Focuses with movement. How to learn to do simple magic tricks

Speaking of what never ceases to amaze a person throughout his life, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, magic tricks. In the very first years of a person's life, the halo of magic that accompanies tricks is impressive. Later, when we enter adulthood, there is no trace of magic left, but we continue to be amazed by the skill and skill of the performers and their professional skill. Everyone understands perfectly well that the action on the stage or in the circus arena is completely and completely described by the laws of physics and depends, first of all, on the dexterity of the magician's hands. However, at the same time, the spectacular tricks make us believe in the supernatural and voluntarily deceive ourselves.

It goes without saying that the most appreciative viewers are children. Some of them are so impressed that when they are at home, they try to reproduce what they managed to see at the performance. Their "tricks", very often, are more like humorous sketches, but the main thing is that the child has a desire to comprehend the world, which means that you simply have to tell him about how to learn tricks.

The owners of various publishing houses and printing houses are well aware of the attractiveness of tricks, and, in accordance with the laws of business, they offer a huge number of books, brochures, magazines and albums, in which the secrets of certain tricks are revealed in detail. If you set a goal, then you can master the art of focus using them, but in most cases you will be able to master a set of mechanical manipulations that from the outside will seem at least uninteresting and primitive. If you want to learn how to do truly bewitching tricks, then you must be prepared for the fact that you will have to collect their secrets bit by bit, and after that it will take a very long time to ensure that they turn out spectacularly and effectively. Only after you yourself are satisfied with your result will you be able to show your new trick to your first viewers and find out their impressions and reactions to your skill.

Why is it so difficult to learn the secrets of interesting tricks? Everything is explained by the fact that not a single self-respecting master wants to produce competitors with whom he will later have to share his own bread. In addition, if the secrets of the tricks become known to a wide audience, there is a great risk that the tricks will lose their halo of magic and mystery, and, as a result, will become uninteresting. Instead of enjoying the illusion, the spectators, who know the "sense" of the trick, will follow the artist's every movement, will follow his every movement, trying to notice inaccuracies and flaws, and also try to bring the maestro magician to clean water.

If you don't believe it, but the thought how to learn tricks has already mastered your consciousness, then very soon you will see for yourself that you do not want to reveal your secrets to those in front of whom your first performances will be held. And it is right! Your viewers may try to reveal the secret of the trick, make any assumptions, try to find out your secret from you, but you should not succumb to their pleas and persuasion, showing with your whole appearance that everything they say is just their personal opinion.

In order to accompany you in your performances, you must spend many hours bringing your every movement to perfection.

Your best assistant at first will be a mirror. In addition to the focus itself, you can hone in front of him not only the focus itself, but also your own manner of performance, facial expressions, gestures.

Never tell the audience ahead of time what they are about to see. A large part of the success of your presentation depends on how much you can surprise your audience. For the same reasons, never show the same program to the same viewers.

Remember these, because they represent the magician's code.

When you decide to become a magician, start with the simplest tricks. If after that your desire does not disappear - try to contact people who are also interested in tricks. Sooner or later, you will be able to meet a real master of illusion and be among his students. Try to remember his every word and movement, this will help you get as close as possible to the realization of your dream.

An excellent video lesson on the topic, the magician shows his skill by spinning a coin in his hands. You should be able to too!

At home, then a win-win would be simple tricks that will surprise everyone.

For most of these tricks no special preparation needed. You just have to learn a few rules and tricks.

Here are some interesting tricks that can be done at home and entertain your loved ones:

Home tricks for kids

1. How to peel a banana so that it is already sliced?

Here's how to do it:

Bananas can be cut without peeling. This is done with a pin or needle - stick it through the peel and twist it back and forth.

Video instruction:

2. How do you make a hole in a piece of paper big enough for you to crawl through?

Here's how to do it:

Take a regular sheet of A4 paper, fold it in half lengthwise and start cutting the fringe.

After that, cut the bent parts, except for the first and last strip. When you straighten the sheet, it will "stretch" and you will be able to pass through the resulting hole.

3. How to turn water into ice when you pour it?

Here's how to do it:

Place a bottle of water in the freezer and check every few minutes to ensure that the water has not frozen but has reached the freezing point (this takes about 2 hours).

Take the bottle out of the freezer and take out a piece of ice. Put some ice and start pouring water on it - the water will start to turn into ice right before your eyes.

Video instruction:

4. How to make the ring fly?

Here's how to do it:

The ring is put on an elastic band, and when you pull it on, the illusion is created that the ring takes off.


5. How do you make a bag of ketchup rise and fall in a water bottle?

Here's how to do it:

If children focus on right hand that you are allegedly controlling a bag of ketchup with it, then you can quietly squeeze and unclench the bottle with your left hand. As you do this, the pouch inside the bottle will float up and down.


Magic tricks and their secrets for children at home

6. How to make a cup of coffee fly?

Here's how to do it:

Take a plastic, cardboard or foam cup and glue your thumb. When you raise your hand, it will give the impression that you have telekinesis.

7. How to pierce a water bag so that the water does not spill?

Here's how to do it:

There is no magic here, just science. When you push a pencil through a plastic bag, the molecular structure of the bag creates a kind of seal that prevents water from seeping through the bag.

8. How to fly a few centimeters above the ground?

Here's how to do it:

Stand so that the children cannot see the toe of your left foot. Then slowly rise to the toe, while raising the leg that is closer to the audience (in this case, the right leg). You may need to practice in front of a mirror to get a more convincing focus.

How do you spend your free time? love to play computer games, pass cool tests, communicate in in social networks, but what about teaching tricks? Surprise your friends here!

The most important thing in performing any tricks is persistent practice. You can get acquainted with the simplest trick and learn how to perform it step by step in at least half an hour, but in order for everything to really succeed and not be exposed, you need to train a lot and for a long time, honing your technique and skill. You need to learn tricks, moving from simple to complex, so next we will talk about how to learn how to do tricks that any beginner can handle.

Simple trick with cards

Those who want to learn how to learn to do tricks often start with cards. Among card tricks, there are indeed a lot of easy options that you can quickly learn and surprise the audience with them, and one of the most popular of them is simple tricks with guessing cards. We will now consider one of them. The trick is called “Guess the card”.

What the viewer sees. The magician shuffles the deck of cards and hands it to one of the spectators to choose one of the cards. The spectator chooses his card, remembers it and, without showing it to anyone, gives it face down to the magician. The magician returns the card to the deck, shuffles it again, lays out the cards and unmistakably finds the spectator card!

Focus secret. Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Attention: the key to this trick is to discreetly peek which card will be the bottom, that is, the last one in the deck.

The spectator chooses a card and returns it to you. Divide the deck arbitrarily in half - you have two parts of the cards in your hands, one of which contains the bottom card - you remembered it at the very beginning. Put the spectator card on one part of the deck and cover it on top with the second part. The spectator sees that his card is now hidden, but you know that it lies under the very bottom card.

Lay out the cards in a fan, and then look with your eyes for your bottom card - next to it on the right will be the one that the viewer has guessed. Voila! At the same time, do not choose it too quickly, for example, pretend that you are trying to feel the energy emanating from the card - entertain the viewer.

Coin passing through glass

The next simple trick is the trick with a glass and a coin. It is more difficult than the previous one, because it requires a certain manual dexterity.

From the viewer. The magician shows the audience a coin, takes it in the fist of one hand, and the other brings a glass to him, then knocks the glass on the hand with the coin - and it is inside, passing through the bottom!

Actually. Select large coin and a glass, plastic or glass. Show the audience a coin and then act as if you are shifting it to your other hand, covering your palm from above and as if raking the coin in your fist. But the coin, of course, remains in the same hand where it was.

This is the key point: it is important to practice and learn how to hold a coin with an open palm or clamp it between your palm and little finger, whichever is more convenient for you - the main thing is that it stays inconspicuous and does not fall out.

With the same hand in which you hold the coin, you take the glass and bring it over the hand with your fist, where the coin lies, according to the audience. Tap the glass on your fist several times. At the last knock, relax your hand so that the coin falls into the glass, and at this moment open your palm with your fist, simulating the passage of a coin through the bottom of the glass. It is important to work out this number well so that everything turns out deftly and at the same time quickly, and the audience does not have time to come to their senses and expose you.

Focus with matches

And finally, we will tell you how to do tricks with matches that require only sleight of hand.

How the audience sees. The magician holds a match between the fingers of both hands. Placing them perpendicularly, he strikes the matches against each other, as a result of which one match passes through the second.

Focus secret. Before picking up matches, moisten the index finger of your right hand. After that, pinch the matches between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The key to this trick is that, held in the right hand, the match with the sulfur head touches the moistened index finger and therefore sticks to it, and if you open your fingers, the match will still continue to “hang”.

Turn the matches clamped in your fingers perpendicular to each other. Now begin to lead the left match to the right, and at the moment of their collision, unclench your fingers, skipping the left match forward, and then squeeze back. You need to learn how to do it quickly and sharply, imitating the impact of matches - then the audience will not notice the catch.

How to learn to do magic tricks with a handkerchief

The audience loves tricks with a handkerchief. One of the most popular of these tricks is "Passing a coin through a handkerchief." How to learn how to do it, it will become clear after watching the following video:

In order for your performance to make the right impression on the audience and even the simplest tricks cause surprise, remember a few golden rules that experienced illusionists follow: do not repeat tricks for an encore, do not tell the technique for performing them, and do not warn the audience about what trick you will do next . So the effect of surprise will be achieved, and the riddle will remain.

Have you suddenly found yourself in the most boring party in the world? Was there an awkward silence? Or maybe you want to surprise someone very special to you? It never hurts to have an ace up your sleeve. Whether it's sleight of hand, a scientific experiment, or you're just the lucky owner of an unusual talent, here are 25 impressive and easy magic tricks you can do yourself.

A simple trick with splitting the bull's-eye

Do you still use a fruit cutter? To divide an apple, there is, if not more efficient, then certainly a much cooler way. Hold the apple in both hands so that your thumbs rest on top of the fruit, and by squeezing, use a sliding circular motion. The apple should split neatly into two pieces right down the center.

magnetized coin

Post playing card on the pad of your index finger and then place a coin on top. With a sharp flick, knock the playing card off your finger. The card will go into free flight, but the coin will remain on your finger.

Jumping egg

Make a chicken egg jump from a glass to another glass just by blowing on it. To do this, put the egg with a wide base in a glass. Then put another glass next to it, identical to the first. Blow hard on the top of the egg and it will jump out into the next shot glass, landing with the narrower base straight inward.

Magic fire extinguisher

Mix white vinegar solution and baking soda in a measuring cup, then cover it until you can't hear the sizzle. Next, as if pouring air from a cup over a candle flame. It will die out on its own, you just have to play the role of the great Houdini.

The secret of the magic lighter

Now that all your candles have been magically extinguished, it's time to relight them. While smoke rises from the wick, quickly bring the light to it (smoke). The flame will begin to descend to the candle along the smoke path down, as a result of which the wick will light up again.

Turn water into whiskey at home

Fill one glass with water and the other with whiskey. Then, cover the water glass with a plastic card, turn it over and place it directly over the whiskey glass. Slide the card and watch as soon the liquids are reversed.

Who stole the flame?

If you have such an old-fashioned lighter, then you can definitely impress everyone with your trick. To begin, take a pencil or pen and move the wick from its normal position slightly to the side. Then light your lighter in the usual way and run your hand over the flame, giving the impression that you are "stealing" the fire. This will cut off the flow of oxygen in the flame, but the wick will still burn inside the kind of pocket that you created when you moved it. You need a little air to light the fire again, for this you can lightly blow on the lighter or create an air flow with smooth hand movements over the wick.

Put the jar on its hind legs

Once you finish about half of the soda or any other drink in the can, you can show your friends another trick. Place the jar on the bottom, tilting it slightly so that it looks like it is about to fall on its side. Carefully remove your hands from it so as not to accidentally hit the body and stop balancing your jar. She will remain in this position until you pick her up again.

Drown a bag of ketchup

Find a bag of ketchup that floats to the surface, dip it into a bottle of water and close it with a lid. Now with just a little pressure on the sides of the bottle, you will be able to control the bag of ketchup inside.

The most virtuoso piano playing

Playing the piano is, of course, very impressive in itself. But in order to learn how to play beautifully, you need to spend a decent amount of time. But don't worry, you can become a virtuoso performer by simply spreading your arms in a chaotic manner. Play in octaves using only your little finger and thumb. Make sure that your fingers are placed on the black keys. By pressing your pinky and thumb on any black keys, you can also swipe over them with the remaining three fingers, creating an amazing sound.

Magic torsion of the shell

Dampen your plate with water, making sure the entire plate is damp. Put a piece of shell on a plate and twist it well. The shell will quickly rotate on your plate. You can also change the trajectory of its rotation by slightly tilting the plate.

funny drinks

Add a couple of drops of food coloring to clear glasses. different colors. Then carefully cover the droplets with ice cubes. When you splash into a glass clear liquid, for example, water or a sprite, it will immediately turn into a bright color. Ready. Enjoy beautiful and delicious drinks.

How to fill an upside down glass with wine

To fill an upside-down glass with wine, you will need to pour some wine into a plate or similar cup and place a burning candle in the middle. Cover the glass with a candle and watch. As soon as the flame goes out, the liquid will gradually begin to accumulate in the inverted glass.

Magician serving

Each of us at least once saw the same trick with a tablecloth that is torn off dining table right from under the plates and glasses. However, if you've tried this trick at home, chances are it ended disastrously. The whole trick here is pulling the canvas down, and not on itself, and in the location of the tablecloth itself. Set the table so that the tablecloth does not hang from the edge opposite your position. The farther from the edge of the table this side of the tablecloth is, the easier it will be to pull it off the other edge.

floating rings

Stretch the elastic between your hands, first thread it into the ring. Clamp small plot this gum in the fist of one hand so that it is not visible. Pull the visible part so that the hand with the hidden part of the rubber thread is lower, respectively, your ring will roll down to it. Then slowly release the hidden piece of gum, and with it the ring will begin to rise to the other hand. From the outside, it will look as if the ring itself begins to soar and rise.

Instant Freeze

Put a bottle of water in the freezer for a few hours. After, carefully remove, being careful not to disturb the water inside, and shake it vigorously. Now watch the ice instantly spread over your bottle.

herbal whistle

Pick a flat blade of grass from the lawn. Then put it in your palms, as shown in the figure and squeeze your thumbs tightly so that a small hole forms between them. The original whistle is ready. To impress or greatly piss off your friends, you only need to blow into the hole. A sharp sound immediately pierces the ears.

Make Lincoln smile

Make the famous president of America smile broadly or deeply sad. To do this, you need a five-dollar bill. To cheer or sadden the sixteenth president of America, make three vertical folds, two of which should go through the corners of the mouth, and one right in the center of the lips. But bend the one in the middle inward, and bend the other two outward. The banknote will be curved in a zigzag, and its center, when viewed from the side, will resemble the letter "M". Now, by changing your viewing angle, you will make the Lincoln on the banknote either smile or be sad.

Magic knot on a napkin

Lay out a standard rag napkin on the table and invite your friends to tie this fabric into a knot, but without letting go of the ends. They are unlikely to succeed. But you know what needs to be done. To tie it, simply cross your arms over your chest before grasping the ends of the napkin. The hand of one hand should be on top of the elbow joint, and the other, respectively, from below. Next, just spread your arms in different directions, and the knot will tie itself.

Coin on the edge of a banknote

Place a hard banknote on the table. Place a coin on its edge so that the coin rests comfortably on it without your help. You can slightly move the ends of the bill, forming a small angle. Then slowly pull out the banknote in a straight stripe. The coin will remain on the edge of the bill.

Bubbles on discs

To begin with, you will need to scrape all the paint off your disc so that it is completely clean. Then bring the lighter to the clean side of the disk and light it. As soon as the disk begins to melt, quickly blow on this place, forming a large plastic bubble.

flying cup

Pierce one of the sides of the plastic cup with your thumb. Make sure no one sees this. Place this part towards you, and the other towards the viewer. Hide the glass in the palms so that the thumbs are with reverse side from the viewer. Insert one of your thumbs into the hole, and then slowly open your palms. It will seem as if the glass will float between your palms.

balance fork

Insert a match into the gap between the tines of the forks as shown in the figure. If done correctly, you should be able to balance the match with the forks on the rim of the glass.

Interlock two closed pins

On one of the pins, slightly loosen the spring so that it does not close, but it does not show that it is open. If you deftly move the second pin, you can imperceptibly for the viewer to thread one pin into another and also separate the two pins. Your friends will definitely believe in magic, thanks to such a simple trick.


If you really want to dance like the king of pop, you have to do it right. The trick to the moonwalk is to keep your weight on your bent toe foot while your other foot slides back on your heel. As soon as the second leg is one step further from the first, transfer the weight to it and repeat the same steps.

These simple tricks will help you really wow your friends and guests. After all, many of them do not even require special training or any training at all. A little dexterity and you're ready to impress. We hope that our selection will please you and give scope for your creativity.

Illusionists sometimes do unimaginable things. Objects appear out of nowhere, multiply, transform or disappear without a trace... And it's clear that it's not a fairy-tale wizard standing in front of the viewer, but the effect of surprise works every time - people are immensely surprised. How to become a real magician to make others believe in the impossible?

It is worth starting training with simple, if not childish tricks. Choose one trick, learn the technique of its execution to the maximum extent. Perfect option- a video lesson in which the teacher shows the movements step by step. Sharpen your skills. A simple trick takes several weeks to practice, so please be patient. In front of the mirror, do the illusion up to ten times a day until the skills become automatic. You do not have to think about what movement will be next, the hands will do it themselves. Only high-quality performance will turn you into a magician. However, the naked technique is not very interesting. The performance should be painted with artistry. Come up with special effects, spells, special movements that in the eyes of the viewer will cause incredible events. Consider examples of elementary tricks. Invite the audience to choose a playing card from the deck. Then open the deck in the middle, put the card face down there. Remember the adjacent card and shuffle the deck. Surprise the audience by finding "their" card. She will go next to the one you remember.

Place a coin on one palm. With the other, make a movement as if you took a coin and now it is in this hand. It is very important to reproduce a natural gesture that will not look like grabbing or pinching. You open your palm, in which there should be a coin, but it is not there, it has evaporated! Next, you take out a coin from the most unexpected place, for example, from behind the viewer’s shoulder or ear. With a coin, paper and a glass, you can show a comic trick. Announce that you will move the coin off the table with the power of thought. Cover the coin with a glass, wrap the sheets tightly on top, so that the edges of the camp are completely closed. While you "conjure", the paper will take the form of a glass. We casually move the structure to the edge of the tabletop and imperceptibly drop the glass on our knees. We slam the “glass” strongly and effectively, then we take out natural dishes and explain: “We couldn’t pass a coin through the table, but the glass successfully slipped through.” To become a real fakir, you must strictly adhere to several rules:
  • Don't tell the audience what will happen in the next moment.
  • Carefully keep the secrets of tricks, otherwise the interest in the illusion will disappear.
  • Don't do the same trick twice. Most of the tricks are based on the inattention of the audience. Watching you again, the guests will follow your every gesture and quickly figure out all the magic.

When learning tricks, focus on the brushes. The faster and more agile they move, the more realistic the number looks. And in order for the viewer to believe you 100%, believe you at least a little bit in your own miracle.