Deformed fingernails. Deformation of the nails on the hands and feet: causes and treatment

A healthy nail plate in a person is even, smooth, has a pleasant light sheen, but sometimes such a picture of well-being deteriorates, and appearance nails are changing. A variety of cracks, chips, detachments, ridges - all this signals negative changes and pathological processes in the body. One of the frequent deformations is the formation of waves that can cover both part of the surface and the entire nail plate.

Causes and types of nail deformities

Having noticed the deformation of the nail plate, you should not ignore it, since such a symptom does not occur without a reason. Furrows can be located on the nail longitudinally and transversely. In the first case, vertical waves go from the cuticle to the free edge, and often they are hardly noticeable without a decorative coating. This nail condition can be caused by:

  • insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body, due to which the plate becomes thinner and deformed;
  • aggressive impact household chemicals;
  • mechanical damage and thinning of the plate during manicure;
  • a disease that has weakened the body.

Longitudinal grooves on the nails can have varying degrees of severity and be the result of a lack of vitamins or aggressive external influences.

The transverse streaks are usually more visible and are a more serious symptom. This picture often accompanies fungal infections, injuries, metabolic disorders.

Transverse waves on the nails in most cases are the result of a fungal infection or injury to the nail.

According to statistics, in 50% of cases, a change in the shape of the nail plate is a consequence of the development of a fungal infection.

It is worth separately designating a phenomenon called Beau-Reil's furrows - this is the formation on the nail plates of transverse arcuate waves with scallops that pass from one side of the finger to the other. The main cause of the defect is damage to the matrix (root) of the nail as a result of trauma or complex diseases (infectious lesions, psoriasis, etc.).

Beau-Reil furrows are formed due to damage to the matrix of the nail plate

Irregularities of the nail plate can take the form of not only waves and furrows, there are often point depressions (thimble-like deformation), bending of the free edge up or down. Similar states have all the same sources:

  • heredity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • fungus;
  • trauma.

Possible variants of nail deformation are not limited to the formation of waves and irregularities on the surface of the plate. There may be other changes:

  • Hippocratic nails - deformation like a convex lens or watch glasses. The nail plates become rounded and convex, which is often combined with a special form of fingers - drumsticks. This is a common symptom of diseases of the lungs (tuberculosis, cancer, inflammation of the pleural sheets), heart ( birth defects, heart failure, aortic aneurysm). In some cases special form Nails are just a congenital feature.

    Bulging hippocratic nails can be either a congenital feature or a symptom of lung or heart disease.

  • Koilonychia is a spoon-shaped deformation of the plate, in which a depression forms in the middle, and the edges of the nail rise. With such a pathology, the thickness and texture of the tissues do not suffer, only the shape changes. Most often this is a consequence of trauma, the aggressive effects of chemical compounds, but sometimes it can also talk about a disease, for example, typhoid fever or iron deficiency anemia.

    Koilonychia is a spoon-shaped deformity of the nail when it is depressed in the center

  • Onychogryphosis - deformity like a bird's claw. The nail plate begins to round, darkens, becomes thick, in some cases it can twist into a horn or spiral. This condition is a consequence of age-related changes, aggressive temperature effects on the nail plates (burns and frostbite), advanced cases of infection with a fungus.

    Onychogryphosis involves darkening, twisting and curvature of the nail plate like a bird's claw

  • Platonychia is a phenomenon of flat nails. Usually this form is congenital, but can develop due to constant mechanical stress, with psoriasis. A feature of the phenomenon is the same picture on all nails, without exception.
  • Micronychia is a phenomenon of shortened nails that do not completely cover the nail bed. Pathology involves discoloration, thickening and curvature of the surface of the plate. May be the result of constant nibbling, genuin epilepsy caused by a metabolic disorder, a neglected fungal infection.

    The phenomenon of shortened nails, or micronychia, implies not only incomplete coverage of the nail bed, but also a change in the color and shape of the nail.

  • Ingrown nails. The problem lies in the pathological changes in the nail plate and surrounding tissues. The sharp corner of the nail increases or bends, which leads to its pressure on the side roller. As a result, an inflammatory process begins with a high risk of suppuration and severe pain. The main reason for ingrowth is heredity, which consists in the features of the size of the finger, the shape of the nail and the relationship between soft tissues and the nail apparatus. However, the disease also develops under the influence of other factors, for example, due to wearing low-quality shoes, improper nail treatment, congenital deformation of the shape of the foot, etc.

    Ingrown toenails involve permanent trauma to the soft tissues and the development of inflammation.

Video: nail diagnostics

Problem Diagnosis

The appearance of changes on the nail plate, especially if this was not preceded by an objective reason in the form of mechanical damage, requires attention and referral to a specialist. The best option there will be an appointment with a dermatologist, and if the problem is localized on the toes, then you can immediately go to a narrow specialist - a podologist. During a visual examination, the doctor will assess the general condition of the nail plate according to a number of parameters:

  • form;
  • thickness;
  • degree of fragility;
  • color;
  • transparency.

To clarify the diagnosis, you may need:

  • microscopy of a part of the nail plate to detect a fungal infection;
  • spectral analysis of blood for trace elements and vitamin content - this allows you to identify the presence of a deficiency of a particular substance;
  • consultation of other specialists, in particular a cardiologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist.

Methods of treatment and correction of deformities

The volume of treatment for deformation of the nail plate depends on the causes of the problem. So, both surgical intervention and a course of drug therapy, as well as exclusively aesthetic correction of the appearance, may be required. Any kind of changes can be worked on, but it is not always possible to restore the kind of nail that took place in complete well-being.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy is prescribed only in some cases of deformities and is aimed at eliminating not the cosmetic defect itself, but its root cause. It consists of:

  • A course of antifungal agents. The patient can be prescribed both local preparations in the form of ointments and medicinal varnishes, as well as medicines for oral administration (with large-scale lesions) to destroy the pathogenic microorganism. Examples of funds:
    • clotrimazole cream;
    • Ketoconazole;
    • varnishes Oflomil or Lotseril;
    • Mycosan drops;
    • fluconazole tablets.
  • Antibiotics (Levomycetin, Erythromycin, Clindamycin, etc.) are relevant when a bacterial infection is attached and suppuration develops, for example, in case of injury or ingrown nail plate.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. A doctor can prescribe both combined formulations, for example, Vivasan capsules or Merz dragees, and individual substances (iron for anemia).

Photo gallery: preparations for the treatment of nail deformities

Clotrimazole cream has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity Lac Loceryl not only destroys the fungal microflora, but also protects against re-infection and allows you to protect people around you from infection. Antibiotic Levomycetin is prescribed when a bacterial infection is added. useful substances, which improves the appearance and health of skin, hair and nails, acting from within

Folk methods

Alternative medicine can be effectively used as an auxiliary element in the complex treatment of nail plate deformity. So, to strengthen thinned and brittle nails, apply:

As part of the fight against fungal infection, the following will be useful:

  • Rubbing tea tree oil. A drop of pure product is applied directly to the affected plates and rubbed with a cotton swab in the morning and evening.
  • Garlic applications. The garlic passed through the press is applied to the nails, covered with a film, a bandage and a fingertip to fix the structure. The bandage is left overnight.
  • Compresses with celandine oil. A cotton pad soaked in celandine oil is applied to pre-steamed nails and fixed with a gauze bandage for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

Corrective measures

For success in the treatment of nail deformity, it is necessary to prepare the nail plate itself. In all cases, treatment is carried out, which involves the removal of damaged areas. In the case of a fungus, the specialist mechanically removes only the affected areas, with thickening - removes unnecessary growths of tissues, with ingrowth - it is treated with softening compounds. This helps to improve the result of using local drugs due to their increased absorption.

If necessary, the correction of ingrown and altered nails is carried out by one of the methods:

  • Nail removal - used for total forms of fungal infection, severe mechanical damage and with the ineffectiveness of other approaches. Removal of the plate is the only treatment for onychogryphosis.
  • Correction of the B/S shape with a plate - effective for ingrown nails. The device is fixed on the nail with a special glue and allows you to gradually remove the ingrown corners, restoring the anatomical shape. The duration of such a correction is up to six months.

    B/S plate is installed on the nail and allows you to bring the ingrown edges to a normal position

  • Correction with a Fraser staple is another method for removing ingrown corners of the nail. A custom-made wire structure with a certain tension force is attached to the plate.

    The Fraser metal bracket is made according to individual parameters and helps to get rid of the problem of ingrown nails

  • Plate prosthetics - the manufacture and installation of artificial nails or their parts. This procedure is relevant for restoring the appearance after an injury, removal with onychogryphosis, total fungal infection. For prosthetics, hardening gels, prostheses in the form of plates, and nail masses are used.

    Prosthetics with hardening gels allows you to completely or partially restore the shape of the nail

Faced with the problem of nail deformation, you will have to get used to a number of additional restrictions. So, it is worth making changes to your diet, because the quality of nutrition directly affects the condition of the nail plates. It is necessary to focus on products rich in useful components:

  • cereals;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • sufficient amount of lean meat.

Fast food of dubious quality, smoked meats, overly spicy and salty dishes, a large amount of fatty and sweet food will have to be abandoned.

For the duration of treatment, it is worth forgetting about the use of decorative coatings in the form of varnishes, nail extensions, polishing and other things - it is better to postpone this until the plate is completely restored. And here proper care won't hurt. It includes:

Prevention of nail deformity

It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of deformation of the nail plate during life, but it is quite possible to reduce the risks of such an unpleasant phenomenon. To do this, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • refuse to wear tight shoes, shoes made of low-quality materials;
  • wear protective gloves when working with aggressive chemicals;
  • contact only qualified manicure and pedicure masters;
  • eat right and balanced;
  • cut the nails correctly, it is especially important not to round the corners of the plates on the legs;
  • do not walk barefoot in public places - baths, saunas, pools;
  • wear only your own shoes and socks;
  • consult a doctor in a timely manner if inflammation and changes in the condition of the nails are detected.

Video: how to properly care for nails

Deformations of the nail plates are not only an aesthetic problem, often changes indicate the course of pathological processes inside the body. Therefore, the struggle is not limited to the visual correction of defects, it requires the identification of the root cause of the condition and its elimination.

If the eyes are inner world of a person, then the skin, hair and nails are the state of his health. The body is a very sensitive system. All changes are primarily reflected on the nail plates. Normally, they should be even, smooth, slightly convex, with a translucent matte surface and a soft structure. Any deformation of the nails becomes immediately noticeable, so a person has the opportunity to immediately take measures to eliminate it.

Distortion of the nail plate is always unpleasant. It spoils not only the appearance of the hands, but also causes significant discomfort. In this article, you will learn how to help your fingers regain their former attractiveness and eliminate the causes that caused the violation of the structure of the nail.

Deformation of nails is any change in their surface and structure. Such a violation can include grooves, curvature, delamination, concavity, thickening of the plate, and even fast growth cuticles. When the surface of the nail is distorted, its color also changes. Spots or an unpleasant tint may appear on the plate. All these violations do not appear by themselves. They are preceded by a certain unfavorable factor or a whole range of reasons. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Improper or inadequate nail care. Manicure is not only a decoration, but a hygienic procedure necessary for both women and men. In order for the nail plate to remain beautiful and well-groomed, you need to treat it with special creams or oils, remove the cuticle in time and keep your hands clean.
  • Fungal disease. This type of violation most often affects the toes, but it also happens that the infection changes the plates on the hands. If treatment is not started on time, the structure of the nail will deform, the surface will turn yellow, and the skin around it will become excessively dry and rough.
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements. With a lack of nutrients, nails immediately deteriorate. This happens during periods of illness or with rigid unbalanced diets.
  • Stress and psychological disorders. By themselves emotional experiences do not affect the condition of the nails, they only slow down the metabolism in the body, which leads to distortion of the plate.
  • Injuries. Even minor mechanical damage to the nail causes its deformation. If the injury is not serious, the plate begins to delaminate. With severe damage, the entire nail deteriorates: it can bend and even completely move away from the skin.
  • Diseases. With damage to the kidneys, stomach, liver, blood, heart, lungs and glands internal secretion often there is a deformation of the nails on the hands. To eliminate it, it is necessary to start treatment in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

The probable cause can be determined by the type of deformity. If vertical grooves appear on the plate, then most likely you have a lack of vitamins. Cross stripes indicate the harmful effects of medicines or cosmetic products. With pits and hollows, the nails lack calcium - building material plates. Crumbling and weak structure occur with a lack of elements of group B, anemia or disorders in the thyroid gland.

Proper treatment of the nail plate is reduced to the elimination of the factor that caused its deformation, and cosmetic procedures. If you neglect the search for causes, all subsequent measures will be mostly useless and will only help to mask the irregularities. If you are familiar with such a problem as nail deformation, follow the simple instructions.

  1. Consult with a beautician. If the nail has lost its attractiveness due to a disease, then immediately contact your doctor.
  2. Stock up on patience. When the cause of plate distortion is a chronic infection, treatment can be delayed for a long time. At this time, nails should be given especially close attention to keep them in good condition.
  3. Follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and doctor. In addition, give your nails a rest, avoid getting harmful chemicals on them, do herbal baths and compresses.
  4. To prevent deformation of the plate, wear gloves during various housework. After household procedures, lubricate the cuticle with a nourishing cream.

Nail deformity can affect anyone. It is almost impossible to protect yourself from such a violation. If you are absolutely healthy, eat right, do not get nervous and do a manicure in a timely manner, then the probability of distortion of the plate is significantly reduced. We hope that our tips were useful to you. You can enrich your knowledge about the structure of nails, their care and treatment by watching an interesting video.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails - business card person. AND uneven surface of the nail significantly worsens the appearance, leading to an unaesthetic picture. Some consider this a minor defect that everyone tries to disguise. possible ways. But the deformation of the nail in the form of a bumpy, wavy, ribbed surface may indicate a serious violation of the functionality of the body. Irregularities are different, as are the causes leading to a pathological condition.

Types of irregularities of the nail plate

When the nail plates have changed, become wavy or bumpy, the problem does not go unnoticed. Sometimes - this is a symptom of pathology, in some situations - a cosmetic defect.

Ribbed nails

Characterized by longitudinal stripes along the entire nail plate. And this picture really poses a threat to health. The only case when such a condition should not cause concern is old age. This phenomenon is observed in 99% of cases due to age-related changes in the body. The problem cannot be fixed, so treatment is not required.

If longitudinal stripes appear at a young age, you need to go to the doctor. Ribbing can be the result of improper manicure or a serious violation of blood circulation in the body.

The surface of the nail plate becomes ribbed due to diseases:

  • Skin chronic diseases;
  • Gout;
  • Rheumatoid form of arthritis;
  • Arterial hypertension or hypotension.

Such diseases are always accompanied by certain symptoms. If they are cured or stable compensation is achieved, then soon the nails will acquire a healthy appearance.

Important: if the only symptom is an uneven nail plate, then it is recommended to examine the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Wavy surface

Even with a manicure, the transverse stripes are striking. Unfortunately, the problem cannot be hidden. If a girl uses varnish, then in most cases it lies ugly and crooked.

Strips are not only a hindrance during nail care, but also evidence that internal organs or systems are not working properly. Often the reason lies in the fact that a person becomes a vegetarian and refuses meat products. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but the deficiency of certain components leads to various diseases.

If the waves are combined with exfoliation of the nail plate, then they speak of a fungal infection. In this case, you will need long-term treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary local and general drugs, prescribe the dosage and frequency of use.

Bumps on nails

A bumpy surface never just appears. At 100% clinical pictures there must be a causative factor. As a rule, tuberosity is the result of a serious deficiency of nutritional components, in particular, iron, B vitamins, selenium, zinc.

Another reason is hormonal changes in the body. Hormonal imbalance disrupts full-fledged work internal system a person, which is reflected not only on the nails, but also on the hair, skin.

Etiology of nail deformity

If the nail on the hand is uneven, while the rest of the nails are still smooth and delight their owner with a healthy shine, then the etiology is due to mechanical trauma. It usually occurs as a result of prolonged harmful effects of any factor. If it is eliminated, then the new regrown nail plate will be even.

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons that lead to a change in the nails on the hands and feet. In medical practice, all factors are divided into external and internal influences.

Irregularities on the nails occur for the following reasons:

  1. Injury to the nail plate due to improper manicure, rough cuticle removal, extensions. If the problem is with toenails, then you need to reconsider your shoes, perhaps strong squeezing of the toe has led to pathology. When the injury is shallow, the new nail will be straight. In a situation where a long, strong and deep mechanical impact was observed, waviness can remain forever.
  2. hereditary factor. Nails are not only an indicator of health, but also the individuality of each person. All people have different shape. If certain genes are inherited, then treatment will not help. The only way to help the patient is to mask the defect. Vitamin supplementation is recommended as a supplement.
  3. Taking medication for a long time is able to deform the nail plate. Usually, after the cessation of the therapeutic course, the picture normalizes on its own.
  4. Improper nutrition can lead to nail changes. If there are not enough vitamins and other substances, the body tries to signal a deficiency in this way. Changing the diet returns everything back to normal.
  5. If the wavy fingernails itch, while their shade has changed, they began to crumble and exfoliate, then the reason lies in the fungal infection. It is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis and establish the pathogen.
  6. Despite their natural hardness, nails are extremely susceptible to the negative effects of chemicals. The etiology can be based on household chemicals, poor-quality nail polish, etc.

For your information, a fungal infection can affect the nail plates on the hands and feet, without conservative treatment the picture is only getting worse.

How to make nails even and smooth?

What to do, the doctor will tell after the diagnosis. It should be remembered that the wavy or ribbed surface of the nail plate is not an independent disease, but a clinical manifestation of a pathology or some factor. There are many provoking factors, it is unlikely that it will be possible to independently establish the culprit of the problem. When contacting medical institution doctor will prescribe laboratory tests, determine the etiology, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the reasons are poor-quality manicure, then you need to contact another master. It is important to treat nails by special means to help them recover. At home, you can make various baths.

When nail injury is the result of prolonged stress, neurosis and depressive syndrome, then medications are needed to relieve nervous tension. For example, Afobazol. Take pills only as prescribed by the doctor.

  • Carrots, fish, red caviar, chicken eggs, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, any greens, red meat - abound in vitamin A;
  • Buckwheat porridge, liver, walnuts, seafood, cauliflower, potatoes, dairy and dairy products, legumes - a lot of B vitamins.

With a fungus of the nail plate, the type of pathogen is determined. Then topical medications are prescribed - gel, ointment, cream, etc. When the cause is a hormonal imbalance, therapy with medications containing hormones will be needed.

Tip: in modern world there is no remedy that will get rid of the roughness of the nail in a few days, so you have to be patient during treatment.

When a systemic disease is suspected, an in-depth diagnosis should be made. They visit a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, etc. medical specialists. When the factor is identified and eliminated, the waves on the nails are leveled.

Preventive actions

To prevent deformation changes in the nail plate, doctors recommend a list of basic rules that allow you to maintain a smooth and healthy nail surface:

  1. Nails are filed during manicure strictly at a right angle. It is strictly forbidden to tear off the hangnails, you can not pull out the cuticle.
  2. Reduce nail contact with chemicals. When cleaning, washing dishes, etc., wear gloves.
  3. Don't overuse nail polish. Even the most "safe" lacquer coating contains synthetic derivatives that lead to negative consequences in the future.
  4. Nail care consists in the use of specialized nourishing creams and gels. At home, you can make baths based on medicinal herbs.
  5. Always apply a base coat under the base coat.

It is safe to conclude that sometimes there are serious health problems behind the waves on the nails - hormonal failure, fungal infection, beriberi. These conditions affect not only appearance, but also well-being, quality of life, and sometimes even its duration.

Hiding the external defect with the help of rough grinding and varnishing, the situation is extremely aggravated, the symptom remains, and the cause progresses. Only by eliminating the provoking factor, the nails will be smooth and healthy.

The condition of the hands always attracts attention. But often you can find uneven fingernails, the reason for this phenomenon is the presence of a disease, a lack of vitamins, an unsuccessful visit to a nail salon, and congenital pathology. Therefore, it is worth knowing what types of deformations of toenails, hands, causes and treatment are distinguished.

Types of nail deformation and causes

Due to the negative impact of external and internal factors, deformation or change of nails occurs. Nail deformation - a pathology in which a modification of their appearance, structure and shape occurs. The nail plate is normally smooth with a matte-shiny surface, convex shape with smooth edges.

crooked nails imply excessive concavity (bulge), furrows, spots, ribbed surface and increased fragility, the presence of horizontal and vertical waves on the nails. Which is not a defect, but a disease.

Deformation of the nails on the hands, causes:

  • defeat by an infection of a fungal etiology;
  • skin diseases;
  • injury or improper cuticle care;
  • lack of iron, calcium, vitamins A, B1, C, D, H;
  • lack of water and increased content of toxins;
  • internal diseases (gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, joints);
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • taking antibiotics and undergoing chemotherapy;
  • pinching, bruising of the nail bed.

Deformation factors are acquired in nature, and congenital - a defect of the ectoderm. Pathology consists in a failure at the stage of formation of the nail bed and plate even during the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Uneven fingernails on the thumbs are easier to notice, because they are larger and the pathology is noticeable much faster. Therefore, if any defect is found on the nails of the hands or feet, you should immediately contact a medical institution.


Everyone at least once faced with an injury to the nail on the hands or feet. Expressed in a slight abrasion, pinching, falling of a heavy (sharp) object, improper cutting, wearing narrow shoes.

Symptoms of a nail injury:

  1. Soreness and swelling.
  2. Hemorrhage, cyanosis, blackening of the plate.
  3. Falling out of bed.
  4. Minor bleeding.

Types of injuries:

  1. Injury. The most common type of injury to the nail on the hands. Symptoms are expressed in hemorrhage under the plate, as a result of cyanosis and blackening. Soon, it may fall out of the bed, as the injury provoked a malnutrition of the nail and death occurred. After a while, a new nail grows in its place, outwardly it seems uneven, wavy and rough, but later takes on a healthy appearance. However, if the traumatization is chronic, then it will remain deformed forever.
  2. Scrapped. The second most common type of injury. The danger is a scrap located in the place of the nail bed. Such an injury is painful, causes severe discomfort to a person, is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma and the addition of an infection.
  3. A cut. It usually occurs during a visit to a nail salon, when the master is inexperienced or uses non-specialized tools. It is possible to get a cut during cooking, during construction and other works. If a person does not follow the rules of personal hygiene of hands and feet, and the master does not properly sterilize instruments, then an infection or the development of an inflammatory process is possible.
  4. Squeezing. It occurs after the purchase of narrow or inappropriate size shoes, leading to an ingrown or detached nail.

If you find any injury, you should immediately provide first aid, and in severe cases, go to the hospital.


The primary symptom of psoriasis is a structural change in the nail, and the lesion occurs simultaneously on the hands and feet. The reason for the activation of psoriasis can be:

  • stress and depression;
  • dry, cold climate;
  • skin trauma;
  • taking antibiotics.

The symptoms of psoriasis are:

  • the formation of dents;
  • color change (from yellow to brown);
  • peeling and itching near the adjacent skin;
  • plate peeling.

Psoriasis on the nails can easily be confused with the manifestation of fungal diseases. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist after the results of the tests.

Improper nutrition

Following a strict diet, frequent use of fast-food, alcohol abuse, tobacco products, lack of a planned medical examination over time leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, nails, hair and general condition. Therefore, it is highly recommended to follow proper nutrition, consume daily allowance water, play sports and spend more time outdoors.


The deformation caused by exposure to fungi is called mycosis. In total, there are more than 20 types of fungi, but the development of the disease occurs in several stages.

Nail fungus manifests itself in the form of:

  • waviness of the plate;
  • thickening;
  • increased fragility;
  • change in color (yellowness) and shape.

Each subspecies of the fungus has certain symptoms, but they all love wet places (cheap shoes, bathrooms, baths, pools).

Weakened immunity

The decrease in the protective functions of the body occurs due to malnutrition, lack of nutrients, infectious diseases, stress and antibiotics. Then the body is vulnerable to viruses and fungal pathogens. Due to reduced immunity, fingernails react with the appearance of:

  • tuberosity;
  • waviness;
  • fragility and subtlety.

Reception of alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, smoking and environmental pollution lead to a weakening of the immune system. Therefore, the risk of developing a fungal disease is significantly increased.

Consequence of manicure, extension or improper polishing

Deformation of the nail plate on the hands often occurs due to poor-quality manicure. During which the master can make too deep grinding, touching the layer responsible for the growth rate and thickness of the plate. Create high pressure when removing the cuticle, leading to trauma.

Now hardware manicure, nail extensions and coating with resistant gel polish are in fashion. All of them, if the execution technology is not followed, inevitably lead to subtlety and future tuberosity.

The main causes of tuberosity:

  • not the quality of the means and compositions used;
  • inexperience of the master;
  • deep grinding;
  • the use of acetone.

Sterilization of instruments also plays an important role. Neglect of this rule is fraught with infection from one person to another.

Anemia, dystrophy, other internal causes

The main harbinger of the development of the disease is the curvature and increased fragility of the nails. The main factor in the occurrence of anemia is a low level of hemoglobin. As a result, the body experiences a lack of oxygen, which affects the functioning of all internal organs and systems. In addition to internal failures, there are external causes for the development of anemia:

  • installation of an ectopic device;
  • smoking;
  • lack of animal products in the diet (vegetarians, raw foodists);
  • constant adherence to a strict diet.

But still, only a doctor can determine the exact causes of development.

Possible nail diseases

In addition to diseases of fungal etiology, the following diseases of the nails of the hands are distinguished.

Name of the diseaseCausesSymptoms on the nails
Scleronychiadisruption of the endocrine systembecome transparent or turn yellow, harden, exfoliate over time
Onychogryphosisfrostbite, injurythe color changes from yellow to black, over time the edge is bent or twisted in a spiral.
Onyhauksisdiabetes mellitus, elephantiasis, varicose veins, vascular atherosclerosiscorneal proliferation, inflammation of the nail fold, usually affecting 1-2 fingers
Leukonychiavitamin and protein deficiency, gastrointestinal diseases, stress, depression, heart disease, kidney disease, skin diseasewhite spots and stripes appear
Onychodystrophymycoses, skin diseases, trauma, avitaminosisthe color changes to yellow, its thickness increases significantly, growth slows down, furrows appear
Onycholysistrauma, skin diseases, antibiotics, dysbacteriosisthe color changes from yellow to brown, brittleness increases, over time, complete or partial exfoliation from the bed occurs

Exposure to household chemicals

Nail deformation when working with chemicals, it manifests itself as tuberosity. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the precautionary rules:

  • use gloves;
  • Rinse hands under running water after handling chemicals.

Use a nourishing and softening agent after working with chemicals.

Slagging of the body and lack of moisture

The primary symptomatology of intoxication and high content of toxins is tuberosity. With a lack of moisture, they become thinner, quickly break and often exfoliate. To prevent this condition, it is worth leading a healthy lifestyle, eating right, exercising, exercising complete cleansing body from toxins.

Deformation of the plates on the legs due to shoes

The right choice of shoes negates many problems. So, you should adhere to 3 main rules: naturalness, comfort, correct size.

Neglect of at least one of these rules leads to deformation of the nail on the big toe, ring or little finger. And the artificiality of the materials from which the shoes are made directly leads to an increase in moisture inside and the creation of optimal conditions for fungal infection.

Possible consequences:

  • ingrowth;
  • deformation;
  • fungal infection.

If you follow 3 basic rules when choosing shoes, you can reduce the risk of pathology of the nail plate.

How to fix crooked nails

Those who are faced with a similar problem are interested in how to fix crooked nails? There are ways to solve the problem and are presented:

  • drug therapy;
  • laser;
  • folk medicine.

The procedure of laser therapy is absolutely painless and is used when other methods are ineffective.

Therapeutic varnishes for restoring the structure of nails

In cosmetology, there are many therapeutic agents that help restore and strengthen the nails of the hands, even replace the main layer of varnish. The most effective among them are:

  1. “8in1 Healthy Nails – Recovery Formula” by Evelline.
  2. “Regenerating Conditioner” by Lambre.
  3. “Good results” from Avon.
  4. “Soft Nail Strengthening Conditioner” by Lambre.
  5. "Maestro" from L'etoile.
  6. "Super Duper" by Essie.

The action of any of them is purely individual. Therefore, it is often worth trying several means before obtaining the desired result.

Drugs and vitamins for nail growth

Since often the pathology of the nails on the hands and feet is a consequence of a lack of vitamins and minerals, it is advisable to prescribe a course for their replenishment by a doctor. The most popular are:


  1. "Evonia".
  2. "Migliorin".
  3. Solgar.
  4. Maxi hair.
  5. "Cheviton".
  6. "Revalid".
  7. "Aevit-Active".
  8. Limoni.
  9. "Unipharm Vitrum" and others.

Any of the above complexes is used not only to restore, strengthen the nails on the hands, but to improve the skin and hairline.

Ointments, creams and oils for strengthening nails

To strengthen the nails on the hands and feet, baths, creams, oils and masks are used. You can cook them yourself, the recipes are quite simple.

“BB Cream” by Orly

Creams and oils can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk or cosmetics store, prices vary. The most effective among them:

  1. BB cream by Orly.
  2. OPI Nail Envy Original.
  3. Essie Help Me Grow.
  4. "Miracle Cure" by Sally Hansen.
  5. "Famous Names" by IBX.
  6. "Organic Cocoa Hand Cream" by Planeta Organica.

Ointments and masks can be prepared independently. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Wax mask. It is necessary to use only natural wax, which should be melted, and then the nails of the hands should be lowered into it. After waxing, they must be immersed in water to form a characteristic film and left overnight.
  2. Ointment based on spruce and butter. For cooking, you need 300 g of spruce branches and butter. Ingredients must be placed in glass container layers. Then wrap in foil and put in the oven for 5-6 hours. The fire should be minimal, at the end of cooking, the mixture must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Apply once a day to the affected areas for 30 days.

This is a small part of the recipes, but if you take this issue seriously and take the initiative, you can prepare an individual composition.

Differences between a healthy nail and a diseased nail

Normally, a healthy nail on the hands and feet has smooth edges and shape, there are no grooves, waves, spots and delaminations on its surface. There should be no change in color, thickness or ingrowth into the skin. Crooked fingernails are a sign that organ malfunctions or serious diseases are present in the body. Naturally, only a specialist can determine the cause, after passing the necessary tests.

Folk remedies and recipes

Many people ask: “What if the nails on the hands and feet are deformed and look sick?” In the bins traditional medicine there are recipes for almost all diseases. But all of them treat deformation only as a result of a fungal infection or a lack of vitamins.

So the recipes look like this:

  1. Apply to the nail tea mushroom, treat with onion juice or spread with tar soap.
  2. Horseradish compress. Horseradish root needs to be crushed to a state of porridge. Steam your hands, trim your nails and apply a compress until the morning.
  3. Garlic compress. You will need to mix 2 g of salt, 1 liter of water and chopped garlic. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas.

Also in folk medicine there are methods such as:

  • dip your feet in a solution of wine vinegar for 30 minutes;
  • chop the mint, add salt and apply the resulting porridge between the toes;
  • mix vinegar (70%) and vegetable oil in equal proportions, lubricate the affected areas with the mixture.

The use of traditional medicine is dangerous and can only aggravate the condition.

Healthy bath recipes

Baths can be used to prevent and treat nail deformities. And to cook them yourself is quite simple:

  1. With salt (sea). To prepare, you will need 500 ml of water and 4 g of salt, which must be dissolved. Hands must be immersed in the bath with the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Then apply a nourishing cream or oil.
  2. With iodine and table salt. To prepare, you need 200 ml of water, 4 g of salt and 3 drops of iodine. All ingredients are mixed and nails are immersed in the finished solution for 15 minutes.
  3. With honey, vegetable or olive oil, and lemon juice. Honey and oil are mixed in a water bath, followed by the addition of lemon juice. Some also add iodine and vitamin A. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails for half an hour.

The use of baths at least once every 7 days will significantly reduce the risk of deformation, restore, strengthen and enrich the nails with useful vitamins.

Treatment at home

The resulting deformation of the nails due to deep grinding, interaction with chemicals, trauma, it is allowed to correct the situation on your own.

If waves or roughness appear on the plate, then it is enough to grind with a file and cover the surface with a nourishing varnish. If due to exposure to household chemicals, then you should avoid direct contact with the skin of your hands and wait until a new one grows. At this time, shallow grinding and the use of a nourishing, restoring varnish or oil will also help.

When the deformation has occurred due to a lack of nutrients in the diet, then the doctor may prescribe special vitamin complexes and dieting. It is based on products rich in Ca, A, C, D, H, B vitamins.

The diet should contain:

  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • non-fatty meats;
  • cereals;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts and dried fruits.

The diet is selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Masks for bumpy nails

The most effective against tuberosity are masks based on olive oil. But the following types of masks are also used:

  • 4 g gelatin;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 2 g almond oil;
  • 4 ml lemon oil.

Gelatin must be dissolved in water in a water bath, and then add the remaining ingredients. The mass should harden, then it is ready to be applied to the nails for 20 minutes.

The second version of the mask includes a fat baby cream and hot red pepper. The ingredients must be mixed 1:1 and applied to the necessary areas of the hands for no more than 10 minutes. The recipe has contraindications, if there are cuts or inflammations on the skin, then the use is strictly prohibited.

Hand care with olive oil is simple but very effective. It is enough to apply a mask, scrub, oil in its pure form or make hand baths, repeat the procedure twice a week and the appearance of the nails will improve significantly. If you take pure olive oil, it should be heated, applied to hands and put on cotton gloves over it. The procedure is best done at night.

But to prepare the mask you will need:

  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • 100 ml of castor oil;
  • 4 ml of honey;
  • 100 g chopped walnuts.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hands for half an hour. Cotton gloves are put on top, the procedure is repeated twice a week.

Also, wrapping with olive oil and a few drops of iodine is no less effective.

Nail deformity in children

Many children are diagnosed with a spoon-shaped nail deformity, pigmentation, spots, lines and furrows are possible. Such a pathology usually does not need treatment, gradually they acquire a normal and healthy appearance without intervention. The danger is fungal infections of the toenails in a child.


Observing measures to prevent deformation, you can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence. To do this, it is enough to give up bad habits, having a thin nail plate, refuse the extension procedure, put on gloves when in contact with chemicals, and take care of the cuticle. It is worth adhering to a rational and proper diet with a high content of nutrients.

Prevention and treatment of tuberous nails can be carried out independently, but it is recommended to consult a doctor beforehand.

Thus, respect for one's own health and timely response to clinical manifestations reduce the risk of developing any disease. Even the pathology of the nails on the hands, which is not so serious at first glance, can be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Nails healthy person smooth, shiny, pale pink, with a pronounced whitish hole at the base. At the same time, the nail plate is constantly updated, growing by about one millimeter in a week.

With age, the nail plate thickens and becomes more brittle. This is part of the body's natural aging process. Fragility is also characteristic of the nails of women. But within six months after giving birth, everything usually returns to normal.

It is acceptable if the nails break due to a lack of vitamins or turn yellow due to poor-quality varnish. Sometimes the nail plate can even turn black and fall off if the finger is pinched or hit.

In a healthy person, the nails on the hands are completely restored within 4-6 months, on the legs - within 6-8 months.

But there are persistent pathologies that we often do not even pay attention to. But in vain. Some changes in the shape, color and texture of the nails, as well as the skin around them, may indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the presence of a variety of, sometimes serious diseases.

What are the deviations

If the nail breaks as soon as it looks beyond the edge of the finger, it is likely that the body is deficient in A, E and C, as well as iron and zinc. Sometimes fragility can be the result of thyroid disease and a precursor to diabetes.

In the people, they are considered a good omen, in medicine, this pathology is called leukonychia. Microscopic air bubbles form between the layers of the nail plate, which on the surface look like white dots and stripes.

Leukonychia is punctate (a couple of spots on several nails) and total (when the entire plate is affected). The causes are varied, from injury and an unbalanced diet to exhaustion. nervous system and heart failure.

The shape and color of the nails look normal. But if you look closely, the nail plate is pierced with tiny indentations (as if pierced with a needle). Doctors even have such a term - thimble-like stubbornness.

This is almost always a sign. Sometimes this can manifest itself as eczema or arthritis.

Having found this or any other nail pathology in yourself, you should not self-medicate. The first thing to do is to make an appointment with a therapist and / or dermatologist, to take tests. Only a professional doctor and clinical studies are able to give an accurate answer, what is the cause of the pathology. Maybe this is some stage of psoriasis, or maybe just a malfunction in the thyroid gland or the gastrointestinal tract.

Olga Aleinikova, nurse master of manicure and pedicure

Lunules or holes are a light crescent at the base of the nail. They should occupy about a third of it and be clearly visible.

Athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor have too large holes. Sometimes they can indicate malfunctions and blood vessels, low blood pressure.

Small, barely peeking out from under the cuticle of the lunula can be a sign of a lack of vitamin B12 and iron, as well as problems with blood circulation.

These are the so-called Bo lines. The pathology of the nail plate in the form of transverse lines up to one millimeter deep was first identified by the French military surgeon Joseph Honore Simon Bo.

Bo lines are formed due to damage to the matrix of the nail plate. When she lacks nourishment, chemical composition the nail changes and its plate is deformed. Most often this is due to strict diets bordering on starvation.

Also, these injuries can be mechanical (when the nail is hit in the area of ​​the hole) or toxic in nature (due to potent drugs or chemotherapy). Sometimes Bo lines can appear against the background of cardiovascular diseases, fungal and other infections.

If for the elderly such a change in the relief of the nails can be considered the norm, then for people under 50 years old, protruding vertical stripes most likely indicate a lack of B vitamins and trace elements (zinc, iron, magnesium).

It can also be a consequence of a pedicure: the cuticle was pushed too far and the root of the nail was damaged. But in these cases, only a few vertical stripes stand out.

If more than 25% of the nails are affected by them, the health of the internal organs should be checked. First of all, the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

If the pathology does not have an infectious nature, you know its cause and have already begun treatment, then you can give the damaged nails an aesthetic appearance. Any good salon has spa treatments for nails. For example, for nutrition and hydration, you can do a Japanese manicure (P-Shine) or paraffin therapy. For smoothness - grinding and polishing of the nail plate.

This is koilonychia, that is, a deformation of the nail plate, in which its center bends, and the edges are turned up. It does not cause discomfort, the color and smoothness are preserved, but it looks ugly.

The easiest way to identify koilonychia is to put water on the nail. Did the drop roll off freely? Everything is fine. Is the drop stuck in the groove? There is reason to think.

Most often, concave nails are the result of a lack of iron in the body and endocrine disorders. Other acquired causes of koilonychia include injury, contact with chemicals, and sudden changes in temperature.

In addition, spoon nails can occur due to gene mutations and can be inherited.

Another name is the fingers of Hippocrates. This is a symptom in which the nail plates thicken and become like watch glasses. At the same time, if you look at the finger from the side, the angle between the posterior nail fold and the nail plate exceeds 180°.

Drum sticks are always a sign of a serious illness. They can manifest themselves in diseases of the lungs (from tuberculosis to cancer), heart and blood vessels (heart defects, endocarditis and others), gastrointestinal tract(ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and others).

9. Detachment of the nail

In medicine, this is called onycholysis - a violation of the connection between the nail and the nail bed, when a void forms between them, and the nail plate changes color.

In 60% of cases, the cause is trauma. Upon impact, the vessels in the dermis are compressed, the nutrition of the nail is disturbed, its chemical composition and elasticity change. Another 30% is due to fungal diseases and allergic reactions. The remaining 10% of onycholysis develop due to systemic somatic diseases.

When the nail plate begins to rise up, it no longer covers the nail bed that nourishes it. This can lead to infection. If you hit or had any contact with chemicals and suddenly noticed that the nail began to peel off, you need to use antifungal and regenerating agents as soon as possible.

Olga Aleinikova, nurse, manicure and pedicure master

This is the name of the syndrome in which half of the nail plate is white, and half, closer to the tip, is brownish.

The most likely cause is kidney failure, due to which the number of blood vessels under the nails increases and they shine through the nail plate.

Also, "half" nails are found in people and those who have undergone chemotherapy.

A change in the color of the nail plate is a signal that it is time to take care of your health.

If the nails suddenly turn white, it is worth checking the digestive and cardiovascular systems and paying special attention to the liver. A yellow tint also provokes liver diseases, as well as pathologies of the endocrine and lymphatic systems. Blueness indicates a lack of oxygen, low hemoglobin levels, or poor circulation.

Most often, a black stripe appears on the nail plate due to injury or malfunction. And in some peoples, this is a feature of the natural pigmentation of the skin.

But if you eat normally, you didn’t hit anywhere, and blackening suddenly appeared on the nail, it’s better to see a doctor. This may be a symptom of melanoma, a malignant skin cancer.

How to keep your nails beautiful and healthy

proper nutrition, healthy sleep and sports should be the default. Regularly inspect the nail plates and take care of your hands.

  • Get manicures and pedicures. Trim or file the free edge of the nails in a timely manner, treat the cuticle.
  • Don't bite your nails.
  • Wear gloves when handling chemicals and when digging in beds.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Regularly smear hands and nails with a nourishing cream.
  • Don't wear tight shoes, don't stick your fingers in cracks, and be careful with your hammer.

When going out to crowded places, use liquid gloves (this is such an emulsion). Risk of infection infectious diseases through the hands is now very high.

Seeing signs of ill health on the nail plates, use antifungal agents and regenerating drugs. If the pathology is stable, be sure to take tests and go to the doctor.