Energy information field of the TsKR of the higher spheres of consciousness. Energy information field

Bookmaker Fonbet occupies a leading position in the provision of these services. It has a good reputation and is recognizable as it was the first to accept online bets. The largest gaming portal has other official resources. Users will be able to place sports bets even if the site is blocked.

Go to mirror

What is a mirror how to register on a mirror

BC Fonbet has a resource in all respects that complies with legal norms. For users wishing, as before, to have access to a personal account in the com domain, the company has created all the necessary conditions that provide access to the site. This greatly simplifies the work due to the money in the account available in your personal account. They will not be lost due to the site being blocked.

If a user encounters difficulties accessing the site, then he needs to go to the mirror. This option is in demand, as practice shows. A working Fonbet mirror is a common request in Internet locations that are dedicated to betting in Russia.

Why was the main site blocked?

This is due to problems with legislation in the information space. In this regard, Roskomnadzor is blocking the office’s resource. For these reasons, the domain periodically disappears, but thanks to the mirror it appears again. Due to this, the portal looks decent compared to others.

The user can easily find an alternative address. This can be done if you go to any forum that covers the activities of a bookmaker and decide on the current option for access to the mirror. When contacting the technical support service, the client quickly receives the necessary variations to enter the portal. At the same time, their functionality is identical, which provides the client with all the key tools to make a forecast of the outcome of sports competitions. The Fonbet mirror allows the user to work in available modes.

The user can also perform activities online. With the help of live betting, the tactical components for the forecaster are expanded. This allows you to adjust bets during the match in accordance with the analysis of the course of the match.

How to register on the mirror

The registration procedure is quite simple. The main condition is to be over 18 years old. An important point is to accurately fill out all fields other than the “Promotional Code” field. This will allow you to avoid difficulties if you need to restore your account.

When registering, you must pay close attention to the following key points:

  • Data. They must be entered accurately to avoid problems with the site.
  • Currency. The client has different options to choose from: US dollar, Belarusian ruble. It is worth deciding on a currency that will allow you to conveniently replenish your deposit.
  • Register an account by phone. To register, you can call the phone number listed on the website. This will greatly simplify the procedure for the user.

You can use the Fonbet service using your smartphone. The mobile version allows you to easily use the working Fonbet mirror, which is identical to the official resource. Using the mobile version, the user is provided with a comfortable gaming rhythm.

The ancients had no doubt that the Earth was a living being; there is a lot of evidence for this fact, both in their doctrines and in the appeals of Indian leaders to the so-called enlighteners, in which they directly point to this.

Aura of the Earth. The earth is a living being

Later, all esoteric schools and teachings believed and still believe the same.

Our planet as a living being is considered by Jose Arguelles in the book “The Mayan Factor”: “...Here we describe the structure of an intelligent planet, considered as a living organism. In doing so, we develop the "Gaia" hypothesis, the idea that the Earth is truly a conscious, evolving being."

A group led by Russian geophysicist and geologist I.N. Yanitsky especially emphasize the relationship of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. For example, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which preceded a powerful destructive earthquake.

Accidents and catastrophes are preceded by a powerful destructive process that covers the earth's crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere - in short, all environments and fields - gravitational, helium, etc. And most importantly, this process applies not only to natural systems, but also to everything created by technical means and people. And having accumulated this destructive energy spills out in the form of natural disasters and catastrophes. Just like a disease in the human body.

And I immediately remember biblical stories about the Lord’s punishments for people’s actions, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for example, and the like. And they don’t seem so supernatural and wonderful.

Scientists tried to find the source where this destructive process begins. And it turned out that everything starts from the negative emotions of people, from which the destructive process begins to spread in waves to everything around. It turned out that the Earth sensitively reacts and interacts with the surrounding outer space and, in addition, with what is happening on the surface, in particular the behavior of people.

What was surprising was that the planet’s response does not resemble a mechanical action based on the laws of physics, but resembles the action of an intelligent being. When analyzing disasters, researchers got the impression that the events preceding and following any of them were planned in advance by someone.

The earth as a living being was considered by a number of outstanding scientists V. Vernadsky, F. Shipunov, A. Chizhevsky and others. In their opinion, the Earth is an evolving organism in an evolving other organism - the Solar System, and that in turn in our Milky Way galaxy, and so on. This organism is a complex self-regulating system. And all geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other processes are considered as aimed at the overall development of the planet - its evolutionary development. A. Chizhevsky especially emphasized: “... astronomers studying phenomena in the Solar system discover phenomena in it that are similar to the functions of a living organism.”

"Breath" of the planet

Indirect confirmation of the then crazy hypothesis in the scientific community that the planet is a living organism was obtained back in the 80s. Professor Viktor Makarov, born in 1953, studying photographs of physical fields in areas of faults in the earth's crust from space, discovered evidence of regular changes in the magnitude of the magnetic field that occur over certain periods of time.

A little earlier, a group of scientists led by Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitsky conducted field research and recorded the fact that the volume of deep gases located in the bowels of the Earth and emerging from cracks in the earth’s crust noticeably increases several times a day.

The results of these studies are consistent with the discovery of English researchers who studied the bioenergetic interaction of people with the outside world, Hartman and Curry. Scientists have discovered zones on the planet with an area of ​​up to four thousand kilometers in which electromagnetic indicators change throughout the day, either “opening” or “closing” depending on the Moon and other planets, celestial bodies and cosmic factors. Subsequently, these zones were called the Hartmann and Curry grids in honor of the researchers.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.N. Lugovenko offered his own explanation for these phenomena, believing that the “Hartmann and Curry grids” indicate the breathing of the planet, which, through cracks in faults, “pumps” cosmic energy through the deep layers. It follows from this that one must treat Mother Earth not as a dead cosmic body, but as a living organism with consciousness and will.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kuznetsov believes that the scientific community now uses an “anthropocentric view of things” to define an organism as living. This means that “living and intelligent” can only include those forms of organized matter whose properties correspond to the properties of animals and humans. And those forms that are strikingly different from those listed above in material composition, size, metabolic reactions, energy consumption, life spans do not belong to intelligent matter, as is considered in orthodox science.

Comets and asteroids

Such egocentrism in understanding the surrounding world and nature will lead humanity to a dead end. After all, everyone already sees how humanity relates to the organs of the Earth, which are air, water, subsoil, plants, wildlife, people as well, and in general nature.

So the Earth is a living and intelligent organism! Hence the question: how did it appear? Astronomers believe that the planets were formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust billions of years ago through the collision of numerous asteroids, meteors, comets and other celestial bodies, which, under the influence of centrifugal forces, formed piles. And thus, over millions of years, these clusters gradually grew in size and finally became what we see them now. It follows from this that the Earth is a huge accumulation of small celestial bodies, mainly comets and asteroids.

Recently, comets have been of particular interest to astronomers. Their behavior reveals many incomprehensible things, namely, some comets have two tails, which completely contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. Comet Arenda-Roland, discovered in 1956, has a second, anomalous tail that can suddenly disappear and then reappear, which astronomers cannot explain at the moment. Some comets independently and arbitrarily change their trajectories. And the incomprehensible radio emission emanating from these celestial bodies has given rise to some researchers to attribute them to reconnaissance probes of aliens. However, there is another version: to classify comets and asteroids as living beings of organosilicon nature.

These celestial objects are known to contain water in the form of ice and vapor. Brought to the planets, as well as to Earth, water undoubtedly plays an important role in the functioning of the organism of celestial bodies. The amazing properties of water are beginning to increasingly attract the attention of scientists.

Mind of the Earth

According to the results of recent research, we can confidently say that water is the lifeblood of the planets, without which their normal life activity is impossible. Moreover, the presence of water indicates not only blood circulation, but also intelligence. From this it can be argued that the Moon is also alive, in the region of the poles of which entire oceans have been found under a thin crust. And on Earth, water is present not only on the visible surface, but also in the form of steam in deep layers, as well as in underground lakes and rivers.

Hence it turns out that the Earth is a union of celestial bodies, which are thinking beings that gave the planet not only a physical body, but also a mind. Colliding with each other and combining into a pile in a gas and dust cloud, the comets did not die, but merged into a huge living and intelligent organism, which later became our Earth.

According to Professor Sydney Jackson from Great Britain, not only any living organism, but also any object, be it a stone, a table or any other object around us, has an energy-information field in the world around us. Only the energy-information field of a living being is very different from the fields of inanimate objects. And the human field is different from the animal field. However, in the world around us, only dolphins and the Earth itself have a field similar to the human one! Our planet consists not only of organic substances and minerals, but is an intelligent thinking being, part of the universal community.

In the light of these facts, it ceases to be a mystery for what reasons peculiar information radiations are periodically sent from the depths of the Earth at a subtle energy level into space.

The purpose of the planets and the role of humanity

Naturally, the Earth knows about our existence, moreover, it knows about the existence of every creature living on it, be it a person or an animal. All supernatural and unusual phenomena - levitation, dowsing, leaving the body, telepathy, poltergeist - occur as a result of the interaction of the biofield of the planet and man.

However, one should not think that the Earth is too loyal and friendly towards humanity. She treats us pragmatically, which means that when humanity behaves carefully towards the Earth as a whole and its resources, then the Earth will react accordingly, and if on the contrary, then the reaction will not take long to arrive, a cataclysm will immediately occur or a disease, war, etc. .P. There are a great many examples of this.

“When the human population increases beyond permissible norms, when entire regions of the planet, its atmosphere, vegetation and water resources are poisoned by waste products of people, it begins to get rid of, “clean up” from creatures dangerous to it,” says Professor G. Kuznetsov. - She usually does this through natural disasters. Not so long ago, in its arsenal there was such a means as introducing into the subconscious of people an order for self-destruction, which led to wars. Now that a number of countries have acquired nuclear weapons, the use of which could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for the human community, but also, apparently, for the Earth itself, it has chosen a different tactic. She gets rid of overly prolific people with the help of deadly viruses...”

However, without the focused efforts of the planet, it would hardly have been possible for life to arise on it. The emergence of people, as well as all processes occurring in nature, have their own global common cosmic purpose. Development of the universal bioenergy system.

So, the purpose of the planets, also the Earth, is to create, maintain and saturate global bioenergy with astral beings (or bioenergetic substances), which only a rational being can provide. Such creatures can be people, dolphins, comets and, ultimately, the Earth itself.

Our planet is our mother’s womb, the cradle of childhood, from where, after parting with our mortal physical shell, after death, we enter into “adult”, cosmic life.

Today we will begin to study the most important part of the STS course. It provides the basis for further progress in learning the Art of Magic. This is a theory, a scientific basis, and fundamental practice.
We will study from manuals written by Dmitry Verishchagin for the DEIR (further energy information development) course, which employees of the USSR law enforcement agencies studied with. Now this information is available to everyone.
Let's get started:

Each of you has probably asked yourself more than once: why do I get sick all the time when others seem so healthy? Why doesn’t luck come to me, while others succeed easily and quickly? And how can you get out of your many problems and troubles? Why does something seem to hold a person back from complete contentment and perfect health?

Perhaps you have already tried all possible and impossible means to achieve well-being? Did you take very expensive medications and make appointments with the best doctors to get cured? Have you tried - repeatedly and unsuccessfully - to get a well-paid job in order to finally improve your financial situation? What have you not done to improve family relationships? But there’s no point, is there?

Don't despair and don't think you're the only one. This is how most people feel, although not everyone admits it.

All these troubles happen only because most people do not know the most important thing: the path to health, happiness, and well-being is open to everyone, but they usually do not see it. Once you take this path, illnesses, troubles, problems recede and life begins to shine with only rainbow colors.

Don't believe me? I invite you, dear reader, to see from your own experience that this is so. The DEIR system is specifically designed to help you with this.

First of all, we need to understand why it is so difficult for an ordinary person today. Yes, because all the efforts of modern society (however, this has been the case from time immemorial) are focused only on achieving economic goals. But society does not pay any attention to the person himself, to the process of his personal internal development.

A person living in this society can be likened to a prisoner who is looking for a path to freedom, to the true meaning of life, to health, but only stumbles upon the walls of his prison. This prison is like a house with many rooms, which creates some illusion of freedom - after all, the prisoner can open one door after another, move from room to room. But he doesn’t know that no matter how much you open these doors, you can still die without seeing the light, without getting a breath of fresh air.

Judge for yourself! Here is a man who has reached an unprecedented level of technological progress, believing that in this way he will break through to happiness and general well-being. This was not the case: technological progress turned out to be just a door to another dark room. Man conquered nature, escaped into space, flew to the moon... So what? What has changed for him on Earth? Aren't there more problems in his life? Has he become happy and healthy? Nothing like that. The problems are still the same as a hundred years ago, and even new ones have been added in the form of AIDS and other incurable diseases, in the form of a decline in the birth rate and the birth of an increasing number of sick children, in the form of environmental disasters, mass stress, wars, coups, acts of terrorism and violence, increased mortality from heart attacks and strokes...

This is a dead end, and here's why. The world in which we live - the material world - is only a temporary stage that everyone must go through, but from which it is impossible to expect real complete happiness and in which it is impossible to find the true meaning of life. A person who wants to find all this in the material world is very similar to a moth that fights and hits the glass, only breaking its wings, and does not see that the window is open nearby.

Yes, yes, in our prison there is this open window, which, if you don’t look for it, the long-suffering prisoner does not see - a person busy opening more and more doors and not understanding that behind them there is only darkness and emptiness. But it’s not for nothing that the Bible says: “He who has ears, let him hear, and he who has eyes, let him see.” Through this window the path to freedom is open. Through this window you will experience the true essence of the world. You will understand that the world that surrounds us is not at all the same as we are used to seeing it with the naked eye. You will be convinced that this world is completely permeated with energy, that the essence of the world is energy-informational, that your true essence also does not belong to the dense, material world in which our physical body lives. That our goals are easily achievable, we just need to know how.

Rice. 1. Our world is evenly filled with a living energy-information field.

Rice. 2. A person in the field of the Universe is like a particle of water in a vast ocean.

What is usually called consciousness (and we must not forget that, after all, our consciousness is us - personality, memory, thoughts), does not belong to our world, it is not a material object and has never been discovered by anyone autopsy. Consciousness belongs to the energy-informational world. The fundamental principle of all life is a single energy-information field of the Universe. The consciousness of each person is only a particle of this single energy-informational field. And the cause of all our illnesses, sufferings, and problems is not at all in the physical body, as many mistakenly think. This reason lies in our energy component, or rather, in the improper circulation of energy - that energy that is the true essence of a person.

If you are sick and no doctors can help you, this means only one thing: your energy-informational essence urgently requires attention. It requires that you finally normalize the movement of your energy, cleanse it, and free yourself from pathological short circuits.

Society today generally officially denies the energy-informational essence of the world (however, this does not prevent numerous secret government groups from working on this issue in almost every country). Therefore, it cannot show you the true paths to freedom, to health, to finding the true meaning of life.

When you are able to understand, accept and feel your true essence, life will become completely different. You will learn to manage your energy, bring it back to normal on your own, and get rid of pathological energy connections that lead to illness. You will realize the gigantic potential inherent in you by nature, which you currently use only a few percent. You will gain strength and easily receive the keys to everything that you are now striving for with incredible efforts and at the same time absolutely in vain: health, luck, success. And even to what for now probably seems like science fiction to you: the ability to foresee events and control fate. When you achieve all this, it will mean only one thing: you have entered a new stage of evolution, higher than the one you were at before.

The whole world is energy. Its phenomena are energy-informational processes.

Consciousness influences matter

What is this energy that underlies everything - health and illness, good luck and bad luck, prosperity and disorder? What is this energy that you have not yet learned to feel with your senses? Electrical energy, for example, is a different matter: it’s still very noticeable. But, mind you, we don’t feel radiation or radio waves either. Nevertheless, each of us is one hundred percent sure that they actually exist. It’s the same with the energy-information field: if you haven’t learned to feel it yet, this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

It is the energy information field that controls all biological processes. It is this that ultimately is the bearer of human consciousness and soul. The energy-information field organizes and directs the life and existence of matter, since it, as we have already said, is the fundamental principle of life.

The so-called principles of evolutionary self-organization of matter that materialistic science taught us are not true. Matter - from a living cell to the celestial bodies - would never have taken the form it has without an organizing principle: the energy-information field. It is what unites the whole world into a single system. Without him, the world would be in chaos.

Let's remember probability theory. After all, the purely statistical probability of such a combination of molecules and atoms, which will ultimately give life, is very small, practically equal to zero. It is practically impossible for the accidental occurrence on Earth of such a chemical composition of air and water in which living organisms can survive, such a concentration of ultraviolet radiation that will warm but not burn, such a climate in which a wide variety of living beings will be comfortable, etc. Too much<случайных>coincidences, right?

All this<устроило>energy information field. It was this that contributed to the organization of order out of chaos. It gave birth to life on Earth, and therefore to you and me. A person’s consciousness, his soul is the essence of an energy-informational structure.

The nature of the energy information field is unknown to anyone. But it exists and is one of the fundamental and unshakable elements of the Universe.

But the most interesting thing is that with the help of the same energy-information field, human consciousness can influence the world around us! Each of us can be the creator of our own Universe, create around ourselves the world that we need. Consciousness is an energetic structure and is able to influence the world around us. But people have not yet realized their power - and therefore they vegetate in the sickeningly familiar, thoroughly studied physical world, instead of opening the door to the real world - mysterious and immeasurable, to a world where limitless possibilities await them.

Rice. 3. The human field influences the field of the Universe. Very similar to a stone thrown into a pond.

Maybe you think that the influence of our energy is too weak and insignificant for us to claim the role of a creator and believe that we can influence the world around us? But scientists have long been convinced of the possibilities of bioenergy. Take, for example, the experiments conducted with psychics Kulagina and Davitashvili. What about Uri Geller, who has been bending spoons and forks with his gaze for many years without contact, and now also teaches children to do the same? Numerous open experiments have been carried out in Russia since about the 40s. There is even a device for determining a person’s extrasensory abilities - it consists of a needle suspended in a vacuum on a thin quartz thread. Under the influence of a psychic energy specialist, the arrow begins to twist.

Science has also studied such a rather rare phenomenon as telekinesis - the ability of individual people to move objects, as they say, by force of will. A powerful psychic can concentrate, look closely, for example, at a matchbox - and the box begins to jump on the table and then falls to the floor.

Similar experiments have been carried out in laboratories more than once, the results are recorded on photo and video tape: yes, indeed, it is possible to influence the material world with consciousness. In our laboratory, 10-15 people with psychic abilities worked simultaneously. Pyotr Keldorovsky, for example, could hold and move a weight of up to 1 gram (1-kopeck coin) in the air with his gaze for 10-15 minutes. We also joked that by catching diamonds with his eyes, he would become a millionaire in a day. In project<Дружба>According to my calculations, about 500-600 people with powerful psychic gifts participated.

So what kind of force must this impact be in order to make a completely tangible material object with weight and volume move, to make its constituent molecules move at once in one direction? Moreover, there was no energy at all in the usual sense of the word, that is, the direct action of force on the object being moved! Just a part of the molecules, which in their normal state are in constant random motion, under the influence of a psychic<почему-то>made their next thermal movement not chaotically, but in the direction it needed. No law of conservation of energy was violated.

Just imagine how much power the energy-information field has released! After all, the molecules of any object at room temperature move at speeds of over hundreds of meters per second. What if they all fly at the will of a psychic in the same direction? An object consisting of these molecules will instantly acquire the speed of an artillery shell.

Science has long learned not only to record the force of influence of the energy-information field, but also to obtain its visible image. Most often, a person’s gender is recorded using photography. This method is called the Kirlian effect, named after the Russian researcher who was the first to obtain a photographic image of what is called the aura, or energetic shell of the human body. This method is based on the ability of any living object to glow when placed in an electromagnetic field. We have long learned not only to photograph the aura in this way, but also to diagnose the state of a person’s health based on its shape, size and color. Below is a picture of the aura of the index finger.

So, scientific evidence of the existence of the energy-information field has been obtained. Today, not only psychics, sorcerers and magicians work with him, but also scientists from most countries of the world. To make this work accessible to everyone, it is necessary to solve the question of how a person’s interaction with the energy-information field should be structured, how to make this interaction conscious.

The body is a car, the energy information entity is the driver

Why have you still not felt the impact of the energy information field? Only because your feelings are still in an inactive state, having been brought into such a state by all previous training. But this is a fixable matter: everyone can verify from their own experience that the energy-information field exists. So far, the field always appears somewhere outside of your perception, because approximately the same thing happens to you as to the kittens on which one fairly well-known experiment was carried out.

For two kittens, almost immediately after birth (when they first gained the ability to see), the experimenters fixed their heads motionless. And they were kept in this state for several months. The first kitten's head was fixed so that only vertical lines were in front of its eyes, and if objects came across, they were also positioned strictly vertically. Before the eyes of the second kitten there were only horizontal lines and horizontally oriented objects.

When the kittens were finally released and given the opportunity to move as they wanted, an amazing thing emerged. It turns out that the kittens absolutely did not perceive objects located in directions unfamiliar to them. So, the first kitten kept bumping against the bars of the stools and could not cross the threshold - he tripped over it and fell. He simply didn’t see the threshold because he wasn’t accustomed to perceiving horizontal lines! And the second kitten constantly bumped into the legs of chairs and tables and got bumps.

In the same way, we are forced to re-learn to perceive the energy-informational field, because our entire physical, material world - culture and the society to which adults teach us from birth, prefers not to see this field, not to know anything about its existence, to close it down eyes. And so we bump into millions invisible to us<углов>, and we acquire illnesses, and suffer from a lack of freedom, space, light in our lives. But the main thing is that we not only live, but also die in prison. Whereas in freedom - for those who were able to achieve it - death does not threaten us at all! He who has learned to feel his soul and is consciously one with it will retain control over it forever.

Rice. 4. The square is a template for the perception of the material world; circle is an energy-informational entity. The circle simply won't fit into the square template.

You will soon see for yourself that it is these powerful energy-informational interactions that control the matter from which our own body is woven. They are the ones<заведуют>the work of all organs, tissues, systems of your body.

Your body is a car, and your energy-informational essence, consciousness, soul is the driver. Who is driving the car? Of course, the driver. The car doesn't drive by itself! Did you think your body exists on its own, controls itself? No matter how it is! Who repairs the car and troubleshoots it? Also a driver. And even if the car completely breaks down, for example from old age, and it has to be sent to a landfill, the driver will not be taken to the landfill after him. In a pinch, he can walk.

But if the car<возомнит>that he is the most important thing here, he is his own boss and driver - then expect trouble. By snatching the steering wheel from the real driver and starting to drive around as he has to, he will ruin both himself and the driver.

So we must realize: the body is only<автомобиль>, only a means of transportation, only a servant of the real owner and driver, who is our energy-informational essence. Under no circumstances should the servant body be given the steering wheel; it should not be allowed to play the role of the master.

Still don't believe this is true? Do you continue to believe that the control center of a person is not the energy-informational essence, but something else - the brain, for example? But there are many cases where, even with massive brain damage, a person remained of sound mind, sober memory and fully retained consciousness. You don’t have to look far for examples. We all learned at one time from the works of Lenin. Some of these works were written by him when the leader of the proletariat actually had one hemisphere of his brain inactive!

There are such examples today. Newspapers wrote a lot about one fairly famous and very talented person, a resident of Yekaterinburg, who, as a result of a street fight with hooligans, received virtually fatal injuries: he was beaten on the head with a heavy cast-iron pipe with the obvious intention of killing. He experienced several clinical deaths, spent many months unconscious, but survived - and retained all his abilities and talents, his intellect was not damaged at all, and he retained an excellent memory. He still leads an active lifestyle, enjoys sports, is involved in vigorous social activities, and travels a lot around the country. And few people realize that most of his skull could not be restored and had to be made from: plastic. And under this plastic skull there are only the remains of what was once called the brain. Yes, enormous willpower and thirst for life helped him a lot. But where, so to speak, geographically was this will and thirst for life when the brain was inactive? The answer is simple: in energy information spheres.

One of the patients we observed near Novosibirsk was a six-year-old girl who spent more than a month in a hospital bed in a state of cerebral coma, when the activity of all vital systems of the body was supported only with the help of special equipment. The doctors prepared the parents for the worst, because they were convinced that the girl most likely would not survive, and if she did survive, she would be clearly disabled. From the point of view of our medicine, such a long stay in a coma cannot pass without leaving a mark on the brain, and as a result, mental development disorders will certainly begin.

Now he is a completely normal child, not lagging behind his peers in development. Doctors do not find any abnormalities or abnormalities in her and believe that a miracle happened, because they cannot give an explanation for this phenomenon. But you and I already know this explanation: consciousness<живет>not in the brain. It does not belong to the material world. It belongs to the world of energy information. To that very world, the existence of which any economically oriented society does not want to acknowledge. And this is his huge and fatal mistake.

Rice. 5

After all, the personal path of human evolution does not lie in the sphere of economic relations. This path does not lie in society or in the physical world at all. The path of evolution intended for man lies in the subtle world, in the energy-informational world. A person suffers precisely because he is trying to pave the way for his evolution in society, in society, in the physical world, not realizing that this is a false path. After all, nature itself is destined to develop, grow, evolve the energy-informational essence of a person, and not his body, not his shell, called<человек социальный>. The human body and brain are so perfect that homo sapiens no longer has any enemies left in the biological world. The external environment also ceased to be a problem. The body, therefore, has already exhausted its possibilities for further development - there are simply no barriers left to overcome! As a survival device, the body has outgrown itself, and humanity, trying to lead<жизнь тел>, has long been at a standstill. Now the main enemies of man are his relatives and the products of his own activities: ecology, taxes, overpopulation.

There cannot be human evolution in society - we must understand and assimilate this, and the sooner the better.

By nature itself, man is destined to develop the ability to communicate with the energy-informational world. For those who want to survive in the 21st century, this is simply necessary.

(To be continued).

Greetings, friends!

Human energy information field is a small copy of the more global energy information field of the Earth. Everything in our world is interconnected, nothing exists separately. There is an opinion that nothing is born or dies, but only passes from one state to another.

What is DEIR

This time I want to tell you, dear friends, about Dmitry Sergeevich Verishchagin’s book “Liberation”, the first in the DEIR section. DEIR is further energy-informational development. In it, the author reveals secrets that we could not even guess about at one time. But already during the times of the Soviet Union, the country's leadership knew that there were energy information fields of both man, the earth, and the universe. And most importantly, they realized that it was possible to influence other people, which on a political scale could be regarded as a “psychotronic weapon.” Using strict secrecy and the capabilities of the country's best scientists and psychics, the government initiated and financed projects such as "Friendship", "Shepherd" and possibly others. The history of the DEIR system began in 1982. All studies of the human energy information field were carried out under strict secrecy.

Human energy information field from the point of view of D.S. Verishchagina

The project was carried out by order directly from the CPSU Central Committee and was called “Shepherd”. In the context of the decline in patriotism of the Soviet people, the top party leadership became preoccupied with the problem of promoting a leader from its ranks. This could correct the situation - a person like Stalin, Lenin or Hitler, influencing the masses not with the authority of his post, but with personal charisma, would be able to unite the country. Of course, if he were helped by equally strong functionaries who would penetrate into the very souls of people, whose orders would be impossible to disobey. Yes, this could correct the situation in the country and restore the party’s shaky authority.

The task of a group of scientists was to develop a system of techniques with the help of which one person could control many - but so that they would not suspect anything.

How events and research developed during this process is described in the book.

Each of you has probably wondered more than once: why do I get sick all the time when others seem so healthy? Why doesn’t it come to me, but others succeed easily and quickly? And how can you get out of your many problems and troubles? Why does something seem to hold a person back from complete contentment and perfect health?

Don't despair and don't think you're the only one. This is how most people feel, although not everyone admits it. Why?

Yes, because all the efforts of modern society (and this has been the case from time immemorial) are focused only on achieving economic goals. But society does not pay any attention to the person himself, to the process of his personal internal development.

A person living in this society can be likened to a prisoner who is looking for a path to freedom, bumping into the walls of his prison. This prison is like a house with many rooms. No matter how much you open the doors to the next room, you can die without seeing the light.

Judge for yourself! Man conquered nature, escaped into space, flew to the moon... So what? What changed? Are there fewer problems in his life? Has he become healthy? Nothing like that. The problems are the same as a hundred years ago, but they have increased.

A person who wants to find in the material world like a moth that hits the glass, breaking its wings, and does not see that the window is open nearby. It is not for nothing that the Bible says: “He who has ears, let him hear, and he who has eyes, let him see.”

Our world is thoroughly permeated with energy, the essence of the world is energy-informational. Our true essence also does not belong to the dense, material world in which our physical body lives. Our goals are easily achievable, we just need to know how to achieve them.

Science has long learned not only to record the strength of the impact of the energy-information field, but also to obtain its visible image using photography. This method is called the Kirlian effect, named after the Russian researcher who first obtained a photographic image of what is called the aura, or the energy shell of the human body in a magnetic field.

Scientific evidence of the existence of the intangible world has been obtained. Any of us can learn to manage our energy, for the benefit, first of all, of ourselves and the whole society. For everything in Nature is interconnected. Fortunately, knowledge is now available.

But each person makes his own choice.

And this is a small material about the energy information field of the Earth:


Believe it or not...