indifference is a glove into which the devil can easily slip his hand.

I'm not the sea, I don't care!

I know how to deal with love and non-love, but I don’t know how to respond to indifference.

Even hatred is better than indifference.

All messages, all calls have been deleted... It’s just that if there is no history, there are no memories. The call has a standard melody, a standard picture... Just like this standard world...

One person's indifference can lead to the feeling that the whole world has turned its back on you.

One person's indifference can lead to the feeling that the whole world has turned its back on you

I put on headphones and glasses... Friends and girlfriends are not needed at all...

Warm puddles under your feet, the taste of watermelon on your lips, indifference to the days of the week and online at 3 am... goodbye summer (((

guys why don't you take the first step??? Is it really hard for you... why hide your feelings and show indifference??? This doesn’t make it any easier for you... and neither does it for us...

I’ll leave, and no one will know where I went and no one will find me...

indifference is mild irritability, a cynical smile when meeting and a useless question: “How are you?”.....

Unrequited indifference is even worse than unrequited love.

When you don't care, it doesn't hurt so much.

Indifference is sometimes worse than open hostility.

There is no such thing as depression! We come up with excuses for ourselves to justify laziness, anger and indifference...

indifference is photographs thrown into the far corner, an erased phone number and valerian pills...

Nobody writes to me, I always start the conversation first... It seems as if if I disappear, no one will notice...

Off to the land of missed calls...

indifference is mild irritability, a cynical smile when meeting and a useless question: “How are you?”...

People need to reciprocate: love with love, friendship with friendship, indifference with indifference. No more, no less.

People need to reciprocate: love with love, friendship with friendship, indifference with indifference. No more, no less.

But I’m just that little person who cares about you... The one who tolerates your antics, ignorance, stupid actions, your indifference...

I don't like anything, and this is the real reason for my boredom.

I do not need anybody. Just like no one needs me. I love reciprocity.

It hurts less when you just don't care. - Dr. House

Damn, he said he’ll come over after the gym. And no matter how hard I try to convince myself that I don’t care, I’m sitting so beautiful and waiting for him!!! Damn, just don’t let him come, I’ll howl all night and kill him with my indifference!!! I answer!!!

the reason for my insomnia... loss of appetite... indifference to everything that happens around... my unrequited feelings for you... you shouldn’t have given me false hopes..

2 things are killing me... your pride and indifference to me...

The most difficult and best disguise is indifference.

Loss gave birth to Indifference... Indifference gave birth to Loss

It can’t go on like this for long... This is his indifference... It’s killing her... And in the end, it’s this that will kill all her feelings for him...

There is no cure for not caring... Well, there’s no need...

And I would like to disappear, without you all. What would happen without happiness, without love. Whatever without feelings...

Indifference is sometimes more terrible than enmity, more terrible than hatred, more terrible than love. Because you don’t know how to relate to it, it’s not clear, it’s not predictable. It kills.

I was always surprised by the indifference. Not anger, not envy, not malice. These are typical human qualities. But indifference, in my opinion, is a newly acquired instinct.

Don't say that people leave your life! You yourself are driving them out of there with your indifference! You let them go!

I read somewhere that walruses remain completely indifferent when hunters, attacking the herd, kill their neighbors with clubs - and I saw how during the war entire nations behaved in exactly the same way.

The greatest sin towards one’s neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. In the end, my dear, if you look closely at people, you will be surprised how similar hatred is to love.

If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve to be called a human being. – M. Saadi

It is easy for people who are indifferent to everything to be selfless, because there is nothing in the whole world that they value.

I try not to pay attention to the problem. In the idiotic hope that the problem will get tired of my indifference and disappear...

Every time someone asks me this question, I answer: “Thanks, everything is fine.” Although in reality everything is not okay at all. Do people actually want to know how you are doing when they ask this question? Or is this empty politeness?

Indifference and neglect often do much more harm than open hostility...

Of course you would treat her well - that's always easy if you don't care about the person

Science has invented a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the most terrible of them - indifference. – Helen Keller

What's left for you? In the morning - a groan, in the evening - gnashing of teeth... And who, who in the world cares about your heart? To whom?.. Here, enter any Rooster’s house, ask at any threshold: What do you care about my heart? My God…

The worst crime we can commit against people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference; This is the essence of inhumanity. – B. Shaw

In the evening, already lying in bed, I felt that some new feeling had appeared in my soul - a mixture of joyless calm and dull indifference. It's not a good feeling, you shouldn't give in to it. The main thing is not to weaken and not to lie down on the bed ahead of time, because chronic bedridden patients who have given up on themselves, as a rule, never get up again...

Condescension towards evil very closely borders on indifference to good.

People who are called weak are only indifferent, for everyone has strength when the object of his passions is touched. – C. Helvetius

Or the beast has nothing to do with it, and the whole curse is not at all that man is a beast to man, and even a rabid one, but that man is a log to man. And no matter how much you pray to him, he won’t hear, no matter how much you cry, he won’t respond, you tap your forehead, knocking your forehead in front of him, he won’t move: just as they put it, he’ll stand there until he falls or you fall.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent.

How can you be so gifted and at the same time so blind to everything that surrounds you?

I painfully feel that we have nothing more to say to each other. Just yesterday I wanted to bombard her with questions: where did she go, what did she do, who did she meet? But this interested me only insofar as Annie was able to devote herself to it with all her soul.

I'm over thirty and I'm already a third of the ice. - Alexey Remizov. Cross Sisters

There is no worse enemy than indifference! It is with the tacit consent of the indifferent that all atrocities are committed. Have you read Mumu? Did you understand the parable? How was he still silent? He was silent, but the dog died.

I send you a nameless farewell bow from unknown shores. It doesn't matter to you.

In a love relationship, it is very important to keep in mind that the only impenetrable shell, the only long-range gun, the only mine that cannot be bypassed, and moreover, oh horror, the only bomb that cannot be dropped on the heads of others, because its explosion will only continue the terrible battle, - this is indifference.

Sometimes it is enough not to come to terms with arrogance and conceit in order to turn them into nothing; sometimes it is enough not to notice them for them to become harmless. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference.

The topic of male indifference is always very painful for women. After all, it is not a stranger who looks at you indifferently, but a man who, at the beginning of your relationship, could not take his eyes off you, swore his love and was ready to do anything for the sake of your smile. Yes, the first intensity of passions subsided, and falling in love smoothly turned into a calmer feeling, but this, of course, is not a reason to treat you as a piece of furniture.

If you begin to notice that indifference has become his usual mood, analyze whether there is an imbalance in the balance of importance in your relationship. After all, most likely, at some point you became too imbued with the role of a wife and spoiled your man. “Here are warmer socks for you and a richer borscht, my love.” Sound familiar? You try your best to please him, but in the end the relationship only gets worse.

Any man wants a woman to hunt, who is not 100% predictable. It's no secret that we love and appreciate not the one who tries for us, but the one in whom we invest ourselves. The more we do for a person, the more attached to him we become. We want to believe that the world is fair, and if you do good, they will respond with kindness. But it's not like that. Often when you are exhausted, doing everything for a person, he begins to abuse you, turning you into a cook and a cleaner. And there is simply no need for him to do anything good for you in return. Most girls are outraged by this state of affairs and try to rebel: “I want to be appreciated!” But this is a childish, infantile position. And the mature one is to correct the imbalance of importance by reducing their investments. And you need to radically change your behavior: do not deserve his love with good deeds, but reward him with your good attitude for his good attitude. If a man is indifferent, pay him in kind. And, most importantly, do not make three classic female mistakes:

1. Earn love. Instead of cooling in response to cooling, the girl tries to cook something tastier, be hotter during sex, and not show off too much. And the expression on the man’s face becomes more and more sour with every step towards her. This is natural: the more one partner invests in conditions of imbalance of importance, the more unpleasant and burdensome it becomes for the other.

2. Beg for attention."Stay with me! I miss you so much!” When a man is already using every chance to escape from home, begging for attention irritates him even more. A man experiences rejection at these moments - no one likes beggars. Men value self-sufficient women who do not depend on them and can find activities outside of relationships.

3. Make a scene. Trying to get attention also never leads to anything. The man apologizes so that the woman will simply shut up, but does not take any action to correct the situation. Then the girl thinks that, apparently, she started a rather weak scandal, she presses, and in the end it simply dissolves.

How to behave correctly?

1. React in a mirror way. Respond to cooling with cooling, to affection with affection. A mirror response is the basic rule of good relationships.

3. Add unpredictability. When you are an open book and a man knows your entire schedule, he has nothing to hunt. Emotions are also important to a man. Therefore, do not be afraid to become a little inaccessible to him. Surely, he started communicating with a girl who had interests and hobbies. And I got a homemade beetle. With his indifference, a man expresses silent rebellion, trying to return your past relationship and the woman he once loved.

So any man will only be grateful if you take your mind off the family routine and become for him the one who was once the most interesting and desirable for him. Good luck!